Objective 16

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INTRODUCTION: At the end of 2022, 108.4 million forcibly displaced people were registered worldwide, which
represents an increase of 19 million compared to the end of 2021 and two and a half times the figure from a
decade ago. Taking the above into account, if we show realities about the problems that our society has, we
could raise awareness about the importance of this goal.
RESEARCH PROBLEM AND QUESTION: Investigating the Role of Communities in Making Our
Neighborhoods Safer and Fairer. Is justice and peace valid and apply even if you are an abuser and rapist?
- SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: Contribute to the creation and awareness of more peaceful, just and resilient
societies, aligned with the Agenda for Sustainable Development, through the explanation we will make of the
objective 16, which seeks to provide information on the importance of duties and rights and how they can
contribute to the achievement of the goal.
- GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Promote peace, justice and the construction of strong institutions to
contribute to sustainable development, addressing challenges such as violence, lack of access to justice and
institutional weakness.
JUSTIFICATION: Equal access to justice is essential to protecting people's rights, resolving disputes, and
ensuring that vulnerable populations are not marginalized or mistreated, that's why by achieving Goal 16, we
could create a future where communities enjoy peace, justice, and strong institutions. So, if we neglect this
goal, we increase the risk of instability, which delays progress and development. (In 2021, the world witnessed
the highest number of intentional homicides in the last two decades.)
PROPOSAL OF INTERVENTION: Through this project we seek to empower students to contribute to
promoting peace, equality, justice and how we could act against problems. If we had taken into account the
importance of the problems that affect the integrity of human beings, we would have made progress as a
society a long time ago. That is why if we implement alternatives to dynamize the process of explaining goal
16, we will be able to empower students to begin taking action against problems.

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