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Why Do Researchers Carry Out Literature Review?

A literature review is an essential component of any research project. It involves the thorough
examination and analysis of existing literature, scholarly articles, books, and other sources relevant to
the research topic. Researchers engage in literature reviews for several important reasons:

1. To Identify Gaps in Knowledge: Literature reviews help researchers identify what is already
known about a particular topic and where there are gaps in existing knowledge. By
understanding these gaps, researchers can formulate research questions that contribute
meaningfully to the field.
2. To Provide Context: Literature reviews provide context for the research by placing it within
the broader body of existing work. This helps readers understand the significance of the
research and how it builds upon or challenges previous findings.
3. To Support Theoretical Frameworks: Researchers often use literature reviews to establish
the theoretical framework for their study. By reviewing relevant theories and concepts,
researchers can ground their work in established principles and perspectives.
4. To Avoid Duplication:A thorough literature review ensures that researchers are aware of
previous studies conducted on the same topic. This helps them avoid duplicating efforts and
ensures that their research contributes something new to the field.
5. To Analyze Methodologies and Findings:Literature reviews allow researchers to evaluate
the methodologies and findings of previous studies. This critical analysis can help researchers
identify strengths and weaknesses in existing research and inform their own methodological
6. To Build Credibility: By demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of existing
literature, researchers can build credibility and establish themselves as experts in their field.
This is especially important when seeking funding, publishing research, or presenting findings
to colleagues.

Overall, conducting a literature review is a complex and time-consuming process that requires careful
attention to detail and critical thinking skills. It involves searching for relevant sources, synthesizing
information, and analyzing findings to draw meaningful conclusions. For researchers looking to
streamline this process and ensure the quality of their literature review, professional assistance may
be beneficial. Consider ordering from ⇒ ⇔, where experienced writers can provide
expert guidance and support tailored to your specific research needs.
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from the same database but where the 'host' was different. Find out more about clinical trials from
our article: How do clinical trials work. Since you would like to do something original, where could
you find out if someone else has done the project. The greater the mass of a body, the greater is the
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the authors set out to investigate. For more than 10 years now, researches on hybrid cars have been
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common agreement and it demonstrates that the language used to describe key stages and processes
varies significantly between guidance documents. Avoid making uncited or overly generalized
claims. If you feel a generalization is warranted, you must follow it up with multiple, specific
examples to justify such generalization. A new tool that promises to provide a mechanism to link
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provide product or service reviews, job listings, and advertisements. The findings also inform
policies set by state healthcare systems, such as whether they should fund a new drug. The law of
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Majority of the population, especially here in the Philippines, cannot afford a highly energy efficient
and environment friendly vehicle. The topics covered by these researches included medical
information retrieval, disease statistics, drug analysis, and many other fields and application
domains. We link primary sources — including studies, scientific references, and statistics — within
each article and also list them in the resources section at the bottom of our articles. By writing a
literature review, a researcher recognizes strengths that they want to replicate in their own studies and
identifies limitations that need to be addressed and overcome. For this you have to reflect and try to
answer the following questions: Is the research area mature enough, with a lot of published studies.
After this first filter, the full text of each article must be considered. Objects move the way they do
because they obey the laws of motion. Instead of basing conclusions on a single study, a meta-
analysis looks at numerous studies for the answer. By exaggerating the importance of findings,
writers are seen to undermine the impartiality of science, fuel skepticism and alienate readers. It is
important to simulate the protocol execution, which will help to find possible errors in each of the
steps. Unpublished studies can be hard to find, but using published literature alone may lead to
misrepresentation because it does not include findings from all the existing research. It is good to
review the differences and think about when to use information from each type of periodical. You
need to justify the research question and show that there is an interest and a need for this research.
