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JICKAIN, Hannah Kymme M.

PASAOL, Shyver Jave C.
BARING, Arianey D.
ARAGALLON, Frenz Rochie A.
ASTACAAN, John Francis R.


Calumpang, General Santos City

June 2023



A Research Project Submitted

To the Research Council

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement

In Research Project


JICKAIN, Hannah Kymme M.

PASAOL, Shyver Jave C.
BARING, Arianey D.
ARAGALLON, Frenz Rochie A.
ASTACAAN, John Francis R.

Grade 10 SOHO, Special Program in Journalism

General Santos City National High School

Calumpang, General Santos City


Table of Contents

Title Page …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…i

Table of Contents ……………………………………………….………………………………….…………….……….ii

Acknowledgement .…………………………..…….…………….………………………..……….…..…..………..iii

Abstract ……………………………………………..….…..………………………………………….….…………………..iv

Chapter I: Introduction

Background of the Study ………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………………………………………….. 1-2

Hypotheses……………………... ………………………………………………………………………………………. 2

Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………………………………………. 2-3

Scope and Limitations ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3-4

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Literature…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5-6

Related Studies ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6

Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………………………………………………. 7-8

Chapter III: Methodology

Research Design……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9

Locale of the Study………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9

Research Respondents…………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

Research Instrument……………………………………………………………………………………………… 10

Data Gathering Procedure…………………………………………………………………………………….. 10

Statistical Treatment………………………………………………………………………………………………. 10

References ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11

Curriculum Vitae………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12-16



Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have been rapidly

advancing and revolutionizing various industries, including
journalism. This study was conducted to examine the significance of
AI technologies in students of special programs in journalism,
examining how these technologies can enhance their education,
improve their skills, and transform the field of journalism.
Furthermore, this research begins by providing an overview of AI
technologies and their applications in journalism. It explores the
various AI-powered tools and techniques available to students,
including natural language processing, data analysis, and
automated content generation. The abstract also discusses the
ethical considerations and challenges associated with the use of AI
in journalism. The respondents of the study were the 40 students
from all grade level of Special Program in Journalism that is
officially enrolled s.y. 2022- 2023 in General Santos City National
High School. The data was collected through survey questionnaire.
The data was analysed quantitatively using the frequency count
mean and Pearson Product moment correlation coefficient. The
overall outcomes stated that the students of Special Program in
Journalism in all grade levels agreed that incorporating AI
technologies can improved and help students in research
capabilities, enhanced writing skills, data-driven journalism,
increased awareness of ethical considerations, and the ability to
adapt to the changing media landscape. These outcomes contribute
to producing well-rounded and technologically proficient journalists
who can excel in the modern era of journalism. Thus, the
significance of AI technologies in students enrolled in special
programs in journalism had significant relationship based on the
data conducted.


The researchers would like to express extreme gratitude and earnest

appreciation to the following individuals that provides assistance, attention,
support encouragement and prayers extended for the successful completion
of this research on the significance of AI technologies in students of special
programs in journalism.

To their English teacher, Mrs. Jasmin A. Salazar, who rendered her unfailing
support from the start until the end of their study and helped us to improve and
enhance our study. Her willingness to give and spend her times gives
suggestions and motivation to pursue the study well.

To the students who participated in surveys, interviews, or focus groups,

sharing their perspectives and experiences related to AI technologies in
journalism. Their willingness to contribute to the research has been invaluable
in gathering meaningful data and insights.

To the academic institutions that provided the platform and resources for
conducting this research. Their support in terms of access to libraries,
databases, and other research materials has been crucial in the successful
completion of the study.

To the developers and providers of AI technologies, whose tools and

platforms have been integral to the research. Their innovations have opened
up new possibilities for journalism education and have served as the
foundation for exploring the significance of AI technologies in this field.

Lastly, we would like to express our gratitude to family, friends, and co-
researchers who provided continuous encouragement, understanding, and
support during the research process. Their encouragement and belief in our
abilities have been essential in overcoming challenges and completing the
study. And to God for guiding us throughout this research journey. Your divine
presence has provided us with strength, inspiration, and wisdom to navigate
the challenges and complexities of this study.

