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=~ Formalism jn Literary — er:bieicrn~ HE groups of Scholors emurged in fie Secarch Aecade ob Mr Awententh contay both fn Moscow ard /etragavh- Trey proole a Yaolcat Charge ir the way of. interpiching a Imes Fett suggesting tat. He Pevh ts the only Hog Hat mob®— In Hye plnteyprlalian procecce Maw biegtaphicd Mov Cultures infov mabon ove snecaleal - se s5 formalde pejectel tre toha Bab any Mkraty fers. He proolulion of authay+ cwor yicus apo! the fine in which the auth lives in» Tn furn, they ep hasite He autonomeas ature of He fet} /getdlfess of its aubhay a any otter in Gorwatsen. + Formaps)sclehine phesy werk ore! Frame tesy Pheny ou phe worl of ck Sucsuve» 17 Hem Ate best way pa Studlls (Aterabure «by shading Ofoehic a @ Form @proedics s+ Pre aralysis-0 Pa work's Constéfuent pavfe T+ ean, ts linguiske-ard Shuchsyal fea furess 4 @ form. yee: bo Phe tural techanes ot Phe wally Hes = especially Hts. Porpeciss Poeke farguage- Da othyr woyds, any” wpe means Hee olevices Mab fem" any Isberogy roy Ht Each okiice a them may carry specific meaning by is oom. ard: He beck way to inderpres the Ath 1s to Art ous these letter. OO whe) isthe Chef Reus of farmalists in Iidevary analyst) 4 They chich aim in apy Heray onalpn #5 He etemirebiay— of a terse hhvainess. un Libravinesa= vere to Be Iarguage used in Hee work of avp which 51 Gmpkhly ohktecn Brom evayelay larguege: TA feyegyourds jAselP rough the use of Sruchire tmaguy, Syntax 2 VAyme Sch ave oer oie acne hyme Scheme OY thabis Ae bench oft:fevainesr fr famelun 2 — ecording do Shi lousy —Pobetorinete 1 Veey_egeniel I Hire, jsterprelabiors ob ony fetlp 05-14 oad fafa protess ee deumiliavirabion. Ip 2x only through Jiberayl ness, this process ottours because ih Cant be-olane- Phraggh fee 0B ordinary eeguae + Defrmillarizakeat~ a fovm. Colne. by Shklovskiy- which refer bo phe _pracess of —makig Hapge, Lhe familjayor-Pudfing phe lel ole iovi Zable 65 —_pa-new—-SPhele—op-Pevtepparie Far _ Sermalister- Vee} essential —1n—hatesprebing— Phe AML and gevorabing ers Meantige~ QL how Can awit ge} the Proceu ob _ befimiliarzejion? 9 Te —auller_can_goh the _pocecs.b—lefamiltariZat ion. Brough — Phe_use-of Fa bula 8 Syuzheb especially with Syurheh yp Fabulal~ Phe Yau snadersal. of the—stoy Hal js—neceaary fo Be : — vidertouthne TZ 1s Phe .0chen in the te% that Jag: | -chyoneligtealapeler-— Prom the. Seginnieg to: PJ enol ~~ wo Syucheh= A ic He Iiteary —olevice used by He authoy to— Hapsfym a story —tn4o Plot — by usiegolsfPerend techniques phe cligrestiens,Suspesse, Surprise» Flach back, ete. Sythe} then, st Hh aise axtargrenb ee ae mayor ray top follow — a. chronslagical—ordey. Se. by using = _Syuzieb 5 fhe authauywiltLe able Jota fre shronge— arch ——- generate aati fle) —_pneapittig 0 i _¢ Te sum up Lynas, Lbrahure ts nop the Atta ot Bon | au phovis Intend» a | @ Te for Bean is Pe bible. They need only Jerk bein toleoprelet. @_ form jc Supatac_do_ Phe Carferf-s — ____ » 8 ye eal Aethtt Was. Crbeiem (Caer POND as rats sD Benak ook warned Arbdgyh Sab stom fo4y 5 | The School. cares. te surface sith Phe work of Rancem whe Presents cnew. way. to Inferpred adel TheScheol becanaom 7 » OThe close peodyy:o8 the Heth asa beth ay 0 suberPek melt @- calls fay o) lag cal Crise Phe, one 1o-/ ize thaf « Poern IS _a Loheyel. bid» ff Prern, Can} be A pha ths dre jor. caprelb meaning) ob ids faublyy © inbenben ‘and beeing @ The te} and fot alene—1¢ the Slogan eb this. School a DB @ They behave wth Ihe objective ~eXichente ofthe sen ard saih f: Phat He Poem jleel can he objcchively> evaluated! Yegardless the feeiag pabldues and Valuer of Phe writey or the Yeader. CThey aye concerned with He etammation of the ter sdb nah 46 Iishricaloy Siographieal- elements . B Mesceyibeisn ole Perel the biography -and-phe hithyy fr Ne ee | bab Hey believe with the texd stroll @ They behwe wb Hab Mberafure 13 Complet ard Tike. governea) | Syisderm «—* } Te Voks off peut cribism —Sfem fram TS. lneb and TA fichords.. ‘ Fiem Eliel, New cribcisy boyfowed thas cy ibictem Shaul! be diyeded to He Poem ped the poof. os 2 Sop Lob Pre Peek, thes} Inbise big the poeyy with bys ov hey 1 Personally ard epohons. bub uses language fo incorporate lt th bbe Poem the smperseral. Fechegs and emdbens Hah are Common te all Dupe, : fe Pocksy psneb freang “the —poekr emadrons bub an escatre From [them + 2 $_ aif : 1 pAgecd Porn Uniljss He pocdiremabiens ard ders wibh Phase Common fo all humeniy , — — ——- A Mew Cricim also botyoued Elio behive thad the Headley op ~Poedry 3. rus be inshtuced —1nlilevery-fechague + KAgeed. feasley!