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Course Code : MIT 323

Course Title : Managing Information Technology

Course Credit : 3 units Contact Hours : 54


Bulihan, City of Malolos
Managing Information and Technology


List of Modules


Introduction and Overview of Management

1 MIT 323-1

Technology Evolution using the Incremental and

2 MIT 323-2
Breakthrough Innovations

3 Drivers of Technological Change MIT 323-3

4 Linkage Technology to Business Goals MIT 323-4

5 The Technological Innovation Process MIT 323-5

6 Managing Technological Change MIT 323-6

Virtual Enterprise, Ethical and Social Issues in

7 MIT 323-7
Management of Technology

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Mr. Edgardo C. Villafuerte
MIT 323-6


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Mr. Edgardo C. Villafuerte

COURSE TITLE: Managing Information and Technology

MODULE TITLE Managing Technological Change



At the end of this module, you MUST be able to:

1. Know and understand the management of new technologies (i.e., tools,

methods, and processes) in an organization/company.
2. Know the role of technology in the enterprise.


1. Discontinuities & Organization

2. Architectural Innovation & Organization


1. Online Recitation/Reporting/Discussion
2. Quizzes/Assignment/Written Activities/Case study
3. Written Exam


Anurag (Jun 8, 2017). 8 Steps: To Manage Technological changes in Your

Business with Ease.

Procto (April 17, 2019). Architectural Innovation.

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Mr. Edgardo C. Villafuerte
Information Sheet MIT 323-6

Managing Technological Change

One of the most feared projects for companies is changing organization-

wide technology solutions. From ensuring that there are no technical snags
that could derail the project when it goes live, to making sure that everyone
is aware of the change and effectively trained, there are countless scenarios
to consider.

The problem of wide-ranging

questions and doubts tends to
increase dramatically with the size
of the organization and so do the
challenges in implementation. The
question arises of how to manage
technological changes and how to do
it so smartly that there is negligible
friction involved. To solve this, we
have come up with an eight-step
approach to managing technological
changes in enterprises. Though the focus is more on large organizations, the
principles of management will affect small and mid-size companies alike.

8 Steps to Implement Technological Changes in Organizations

1. Identifying current loopholes:
You don’t go shopping without knowing what to buy. No technology
should be implemented before identifying the needs. The first thing you
need to do is identify what exactly is not working in your organization.
Then you check why it is not working, whether it is because of lack of
talent, less resource allocation, obsolete technology, etc. If it is the
third then you found your target.

2. Select the right technologies:

The next step to implementing
new technology is finding the
right one. To select the right
technology, go through
hardcore data. Select the
technology which is relevant to
your business, has worked for
your competitors (if they used
it), and is easy for your
employees to catch on.

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Mr. Edgardo C. Villafuerte
3. Involve your employees:
Involving employees in the selection and implementation of technologies
has multifold benefits:
• They will be more open to the idea of a new IT system.
• They will be able to provide insights on what will work for them and
what won’t.
• Employees will be more open to providing inputs from their end
• This will increase their feeling of self-worth
• Employee involvement increases their feeling of security that they
won’t lose their job or lag behind because of new technologies.
To involve them in decision making take inputs via votes, opinions of
supervisors and compile the ideas and concerns to make a proper
strategy for implementation.

4. Early Acceptance
The work of implementing
new technology is more
like marketing than sales.
Like in marketing you
start igniting demand
and position your brand
before the arrival of the
actual product the same
is with implementing new
technologies. The best
way to get around this is to involve a marketing person in your
implementation from the beginning. You need to give a good idea of
implementing new technology in the initial stage only, even before
actually bringing it into the organization. This way you will get
enough time to handle resistance from employees and analyze the

5. Personal Incentive
The hard fact about implementing new technology is that employee’s
priority is their benefit and not the company’s. But you need to grow
your company for which you need employees to care for the company.
This is a management issue that will never fade away. So how to deal
with it? Simple, offer incentives. If you convince your employees that
the new tech is going to make their work easy or help them in a specific
measurable way then they will automatically start welcoming change.
The key point to note here is that many of the incentives which HRs
and managers consider a huge incentive are not worthy to most of the
employees. Simple career growth in terms of learning will not entice
every employee but a straightforward salary incentive will. Identify the
important incentives before giving anything away.

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Mr. Edgardo C. Villafuerte
6. Focus on Training
Many new implementations fail because people rush through the
training. Improper and incomplete training is going to lead to a mess.
Train your employees well and give them to work on it and put up
questions. Addressing initial concerns and following the best and
standard practices is the best way to ensure proper implementation.

7. Pilot Operation
Pilot operation is basically selecting a small segment of a company and
implement new technology for that section. This minimizes risk, proves
credibility to top management, and helps in onboarding other sections
on successful demonstration. For choosing your preferred section for
the operation to consider choosing the group with the worst
performance. The reason it is recommended is that if they are able to
do it then anyone will be able to catch up. Also, there will be ease in
seeing improvements and building momentum.

8. Expectation vs. Reality

One of the biggest failures while implementing and managing
technological innovations is noticed because of unreasonable
expectations. It is important to research about industry’s average ROI
and what you might expect based on your resources. Have planned
targets and realistic expectations and be ready to face some
deviations from expectations. This problem is more evidently seen
while implementing technologies for which too much data is not easily
available and you might face some issues.

