English Q2 - Prelim

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Quarter 2 – Module 1:
1. Prepare for a short quiz every Friday (optional).
A short evaluation will be given with a duration of
1 day upon uploading.
2. Each quarter will be divided into two
examinations. The Prelim and Final examination.
After two weeks of modular lesson, there will be an
exam held every THURSDAY and FRIDAY.
3. Material in each subject are highlighted Green
one is a Performance Evaluation. Please answer it
in a clean paper, the blue one is a Practice
Example you can try it many times until you know
the process, and the Pink one is a discussion read
repeatedly until understood.
4. For further questions don’t hesitate to ask in
our google classroom or contact Ma’am Daphne
Thank you and God Bless!
Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose from the box the correct tense of the
underlined verb in the sentence. Write the letter of your choice in your

A. Simple Present B. Simple Past C. Simple Future

1. We are all stewards of creation.

2. Pearl and Joy went to the pet shop.
3. They will buy food for their pets.
4. Every Saturday, Pearl takes her dog for a walk along the seashore.
5. Pearl’s dog, Bim, loves playing on the sandy shore.
6. However, last Saturday, Bim hurt his paw.
7. He accidentally stepped on a spiky rock.
8. Bim struggled with pain.
9. Pearl carried Bim and brought him to the clinic.
10. Pearl and Bim will be away from the shore for two weeks.

Wow, congratulations!
There are three Simple Aspects of the Verbs: Simple Present, Simple
Past, and Simple Future.

Study the chart below that shows the forms and some examples of the simple
aspects of the verb.

Tense Form Example

base (for plural subject) walk, write
-s (for singular subject) walks, writes
-ed (regular verb) walked
Irregular verb wrote
will + base form of the verb will walk
be verb + going to + base form of the verb is/are/am going to write

A. The Simple Present Tense of the Verb

✔ The simple present is a verb tense used to talk about conditions or actions
happening now, habitual actions and occurrences, facts and generalizations.
We use the -s form of the verb if the subject is singular. Simply add -s or -
es to the base form of the verb.

Noah speaks English very well.
Pearl calls her teacher for clarifications in the module.

Note that we add -es to the verbs ending in o, sh, ch, ss, x, z and words that
end with a consonant + y.

Brent catches colds after he played under the rain.
Joy mixes the medicine with water so that it will have a better taste.
Jacob worries that he cannot finish his modules on time.

✔ We use the base form of the verb if the subject is plural.

Ivan and Roy help their father in making dog cage.
Mangroves serve as natural filters against pollution.
✔ We also use the base form of the verb for pronouns “I” and “You”

I love to drink milk.
You clean the room now.

✔ In addition, be verbs “is” is used for singular subject, “are” for plural
subject, and “am” for the pronoun “I”.

The present tense of the verb is used in the following:

a. To state definitions and explanations
Example: Tsunami is a long high sea wave cause by an earthquake,
submarine landslide, or other disturbances.
b. To show present condition
Example: I live in Sibulan, Negros Oriental.
c. To express habitual action
Example: Brent plays basketball every Saturday.
d. To tell a natural law
Example: The sun is the center of the solar system.

In the present tense of the verb, we may use the time expressions such as today,
every day, every week, every morning, always, etc.

B. The Simple Past Tense of the Verb

✔ The past tense of the verb is used for events that happened at a specific
time in the past.

Study the table below. What is the difference between the verbs in column A
and column B?
Present Past Present Past
float, floats Floated fight, fights fought
pack, packs Packed leave, leaves left
save, saves saved make, makes made

✔ The words in column A are regular verbs because they use -ed form to
express past tense.

To form the past tense, simply add -d to the verbs that end with letter “e”.

1. dance – danced
Alliyah danced gracefully during the school program.
2. behave – behaved
The children behaved well during the mass.

Add -ed to the verbs that end in consonant and consonant + y.

1. pack – packed
Nina packed her things yesterday for her most awaited vacation.
2. study – studied
Noah studied hard for the long quiz.