So, when you say analysis, we try to discuss the following. It it crucial as a part of your qualifying
exams and the accompanying literature reviews that you elaborate on the context of the studies being
Egger et al. point to non-publication of studies, publication bias, language bias and MEDLINE bias,
as key biases. Some argue hyping practices have reached a level where objectivity has been replaced
by sensationalism and manufactured excitement. An editorial board of respected scholars (peers)
reviews all articles submitted to a journal. For instance, a randomized controlled trial is considered
the highest of the primary studies. Avoid making uncited or overly generalized claims. If you feel a
generalization is warranted, you must follow it up with multiple, specific examples to justify such
generalization. For instance, if they work for a pharmaceutical company and are supporting a drug
made by that company they must disclose it. 8: Present the final results of the review The team
publishes the work, with a table showing a summary of findings. Warning! Conducting a literature
review is usually recursive, meaning that somewhere along the way, you'll find yourself repeating
steps out -of-order. Information specialists, librarians and researchers, are well placed to develop
these and other areas within the key stages we identify. The purpose of thorough and comprehensive
literature searches is to avoid missing key studies and to minimize bias since a systematic review
based only on published studies may have an exaggerated effect size. Moreover, the focus in this
essay is not on you; it is on the texts and topic you are analyzing and synthesizing. The literature is
largely evaluated to discover knowledge gaps in the topic, and these gaps are further probed
throughout the study to develop new facts or hypotheses that offer value to the area. And another
area that you can look into, on the part of analysis would be reviewing areas of controversy. It also
explains the significant information about the references on the specific study. Once a list of key
guidance documents was determined, it was checked by six senior information professionals based
in the UK for relevance to current literature searching in systematic reviews. It also discusses
common pitfalls and how to get literature reviews published. Comparing the responses over that time
shows a general increase in the willingness to share data (and thus engage in Open Science). Repeat
the planning steps as many times as necessary to be sure. A meta-analysis can stand alone, or it can
be part of a wider systematic review. A wider review can include results from studies of various
scientific designs. Do NOT include authors' first name, initials, or credentials in the body of the
essay. So, again if I may, I would like you to observe while writing the pattern of citation and
synthesis in your research paper. As a result, it establishes the author’s experience in the topic and
offers legitimacy to carry forward the wisdom of the field through scientific and methodical
techniques. However, even this type of report has its pitfalls. These webinars are free to access and
will be delivered by contemporary politics experts —drawn from Sage’s team of authors and
editors— who range from practitioners to instructors. The data may have to come from a variety of
formats. 5: Assess the risk of bias in the included studies This ensures that all the studies reviewed
are relevant and reliable. International students and language If you are an international student you
will most probably find that you need either to seek a translation of the work of international
theorists, critics or experts you hope to use in your own arguments and research, or to provide your
own translation of the quotations you use if they do not publish in English. We recommend that an
expert on the subject of the review review the issues still in the protocol construction phase. More
Features Connections Canva Create professional content with Canva, including presentations,
catalogs, and more. Automatic Search: when we visit digital libraries to search for articles according
to a certain keyword or set of them, which we call search strings. The review should enumerate,
describe, summarize, objectively evaluate and clarify this previous research.
So, you start from general information, the background, you can also include a bit of history and
then after that you try to develop the coherence and relevance of your discussion by citing another
reference that would slim down the discussion. So, the second element is synthesis, after
synthesizing the references, whether it be literature or studies to the research that you are
conducting, the third element which is analysis would fall under the following criteria. Additionally,
reviews put new research topics into perspective by giving them context within the wider area of
related research. When to database search is another question posed in the literature. Egger et al., and
other study authors, have demonstrated a change in the estimate of intervention effectiveness where
relevant studies were excluded from meta-analysis. A way of rigorously testing ideas against
objective observations. Do you have some idea how you will study your topic? 3. Retrieval and
copying requires a high level of effort. Consider the following types of questions as you examine
what different disciplines might contribute. As you present your evaluation, do out cautiously with
thorough carry why explanation. Repeat the planning steps as many times as necessary to be sure. I
found that many of the problems they face come down to organizational culture. What are its most
exciting and promising areas of innovation. Digitalization of finance has made it possible for small
business to run equity crowdfunding campaigns, but also to initiate a TTW process online and quite
easily. The literature review is a written overview of major writings and other sources on a selected
topic. This research was conducted with literature review methodfollow Cronin's theory (Cronin et
al., 2008). In Table 2, we demonstrate consensus regarding the application of literature search
methods. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for
informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare
professional. Key Concepts (one main section per theme and then sub sections as necessary to help
organize your work and make it easier to read) 5. It can easily export data to a review processor for
desktop publishing of references. Simply indicating what an author claims or has found is not
sufficient. The literature review acknowledges the work of previous researchers, and in so doing,
assures the reader that your work has been well conceived. Forces always come in pairs: an action
and reaction. For example, the papers from an annual conference may be published as individual,
stand-alone titles, which may be indexed in a library catalog, or the conference proceedings may be
treated more like a periodical or serial and, therefore, indexed in a journal database. Presented in
chapter is a synthesis of research that supports the evaluation and explains the importance and
advantages in using the potato-powered battery. Thus, you are expected to use literature appropriate
to your subject matter. It is helpful for establishing whether a certain technique or drug works and is
safe. Literature reviews do not usually appear as a separate chapter as such but form a considerable
part of the theoretical perspectives chapter (often your second chapter) because they indicate
previous work in the field, the context into which your own work fits and the different theories. It
can also be found in newspapers, encyclopedias, textbooks, as well as websites and reports written
by government agencies and professional organizations. It will be developed in small increments, and
deployed immediately upon completion of each. For them education is carrying just a big waste of a
thank you for, time because their instinct points the review, path for them, and they already have
firm beliefs about treaty question, their life goals.
