Literature Review Taxation

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Crafting a literature review on taxation can be an arduous task.

It demands extensive research,

critical analysis, and adept synthesis of existing literature. Navigating through vast volumes of
scholarly articles, journals, books, and other resources requires time, patience, and expertise.
Moreover, ensuring coherence, relevance, and credibility in the review adds another layer of
complexity to the process.

The intricate nature of taxation literature necessitates a meticulous approach to identify key themes,
debates, and gaps in existing research. It involves delving into diverse perspectives, methodologies,
and findings to construct a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Additionally,
integrating various sources while maintaining a coherent narrative demands both skill and precision.

Given the challenges associated with writing a literature review on taxation, seeking professional
assistance can be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for individuals grappling
with the complexities of academic writing. Our team of experienced writers specializes in crafting
high-quality literature reviews tailored to your specific requirements.

By entrusting your literature review needs to ⇒ ⇔, you can save time, alleviate
stress, and ensure the quality of your work. Our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction
guarantees a seamless experience from start to finish. Let us help you navigate the intricate terrain of
taxation literature with confidence and ease. Order your literature review today and experience the
difference that expert assistance can make.
However, several studies on how taxation can motivate innovation in sustainability and within
specific agricultural sectors are also considered. In all of the cases cited above, part of the reason that
these policies failed in achieving their sustainability objectives of curbing fertiliser use is that
fertiliser demand is relatively inelastic. Import and Export duties tax. Etc. Further research can also
be done on curbing tax evasion in. However, this literature review was not able to identify any work
that analysed exactly how these changes in tax provisions affected farm succession arrangements or
transfer decisions. At the same time, this policy would have large negative impacts on farm income
and lead to large reductions in food consumption because of higher prices. Full thesis patrick
onuorah - the role of small and medium sized enterprise. The effect of corporate income tax on
financial performance of listed manufac. Small and Medium Enterprises play a very important role in
development of the any economy. They. At the same time, given the difficulty of adequately
targeting tax concession provisions, it is likely that tax concessions originally intended for a specific
purpose may have unintended consequences for other areas. The review emphasised that
environmental taxes seemed to be most effective at accelerating innovations that are nearly market-
ready, and do not generally lead to transformative changes. However, a comparative analysis of
these regimes is complicated by the fact that some of the observed measures are not viewed as
agricultural concessions in some countries, as the same treatment is available for non-farm
households. With respect to innovation, much of the literature reviewed here is from a generic
perspective, because the agriculture-specific evidence base is thin. A project report on investment
strategies and portfolio management at standar. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language
(EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Nonetheless, some
positive effects of check-offs on innovation were found. In lieu of taxing income, the review instead
suggested that countries rely more heavily on less distortionary taxes, such as property taxes and, to
some extent, consumption taxes. For example, higher incentives tend to favour incumbent firms at
the expensive of more dynamic newcomers. Although taxation analysis raises additional questions
surrounding policy effectiveness with respect to revenue-raising objectives and equity
considerations, those topics are considered to be outside the scope of the current review. Please
select the WEB or READ option instead (if available). Evans Tee 2 ojeka stephen a 2 ojeka stephen
a Alexander Decker SME Presentation SME Presentation Tasneem Maan Determinants of Tax
Compliances among SMEs in Mwanza Region Determinants of Tax Compliances among SMEs in
Mwanza Region AI Publications An evaluation of legal, legislative and financial factors affecting
performan. Here we use Probability Sampling Technique from the five (5) different markets where
both the. As such, they achieved only marginal reductions in fertiliser use and runoff. Both ex ante
and ex post analyses of carbon taxes have indicated that they can be an effective means of achieving
reduced emissions. The Impact on of Entrepreneurial and small business on Economic Growth of Ni.
Analysis of data refers to those techniques whereby the investigator extract from data or information
that. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel
Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. One additional theoretical analysis showed the potential
returns from similar types of combined tax-subsidy schemes. These taxes are highly relevant to the
agricultural sector, as runoffs of agricultural inputs like fertilisers and pesticides can pollute air and
waterways. Government of Pakistan, and as such is an important tool used in the development of
Pakistan. Under systems that tax income one year in arrears, businesses where income fluctuation
follows a biennial pattern (as can be in the case in agricultural) may have to confront situations
where their tax bills for high income years must be paid in a low income year, amplifying the
fluctuation in post-tax disposable income.
