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-Ref.: T.P.AI.WI.RT.

0009 – V1
Version :
Version :


Technical Document
Apave International

PE & NDT Domain Technical Procedure


Domain : Pressure Equipment and NDT

Field : Radiographic Examination

Effective Date : 25th November 2022
Purpose of the evolution : Creation

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Formulaire de validation

Title/Titre: Radiographic Examination Procedure – API 1104

Reference/Référence: T.P.AI.WI.RT.0008 – V1 Issued by/Produit par: Creation

(if several documents, please attach the list of those documents)

(si plusieurs documents, s’il vous plait attacher la liste de ces documents)
Version/Version : V1

Objet of the evolution/Objet de l’évolution: Creation

Distribution/Diffusion: All Apave International Personnel

Design – Development (optional)/ Conception – Développement


Responsible/Responsable: Date/Date:

Tests (optional)/Essais (optionnel) :

Tested by/Testé par : Date/Date:

Drafting/Rédaction: Verification/Vérification: Approval/Récéption:
Ivica Manevski Jovan Veljanoski

Records of the versions and document reviews

Enregistrements des versions et revues documentaires
N° version Date Object of the evolution / Comments
N° version Date Object de l’évolution / Commentaires

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1. Section 1 - General................................................................ 3
1.Terms, Abbreviations, Definitions ................................... 3
2.Scope.......................................................................... 5
3.Applicable Documents ................................................... 6
4.Quantity and Timing of NDT ........................................... 6
5.Personnel Requirements ................................................ 6
6.Surface preparation ...................................................... 7
7.Marking of weld ............................................................ 8
8.Repair and Rework........................................................ 9
Section 2 - Radiographic Testing Procedure .............................. 10
1.Equipment, Consumables, Facilities Requirements .......... 10
2.Examination ............................................................... 12
3.Evaluation ................................................................. 17
4.Record, Report ........................................................... 23
5.Archiving and Delivery ................................................ 23


1. Terms, Abbreviations, Definitions

Following terms capitalized further in the text of this document shall have the
following meaning:

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COMPANY: (enter owner and his inspection agency here)

CONTRACTOR: (enter manufacturer here)

Following Abbreviation may be used:

Abbreviation Wording / Meaning Definition
/ Synonyms
COMPANY’s Inspector The COMPANY’s representative or a member
from an Inspection Agency duly appointed by
the COMPANY to act as its representative for
the purpose of the Contract
Inspector If not indicated as “COMPANY Inspector” the
term “inspector” represents the employee of
the SUBCONTRACTOR performing the NDT
NDE Non Destructive Testing of structure elements without
Examination changing their properties, quality and
functional ability, and evaluating them
according to specified acceptance criteria.
NDT Non Destructive Searching of material discontinuities in
Testing structure elements using different physical
methods and phenomena without changing
the properties, the quality and the functional
ability of these elements.
RT Radiographic Testing / Nondestructive examination method. It is
Examination / used to find discontinuities in the volume of
Inspection the material. Based on the radiation
attenuation in different materials.
UT Ultrasonic Testing / Nondestructive examination method. It is
Examination / used to find discontinuities in the full volume
Inspection of the material. Based on high-frequency
sound propagation in materials and the
reflective properties of the surfaces between
two materials.
MT / MPI Magnetic Particle Nondestructive examination method. It is
Testing/Examination/ used to find surface and near subsurface
Inspection discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials.
Based on magnetic orientation of metal
particles under the influence of magnetic flux.
PT / DPI Dye Penetrant Testing / Nondestructive examination method. It is
Examination / used to find opened to the surface
Inspection discontinuities in nonporous materials. Based
on the high penetrating ability of liquids and
capillary effect.
VT / VI Visual Testing / Nondestructive examination method. It has
Examination / various appliances before, during and after
Inspection the welding process. After the welding process
it is used to find discontinuities open to the
surface or on the surface. Can be used with or
without visual aids.
DN Diameter nominal

