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Week 12: A career in music: Equal chances?

Words to learn

a job interview (n) the first round principal (flutist)

to hire (v) the final round (a) disparity (n)

to employ (v) an excerpt (n) to pass (v)

an audition (n) a featured soloist (n) to fail (v)

a blind audition (n) to showcase (v) to have a slip of your finger (v)

a screen (n) to prove yourself (v) gender pay gap (n)

a judge (n) a maternity leave (n)


Task 1: Before you read discuss what your definition of an expert is.

Task 2: Read the article.

Not as expert as they think

In his book Blink, the Canadian author Malcolm Gladwell tells a wonderful story. It shows, he says,
that even if they are very experienced and intelligent, experts can be wrong. It’s about music, but it’s
true for all kinds of other situations.

Before the 1980s, when they wanted to find and employ a new musician, orchestras used a very
simple system. A group of three ‘judges’ from the orchestra would sit in a room. One musician after
another would come in and play their instrument in front of them and then the judges would choose
the best. Under this system, most of the musicians who were chosen were _________. Naturally,
since the judges were all experts, nobody thought much of this: they must be able to tell a good
musician from a bad one. _________ were probably simply better musicians.


But then, for a number of reasons, in the 1980s, orchestras started putting up screens in the rooms
where these auditions took place, so the judges couldn’t see if the musicians were men or women.
Amazingly, orchestras started hiring many more women. In fact, they hired more women than men,
which suggested that women were better musicians!

The conclusion was that the judges were deciding not on what they could hear, but what they could
see. Their judgement probably changed according to whether they were seeing a man or a woman.
Personally, I find it very worrying – the idea that even experts are strongly influenced in this way.

Gladwell even jokes that when he looks around his classes at the best colleges in the USA, he thinks
that every student has been chosen because he / she is the prettiest, not the best.

Centrum jazykové přípravy

Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Malostranské nám. 12
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: 234 244 571
HAOU1 Week 12 – A career in music: Equal chances? 2/8

Task 3: What is the main point the article is making? Choose one of the following options.

1) Even experts are influenced by what they see.

2) Women are better musicians than men.
3) Orchestras have improved the way they choose their musicians.


Task 4: Discuss with your partner.

1) In paragraph 3, the article says the screens started to be put up for ‘a number of reasons’.
Can you think of any?
2) Do you know of any examples from the music environment, where women, or men, are / were
excluded? Why would this happen?
3) Is the situation different in the Czech Republic?


Task 5: Complete the text describing an audition using the words from the box.

excerpts fail pass position practice prove round screen slip

An audition for a _________________ in a professional orchestra is as close to a job interview as
walking down the street is to walking a tightrope over a shark tank. Musicians fly in from all over the
country, are seated behind a ______________ and are expected to showcase years’ worth of talent
and _________________ in five minutes.

The first __________________, if not all of them, are done like this. So you don’t see anyone, you are
not allowed to speak. You go in, you play a list of _______________and then you choose music to
play. You don’t even know what specifically you are going to be playing in the first round. You have
five minutes to _____________ yourself.

If you don’t _____________ the first round, you paid for a flight, say, from Florida to Minnesota, and
you have nothing to show for it. You pack up and you go home. But if you get to the next round… you
have to play again, and if you don’t do well, like you have a ____________ of your finger or you are
not feeling well that day, then you _____________, you don’t get that job.”

BrE: to practise x practice (n) AmE: to practice = practice (n)


Now that there are gradually more and more women in orchestras, new issues arise. Elizabeth Rowe,
who joined the Boston Symphony Orchestra as principal flutist in 2004 after a successful blind
audition, decided to sue the orchestra in 2018.

Centrum jazykové přípravy

Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Malostranské nám. 12
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: 234 244 571
HAOU1 Week 12 – A career in music: Equal chances? 3/8

Task 6: Listen to a news interview to find out why. Fill the gaps as you listen.

BrE: flautist /ˈflɔː.tɪst/ x AmE: flutist /ˈfluː.tɪst/

RACHEL MARTIN (HOST): It is no secret women sometimes get ___________ paid less than men for
doing the exact same job. A new lawsuit against the Boston Symphony puts a spotlight about how
this disparity shows up in the world of classical music. Reporter Geoff Edgers joins us now. Good

GEOFF EDGERS: Thank you for having me.

MARTIN: Who is suing the Boston Symphony and why?

EDGERS: Well, Elizabeth Rowe, who is the principal flutist, is suing the Boston Symphony Orchestra
because she feels that she's not being paid _____________. And she feels that that's based on the
pay gap
fact that she's a woman. So she's raising this idea of, you know, gender disparity or gender _______
gap in the orchestra world. And it's – you know, this lawsuit is the first of its kind.

MARTIN: What's the basis for her claim?