The words in column B above are irregular verbs because they form the
past tense in other ways.
1. meet – met
My mother met her sister, Gemma, the other day.
2. make – made
Last week, my sister and I made a birthday surprise for our
Do you notice the italicized words in the sentence? They are called time
expressions. Other than these, you may also use last weekend, a month ago, last
year, this morning, etc.

✔ Lastly, do not forget that there are irregular verbs that do not change the
spelling when using its past form.
1. hurt – hurt
My pet cat hurt her leg when she jumped from the bed this
morning. 2. hit – hit
My classmate hit me in the arm with his ball yesterday.

Here are the common irregular verbs.

Base Form Past Form Base Form Past Form Base Form Past Form
begin began drive drove lead led
bend bent eat ate leave left
beat beat fall fell let let
bet bet feel felt lie lay
bid bid fight fought lose lost
blow blew forget forgot mean meant
break broke forgive forgave pay paid
bring brought get got put put
broadcast broadcast give gave read read
build built go went ride rode
buy bought grow grew ring rang
catch caught hang hung rise rose
come came have had run ran
choose chose hear heard say said
cut cut hold held sell sold
dig dug keep Kept send sent
do did know knew sing sang
draw drew lay laid sit Sat
sleep slept swim swam tell told
speak spoke take took think thought
spend spent teach taught throw threw
Base Form Past Form Base Form Past Form Base Form Past Form
stand stood tear tore understand understood
wake woke win won write wrote
feed fed become became burn burnt
deal dealt bind bound burst burst
fly flew freeze froze flee fled
bite bit lend lent quit quit
swear swore shake shook see saw
wear wore shine shone steal stole

C. The Simple Future Tense of the Verb

✔ There are two ways of telling about future actions in English.

1. will + base form of the verb
a I will bake a cake for Mom’s birthday on Saturday.
b Jane will sing during the class program tomorrow.
c The Grade Five pupils will dance on Teachers’ Day celebration next week.

2. be verb + going to + base form of the verb

1. Philip is going to learn how to play the guitar next weekend.
2. Lucille and Kristina are going to practice for their contest on Friday.
3. I am going to teach you about our lesson later.
Note that we use the be verbs “is” is used for singular subject, “are” for plural
subject, and “am” for the pronoun “I”.

✔ The future form of the verb is used on the following:

a. Describe a simple action in the future Examples:

1. She will write an e-mail after lunch.
2. I am going to bake a chocolate moist cake tomorrow.

b. Make prediction
1. In the year 2025, all students will have their own computers in
2. It is very gloomy since this morning. It will probably rain later.

c. Give warning
1. Don’t lift that table. You will hurt yourself.
2. If you don’t give us high grades this quarter, we are going to cut
your allowance.
Task 1: Changing Action
Directions: Change the verb inside the parenthesis into the correct present form.
Write the correct answers in your notebook.
Example: Bernard (drive) his motorcycle very carefully.
Answer: drives
1. My parents (think) that our next vacation is in Korea.
2. Dennis always (tell) us funny stories.
3. We (live) in the Philippines for nine years already.
4. The children (visit) their grandparents every December.
5. Yong usually (go) to work at 6 o’clock in the morning.

Task 2: Which is which?

Directions: Choose the correct past form of the verb inside the parenthesis to
complete the sentence. Write the correct answers in your notebook.
Example: Julie (print, printed, printing) her module the other day.
Answer: printed

1. The Wright brothers (flies, fly, flew) the first airplane in 1903.
2. I (hurted, hurts, hurt) my leg when I was swimming last Sunday.
3. The policemen (catch, caught, catched) all three bank robbers the other day.
4. My family (ate, eat, eats) dinner at seven o’clock yesterday.
5. My father (buys, buyed, bought) a new car last week.

Task 3: Am I Correct?
Directions: Put a check mark (√) if the sentence uses the correct future form of the
verb and X if not. Write the correct answer in your notebook.

Example: Jude will drank his milk later.

Answer: X
1. The children will helping us paint the house next week.
2. We will clean the backyard tomorrow.
3. Marie will practice hard for the contest.
4. The Grade Five class will joined the Clean-Up Drive in our barangay.
5. Mother will cook again my favorite food.