In Pakistan the importance of small business as a creator of. Under systems that tax income one year
in arrears, businesses where income fluctuation follows a biennial pattern (as can be in the case in
agricultural) may have to confront situations where their tax bills for high income years must be paid
in a low income year, amplifying the fluctuation in post-tax disposable income. For example, tax
concessions that succeed in spurring innovation may lead to higher farm incomes once said
innovation is adopted. The works can largely be divided along thematic lines, with several
comparing how tax regimes affect competitive position ( vis-a-vis the agricultural tax systems of
other countries), while other studies analysed the potential effects of changes to an individual
country’s tax code in an empirical framework. Taxpayers will be more compliance if government use
tax monies wisely or when taxpayers get benefits for the taxes paid in terms of public goods and
social amenities that they prefer. The authors noted that such schemes have successfully been used in
Denmark, Norway, and Sweden as part of a strategy to reduce both environmental and human health
risks from pesticide use. Effects of government taxation policy on sales revenue of SME in Uasin
Gishu. Impact of taxation in agriculture: Literature review. At the same time, given the importance of
land as a factor of production in the agricultural sector, the more detailed implications of this ranking
of taxes from most to least distortive with respect to the agricultural sector deserves further study.
Studies in developing countries outperformed the studies in developed ones. At the same time, these
policies induce a reallocation of resources and income-generating activities at the farm level, causing
production to shift away from high-emission activities like dairy production into lower-emission
activities like crop production, but the magnitude of these shifts differs between the short- and the
long-run, due largely to sunk investment costs and (lack of) access to off-farm income. IFRS for
SMEs IFRS for SMEs Effects of public expenditure on economy production distribution Effects of
public expenditure on economy production distribution Introduction to Debt Financing Introduction
to Debt Financing A Study On Portfolio Management A Study On Portfolio Management A project
report on investment strategies and portfolio management at standar. The Effect of Tax Payment on
the Performance of SMEs: The Case of Selected SM. They were faced with the problem of high tax
rates. Here it is: Narrative Essay: Business Literature Review Example Pdf
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qualitative summarizing papers vlsi summarize. Instead, only a handful of studies devoted to these
mechanisms within the sector were identified, with much of the evidence base covered in this review
drawn from more generic, economy-wide analyses. The authors asserted that most analyses of
nitrogen taxes focused on intensive usage and discounted potential extensive margin effects, which
could offset any per hectare reductions incentivised by a nitrogen tax. It also found that income
taxation reduced the frequency of low incomes among farm households. Many taxes can be related
to sustainability, but those with the most obvious linkages are environmental taxes. An evaluation of
legal, legislative and financial factors affecting performan. In many government policies, small and
medium enterprises are usually. How To Write A Journal Article Review APA Style
literature review reviews advantages disadvantages research assessment based hkust journal learning
reference cei build write writers cooperate enjoy professional results. In order to achieve the purpose
of this research,the following are the objectives of the research. However, a further analysis on the
most likely motivation behind this rise in the number of leases has yet to be released. Download Free
PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently
unavailable. The data were processed using Lisrel 8.80. This research combines quantitative and
qualitative methods (mixed-method) and supplements the sample data with information gained from
in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with relevant departments at the Directorate General
of Taxes of the Republic of Indonesia as well as various experts in their fields, thereby strengthening
the justification of the research results. Various strategies have been introduced by the Inland
Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) to combat non-compliance problems in Malaysia such as
taxpayer’s education, programs to increase tax awareness, tax audit, and tax investigation. The study
appraises the effect of multiple taxation on SMEs in Pakistan with a study of researchers. From.
SDPI Pre-Budget Proposals SDPI Pre-Budget Proposals FACTORS AFFECTING TAX
changes, multiple sources assert that very few US farms are now subject to estate taxes.