EDGERS: Well, she was hired by the BSO _________ 14 years ago. And the fellow who plays next to
her, who she loves as a musician and a friend, the principal oboist John Ferrillo – you know, she
knew he was earning a lot more than she was. And it's varied over the years. But in general, it's been
about $____________. So she just sat there playing with him, and they played together on almost
everything. They call it the floboe – the flute and the oboe together. And – but finally, she felt like she
seriously and filed this suit in July.
wasn't getting taken ____________

MARTIN: What has the Boston Symphony said about it?

EDGERS: Well, the symphony has defended its pay structure. And they're saying that the flute and
the oboe are not comparable. They say the oboe's more _____________ to play. And they say that
there are fewer great oboists in the country, so that it makes it a more marketable instrument. But,
you know, Elizabeth Rowe has been the featured soloist in the Boston Symphony Orchestra more
than any other principal ____________. And the principals are the stars, and you know she's sitting
there and just feels like she's not being ___________ fairly...

MARTIN: Right.

EDGERS: ...In that way.

MARTIN: So let me ask you just briefly. I mean, the salaries in this case is already quite high. I
mean, you say it's a $70,000 gap, but we're talking about a quarter of a ____________ dollars a
year. It doesn't seem like a big deal. But presumably, it would set a precedent for other musicians
who make far less. What's the upshot of all this?

EDGERS: Well, I think she also sees this as a larger issue. You know, yes, I earn quite well for being
in a job that's my ____________ job. But there's a structure here. I mean, we analyzed how women
are paid in orchestras. And it's clear out of the top 78 paid players in the country, only ___________
are women. And that's in orchestras that are made up of, you know, 40 percent women. So there's
something wrong here. And I think she's hoping to correct it.
Centrum jazykové přípravy
Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Malostranské nám. 12
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: 234 244 571
HAOU1 Week 12 – A career in music: Equal chances? 4/8


Task 7: Discuss.

1) Are these topics important for you personally? Why? / Why not?
2) What are the alternatives for people who are not successful at finding a job in an
3) How soon do you think all this will be resolved? Are you an optimist?

Week 12 Grammar: Time prepositions – at, on, in

We use at for times and certain expressions.

 at 8.00 at midnight
 at lunchtime
 at the weekend
 at Christmas
 at the moment

We use on for days and dates.

 on Friday
 on Friday morning
 on 12th September
 on Saturday evening

We use in for longer periods such as months, seasons, and

 in April
 in 2002
 in summer
 in the nineteenth century

We also use in for parts of the day.

 in the morning
 in the afternoon
 in the evening (but at night)

There is no preposition before last, next, this, or tomorrow.

 Did you go out last night?
 We’re going away this weekend.
 I’ll see you next week.
 Can you call me tomorrow morning?

Task 1: Complete the sentences with in, at, on or – (no preposition).

AT the weekend?
A: What did you do ______

B: ______Friday ON Saturday morning, and
evening we went to a party. We slept late ______
in the afternoon we went shopping. ______seven
then ______ AT o’clock some friends came

Centrum jazykové přípravy

Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Malostranské nám. 12
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: 234 244 571
HAOU1 Week 12 – A career in music: Equal chances? 5/8

round for a meal. We didn’t do much ______Sunday - ______the evening we just watched
TV. What about you?

ON Thursday. It’ll probably be ______ the afternoon,

I’ll phone you ______ next week ______
______ about 3.00p.m. OK?

I don’t see my parents much. ______ Christmas, usually, and ______ the summer holidays.

on November 9th, 1989, the Berlin Wall was opened. For the first time ______ the late
twentieth century Germans could go from West to East Berlin without travel restrictions.

A: You look tired. What were you doing ____ last night?

B: I was trying to finish my History essay. I’m having to work a lot _____ AT the
AT night ______
moment. It has to be handed in ______ this Friday, and I’ve got loads to write still.

A: Oh well, I’ll see you ______ lunchtime – if you’re still awake.

The weather in England is unreliable. ______ summer it can be very hot, but it often rains
______ April and June. The summer was awful ______ last year. The best English weather
is usually ______ spring and autumn.

Task 2 (prepositions in questions): Complete the questions with a preposition at the


1 A I think Jamie’s in love.

B Who __________ in love _______?
A Beth. Of course. He’s crazy about her.

2 A Dad, can I have the car tonight?

B What __________ want it ______?
A I’m going out with a couple of friends. Is that OK?

3 A There’s someone’s phone on the table. Who __________ belong ______?

B Its mine. Thanks.

4 A Jack’s granddad died last week.

B Oh dear! What __________ die ________?
A A heart attack.

5 A I am REALLY angry.
B What __________ so angry ______?
A My bank has charged me £20 for being 50p overdrawn.

6 A Pierre’s the director of a European company.

B Really? Who __________ work ______?
A Allgemeine Union.