However, your literature review does not need to be inclusive of every article and book that has been
written on your topic because that will be too broad. It gives a quick idea of the topic of the
literature review, such. Production resources. (n.d.). Standards for systematic reviews. (2011).
Rothstein, H.R. et al. (editors). (2005). Publication bias in meta-analysis - prevention, assessment and
adjustments. While formulating the research objectives, we should keep in mind that the result would
be compared to the objectives when the study is evaluated. On Spaceship. There is one major theme
that prevails among all of these. What are the main concepts involved in the topic? C. How the
reporting of the literature searching process corresponds to critical appraisal tools is an area for
further research. Surveying the literature is necessary because scholarship is cumulative -- no matter
what you write, you are standing on someone else's shoulders. Because scholarly research undergoes
a process of “peer review” before being published (meaning that other experts review the work and
pass judgment about whether it is worthy of publication), the information you find from scholarly
sources meets preset standards for accuracy, credibility and validity in that field. A literature review
consists of four main stages: Defining the subject--clearly identifying the subject being researched,
its main themes and the limit of the research. At the end, I could do an easy visual analysis and state
that most studies revealed no significant results and that there were few multi-site studies. Do you
have some idea how you will study your topic? 3. Conducting the Literature Review The conduct of
the review must strictly follow the protocol that was developed. Burke’s Parlor. How to join a
conversation that’s been going on since the dawn of time. Beyer et al. report that databases can be
prioritised for literature searching which, whilst not addressing the question of which databases to
search, may at least bring clarity as to which databases to search first. Using statistical analysis,
researchers combine the numbers from previous studies, and they use this information to calculate an
overall result. The BMJ list the following as key advantages of a systematic review: The methods
that scientists use to find and select studies reduce bias and are more likely to produce reliable and
accurate conclusions. Use existing organizations to your advantage (e.g., the Collaboration for
Environmental Evidence). Issuu turns PDFs and other files into interactive flipbooks and engaging
content for every channel. There are a large variety of tools of interest for National Security and
Intelligence Analysis Some generic classes might be useful to organize them These are often
ambiguous and not mutually exclusive. This can limit the motivation to write up and submit any
negative or neutral findings for publication. Structure The policy and literature background Emergent
hypotheses National Survey data Key informant data Conclusions Further research. We talked about
concept mapping briefly in Chapter 2, when we were first thinking about your topic and sketching
out what you already know about it. In-text citations are key to a good literature review. Popular
Science News Articles Interest Articles Books Meeting Abstracts, Papers, and Proceedings Research
Articles Review Articles Encyclopedia or other reference material Books. Find out more about
clinical trials from our article: How do clinical trials work. By alerting the reader to gaps in the
selected study subject, Pubrica medical writers aid you in constructing and editing the introduction.
It is common in some areas of research that the abstract (or abstract) has little or poor quality
information. The following are the main sections and subsections of a Literature Review:
Introduction Related works Planning the review Identification of the topic to be researched
Specifying Research Questions Construction and development of the protocol Protocol evaluation
Conducting the review Search identification Selection of primary studies Evaluation of studies. Use
relevant keywords, and find credible academic references that add value to your research paper and
strengthen your position.
In a literature review it is best to build a case with selected sources by grouping them thematically so
that you can analyze, compare and contrast the theories, and that policies and practices in the field
you are studying or conveyed in an organized way. Biological anthropology focuses on the
physiological aspects of people and our nonhuman primate relatives. In-text citations are key to a
good literature review. Other exclusion criteria must be applied by the panel why as they review the
citations retrieved e. Forces always come in pairs: an action and reaction. Traditional Waterfall
Model Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Guide for formatting references in APA standards
(updated for 7th edition) Theoretical Foundation: how to do it right Literature Review: What is and
How to do it. Atkinson et al. have also analysed reporting standards for literature searching,
summarising recommendations and gaps for reporting search strategies. The “experiential” part of the
rubric does not mean that you must bring in your experience and voice throughout the work, but
rather provide context to the topic, mainly in the introduction. Sources of scholarly information can
be found in academic journal articles, books, conference proceedings, and theses and dissertations.