~ peysive the Poem Str ucduralty ) ta Yesulbieg Inger cities, 4A Poor Yeader:- eypreser his Personal ermobens are Jeathon Joa fey KA goed Yeode Knows flab. only Prong h hep _shjucduie arly sit of de. Poem the Veale carr Find phe Caryecl _preanyg of the-teype ¢Obechva Corfelahue~ Sef of objects, Siualiy a Chasn ob Cvenlt used bo evoke Hhe emotional response ob the Yeadey teh cesdhoub Presenleg Prem cbsretlly ina chive shadmenbe hs _ ¥ pradsealonlsesm'= the one phab. —hresly- Yelays on Phe cleseD) -yeoohng ob atet to. find He Covred. interpietelon of a eth. Anh Piork of art achieves ifs nesnng Phvaegy He iefepelebsrshPy. of Sound tetlure, shruchives Vhetonc ard other hderey cevices ~ A Te Abjectu, ald. Lew thf ey fe meaning Vsplendoh / # Datenlrwil Po lary :~ Js po pelieve thab He Poems breanpng 15 | nothing) rmere| Phan an elf essen) of he privafe GHbevicn ~ Fey Mew-cy| ae Poem is poh a fleclroy ob lemebeonsGinmen fa_all_p. ple Valen} fo js| jnderp) haboy» fo Jn fhe tnberprelabiva ob aaltety Ae He, fet} accorhyg do Ais Puswal J @. Orgone untdys> a form barrow £ G kridge Mah Svggesh thal, all parts cf a Prem are eccssarly rnteyelsbal ard each Pash ~ works ah supperbrg Bre Corbval joleas A geod Poem ynush have, Anorgaric unity . . 1 Q j @ wv “Soave: Hab Mew cribiet Helos) ort- + Mew cyilicisn S : ; As a Mteray Pray, 14 firs) 0 ppearel. with the Publieabion ef John Crowe Ransom The Hew Citiion. Mab Focus on the Following . ny | O Close ready of a.tevp as abest way to interred De ext actuvétely » @ orblayics| Cribet- Phe one whe ave agred faleit}o lea! with He poem as a Conerefe ankdy. are! Separeke Prom ans aber “confert.. He usee the 1eXh ard onty She fev regedliess ob dhe lauther’s intenhon ov emedion- y Mew Onbect» beheve thet pe —Peth arid eth alone rs the. only ay fo_Inbeeprveh. dhe HH abjechively- Ransom and Cleanth Brooks 9 “Ira Ponca, fHew cribs eome ogy “pn@luonced by LZ. A firchorls apo) TS. Eleaf aso hy Lolee‘Tecbhovep ard the Ipclvideal lend” is good { Assumphans Ter Meu cers OQ Hew cries firs) Sard hob Hye Shidld ob any lideveay work Is to engage ons ip aeSPhchc_erpersence- iy acspichse evevseroe'~ fehis bo. the PPh prookucedl afar a ead LGmp)ek Feadrg o waka ard. , y we hae to Ahfrerbate Lucey Scene Huth andl frdec ruth sine foe lash yequires fhe use of imagivalon anaf _yjntuiloy oe Ys @ A foom jas. cnfologica| Status which means Hob }he poe 1s Iike any efba objech Aas ify oh being anol existence so, for Hem the Poem 1s an —abjediur, Sel Conbar meds has sown St ueduye apa) adeno mousy artbily-« % GC objcjue Pheary of—arft- aterm Gined by Mew. Cribieisn Suge tha dhe meuneg of He poem should sab be selobeel 40 ibs aubhogys same. fechege aro! implied In Fenhar- — ufo Hem ony htormy Jetis a public tet] Hag cart be only — unsleysbood by applying the Sarbuds ef Pabje ollscoutse rol fhe (PtivateeXPeytence of Ar —audley- —— - se 4 Cleanth Breaks ard Reber} Penn. Warren ingst- that dhe Poems OvIglon ov Aispoyteas —Sethng push no be Conbitee! ut th phe Close peaslitg oF the fev po _ 4 Let olecyibe the role off the Porb-as_om_a__Catalys4 Phad_hdps Jo. speed He Yetlion that Yielde Ae Poem. @ The chymalosy - bedueen Siteral chil ard a fgtevalive one ard bedween on abstach can a conyete cbeeil. @ Tlic He job of He —crilye fo revert Phe pension Phrough —Yeaclivg fhe Poem Several fimes ard fe Beus onthe yela bron pbeducca dhe Ate are! the lanferd s 4’ Agood —crifc!