Hence, in this study, we have developed a new model to predict the intention to comply among sole
proprietors in Malaysia. Small and medium enterprises (Small businesses) form the core of majority
of the world’s. The effect of corporate income tax on financial performance of listed manufac. The
works can largely be divided along thematic lines, with several comparing how tax regimes affect
competitive position ( vis-a-vis the agricultural tax systems of other countries), while other studies
analysed the potential effects of changes to an individual country’s tax code in an empirical
framework. One review of tax incentive programmes in different countries found that some
programmes produced economic gains that more than offset the foregone tax revenue, while others
did not. The Impact on of Entrepreneurial and small business on Economic Growth of Ni. The Effect
of Tax Payment on the Performance of SMEs: The Case of Selected SM. 2 ojeka stephen a 2 ojeka
stephen a SME Presentation SME Presentation Determinants of Tax Compliances among SMEs in
Mwanza Region Determinants of Tax Compliances among SMEs in Mwanza Region An evaluation
of legal, legislative and financial factors affecting performan. Many taxes can be related to
sustainability, but those with the most obvious linkages are environmental taxes. The Pakistani Tax
System has undergone significant changes in recent times. You can download the paper by clicking
the button above. At the same time, these policies induce a reallocation of resources and income-
generating activities at the farm level, causing production to shift away from high-emission activities
like dairy production into lower-emission activities like crop production, but the magnitude of these
shifts differs between the short- and the long-run, due largely to sunk investment costs and (lack of)
access to off-farm income. Staehr (2009), An Analysis of Tax Incentives to Promote Research and
Development in Estonia, Ministry of Economics and Communication, (accessed on 1 February
2019). In lieu of taxing income, the review instead suggested that countries rely more heavily on less
distortionary taxes, such as property taxes and, to some extent, consumption taxes. First of all, such
a tax could disproportionately affect small farmers. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. The findings
suggested that policymakers must carefully consider stakeholder objectives and response functions
when designing these types of tax instruments. The author’s findings suggested that such a tax
would actually require less information to enforce (as soil quality is already tested in many
jurisdictions), and the tax could also be better targeted to achieve reduced phosphorus runoff. In
levying of taxes for these enterprises in particular, issues that need to be. Tax burden is a major
problem in Pakistan as many business organizations are not favored by the. For example, the review
indicated that tax rates set by fertiliser tax schemes in both France and the United States were too
low to generate reduced fertiliser usage. Test of Normality Shapiro-Wilk calculated wholesaler Sig
(0.346) and retailer sig (0.106). These are. The purpose of this study is to review, consolidate and
integrate the findings of previous studies to identify the factors that affect the tax compliance. These
taxes are highly relevant to the agricultural sector, as runoffs of agricultural inputs like fertilisers and
pesticides can pollute air and waterways. Finally, the policy would face challenges in implementation
due to the fact that a large majority of Irish farmers are not VAT registered. In the first place, there
are undoubtedly many tax provisions that either do not target or are not specific to agriculture that
can have an effect on farm income, farm transfer, innovation, and sustainability, although their effect
is rarely assessed. The following research hypothesis is developed in order to properly address the
problems of the study. With these changes, multiple sources assert that very few US farms are now
subject to estate taxes. Norway introduced a pesticide tax programme in 1999, which classified
products according to different bands defined by their environmental and health-related risks.
Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous
Carousel Next What is Scribd. Pakistan, Karachi. Questionnaires were distributed to Small and
medium businesses in Caliber, It was.
Moreover, the authors noted that other policy factors (such as the desire to continue operations in
order to maintain eligibility for other payments) may also have contributed to a reluctance to engage
in long-term leases. The effect of corporate income tax on financial performance of listed manufac.
Consequently, countries sometimes institute taxes on energy use as a means of charging for these
damages, with the additional effects of reducing emissions and raising government revenues as well.