Forensic anthropology is a further subspecialty that analyzes skeletal remains of the recently
deceased within a legal setting. Standards for systematic reviews In 2011, the Institute of Medicine
(IOM) noted that systematic reviews can help clinicians make good decisions in their daily practice
and help health organizations to prepare guidelines. It is in high school because of this close
relationship at the beginning that the breakdown is carrying out literature so upsetting for depression
the reader as we come to out literature know both these characters and identify with their relationship
with one another. Table 2 reports the areas of common agreement and it demonstrates that the
language used to describe key stages and processes varies significantly between guidance
documents. By writing a literature review, a researcher recognizes strengths that they want to
replicate in their own studies and identifies limitations that need to be addressed and overcome.
However, in the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data, a pressing question arises: can an
author’s identity be deduced even from an anonymized paper (in cases where the authors do not
advertise their submitted article on social media). Conducting the Literature Review The conduct of
the review must strictly follow the protocol that was developed. The studies must have a rigorous
design, for example, a randomized control trial (RCT). 3: Search for the studies Step 3 outlines
which sources the researcher will consult and the search terms they will use to search for them. This
is how we establish the relevance of the materials that we are going to use, if they are genuinely
related and relevant to the research that we are creating or writing. It follows a scientifically rigorous
protocol to produce robust reviews. The Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia asked these
questions in a discussion paper earlier this year. As you discuss and evaluate the literature and issues
with regard to your narrowed topic, raise questions for further study along the way. If we formulated
properly, specific objectives will facilitate the development of the research methodology and will
help the researcher to collection, analysis and interpretation of data. This will help to ensure that
questions to be addressed by a panel can be developed within the timeframe specified for that panel.
Inappropriate synthesis (for example, using vote-counting and incorrect statistics) can undo the initial
systematic effort. In the case of drugs and new medical techniques, clinical trials are necessary to get
a better view of their safety and effectiveness. Comprehensive searches are not the sole factor to
mitigate these biases but their contribution is thought to be significant. It generally follows a
discussion of the papers thesis. The conclusions of a review are more reliable than those from a
single study. If the literature review is part of your thesis or dissertation show how your research
addresses gaps and contributes new knowledge or discuss how you have drawn on existing theories
and methods to build a framework for your research.
The literature review must be defined by a guiding concept (eventually your research objective, the
problem or issue you are discussing, or your argumentative thesis). Every scientific research builds
on previous knowledge as a systematic investigation to spread new conclusions and establish facts.
The BMJ define a systematic review as “an overview of primary studies that used explicit and
reproducible methods.” Researchers carry out systematic reviews of all the available medical
evidence and specifically of primary research. Where are the gaps in the knowledge of the subject.
Well Played 3 Exactly what short essay on spaceship the short essay on spaceship label says D This
role includes being an administrator for the iCarly. They can provide justification, context, and
credibility for new studies. Cooper et al. have tested the idea of database searching not as a primary
search method but as a supplementary search method in order to manage the volume of studies
identified for an environmental effectiveness systematic review. Discuss also the major findings of
other researchers who did a similar study. It it crucial as a part of your qualifying exams and the
accompanying literature reviews that you elaborate on the context of the studies being cited.
Researchers must carry out these reviews in a specific way, because they must ensure the
recommendations that follow will result in the best healthcare for patients. It is a comprehensive,
transparent search conducted over multiple databases and grey literature that can be replicated and
reproduced by other researchers. In such case, the review usually precedes the methodology and
results sections of the work. There are a large variety of tools of interest for National Security and
Intelligence Analysis Some generic classes might be useful to organize them These are often
ambiguous and not mutually exclusive. Panel Chair s may review this search themselves, or they
may send it to review literatures. During simulation, survey questions can still be changed. So, again
if I may, I would like you to observe while writing the pattern of citation and synthesis in your
research paper. Structure The policy and literature background Emergent hypotheses National
Survey data Key informant data Conclusions Further research. The literature review acknowledges
the work of previous researchers, and in so doing, assures the reader that your work has been well
conceived. It also discusses common pitfalls and how to get literature reviews published. If you have
any questions, please leave us a comment below that we’ll be happy to answer. They want to see that
you are reasonably objective. Publishers and professional associations are inconsistent in how they
publish proceedings. A literature review is an overview of the previously published works on a
specific topic. By understanding what the literature in your field is, as well as how and when it is
generated, you begin to know what is available and where to look for it. Introduction The practice of
Pharmacy has undergone gradual improvement in recent years. Empiricism Basic assumption: events
are governed by some lawful order Goals: Measurement and description Understanding and
prediction Application and control Goal of theory testing in science: refutation not proving. It is the
main step toward synthesizing conclusions. This makes it hard to keep up with state-of-the-art and to
be at the forefront of research, as well as to assess the collective evidence in a particular area of
business research. The first step in your research is to determine the specific question, topic or
problem that your literature review will focus on (if a topic or question hasn't been provided to you
by your lecturer or tutor). Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press. (call number.

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