Test Bank For Research Experience Planning Conducting and Reporting Research 1St Edition Devlin 1506325122 9781506325125 Full Chapter PDF

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Test Bank for Research Experience Planning Conducting and
Reporting Research 1st Edition Devlin 1506325122 9781506325125
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Test Bank:

Test Bank: Chapter 2

Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following is the best approach to beginning a research
study? a. Come up with an idea before reading the literature.
b. Read the literature before coming up with a hypothesis. c.
Collect data and then fix your hypothesis to fit the data. d.
Change the data to prove your hypothesis.
Ans: A
Answer Location: Overview
Learning Objective: Why might it make sense to think of some ideas before consulting the
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

2. IRB stands for:

a. Internal Revenue Bureau
b. Institutional Review Board
c. Individual Research Billing
d. Indiana Reliance Broadcasting
Ans: B
Answer Location: Common Student Research Themes
Learning Objective: Why do reviewers need ethical standards?
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

3. Which of the following is NOT a task of the IRB?

a. evaluate the risks of a particular research study b.
evaluate the benefits of a particular research study c.
evaluate the quality of a research design
d. evaluate the ethical issues inherent in a research project
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Ans: B
Answer Location: Common Student Research Themes
Learning Objective: Why do reviewers need ethical standards?
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

4. Conducting a study because you just want to know the answer to a question is which of the
a. correlational research
b. applied research
c. experimental research
d. basic research
Ans: D
Answer Location: Common Student Research Themes
Learning Objective: Sources of ideas.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

5. Where should a student NOT find research ideas?

a. relationships with parents
b. courses
c. relationships with
peers d. other students’
papers Ans: D
Answer Location: Ideas: Academia and Media
Learning Objective: What advantages are there to using their own personal experience to
develop research ideas?
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
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6. In conducting research, it is important to use the correct search terms, or
. a. subject terms
b. keywords
c. topic searches
d. consortium
holdings Ans: B
Answer Location: Library holdings
Learning Objective: What is a keyword?
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

7. Which of the following is a Library of Congress classification that corresponds to much of

psychology research?
a. AC
b. BF
c. IJ
d. LM
Ans: B
Answer Location: Psychology and Other Social Sciences
Learning Objective: What is the Library of Congress classification system?
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

8. In a research article, where will the authors give the keywords relevant to their
study? a. at the end of the Abstract
b. at the end of the Introduction
c. at the end of the Methods section
d. at the end of the Results section
Ans: A
Answer Location: Keywords: The “Key” to Success
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Learning Objective: Explain what information you should keep track of in each of the following
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

9. What is the purpose of keywords?

a. to summarize the research
b. to help the reader understand the statistics presented in the
article c. to help the reader find relevant sources
d. to link the search terms you use in a database to articles that use those keywords
Ans: D
Answer Location: Keywords: The “Key” to Success
Learning Objective: What is a keyword?
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: easy

10. What is the name of the most heavily used database in the social and behavioral
sciences? a. ERIC
b. Social Sciences Citation Index
c. PsycINFO
d. APA
Ans: C
Answer Location: PsycINFO
Learning Objective: What is the difference in journal coverage between PsycINFO and
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

11. Which of the following terms has been truncated?

a. parent
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b. parents c.
parental d.
Ans: A
Answer Location: Other Techniques in Searching: Truncation and Times Cited
Learning Objective: Explain how you would obtain a book that your library does not own.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

12. Which of the following is acceptable tool for finding scholarly

work? a. WikiLeaks
b. Wikipedia
c. Google
d. Google Scholar
Ans: D
Answer Location: Other Databases and Indexes in the Social Sciences
Learning Objective: When we talk about the publication practices of a journal, what do we mean?
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

13. What is the term for sources that have undergone evaluation by experts in a field before
a. primary sources
b. secondary sources
c. peer-reviewed sources
d. quality assurance
Ans: C
Answer Location: The Web and Peer Review
Learning Objective: When we talk about the publication practices of a journal, what do we mean?
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
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Difficulty Level: Easy