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ID Inner Diameter
OD Outside Diameter
Tw Thickness of the weld Thickness of weld plus reinforcement and
T Nominal thickness Nominal thickness of the element in joint
IQI Image Quality Indicator
SDH Side drilled hole
BW Back wall
DAC Distance Amplitude
IIW International Institute
of Welding
FSH Full Screen Height Applicable to Ultrasonic Testing / Examination
/ Inspection
The full height of the UT Instrument
FSD Full Skip Distance Applicable to Ultrasonic Testing / Examination
/ Inspection
The horizontal projection of the path of the
sound beam from the scanning surface till it
passes the full examination item thickness
twice and reaches the scanning surface again.
HAZ Heat Affected Zone
DRL Disregard level
random examination complete examination of a percentage of a
specified kind of item in a designated lot
spot examination a specified partial examination of each of a
specified kind of item in a designated lot
(e.g.: of part of the length of all shop-
fabricated welds in a lot)
random spot a specified partial examination of a
examination percentage of a specified kind of item in a
designated lot
DWDI Double wall double
DWSI Double wall single
SWSI Single wall single
PWHT Post Weld Heat

2. Scope
The purpose of this document is to define the procedures for NDT of welded steel
It contains Quantifies/Extend of NDT, the requirements for the Inspector’s
qualifications and responsibilities, equipment, methods and techniques for NDT,
acceptance criteria for discontinuities, etc.

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The Procedure is prepared in accordance to API STD 1104 - Welding of Pipelines and
Related Facilities.

3. Applicable Documents
API STD 1104 - Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities
ASNT Recommended Practice No: SNT-TC-1A - Qualification and Certification of NDT
ACCP - ASNT Central Certification Program
ISO 9712 - Non-destructive testing -- Qualification and certification of personnel
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section 5 - Articles 1 to 7
ASTM E 94 - Standard Guide for Radiographic Examination
ASTM E 1032 - Standard Test Method for Radiographic Examination of Weldments
ISO 19232-1 – Non-destructive testing – Image quality of radiographs – Part 1 :
Determination of the image quality value using wire-type image quality indicators
ASTM E 747 - Standard Practice for Design, Manufacture and Material Grouping
Classification of Wire Image Quality Indicators (IQI) Used for Radiology
ASTM E 142 - Standard Method for Controlling Quality of Radiographic Testing
ASTM E 999 - Standard Guide for Controlling the Quality of Industrial Radiographic
Film Processing
ASTM E 1079 - Practice for Calibration of Transmission Densitometers
ASTM E 1390 - Standard Guide for Illuminators Used for Viewing Industrial
ASTM E 1815 - Test Method for Classification of Film Systems for Industrial
EN ISO 11699-1 – Non-destructive testing – Industrial radiographic film – Part 1:
Classification of film systems for industrial radiography

4. Quantity and Timing of NDT

Quantity of the NDT on production welds shall be as per requirements of the
COMPANY documentation.

CONTRACTOR shall indicate the timing when NDT can be performed, class of weld,
type of stress (if required) on the NDT Requests ensuring that SUBCONTRACTORS
Inspectors apply appropriate methods at appropriate time.

5. Personnel Requirements

5.1 Base Manager

The Base Manager Duties include provision that:

• All of the inspection equipment has valid calibration and verification certificates.
• All consumables used are stored and manipulated in proper manner according to
the manufacturer guidance.

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• All inspectors performing NDT have all the necessary safety, NDT, medical and
other documentation/certification up-to-date, and on record.
• All inspectors record the verification of the equipment in appropriate manner as

5.2 Supervisor

The Supervisor duties include provision that:

• All inspectors use the regular Health and Safety equipment as per CONTRACTOR
• All inspectors use the specific to NDT Health and Safety equipment as per
• All inspectors use NDT equipment specific to his/her work (such as dosimeters –
pen and film badge, safety barriers, warning signs, calibration blocks, etc.).

5.3 Inspector

The NDT inspector is a competent person authorized and certified to carry out the
NDT. The Inspector duties include provision that:
• Inspection is done as per requirements of this procedure.
• Health and Safety equipment is used as per CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTOR
• All of the inspection equipment used is maintained in proper working order.
• All of the consumables used are within warranty/expiry requirements at the time of
their usage.
• All verification of equipment is done in timely manner, and it’s recorded in
appropriate verification forms.
• All reports are prepared in timely manner.