These taxes are highly relevant to the agricultural sector, as runoffs of agricultural inputs like
fertilisers and pesticides can pollute air and waterways. A project report on overview of portfolio
management in india A project report on overview of portfolio management in india Preparation of
financial statements in pakistan Preparation of financial statements in pakistan Similar to Research
report impact of multiple taxation Effects of government taxation policy on sales revenue of SME in
Uasin Gishu. Although taxation analysis raises additional questions surrounding policy effectiveness
with respect to revenue-raising objectives and equity considerations, those topics are considered to
be outside the scope of the current review. The impact of small and medium scale enterprises on
economic development of e. The Effect of Tax Payment on the Performance of SMEs: The Case of
Selected SM. 2 ojeka stephen a 2 ojeka stephen a SME Presentation SME Presentation Determinants
of Tax Compliances among SMEs in Mwanza Region Determinants of Tax Compliances among
SMEs in Mwanza Region An evaluation of legal, legislative and financial factors affecting
performan. Effects of government taxation policy on sales revenue of SME in Uasin Gishu. Staehr
(2009), An Analysis of Tax Incentives to Promote Research and Development in Estonia, Ministry of
Economics and Communication, (accessed on 1 February 2019). Impact of taxation in agriculture:
Literature review. An evaluation of legal, legislative and financial factors affecting performan. The
findings indicate that attitude, subjective norms, fairness, tax knowledge, trust, tax complexity,
moral intensity are among the most important factors. In a 2007 analysis, authors compared the
agricultural tax systems of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, the
Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Both ex ante and ex post analyses of carbon
taxes have indicated that they can be an effective means of achieving reduced emissions. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. McCluskey (2016), Tax in Agriculture: A Collaborative Research Project for the
Agricultural Sector, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation of Australia, Wagga
Wagga, NSW, (accessed on 4 October 2018). At the same time, this policy would have large negative
impacts on farm income and lead to large reductions in food consumption because of higher prices.
However, the field is advancing, and it is now possible to estimate the negative impacts of certain
activities with greater accuracy. In this environment, the European Court of Justice ruled in 2003 that
the MINAS policy did not comply with the EU’s Nitrate Directive (which instead targeted reducing
nitrogen application at the source), and the policy was replaced in 2006. In the first place, there are
undoubtedly many tax provisions that either do not target or are not specific to agriculture that can
have an effect on farm income, farm transfer, innovation, and sustainability, although their effect is
rarely assessed. As a result, a total of 32 articles were included in this study. This study gives a clear
insight into the various ways in which tax policies in Pakistan can be. Analysis of data refers to those
techniques whereby the investigator extract from data or information that. Majority of the studies are
quantitative followed by experimental and mix methods. Here we use Probability Sampling
Technique from the five (5) different markets where both the. Recent OECD work comparing the
effectiveness of different environmental tax schemes highlighted the example of Norway as one
success story. One review of tax incentive programmes in different countries found that some
programmes produced economic gains that more than offset the foregone tax revenue, while others
did not. Taxpayers will be more compliance if government use tax monies wisely or when taxpayers
get benefits for the taxes paid in terms of public goods and social amenities that they prefer.
More than 130 studies were identified, screened and refined. The desire to build a civilized country
with a strong and sound economy is the desire of every. The Impact on of Entrepreneurial and small
business on Economic Growth of Ni. Since this study involves the collection of views, perspectives
or opinions of respondents regarding a. Although taxation analysis raises additional questions
surrounding policy effectiveness with respect to revenue-raising objectives and equity
considerations, those topics are considered to be outside the scope of the current review. At the same
time, given the importance of land as a factor of production in the agricultural sector, the more
detailed implications of this ranking of taxes from most to least distortive with respect to the
agricultural sector deserves further study. International research in this field shows that tax
regulatory. Hence, in this study, we have developed a new model to predict the intention to comply
among sole proprietors in Malaysia. Much of the focus on tax policy in this area is related to taxes on
inherited property (also referred to as estate taxes) and farm succession incentives. Full thesis patrick
onuorah - the role of small and medium sized enterprise. The study is for finding that taxation may
impact or not on these scales. Under systems that tax income one year in arrears, businesses where
income fluctuation follows a biennial pattern (as can be in the case in agricultural) may have to
confront situations where their tax bills for high income years must be paid in a low income year,
amplifying the fluctuation in post-tax disposable income. We have 35 Images about Narrative Essay:
Business literature review example pdf like Literature review format, Sample of Research Literature
