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Practice Teacher BONIFACIO C. OLERMO Learning Area SCIENCE
Teaching Date APRIL 17, 2023 Quarter THIRD QUARTER
and Time
A. Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of an ecosystem as being capable of
Standards supporting a limited number of organisms.

B. Most
Essential The learners shall be able to suggest ways to minimize human impact on the
Learning environment. (S10LTIIIj-43)

At the end of the lesson, at least 85% of the learners should be able to:
a. Identify environmental problems and issues.
b. Describe at least four environmental problems caused by human impact.
C. Learning
c. Demonstrate ways to minimize human impact to the environment.


RESOURCES Science – Grade 10 Learner’s Material First Edition 2015, pp. 331-336
A. References
1.Learner’s Science Grade 10 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 3 – Module 8: Biodiversity
Material pages and Stability, First Edition, 2020
Materials from
PowerPoint presentation, speaker, laptop, pictures, visual aids, water containers,
activity sheets, Wheel of Faces
Resource (LR)

a. GAD- Gender equality and equity

b. Music
B. Integration
c. Values Education
d. Arts
e. Filipino (poems)

C. Time Frame 1 Hour


1. Prayer
Good day, Grade 10-Masigasig!

Before we begin our lesson, let us first

acknowledge the presence of our Creator Let us pray and feel the presence of our Almighty
through a class prayer, to be led by Creator.
(The students will pray)

2. Greetings
Again, good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, Sir Boni!

Grade 10-Masigasig, are you ready? (The class will do their usual clap)

Class, how are you today? We are doing well today, Sir

It's great to hear that you are doing well. I

hope that the rest of the class is feeling the

3. Checking of Attendance

May I ask our class monitor, John Lloyd, to

please check if all of our classmates are
present for today's class.

Is anyone absent today? (the class monitor will check the attendance
and report the attendance to the class)
4. Classroom Regulations

Let us not forget the classroom rules:

M - Manage your time wisely.

A - Avoid distractions.
S - Speak respectfully and listen
I - Interact positively with your classmates
and teacher.
G - Give your best effort and be goal-
A - Always follow instructions.
S - Stay organized.
I - Involve yourself in class discussions.
G - Grasp every learning opportunity and
have fun!

Is that clear to everyone?

Yes Sir, clear and noted.
ELICIT (5 minutes)
Class, before we begin our lesson for today, let's
have a quick recap of our previous lesson through
an activity called "The Umbrella of Faces: The
Chosen One!”

Grade 10-Masigasig, are you all ready? (The class will do their usual clap as a sign
that they are ready)
Let's begin the recap of our previous lesson. We
will display everyone's faces on the Umbrella of
Faces, and then spin it to decide who will go first.
The person whose face the arrow lands on will be
the chosen one to answer the question. If you give
the correct answer, you will win a prize!

Are the instructions clear? Yes, Sir!

If there are no questions, let us proceed.

For our first round, the Umbrella of Faces, (The students will wait for the result of the
choose the lucky one! umbrella of faces)

Okay, Ryan, you are the chosen one!

Your question is: “What is the term used to refer

to the number of births in a population per unit Sir, the answer is Birth Rate.
of time?”

The correct answer is Birth Rate!

Now, for the second round, let's spin the Umbrella (The students will wait for the result of the
of Faces and choose the lucky student! umbrella of faces)

Your question is: “If the birth rate is greater than The population will grow, Sir.
the death rate, what will happen to the

Excellent! You are indeed correct!

Let's spin the Umbrella of Faces again and (The students will wait for the result of the
choose the lucky one! umbrella of faces)

Geneveve, please read the question displayed on What are the two factors that limit population
the screen. growth?

Sir, the two factors are density-dependent and

density-independent limiting factors.
Are you sure?

Okay, you are correct! Because of that, you are the

lucky one and have won a prize!

Last but definitely not least, let us spin the (The students will wait for the result of the
Umbrella of Faces once again and choose the lucky umbrella of faces)

Okay Mercy, please stand and answer the


What are the two factors included in density- Sir, it includes natural disaster and human
dependent limiting factors? activity.

Exactly! Natural disasters and human activity are

the factors.

Let us give ourselves a “Good Job Clap” for (The students will clap)
doing a great job!

Our lesson for today is related to the second factor

which is human activity. Our new lesson is about
Environmental Problems and Issues Caused by
Human Activity.

ENGAGE (10 minutes)

Class, as you look around our classroom today, you

can see strips of paper with the word "CAUTION"
repeatedly written on them. Perhaps you are
wondering what these strips of paper mean.