7 A We can’t go yet! Not everyone’s here.

B Who __________ waiting ______?
A Anna. She’s getting ready.

Centrum jazykové přípravy

Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Malostranské nám. 12
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: 234 244 571
HAOU1 Week 12 – A career in music: Equal chances? 6/8

8 A Do you like my new dress?

B Where __________ get it _______?
A Beebo’s on the High Street.

9 A Mary got married last weekend.

B Really! Who __________ get married ____?
A A guy she met in Czech Republic.

10 A I had a great chat with Bertie the other day.

B Oh, yes? What __________ talk _______?
A His relationship with his boss. Very interesting.

Task 3 (prepositions in context): Look at Kathy’s profile on her website. Write the

Kathy 1.Where is Kathy's hometown?

2.What is Kathy's occupation?
1. HOMETOWN London 3.What is Kathy studying?
2. OCCUPATION student 4.Where is Kathy studying?
3. STUDYING Cultural Management 5.When is Kathy's birthday?
4. WHERE Bristol University 6.Is Kathy in a relationship?
5. BIRTHDAY 18 October 7:Who does Kathy live with?
6. RELATIONSHIP In a relationship 8:What color is Kathy's hair?
7. LIVES WITH 3 friends 9.What color are Kathy's eyes?
8. HAIR blond 1!0.How tall is Kathy?
9. EYES blue 11.What type of clothes does Kathy wear?
10. HEIGHT 1m70 12.What does Kathy's appearance look like?
11. CLOTHES High Street chic 13.What is Kathy's character like?
12. APPEARANCE casual 14.What are Kathy's interests?
13. CHARACTER friendly, fun-loving 15.What kind of music does Kathy like?
14. INTERESTS cinema, books, going out with friends
15. MUSIC jazz, classical

1. Where ________________________?
2. What ________________________?
3. ________________________?
4. Which ________________________at?
5. ________________________?
6. ________________________ going out with anyone?
7. ________________________?
8. ________________________?
9. ________________________?
10. How ________________________?

Centrum jazykové přípravy

Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Malostranské nám. 12
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: 234 244 571
HAOU1 Week 12 – A career in music: Equal chances? 7/8

11. What sort ________________________?

12. ________________________look like?
13. ________________________like as a person?
14. ________________________like doing?
15. What kind ________________________?

Task 4: (noun + preposition): Complete the sentences with a preposition from the box.

on (x 3) to (x 3) in (x 3) with by between

1. What’s the difference _____________ lend and borrow?

2. There’s been a big change _____________ the weather recently.
3. I think you need to improve your attitude _____________ work. Just be more positive!
4. How much do you spend on food every week _____________ average?
5. The trouble _____________ you is that you don’t listen to anybody.
6. I can’t get access _____________ my Internet bank account at the moment.
7. Sally didn’t break your camera _____________ purpose. It was an accident!
8. Congratulations _____________ your engagement! When’s the wedding?
9. Be careful what you say to Adam, he’s _____________ a bad mood today.
10. There’s been a huge increase_____________ gun crime recently.
11. I don’t think there’s really an alternative _____________ travelling by air sometimes.
12. There are no rules for prepositions – you just have to learn them ____________ heart.

Task 5: (verb + preposition): Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box.

for (x 4) on(x4) with (x 4) to (x 2) of from at in about

1. with the children ________

A Why are you arguing ________ about pocket money again?
B Well, they spend their money ________ such stupid things.
A I know, but you’ve got to see it as money that belongs ________ them.

2. Excuse me, this pen doesn’t work. Can I exchange it ________ another one?

3. So you’re an architect. What are you working ________ at the moment?

4. A We fell in love ________ this house as soon as we saw it.

B I’m not surprised. I’ve always dreamed ________ having a living room as big as this.

5. I don’t believe ________ astrology – not the rubbish they write in the newspapers,

6. A How did Gary react ________ your suggestion?

B He wasn’t keen ________ the idea.

7. I’m really busy at the moment – could you deal ________ this enquiry?

8. The train arriving ________ platform 2 is the 17.27 service to Bristol. We apologize
________ the late arrival of this train.

Centrum jazykové přípravy

Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Malostranské nám. 12
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: 234 244 571
HAOU1 Week 12 – A career in music: Equal chances? 8/8

9. for salad with our pizza.

A Excuse me, we didn’t ask ________
B It comes free with every pizza. You don’t have to pay ________ it.

10. This CD I borrowed ________ Anna is brilliant!

11. I like Martin. I can always rely ________ him to cheer me up when I’m feeling down.

12. I told Barbara that I could easily get the bus home, but she insisted ________ giving me
a lift.

Centrum jazykové přípravy

Akademie múzických umění v Praze
Malostranské nám. 12
118 00 Praha 1
Tel.: 234 244 571

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