14. Batson conducted a study in which he and his colleagues looked at all of the articles
published on the empathy-altruism hypothesis, combined their data, and came to a conclusion.
What kind of article results from such research?
a. primary source
b. secondary source
c. review article
d. meta-analysis
Ans: D
Answer Location: Meta-analysis: Their Special Value
Learning Objective: When we talk about the publication practices of a journal, what do we mean?
Cognitive Domain: Application
Difficulty Level: Medium

15. Which of the following tests the idea that there is no difference between sampled
populations? a. alternate hypothesis
b. null hypothesis
c. significant
hypothesis d. effect size
Ans: B
Answer Location: Significance Levels
Learning Objective: State the null hypothesis in your own words.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy
1. The Times Cited feature in PsycInfo lets you know what other published research has cited the
particular article you selected.
Ans: T
Answer Location: Other Techniques in Searching: Truncation and Times Cited
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Learning Objective: Explain how you would obtain an article that is not available as Full-text
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

2. An alpha level of 0.05 is accepted by most scientists as an acceptable risk of being

wrong. Ans: T
Answer Location: Significance levels
Learning Objective: State the null hypothesis in your own words.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

3. A 95% significance level tells you that the population mean falls within a certain range of values
95 out of a 100 times.
Ans: F
Answer Location: Significance levels
Learning Objective: State the null hypothesis in your own words.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

4. A reviewer can ethically review the work of a friend.

Ans: F
Answer Location: Reviewer Selection
Learning Objective: Why do reviewers need ethical standards?
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

5. The file drawer phenomenon leads to the concern that experts in a field assume that everyone
agrees something is true when that is not necessarily so.
Ans: F
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Answer Location: File Drawer Phenomenon
Learning Objective: What is the file drawer phenomenon?
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

6. A primary source is one in which important findings that will change the field are reported.
Ans: F
Answer Location: Journal Articles vs. Book Chapters
Learning Objective: When we talk about the publication practices of a journal, what do we mean?
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

7. Beall’s List lets us know which journals are considered the most important in a field.
Ans: F
Answer Location: Open Access and Predatory Publishers
Learning Objective: What is Beall’s List?
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

8. PsycArticles contains more citations than

PsycInfo. Ans: F
Answer Location: PsycINFO vs. PsycArticles
Learning Objective: What is the difference in journal coverage between PsycINFO and
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

9. The Introduction of a paper contains summaries of past research studies on the

topic. Ans: T
Answer Location: The Introduction
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Learning Objective: Explain what information you should keep track of in each of the following
sections: Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

10. Treeing forward will find more recent articles than treeing backward.
Ans: T
Answer Location: The Introduction
Learning Objective: Explain how you would obtain an article that is not available as Full-text
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

11. If you ask your mother to ask her friends to fill out your survey, you are using a random
sample. Ans: F
Answer Location: Participants
Learning Objective: What to note in the Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

12. The Methods section gives the hypotheses at the end of the section.
Ans: F
Answer Location: The Method section
Learning Objective: Explain what information you should keep track of in each of the following
sections: Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion.
Cognitive Domain: Knowledge
Difficulty Level: Easy

13. Third variables consist of extra dependent variables that allow the researcher to see the
detailed effects of the independent variable.
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Ans: F
Answer Location: Reasonable Questions and the Problem of Third Variables: Closing the
Research Gap
Learning Objective: Explain what a third variable is and why it makes sense to narrow the
research gap.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

14. The ability to generalize our results beyond the scope of a particular study is called external
Ans: T
Answer Location: Reasonable Questions and the Problem of Third Variables: Closing the
Research Gap
Learning Objective: How Journals Differ in Quality.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Easy