NDT Inspectors must have the training, experience and skills required for the
application of these instructions, conforming to the applicable standards and
All inspectors performing NDT according to this Procedure, including evaluation of
results, shall be qualified to ASNT RP SNT-TC-1A, ACCP, ISO 9712 or any other
recognized national certification program that shall be acceptable to the COMPANY for
the test method used.
Only Level II or III personnel shall interpret test results.
All inspectors shall be subjected to an eye examination or furnish proof of a recent
examination by competent medical authority to prove a natural or corrected near
vision acuity. Such test may be the Jaeger’s standard test chart. And all inspectors
shall demonstrate the ability to differentiate the colors and shades.
Trainees and Level I personnel should be allowed to assist or conduct examinations
under constant direction and supervision of the qualified personnel.
The COMPANY has the right, at any time, to require personnel to demonstrate their
capabilities to perform to the requirements of the qualified procedure.

6. Surface preparation
All NDT methods require certain surface preparation prior to the examination.

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In general the surface must be free of any irregularities and contaminant such slag,
spatter, cinder, scale, marks from lifting equipment attachments, temporary spot
welds etc. that can prevent proper examination and evaluation. Suitable cleaning
process is applied.

For RT 50mm from the center line of the weld on both sides of the weld shall be free
of such contaminants which can punctuate the cartridges and expose film or can mask
the image of any discontinuities. Other contaminants need not be removed. Grinding
or other suitable cleaning process is applied. Tubular internal surface which has no
access shall be free of contaminants as much as possible for such circumstances. No
large objects, water or other contaminant will be present.

Surface preparation shall be done prior to the examination and shall be responsibility

7. Marking of weld
All welds that are subject of NDT shall be marked accordingly so that each of them is
uniquely identified.
The marking shall include:
• Weld Identification (number)
• Assembly Identification (drawing number or other ID that will help to uniquely
identify the weld

Marking shall be placed near the weld but out of the zone which is subject of the
surface preparation.
If needed arrow pointing from the marking toward the weld is placed in order to avoid
confusion with the neighboring welds.
Ribbon is placed near the weld in other for the NDT Inspectors to locate the weld
easily from distance and in conditions of limited sign (night shooting for RT).
The before mentioned marking is responsibility of the CONTRACTOR.
During NDT, 0 point and direction (location definition) is marked by the inspectors
near the weld. This marking is responsibility of the SUBCONTRACTOR.
After examination, interpretation and evaluation, the zones for repair are marked.
This marking is responsibility of the SUBCONTRACTOR.

All the marking is done by permanent marker or similar process which cannot be
removed by natural causes, such as rain, wind, etc.
Sample is given bellow:

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8. Repair and Rework

Repair areas will be marked on the relevant weld by permanent marker or other
suitable process by qualified personnel of the SUBCONTRACTOR.
CONTRACTORs QA Inspector shall be aware of the repair location(s) marking by
witnessing the marking and/or comparing the findings in the report(s) with the
marking on the repair item. QA Inspector shall insure that this information is correctly
transmitted to the COMPANY welding/repair supervisor/personnel, thus ensuring the
reparation of the correct areas.
All surfaces showing defects are repaired using the appropriate, qualified processes of
Repaired areas are re-examined according to this procedure by NDT methods
originally used and/or by other methods requested by the CONTRACTOR. Examination
area is the entire repair zone plus at least 20mm of weld on each side of the end of
repair zone.
When a repaired weld is radiographed, an additional IQI shall be placed across each
repaired area.

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This section describes the RT procedure. It is always read and implemented together
with Section 1 General.
It is written and complies with API STD 1104.

1. Equipment, Consumables, Facilities Requirements

1.1 Source of radiation

RT shall be done with single Y-ray or X-ray equipment. They are used as a
radiographic source.

The Y-ray equipment has the following parameters:

Radioactive source Iridium 192, effective source size 3.0x2.5mm, 3.0x3.0mm or other
acceptable source size. Types and models used will be specified and submitted at
Radioactive source Selenium 75, effective source size 3.0x2.5mm, 3.0x3.0mm or
other acceptable source size. Types and models used will be specified and submitted
at location.

X-ray equipment if used will have the following parameters:

Maximum energy 500kV. If X-ray is used, types / models / focal spot size will be
specified and submitter at location.
Usage of X-Ray equipment may be substituted with Y-ray equipment if site proved
unpractical for power supply and power stability.

