Service - Learning - 1st - Interview MF

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Service Learning 1st Interview

The purpose of the first interview is to:

 Gauge the student’s understanding of Service Learning.

 Find out the interests of the student.

 Discuss the student’s plans for Service Learning experiences.

 Review the learning outcomes of Service Learning, ensuring his or her understanding
and seeing how the student might achieve these outcomes.

 Ensure the student is aware of ways to gather evidence of Service Learning.

Advisor: MS.Melody
Student: Maria Ficek
Date: 1/5/24

1. Do you have any questions or concerns about Service learning?

I do not.

2. Have you made a start with your Service Learning experiences?

Yes I have already had 1 which was beat the goalie.

3. Which aspect of the programme are you most excited about?

I’m excited to help my schools community grow through acts of service.

4. Which aspect seems most challenging?

Probably managing my time and uploading all my reflections and updates on time.

5. What do you most hope to achieve from Service learning? Or how do you think your
Service Learning programme will enable you to grow?

I hope to be able to connect with parts of the wiss community I normally wouldn’t be
apart of and be able to experience and learn new skills.

6. What organizational and time-management strategies do you have in place to ensure

that Service Learning remains an ongoing focus of your IB journey?

I have a calendar journal in which I write all my deadlines for the week and I make sure
to include my service learning dates and deadlines in it.
7. What are your main interests? How can you incorporate these interests into your
Service Learning programme?

My main interests are sports and physical activity, which I have already incorporated
into my first service which was beat the goalie. In which I volunteered in my schools
outdoor day and hosted a activity called beat the goalie in which children take turn to
try and score on me in soccer.

8. What school, community or other groups or teams are you already involved in? How
could this be used to create a service learning experience?

I the captain of the high school volleyball and basketball team, since we will be having a
middle school season I will help coach.

9. What issues in the local community concern you the most? How could you address
these in your Service Learning programme?

I would say the fact that children spend their entire breaks on their iPad and phones,
since this can lead to childhood obesity. I am planning on forming workout programs for

10. What ideas do you have for a Service Learning project?

I am planning on helping coach the middle school volleyball team, aswell as organizing a
full year after school volleyball program.

11. Have you thought of how you will keep evidence (and the types of evidence) that you
are engaging with Service Learning and are meeting the Service Learning outcomes?

I will take photos and keep logs of each of my service learning sessions.

12. How will you reflect on your Service Learning experiences? Are there any preferred ways
you like to reflect?
I will prefer to write about my experiences.

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