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Products and/ or Service: The Garage rice meals, appetizers, solo orders,

burgers, and sandwiches. Dine-in and delivery.

Step 1:Define the problem and objectives

Problem statement:
 Improving existing products and offering new products.
 Provide better customer service to reduce customers complaints

1. To offer new and improved products so that the business would receive
increased customers satisfaction.
2. Achieve better customer service to gain more positive feedback.

Step 2:Gather Data

In terms of products, the Garage provides rice meals which are dishes that
include rice, appetizers like fries and chips that offer different flavors and
toppings, solo orders that serve only the entrees like their famous unlimited
wings that can be good for 2 persons or more and last their burgers and
sandwiches that can be filled with patties, hot dogs, veggies, cheese and
different sauces that depends on the chosen burger and sandwiches on the
menu. And in terms of service, the Garage has two ways of distributing their
products, one is customers eating and is served directly at the garage and the
other way is having the customers' food delivered.
Step 3:Analyze Data
The Garage provides good service and products but by improving and giving
new ideas about the menu and how they serve the customers it can increase
the sales more efficiently. Especially right now in a pandemic a lot of
customers would rather eat at home, and by how much gasoline price is right
now the delivery service would cost a lot more than before. So the price of the
products would increase more to gain profit.
Step 4:Recommend Solutions
Improving products and offering new products the Garage first needs to know
which item in the menu is not always purchased then try to improve the recipe
then recommend it to the customers to see if something did improve. In
offering new products the first thing to do is reflect if the menu needs new
items. And about their services, employees need to always have a smile on
their face while serving the customers so they have a nice aura so that they
can also build a relationship with the customers. And they always need to be
right on time when delivering.
Step 5:Apply Result
By doing the recommended solutions the Garage can achieve the objectives
that are stated. Which can help the business to improve and gain more profit
than before it also gives solutions that the Garage can use in terms of the
products and how they serve their new or loyal customers.

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