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As we move into another financial year and ever closer to the Club's Centenary year,
consideration is being given to the future structure of the membership categories and financial
structure of the Club.
Restructuring financially will enable the Club to carry out essential work and maintenance in and
around the Clubhouse. t will also enable maintenance of the rolling programme of course
machinery put in place over the last five years to continue taking the course forward. Whilst there
are many areas that require attention, in the absence of financial reserves, whilst these projects
have been prioritised, it has been difficult to take them forward at a preferable pace. The only aim
is to improve on the overall product offered to our current members and making membership of
Boldon Golf Club attractive long into the future.
Consideration is currently being given to the membership categories and fee structures. This is
aimed at benefitting existing members and offering diversity of membership to fit in with the
requirements currently being faced by this and other golf clubs across the UK. Once finalised,
these changes will be outlined to the membership and will be in place in time for next year's
subscriptions renewal in April 2012.
Those who feel they can offer something to the future running of the Club are encouraged to fill
vacancies available on Committee. Nomination forms are available from the Club office.
The course continues to hold up pretty well as we move from autumn into the winter months. The
greens have received one final scarification process prior to winter and whilst we enjoy a balmy
autumn, we must be wary of the dangers of disease in the finer grasses that can appear during
relatively warm, wet conditions. Currentl y there is a good sward of grasses within the greens
aiding them to be presented in such fine condition for the time of year. The scarification process
has been carried out prior to the introduction of cutting at a winter height of 5mm. Winter greens
are being prepared but policy will be to remain on the greens whenever possible. Winter tees and
the shorter course will be introduced as the underfoot conditions dictate. Preferred lies are now
offered on all closely mown areas but as the months progress into winter, the practice of
dropping to the side of the fairways from 150 yards will be reintroduced, allowing protection of
key areas of play.
The course has taken its time to recover from the heavy winter. The greens particularly, suffered
badly during the driest spring on record and the necessity to water them so early in the year saw
our water bill rocket as without rainfall the greens required water every day. Members will have
noticed the dangers of greens not receiving enough water on the 13
hole. This green has now
almost fully recovered after the rear was left longer to protect it. Members who use the practice
ground will notice the marking out of target 'greens' at either side of the facility. This is purely to
provide more interesting features to aim at during practice.
Pro's Shop
Kevin Whale will be running his own 'sweep' throughout the winter in a bid to provide competitive
golf for those desire it. Time sheets will be left in the Clubhouse for those early risers and are to
be transferred into the shop on Kevin's arrival.
Some members will be aware of the proposed merger between the English Golf Union and
English Women's Golf Association. The aims of such a merger were presented at a recent
seminar given by the Chief Executive of the EGU, John Petrie. n plain terms, the main reason
for the merger is financial efficiency. t is said that such a merger will have no effect on playing
golf at Club or County level.
Rules of Golf books, effective from 2012 are available in the Clubhouse. The R&A have put some
progressive changes into the rules as they aim to combat the 21
Century way of playing golf.

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