To gain an understanding of the significance of

these caution strips and prepare for our lesson
today, let's watch this video together.

(The teacher will play a short introductory

video to engage the students in today's
Class, what is the video about? Sir, the video is all about environmental
Excellent! The video is about environmental
problems and it informs us that many
individuals are not well aware of these issues and
Based on the video, we are the suspects in the year
2050 who have caused these environmental
problems. So, what must we do at present to solve
these problems and minimize the human impact on
our environment?

Later on, we will discover more about that!

EXPLORE (10 minutes)

Before we start our lesson for today, have you ever

considered what environmental problems we are
currently facing?

First, let us know what are environmental


Who wants to read the definition on the screen? (The students will raise their hands)

Yes, Cherry Lane! Environmental problems refer to issues

caused by human activity that negatively
affect the natural world. These problems can
harm ecosystems, threaten the health of
living organisms, and have a lasting impact
on the planet.

Thank you, Cherry Lane!

In simple terms, environmental problems are things

that people do that can hurt nature. These problems
can be really bad for the earth and make it hard for
animals and people to live healthy lives.

For your next activity, we will explore more about

environmental problems. We will be having a
group activity in which you will be divided
according to your interests.

Each group will be given a specific picture that

represents a particular environmental issue caused
by human activity. Your task is to identify the
problem and suggest ways to prevent it through a
song or jingle, poem or spoken word poetry, drama,
or drawing.

At this point, we have four areas of learning.

Proceed to "The Voice" area if you are fond of
singing, "Art Angel" area if you are interested in
drawing, "Francisco Balagtas" area for those who
love writing poems, and lastly, the "Star Magic"
area for those who want to express
themselves through acting. (This activity aims
to highlight differentiated instruction inside the

The Star Magic group will be creating a short

drama that showcases ways to prevent the
environmental problem they were assigned.

The Art Angel group will be doing a drawing,

while the Francisco Balagtas group and The
Voice group will be presenting a short poem and a
song/jingle, respectively.

Grade 10-Masigasig, are you ready to start your (The students will do their usual clap)

If so, you may proceed to your respective areas of

interest and begin your activity. You are given 10
minutes to finish that. When you're done, you will
present your work in front of the class.

EXPLAIN (15 minutes)

Okay class, time is up!

You will now present what you have prepared in
front of the class. Each group will be given at least
2 minutes to present. Please take note that the best
presentation will receive a prize!

Let's start with the Star Magic group.

(The first group will present their drama

presentation about waste disposal)

Congratulations, Star Magic group, for a job well


Next up is Art Angel group. Excellent work, Group


(The second group will present their

illustration about deforestation)
Third to present their work is Francisco Balagtas

(The third group will present their poem

presentation about global warming)

Thank you, Francisco Balagtas group!

Last but certainly not least, The Voice group!

(The fourth group will present their song

about pollution)

Great job!

Congratulations, Grade 10-Masigasig, on a job

well done!

You have identified different environmental

problems and suggested ways to minimize human
impact on our environment!

ELABORATE (10 minutes)

For a deeper understanding of our lesson, let us

study it one by one.

The Art Angel group was given this picture

(referring to deforestation). Again, what
environmental issue or problem does it depict? Sir, the picture shows deforestation.

Very good!

It shows a picture of deforestation.

What is deforestation? Anyone from the class? (The students will raise their hand)
Yes, Jamica! Sir, deforestation is when trees are cut down and
not replaced.
Exactly! Deforestation is the removal of trees
from a forested area. It occurs when trees are cut
down to make room for agriculture, settlements, or
commercial development.

The second environmental issue is what we call


What is pollution? Anyone from the class? Yes, (The students will raise their hand)

Lee Mark!
Sir, pollution is when harmful substances like
trash, chemicals, and gases are released into the
environment, making the air, water, and land dirty
and unsafe.
Good job!

Pollution is the presence or introduction into the

environment of a substance or thing that has
harmful or poisonous effects.

Pollution can take many forms, such as air

pollution from factories and vehicles, water
pollution from sewage and agricultural runoff, and
noise pollution from traffic and construction.

Let us proceed to the third environmental

problem, which is known as global warming.

What is global warming? Do you have any idea

about what it is? (The students will raise their hand)

May I call on Amelyn to answer the question?

Sir, global warming is when the Earth's

temperature rises.

Thank you, Amelyn, you are indeed correct!

Global warming is the long-term rise in the

average temperature of the Earth's climate system.
It is primarily caused by the release of greenhouse
gases, such as carbon dioxide, into the
The fourth environmental issue is known as
improper waste disposal.

