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Scholarly Inquiry for Evidence-Based Practice Reflection Essay

Annika Vehling

College of Nursing, University of Arizona

NURS 379 Scholarly Inquiry for Evidenced-Based Practice

Dr. Lorre Laws

April 22, 2023


Nurses as Users and Producers of Research

The first step nurses take to develop an evidence-based question is to ensure it is

answerable and with clear direction. This is done by using the PICO method, where each part is

specific and reflective of the overall question, including the population, intervention,

comparison, and outcome. The second step is to search literature for the question developed in

step one using search parameters that mirror the object of research. It is useful to use synonyms

and healthcare research forums in order to create a meaningful search criteria to yield the desired

results. The third step is to evaluate the evidence for quality and applicability. It is important to

analyze whether it is valid, clinically relevant, and reliable. The fourth step is to apply the

evidence that was found to a practice situation, as healthcare professionals have the duty to

inform patients using accurate and relevant evidence. The fifth and final step is to evaluate the

outcome of the evidence, determining the success or failure of the research (Hendrix, 2019).

Evidence based practice informs nursing practice because it allows for a wide spectrum

of modalities to be utilized to improve patient outcomes. Nursing research allows evidence from

many professional experiences, research studies, and patient preferences to be taken into account

in order to be applied to a clinically usable format. Nursing research also increases the level of

confidence in nurses as they educate their patients and provides them with the necessary

resources to educate themselves on questions regarding patient care (Fossum et al., 2022).

I will produce research in my nursing practice as I encounter patient situations to which

there is no clear answer on the correct way to act on and educate on the process of care. Evidence

is always changing as the world’s knowledge of health care and policies grow and respond to

new situations, and nurses are the first line of healthcare professionals to acknowledge when

there is a limitation in the data available to best care for the patient. As a nurse, when I encounter

situations in which there is an unclear guideline for how to respond, I will initiate and lead the

research in order to come up with a solution to the problem presented (Blake, 2016).

Promoting Integrative Nursing Evidence in Practice

Integrative nursing is a way of being-knowing-doing that advances the health and

wellbeing of a person, families, and communities through caring relationships. There are six

integrative nursing principles that aid in supporting nurses to properly care for the whole-person

whole-body system that is their patient. They are (1) human beings are whole systems

inseparable from their environments, (2) human beings have the innate capacity for health and

well being, (3) nature has healing and restorative properties that contribute to health and

wellbeing, (4) integrative nursing is person centered and relationship based, (5) integrative

nursing is evidence based from least intensive to invasive depending on need and context, and

(6) integrative nursing focuses on the health and wellbeing of caregivers as well as those they

serve (Koithan, 2018).

I will use and access integrative evidence in my practice by utilizing the research

databases available to me, using integrative modalities to approach what I am not familiar with. I

can do this by first using the least invasive integrative approaches with patients and

recommending these to them, as many are simple activities such as box breathing and

progressive muscle relaxation that would have a positive impact on any person regardless of their

state of health. Then, I will research integrative techniques particular to the condition I am

encountering, such as acupuncture for insomnia and so forth, following clinical practice

guidelines. I will use the Johns Hopkins evidence based practice model to translate integrative

evidence at my practice setting by first having an inquiry to translate into a practice question,

then finding evidence and translating it. I will then reflect on what the recommended best

practice is, and apply that to practice improvements. Then, I will reflect on these improvements

and connect them to the initial inquiry. This model was created from clinical and academic

information related to the goal of allowing front line health care workers to use best practice and

incorporate it into patient care (Dang et al., 2022).


Nurses use evidence based practice and research in order to inform their patient centered

care decisions and provide the best possible care to them by using both traditional and integrative

approaches. I will use the process of nursing research to aid in my own nursing practice as I

come across problems with no ready solutions, and will know that I am able to find evidence

based research to educate not only myself, but my future patients.



Blake, N. (2016, April 29). Yes, nurses do research, and it’s improving patient care.

Elsevier Connect.


Dang, D., Dearholt, S., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2022). Johns Hopkins

Evidence-Based Practice Model. Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Fossum, M., Opsal, A., & Ehrenberg, A. (2022). Nurses’ sources of information to

inform clinical practice: An integrative review to guide evidence-based practice.

Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 19(5), 372–379.

Hendrix, I. (2019). Evidence. In J. F. Giddens (Ed.), Concepts for Nursing Practice (3rd

ed.) (pp. 446–454). Elsevier Health Sciences.

Koithan, M. (2018). Concepts and principles of integrative nursing. In M. J. Kreitzer &

M. Koithan (Eds.), Integrative Nursing (pp. 3–19). Oxford University Press.


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