Review and also. Taxpayers are concerned on transparency in public procurement as lack of
transparency may cause corruption and reduces public sector efficiency. At the same time, the
authors indicated that most Irish farms are too small to fully take advantage of the policy. Malaysia
received the largest share of studies followed by Austria. Government of Pakistan, and as such is an
important tool used in the development of Pakistan. Small and Medium Enterprises play a very
important role in development of the any economy. They. The final example comes from Sweden,
where long-standing taxes on nitrogen and phosphorous in commercial fertilisers were eliminated in
2009. This refers to the entire number of the members or elements in which the researchers are
interested. In. Tax payment is the demonstration of such a desire, although some. The author’s
findings suggested that such a tax would actually require less information to enforce (as soil quality
is already tested in many jurisdictions), and the tax could also be better targeted to achieve reduced
phosphorus runoff. Please select the WEB or READ option instead (if available). The authors
surmised that the lack of effect could be due to the level of the tax being too low to influence
purchase decisions, or else there could be too many exemptions to the policy. The exception to this
has been in the area of sustainability, where new tax policies have been implemented alongside
monitoring programmes, and periodic analyses have been published. Specifically related to the
agricultural sector, the evidence base on the effects of taxation on investment is mostly devoted to
how tax code provisions for depreciation affect farm capital investment levels. With a view toward
being as comprehensive as possible, this review examines both ex ante academic analyses, as well as
ex post evaluations of policies actually implemented by countries. A project report on overview of
portfolio management in india A project report on overview of portfolio management in india
Preparation of financial statements in pakistan Preparation of financial statements in pakistan Similar
to Research report impact of multiple taxation Effects of government taxation policy on sales revenue
of SME in Uasin Gishu. A project report on investment strategies and portfolio management at
standar. In this environment, the European Court of Justice ruled in 2003 that the MINAS policy did
not comply with the EU’s Nitrate Directive (which instead targeted reducing nitrogen application at
the source), and the policy was replaced in 2006.
It also found that income taxation reduced the frequency of low incomes among farm households.
These taxes are highly relevant to the agricultural sector, as runoffs of agricultural inputs like
fertilisers and pesticides can pollute air and waterways. With respect to the effectiveness of these
programmes, the evidence is mixed. The authors surmised that the lack of effect could be due to the
level of the tax being too low to influence purchase decisions, or else there could be too many
exemptions to the policy. In this environment, the European Court of Justice ruled in 2003 that the
MINAS policy did not comply with the EU’s Nitrate Directive (which instead targeted reducing
nitrogen application at the source), and the policy was replaced in 2006. In a 2007 analysis, authors
compared the agricultural tax systems of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany,
Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom. The effect of corporate income
tax on financial performance of listed manufac. First of all, echoing the findings cited above, the low
price elasticity of fertilisers and pesticides necessitates that the tax rate be set at a relatively high
level in order to incentivise reduced use. With respect to innovation, much of the literature reviewed
here is from a generic perspective, because the agriculture-specific evidence base is thin. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. Staehr (2009), An Analysis of Tax Incentives to
Promote Research and Development in Estonia, Ministry of Economics and Communication,
(accessed on 1 February 2019). One article analysing the impact of taxes on these types of
arrangements was also reviewed. The authors asserted that most analyses of nitrogen taxes focused
on intensive usage and discounted potential extensive margin effects, which could offset any per
hectare reductions incentivised by a nitrogen tax. The interest generated by the subject matter of tax
compliance behavior has led to identification of several factors that are believed to influence
individual tax compliance decision. In all of the cases cited above, part of the reason that these
policies failed in achieving their sustainability objectives of curbing fertiliser use is that fertiliser
demand is relatively inelastic. MINAS combined a whole farm mineral accounting system with a tax
on nutrient surpluses over a certain threshold, which was reduced over time to incentivise lower
nutrient utilisation. Hence, in this study, we have developed a new model to predict the intention to
comply among sole proprietors in Malaysia. Consequently, countries sometimes institute taxes on
energy use as a means of charging for these damages, with the additional effects of reducing
emissions and raising government revenues as well. The works can largely be divided along thematic
lines, with several comparing how tax regimes affect competitive position ( vis-a-vis the agricultural
tax systems of other countries), while other studies analysed the potential effects of changes to an
individual country’s tax code in an empirical framework. In this environment, scholars advocate that
energy taxes should be set to match the externalities of certain activities, differentiated by region.