- is Phe-one who elaminea_foeme SHruchure Arasgh testing ihs pockic elemeats ore! Shovitg its inned Avsien- ps Show ls Nighb inkuprebagion » nA bad viticl- Phe one who Wires Ao impose hisdorica) ov biegraPhical pn formatter on He FeV. fo chiseover Hs meaning. Such Vhes will nob be able fy fro! He stony, Paradoy ard anbiquify - oD The Poem hos one aro! only one coryech Interpyedebion awl the Prey Ase! pyovides aif the needed Jn hywobser) Rey yevealing 4s sn earieg « D Pitchoaralyfic. Ciifeisra ~ Everything Shared with He werk 06 the greab— Paycholegia Feanl mn pis hook the Diterprebebon of Preams ta 900 -Ziy Phis book» Frasud) ages Hab roams plays. ogreab sol 144 Shaping aur chaytdars If tnvolet Ahe-work of Me ComSttous with the uncon ions Purl Fread suggests Hab Phe unconscious. plige a loxg par ir how we -qeps Hing and feel- Forbin, Pe per besh way do pest the achuily ob He unconsoous is through Aeams. 6 Tn deans, wep Pave-an serach on —o the Conscrous capo SathConserous ind je Pavel wakes Jig Pabrente rahe Fredy absihe these Chilelhovch etpria. nod cbr ame + Psp hooralihic can be apple! slang wth otf CYiVerl rckbeef lanl th js Conitokval as an afpreach nf « schaobel cibstsn. ¢Psyhonw alysist=Tf-15. 4 method. of Avesbing emoblonel ano! “Psychola lagscal. chsordeys- Moy trop. Firye was jnbluwcd by Kayl Fung ark Ae pretentnf whabls 0 calla! _archelypal PB pthelegy criticism which babe became hrerly sn Qo conlugy- KJ Feud believed thal gosh of his PabedGy Prrcblews Aisippsen jnrestucus desves Pad Mey unconsciously refased bo conbront. Feud Uodels of — human Psyche. O Dynomc stodel_tn-His mold Fiesad Says drab our mivol consisds of fre parts O Conscious CYahtord) eal, Crwabioral).- OTe conscious» hah Parb eb sival hob fs YesPensilele aA Peycbrviy aud Yecoyaling e¥fernal. eatity. Tf is Phe yeagonirg per of ow ond - we operate Carnscously We believing Bah ovr Yeasoning ts Yapur | | OTe nconscines Cintalyce) fab path of rnitd Hab — Veceivcs ara Spores _ouy hidlan dleshresy oa anbifsons, pacsias and serabendh thoughle. Td-gevens—alarg— park of our —achons.————~ wAccordrtg be FremalyShrs pat d ss _olynamic_Condaining ob only..0u -biograpmeal_pnewanssbub— alto —our Suppresredl—arel uyniglicc! Cane heh y He beheves hob fhe untoaseias Aouses tuo. praita (ns bass O-€Yos thbidey @ Setual- nsbincbe(Q)-clesbruchve. ov oggtesiixtatbingl) both ab Han ack —as—crerives— bug hall Cases _Ahey nb luence alla 4p Fie Fiteusl, the—untonsttousn 4a Phe -Sharchosse ot chigui seh D Wuths anol -oetiver Hab we Word bo be yeveated/ 1” aro! hyough Lhe — GonSctoug~ Tate —dletires-ui tbe shown In ual 45 —socalel£)}, ps 0% — Ahe fourgue ev —Pataplates — st . y Palapratesi~ Mens shpsoF Fonguewhichmeans Mab an Daunbe{ _ dchonfy—un fulBlled.detires., pais readirg He dafho% misplaurg hjcdrx all phese things ts_a-Ky. from bovacoricross to be Ketel hog, but Cap Ii on-5— - en eo ooo + # esfedally In drenrey Prose _parapitates Cayfeves| our fie Jnfen sonore sh ye-— = ss Clotoms.ca_ptodel a oe Be @ plessurepuinesplet» Chaves atly plesturesanc dessier—ard dnes fo-geb— self Sahslacion ot fhe tnsbichual desiver_pegardiess Gotief + poy Moral_or Sexual bourdyies, Ths aim do. ptatitare pleasure because ibs only Contry [pfy—bave an jrimeolsofeyelith brome pasnard sutleaseg 741s Catleo) © 4 Hheves~ + fp-Arhy Cabetes of —Yealily—pyindpk Hab pat of psych peat. works agate) Pleanre Principle ard Wies fo secagnive Sectal 3 Stapolards ard —lipaits- a . — u ¥ Both of these pysweiphy aye al wav Inside Fhe hw Psyche - — = = ——a Brey S77 2 SPegraphical pachfy' —_cfye saves Vane A hewral Ve, Once ec ee oe ee | eteurd @ Preconstious » shepe fous ob onntes heb He Content ring sho vious © amy disguinng or hiding ~ Won ous 4% folds yepretted —dlessves fhab cant fe brought ho conksons divedly - Ty avd jn oltequise_indo Hee Gnscious Parh Hhrough | UnexPecked ackions oy dreams, vwsncvay DY Fyiparlije proche. uv PNCtSSeHal depres ant psydnc -eneyy { I The Seunce @ WK eel TD Tol Gnlans ovr frtaderal arch Secret Jester avd our darkest A wishes. ZA wank 4s Ailbt. Phese olessve Yegardlecs" eral or Social limits. Tb works 4 Alf the Pleasure principle» BRED) fg0!