Discontinuities & Organization

Information and communication technologies (ICT) are now an integral
part of our environment and are among the most important drivers for
innovation in many industry sectors. Whether complex control technologies
in the field of machine tools, fly-by-wire systems in the aircraft industry, or
intelligent components in modern cars, everyday life without ICT is no longer
conceivable. Moreover, the contribution of ICT to value creation in the
production of consumer and industrial goods will continue to grow. One of
the consequences of the digitalization of the economy is a complete or partial
replacement of established technologies. ICT solutions can, for example, take
on functions that have been provided for by other technologies and replace
them completely. A second possibility, one that is less radical but equally
significant, is the addition of new functions to products through the
integration of ICT components, with older technologies becoming less
important as a result. Such changes are known as technological
discontinuities or leaps. The jump to a new technological path is attended by
a range of opportunities for business but poses significant challenges as well.
However, despite their undoubted importance, ICT is not the universal

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Mr. Edgardo C. Villafuerte
solution to every innovation challenge, and should not be overrated, especially
given the speed at which they are developing. Many experts still see a huge
need for further research in the field of ICT to realize the manifold visions of
a digital world.

What characterizes discontinuous technology inventions?

Risk is one of the most present concepts when defining what is a
discontinuous technology invention is.

And that happens for a simple reason:

creating a more efficient (and expensive) zoom for the existing camera
involves fewer risks and much less capital than creating something totally
new, which in some cases the market may still reject.

In fact, consumers of cameras, as well as those of cars, cake mixers,

lawnmowers, televisions, or any other technological invention you can
imagine, are already waiting for new models every year.
In the case of cars, they even receive a date at the end of the name. This way
the buyer knows exactly which incremental innovations that specific model

But the biggest risk is not the only element to stand out in
discontinuous technology. Let’s look at all of them in more detail.

1. High investment in Research and Development

Continuing to use our example of digital cameras:
The level of investment in this type of project is clearly more expensive
than just reworking a flash or, as in some cases, adding new colors to
an existing product line.

2. Low-cost solutions for users

Even with high development costs, discontinuous technology
inventions need to be inexpensive. If they’re not, there’s a risk that
consumers won’t adopt them.

Even with digital cameras at a price that was a bit expensive in the
beginning, it’s necessary to remember that the consumer no longer
needed to buy film, much less pay for the development of the photos.

3. New customers for the invention

In solving a need that was not previously met, discontinuous technology
inventions attract new users.

Take a hypothetical example:

Consider a plant life scientist who once traveled through the forests
cataloging new species. His preferred method of recording plants was
by drawing them with a notebook and pencil, rather than carrying a

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Mr. Edgardo C. Villafuerte
camera and a large number of film rolls. And even then, after drawing
almost 600 pictures, he still couldn’t see value in a conventional

With the almost unlimited possibility of taking photos and even

discarding inappropriate ones, this new compact digital camera
consumer became part of this new market.

4. Discontinuous technology inventions create value

As detailed above, there’s the creation of new value, something that
solves a major consumer need.

5. 5- A new market
Again: if there’s a new product and new consumers, by definition the
product created a new market.

6. 6- Creating something new

Finally, the most significant point of difference of discontinuous
technology inventions is that they create something new. They don’t
just improve on what already existed.

As you saw, one of the hallmarks of discontinuous technology

inventions is to offer a low-cost solution to users.

Architectural Innovation
Architectural innovation refers to destroying the usefulness of a
company’s architectural knowledge but preserving the usefulness of the
knowledge about the firm’s products components (a physically distinct
portion of a product that represents the core design concept and performs a
well-designed function).

Popular Architectural Innovation Examples

1. Winchester Disk Drives

The ‘8’ or ‘14’ Winchester disk drives were an architectural innovation from
‘3.5’ disk drives. The ‘3.5’ disk drives were smaller, lighter, and lower in
costs ( that is in terms of total cost and not cost per Megabyte) over the
Winchester architecture.

The Winchester hard drive had storage of 30mb of removable storage and
30mb fixed storage. This is why IBM named it Winchester in respect of its
30/30 rifle. The modern disks are fast and convenient, but they still use the
same technology.

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Mr. Edgardo C. Villafuerte
2. Desktop Photocopiers

Digital Photocopier

One of the best things about a digital photocopier is that they are compact
and can fit in any small office. In this digital age, photocopiers are even
multifunctional and can do several tasks. Before the desktop photocopiers,
there were stand-alone photocopiers. A stand-alone photocopier is a single
unit dedicated to copying functions. This was the only option, and it only
favored big corporations. Now small businesses do not need extra space for
photocopying. This explains why desktop photocopiers are an architectural
shift of the stand-alone photocopiers.

3. Multi-core Processor

A multi-core processor is a combined circuit that two or more processors

have been connected for enhanced performance with low power

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Mr. Edgardo C. Villafuerte
performance. It is also more efficient in processing multi-tasks. A dual core
set-up can be compared to multiple separate processors in one computer.
However, because the two processors are plunged in one socket, their
connection is faster.

A computer processor

A dual-core processor is twice as powerful as a single-core processor.

Practically, the performance is estimated to be 50%; a multi-processor is
approximately one-and-a-half times powerful as a single-core processor.

Multi-core processing is trending in the industry in this digital era as the

single-core processors reach the maximum physical limits possible in terms
of speed and complexity. Currently, most of them are multi-core. Systems
with a larger number processor core (with tens and hundreds) are referred
to as massively multi-core systems to as many-core.

This explains the architectural shift of the single-core processor to the

multi-core processor.

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Document No.: Developed by:
Revision # 01
Mr. Edgardo C. Villafuerte

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