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Exam on unit 7

&. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1 If one of your friends helps your enemies, you can call this person ................ .
cruel traitor servant mad
2 She is an independent woman who values her freedom. The synonym for independent
is .................. .
relied dependent freelance accredited
3 Instead of choosing to take revenge .................... those who wronged her, she
focused on personal growth.
off for in on
4 Many students ............... with time management during exams.
suffer struggle improve work
5 After reviewing the evidence, I have to admit that you .............. right in your analysis.
is are has have
6 One of the...............of online learning is flexibility in scheduling.
advantages demerits drawbacks disadvantage
7 She was glad to receive positive feedback on her project. The antonym for glad is
............... .
disappointed cheerful delighted pleased
8 Her .................. to succeed drove her to work long hours.
disinterest result encouragement determination
9 Please, contact me later; I …..…. a meeting now.
am attending going to attend had will be
10 We prepared everything for my sister’s wedding; we ….…………. a party
are giving shouldn’t have will be given are going to
given give
11 I can’t play tennis with you this evening as I …………. an urgent task for several
am doing had to do should have will do
12 The bag is heavy. - Don’t worry, I ….……. it for you.
am carrying will have carried am going to will carry
13 Hagar ……. to England, isn’t she?
will travel had to travel is travelling isn’t
14 The contract ....... between the two companies currently
is prepared is being is preparing being prepared
15 Now, I........chocolate. I wasn't used to eating it when I was young.
love loves am loving am liking
El-Arish is one of the most important cities in Sinai . It has always been the gateway
to Egypt and so it has been used by invading armies as far back as the Turks and
Romans. These armies have destroyed a great deal of Arishi traditional culture . For
example, there are hardly any original Arishi houses left. They used to be built around
an open courtyard, but nearly all of them have, by now, been destroyed .Nowadays,
there are plans to develop the region.

There will be no industrial complexes and huge cities. The developments will follow a “
green “ approach , and agriculture , fishing and tourism will be the key to the region’s
development .North Sinai Bedouins have not been nomads for some time as they could
not travel because of restrictions at borders. Nowadays, many Bedouins own farms on
land which has been reclaimed from the desert.

Other settled Bedouins became fishermen in Lake Baradawil. There has been a change
in the lives of many Bedouin Women. In the old days, they were only allowed to look
after the family and some of its animals.

Now, many are managing their own businesses producing traditional handcrafts, such
as carpets and cloth. Because of the absence of historic sites in the area, the planners
are going to use its unpolluted environment to attract tourists. Tourists like unpolluted
areas, therefore all new projects will protect the environment. This approach is called
Ecotourism Ecotourism will not only be good for the economy, it will help to protect our
national heritage .

B. Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d:
1 What is the main idea of the paragraph?
The history of El-Arish The development plans for El-Arish and the
changes in the lives of the Bedouins
The destruction of Arishi traditional culture The concept of Ecotourism
2 What has destroyed a great deal of Arish traditional culture?
invading armies natural disasters
economic development Urbanization
3 What is the main focus of the development plans for the region?
Building industrial complexes Destroying traditional culture
Agriculture, fishing, and tourism Building huge cities
4 What is a synonym for 'destroyed' as used in the paragraph?
Built Created Ruined Preserved
5 What change has occurred in the lives of many Bedouin Women?
They have become nomads They are managing their own businesses
producing traditional handcrafts
They are now allowed to look after They have become fishermen in Lake Baradawil
the family and some of its animals

6 What is the main purpose of Ecotourism according to the paragraph?

To destroy the environment To protect the national heritage and
boost the economy
To build industrial complexes To restrict the movement of Bedouins
7 What does the pronoun 'its' refer to in the sentence "the planners are going to use ‎its
unpolluted environment to attract tourists"? ‎
The planners The area The environment The tourists

&. Translation into English

.‫االستمرار واألمن عنصران هامان لتحمٌك نهضة التصادية شاملة‬ 1
Stability and safety is two elements to achieve a comprehensive economic renaissance.
Stability and safety are two elements to achieves a comprehensive economic renaissance.
Stability and safety are two elements to achieve an comprehensive economic renaissance.
Stability and safety are two elements to achieve a comprehensive economic renaissance.