15. Scoring high on an introversion scale is an example of a demographic

variable. Ans: F
Answer Location: Reasonable Questions and the Problem of Third Variables: Closing the
Research Gap
Learning Objective: What role do demographic variables play in narrowing the research gap?
Cognitive Domain: Application
Difficulty Level: Medium
1. Where might you find research ideas? Give two advantages for doing so from your own
experience and two disadvantages. Explain.
Ans: Research ideas can literally be found anywhere. A major source of ideas is from our own
lives; another source of ideas is from the literature—and other people’s lives. Two advantages of
coming up with a research idea from my own idea is “study what you know” and the idea that I
might know more about some topics than people older than me or people who have not had my
experiences. The first is an advantage because I will be more comfortable studying something I
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already know about and I will not be as affected or restricted by what is already in the
literature— the theory will not dictate my observations so much. The second is an advantage
because I may bring something new to the literature that my professors and published authors do
not already know. They might not have written any articles on the topic, or at least on my viewpoint
about the topic, and I can advance the literature. This is true for new ideas like how Snapchat
affects relationships since older teachers might have already been married before Snapchat
came into existence, and they have not had experience with the constant stimulation that comes
with needing to message someone back all the time that you just met.
Answer Location: Ideas: The Student Sphere of Activity
Learning Objective: What advantages are there in using your own personal experience to
develop research ideas?
Cognitive Domain: Synthesis
Difficulty Level: Hard

2. Identify two possible sources of information—one credible and the other not. Explain why one
is credible and the other is not. Be sure to give examples for each.
Ans: For a source to be credible, the material has to have gone through peer review and not involve
payment for publication. The source should reject a sizable percentage of materials submitted to
it, and the authors should have a certain level of credentials. Two possible sources of information
are a scholarly journal such as The Journal of Applied Psychology and a web page. The Journal
of Applied Psychology is credible because the editor first checks submissions to make sure they
fit the journal’s mission and then sends them to people who are experts in the field for review. The
journal has reviewer criteria such as the reviewers have to have expertise in the field, a certain
degree of separation from the author, and the journal has a 91% rejection rate. A web page can be
created by anyone. That person may have credentials or may not. Even if the author has significant
credentials, he or she could just be expressing an opinion without any real evidence to back it up.
The reader has to make decisions on the quality of the work and most people just accept what they
read on face value. That is dangerous.
Answer Location: How Journals Differ: Issues Related to Quality
Learning Objective: When we talk about the publication practices of a journal, what do we mean?
Cognitive Domain: Synthesis
Difficulty Level: Hard
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3. How might you obtain a source on a particular research topic? Give three means of doing so:
one for an article that is downloadable, one for an article that is not readily downloadable, and
one for a book.
Ans: To find a source, you first need keywords. I would come up with ideas of different terms on
my topic from my notes or a textbook. Then, I would check the Thesaurus of Psychological
Index Terms and write down several key words. I would also check encyclopedias and
handbooks for general information on the topic. Then, I would be ready to find an article. Since
PsycINFO has the most citations of all the databases for behavioral and social sciences, I would
go there first. If my topic intersects with another field like education, I might go to that database
as well (ERIC). Many citations in PsycINFO have links to downloadable articles so that it
accomplishes the first task. If a citation does not have a link in PsycINFO, I might check
PsycArticles which only has downloadable articles. If the article is not available there, I would
try Google, and if that does not work, I would go to the library and consult my local information
services expert, aka the librarian. That should accomplish the second task. For a book, I would
look at my library’s online catalog. If our library does not have the book, I would go through
interlibrary loan. I could also consult WorldCat, a worldwide database for books. So, that should
accomplish the third task, if I have given myself enough time to do my research rather than wait
until the last minute. But, hey, I am a student so that might not happen.
Answer Location: Physically Obtaining an Article: A Closer Look at Databases
Learning Objective: Explain how you would obtain an article that is not available as Full-text
Cognitive Domain: Synthesis
Difficulty Level: Hard

