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1. Two latin words which form religion are “re” and “ligae”
2. The Bible presents sin as the transgression of Divine Law
3. The highest goal of a christian as a worthy ambassador for Christ in a society is to please God and
settle for the best
4. Some of the effects of sin on a marriage includes Unfaithfulness, polygamy, and separation
5. Relationship that centers on God and man is vertical relationship
6. Relationship that centers from man to man is horizontal relationship
7. Morality is the set of culturally transmitted norms governing the conduct of human beings with
one another.
8. Morality is horizontal relationship
9. Ermile Durkheim postulated that religion came into existence accidentally
10. The system of education that is planned with a curriculum is a formal education
11. System of education that comes from constant effect of the environment is informal education
12. Advocating for women’s rights and interests is called feminism
13. A feminist theologian of the Catholic faith is Elizabeth Florenza
14. Women empowerment includes Education, getting involves in politics, owning property, trade,
15. One of the economic effects of corruption is political association
16. The sum total of living, built up by a group of people and transmitted from one generation to
another is Culture
17. Ellen G. White advocated that our homes be little heavens on earth
18. Ethics is the discipline that studies morality
19. The totality of relationship among humans participating in shared institutions defines society
20. The one who postulated that religion originated from the attempt of the primitives to offer
explanations for dreams and visions is Edward Taylor
21. Egalitarianism is a belief in human equality, right and privilege
22. True value of christian education is character development
23. The bible is the best source of moral standards and principles and final authority
24. Morality is a major feature of Religion
25. Corruption is when an individual acquires economic, personal or familial dominance at the
expense of public good
26. Foundations for marriage include partnership in marriage, permeance in marriage and origin of
27. Empty nest family is when all the children have grown and left to set up their own family
28. Re-attached families are when adults come back to live with their parents
29. Environment refers to the circumstances, objects or conditions by which one is surrounded.
30. Family of God is the cosmic unit consisting of all families on earth since we belong to God by
creation and redemption
31. Nuclear family is made up of a father, mother and children
32. The abolitionist who is best known for her contribution to the woman suffrage struggle is
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
33. The direction to health and happiness is the Bible
34. The average African man considers feminism as rebellion
35. When corruption questions the legitimacy of a government, it has political effects
36. Men who rose in political leadership in the bible had qualities of dignity of labour, morality,
vision, and endurance
37. Joseph in the bible is an example of chastity and self control
38. The greatest educator is Jesus Christ
39. For believers in Christ, the revealed will of God is contained in the Bible
40. Many people confess to be religious but they lack transformation
41. Religion has no value if it is not practically demonstrated in good behaviour
42. Sins considered deadly during the medieval period include pride, covetousness, lust, anger,
gluttony and envy
43. Stewardship is an important term in the biblical position regarding human relationship with his
44. Basic principle that seem to govern islamic obligation to environmental sustainability is Divine
ownership to all creation
45. According to islamic teachings, to do mischief on the earth includes destroying the soil,
establishing settlement on the earth, and desertification
46. The scholar who argued that it was God’s design that man exploits the earth is Lynn White
47. Debt relief and rest for the land constituents benefits of the sabbatical year
48. Environmental lessons from Jesus’ attitude during feeding the five thousand are clean up and
waste recycling
49. Primary health care as a strategy for achieving Health for all was adopted in 1978
50. During the ministry of Ellen White, Adventist system of Health care began in 1863
51. The value of true christian education rests on the fact that it provides mental discipline
52. The Holy Scriptures should be given the highest place in education because it is the perfect stand
of truth
53. Love is the basis of creation and redemption
54. Love is the basis of education
55. Love is the basis of effective social order
56. Social control is a set of practices that enforces what a society considers normal
57. Social order regulates individual and group behavior which leads to compliance of societal rules
58. Christian principles can enhance social order if christians advocate for peaceful coexistence
59. Euthanasia is a deliberate intention of ending a life to relieve someone from suffering
60. By law, if a person kills another person in order to end the other person’s pain or suffering, the
killing is considered as Euthanasia
61. The deliberate and systematic destruction in whole or in part of an ethic, racial, religious or
national group is referred to as Genocide
62. The argument for the sanctity of life rests on the fact that life is a sacred gift from God
63. Culture is a part and parcel of religion. TRUE
64. According to Edward Taylor, religion came into existence accidentally FALSE
65. Sexual intimacy is a gift from God which is achievable among all FALSE
66. “Keep family’s secrets” means couples can keep some secrets from their spouse FALSE
67. Corruption does not affect some tribes in Nigeria FALSE
68. Prospective couples should inquire whether their partner is rich FALSE
69. According to Islamic teachings on environment, one can urinate inside a pool FALSE
70. In John 6:13, Moses taught the Isrealites to cover the ground after faeces FALSE
71. Freud is a neurologist and psychoanalyst who lived between 1856-1939 TRUE
72. Seventh Day Adventists promote the use of plant and animal based foods FALSE
73. The image of God is manifested in human morality TRUE
74. Morality is independent of religion FALSE
75. The first to expatiate the concept of social order was Thomas Hobbes
76. Norms tell us what people ought to do in a given situation
77. A person’s characteristics such as race or ethnicity can create a social group
78. Social honour can also be referred to as social status
79. Values are internal criteria for evaluation which pertain to something we think has worth
80. Social values are desires modified according to ethical principles or according to groups we
associate with such as friends, family or co-workers.

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