&. Translation into Arabic

2 Your health is essential if you are to live with freedom. Your physical health allows
you the freedom to go wherever you may so desire.
.‫أ صحتن ضرورية إذا أردت العيش بحرية فصحتن البدنية تعطين الحرية فى التجول أينما شئت‬

.‫ب صحتن ليست ضرورية إذا أردت العيش بحرية فصحتن البدنية تعطين الحرية فى التجول أينما شئت‬

.‫ج صحتن ضرورية إذا أردت العيش بحرية فصحتن النفسية تعطين الحرية فى التجول أينما شئت‬
.‫د صحتن مهمة إذا أردت العيش بحرية فصحتن البدنية تعطين الحرية فى التجول أينما شئت‬

Advanced. ‫(تراكمً) للمتفوقٌن‬

1 The medicine had an instant...........on the pain.
affect effect effective affective
2 I felt............I saw a giant snake. it was terrible.
frightening frighten frightened fear
3 when I was young, I.............a bike every day.
ride rode ridden was riding
4 Now I hundred eighty five cimtimetr.
measure am measures was
measuring measuring
5 Mo Salah lives........... of welfare.
life a live a life the life
King Lear
1 Was Cornwall planning revenge before he found out about the letter written
by Gloucester, why ?
2 How do you feel about Cornwall being hurt? Does it change how you see
3 If you were in Cornwall's position, how would you have reacted upon discovering
Gloucester's betrayal?

&.Write a paragraph about (100) words on :

"Environmental Pollution"
Exam on unit 8
&. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 describing something that uses a lot of new technology.
Electric High-tech Smart High-quality
2 She used a precise tool to measure the exact length of the fabric. The antonym
for precise is .................. .
accurate definite vague particular
3 She's eager to work ............... a company that values innovation.
for on as up
4 A king or queen has the power to ................. over a country.
pretend rule deceive hold
5 ................ cars are gaining popularity due to their environmental benefits.
Electronic Electrical Electricity Electric
6 The designed a new circuit for improved efficiency.
electronic electrical electricity electric
7 She received a ................. grade on her performance evaluation.
satisfy satisfied satisfactory satisfaction
8 The hotel boasts modern................., including a fitness center and a swimming
chances facilities opportunities achievements
9 In a week’s time, I ……. by the beach.
will have will be will relax going to relax
relax relaxing
10 We ……….. the office till we have done all our work.
have left will leave didn’t leave won’t leave
11 My father promised that he ..……. a valuable present for my birthday party.
would buy will buy is going to was bought
12 They ………… the project before the deadline
will have are will have
completed completing completed completed
13 He ............ by the coach for three hours before Ali comes.
will train will have will have will be trained
trained been trained
14 She ………. her new car by next week.
will have is purchasing has purchased
purchased purchased

15 Don't be late. The bus .................... at exactly ten o'clock!

leaves going to leave has left left

Baby sitters are individuals who care for children on behalf of parents or guardians for a
certain period. They are often teenagers or young adults looking for a part-time job.
Their responsibilities include ensuring the children's safety, preparing meals, and
engaging them in constructive activities. Baby sitters often have to deal with various
situations such as handling emergencies, managing children's behavior, and helping
with homework.
They need to be patient, responsible, and have good communication skills. They should
also be able to handle stressful situations and make quick decisions. Some baby sitters
have formal training in child care and first aid, but it's not a requirement for all.
However, having these skills can make a baby sitter more desirable to parents.
Baby sitters play a crucial role in a child's life.
They not only ensure the child's safety but also contribute to their emotional and social
development. They can teach children about responsibility, respect, and other important
life skills.
Despite the challenges, many people find babysitting rewarding. It allows them to
connect with children and make a positive impact on their lives. It also provides them
with valuable experience, especially those who plan to pursue a career in child care or
In conclusion, babysitting is a significant job that requires a lot of patience,
responsibility, and skills. It's not just about watching children but also about educating
and nurturing them.

B. Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d:

1 What is the main idea of the paragraph?
Baby sitters are teenagers. Babysitting is a part-time job.
Babysitting requires patience, Baby sitters need formal training.
responsibility, and skills.
2 What is a synonym for 'nurturing' in the context of the paragraph?
Ignoring Neglecting
Punishing Educating

3 In the sentence "They not only ensure the child's safety but also contribute to their emotional
and social development.", what does 'They' refer to?
Parents Guardians
Children Baby sitters

4 What is one of the responsibilities of a baby sitter?

Buying groceries Preparing meals Cleaning the house Paying bills
5 Why do some people find babysitting rewarding?
It pays well It allows them to connect with children
It is easy It requires no skills
6 What can baby sitters teach children?
Cooking Responsibility
Driving Gardening

7 What is not a requirement for all baby sitters?

Good communication skills

Formal training in child care
Ability to handle stressful situations

&. Translation into English

‫يعتبر نهر النيل مصدرا للرخاء واالزدهار لمصر والسودان ولذا يجب أن نرشد استهالكه ونحافظ‬ 1
.‫علي نظافته‬
The river Nile considered a source of prosperity and flourishing for Egypt and the Sudan, so we must
rationalize its consumption and keep it clean.
The river Nile is considered a source of prosperity and flourishing for Egypt and the Sudan, so we
must rationalize its consumption and keep it clean.
The river Nile is considered an source of prosperity and flourishing for Egypt and the Sudan, so we
must rationalize its consumption and keep it Unclean.
The river Nile is considered a source of prosperity and flourishing for Egypt and the Sudan, so we
must rationalized her consumption and keep it clean.

&. Translation into Arabic

2 The internet has been the most outstanding innovation in the field of
communication in the history of mankind.
.‫لمد أصبحت الكهرباء واحدة من أبرز االبتكارات في مجال االتصال فى تاريخ الجنس البشرى‬ )‫أ‬
.‫يصبح األنترنت واحدة من أبرز االبتكارات فى مجال االتصال فى تاريخ الجنس البشرى‬ )‫ب‬
.‫لمد أصبح األنترنت واحدة من أبرز االبتكارات فى مجال االتصال في تاريخ الجنس البشرى‬ )‫ج‬
.‫لمد أصبح األنترنت واحدة من أبرز االبتكارات فى مجال التعليم في تاريخ الجنس البشرى‬ )‫د‬

Advanced. ‫(تراكمً) للمتفوقٌن‬

1 I got the mechanic .............. my car.
repair to repair repaired repairs
2 Tomorrow, I think five units ........... for three weeks.
will study will be will have will have
studied studied been studied

3 When we boil water it ............ .

melt will melt melts would melt
4 This pen .............. Ali, it's his pen.
is belonged belong to belongs to belongs for
5 People work more than one job to find enough money for .............
everyday every day a day an every

King Lear
1 How does Edgar show he's a good person in the scene?

2 If you were Regan, how would you react to Goneril's attempts to gain more
power and undermine your authority?
3 Why doesn't the King want to see his daughter?


&.Write a paragraph about (100) words on :

"Global Warming"

Exam on unit 9
&. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 If something is ..............., it is either worth a lot of money or it is very important to
available valuable worthless valueless
2 The university offers various ................ to attract talented students.
scholarships challenges opportunities achievements
3 She is keen ............... trying out new adventurous activities.
of on in At
4 hey decided to preserve the historic building as a cultural landmark. The antonym for
preserve is ............... .
maintain guard keep damage
5 The actor was overjoyed when he received a/an .................. for his performance in the
award a ward reward rewarding
6 The sense of accomplishment after a successful event is truly ............... .
award a ward reward rewarding
7 She made a significant contribution to the success of the team project. The synonym
for significant is ................ .
remarkable inappreciable unremarkable unimportant
8 Many people choose to ................. at local community centers.
volunteer improve expand display
9 When I was living with my family, my mother ………… all my clothes to help me
concentrate on my lessons only.
is used to used to wash always didn’t use to
washing washes wash
10 When you were ten, …..…… to sports clubs?
did you use to go had you used to go do you usually go are you used to
11 The …..…… you read, the lower knowledge you gain.
most many more less
12 Which of the following isn’t structurally correct?
Gold is much more expensive than silver.
Sahar isn’t as tall as Shorouk.
Koshari is the most delicious Egyptian dish.
Arabic is a lot of easier than Chinese.
13 Why did you leave London? You had ……… job.
a better best gooder the best
14 She …….... often visit her grandmother on Sundays.
would used to use to didn't use to
15 Of the two toys, the child chose …………. .
the less the least the one most the most
expensive expensive expensive expensive of them

