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Phrasal Verbs:

1. add up

Meaning: To ask the same question from many people

Example: She explained why the work was not ready, but her story does not add up.

2. ask around

Meaning: To equal/corroborate a fact

Example: I have not seen him here, but I will ask around.

3. ask out

Meaning: To invite someone on a date

Example: I want to ask her out, but she is dating someone.

4. blow up

Meaning: To exaggerate

Example: My mother blows my achievements up in front of guests.

5. blow up

Meaning: To explode

Example: The army is going to blow up that building with a bomb.

6. blow up

Meaning: to get angry at

Example: Mr. John blew up at the student for using his cellphone in class.
7. blow up

Meaning: to make larger

Example: The photographer blows up the image.

8. back up
Meaning: To support

Example: You may be wrong, but I will back you up because you are my brother.

9. back up

Meaning: To go in reverse

Example: The car backed up to avoid hitting the wall.

10. break down

Meaning: To stop functioning (usually for vehicles, machines, etc.)

Example: The old train is certain to break down if it is not maintained properly.

11. break down

Meaning: To divide and subdivide

Example: They broke the students down into groups of four.

12. break down

Meaning: to cry or become depressed

Example: She broke down when she heard the terrible news.

13. break into

Meaning: To enter forcibly/ interrupt

Example: Last night, two thieves broke into the house next door.

14. break into

Meaning: enter an industry or career

Example: It is hard to break into Hollywood.

15. break up

Meaning: To end a relationship

Example: After being together for five years they have decided to break up.

16. break up
Meaning: to laugh out loud

Example: The joke made me brake up.

17. break up

Meaning: disintegrate

Example: The meteorite broke up entering Earth’s atmosphere.

18. break up

Meaning: interrupt or disperse

Example: The police broke up the angry crowd.

19. break out

Meaning: To escape

Example: The Taliban helped 500 inmates break out of the Afghan jail.

20. break out

Meaning: To spread

Example 1: There was a world panic when SARS broke out in China in 2002.

21. bring down

Meaning: To upset someone or to make someone unhappy

Example: The boss manages to bring down my mood every day.

22. bring down

Meaning: to make something crash out of the sky

Example: The missile brought down the helicopter.

23. bring down

Meaning: to lower from a higher place

Example: Please bring down the chair from the attic.

24. bring up
Meaning: to raise

Example: The orphan child was brought up by a French family.

25. bring up

Meaning: to mention in a meeting

Example: He brought up the budget at the sales meeting.

26. call off

Meaning: To abandon or cancel

Example: The referee has decided to call off the game due to bad weather.

27. call up

Meaning: To phone someone

Example: The boss wants you to call up the client now.

28. call up

Meaning: to summon to duty

Example: The President called up the army to get ready for the attack.

29. calm down

Meaning: relax after being angry

Example: It is going to be okay, please calm down.

30. catch up

Meaning: To get to the same point as someone else/ or to work hard in order to equal with someone

Example: You will have to walk faster if you want to catch up with Maya.

31. check in / check-in

Meaning: To reach and register at a hotel or airport

Example: When you arrive at the airport, you have to check in at the airline desk.

32. check out

Meaning: To leave a hotel

Example: You will have to return the room when you check out of the hotel.

33. Check out

Meaning: To take something from a library

Example: He checked out the book.

34. check out

Meaning: To look at or research

Example: I checked out the new restaurant.

35. cheer up

Meaning: Used as an expression to ask someone to be happy

Example: She cheered up when she heard that the result was positive.

36. chip in

Meaning: To contribute/help

Example: If everybody chips in, we can go on vacation.

37. come across

Meaning: find unexpectedly

Example: I came across these books when I was tidying the cupboard.

38. come across

Meaning: to appear to be a certain way

Example: She comes across as being very bossy.

39. come down

Meaning: To become sick

Example: Her son came down with the flu last weekend.

40. count on

Meaning: To rely on a person or thing

Example: Can I count on you to help me?

41. cut back

Meaning: To use or consume less of something

Example: I am on a diet, so I cut back on fried foods.

42. cut off

Meaning: To cut something with something sharp

Example: Be careful with that knife or you will cut off your finger.

43. cut off

Meaning: To stop providing/to break all relations with someone

Example: The cable company cut off our connection because we did not pay our bill.

44. cut out

Meaning: To remove pieces or part of something

Example: She cut out sugar from her diet.

45. do away with

Meaning: To dispose of or discard something

Example: It is time to do away with all these old files.

46. drop in/by/over

Meaning: To come without an appointment

Example: I thought I’d drop in and say hi.

47. drop someone/something off

Meaning: To take someone/something somewhere and leave them/it there

Example: Can you drop me off at the bus stop?

48. drop out

Meaning: To quit a class, school, etc.

Example: She dropped out of college but managed to set up her own company.

49. eat out

Meaning: To eat outside of home, usually in a restaurant

Example: I eat out almost five days a week.

50. end up

Meaning: To do/to eventually reach/to decide

Example: If you do not work, you will end up on the streets.