When not in use sources are kept in radio protective bunker which is locked.
Daily activity of each Y-ray source is indicated at the storage bunker and it is available
to the inspectors.
Y-ray sources are kept at location until 3 Cu after which they are sent for renewal.
Additional tools such as RT exposure time rulers, RT calculators etc. are used for
calculating proper exposure times, etc.

1.2 Film and cartridges

Various industrial radiographic films are available to meet the needs of production
radiographic work.
In order to further secure the quality of the radiographic image, films of fine
granulation by brand name manufacturers shall be used.
Minimum quality of the film system used will be Class I as per ASTM E 1815. Minimum
brand name manufacturer’s types of film that fulfill the film system requirements are:
KODAK T200, AGFA D5 and Fuji IX80.
However better quality film systems may be used such as:
KODAK M100 / MX125 or AGFA D3 / D4.
The films used are ready-packed in tight sealed, flexible protective cartridges, and the
film is placed between two lead screens. The lead screens are used with a thickness in
the range from 0.02mm to 0.20mm. Fluorescent screen shall not be used. For X-Ray
equipment screens are used only if energy is above 90 kV.

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In a case if and when non ready-packed film is used, the same principals apply.
Sample of single and double film packaging is shown below:

Single film pack

Double film pack

The cartridges are handled with care to avoid smudges, scratches or bends on the film
and the screens, which could produce non-relevant false indications on the developed
film and hinder the proper film interpretation.
Unexposed sample film from every lot of film being used shall be selected prior to
using the films from the lot for a blushing test. It shall be developed under regular
developing circumstances and blushing test film density shall not exceed 0.3 for
transparent-based film. If it does exceed the lot is unacceptable for use.

1.3 Image Quality Indicator

IQI used shall be of wire type and shall comply with ISO 19232-1 Nondestructive
testing Image quality of radiographs. Sample is given bellow:

Correlation between EN and ASME wire sets and the correlation between the required
visible IQI wire and the penetrated thickness are given further in the text of this

1.4 Processing/Developing equipment and consumables

Automatic Film Processor will be of brand name manufacturer.

Manual Processing is done in a 4 baths containing: developing chemical, intermediate

washing water, film fixing chemical and final washing bath with running water.
Stopwatch is used to measure the elapsed time of every stage of developing.
Drying of the manually developed films is done in a drying box which has temperature
and time control.

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The quality of water used for both automatic and manual processing in maintained at
satisfactory level by using mechanical water filters.
Developing and drying are done in area secured from excessive dust.
Both automatic and manual developing consumables (developers, fixers, washing
water) are replaced in an interval prescribed by their manufacturers.
Mixing of the chemicals will be done according to the manufacturer’s package
directions and formulas for mixing the chemicals.
Record of automatically and manually developed films is kept on file in order to
indicate the moment of replacement of the chemical and baths.

1.5 Densitometer

The optic density of radiographs is measured using a calibrated densitometer.

Densitometers used will be capable of measuring densities in the range of 1.0 to 4.0.
Full-scale linearity calibration is done at interval of one year during exploitation time
of the each densitometer.
Calibration verification checks using the step wedge will be performed at the
beginning of each interpretation shift, after 8 h of continuous operation, or change of
apertures, whichever occurs first.

1.6 Film Illuminator / Viewer

Film Illuminator will provide sufficient light for reading films with 4.0 densities.
Illuminators used have ventilating cooling system and thermal protective screen to
prevent damaging of the films.
Diffusion glass is used to provide diffusion of the light and uniform illumination.
Masks are used to cover the portions of the viewing screen which are not covered by
the film.
Easy light on/off switch provides additional protection for the interpreter eyes.

1.7 Viewing Area

Viewing area will be room with subdued lighting. Room illumination must be so
arranged that there are no reflections from the surface of the film under examination.
Use of optical magnifiers is permitted during interpretation.

2. Examination

2.1 Weld identification and location marking systems

Films are identified using lead numbers and letters placed on the film so as to appear
on the radiograph.
Marking must comply with the requirements of the customer specifications. It must at
least include the following information to ensure traceability of the welded joint:
• project designation (i.e. COMPANY project number or COMPANY abbreviation plus
CONTRACTOR project identification)
• CONTRACTOR Identification in a form of full name, known abbreviation or number.
• Drawing number(s) and weld identification number that clearly identify the weld.

