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‭Students with disabilities‬

‭ usic Education for Students with Disabilities: A Guide for Teachers, Parents, and‬

‭ his resource provides music educators with links and resources ( like: lesson plans, teaching‬
‭techniques and strategies) that can be used to support students with disabilities.‬

‭Teaching Music to Students with Special Needs: A Label-Free Approach‬

‭ his book‬‭includes vignettes, lesson plans, worksheets,‬‭and games for classroom use. This‬
‭book equips teachers with proven, research-based curricular strategies that are grounded in‬
‭both best practice and current special education law.‬

‭5 Ways to Help Your Students With Special Needs Experience Music‬

‭The article discusses 5 strategies for adapting music lessons for students with special needs.‬

‭Students at risk‬

‭ he Arts and Achievement in At-Risk Youth‬

‭Click here to learn about a study conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts about‬
‭at-risk students involved in the arts. The study found that: Socially and economically‬
‭disadvantaged children and teenagers who have high levels of arts engagement or arts learning‬
‭show more positive outcomes in a variety of areas than their low-arts-engaged peers.‬
‭At-risk teenagers or young adults with a history of intensive arts experiences show achievement‬
‭levels closer to, and in some cases exceeding, the levels shown by the general population‬

‭ ttps://‬
‭Check out this amazing organization that provides low-cost music education programs to at- risk‬
‭populations in LA and Orange counties.‬
‭Gender Differences‬

‭ usic and Gender: A Qualitative Study of Motivational Differences At the Upper-Elementary‬


‭ his study focused on strategies to increase student motivation among the different genders in‬
‭upper-elementary level music. Strategies include: providing role models for both genders,‬
‭providing performance opportunities, using music to stimulate kinesthetic learners, and‬
‭incorporating current genres and styles of music into the curriculum.‬

‭ ender Differences in the Chorus Classroom‬

‭In this website, the choir teacher shares their experiences teaching chorus at the middle school‬
‭level, and how they respond to gender differences in the choir/music classroom.‬

‭Gender Bias and Music Education‬

‭ earn from this study on how gender affects instrument selection from early elementary ages to‬
‭various ensemble settings.‬

‭SES differences‬

‭ he Influence of SocioEconomic Status, Parents, Peers, Psychological Needs, and Task Values‬
‭on Middle School Student Motivation for School Music Ensemble Participation‬

‭ ead this article to learn how Instrumental music teachers can create a safe and equitable‬
‭environment by acknowledging the SES factors of students' lives. Strategies include: teachers‬
‭considering the cost of instruments, scheduling reasonable rehearsal times, and equitable‬
‭assessment approaches.‬

‭Socio-economic Environment-Music CurriculumDevelopment and Institutional Policy‬

‭ ead this study about the power of music education and how music education ‘had a significant‬
‭effect on student engagement, attitudes, and socioeconomic development.’‬
‭Cultural and language differences‬

‭ elebrating Diversity‬
‭This article provides teachers with pathways to creating multicultural classrooms. Teachers can‬
‭‘sharing important cultural events through music-making, teach about music elements using‬
‭songs from different cultures.‬

‭Developing Cultural and Linguistic Competencies Through Music‬

I‭n this article, you will learn how singing together helps students become more confident in their‬
‭linguistic abilities, and‬‭cultural and linguistic‬‭competencies through music‬

‭ usic and Language Learning‬

‭This website discusses the intersectionality of language learning and music learning. The article‬
‭offers examples of how to‬‭use music to facilitate language learning.‬

‭Ethnicity and race differences‬

‭ mbracing Unfamiliar Cultures in the Music Classroom‬

‭The authors of this article give teachers strategies for incorporating and teaching non-Western‬
‭music in the classroom.‬‭They encourage teachers to adopt a “multicultural reconstructionist‬
‭perspective” which encourages students to analyze music from social, historical, and political‬

‭ ttps://‬
‭This website offers a wide variety of multicultural music lessons.‬

‭ orld Music For the Elementary Class‬

‭JW Peppers offers a wide variety of books and curriculum resources for incorporating‬
‭multicultural music‬
‭Digital inclusion‬

‭5 Tech Tools I Use in my Elementary Music Classroom‬

‭ his article discusses how a teacher uses ChromeMusic Lab, Groove Pizza, Semi-Conductor,‬
‭Coding and MusicPlay Online.‬

‭ he 21st Century Elementary Music Classroom and the Digital Music Curriculum‬
‭This research paper explores and reviews digital music curricula and apps like Quaver,‬
‭MusicPlay Online, and Interactive Music and the pros and cons of each platform.‬

‭ ttps://‬
‭Watch this video to see how educators are leveraging tech tools to provide equity and‬
‭accessibility in the music classroom.‬

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