Thank you all for your valuable contributions and assistance.


Chapter I


This chapter presents the background, statements of the problem,

significance, scope and limitations of the study. To familiarize the terms
used in the study, the operational definition of terms is also lineated in
this chapter.

Background of the Study

Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence

processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific
applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing,
speech recognition and machine vision.

AI requires a foundation of specialized hardware and software for

writing and training machine learning algorithms for it to function. In
general, AI systems work by ingesting large amounts of labelled training
data, analysing the data for correlations and patterns, and using these
patterns to make predictions about future states. In this way, a chatbot
that is fed examples of text can learn to generate lifelike exchanges with
people, or an image recognition tool can learn to identify and describe
objects in images by reviewing millions of examples. New, rapidly
improving generative AI techniques can create realistic text, images,
music and other media (Ed Burns, 2018).

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to determine the significance of AI

technology in the studies of students of the special program in
journalism. Furthermore, this study attempted to find answers to the
following questions:

1. Do you take AI technology as beneficial to you as a student?

1.1. Yes, since it helps me to write my written works and helps me

hone my skills in improving my comprehension.

1.2. No, since most likely my classmates and I will constantly depend
on AI and will not thrive to study anymore.

1.3. Yes, because it can help me to acquire higher rank in my class.

1.4. No, since AI doesn't give me enough and credible information.

2. How does AI Technology enable you to hone your Journalistic Skills?

2.1. AI Technology give me more techniques and terminologies about


2.2. No, I don’t find it helpful.

2.3. AI Technology is versatile as it can answer any subjects in my

class which allow me to save time.


Based on the above-mentioned questions, this hypothesis was

formulated: There are higher number of students in the program of
journalism who finds AI Technologies significant than those who do not.

Significance of the Study

This conducted study aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the

effectiveness of using technologies in the field of journalism. Through
this research, journalism students will gain valuable knowledge and
awareness regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in news writing,
fact-checking, and verification. The outcome of the study will be
beneficial to the following entities.

Students: Students will be able to evaluate and understand the

effectiveness of AI in the field of journalism, and will be equipped with
better skills and strategies to handle their work with the use of

Teachers: This study helps to design interactive and engaging

lessons about the usage of AI in journalism. They can easily teach
students about complex concepts and help them fetch more information
about AI technology. The research done enables teachers to utilize
different tools that can enhance classroom discussions, techniques for
writing journalism papers, and practical applications of AI that will be
used in journalism.

Parents: Parents also will be encouraged to inspire their children

to study more about the wide field of journalism and new technologies.
They can then guide their children to develop a strong foundation of
skills and concepts about the usage of AI technology in journalism field,
ultimately helping to prepare them with better career prospects in the

Researches: They will also be benefitted from the study. The

conducted research will give insights into the technology advancements
in Journalism and how it will impact the future of the Journalism industry.

Future Researchers: They can use this study's outcomes to

enhance their research work and validate their findings better. This
conducted study will help to break down the trends and benefits of AI
technology in Journalism and serve as a foundation for future research

Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on the significance of AI Technologies in the

students. This study is limited only to the students of the special program
in journalism of the General Santos City National High School.

The survey was conducted at the Special Program in Journalism of

General Santos City National High School.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined operationally to give the reader a

better understanding about the terms being used in the study.

Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI refers to the simulation of human

intelligence in machines that are programmed to perform tasks that
typically require human intelligence, such as speech recognition,
problem-solving, learning, and decision-making.

Special Program in Journalism: The Special Program in

Journalism is an educational program specifically designed to provide
specialized training and skills development in journalism. It aims to equip
students with advanced knowledge and practical experience in various
aspects of journalism.

Technological Integration: Technological integration refers to the

process of incorporating AI technologies into the curriculum and learning
experiences of the Special Program in Journalism. It involves utilizing AI
tools, software, and platforms to enhance the students' learning and
enable them to utilize AI in their journalistic tasks.