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• Location marker in a form of graduated strip with lead numbers which enables
correspondence between the radiographs and the inspected area. The location
marker start position and direction on weld and film will match.
• Date of examination.
• IQI.
• Letter “F” if IQI is placed on film side.
• In the event of a repair, the letter  R followed by a sequential number, if
• In the event of a weld that was cut then repaired, the letter C followed by a
sequential digital suffix, if required.
The identification system should never hinder the interpretation of the area under

2.2 Selection and position of IQI

IQI are used in order to determent the sensitivity of the films and thus confirm the
correct choice of the shooting parameters. They are not used to evaluate dimensions
of indications.
IQI shall be selected from either the same alloy material group / grade, or from an
alloy material group / grade with less radiation absorption than the material subject to
For purposes of IQI selection, the thickness of the weld shall mean nominal wall
thickness plus the weld reinforcement (internal plus external combined).
When IQI is placed on the film side lead letter “F” is affixed next to it.
When a repaired weld is radiographed, an additional IQI is placed across each
repaired area.
The necessary wire and thus the necessary IQI set to be placed are given in the
following table:
ISO EN IQI set Wire Wire Wire ASTM IQI
including Number Diameter Identity set including
W1 W6 W10 W13 EN mm ASTM A B C D
8.13 21 X
6.35 20 X
5.08 19 X
4.06 18 X
X W1 3.20 17 X
X W2 2.50 16 X X
X W3 2.00 15 X
X W4 1.60 14 X
X W5 1.25 13 X
X X W6 1.00 12 X
X X W7 0.80 11 X X
X W8 0.64 10 X
X W9 0.51 9 X
X X W10 0.41 8 X
X X W11 0.33 7 X
X X W12 0.25 6 X X
X X W13 0.20 5 X

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X X W14 0.16 4 X
X X W15 0.125 3 X
X X W16 0.100 2 X
X W17 0.080 1 X
X W18 0.063
X W19 0.050

Correlation between the required visible IQI wire and the penetrated weld thickness is
given further in the text of this procedure.
Further information on the exact positioning on the IQIs depending on the exposure
technique is given further in this text.

2.3 Backscattered Radiation

To check for backscatter radiation, a lead symbol “B” with minimum dimensions
11mm high, 1.5mm thick shall be on the back of each film cassette. If the “B” image
appears on the radiograph lighter than the surrounding area, the radiograph shall be
considered unacceptable.

2.4 Film Positioning

Films are placed in firm contact with the weld on the opposite side of the source of
In order to prevent detachment of the film from the weld or motion of the film during
exposure various strapping aids are used.
Prior to exposure films are kept in original carton box from the manufacturer and
exposed films are placed in another after the exposure.
If any doubt exists on the possibility of backscattered radiation appearing, lead
blocks/sheets are places behind the film.

2.5 Source Positioning

Geometric un-sharpness of the radiograph shall be as per API1104 and ASME Section
V article 2, and will not exceed the following:
Material Thickness Maximum Ug
(mm) (mm)
50 <Tw 0,51
50 ≤Tw ≤75 0,76
75 <Tw ≤100 1,02
Tw >100 1,78
NOTE: Material thickness is the thickness on which the IQI is based.

• Based on the required Maximum Ug the minimum distance of the Source to Object
distance is calculated as per following formula:
D = Fxd / Ug
D - Minimum Source to Object distance
Ug - Geometrical un-sharpness, as per table above
F - Effective source/focal spot size (mm)

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d - Distance from source side of weld being radiographed to the film (mm).
For SWV techniques the single wall thickness plus the weld reinforcement
For DWV techniques the outside diameter plus twice the weld crown.
Tw - Thickness of weld plus external and internal reinforcements (mm)

2.6 Exposure techniques

A single-wall exposure technique shall be used for radiography whenever practical.