Malaysia received the largest share of studies followed by Austria. Finally, the policy would face
challenges in implementation due to the fact that a large majority of Irish farmers are not VAT
registered. A project report on investment strategies and portfolio management at standar. The data
set of the study was obtained from the survey applied to 369 individual taxpayers in the city of
Zonguldak. Impact of taxation in agriculture: Literature review. Levies are usually mandatory in
order to eliminate the free-rider problem, but they are in some cases refundable. The current analysis
picks up where previous work left off, focusing on what the literature in the wake of the report has
concluded regarding four primary areas of interest related to taxation in agriculture. Upload Read for
free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What
is Scribd. Projects Kart A project report on overview of portfolio management in india A project
report on overview of portfolio management in india Projects Kart Preparation of financial
statements in pakistan Preparation of financial statements in pakistan Ashar Ahmed Viewers also
liked ( 20 ) The impact of small and medium scale enterprises on economic development of e.
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A project report on overview of portfolio management in india A project report on overview of
portfolio management in india Preparation of financial statements in pakistan Preparation of
financial statements in pakistan Similar to Research report impact of multiple taxation Effects of
government taxation policy on sales revenue of SME in Uasin Gishu. Majority of the studies are
quantitative followed by experimental and mix methods. One 2015 analysis of the policy posited
many reasons that the tax did not meet its objectives, including the inelastic demand for pesticides,
the trajectory of grain prices during the study period, and the responsiveness of producers to
economic incentives. Studies in developing countries outperformed the studies in developed ones. At
the same time, these policies induce a reallocation of resources and income-generating activities at
the farm level, causing production to shift away from high-emission activities like dairy production
into lower-emission activities like crop production, but the magnitude of these shifts differs between
the short- and the long-run, due largely to sunk investment costs and (lack of) access to off-farm
income. However, this literature review was not able to identify any work that analysed exactly how
these changes in tax provisions affected farm succession arrangements or transfer decisions. While
the sector is certainly affected by the levying of different tax provisions in these areas, it also
benefits relative to other sectors through the granting of tax concessions. Even a decade ago, the
application of this principle was complicated by a lack of data on the impacts of emissions. In
contrast, scholars argued that greater degree of transparency could lead to less trust as it will be
easier for taxpayers to audit government and they might blame government for small mistakes. At
the same time, this analysis notes that there are both caveats to the finding and challenges to the
implementation of such a change in policy. These levy schemes reflect a diversity of institutional
arrangements (including a mixture of public and private administration, research, and priority-
setting), and some are not “taxes” in a technical sense, as the revenue is not directly collected by the
government. Furthermore, various researches has suggested that any effective approach to assist
small business. This research focuses mainly on the impact of Pakistan’s tax policies on the economy
and small. The Effect of Tax Payment on the Performance of SMEs: The Case of Selected SM.
Secondly, specifically in the case of tax levies, since firms are free to determine their own optimal
responses in the face of the added cost, each firm may adopt different innovations, making it
difficult to find a consistent means of measuring the effect. For example, one 2016 study analysed
the spending patterns of the comparative revenues raised through carbon taxes and cap and trade
policies. Consistent with the hypotheses, the results reveal that normative expectations of compliance
and penalty magnitude indicate are most significant effects on tax compliance intentions. The
authors used a model calibrated to Finnish conditions to show the potential costs and benefits of a
scenario in which tax revenue from farms’ GHG emissions was recycled back to the sector through a
subsidy on afforestation or green set-aside. Tax averaging over a period of years would resolve this
problem. Decision makers can utilize the findings of this study to improve tax compliance. This
report is focused on the survey of the compliance experience of professional accountants and. The
model is based on the Theory of Planned behaviour associated with the Expected Utility Theory and
Deterrence Theory. Many taxes can be related to sustainability, but those with the most obvious
linkages are environmental taxes. The potential factors that influence the intention to comply with tax
laws such as attitude towards the intention to comply, audit factors that consist of penalty rates and
the probability of being audited, opportunity and subjective norms are studied. The impact of small
and medium scale enterprises on economic development of e. They were faced with the problem of
high tax rates. The final example comes from Sweden, where long-standing taxes on nitrogen and
phosphorous in commercial fertilisers were eliminated in 2009. Pakistan, Karachi. Questionnaires
were distributed to Small and medium businesses in Caliber, It was. There is even some dispute as to
the validity of the “double-dividend hypothesis”, where countries ostensibly benefit twice from
environmental taxes by both reducing the negative externality and then utilising revenues to achieve
some additional policy objective. Moreover, the authors noted that other policy factors (such as the
desire to continue operations in order to maintain eligibility for other payments) may also have
contributed to a reluctance to engage in long-term leases.

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