Academic Essay

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Assignment: Academic Essay, Semester 1 — 2024

Course: English 1A
Code: PME1AA1
Total marks: 100
Due date: 21/03/2024
Lecturer: Eleni-Maria Piperides Triandafillou


This assignment must be submitted on the link provided on Blackboard on the

due date.

In recent years, the rise of social media has dominated the Internet. In fact, social media
companies are now some of the biggest and most valuable businesses in the world.
Furthermore, the influence that social media companies have had on all aspects of daily
life, including social extra interactions, marketing, business relations, and a wide range
of other things means that social media is a great topic for an argumentative essay.

In fact, the list below outlines 20 possible essay topics that you may wish to consider
when writing an argumentative essay on social media.


1. Facebook is more useful than Twitter when it comes to learning about the news
2. All companies should use at least one form of social media
3. Social media is responsible for the dumbing down of standards within society
4. Social media is more responsible than anything else for the spread of false
information that leads to discrimination within society
5. Social media has had a hugely negative impact on the quality of spelling and
grammar used by young people
6. Most individuals and companies can make much better of social media, but do
not do so because they do not understand how to use it properly
7. Social media is one of the most important forms of communication for people
living under oppressive regimes
8. Social media should not be censored in any way
9. The government should introduce laws to ensure that more can be done to
censor both content and individuals on social media, particularly in cases that
incite any form of discrimination, or involve cyber bulling
10. Young people should not be friends with their parents on Facebook
11. Social media is one of the worst things to happen to the world in years
12. Social media is slowly turning the population into a narcissistic group of
13. People’s lives would be greatly improved without social media
14. Social media is the best way of organising mass events
15. More old people should use social media
16. Social media has given consumers a better say when it comes to any negative
issues that they may have with companies
17. Company reviews should be banned on social media
18. Social media companies exploit their users
19. Social media is a drain on the creativity of young people
20. Social media encourages people to argue without knowing any or all of the facts

Think about the important aspects of your chosen topic and brainstorm
some ideas. Decide upon a topic inspired or derived from the
BACKGROUND. Research this topic extensively and prepare an
ARGUMENTATIVE essay on your chosen topic. BE CREATIVE.


Ensure that you carefully read and follow the guidelines below.
1 Component of the essay
1.1 Title
1.2 Introduction
1.3 Body
1.4 Conclusion

1.5 Reference
2 The Academic Essay
2.1 TWO pages maximum.
2.2 Provide supporting arguments with appropriate in-text references.
2.3 Do not plagiarise!
3 A Reference List
3.1 Provide at least SIX references using the correct referencing technique.
3.2 Tutorials will be presented on ESSAY WRITING
4 Your typed assignment should adhere to the following requirements:
4.1 Arial font (12 size)
4.2 1.5 spacing
4.3 Page numbers
5. Avoid plagiarism.
6. The submission of the assignment is mandatory in PDF format.

Attend the following tutorials:

A tutorial will be presented on Referencing.
A tutorial will be presented on how to avoid plagiarism.
Submit the task online (A link will be provided)

 Title (2 Mark)
Provide an interesting, and eye-catching title.
 Introductory Paragraph (10 Marks)
Give an interesting introduction to your essay by providing background
information necessary to understand your argument. Define the topic and
explain the purpose (The thesis statement) and the structure of your essay.
Signpost your essay.
 Body Paragraphs (48 Marks)
A typical argumentative essay comprises three or more paragraphs that
explain the reasons why you support your thesis. Each body paragraph
should cover a different idea or piece of evidence and contain a topic
sentence that clearly and concisely explains why the reader should agree with
your position. Body paragraphs are where you back up your claims with

examples, research, statistics, studies, and text citations. Address opposing
points of view and disprove them or explain why you disagree with them.
Presenting facts and considering a topic from every angle adds credibility and
will help you gain a reader’s trust. Remember topic sentences and logical
sequence of ideas.
 Concluding Paragraph (10 Marks)
Provide a paragraph that restates your thesis and summary of the
main points of your essay (what is the main theme or idea). Give your
personal opinion and recommendations on the matter as well as some
justification. Do not introduce any new ideas, information, or points!
 Spelling & Grammar (20 Marks)
A mark will be deducted for each spelling and grammatical error.
 Referencing (10 Marks)
Correct referencing style must be used. A mark will be deducted for each
mistake and/or omission. All books and/or journal articles used must be
referenced within the text (citation) and at the end of your essay (Reference
List. Not Bibliography). Be consistent in your referencing.

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