(The students will raise their hand)

What does it mean? Yes, Jerome! Sir, waste disposal is the process of getting rid of
garbage and other unwanted materials.

Very good!

Waste disposal refers to the methods used to get

rid of waste materials, such as garbage, sewage,
and hazardous waste.

Improper waste disposal can cause pollution, soil

and water contamination, and health problems.
For example, landfill sites can leak toxic
chemicals into the groundwater.

Once again, what are the four environmental

issues that we have discussed today?

Can you give one and try to explain it briefly? Yes,

Sir, deforestation clears trees and leads to
Lexene! environmental harm.

Sir, global warming refers to the long-term rise in

Anyone from the class? Yes, Lee Mark! the Earth's average temperature, largely caused by
human activities.

Sir, improper waste disposal is the inappropriate

May I ask Hossana to share an environmental disposal of waste materials that can lead to
issue and provide a brief explanation of it? negative impacts on the environment and human

Sir, pollution introduces harmful substances to the

Lastly, may I call on Janel! environment.

Very good class! It seems like you really

understood our lesson about the different
environmental issues.

But do take note that it does not stop there!

Knowing about these environmental issues is not
enough; we should also make ways to minimize
human impact on the environment to prevent these
problems from worsening.

The fundamental question is: What can we do

to help conserve our environment?

The Earth needs your help! If we don't act now to

address environmental issues, we may be held
responsible for future problems.

So, what can we do to minimize human impact on

the environment and save our planet? Can you
suggest a way that will help achieve these goals?
(The students will share different ways to
help conserve our environment)
Let's explore some effective ways to help the

To contribute to our plan of minimizing human

impact on the environment, it is important to
always keep in mind the following tips:
1. Conserve energy
2. Conserve water
3. Use reusable bags and containers and
reduce plastic usage
4. Plant more trees
5. Participate in community cleanups
6. Reduce waste
7. Educate others.

Class, remember that even the tiniest of actions

can have a massive impact on our environment.
Every small step you take towards sustainability
can lead to a domino effect, inspiring others to
follow in your footsteps.

The fate of our planet and the future of humanity

rests in our hands, so let's act now to create a
better tomorrow. Start with yourself, and together,
we can make a world of difference.

Any questions so far?

None Sir!

EVALUATE (5 minutes)

Great job, Grade 10-Masigasig, for participating in

our class discussion on environmental
problems and taking thorough notes during our

At this point, I would like to assess your

understanding of the material with an activity to
reinforce your learning and identify areas where
you may need further support.

This is a multiple-choice test in which you will be

given ten scenarios that show different
environmental problems and issues. All you need
to do is identify the best solution or way to solve
the problem or help the environment.

To make it more exciting and challenging, the

scenarios are presented in the form of poems.

Are you ready, Grade 10-Masigasig? Yes Sir!

ACTIVITY: "Revive and Thrive, Help Our

Planet Survive!"

Objective: To develop critical thinking and

problem-solving skills in identifying the best
solutions for various environmental problems.

1. A mall is being built, jobs will abound, But

the forest's protection, will it be
The economy may grow, but what will be
the cost?
What's the best solution, before all is

a. Proceed with the construction of the

shopping mall regardless of the
potential negative impacts on the local Correct Answer:
ecosystem. b. Stop the construction of the shopping mall
b. Stop the construction of the shopping altogether, prioritizing the protection of the
mall altogether, prioritizing the local ecosystem.
protection of the local ecosystem.
c. Continue building the shopping mall to
provide new jobs.
d. Ignore the potential negative impacts
on the local ecosystem and only focus
on the benefits of the new shopping

2. Manufacturing plant’s untreated waste in

the river flows,
A danger that nobody knows, Aquatic
life pays the price,
And humans too, should we think twice.
What can be done to end this vice?

a. Do nothing and continue to discharge

untreated waste into the river
b. Build a pipeline to transport the
waste to a different location for Correct Answer:
treatment d. Install a treatment system at the
manufacturing plant to treat the waste before
c. Increase the amount of waste being
it is discharged into the river.
discharged to dilute the harmful
d. Install a treatment system at the
manufacturing plant to treat the waste
before it is discharged into the river.

3. As more cars hit the street,

The air we breathe becomes less sweet, To
solve this problem, what can we do, To
keep the planet green and blue?

a. Encourage people to walk or use

bicycles for short distances.
b. Build more highways to reduce
traffic congestion. Correct Answer:
c. Ignore the problem and hoping it will a. Encourage people to walk or use bicycles
for short distances.
go away.
d. Continue to use gasoline-powered
cars as we always have.

