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Son Corporation is a 90 percent–owned subsidiary of Pop Corporation, acquired for $540,000 on

January 1, 2016. Investment cost was equal to book value and fair value of the interest acquired.
Son’s net income for 2016 was $140,000, and Pop’s income, excluding income from Son, was
$180,000. Pop’s income includes a $20,000 unrealized gain on land that cost $80,000 and was sold
to Son for $100,000. Accordingly, Pop makes the following entries in accounting for its investment
in Son at December 31, 2016:

1-Jan-16 Cost of investment 540,000 90%

Implied value 600,000 100%

1-Jan-16 BV of net assets Son 600,000 Equity Son
(C/S $400 + RE $200) -

NI Son 2016 140,000

31-Dec-16 BV of net assets Son 740,000 Equity Son
(C/S $400 + RE $340)

NI Pop 2016 180,000

Intercompany transaction - Land - Downstream - 2016

Gain on sale of land 20,000

Income from Son 2016:

NI Son 2016 * %kepemilikan 126,000
Adj: Unrealized profit from sale of Land (20,000) DS - jadi tidak perlu dikalikan dengan & kepemilikan
Adjusted income from Son 2016 106,000

Di buku Pop Co: Investment in S 126,000 Jika ada dividend:

Income from S 126,000 Cash

Income from S 20,000

Investment in S 20,000

Jika kedua jurnal di atas mau digabung akan menjadi:

Investment in S 106,000
Income from S 106,000

2016 Jurnal eliminasi -> pada workpaper consolidation

a. Gain on sale of land 20,000
Land 20,000

b. Income from S 106,000

Investment in S 106,000

c. NCIS 14,000
NCI 14,000

d. C/S 400,000
RE 200,000
Investment in S 540,000 90% Cek 540,000
NCI 60,000 10% Cek 60,000

2017 Jurnal eliminasi -> pada workpaper consolidation

a. Investment in S 20,000
Land 20,000

Saldo BV of net assets / equity Son co pada awal 2017/end 2016 740,000
Cek: Reciprocity 90% 666,000 Investment in S

Investment in S Beg 2016 540,000 RE
+/ Income from S 106,000 20,000
-/ Div 0
Investment in S End 2016 646,000 Jurnal elim 2017 equity ana

2018 Jurnal eliminasi -> pada workpaper consolidation

Land yang dijual dari P ke S, pada tahun 2018 terjual ke pihak ketiga
a. Investment in S 20,000
Gain on sale of land 20,000

Jangan lupa bahwa ketika menghitung income from S di 2018, tambahkan realized profit from sale of land

Income from Son 2018:

NI Son 2018 * %kepemilikan xxxx
Adj: Realized profit from sale of Land 20,000
Adjusted income from Son 2018 xxxx
nd was sold

ikan dengan & kepemilikan

Jika ada dividend:

Investment in S xxx
Investment in S

Investment in S 666,000
NCI 74,000
Jurnal elim 2017 equity anak dan investment

fit from sale of land

Pada tanggal 1 Jan'20, P menjual machinery kepada S (80% owned subsidiary) seharga $80,000
Book value dari machinery tersebut adalah $50,000
Remaining useful life of machinery 5yrs

1-Jan-20 Jurnal di Parent 1-Jan-20 Jurnal di Sub.

Cash 80,000 Machinery 80,000

Accum depr 40,000 Cash
Machinery 90,000
Gain on sale of machinery 30,000
31-Dec-20 Depreciation exp 16,000
Accum Depr

31-Dec-21 Depreciation exp 16,000

Accum Depr

31-Dec-22 Depreciation exp 16,000

Accum Depr

31-Dec-20 Investment in S 56,000

Income from S 56,000

Perhitungan Income from S Perhitungan NCIS

NI s * 80% 80,000 NI s *20% 20,000
Unrealized profit on sale of machinery (30,000) Tidak usah dikalikan %kepemilikan sebab transa
Realized profit on sale of machinery 6,000 Tidak usah dikalikan %kepemilikan sebab transa

Pada akhir tahun 2020, Net income S adalah sebesar $100,000

Dividend yang dibagian tahun 2020 sebesar $20,000

Jurnal eliminasi 31 Dec 2020

a. Jurnal untuk mengeliminasi unrealized profit dari interco PPE - penjualan machinery DOWNSTREAM (1 jan 2020)
Gain on sale of machinery 30,000
Machinery 30,000
Accum Depr 6,000
Depreciation exp 6,000

Jurnal eliminasi 31 Dec 2021

a. Jurnal untuk mengeliminasi unrealized profit dari interco PPE - penjualan machinery DOWNSTREAM (1 jan 2020)

Investment in S 24,000
Accum depr (tahun 2020) 6,000 (Mengelim overstated depreciation exp pada ta
Machinery 30,000

Accum Depr (tahun 2021) 6,000

Depreciation exp 6,000
(Mengelim overstated depreciation exp pada tahun berjalan - current yr depreciation)

Jurnal eliminasi 31 Dec 2022

a. Jurnal untuk mengeliminasi unrealized profit dari interco PPE - penjualan machinery DOWNSTREAM (1 jan 2020)

Investment in S 18,000
Accum depr (tahun 2020 dan 2021) 12,000 (Mengelim overstated depreciation exp pada ta
Machinery 30,000

Accum Depr (tahun 2022) 6,000

Depreciation exp 6,000
(Mengelim overstated depreciation exp pada tahun berjalan - current yr depreciation)




kepemilikan sebab transaksinya downstream

kepemilikan sebab transaksinya downstream

NSTREAM (1 jan 2020)

NSTREAM (1 jan 2020)

depreciation exp pada tahun sebelumnya - prior yr accum depr)

NSTREAM (1 jan 2020)

depreciation exp pada tahun sebelumnya - prior yr accum depr)

Jurnal eliminasi 31 Dec 2017

a. Investment in S 1,600 80%

NCI 400 20% Upstream
Accum depr 1,000
Truck 3,000

b. Accum depr 1,000

Depr exp 1,000

c. Income from S 48,800

Investment in S 48,800

d. NCIS 12,200
NCI 12,200
Di tahun 2017 NI anak adalah $60,000

NI*80% 48,000 12000

Piecemeal recognition 800 200
48,800 12,200
Jurnal eliminasi 31 Dec 2016
a. Gain on sale of truck 3,000
Truck 3,000

b. Accum depr 1,000

Depr exp 1,000

c. Income from S 38,400

Investment in S 38,400


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