Technology is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of tools, machines, and
systems designed to solve problems and improve our lives. It has transformed every
aspect of our society, from communication and transportation to education and
In the field of communication, technology has made it possible to connect with people
around the world in an instant. Social media platforms, email, and video conferencing
have revolutionized the way we interact with each other.
In transportation, technology has led to the development of faster and more efficient
vehicles. It has also paved the way for innovations like electric cars and self-driving
vehicles, which are set to redefine the future of transportation.
In education, technology has opened up new avenues for learning. Online courses,
digital textbooks, and educational apps have made education more accessible to
people around the world.
In healthcare, technology has led to advancements in medical equipment and
procedures, improving patient care and saving countless lives.
Despite its many benefits, technology also has its drawbacks. It can lead to
dependency, privacy issues, and even job displacement due to automation. However,
with proper regulation and ethical considerations, we can harness the power of
technology to create a better future.

B. Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d:

1 What is the main idea of the paragraph?
Technology has drawbacks. Technology has transformed society.

Technology is used in communication. Technology is used in transportation.

2 What is a synonym for 'revolutionized' in the context of the paragraph?

Destroyed Hindered

Transformed Reduced

3 In the sentence "It has also paved the way for innovations like electric cars and self-driving vehicles,
which are set to redefine the future of transportation.", what does 'It' refer to?
Society Technology
Transportation Future

4 What is one of the drawbacks of technology?

It has made communication difficult. It has made transportation slower.

It has made education less accessible. It can lead to job displacement due to automation.

5 How has technology impacted education?

It has made education less accessible. It has made education more expensive.
It has reduced the quality of education. It has opened up new avenues for learning.

6 What has technology done in the field of healthcare?

has led to advancements in medical It has made healthcare less accessible.

equipment and procedures.
It has reduced the quality of patient care. It has made healthcare more expensive.

7 What is needed to harness the power of technology effectively?

More drawbacks Less regulation Proper regulation and More dependency

ethical considerations

&. Translation into English
.‫أعلنت لجنة تعديل الدستور التعديالت الدستورية والتي تتضمن اإلشراف المضائي الكامل على االنتخابات‬ 1
The constitutional amending committee declared the constitutional modifications which include a
comprehensive judicial supervision on election.
The constitutional amending committee declared the constitution modifications which include
an comprehensive judicial supervision on election.
The constitutional amending committee declared the constitutional modifications who include
a comprehensive judicial supervision with election.
The constitutional amending committees declared the constitutional modifications which
include a comprehensive judicial supervision in election.

&. Translation into Arabic

2 The Egyptian satellite channels have achieved successes and achievements,
which surpassed all expectations.
.‫لم تحمك المنوات الفضائية المصرية نجاحا وإنجازات تفوق كل التولعات‬ )‫أ‬
.‫حممت المنوات الفضائية المصرية نجاحا وإنجازات تفوق كل التولعات‬ )‫ب‬
.‫حممت المنوات الفضائية المصرية فشال وإنجازات تفوق كل التولعات‬ )‫ج‬
.‫حممت المنوات الفضائية المصرية نجاحا وإنجازات تفوق كل االعتمادات‬ )‫د‬

Advanced. ‫(تراكمً) للمتفوقٌن‬

1 It was a ............ experience, I had faced. I won't forget it.
scardino scary scarcely security
2 I read the story ........... ending was terrific.
who which whose that
3 suffers from climate change.
all whale whole each
4 Ali is my........friend I have ever seen.
clever cleverest the the clever
5 Ali asked me to........... him some money, I felt proud to help him.
lend borrow own belong

King Lear
1 What treatment does the doctor suggest for Cordelia's father?