Information Processing: Information processing involves the

acquisition, organization, and analysis of data and information relevant
to journalistic tasks. With AI technologies, information processing can be
enhanced through automated data analysis, pattern recognition, and
extraction of insights from large datasets.

Content Generation: Content generation refers to the creation of

journalistic content such as news articles, summaries, or reports. AI
technologies can automate content generation processes through
natural language processing and generation techniques, assisting
students in producing high-quality content efficiently.

Fact-Checking and Verification: Fact-checking and verification

involve the process of verifying the accuracy and reliability of information
and sources used in journalism. AI technologies can aid in automated
fact-checking by analysing data, comparing information against trusted
sources, and detecting potential misinformation or manipulated media.

Ethical Considerations: Ethical considerations refer to the

evaluation of the moral and professional implications of using AI
technologies in journalism. This includes addressing issues such as
bias, privacy, transparency, and the impact of automated content
generation on journalistic integrity.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Continuous learning and

adaptation emphasize the ongoing acquisition of knowledge and skills
related to AI technologies in journalism. Students need to stay updated
with the latest advancements, engage in research, and adapt their
practices to effectively leverage AI technologies in an evolving industry.

Chapter II


This chapter presents a review of related literature, related studies,

conceptual framework that are relevant to the study of the researchers.
This review of literature explores the significance of AI technologies for
students in special programs in journalism and highlights their impact on
different aspects of journalistic practice.

Related literature

According to Loeckx (2016), AI can be a valuable learning tool for

teachers and students, offering effective learning experiences. With
ongoing education reforms like digitalization, gamification, and
personalized learning, there are many opportunities for AI in education.
For instance, AI can create individualized learning environments through
intelligent tutoring systems, compensating for the shortage of teachers.

In journalism programs, AI-powered tools have revolutionized

automated news writing. Students can use AI to generate news articles
quickly, allowing them to focus on investigative reporting and data
analysis. However, concerns exist regarding accuracy, bias, and the
potential loss of human creativity and storytelling skills. AI enables
enhanced data analysis and visualization, empowering students to
conduct in-depth research and present complex information effectively. It
also aids in investigative journalism and fact-checking by identifying
connections and correlations within data sets.

AI technologies personalize news content and improve audience

engagement by analysing user preferences. Journalism students can
optimize content delivery and create customized storytelling
experiences. Ethical considerations like transparency, privacy, and
algorithmic bias must be addressed for responsible personalized
journalism. AI assists in fact-checking, source verification, and
debunking false information, promoting accurate reporting and integrity.

Integrating AI in journalism education raises ethical challenges.

Students should understand biases in AI algorithms, ethical implications
of automated content generation, and responsible use of personal data.
Awareness of AI limitations and risks is crucial for responsible AI-
powered journalism.

AI has a significant impact on journalism students, benefiting them

in areas such as automated news writing, data analysis, audience
engagement, fact-checking, and verification. However, ethical
considerations like bias and privacy must be carefully addressed.
Educational institutions should equip students with a deep
understanding of AI's potential and limitations to ensure responsible and
ethical use in journalism while upholding core values of accuracy,
objectivity, and transparency.

Related studies

According to a study conducted by Samuel Danzon-Chambaud in

2021, research on automated journalism indicates that readers perceive
automated news to be just as credible, objective, and trustworthy as
news written by humans. The adoption of automated news has the
potential to impact various fields, including legal proceedings and
securities exchange. Another area of study focuses on the practical
implementation of automated journalism, highlighting the importance of
examining its effects on individual journalists and other actors in the
media industry. By identifying common patterns across media
organizations, researchers can utilize Bourdieu's Field theory, which has
been considered a suitable framework for studying computational and
algorithmic journalism.

The integration of AI technologies into journalism education is

crucial, recognizing the need to prepare future journalists for the evolving
media landscape. This process allows for the exploration of the
advantages, challenges, and best practices associated with
incorporating AI technologies into specialized journalism programs. As
time goes on, AI technologies continue to transform traditional journalism
practices, including automated news generation, data analysis, and
audience targeting. These transformations help journalists adapt to
changes in news production and consumption patterns, such as the rise
of digital platforms, social media, and personalized news delivery.