- Tre valtongl anal legteal path who works as regulako— See Poy the idk ard allows fhe Insbsncdual olesives fo be Yeafensel Se in pendlesbruthise ways Thay ar_a_yalily prinaple x © Superedo> imtemal Censor making us doing a meral judgments i, mm the lighb of social Pressures. Lb aims Jo Protech sociely ve Lf oe ds Fein ilbenng agenb Had suppreing. Phe. a olessves and inglinelr ferbsolden by Seciely al make Jhem bac bo unorschoumess + The besb 0b Hon 42 phe ego who tres do Yeguute these fwo | “Pvineiples-— | AE Pic od: Pull Complex clcuelsprn| Gove! Oarel_ ©Phatve & cbspas Guplex od cleorla Gupley (Penis enay) Cosyahion Shages D B cay! c. Jung ond Pychoaralybic- one of the prominel Figures tn the Frelel e f Psycholagy ho. agreer with dis piesteEiedal in cevfain points sore —chiagper saith others. ¥ According fo Freud al human behaviour Ls SeXualy crt by irduidual’s Sensual 0¥ SeXuol energy ard he calls if lebido« ¥ Jung dhsegree His. Pto posal. are sugges)s Heat jn aur dreams ,SeXual smagay, aloes eis} but in abtitven to Se many othey images. He asserts that clyeams_jnclude mythological tneges as well AS SeXual Opes + Jung acteffs freud‘¢ Proposal Hat Phe uncorsttouse CX ics and if plays amajoy Vale jn-oupy Consclous Olecissonc» ed, re clsagiee with Feud in the analysis of Hre unconscious - For Jung, phe human Psyche Consids of Hee Parts: O The Personal Gorscioug!=,0¥ alaking Sete, it is Hhe tmoge or thought ip which weave aware of any given moment. Ib is like a shoe Shaw in whch we watch ashe then anethy one Gres jnsdeod of the previous one- Ta i's Conscieus, rodting SS Sfoted and_everyppirg ts Vanisheo! fhe mayncnl we. Sex new slick. Sa, hic the way tn which we Prec Perceive ard inerach with Hene| world. @ Wee Pevsore! unconsjousi- the fart of Aumon Psyche ty whith we record and store Hhe Sticks seen by Phe Persoral Coussous- Tf gevists below the surfue of the Conscious aro Gonlainc Cfments of private affiives Hat Aapour in our life- Zt 1g yelated Po one jrolividual ard ro shayed with obhers- ~~ > The pario®. Auman Psyche thab is ‘ImoteJmjperconalarel-univarsal phat tine Personal ane Ts ped® hrouses the Cumulative frroukege + lrages_orl 4p riences of Hae — entive human SL Pecies.. Actorolirg-40-Furg- His partof—loaman psyche is 4 jolenWien| —jnall—trobsutchuale Ta bas fark also, Hove tye dee p- “montones are! Commapalifjes which eXisb" in Be Povm- ob. Auchgly pres - — 4 Aychebyr.'= fern colned by Jang which isa yetuyrend plob— patter »-Jnage » dletai) 0 Chayacher- Hod-evohes_ fem the Teale ts | § Magical _YesponieLe Aithelypes ave tmagesof repepeated Juriay, edpevientes such 45 bivdh—+ leap» rropherheod. Pha evpren..” Premsloes Phrougholresnts«Sarer of fantasies wei Phese _avthelypes oye —alphacp—Similay A all. Yeadleye ard Jang heheves Hab they ave genefcally Jnhevifeck = That is why we —yeach focevblan behavior’ jn the same usa y as Ha proplen So, they ave nef -- peadly jade. dear but they ave Pre Pyag tamed J _# According fo Andbyap Lsysts'-—aythelypes ate _infpevited culdure— yerponses transmit fram —onegereratiento_other and. they Sarvs what }4 $0. Cafles)- “myth ere rD*e 6 For Jung piyphs $d. Shoes are mean hy which archetypes evidence — Pherselues_in our olveamse arof _lercend ConCclouS @ De CoffechieUunlenStious. Aa ne aa ee eae : + Monornyphi- a tera _Ceined. Ly _ Fr rye _In_which he deheves phat oll Jtdevafuve _ Camprises one CompJede ane. Whole Sory- Tese wronemyphe can be ohg. ollagrayned asa circle Containing four Separate phases. | Phase. @ Romonte— Phases Summee__@) Ay bi. Rarmance.!> winder m ag SPting phases Spuing @ Fey fha-ses~ Seu fean Vomonte bo anti Peronce Jacques Lacan Avo agyees with fread: Phas the unconsious oF fects. Our Conscious behoviy + According, fe rreud'- phe untensttour ts Chaotic s unstyuebare Strut. sles ard a bubbling Cauldron 0b clarke Passions s idler desives aro! Suppressed. Wishes . ‘But Py Lacan’ phe tunconsclous 1s Sruchsted. she the. Shyuchure of language - I) can he Systematically onatyscaed. ardyzed.. Lacan claims that all. individuals ate fragmented, are no one is whole He suggests phad the -sdeal concep) of Wholly rifled ered, j fiyehdegieatly compPtepe Indbvidual ys Shmply_ned—atfairable « | | 2 a iG