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Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Jagaditha

Volume 5, Nomor 2, 2018, pp. 84-91

EISSN 2579-8162
ISSN 2355-4150

The Effect of Leadership and Work Environment on Employee

Performance Through Mediation of Work Spirit at Prama Sanur
Beach Hotel
Ni Wayan Anggreni, Ni Wayan Sitiari, Ni Luh Putu Indiani and Ni Putu Pertamawati

Magister of Management, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Indonesia
Received: 17/04/2018 Revised: 14/06/2018 Published: 30/09/2018
How to cite (in APA style):
Anggreni, N, W., Sitiari, N, W., Indiani, N, L, P., Pertamawati, N, P. (2018). The Effect of Leadership and Work Environ-
ment on Employee Performance Through Mediation of Work Spirit at Prama Sanur Beach Hotel. Jurnal Ekonomi
dan Bisnis Jagaditha, 5(2), 84-91. doi:

Abstract-Performance is the achievement or outcome of work (output) in the form of quality and
quantity that has been achieved by human resources per unit of time period in carrying out its
work duties that is in accordance with the responsibilities assigned. Leadership is an activity to
influence the behavior of human either individual or group and/or art. The study was conducted
at Prama Sanur Beach Hotel. It addresses the influence of leadership and work environment on
employee performance through mediation of work spirit. Participants in this study were 81
persons of 417 employees of Prama Sanur Beach Hotel. We distributed questionnaires
containing questions to identify the employee perception toward leadership system realized in
their work place. We also collected a number of other related sources and theories to leadership
and mediation of work, such as books, documents from library. We tested the hypothesis by
Partial Least Square (PLS) application. The results showed that: (1) leadership and work
environment have a positive and significant effect on employee work spirit; (2) work
environment and the spirt of work positively and significantly affect the employee performance;
(3) employee spirit of work can fully mediate between leadership and performance; and (4)
employee spirit of work can mediate between the work environment and employee performance.

Keywords: Leadership; Wor k Environment; Wor king spirit and Perfor mance.
demanded to continue to increase, so that
INTRODUCTION organizations and companies grow continually
Tourism is a sector with significant and are capable to accept changes to win the
economic relevance in several countries competition (Abdul, 2011).
(Guccio, Mazza, Mignosa, & Rizzo, 2018). Qaisa and Yaqoob (2009) stated that the
Tourism in Indonesia, such as particularly that achievement of a company objectives, whether
in Bali, is one of the pillars of the buffer that private or state-owned or public sector,
has become Indonesia economic strength that depends on the ability and expertise of the
in tourism industry many workers are leader in performing the company's functions,
absorbed. Along with the shifting tendency of including in the aspect of marketing,
tourism mode from mass tourism to individual production, finance, administration and
tourism, trend in accommodation facilities personnel. The functions of each company
development in Bali grows rapidly (Mantra, have interrelated relationships, however,
2008). To ingcreasingly signalize the personnel functions have a more strategic role
Indonesia tourism, professional management than other corporate functions (Tohardi, 2011).
system supported by competent human Human resources are one of the most
resources is required in order to compete with important factors in a company. Therefore,
tourisms from other countries (Mantra, 2008). human resources must be well-managed to
Faced with this, employee performance is
Copyright © 2018 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Jagaditha EISSN 2579-8162 Page 84
The Effect of Leadership and Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Mediation of Work Spirit at Prama
Sanur Beach Hotel

improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the employees during performing their duties. This
organization, as one of the functions within the means that an employee can perform their
company (Hariandja, 2008). work in accordance with the demands of the
Companies generally have all sorts of organization program plan that that is target-
ways to improve the performance of their oriented.
employees although the way they vary from
one company to another depends on the actual METHOD
functioning of each company (Achmad, 2009). The study was conducted at Prama Sanur
This is done in an effort to improve employee Beach Hotel, a member in Aerowisata Hotels
performance having impact on company and Resorts, which was established in 1974.
productivity (Obasan, 2012). Companies need This 5-star hotel is very environmentally
employees who are able to work better and friendly with a warm and always smiling staff.
faster and to obtain such employee The hotel is equipped with a variety of unique
performance a leader is necessary to maintain restaurants, bars, contemporary facilities and
and to provide a good care for it (Karen et al., activities for the whole family. The hotel has
2011). 426 rooms spread over 7 hectares of lush
tropical gardens, next to a sandy beach with
Hypothesis of Research
spectacular scenery located in Jalan Lake
H1 : Leadership positively and
Tamblingan Sanur. The hotel accommodates
significantly affects employee’s work
417 employees. Of the 417 employees, 81
persons were chosen as participants that
H2 : Work environment has a positive provided a number of information required this
and significant effect on employee study. We made use of Slovin method in
morale. (Umar, 2008) in determining the size of chosen
H3 : Leadership positively and sample of participants with the formula:
significantly affects the employee n = N /1+N e²
performance at.
H4 : Work environment has a positive and
n = Number of samples
significant impact on employee
performance. N = Population size
H5 : Spirit of work has a positive and E = Percent leeway inaccuracy due to
significant impact on performance of sampling errors that can still be tolerated or
employees. desirable (in this case is 10%).
H6 : Mediation and leadership influence Thus the sample size is:
the performance of employees. n = 417/ [1+ (417 x0,01²)]
H7 : Spirit of work mediates the influence = 417/5,17
of the work environment toward the
performance of employees. = 80,6576
= 81 (rounded)
Conceptual Framework
In this study, we term the conceptual Variable Identification
framework as theoretical and practical In identifying the variable, we used
concepts related to leadership, employee endogenous variable, a variable that is
performance, spirit of work, and mediation. A influenced by other variables in the model, in
prevalence proposition is that there is a which in this study dependent variable is
positive relationship between leadership and employee performance (Y2); intervening
achievement of employee performance variable e.g. a variable that theoretically
(Mangkunegara, 2009). This means that affects the relationship between independent
leaders, managers and employees are believed variable and dependent variable into an
to have high achievement in a company; thus indirect relationship According to (Tuckman in
low performance is due to low leadership Sugiyono, 2007). In this study we referred the
management system. Performance is the intervening variable to the working spirit (Y1);
quality and quantity of work achieved by and exogenous variable, a variable that affects
employees in performing their duties in or has an influence on other variables in the
accordance with the responsibilities granted to model, which in the study it refers to
him (Mangkunegara, 2011). Understanding on leadership (X1) and Work environment (X2).
performance measured through observing the

Copyright © 2018 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Jagaditha EISSN 2579-8162 Page 85
The Effect of Leadership and Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Mediation of Work Spirit at Prama
Sanur Beach Hotel

Operational Definition of Variable the results; the quality of the results, measured
Operational variables are steps in linking by employee perception to the quality of work
the theory concepts with empirical studies so produced and the perfect completion (Mathis
that mistakes in interpreting the notion of and Jackson, 2006); timeliness of results,
variables in the study are avoided. In order to measured from employee perceptions to an
clarify the term variables meant in the present activity completed from the beginning of time
study, we provide operational definition for until it turns out to be output; finishing the
each variable. work at predefined time and maximizing the
time available; attendance, the attendance rate
Leadership of employees within the company can
Leadership is an activity to influence the determine employee performance; and ability
behavior of others, or is the art of affecting to work trough team, measured from the ability
human behavior both individuals and groups of employees in cooperation with colleagues
(Thoha, 2010). This study measures the and the environment.
leadership of Prama Sanur Beach Hotel based
In addition, data were collected trough:
on indicators: telling, the leader's ability to tell
observing leader’s acitivities, work discipline
employees what to do; selling, the leader's
and work environment supporting the
ability to sell or give ideas to employees;
employee performance of Prama Sanur Beach
participating, is the ability of leaders to
Hotel; interviewing the leader and employees
participate with members or employees; and
of the hotel; taking document of administrative
delegating, is the ability to delegate tasks and
accountancy of the the hotel; distributing
authority to employees (Rivai et al, 2013).
questionnaire containing a number of
Work Environment questions related to the leadership
According to Nitisemito (in Nuraini, management system in the hotel that had been
2013) a work environment is everything that is prepared in advance to the research conduction
around employees and it can have impact on to 81 employees of the hotel. In the
carrying out tasks assigned to them, for questionnaire, participants were to ask provide
example in the presence of air conditioner answers by stating SD (Strongly Disagree),
(AC), adequate lighting and so forth. This scored 1, Answer D (Disagree), scored 2,
study measures the work environment at Answer LA (Less Agree), scored 3, Answer A
Prama Sanur Beach Hotel based on (Agree), scored 4, and Answers SA (Strongly
(Sedarmayanti, 2004) under indicators: Agree), scored 5, to each of given item of
lighting in the workplace, temperatures in the questions.
workplace, good humidity and air circulation, We analyse the data based on the type of
air circulation in the workplace, cooperation data e.g. qualitative data and quantitative data.
among departments in the workplace, Thus, there were two types of data analysis,
cleanliness at work, decoration at work, and that are descriptive analysis and inferential
security at work. analysis. Descriptive analysis served to
describe or provide ideas on the object under
Spirit of Work study through data as it is, without doing
The spirit of work is to do the job more analysis and to draw on conclusions that apply
actively so that faster and better as expected to the public, as it was also stated (Sugiyono,
(Nitisemito, 2001). Employee’s work spirit can 2012). Descriptive analysis was intended to
be measured from willingness to work determine the characteristics and responses of
together, obedience to the provisions of the respondents to the item questions on the
work implementation, and timeliness in questionnaire. Descriptive analysis was also
completing the work. used to describe the variables, such as
leadership, work environment, employee work
Performance spirit and the performance’s employee of
Performance is the work achievement or Prama Sanur Beach Hotel.
output of work, both in quality and quantity
achieved by human resources per unit time of Meanwhile, in terms of inferential
period in carrying out its work duties in analysis, Partial Least Square (PLS) was used.
accordance with the responsibilities granted to In the PLS, a structural model of the
him. The performance of the employees was relationship between latent variables is called
measured through looking at: the quantity of the inner model, whereas the measurement
the results, determined by employee perception model (reflexive or normative) is called the
towards the number of activities assigned and outer model. The structural model or inner
model was evaluated by looking at the
Copyright © 2018 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Jagaditha EISSN 2579-8162 Page 86
The Effect of Leadership and Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Mediation of Work Spirit at Prama
Sanur Beach Hotel