2 What if Gloucester regained his sight after the fall?

3 Were King Lear's daughters truthful to him, why?


&.Write a paragraph about (100) words on :

"the countryside "


Exam on unit 10
&. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 a person who collects and tells the news for newspaper, radio or TV.
Newsreader Editor Reporter Journalist
2 Every year, our family follows the traditional recipe for Thanksgiving dinner.
The antonym for traditional is. .............. .
conventional modern outdated imitative
3 She couldn't find a reason ................ the sudden change in his behavior.
why for of to
4 She found it hard to .............. someone who had betrayed her in the past.
deceive trust pretend improve
5 The .............. assessed candidate's problem-solving skills.
interviewing interviewee interviewer interview
6 As the ................, I highlighted my strengths and experiences during the
interviewing interviewee interviewer interview
7 He regretted using the unreliable alarm clock, making him late for work. The
antonym for unreliable is ............... .
undependable dependable trustworthy honest
8 ............ is a person who is in charge of a newspaper or magazine.
Investigator Journalist Editor Newsreader
9 The train ………. when we reached the station. We didn’t miss it.
had departed have departed departed departing
10 The teacher was impressed with the students' knowledge because they ............
the material
have studied had studied study studied
11 When they arrived at the airport, they realized that their passports .............. .
had forgotten have forgotten forgotten had been
12 hey ………. a new car last month.
had bought have bought buy bought
13 I finished my study before he ..…......... .
come coming came had come
14 Having …........... stealing, he felt ashamed.
seeing been seen see had seen
15 How long ……..…. each other before they established a big clothes factory?
have they known
have they been knowing
had they known
had they been knowing


Being overweight can have significant impacts on a person's health and overall
well-being. It often results from a combination of factors such as poor dietary
habits, lack of physical activity, genetic predisposition, and environmental
influences. Excess weight increases the risk of various health problems,
including heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain types of
cancer. Moreover, being overweight can affect one's mental health, leading to
low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety. Individuals who are overweight may
also face social stigma and discrimination, which can further exacerbate their
emotional distress. Addressing overweight and obesity requires a multifaceted
approach, involving changes in diet, increased physical activity, behavioral
modifications, and sometimes medical interventions. It's essential for individuals
to seek support from healthcare professionals and adopt sustainable lifestyle
changes to manage their weight effectively and improve their overall health and
quality of life.

B. Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d:

1 What is the main idea of the paragraph?
Overweight individuals face Lifestyle changes are necessary to
various health risks. address obesity.
Overweight people often Environmental factors contribute to
experience mental health issues. weight gain.
2 What does the pronoun "it" refer to in the paragraph?
Poor dietary habits Lack of physical activity
Being overweight Environmental influences
3 What is a common health problem associated with being overweight?
Arthritis Diabetes
Asthma Insomnia
4 What is a synonym for "overweight"?
Thin Obese Fit Healthy
5 What factor is not mentioned as a cause of being overweight?
Genetic predisposition Poor dietary habits
Excessive exercise Environmental influences
6 How can overweight individuals improve their health?
By eating more junk food By avoiding physical activity
By seeking support from By ignoring their weight altogether
healthcare professionals
7 What is the recommended approach to managing overweight and obesity?
Only relying on medical Ignoring the issue and hoping it
interventions goes away
Making sustainable lifestyle Blaming genetics for weight gain

&. Translation into English
‫عادث روح الىالء (االوتماء) إلً المصزييه مع ميالد عصز جذيذ مه الحزيت والذيمقزاطيت‬ 1
.‫في مصز‬
The spirit of loyalty has come back to the Egyptians with the birth of the old age of
freedom and democracy.
The spirit of loyalty has comes back to the Egyptians with the birthing of the new
age of freedom and democracy.
The spirit of loyalty have come back to the Egyptians with the birth of the new age
of freedom and democracy.
The spirit of loyalty has come back to the Egyptians with the birth of the new age
of freedom and democracy.