Tmaginary order J acan'e Mhadelp-of aman Psych eirmiege ba @ According to Freud, Phe snderachon behovn of Id, ego land suPoy: ego _cbkrmine our behavtouy. while for Lacan's nodes ibis Phe language phat Shape and. shuckes ouy ConStious land unconscious _pninol - Ako ji} Shapes ouy S/f— Jolendity - @ The smaginary ordey! Chih — six maxthi) > the fark o€ Auman “psyche Phat Contains our wishiee, Rartoser anol ouy jmagec. TA das Phase weave fully united as one with ouy ynethey- we yeceve ouy foods cave ard! Com from hev » In Ibs Shge we yelay ovr_tmages as means of PPevcesuing and yaterpreting the, wold. Ta Hs Sfage uv images of ourscluas ave always in Lay because we car} AfPrenhate ahve one. ‘pmage. ends ard fhe Secor) begins. Also in Hirt ag stage, one Px fesion comrates ouyenistene which +s He clesive fo ow mother Mothey we believe can Purbil) ow wt Shes ‘ sheurosis by Airohyg. a wayout fo Sapenecs ard wholeness jn the oth of - Creadyg an aft. 4 @ The main protvation for any arphor' wrihings 16 fe satisfy Some. Setvep olesiyes and forbidden wish pat oleveloped clunry Pe author's Infancy ard way, imedtiakly suppyeced 1n the untonsoors-_ fayfreud., phese suppresed olsires became phe /ieay werk. __, OQ the hiforaxg work is fhe author lvear.orfanlasy ~ Dy using Freud techrique of dreams fsychoanatyhe cridiks belvee _fhal we Cay unlock Pye hickha rneomeg of He fee tha >- care—housed 1n—Symbols. @ The 4exh rus) be _aralyeed as eee we musa assume Hab Phe dream /-+ & désguised wish Freud believes thf atl ouy- wishes croviginabed during ow tnfany- Al our presen oketires are ye- Creations of Past infark. semmavie sy esPecklly those of delipal Phat - NEE ileal ABT 0 Ge etn Sue Ae Forbbiderforbrden he gy 4 The “ego even aslo "the dream ard ynakes fhe) veame— i yeremboys Pays ob the cSream or cmpelefly aete cure» 35 , ae aod. nansbed Conte —» Msee 0 Psycho qnalyhie Lelhodlolagyes D Psychobrograpry~ Fyre eb psydhemolye_cridictsm Hab ocug on Fhe oushorsInis type, cribs, Suggesh thot Irnowang, biographical inBiraton about He-aupher Prraugh biographies tebos wand lechuve i Pheshesd tugy fo mnteprf a +e} Through ese. piograp ries, Psychoanalyye CHbee believe Hab Hey can aralyse. Pre aushor's Perfonatty. witha! pic. secveds oral Conbiche ana Neuresese So; by gainity m—deph urderstardirg of the ahi, I they wil be adle Jo interpred the tev. ~ | 2 @ Charatfer analyssi>_ta_(960,, the fut has bean turned fam phe Psychoblography fo Charada- analysis - CVidies 0B Such fy pe beheve. Hhat Stuokrg the Various behanoure of. Chotaders nivol will lead Jo bebov —pnterpretohon of a tex. So, te focss now yecomer on the trolvidval characters. Trey. heheve Hhad each _chayacley_clecigned by Fhe audhowe fo Aulfil en 2. suppres! glessve In He authors In fanty - _ Preadu/ Vesponse'- anatha/ uray of Inkerpyebing the Fert according to Psychoanalyls¢ cri bess tn which Hey yealice hat the Yeoder plays jrajov yole in Inherpreling a uravk- Urlerstanclieg our sel, from freuclan point of view aswel atthe Context pn which we vest Conttelered ecrental tn jndexprebng a tert while fre audfay Ch eate.a Chavarhoy, de yeasly—ye~ trerke Phe same Characper arch applies.en hing Jns_e¥pevience ard Knowledge . Avothyy ley of infeypredirg a terp. rs hase! on Fred jay, Lasumphor#hab all humon he paviovrs 4H Se Yuaty nag atadng 4 Phecrhes o€ Such fyPer a crihe mus Search Por phe fone apd phallic Sywb0ls ro thterpreb ath of Hese Sprbds are dydden wishes of Phe eth authovy libido- — bowen eer meer a) x a: & Archetypal Cribeasm~ another sychearalyhtcal apprards Pixsh developed hy Fang then Frye+Ta thic ype phe rare Chamines phe ett fo oltscoune the Vavious orchely pes hah he observe inthe 4eth—itselfe Acaording te Jang hese. avchelypey ave jolensical teal Auman —beingsforedample fhe red Colour ps the symbok of oleath. while wat. symbolizes life» So, by Showing how apd where phere archelypes appears tn tye tetb, Phe archeypal ibe believes hab helthe wt t he able te inderpteh_a 4etpe @ My phical Contep}s.'