Share your insights/learning by answering the questions below.

I have learned that_________________________________________________

It is important to learn the simple aspect of the verb because ___________
Directions: Analyze which is the correct form of the verb to be used to complete
each sentence. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in

1. Trisha’s favorite is spaghetti. She ______ it almost every day.

A. ate B. eats C. eat D. will eat
2. My little boy ______ soundly last night.
A. slept B. will sleep C. sleep D. sleeps
3. The children ______ happily in the reading corner.
A. will read B. reads C. reading D. read
4. The boy always ______ the steps in hand washing.
A. followed B. will follow C. follows D. follow
5. The girls ______ the dried leaves later.
A. will sweep B. swept C. sweep D.
6. Cherry ______ every morning to maintain his healthy body.
A. exercised B. exercises C. will exercise D. exercising
7. We ______ swimming in the pool last Sunday.
A. enjoying B. enjoys C. enjoyed D. will enjoy
8. The boys ______ about their Dad’s plan for the Christmas Holiday
A. are talking B. talk C. will talk D. talked
9. I ______ you an email tonight.
A. is going to send C. are going to send
B. was going to send D. am going to send
10. Finally, we ______ my brother in Bohol in December.
A. is going to visit C. are going to visit
B. was going to visit D. am going to visit

The following terms used in this module are defined as follows:

aspect It refers to the flow of time. It addresses whether the action

takes place in a single block of time or if the action is
continuous or repeated.
plural It refers to two or more subjects.
singular It refers to one subject.
subject It refers to what is being talked about in the sentence. It
could be a noun (person, thing, animal, place, or event) or
pronoun (he, she, we, they).
tense It refers to the time the action occurred, as in present, past,
and future.
verbs These are words that show an action, condition, or state of
being. It is a part of a sentence that tells us what the subject is
Quarter 2 – Module 2.1:
Using the Past Progressive and
Present Progressive Tenses of

Part 1
Directions: Choose the correct verb in parentheses that agrees with the
1. Prince (is swimming, are swimming) in the pool.

2. Yasmine and Tricia (is planting, are planting) trees at the backyard.

3. He (is washing, are washing) the dishes.

4. She (is sweeping, are sweeping) the floor.

5. Jomar, Jaryl and Daved (is helping, are helping) in fixing the old tables.

6. I (was reading, were reading) a book.

7. My parents (was cooking, were cooking) my favorite spaghetti and fried


8. My teacher (was teaching, were teaching) us good manners and right


9. Our grandparents (was reminding, were reminding) me to respect the


10. They (was playing, were playing) in the playground.

Part 2 Directions: Read and study the following

sentences. Analyze the underlined and italicized words.

I am studying my lessons.
The boy is watering the plants.

The children are preparing for lunch.

The girl was dancing Zumba.

The siblings were praying.


What do you call the underlined words am, is are, was and were?
They are called helping verbs.
How about the italicized words?
They are main verbs.
What have you noticed in common to the italicized verbs?
These verbs end in -ing.

In some sentences, verbs may be composed of more than one word.

We call these verb phrases. A verb phrase consists of a helping verb
and the main verb.

What are the verb phrases that we can create once we combine the
helping verb and the main verb that ends in -ing? Think and go back to the
examples being given on top.

The verb phrases that we can make are the following:

am studying, is watering, are preparing, was dancing and
were praying.
1. The Past Progressive Tense
The past progressive tense indicates continuing action, something that was
happening, going on, at some point in the past.
This tense is formed by:
The one being talked Helping verb in the Present participle of the
about past tense verb
Subject was/were !Verb with an -ing ending

Let us analyze these sentences in the past progressive tense.

Lawrence was learning to play the guitar.

● What is the subject?

The subject is Lawrence.
● What is the helping verb used?
Was is the helping verb
used in the sentence.
● Why do we need to use the helping
verb was?
We use was as the
helping verb because the
subject is in singular form,
only one is being talked
about and that is Lawrence.
▪ What is the past progressive tense of the verb?
was learning

Lawrence and Lloyd were learning to play the guitar.

● What are the subjects?