When it is not practical to use a single-wall technique, a double-wall technique shall
be used. Exposure techniques will be in accordance with API STD 1104, as follows:
Panoramic Single Wall Exposure / Single
Wall Viewing (Panoramic SWE/SWV).
1) Source position is centered inside the pipe.
2) 1 exposure of the entire circumference is
3) IQIs on the film side, across the weld and:
• For single exposure minimum 4 IQIs are at 90°
from each other.
• For multiple exposures when the interpretation
length of the film <130mm 1 IQI is placed in the
center of interpretation zone.
• For multiple exposures when the interpretation
length of the film ≥130mm 1 IQI is placed in the
center of interpretation zone, and 1 IQI is placed
within 25mm of the end of the interpretation zone.
Contact Double Wall Exposure / Single
Wall Viewing (Contact DWE/SWV).
1) Source position is less than 13mm from the
outside weld surface.
2) At least 3 exposures separated by 120°.
3) IQIs on the film side, across the weld and:
• When interpretation length of the film <130mm
1 IQI is placed in the center of interpretation
• When interpretation length of the film ≥130mm
2 IQIs are used. 1 IQI is placed in the center of
interpretation zone, and 1 IQI is placed within
25mm of the end of the interpretation zone.
Distance Double Wall Exposure / Single
Wall Viewing (Distance DWE/SWV)
1) Source position is more than 13mm from the
outside weld surface.
2) At least 4 exposures separated by 90°.
3) IQIs on the film side, across the weld and:
• When interpretation length of the film <130mm
1 IQI is placed in the center of interpretation
• When interpretation length of the film ≥130mm
2 IQIs are used. 1 IQI is placed in the center of
interpretation zone, and 1 IQI is placed within
25mm of the end of the interpretation zone.

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Elliptical Double Wall Exposure / Double

Wall Viewing (Ellipse DWE/DWV). For
pipe OD<89mm
Source position is at distance from the
outside weld surface and offset from the axis
of the weld.
At least 2 exposures separated by 90°.
IQIs on the source side, across the weld.

Superimposed Double Wall Exposure /

Double Wall Viewing (Superimposed
DWE/DWV). For pipe OD<89mm
Source position is at distance from the
outside weld surface and aligned with the axis
of the weld.
At least 3 exposure separated by 60°
IQIs on the source side, across the weld.

Note: When it is not practical to place an IQI on the weld due to weld
configuration or size, the IQI may be placed on a separate block. Separate
blocks shall be made of the same or radiographic similar material and may be
used to facilitate IQI positioning. The thickness of the separate block material
should be the same as the thickness of the weld.
Note: When a repaired weld is radiographed, an additional IQI is placed across
each repaired area.

2.7 Exposure time

Various parameters influence the exposure time such as image density requirements,
film type, lead screen thickness, etc.
Exposure time is selected using appropriate tools based on the basic parameters:
• Source-to-film distance
• Penetrated material thickness
• Source activity / energy
Test shoot is taken to determine the image quality. If test shoot does not show
satisfying quality of the image, correction of the exposure time is done.

2.8 Film Processing

Film processing area and the equipment/accessories are kept clean at all times.
Two types of film processing may be used: Automatic or manual.

Automatic processing mainly depends on the processing machine/equipment.

Recommendations of the film, processing chemicals and processing machine
manufacturers are followed.

Manual processing procedure is done as follows:

• Films are placed in metallic hangers and the hangers are placed in the developing
bath at a minimum distance of 25mm from one another. Hangers are shaken

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(slightly moved) for about 15 seconds. Shaking is repeated for few seconds every
minute in order to support the equal development on the full surface of the films.
Developing in a developing bath is done at temperature of 20±1°C for 5 to 8
minutes. Manipulation of the temperature and time parameter is permitted only if
done in accordance to chemical manufacturers guide.
• Intermediate washing in clean water with minimal presence acid stop agent, starts
as soon as the development process is over. Vertical movement of hangers is
encouraged to achieve thorough wash.
• Fixing process starts when intermediate wash is over. Hangers are placed in the
developing bath at a minimum distance of 25mm from one another. Fixing in a
fixing bath is done at temperature of 20±1°C for 10 to 15 minutes.
• Final washing is done in a bath supplied with wetting agent and running water.
Final is done at temperature from 17 to 23 °C for 20 to 30 minutes.
• Drying is done in a drying box at temperature not more than 60°C for as long as it
is necessary to fully dry the film.
• Dry films are placed in their original packing.

3. Evaluation

3.1 Density

Density in the area of interest shall be inside the 1.8 to 4.0 limits;
Transmitted densities through small localized areas may exceed these limits;
Densities in these small areas shall not be inside the 1.5 to 4.2 limits.