4. The landfill's reach is nearly complete,

Piling trash at an alarming rate.
What options can we now compete,
To save our city from this fate?

a. Ignore the issue and allowing the

landfill to reach capacity.
b. Burn the waste to decrease the
amount of it. Correct Answer:
c. Encourage citizens to reduce waste and c. Encourage citizens to reduce waste and
increase recycling efforts. increase recycling efforts.
d. Export waste to another city or

5. Deforestation is a terrible plight,

Endangered species losing their right.
What can be done to save their life? Tell
me, before it's too late to thrive.

a. Encourage logging companies to cut

down more trees
Correct Answer:
b. Plant more trees to replace those that have
been cut down.
b. Plant more trees to replace those
that have been cut down
c. Build more roads through forests
d. Sell more land for development

6. Plastic waste in the ocean, what a sight

Harming marine life with all its might
What can we do to make it right?

a. Encourage the use of plastic straws to

reduce plastic waste.
Correct Answer:
b. Implement laws that prohibit the use of
b. Implement laws that prohibit the use of
plastic bags in grocery stores. plastic bags in grocery stores.
c. Dump more plastic waste into the
d. Start a campaign to promote the use of
plastic water bottles.

7. The world's getting crowded, that much is

As we keep on growing year after year, But
with more people, the planet's at risk,
What's the answer? How do we fix?

a. Encourage family planning and

education. Correct Answer:
b. Limit immigration to reduce d. All of the above.
population growth.
c. Develop more efficient technologies
and practices to reduce resource
d. All of the above.

8. Carbon emissions from fossil fuels, Cause

the Earth to suffer and feel uncool.
What can we do to reverse these woes? And
ensure a future where our planet still glows?

a. Ignore the issue and continue

using fossil fuels
b. Develop cleaner energy sources
like solar and wind power Correct Answer:
c. Burn more fossil fuels to increase b. Develop cleaner energy sources like solar
economic growth and wind power
d. Encourage deforestation to absorb
excess carbon emissions

9. Agriculture, once a source of pride,

Now leads to soil degradation worldwide.
How can we reverse this harmful trend?
And biodiversity loss put to an end?

a. Continue current agricultural

practices without any changes.
b. Implement sustainable agricultural Correct Answer:
practices that promote soil health and b. Implement sustainable agricultural
biodiversity. practices that promote soil health and
c. Increase the use of chemical
fertilizers and pesticides to boost
crop yields.
d. Stop all agricultural activities and
abandon farming altogether.

10. In an area with wetlands so green,

A housing development is being seen, But
what's the best solution, do you know,
To preserve these vital services, they

a. Build the housing development in the

wetlands to maximize land use Correct Answer:
b. Protect the wetlands and choose a b. Protect the wetlands and choose a different
different location for the housing location for the housing development.
c. Drain the wetlands to create more
space for the housing development
d. Build the housing development on
the wetlands and relocate the wildlife
to a nearby park.

1. b. Stop the construction of the shopping
mall altogether, prioritizing the protection
of the local ecosystem.
2. d. Install a treatment system at the
manufacturing plant to treat the waste
before it is discharged into the river.
3. a. Encourage people to walk or use
bicycles for short distances.
4. c. Encourage citizens to reduce waste and
increase recycling efforts.
5. b. Plant more trees to replace those that
have been cut down.
6. b. Implement laws that prohibit the use of
plastic bags in grocery stores.
7. d. All of the above.
8. b. Develop cleaner energy sources like
solar and wind power
9. b. Implement sustainable agricultural
practices that promote soil health and
10. b. Protect the wetlands and choose a
different location for the housing
Again, congratulations, Grade 10-Masigigasig!

EXTEND (5 minutes)

For your assignment, we will use technology and

various social media platforms to raise awareness
about environmental problems and ways to
minimize human impact on the environment.

All you need to do is to post a Facebook status, an

infographic, or a TikTok video that encourages
individuals or students like you to minimize
human impact on the environment and conserve
our planet. We need to act now!

By this way, we can encourage others to conserve

our environment and make a difference! (Note: For students who do not have access to
Facebook, Tiktok, or the internet, an alternative
activity will be provided. Instead of posting online,
Just like what I always say at the end of the they will talk to a friend or family member and
discussion: encourage them to take action in minimizing
human impact on the environment.)
Grade 10-Masigasig,
Dumaan man ang tag-init o taglamig,
Patuloy kayong maging…


“When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it

Isaiah 60:22

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teaching Intern Cooperating Teacher, SNHS

Recommending Approval: Approved:


Department Head, SNHS Principal, SNHS

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