51. fall apart

Meaning: To break into pieces

Example: This wall will fall apart if we do not use cement.

52. fall apart

Example: Causing emotional distress

Example: The terrible news made him fall apart.

53. fall out

Meaning: To separate due to a problem

Example: He fell out of favor with his family.

54. figure out

Meaning: To study/understand/resolve

Example: She needs to figure out what the problem is.

55. fill in

Meaning: To write information in a form, etc.

Example: Fill in the blank spaces and submit the sheet.

56. fill in

Meaning: replace temporarily

Example: Ms. Monica will fill in for Mr. John today.

57. get across

Meaning: To communicate

Example: He is a good orator and has no problem getting his message across.

58. get along with

Meaning: To like each other

Example 1: One must get along with their colleagues.

59. get away

Meaning: To go on a vacation or a leave

Example: Work has been tough, and I really need to get away for a few days.

60. get away

Meaning: escape

Example: The thief managed to get away from the police

61. get away

Meaning: tell someone forcibly to remove themselves from someone or something

Example: Get away from the fire. It is dangerous.

61. get away with

Meaning: do something (usually something wrong) without being noticed or punished

Example: The bank robber got away with the crime.

62. get back

Meaning: To return

Example: She did not get back home until 5 o’clock.

63. get back at

Meaning: To retaliate/to take a revenge

Example: After being humiliated in public, she decided to get back at her with ruthless intent.

64. get on

Meaning: To step onto something

Example 1: The train was full so we could not get on.

65. get over

Meaning: To recover/overcome

Example: I just got over the breakup with my girlfriend.

66. get together

Meaning: To meet

Example: Do you want to get together this Saturday?

67. give back

Meaning: To return

Example: You have her mobile phone and need it to give it back to her.

68. give back

Meaning: to do social service or donate time or money

Example: He gives back to the community by working at the homeless shelter.

69. give in

Meaning: To unwillingly stop fighting or arguing

Example: The dictator finally gave in to the mounting pro-democracy protests.

70. give up

Meaning: To stop trying

Example: Never give up, never surrender!

71. go after

Meaning: To follow someone

Example: You are second in line. You will go after him.

72. go after

Meaning: To try to achieve something

Example: My father always encouraged me to go after my goals.

73. go against

Meaning: To oppose

Example: Does he really want to go against the policies of the company?

74. go ahead

Meaning: To proceed/start/initiate something

Example: The General wants us to go ahead with the plan.

75. go out

Meaning: To date someone

Example: Tim has wanted to go out with Mary for a long time now.

76. go out

Meaning: to die or end a career

Example: The hero went out in a blaze of glory.

77. go over

Meaning: To check or review

Example: Here are your insurance papers, please go over them carefully so that you know all the details.

78. go over

Meaning: to visit

Example: Let’s go over to Jim’s house.

79. grow apart

Meaning: To end a friendship

Example: We used to be great friends, but after college, we began to grow apart.

80. hand down

Meaning: To give something used to someone else

Example: When I was a child, I was handed down my brother’s clothes.

81. hang in
Meaning: To stay strong and positive

Example: When my friend was diagnosed with cancer, all I could say to him was, “Don’t lose hope. Hang
in there.”

82. hang on

Meaning: To wait for a short time

Example: Hang on, I have another call.

83. hang out

Meaning: To spend time relaxing or chilling out

Example: My friends and I generally hang out at malls.

84. hold back

Meaning: To prevent from doing/going

Example: You must hold him back from committing such a dangerous stunt.

85. hold back

Meaning: To hide an emotion/to be stopped by something or someone

Example: He held back his tears even though he was distraught.

86. keep on

Meaning: Continue doing

Example: He kept on studying until he learned the everything in the chapter.

87. keep from

Meaning: To not tell/not do/to keep a secret

Example: Why do you keep secrets from me?

88. keep out

Meaning: To stop someone or something from entering at a place

Example: The gate has been installed to keep out stray dogs.

89. keep up

Meaning: To continue at the same rate

Example: Keep up the good work!

90. Let down

Meaning: To disappoint someone

Example: You can rely on her; she will never let you down.

91. let in

Meaning: To permit to enter

Example: Please lock the door and do not let anybody in.

92. look after

Meaning: To take care of

Example: Nurses are supposed to look after patients.

93. look down on

Meaning: To belittle someone/ to consider someone inferior to oneself

Example: She always looks down on her staff and treats them badly.

94. look forward to

Meaning: To be excited about some future plan, etc.

Example: Are you looking forward to tonight’s football match?

95. look into

Meaning: To investigate

Example: We are going to look into the price of cars today.

96. look out

Meaning: To be careful

Example: Look out for speeding buses on the highway.

97. look over

Meaning: To check/examine
Example: The teacher wants the student to look over his answers once again.

98. look up to

Meaning: To respect someone immensely, admire

Example: I look up to my sister because she is a wonderful human being.

99. make up

Meaning: To lie about something

Example: You must stop making up stories because we know you are lying.