4. Identify the five main sections of a research a paper. Describe, briefly, what goes into each
section. Explain why it is not sufficient to read the abstract.
Ans: A research paper has five main sections: the Abstract, the Introduction (even though the word
does not appear), the Method, the Results, and the Discussion. The abstract is a 150–250 word summary
of the paper and should not be seen as equivalent to the paper. It is only a summary and may be
missing the very information that would help a reader with her topic. The Introduction of a paper
introduces the topic, summarizes relevant past research (which is really helpful with finding sources),
and gives the hypotheses. The Method section contains the subsections of the participants, Materials
and Apparatus (the apparatus may not be there if you do not have equipment), and the procedure.
Basically, the Method section lets the reader know what the researcher did with whom in the study.
The Results section contains the statistical results, the numbers. The Discussion describes the results in
words and ties the results back to past research. The Discussion also discusses any problems or
limitations with the research and ideas for future
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research. Finally, there is a conclusion. So, with all of this information in the rest of the paper,
the reader cannot rely only on the Abstract to truly get a grasp of what an article contains.
Answer Location: What to Do With Your Articles (Read More Than the abstract!)
Learning Objective: Explain what information you should keep track of in each of the following
sections: Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion.
Cognitive Domain: Comprehension
Difficulty Level: Medium

5. Explain what a third variable is, in general terms. Then consider third variables that might
affect a study assessing the hypothesis, “Blondes have more fun.” Explain how you might
narrow the research gap in this case.
Ans: Third variables are variables that get in the way of testing your hypothesis. They are variables
that the researcher failed to measure that account for the relationship between the variables of
interest—the independent and the dependent variables. The wider the research gap— the distance
between those two variables—the greater the possibility of more third variables. In the case of
“Blondes have more fun,” there are many other variables that could explain the relationship (if
there is any) between hair color and fun. First, to really have a hypothesis, we would need to
define fun. Fun can mean many things, but let us define fun as the obvious . . .
.more dates, let us say, in a month. Then, there are the variables of natural versus artificial hair
color, age, gender, other areas of attractiveness, and more. To narrow the research gap, we want
to rule out the steps between hair color and fun as much as possible. For example, make sure that
we are only looking at one person who wears a really good wig for both blonde and black hair
(let us say she has naturally brown hair) and that will rule out any problems with natural vs.
artificial, age (she is the same age both times), gender (she is a she in this case, another study could
look at males), and she will have the same level of attractiveness in all cases. Then, we could have
the lady in question go on a dating site for a period of 30 days and see how many likes she gets
to rule out different levels of exposure. While we are limiting the number of variables involved,
we are not limiting external validity because this is a real-world situation.
Answer Location: Reasonable Questions and the Problem of Third Variables: Closing the
Research Gap
Learning Objective: Explain what a third variable is and why it makes sense to narrow the research
Cognitive Domain: Synthesis
Difficulty Level: Hard
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Not wanting to put a high poultry netting on my fence to keep my
poultry at home, I devised the method shown, and was thus enabled
to use 24-in. wire instead of 48-in., thereby effecting a saving, as
well as not marring the appearance of the fence. Chickens will not
attempt to fly over this wire but once or twice, as they endeavor to
alight on the pickets of the fence instead of the wire, and
consequently are thrown back by striking the wire. The wire should
be supported at each post, as shown in the sketch.—Roy H. Poston,
Flat River, Mo.
A Fort Built of Snow Blocks Made in Box Form

The Making of the Snow-Block Fort Is Nearly as Much Fun as Daring the
Enemy to Come and Capture It or Capturing the Enemy’s Barricade
What boy does not enjoy a regular snowball fight—a battle, in fact
—especially when he has a fort of his own building to defend, and
his friends have one which he wants to capture? A way to build a
snow fort that will not crumble easily when the enemy charges it is to
pack the snow into a box form and build the structure of the snow
blocks, as shown in the photograph. Portholes can be provided and
when the snow melts slightly, and freezes again, a very solid wall
results. The form for the block, as detailed in the sketch, is made of a
box, arranged so that it is hinged at one corner and has a catch at
the corner diagonally opposite. The form is set on a wooden board
and when the snow is packed in solidly, the catch is opened and the
form lifted away from the block. It is then carried into position and
another block made on the same board. Several boards are handy in
making the block quickly.—H. S., Chicago, Ill.

