PMP 44

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Eng.Mohamed Ezzat Abouzied 0592803214 ezat104@gmail.


is the process of finalizing all activities for the project, phase, or

are the project or phase information is archived, the
planned work is completed, and organizational team resources are released to pursue new
When closing the project, the project manager reviews the project management plan to
ensure that all project work is completed and that the project has met its objectives.

This technique analyzes the interrelationships between

different project variables that contributed to the project outcomes to improve performance on
future projects.

All project documents may be updated and marked as final versions as a result of project
closure. Of particular interest is the lesso ns learned register, which is finalized to include final
information on phase or project closure.
The final lessons learned register may include information on benefits management, accuracy
of the business case, project and development life cycles, risk an d issue management,
stakeholder engagement, and other project management processes.

A product, service, or result, once delivered by the project, may be handed over to a different
group or organization that will operate, maintain, and support it throughout its life cycle.
The final report provides a summary of the project performance. It can include information
such as:
description of the project or phase.
, the criteria used to evaluate the scope, and evidence that the
completion criteria were met.
, the criteria used to evaluate the project and product quality, the
verification and actual milestone delivery dates, and reas ons for variances.
including the acceptable cost range, actual costs, and reasons for
any variances.
for the final product, service, or result.

including whether results achieved the benefits that the project

was undertaken to address. If the benefits are not met at the close of the project, indicate
the degree to which they were achieved and estimate for future benefits realization.

Eng.Mohamed Ezzat Abouzied 0592803214


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