The subjects are Lawrence and Lloyd.
● What is the helping verb used?
Were is the helping verb used in
the sentence.
● Why do we need to use the helping verb were?
We use were as the helping verb because
the subjects are in plural form, there are two
persons being talked about Lawrence and
● What is the past progressive tense of the verb?
were learning
Take a look at this past progressive tense chart:
Main verb
Subject Helping verb in the past -ing form
tense Present Participle

Singular Subjects Nico

was speaking kicking
I, He, She, It writing listening


Plural Subjects setting

Parents were running taking
fixing biking

We, You, They were

2. The Present Progressive Tense

The present progressive tense indicates continuing action, something that is
going on now.
This tense is formed by:

The one being talked Helping verb in the Present participle of the
about present tense verb

Subject am, is, are Verb with an -ing ending

Let us analyze these sentences in

present progressive tense!
I am planting a tree to help save our planet.
● What is the subject?
The subject is I.
● What is the helping verb used?
Am is the helping verb used in the sentence.
● Why do we need to use the helping verb am?
We only use am if the subject is the pronoun I.
● What is the present progressive tense in the sentence?
am planting
She is planting a tree to help save our planet.

● What is the subject?

The subject is She.
● What is the helping verb used?
Is is the helping verb used.
● Why do we use the helping verb is?
We use the helping verb is
since the subject is She which is
in singular form.
● What is the present progressive tense in the sentence?
is planting

The children are planting trees to help save our

● What is the subject?

The subject is children.
● What is the helping verb used?
Are is the helping verb used.
● Why do we use the helping verb are?
We use the helping verb are
because the subject is children
which is in plural form.
● What is the present progressive tense in the sentence?
are planting

Let us take a closer at this chart in present progressive tense:

Main verb
Subject Helping verb in the -ing form
present tense Present Participle

Singular Subjects
Maria is speaking kicking
I am listening setting
running taking
He, She, It

Plural Subjects
Teachers are fixing

We, You, They are biking

Task 1
Directions: Identify whether the tense of the verb is in the PAST PROGRESSIVE
OR PRESENT PROGRESSIVE. Write the answer on your notebook.

1. The child was hiding behind the tree.

2. The girls were buying cotton candies outside.
3. My grandfather is arranging the firewood.
4. The kids are collecting seashells near the seashore.
5. My brother was attending a birthday party.
6. Mother is preparing for a sumptuous lunch.
7. The teachers are creating their exams for the second grading.
8. They were wearing their school uniform.
9. I was listening intently to the advice given by mother.
10. Michael is fetching water for grandmother.

Task 2
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb to be. Reflect your answer
on your notebook.
A. Past Progressive (was, were)
1. Josh _______ taking pictures.
2. Melinda _______ practicing the piano.
3. They ________ watching a soccer game.
4. Peter ________ feeding the baby.
5. The pupils ________ doing their homework.

B. Present Progressive (am, is, are)

1. Tim and Tom ______ sleeping.
2. Her dog _______ barking.
3. I ______ running.
4. Our friends ______ singing.
5. The woman _______ writing a letter.

Part 1
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer that best completes the sentence
into its past progressive or present progressive form

1. Johnny ________________ money to buy a special birthday gift to his

a. was saving b. were saving
2. Delia and Derek _______________ the environment by throwing the
garbage in the right bin.
a. was respecting b. were respecting
3. I ________________ our farm animals.
a. am loving b. was loving
4. We _______________ our best when we joined the quiz bee
a. was doing b. were doing
5. Lito, Rey and Teddy _______________ honest when they returned the
lost money of the old man.
a. was being b. were being
6. She _________________ the footsteps of her mother being a talented
a. is following b. are following
7. My siblings __________________ the rules in the house set by our
a. is obeying b. are obeying
8. Martha __________________ her English module.
a. is studying b. are studying
9. We __________________ in washing the clothes.
a. is helping b. are helping
10. Mike _________________ the visitors inside the principal’s office.
a. is assisting b. are assisting
Part 2
Directions: Write 3 sentences with past progressive tense and 3 sentences with
present progressive tense.

Past Progressive Tense




Present Progressive Tense




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