&. Translation into Arabic

2 Egypt is a popular tourist destination, known for its beaches, deserts, and
cultural attractions.
.‫ تشتهر بشواطئها وصحاريها ومعالمها الثمافية‬، ‫أ) مصر هي وجهة سياحية جذابت‬
.‫ تشتهر بشواطئها وصحاريها ومعالمها الثمافية‬، ‫ب) مصر هي وجهة سياحية شهيرة‬
.‫ تشتهر بشواطئها وصحاريها ومعالمها الثمافية‬، ‫ج) مصر هي وجهة سياحية جميلت‬
.‫ تشتهر بشواطئها وصحاريها ومعالمها االجتماعيت‬، ‫د) مصر هي وجهة سياحية شهيرة‬

Advanced. ‫(تراكمً) للمتفوقٌن‬

1 Scarcely ............ his job when he got promoted.
had has start did he start he had he started
2 A number of schools............ recently.
has built has been built have built have been built
3 I felt............ when I travelled far the first time.
alone lonely only a loan
4 the exam was...........I can't answer any questions.

stress stressed stressful stressing

5 I always trusted her, but in fact. she always ......... to me
lay laid lied lies

King Lear
1 What if King Lear's daughters witnessed his interaction with Gloucester?
How might they react?
2 What would happen if everyone found out about Goneril's bad plans earlier?

3 Is King Lear still sleeping when Cordelia begins speaking to him, discuss?


&.Write a paragraph about (100) words on :

" close friends"


Exam on unit 11
&. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 Cartoons are a type of ................. films that often target a younger audience
with playful characters and humor.
horror historical comedy animation
2 She received a marvelous gift that brightened her day. The antonym for
marvelous is ................. .
surprising exciting ugly interesting
3 Watching a horror movie alone at night can be a truly ................. experience.
scared scary scaring scare
4 The comedy show last night was so .................. that I couldn't stop laughing.
boring hilarious annoying terrible
5 The team members need to agree...............a common strategy for the
upcoming project.
to on with that
6 The .................. novel stayed on the top of the charts for months.
terrible awful horrible bestselling
7 The teacher will ................. the scientific experiment to the
demonstrate mislead involve improve
8 The weather in this region is constantly changing. The synonym for
constantly is .............. .
temporarily impermanently permanently momentarily
9 The exam is ………….. easy . I think I am going to pass it .
absolutely extremely quiet quiter
10 the man who has been robbed is …………. furious now.
very slight quiet completely
11 Angela didn't receive ………… treatment from her family because
she had Down's Syndrome.
different differently differ difference
12 of all my friends who run quickly , omar runs …………. .
fast fastly faster the fastest
13 Something 's useful on TV today ,........... ?
aren't they isn't it haven't they hasn't it
14 I'm going with you, …..….. ?
aren't you amn't I won't I aren't I
15 She comes from the family of Donovan, ………...?
do you didn’t she doesn’t she hasn’t


Samer lived with his parents until he was twenty-four years old, and then he got
a job in an office of a big factory in another town, so he left home. He found a
little flat and lived there on his own. At first he cleaned it himself, but after a few
weeks he asked Mrs. Laila to help him . She promised to come to clean his flat
for an hour every morning. After she had been working for Samer for two weeks,
one evening, he looked at the mirror in his bedroom and thought, “ That mirror
looks very dusty . Mrs. Laila’s forgotten to clean it , I can write on the dust with
my finger ! “ Before he left for work in the morning he wrote this message on the
dust “ I cough whenever I breathe because everything in this room is very dusty !
“ When he got home that evening, he looked at the mirror and wondered why she
hadn’t cleaned it. Then he bent down and saw a bottle in front of the mirror. He
picked the bottle up and looked at it carefully . Mrs. Lalia had written some
words on it. He read the words “ Cough Medicine “ and he couldn’t make head
nor tail .

B. Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d:

1 What is the main idea of the paragraph?
Samer moved out of his parents' Samer hired Mrs. Laila to clean his flat.
house and got a job.
Samer found a dusty mirror in his Samer found a bottle of medicine in his
bedroom. bedroom.
2 Why did Samer hire Mrs. Laila?
to clean his flat to cook for him
to do his laundry to help him with his work
3 What is a synonym for "flat"?
Apartment House
Mansion Cottage
4 What does the pronoun "it" refer to in the paragraph?
Samer's bedroom Mrs. Laila's promise
Samer's job Cleaning the flat
5 What did Samer write on the dusty mirror?
A poem A reminder to call Mrs. Laila
A message about his cough A note about his job interview
6 What job did Samer get?
Factory worker Office worker
Cleaner Builder
7 When Samer read the words on the bottle he ------------------ .

took the was happy was sad was surprised


&. Translation into English
‫ثىرة الخامس والعشزون مه يىايز هً وقطت تحىل فً تاريخ مصز فهي بالتأكيذ‬
.‫ستؤدي إلً تغيزاث جذريت فً مختلف مجاالث الحياة‬
The January 25 Revolution are a turning point in Egypt's history. It will certainly
lead to radical changes in the different fields.

The January 25 Revolution is a turning point in Egypt's history. It will certainly lead
to radical changes in the different fields.

The January 25 Revolution is a turning point in Egypt's historical. It will certainly

lead to radical changes in the different fields.

The January 25 Revolution is an turning point in Egypt's history. It will not

certainly lead to radical changes in the different fields.

&. Translation into Arabic

2 Egypt is also a major agricultural producer, with cotton, wheat, and rice
being among its most important crops.
.‫ حٌث ٌعتبر القطن والقمح واألرز من بٌن أهم منتجاتها‬، ً‫ضا منتج زراعً رئٌس‬
ً ٌ‫مصر هً أ‬ )‫أ‬
.‫ حٌث ٌعتبر القطن والقمح واألرز من بٌن أهم محاصٌلها‬، ً‫ضا منتج صناعي رئٌس‬ ً ٌ‫ب) مصر هً أ‬
.‫ حٌث ٌعتبر القطن والقمح واألرز من بٌن أهم محاصٌلها‬، ً‫ضا منتج تجارى رئٌس‬ ً ٌ‫ج) مصر هً أ‬
.‫ حٌث ٌعتبر القطن والقمح واألرز من بٌن أهم محاصٌلها‬، ً‫ضا منتج زراعً رئٌس‬ ً ٌ‫د) مصر هً أ‬

Advanced. ‫(تراكمً) للمتفوقٌن‬

1 He made me........homework twice.
do make to do to make
2 He always comes to the club....... .

later lately late latter

3 Egypt has............unique sites which help us attract many tourists.
a an the no article
4 a lot as you saved my life.

own belong owe did

5 English............all over the world.
has spoken speaks is spoken was spoken

King Lear
1 What if King Lear suddenly remembered all the bad things his other
daughters did to him when Cordelia spoke to him?
2 What if Edmund's plan to betray both sisters failed and they found out before
the battle ended?


3 Was King Lear happy to see Cordelia again, why?



&.Write a paragraph about (100) words on :

" Favorite player"


Exam on unit 12
&. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1 Make sure your comments in the meeting are concise and .................. to the
achievable measurable time-bound relevant
2 cautious, as some websites use ................. to gather personal information.
trucks tricks trials treasures
3 Tom is fond .............. trying new cuisines whenever he travels.
on of about in
4 The project has a ................. deadline of two weeks.
achievable measurable relevant time-bound
5 A healthy diet and exercise can significantly improve your overall well-being.
The synonym for improve is ................ .
damage reform spoil deteriorate
6 Committing ................. against one's own country is a serious crime.
treason treasure trial truck
7 The security system is highly ................. to any unusual movements.
sensible sensitive sence sense
8 That landmark is well-known for its historical significance. The antonym for
well-known is ................. .
popular familiar unfamiliar famous
9 Which of the following is wrong?
We like the child with blue eyes.

We like the child whose eyes are blue.

We like the child who’s eyes are blue.

We like the child. His eyes are blue.
10 I like the worker …..…… painting my flat now.
who’s whom whose who
11 We bought a big saw, with …..…… we cut up all the wood.
which whose that whom
12 How can I meet Mr Adly? I don't know ……… he comes to the club.
who where when whom
13 What bad news! The manager, ……… I work, has had a terrible accident.
who’s whom with whom that
14 I visited my uncle in the new factory ……… he works in.
where which when who
15 Amany is an Egyptian Paralympic powerlifter ……… has won a bronze medal.
whom which who’s who


Cheating is a deceptive act that undermines the principles of fairness and honesty. It
can manifest in various forms, from copying someone else's work during exams to
engaging in extramarital affairs.