percentage of variance described by looking at research findings of the study, wchi showed
R² (R-square exogenous variables) for latent that where leadership is important in impacting
dependent constructs using Stone-Geisser Q- employee’s work spirit (Kardiasih, 2017;
Square test size and by looking at the Yasa, 2017l; and Mahajaya, 2016).
magnitude of the structural path coefficients.
The stability of this estimate was evaluated Work Environment Influence on Employee
using the t-statistic test obtained via the Performance
bootstrapping procedure. In contrast to Results of data analysis also show that
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the work environment has a positive and
indicators were reflexive, so the change in the significant effect on the employee
value of an indicator is very difficult to performance. In other words, the results of the
measure and the implementation of predictions study confirm that a good work environment
is difficult to obtain. supports better employee performance. The
results of this analysis comply with the
statement of Sutrisno (2014) highlihting that
the performance of employees in an
Leadership Influence on Employee organization is strongly influenced by the work
Performance environment. If surrounding environment of a
Based on the test results, there is positive work place is solely ignored, employee
and insignificant effect of leadership on performance will certainly decrease.
employee performance. The proposition is not Therefore, to achieve a high performance of
determined only by analyzing the respondents’ employee, supportive work environment is
response but also by counting from all related required. The finding also corresponds to the
variables, which comprise the employee finding of a number of previous studies, which
characteristics and majority of time of reveal that the work environment is important
working, e.g. having working for over ten in impacting employee performance (Putra,
years. The results obtained are in accordance 2017; Mahajaya, 2016; and Kardiasih, 2017).
with the statement put forward by Nyagaka
and Odongo (2013), who, in their researches, Work Environment Influence on Employee
stated that there is a significant relationship Work Spirit
between leadership initiatives and employee Based on the test results, it is found that
performance to increase leadership style. The work environment also gives a positive and
results of the present study study are generally significant effect on employee worki spirit.
not aligned with previous research findings This result means that a good work also
(Supartha, 2016; Makena, 2017; Ginantra, environment supports employee’s work spirit.
2017; Ginatra, 2017; and Eni, 2017) where The results of this analysis do comply with the
leadership is important in impacting employee statement put forward by Sutrisno (2014)
performance. pointing out that a work environment can
affect the work spirit and with a supportive
Leadership Influence on Employee Work work environment, employees are expected to
Spirit continue to strive to the improvement of work
Influence on Employee Morale spirit. Furthermore, the results of the study are
The results of data analysis show that also well-suited to the previous research
there is positive and significant effect of findings asserting that the work environment
leadership towards employee work spirit. It has an important impact on the employee’s
work spirit (Anteja, 2011; Permana, 2015;
means that good leadership supports employee
working spirit. The results are in accordance Blancard, 1982; and Dale, 1992; and Susanty
with the statement put forward by Hasibuan and Baskoro, 2012).
(2009) who stated that one of affecting factors Work Spirit Influence on Employee
to the employee work spirit is leadership. Performance
Leadership plays an important role in We also found that the work spirit has
determining employee’s work spirit in that a positive but not significant effect on the
leader shall be an example for his employee performance. This result means that
subordinates. Therefore, a good leadership a good work spirit is not followed by the
affects the employee work spirit in the maximum performance. This insignificant
organization; with a good leadership example, influence can be explained from the
the spirit of work of the employees will be characteristics of respondents, that are, from
absolutely favorable too (Hasibuan, 2012). majority of respondents who have worked over
This result is, additionally, also in line with
Copyright © 2018 Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Jagaditha EISSN 2579-8162 Page 87
The Effect of Leadership and Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Mediation of Work Spirit at Prama
Sanur Beach Hotel