Furthermore, journalism students are regularly confronted with

emerging trends that they must adapt to. Journalists must stay informed
about current trends, such as AI-powered newsrooms, algorithmic bias,
and the growing demand for data-driven storytelling. AI can also be
beneficial in the realm of data journalism, as it enables automated tasks
like data cleaning, pattern recognition, and visual representation
generation. This empowers journalists to create engaging stories
through interactive visualizations and personalized narratives based on
data analysis.

Conceptual Framework

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has

brought significant transformations to various industries, including
journalism. This conceptual framework explores the significance of AI
technologies in enhancing the capabilities of students enrolled in a
Special Program in Journalism. The framework encompasses key
aspects such as technological integration, information processing,
content generation, fact-checking, ethical considerations, and
continuous learning.

The Significance of AI Technology in Special Program

in Journalism

All students of Special Program in Journalism

Technological Enhanced Automated Fact-Checking

Integration Information Content and Verification
Processing Generation

Ethical Continuous
Considerations Learning and

Enhance the capabilities of students who

enrolled in Special Program in Journalism

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework


The conceptual framework highlights the significance of AI technologies

in the education and training of students in a Special Program in
Journalism. By integrating AI tools and techniques, students can
enhance their information processing capabilities, automate content
generation, improve fact-checking processes, and develop a strong
ethical foundation. The framework encourages students to embrace
continuous learning and adaptation, equipping them with the skills to
navigate the evolving AI landscape in journalism effectively. Ultimately,
this framework aims to empower students to leverage AI technologies to
produce high-quality, ethically sound, and innovative journalism.

Chapter III


In this chapter explain various methodologies that were used in

gathering data and analysis which are relevant to the research. The
methodologies consist of the following items: Purpose of the study,
Research design, Locale of the study, Research respondents, Research
instrument, Data gathering, Procedure, Statistical treatments. The
methodology was used for this research is Quantitative research.

Research Design

The researchers will use non-experimental specifically survey

methods. It is quantitative research that assist journalism students in
identifying the significance of AI technologies in the special program in
journalism students at General Santos City National Highschool. In this
case, the quantitative method aids in the analysis of the effective usage
of AI websites by journalism major students and by determining if the AI
websites are effective enough in enhancing the efficiency and accuracy
of news reporting and analysis. The survey results, when analysed
using statistical tools, will help to identify the strengths and weaknesses
of these technologies and inform the development of more effective AI
tools in the future. The questionnaires, which were formulated in English,
will be distributed personally.

Locale of the Study

The researchers will conduct their study at General Santos City

National High school, Special program in Journalism. The said school
was located at Jose P. Rizal Street, Purok Maliwanag, General Santos
City. The researchers preferred to conduct the study in General Santos
City National High school, Special program in Journalism for the reason,
that it will be more convenient for them, won’t consume time and spend
money to go far, out of school.
Research Respondents

The researchers polled (40) SPJ students, with (10) ten students
each grade level. Furthermore, the interviewed students understood the
content of the survey questionnaire and have the capacity to interpret
the use and purpose of AI technologies based on their experiences in
journalism field. Overall, the use of AI technologies in journalism has the
potential to transform the field and tackle more complex topics when it
comes to journalism.

Research Instrument

In this study, the researcher prepared questionnaire that is

designed to collect opinions from the students of the Special Program in
Journalism. The first part of the questionnaire is about how AI
Technology enable to hone their journalistic skills. The second part is
about do they take AI Technology as beneficial to them as a student.
We've put choices for each question in the survey to specify the level of
agreement of the students to the statements.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers of this study used a Face-to-Face survey

questionnaire in collecting data. The researcher made sure that the set
of questions are enough to provide sufficient data needed in the study. A
Face-to-Face survey is preferred by the researchers because it is more
accessible to reach the respondents. Also, it allowed the respondents to
ask question to the researchers or if they have concerns in answering
our survey.

