PMP 25

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Eng.Mohamed Ezzat Abouzied 0592803214 ezat104@gmail.


The project team uses the project charter as a starting point for initial project planning. At a
minimum, the project charter should define the high-level information about the project that will
be elaborated in the various components of the project management.

The project kick-off meeting is usually associated with the end of planning and the start of
executing. Its purpose is to communicate the objectives of the project, gain the commitment of
the team for the project, and explain the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder.
may occur at different points in time depending on the characteristics of the
project: -
, there is usually only one team that performs the planning and the
execution. In this case, the kick-off occurs shortly after initiation, in the Planning Process
Group, because the team is involved in planning.
, a project management team normally does the majority of the
planning, and the remainder of the project team is brought on when the initial planning is
complete, at the start of the development/implementation. In this instance, the kick -off
meeting takes place with processes in the Executing Process Group.
will typically include a kick-off meeting at the beginning of each

Eng.Mohamed Ezzat Abouzied 0592803214


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