One common form of cheating is academic dishonesty, where students resort to

plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration to achieve better grades. This not only
compromises their own integrity but also devalues the educational system. Cheating in
relationships is another prevalent issue, causing betrayal and heartbreak. When one
partner seeks emotional or physical intimacy outside the relationship, trust is
shattered, leading to profound emotional consequences.

Cheating can also occur in sports, where athletes use performance-enhancing drugs or
manipulate game outcomes through bribery or sabotage. Such actions tarnish the spirit
of competition and erode the integrity of sportsmanship. Overall, cheating is a
detrimental behavior that corrodes trust, undermines fairness, and damages
relationships, institutions, and individuals.

B. Choose the correct answer from a, b , c or d:

1 What is the main idea of the paragraph?
Cheating undermines principles of Cheating is only prevalent in
fairness and honesty academic settings.
Cheating strengthens Cheating is a harmless act.
2 What is a synonym for "cheating" as used in the paragraph?
Honesty Deception
Loyalty Integrity
3 In the sentence "This not only compromises their own integrity but also
devalues the educational system," what does the pronoun "this" refer to?
Academic dishonesty Plagiarism
Extramarital affairs Emotional consequences
4 What does cheating in sports undermine?
Trust Integrity Fairness All of the above

5 Which of the following is not mentioned as a form of cheating in the

Academic dishonesty Performance-enhancing drugs in sports
Cheating in relationships Volunteering at a local charity
6 What is the consequence of cheating in relationships?
Strengthening trust Emotional consequences
Fair competition Improved communication
7 How does cheating affect the educational system?
It enhances academic It devalues the system.
It promotes honesty. It has no impact.

&. Translation into English
.‫الشالسل والبزاكيه هً كىارث طبيعيت تحذث مه حيه آلخز وتسبب الذمار‬ 1
Earthquakes and volcanoes is natural catastrophes that occasionally happen and
caused destruction.
Earthquakes and volcanoes are natural catastrophes that occasionally happen and
cause destruction.
Earthquakes and volcanoes are natural catastrophes that occasionally happened
and cause destruction.
Earthquakes and volcanoes are abneural catastrophes that occasionally happen
and cause destruction.

&. Translation into Arabic

2 The tallest mountain in the world is Mount Everest, which is located in the
Himalayas and is 8,848 meters tall.
ً 8888 ‫أعلى هضبة فً العالم هو جبل إٌفرست الذي ٌقع فً جبال الهٌماالٌا وٌبلغ ارتفاعه‬ )‫أ‬
ً 8888 ‫اسفل جبل فً العالم هو جبل إٌفرست الذي ٌقع فً جبال الهٌماالٌا وٌبلغ ارتفاعه‬ )‫ب‬
ً 8888 ‫أعلى جبل فً العالم هو جبل إٌفرست الذي ٌقع فً جبال الهٌماالٌا وٌبلغ ارتفاعه‬ )‫ج‬
ً ‫ كيلو‬8888 ‫أعلى جبل فً العالم هو جبل إٌفرست الذي ٌقع فً جبال الهٌماالٌا وٌبلغ ارتفاعه‬ )‫د‬

Advanced. ‫(تراكمً) للمتفوقٌن‬

1 I would rather........... English than Arabic.
studying study to study to studying
2 I visited the took pictures with the tourists.

at where which is where is which

where which
3 I hate...........towards my friends. I feel embarrassed.
punishing being to punish to punishing
4 It's time I ......... Ali yesterday.

met meet have met had met

5 Can you a favour.
make do own give

King Lear
1 How would you respond if you were Albany when Edmund disobeyed you?

2 What if Goneril didn't kill herself and Regan with poison?

3 What if Kent hadn't followed King Lear since the onset of his madness?

&.Write a paragraph about (100) words on :

" Benefits of the Internet"



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