than ten years, although the work spirit is studied from Prama Sanur Beach Hotel.
lacking but the employee performance is quite Leadership should remain a concern in the
good. The results of this analysis is in organization or agency because with good
accordance with the statement put forward by leadership, a spirit of work and performance
Rivai (2009) stating that the work spirit is an can increase. The results of this study also
important operative function of Human provide an overview and information about the
Resources Management, because the better the work environment in that work enviroment has
employee’s work spirit in the company, the a positive and significant impact on employee
higher the work achievement that can be performance. The work environment can
elicited. Therefore, the work spirit is an significantly improve the employee
important means to achieve the compnany’s performance of Prama Sanur Beach Hotel. The
goal and coaching on work spirit is an spirit of work in this case is not mediation
important part of management. However, for a between leadership and performance because
prevailing proposition, the result of this study the direct relationship of leadership to the
is in line with previous research findings performance is not significant. This shows that
featuring out that explaining that spirit of work spirit of work is unable to explain the influence
has an important impact on employee of leadership on employee performance of
performance (Kardiasih, 2017; Putra, 2017; Prama Sanur Beach Hotel.
Ginantra, 2017; and Mahajaya, 2016).
Role on Work Spirit in Mediating Leadership
This study reveals the condition of
Influence on Employee Performance
leadership and employment in within a
Based on the test results, it is found that
company. Thus, we conclude that leadership
the role of work spirit in mediating the
has a positive and insignificant influence on
influence of leadership towards employees’
employee performance of Prama Sanur Beach
performance is work spirit is not a mediation
Hotel. Leadership has a positive and
between leadership towards employee
significant influence on employee work spirit.
performance, because the direct relationship of
These results imply that a good leadership
leadership to performance is not significant, so
strongly supports employee spirit of work. The
is indirect relationship, which shows that
work environment has a positive and
leadership towards the spirit of work and spirit
significant influence on the performance of
of work towards performance are mutually
employees. A good working environment
insignificant Solimun, 2011 (in Hair et al.,
strongly supports the performance
2010). This implies that work spirit is unable
improvement of employees in a company. The
to explain the influence of leadership towards
spirit of work is not mediation between
employee performance.
leadership and performance, because the direct
Role of Work Spirit in Mediating Work leadership relationship to performance is
Environment Influence on Employee insignificant, so the indirect relationship shows
Performance that both leadership and spirit of work are also
Work spirit in mediating the influence of insignificant. The spirit of work is not
work environment on employee performance mediation between the work environment and
shows that morale is not mediation between performance, because the indirect relationship
work environment and performance, because of spirit of work to the performance and the
the indirect relationship of work spirit to relationship coefficient is not significant. The
coefficient performance is not significant (Hair present study only addresses the internal
et al., 2010). This shows that work spirit does relation of the elements withing a company,
not indicate significant role that it is unable to particularly between leader and employees at
explain the influence of work environment the level of influencing condition, however it
towards employee performance. can be used as starting milestones in
conducting further related researches,
Implication of Research including fail leadership management and
The study addresses organizational solutions.
working system among actors, namely mutual
influences and relationship between leaders ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
and employees. The results provide description The writer expresses her gratitude to the
and information of that leadership has a reviewers and all those who have provided
positive and significant impact on employee assistance in the creation of this article either
morale and performance, particularly as in the form of criticism or constructive

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The Effect of Leadership and Work Environment on Employee Performance Through Mediation of Work Spirit at Prama
Sanur Beach Hotel

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