- Cothed. by Feseph Cha Campbe ~ suggesting Ahad Slughing Phe anciend Spotter arel Hemes twill help fo snterph the fet4-Campba Says that human Psyche ard ynedkrn literature ave Velde uhh ancien) fhemes arof myths» By appheg His P-approathy we wilt de Abje hod. ob -urelerthanal. ouy_world but alco each ofhey —arcl everr-ovs- own thn —— oe a @ Latonan CyikcOelanalycit2- in ths hype, the vite atlempls to chscover how a tet} Symbohcally represents > elements 06. veal» Imaginary ara symbolic. ord evs By | ddenhhying Phe Symbol Yepryesentadions of Hieseordey sus ly phe FeV» phe cvidte will olscover whayeach symbel Fon, Pe fragmantayy nature 06 the self The Purpose of Lacama, analysis iso teach us thatthe jden of whale pevson das nok eXisAg- oh Heabhclé 5 Cabhy > oppsestian least be Pleature PrineeBle gy he jaunges Bow Hina fey-arel Edgar bumilabeg Hemad bas, Somp- . "feminism Theoess This Scheel of ) of maleand ferale-- She Says Hat wormants a female ts born hap awoman is createcl, In other words, Onet sey rs -glederminecl_a¢-bivth Aut oncs gender Is created by cultural norms. This. Society who olecigles phat women are Wweakn- » phan men and Mowerbil rather than women. |p Setulal polibes » teqem coined by Mille enpple haf? power Yelations In Society Such Poway oliffers fram Society fo anofles« fer Aillell , wean must break Such belitfs and esteblich Pheiv Social convenlvon which 1s olePmeol by females not by Pe males Ta His Case Pheg will have volce- =k = e Beky [yieday 1 oleseribes the awahering of femineg and Says Has "A werian bas-gob dodo able to Say and not fo feel gully " Wwho am Zand Whak do L wank oud of jhe? Elaine Showalter — | She js leading Voice ob Paminish Cridecise throug hou the late 19f05-£ lane Aided Pininist movement inko three phates ~ G Frrninine phasel|Etr0—1380) Phe writers of Hhis Phase accepk Phe olomrance of pates.ard wrote wsolee phe names of men [ike bhavloe Bronhe> Leoyge Eliar etc. @ feminist Phase 880-17 32) aaying Phis fhose warmer wridevs Succerdeol —in—clyamafizirg Pe plights af the slighted woman by depedding Phe Cite| Heater! of Ferale. trradage gh He harcle of ules. . G Amale phate (190~preod)- They fesected Phe Soctal Construction. thab were Prominent of uring He tet fwo Phases of Semnigm. Dunyg this Phase» Perirash c¥ibres Ay to develop a-Parkiculay female uroladarding of the Female ehporrintg marb- To do such Phpge, Lemimsh.»cribie say tab Ih 15 peceaary fo_jrclidle._the uncon el misegyng in telly, yaisogynyi= Ferm ured by Showalter sae to desvibe male hatred of Woman. Shetalter beleves Phat female wribers were oebberately prelude From the hbrny Canon by ynale. wybers» Tr-her- essay “ Toward a feminist poles’ She Coined whabis So-cabley gyndcribsclim - Cypocsilicismna perm Coined by Showalter that. ‘ised bo Conspruch a female framecoworl fovanelysing usomen!+ Isheralure fo —clevelop new pnaclels based on the—<}ucly of PemaleefpersenceYatpey thon to aclopl_male_ ynadeds Caynecribicrsm proviclee Pour traclelr phal_adktece Phe nadave— ob womentwrilirg—G-brolegical 6 Phe linguishre B the prychearalghe He Cabbayal i Present_olay Crijelsna_______— _ | -Some—crijiesCategericefeminishCribiasm lato. four Gloups — 0 Atglo—Amurcan—Peminisrs—— ——— @ post shructuvalis feminism —— : @-Materja fish Pe minigng GO Posh pmadernfergntim ae while ofhersolvicle—feminisn indo fine ov fen Grouse, _@ Amazon feminism: enfhasizer the Physcall_egualily befueern man ard weman ,yefectny the assumphen-thad woman ts physientty Weak anol _pastive- Ble Amaze —erifies_ask to clea! eGualy with $20 O Yet — eee — @-Radieal ov Cul fcql feminism! = asserps fhap woman 1+ Poonally andl hiolegcaltyy—ldhfeyead Han pray Calfaral cribiesasumeol Hab woman is biolegcalty ancl inherenply me Siirder ar! gentler» Zh Lhe eyes of — Cultural feminish,wonan's_ways are bedbe ban ment E00 feriinism:- assumes Ha —falstarhal Socely is new andl the original —_Condbion of the Sociedy was Mapvlarchel-- Tor eccberniem s Pabylarthal Sacieliesaveoledermieg) —to—wamten, children ard pabute while pat flarche)Seciebes protect woman ard_naluyes Material fers rise, avms_ghe _p rmprove Phe material condition of woran hy. unbarcening, than of bradsbora! Female tasks Suchat