¶In applying varnish over an old wood surface, or on new wood that
has become soiled, care should be taken to remove all traces of oil
or grease with benzine.
Model Steam Tractor Made by Boy

This Model Steam Tractor Is 28 Inches Long and Drives Itself, Wood and Coal
being Used as Fuel

Boys, and others who like to make models, may be interested in a

small steam tractor I designed and built of scrap materials around
the farm shop. I used only the ordinary tools on hand in such a
place. The steam engine and tractor run smoothly, and the engine
propels the tractor just like a large machine of this kind. The tractor is
28 in. long and 14 in. high, and the boiler holds 1¹⁄₄ gal. The bore of
the cylinder is ⁷⁄₈ in. and its stroke 1³⁄₄ in. It was made from an old
iron window weight. I use wood and coal to fire the boiler, and steam
can be got up in a few minutes.—Albert H. Bennington, Park River,
N. D.
Toboggan Made of Old Buggy Shafts

This Toboggan with Stout Runners Made from Buggy Shafts can be Used
like One of the Ordinary Type, but Works Best on Frozen Snow

A method of making a strong toboggan sled by nailing a suitable

bottom over sections cut from old buggy shafts, as shown in the
sketch, can be adapted easily for use with poles of about the same
size. They can be steamed and bent at the ends and the
construction otherwise made as shown. The shafts were cut to the
length indicated, the curved front end being sawed off. The bottom
was carried up around the curved rear end, and a strong bracing
strip was bolted across them. One-half-inch rope with leather loops
provided handholds, and was also used as a brace at each side of
the front of the sled. Twisted wire may also be used for this purpose.
Cushions of the usual type can easily be made for the toboggan.
Bicycles Driven as Three-Wheel Tandem after

When the Front Wheel of One of the Bicycles Broke Down, They were
Rigged into a Tandem, and a Distance of Five Miles to Town was Covered

On a bicycle trip, when about five miles from town, the front axle of
my partner’s bicycle broke, and as neither of us wanted to walk, we
had to find some way of getting us both home. We removed the front
wheel from one of the bicycles, and set the front fork on the rear axle
of the undamaged machine, as shown in the sketch. The axle was
just long enough so that the sides of the fork could be bolted
securely. By careful riding we made the distance to town with only
the slight inconvenience of my partner having to carry the extra
wheel on his back—J. F. G., Mountain Grove, Mo.

¶Do not touch the inner surface of a tent or shelter in the rain, as the
water will drip from the spot touched.
Test Exposures for Bromide Enlargements
To avoid expensive waste of paper in making large bromide
enlargements the following device is useful: Cut an oblong sheet of
stiff cardboard, 5¹⁄₄ by 4 in., with a central opening, measuring 3³⁄₄ by
1¹⁄₂ in. Along the lower edge of the central opening mark off five
spaces of ³⁄₄ in. each, and number them from 1 to 5. Glue a strip of
cardboard, 1 in. wide, at the top and the bottom of the oblong, on the
back. Now glue a second strip of cardboard over each of those just
attached, making the second strips slightly wider to form grooves
similar to those in a sliding-top box.
Cut a piece of cardboard, wide enough to slide easily in these
grooves, and about 7 in. long. In the center of it, cut an opening, 1¹⁄₂
in. long and ³⁄₄ in. wide, with the longer dimension extending across
the strip. By inserting this slide into the grooves, the opening in it
may be shifted to correspond to any of the five ³⁄₄-in. indications at
the lower edge of the opening in the oblong frame.
Focus the enlargement on the easel and put the cap on the lens.
Then pin a 1¹⁄₂-in. strip of bromide paper where a good range of
detail will fall upon it. Pin the oblong card over the bromide strip and
make five successive exposures, of increasing duration, by sliding
the strip so that its opening is opposite the number indications on the
oblong. Note the particulars of exposure at the time and later
develop the strip of bromide paper. Suppose the exposures were of
8, 16, 24, 32, and 40 seconds’ duration, and upon development it
was found that the first and second exposures were much
underexposed and that the fifth was overexposed; the third and
fourth being only slightly under and overexposed, respectively. Then
the mean of these two, that is 24 plus 32 divided by 2, or 28
seconds, will be approximately the correct exposure. The use of this
device will effect a considerable saving.—H. J. Gray, Lewes, Sussex,
Scale on Vaulting Pole Indicates Points of Grip
Indications on the Vaulting Pole Aid the Athlete in Finding the
Proper Grip