3.2 Sensitivity

Sensitivity requirements of the films depending on the penetrated thickness and the
positioning of the IQI shall be in compliance with the following table:
Table 6—Weld Thickness Versus Diameter of ISO Wire Type IQI
API STD 1104

Source Side Film Side (b)

Weld Thickness
(a) Wire Wire
Wire Wire Wire Wire
Range (mm) Diamet Diamet
# # # #
er er
(mm) (mm)
up to 6.4 incl. 0.20 5 W13 0.16 4 W14
over 6.4 to 9.5 0.25 6 W12 0.20 5 W13
over 9.5 to 12.7 0.32 7 W11 0.25 6 W12
over 12.7 to 19.1 0.40 8 W10 0.32 7 W11
over 19.1 to 25.4 0.50 9 W9 0.40 8 W10
over 25.4 to 50.8 0.63 10 W8 0.50 9 W9

(a) Single-wall radiographic thickness.

(b) For tubular shoot with Double Wall technique double wall thickness is used.
IQI wires are not used to evaluate dimensions of indications.

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3.3 Radiograph Quality

All radiographs shall be free from mechanical, chemical, or other blemishes to the
extent that they cannot mask or be confused with the image of any relevant
discontinuity in the area of interest in the radiograph. Such blemishes might be:
• Fogging
• Light Leaks
• Processing defects
• Mechanical defects scratches, finger marks, crimps, dirtiness, static marks,
smudges, or tears
• Loss of detail due to poor screen-to-film contact
• False indications due to defective screens or internal faults

3.4 Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance criteria shall be as follows:

L - Individual length of indication (maximum dimension, i.e. the longest dimension of
the cluster for cluster porosity).
W - Individual width of indication.
∑ - Aggregate dimension of indications (length, width or height).
T- Nominal thickness of the thinner wall joined.
Densities referred hereto are based on negative images.

Inadequate penetration without

Defined as the incomplete filling of the
weld root.
Unacceptable if any of the following occur:
a) L >25mm;
b) ∑L >25mm in any continuous 300mm of
c) ∑L >8% of the weld length in welds that
are less than 300mm long.

Inadequate penetration due to

IP Defined as the condition that exists
D when one edge of the root is exposed
(or unbonded) because adjacent pipe or
fitting joints are misaligned.
Unacceptable if any of the following occur:
a) L >50mm;
b) ∑L >75mm in any continuous 300mm of

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Inadequate cross penetration.

Defined as a subsurface imperfection
between the first inside pass and the
first outside pass that is caused by
inadequately penetrating the vertical
land faces.
Unacceptable if any of the following occur:
a) L >50mm;
b) ∑L >50mm in any continuous 300mm of

Incomplete fusion.
Defined as a surface imperfection
between the weld metal and the base
material that is open to the surface.
Unacceptable if any of the following occur:
a) L >25mm;
b) ∑L >25mm in any continuous 300mm of
c) ∑L >8% of the weld length in welds that
are less than 300mm long.

Incomplete Fusion Due to Cold Lap.

Defined as an imperfection between two
adjacent weld beads or between the
weld metal and the base metal that is
not open to the surface.
Unacceptable if any of the following occur:
a) L >50mm;
b) ∑L >50mm in any continuous 300mm of
c) ∑L >8% of the weld length.

Internal concavity.
Defined as bead that is properly fused
to and completely penetrates the pipe
IC wall thickness along both sides of the
bevel, but whose center is somewhat
below the inside surface of the pipe
Unacceptable if any of the following occur:
a) Any length of internal concavity is
acceptable, provided the density of the
radiographic image of the internal
concavity does not exceed that of the
thinnest adjacent parent material. For
areas that exceed the density of the
thinnest adjacent parent material, the
criteria for burnthrough are applicable.

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BT Defined as a portion of the root bead where excessive penetration has caused
the weld puddle to be blown into the pipe.
Shall be considered a defect when a portion of the area is tinner than the thinnest
adjacent parent material.