Cooking avel othe yet Prasibsifes G Parvahss feminism: group of Feminisps crus whe Calls for — Separahon Prom men fofally ey paral» Separahsts assume Hal woren must First see themstues in adiflerent. way ar! Separaines themselves fran men Such Separatian they Suggest 1s the fish step to achierng Personal growkh ard Anoli viduality @ Pest coloral Pemgnism phallocenine Patriarchal syskm estoblished by uhite males Tey object fo use He perm oman believing Bab such sage olefines Female by only Hew Se¥- 5 Ne matfar dour many subcategory anh cribs will held - They all pave fuo main aims. First eiscovery ard Seb b-tdenbificabjon- Mire -wotdh Bey also rejecteol the | Phesry tha} feminise Women areen a fourney fay Self- Seconol, Phey ty 40 urdastard their se tiely and Phe walld. Feminist crits py theiv bess to charge He hbeheb Hab qwaman is infertor and Suborolinate fo pen. They say tha |Wwoman js as equal as yan ard both Share fre same rights. tsa fabes its goal is po deshey the Aradchproral Values However, Feminist Cyidies Sepieve that men Sdn thse fil toclay mdbferh tay Hies +o highhghs the Forms land gerdey oles. pliscrimirajion against We aspeds of Miho Fermmiss cribetem way in whith women ave oppressed eo suppressed arch Lb also vefects Pre privileged position of Vepresved- anol Calls boy SeX eapaitty- _ males tn Patriarchal Sociedy Disclosure. Huinan Rights Careors may be compensated by course providers Types of Feminism: The Four Waves Feminism is one of the oldest movements in global history. There's no single definition, but feminism boils down to ending gender discrimination and bringing about gender equality, Within this goal, there are many types of feminism. Instead of describing them in isolation from each other, feminism can be divided Into waves. “The wave metaphor is the most common explanation for feminism's movements, though is not without ‘laws. It can oversimplty a complicated history of values, ideas, and people that are often in conflict with each other. With this simplification, one might think feminism’s history is straightforward arc, The realty is much messier. There are many sub-movements building on (and fighting with) each other. That being said, the wave metaphor Is a useful starting point, It doesn't tell the whole story, but i helps outline it There are four waves: The first wave “The first wave in the late 19th-century was not the first appearance of feminist ideals, but it was the first ‘al movement for the Western world. In 1792, Mary Wollstonecraft published the revolutonary real pollic < an 12 P& Sixlaton of the Rights of WomafIn 1848, about 200 women met ina church They came UP wi s Tesolutions asking for specific ights, such as the right to vote. Reproductive rights also became an important issue for early feminists. After years of feminist activism, Congress finally passed the 19th ‘amendment in 1920 and gave women the vote. This was almost 30 years after New Zealand became the first country where wornen could vote. Firstwave feminism had a fairly simple goal: have society recognize that women are humans, not property, While the leaders of 1st-wave feminism were abolitionists, their focus was on white women's rights. This exclusion would haunt feminism for years to come. The second wave Second-wave feminism took place in he 1960s and 70s, It bul on frs-wave feminism and challenged what women’s role in society should be. Inspired by the Civil Rights movernent and protests against the ‘Vietnam War, activists focused onthe insttutions that held women back. This meant taking 2 closer look at why women were oppressed. Traditional gender and family roles were questioned. Queer theory became more established. There were major victories inthis era including the Equol Pay Act of 1953, Roe v. Wade in 1973, and other Supreme Court cases. 