Unnecessary delay in running off the pole-vaulting events at

athletic meets is caused by the repeated testing of vaulters for the
proper height at which to grip the vaulting pole. This was readily
overcome by marking intervals of 1 ft. on the upper end of the
vaulting poles. Vaulters judge the proper height once and thereafter
may easily take the same grip with the aid of the indications on the
pole.—A. B. Wegener, Madison, N. J.
Current of Canal Raises Irrigation Water

The Current of the Canal Causes the Wheel to Revolve, Carrying the Water
to the Trough

The current of a canal was utilized to raise water for irrigation

purposes, and other uses, by means of the homemade device
shown in the illustration. A large-size buggy wheel was set on an old
axle, and extensions were fixed to eight of the spokes. Paddles, 9 by
18 in. in size, were secured to the extensions, and uniform-size tin
cans were fixed to the paddles, as shown. The current revolved the
wheel, carrying the loaded buckets upward, and the water was thus
poured from them into a wide trough braced on the platform. A flume
led the water to the irrigation ditches, and pipes were used to
conduct some of it to the ranch house for general purposes. When
the water is not desired for useful purposes the trough is withdrawn
and the water drops into the canal.—Joseph Gray, Heber, Calif.
Protecting an Air Pump against Denting

Denting of Tire Pumps is Prevented by the Use of a Case Like That Shown

The brass cylinders of many tire pumps are made of thin metal,
and a slight blow may dent them. Such injuries interfere with the
action of the plunger, making the pump almost useless. A case which
will afford protection to the pump is shown in the sketch. It was made
of two strips of wood cored out on the inner sides to fit the pump and
provided with small hinges and hooks, to lock it into place.
A Feather as an X-Ray Lens
The outline of the bones in the hand may be seen by holding it
before a strong light and looking through a lens made of a piece cut
from the tip of a feather. The sketch shows such a lens, which is
mounted in a small piece of cardboard that may be carried in the
pocket, and which affords diversion wherever exhibited.
The device is made as follows: Procure a soft white feather from a
fowl, and cut off the tip as indicated in the upper sketch. Cut a piece
of cardboard, about 2 in. wide and 6 in. long. Fold it to form a folder,
3 in. long, and cut a hole, ¹⁄₄ in. in diameter, through both parts of it.
Glue the tip of the feather between the folder at the hole, taking care
that the fibers lie flat and that no rib is exposed. Glue the edges of
the folder, and the device is ready for use. Hold the hand, or other
object, to be examined about 15 in. from the lens, and place the
latter close to the eye. Looking through the hole toward an electric,
or other strong, light, it will be observed that the bones of the hand,
for example, may be seen clearly. They will be outlined with a band
of varicolored light. A frosted globe is better than one which exposes
a filament.—Leander L. Droesch, Chickasaw, Ohio.

¶A safety-razor blade, fitted into a wooden handle, provides a

convenient tool for ripping seams and cutting cardboard.
Guard Saves Wear on Vest
Bookkeepers and others who work close to a desk nearly all day
find that unusual wear results on the front of the vest, forcing them to
discard their suits sooner than would otherwise be necessary. By
providing a strip of cloth of a color to match the goods of which the
suit is made and buttoning it across the front of the vest from the
lower to the upper button this wear is prevented.—J. A. McGrath,
Hancock, Michigan.
Bilge Water Siphoned Through Water-Jacket

The Small Pipe Fixed to the Water-Jacket Outlet Siphons the Bilge Water
from the Bottom of the Motorboat

The sketch shows a simple method of removing the bilge water

from a motorboat automatically while the engine is in operation. A
small pipe is fitted into the outlet from the water jacket, as shown at
A, and extended to the bottom of the boat where the bilge water
accumulates. A sack is fixed over the end of the pipe to prevent
particles of dirt from entering the pipe. The water passing out of the
water-jacket outlet causes a siphoning action in the small pipe, and
the bilge water is drawn up and passes out of the larger outlet. At the
left, in dotted outline, is shown a method of removing the bilge water

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