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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sarangani
South Malungon District

Title of the Study: [Insert Title of Your Study]

Researcher: [Insert Name of the Lead Author or Leader]

Date: November 1, 2023


You are being invited to participate in a qualitative research study conducted by [Insert
Researcher's Name] from Malungon National High School. The purpose of this study is
to [Briefly describe the aim/objective of your research].

Your participation in this study is voluntary. Before deciding whether or not to

participate, it is important for you to understand the purpose of the study, what will be
involved, and any potential risks or benefits. Please take your time to read the following
information carefully. If you have any questions, feel free to ask the researcher before

Description of the Study:

The purpose of this study is to [Provide a detailed explanation of the study, including its
objectives, procedures, and expected duration]. Your participation will involve [Specify
the activities, such as interviews, observations, etc., and estimate the approximate time
commitment required from participants].

Confidentiality and Anonymity:

All information collected during this study will be treated as confidential. Your identity
will be kept strictly anonymous, and all data will be securely stored. Only the researcher
and authorized personnel will have access to the data. If any research findings are
reported or published, your identity will not be disclosed.

Voluntary Participation:

Participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You have the right to withdraw your
consent and discontinue participation at any time without facing any consequences or
penalties. Your decision to participate or withdraw will in no way affect your current or
future relationship with Malungon National High School.

Potential Risks:

While the risks associated with participating in this study are minimal, it is important to
acknowledge that [Mention any potential risks, such as emotional discomfort, breach of
confidentiality, etc.]. The researcher will make every effort to minimize any potential
risks and provide support, if needed.


There may not be any direct benefits to you personally from participating in this study.
However, your involvement will contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field
of [Specify the relevant field] and may benefit society as a whole.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Sarangani
South Malungon District
Contact Information:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this study, you may contact [Insert
Researcher's Name] at [Insert Contact Information]. Additionally, you can reach out to
the [Insert Institution/Organization]'s Ethics Committee at [Insert Contact Information] if
you have any concerns about your rights as a research participant.


By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understood the information
provided in this consent form. I have had the opportunity to ask questions, and any
concerns I had were addressed satisfactorily. I voluntarily agree to participate in this
study, and I understand that I can withdraw my consent at any time without penalty.

Participant's Name: ______________________

Participant's Signature: ___________________
Date: ___________________

Researcher's Name: _____________________

Researcher's Signature: __________________
Date: ___________________

Please make sure to provide a copy of this consent form to the participant for their

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