7 wh The third wave - ‘Thanks tothe institutional victories of second-wave feminism, women enjoyed more nights and power {oing into the 1990s. They were able to think about ther aspects of their identity, welcoming inaividuality ‘and rebelion. Thi was an era of reclaiming. Important cultural touchstones include Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues, the Guerila Girls, and punk rock rot grils. Many women more freely expressed their sexuality in how they spoke, dressed, and acted, This sometimes bewildered 2nd-wave feminists, many minty. While many ideas and mini-movements swirled around in this of whom had resisted traditional fem time, the one “rule” was that there weren't rules. A woman should choose how she lived her le. 10 became more conscious of race. Kimberle Crenshaw, a gender and ertical- Third-wave feminism race scholar, coined the phrase “intersectionalty" in 1989. The term refers to how different kinds of t with each other. While mainstream frst and ‘oppression — like those based on gender and race ~ intersect ‘second-wave feminism had largely ignored or neglected racial disparities within gender, the Third wave paid more attention, The phrase “third-wave feminism" was coined in 1992 by Rebecca Walker, a 23- ymmonplace, it was even easier to year old Black bisexual woman, When the intemet became more cor hear perspectives and ideas from feminists around the world, Feminism was expanding The fourth wave ‘Some people think we're still in the third wave of feminism since the fourth wave isn't so much of a shit as the continued growth of the movement, However, with the MeToo movement and a resurgence of attacks on women’s rights, many believe we're living in a new wave. Social media activism has propelled the movement firmly into the technological age. It builds on the third wave's emphasis on inclusivity and sks hard questions about what empowerment, equality, and freedom really mean. Fourth-wave feminism continues to reckon with intersectionality. Critics of ‘white feminism,” which ignores the unique struggles of women of color. expose how non-white feminists and ideas have been ~ and continue to be ~ suppressed. Trans rights are a big part of the conversation. too, Feminism has often been an unwelcoming and hostile place for trans women and others who reject the gender binary. Many fourth-wave feminists are working to combat this exclusion. As with every wave before it (and any wave that comes after it), the fourth wave is complex. It encompasses many movements that both complement ‘and clash with each other. This tension is unavoidable. While some types of feminism can have harmful impacts, having a variety of voices makes feminism more inclusive and successful Ce lly Jos jos J Is) Sponsored links You may also like ‘What re Haman Rights Cities? oe Inu neat: An iad 020" Oi Rights uses Tat Made istry ney {0G mtn a Mar vism Ol Whol Aarvism offers? LT) 0h fur a compiohensive, Positive View of Jamon Iife-ard hid, Suggespag dew pumarity Con Save Hail From a rreantgless hfeof, Kokpronan asl dlespalys Tf ains pa chatge the wedditew of UP ard. waher the world a beber place fo Me sn. Historical cLevelopment- | Marts hoe evnereged 05a hterary Peary 10 turn $} Plourtched as 9. Playmate view of dishiyHal—of fered the warking c hises an_oppurhinty fo Change heir world ard fives. If represotte both 2 Philenplycal syskm ard. _a—plan of achon 40 charge fhe Views of _ Soctefys 5 2st : | OL. Fram where des. Marts Pheay febus. tts fastened what it ids aim? = ait : Marts Pheay as its Yorty dn Phe ritokertn. condry uty. 0§ the German Socal cyipe Kay] Maryan! is Friend fredyich Aagels be a liberty Pheory, Matton cbves yh oLevelopp unl Phe fuccniseth Comber sand ite aim tbo Preus~ an the Study of the yeladenchip Jotun the Gafilalis}_ard the working Chsy (Prolefarial) « | Of thet wes fhe Cape belef-of- Maritim presobl in The Gorman Teleagy avel The LommeyiitAorideste 2 4 Tn Hose uo works Mart ard Asghs preset Phe obealechical.. _— Materioton asacore behtfe of Martin . x Dialechcaff Natepalisa:-_A term [Used fo] refer ff, phe fare a Mf 4 whiff Marh ofd Arges / asso [Consdoupfess dics it fe rermites Spel Whe deminer fonscwsnfes’ » Tn fthy > puy Shea ard omebhy: r | ] |¢ Diohclical—Mafatolym'sa- fam uted 1s-pefer te qe tate VBP 2 FM AD which Mart apd Arglee asses!" 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