Statistical Treatment

Researchers will be using descriptive statistics in this study.

According to the Wikipedia, Descriptive statistics is a summary statistic
that quantitatively describes or summarizes features from a collection of
information. While descriptive statistics is the process of using and
analysing those statistics. Descriptive statistics use estimates from the
example of trial subjects to analyse treatment aggregations and to
speculate on the largest number of subjects. The data are examined
from an example to carry out inductions to a wider assortment of the
population. Researchers ask the respondents through questionnaires.
The researchers will gather and summarize the data from the answered
questionnaires and make generalization from the respondent's views.


AI Information

AI’s Impact on Journalism

A Review of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education from 2010 to


Maliha Tassabum

Samuel Danzon-Chambaud & Alessio Cornia

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT on Education


Personal Information

Name: Hannah Kymme M. Jickain

Address: Blk. 1 Lot 4, Prk. Opring Ville Brgy. Calumpang
Civil Status: Single
Age: 17
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother's Name: Eyen Jickain
Mother's Occupation: HR Manager
Father's Name: Orlando Jickain
Father's Occupation: Self-employed

Education Background:

Preschool: Shephered Alliance School

Elementary: Dadiangas West Central Elementary School

Junior High School: General Santos City National High School

Learning Insights:

Through research I have discovered information or gained answers

regarding bizarre topics and questions about which that I had always
been curious.


Personal Information

Name: Shyver Jave C. Pasaol

Address: Blk. 3 Lot 9 AngryBird St., Prk. Opring Ville Brgy. Calumpang
Civil Status: Single
Age: 15
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother's Name: Vilma C. Pasaol
Mother's Occupation: Self-employed
Father's Name: Renante S. Pasaol
Father's Occupation: OFW

Education Background:

Preschool: Romana C. Acharon Central Elematry School

Elementary: Romana C. Acharon Central Elematry School

Junior High School: General Santos City National High School

Learning Insights:

By conducting this research, I acquired new knowledge, a better

understanding, and skills that can help me improve myself.


Personal Information

Name: Arianey D. Baring

Adress: Prk. Emeliana Heights Calumpang G.S.C
Civil Status: Single
Age: 16
Religion: Evangelical
Mother’s Name: Rosemarie Baring
Mother’s Occupation: N/A
Father’s Name: Jeff Baring
Father’s Occupation: Tuna dealer

Educational Background:

Preschool: H.N Cahilsot Central Elementary School

Elementary: H.N Cahilsot Central Elementary School

Junior High School: General Santos City National High School

Learning Insights:

I have gained enough knowledge on how technology evolved over time

and how this made a significant contribution on education. As much as
this is very innovative and helpful, I learned that everything has gaps
and that AI is not perfect. For me, the sole purpose of AI is to be a guide
to a structure of a certain project.


Personal Information

Name: Frenz Rochie A. Argallon

Address: Brgy. Calumpang Prk. San Miguel General Santos City
Civil Status: Single
Age: 16
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother's Name: Chuchi A. Argallon
Mother's Occupation: CSDWD Social Worker
Father's Name: Rommel A. Argallon
Father's Occupation: Mechanic

Educational background:

Preschool: Golden Fisher’s School

Elementary: Romana C. Acharon Central Elementary School

Junior Highschool: General Santos City National Highschool

Learning insights:

Because of this research, my knowledge and perspective about the use

of technology became broad.


Personal Information

Name: John Francis R. Astacaan

Address: Block 26, Changco Phase 1-B, Brgy. Bawing
Civil Status: Single
Age: 15
Religion: Roman Catholic
Mother's Name: Alyn R. Astacaan
Mother's Occupation: Market Manager
Father's Name: Roy B. Astacaan
Father's Occupation: Market Manager

Educational Background:

Preschool: Changco Elementary School

Elementary: Romana Central Acharon Elementary School

Junior High School: General Santos City National High School

Learning Insights:

I gained more knowledge and learnings in my research experience.

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