Slag Inclusion - Elongated slag inclusion (ESI), Isolated slag inclusion

Defined as a nonmetallic solid entrapped in the weld metal or between the
Sla weld metal and the parent material.
g Elongated slag inclusions (ESIs) - e.g., continuous or broken slag lines or
ESI wagon tracks-are usually found at the fusion zone.
ISI Isolated slag inclusions (ISIs) are irregularly shaped and may be located
anywhere in the weld.
For evaluation purposes, when the size of a radiographic indication of slag is
measured, the indication’s maximum dimension shall be considered its length.
Unacceptable if any of the following occur:
I. For pipes with OD ≥60.3mm:
a) The length of an ESI indication exceeds 50mm;
Note: Parallel ESI indications separated by approximately the width of the root bead
(wagon tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of
them exceeds 0.8mm. In that event, they shall be considered separate indications.
b) ESIs ∑L >50mm in any continuous 300mm of weld;
c) ESI W >1.6mm;
d) ISIs ∑L >50mm in any continuous 300mm of weld;
e) ISI W >3mm;
f) More than 4 ISI indications with W ≤3mm are present in any continuous 300mm
of weld;
g) ESIs and ISIs ∑L >8% of the weld length.
II. For pipes with OD <60.3mm:
a) ESI L >3T;
Note: Parallel ESI indications separated by approximately the width of the root bead
(wagon tracks) shall be considered a single indication unless the width of either of
them exceeds 0.8mm. In that event, they shall be considered separate indications.
b) ESI W >1.6mm;
c) ISIs ∑L >2T and W >T/2;
d) ESIs and ISIs ∑L >8% of the weld length.

C Note: Shallow crater cracks or star cracks are located at the stopping point of
weld beads and are the result of weld metal contractions during solidification.
Unacceptable if any of the following occur:
a) The crack, of any size or location in the weld, and the crack is not a shallow
crater crack or star crack;
b) L >4mm and the crack is a shallow crater crack or star crack.

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Undercutting – External undercut (EU), Internal Undercut (IU).

Defined as a groove melted into the parent material adjacent to the toe or
root of the weld and left unfilled by weld metal.
External undercut (EU) is adjacent to the cover pass.
Internal undercut (IU) is adjacent to the root pass.
Unacceptable if any of the following occur:
a) EU and IU ∑L >50mm in any continuous 300mm of weld;
b) EU and IU ∑L >1/6 of the weld length.

Accumulation of Imperfections.
Defined as any accumulated imperfection except incomplete penetration due
to high-low and
Unacceptable if any of the following occur:
a) ∑L >50mm in any continuous 300mm of weld;
b) ∑L >8% of the weld length.

Porosity-Individual or scattered porosity(P), Cluster porosity(CP),

Hollow-bead porosity(HB)
Defined as gas trapped by solidifying weld metal before the gas has a chance
to rise to the surface of the molten puddle and escape. Porosity is generally
spherical but may be elongated or irregular in shape, such as piping
(wormhole) porosity. When the size of the radiographic indication produced by
a pore is measured, the maximum dimension of the indication shall apply to
the criteria given bellow.
Hollow-bead porosity (HB) – elongated linear porosity that occurs in the root
Unacceptable if any of the following occur:
I. For Individual or scattered porosity (P):
a) L >3mm;
b) L >25% T;
c) The distribution of scattered porosity exceeds the concentration permitted by
Figures 20 or 21.
Note: refer to API STD 1104 for genuine figures size
II. For Hollow-bead porosity (HB)
a) L >25mm;
b) ∑L >50mm in any continuous 300mm of weld;
c) Individual indications of HB each with L >6mm, are separated by less than
d) ∑L >8% of the weld length.

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4. Record, Report
Each examination must be written up in a radiographic test report.
Any relevant indications must be recorded by specifying the position, type, and
dimensions, as well as the decisions resulting from their evaluation with regard to the
acceptance criteria. These reports are signed by the authorised persons.
Report will be submitted for approval to the COMPANY and after receiving approval
will become integral part of this procedure.

5. Archiving and Delivery

SUBCONTRACTOR will make the RT report and the films presentable to the
CONTRACTOR as soon as they are prepared.
SUBCONTRACTOR shall retain the full set of radiographs; up to the moment of
periodic deliveries to the CONTRACTOR.

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The SUBCONTRACTOR obligation to retain radiographs shall cease:

(1) Upon delivery of this full set to the CONSTRACTOR, or
(2) One full year after the completion of the Contractor’s work, provided the
CONTRACTOR is given prior written notice for delivery.

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