100. make up

Meaning: To forgive each other

Example: He is taking her out to dinner to make up for being at work on their anniversary.

101. make up

Meaning: To apply cosmetics

Example: She got all made up for the prom.

102. mix up

Meaning: To get confused

Example: He mixed up the dates and missed the party.

103. pass away

Meaning: To die

Example: I took two weeks off work because my grandfather passed away.

104. pass out

Meaning: To lose consciousness

Example: He walked in the sun and passed out due to the heat.

105. pick out

Meaning: To choose
Example: I always let my mother pick out my clothes, because she has excellent taste.

106. put off

Meaning: To postpone

Example: I was very tired that day, so I put off the meeting till after the weekend.

Example 2: The boss has asked us to put off our lunch plan to a later hour.

107. put off

Meaning: to repulse

Example: His smell really put me off

108. put up with

Meaning: To bear or tolerate something or someone

Example: I can’t put up with my roommate’s bad habits.

109. put on

Meaning: To wear a dress/accessories on your body

Example: I did not need to put on the t-shirt to know it was too big for me.

110. run into

Meaning: To meet someone unexpectedly

Example: I ran into an old friend from college the other day.

111. run over

Meaning: To drive a vehicle over a person or thing

Example: The truck accidentally ran over a cat on the highway.

112. run away

Meaning: To leave unexpectedly/ to escape

Example 2: The children planned to run away from home to join the circus.

113. run out

Meaning: To have nothing left of something

Example: They ran out of sandwiches at the cafe.

114. send back

Meaning: To return

Example: I sent back the steak because it was raw.

115. set up

Meaning: To arrange/organize

Example: They want to set up a lemonade stall at the fair.

116. set up

Meaning: To trick/trap someone or something

Example: The conman set up his victims.

117. show off

Meaning: To act boastfully when people watch

Example: Most people simply love to show off their wealth in front of their friends.

118. sort out

Meaning: To organize/ to resolve a situation

Example: You may want the lawyers to sort the issue out.

119. stick to

Meaning: To continue doing something

Example: You will not lose weight if you do not stick to the diet.

120. switch off

Meaning: To turn off

Example: Could you switch the light off, please?

121. switch off

Meaning: Take turns or replace someone, trade places

Example: Can you switch off with Barbara? She is eager to perform.

122. take back

Meaning: To return something

Example: I’m going to take this book back to the library.

123. take back

Meaning: reconquer

Example: The marines took back the territory from the terrorists.

124. take back

Meaning: to repent saying something

Example: Please forgive me. I want to take back my words.

125. take off

Meaning: To start flying

Example: The plane finally took off after taxiing for twenty minutes.

126. take off

Meaning: To remove something (usually, items of clothing)

Example: I was about to take off my clothes when I realized there was someone else in the room.

127. take off

Meaning: to be successful

Example: Her business is really taking off.

128. take out

Meaning: To remove from a place

Example: Please take out the garbage after dinner.

129. take out

Meaning: To go somewhere with someone and to pay for them

Example: My girlfriend was very depressed because she had lost her job, so I took her out for dinner.

130. take out

Meaning: to kill or destroy

Example: The sniper took out his target.

131. tear up

Meaning: To rip something into pieces

Example: The cat tore up the newspaper.

132. tear up

Meaning: make upset

Example: The bad news tore me up inside.

133. think back

Meaning: To recall or remember

Example: Whenever I think back to my school days, tears of nostalgia come to my eyes.

134. think over

Meaning: To consider

Example: You must think this job offer over before taking a decision.

125. throw away

Meaning: To trash something or to dispose of

Example: These dirty clothes need to be thrown away.

126. throw away

Meaning: to waste

Example: He is throwing away his life by not studying.

127. turn down

Meaning: To decrease the volume or temperature.

Example: I want to turn down the volume of the radio.

128. turn down

Meaning: To refuse

Example: He asked her to marry him, but she turned him down.

129. turn off

Meaning: To switch off

Example: He turned off the lights before going to bed.

130. Turn off

Meaning: to repulse

Example: I was really turned off by her behavior.

131. try out

Meaning: To test

Example: Do you want to try out this new shampoo?

132. use up

Meaning: To use something entirely or to finish all

Example: I cannot print this page because all the ink in the printer has been used up.

133. wake up

Meaning: To stop sleeping

Example: I generally wake up at about 7 in the morning.

134. wake up

Meaning: to realize

Example: He woke up to see how he was being used.

135. warm up
Meaning: To prepare the body for exercise

Example: He warmed up before the football game.

136. warm up

Meaning: to come to accept something

Example: I warmed up to the idea of having a party.

137. warm up

Meaning: To reheat

Example: He warmed up the food.

138. worn out

Meaning: To diminish in quality because of frequent use

Example: The sole of this old shoe has worn out.

139. work out

Meaning: To exercise

Example: He works out at the gym every day.

140. work out

Meaning: to resolve a problem

Example: He worked out his problems.

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