Soal US B. Ing Paket A-1

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Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024

Read the following dialog and answer the question!

1. Mother : You know that Tamara always takes sleeping pills to solve her
problems. I think that is not good for her health.
Father : You're absolutely right. It can be dangerous for her life if she doesn't
change her bad habit. She should go to a specialist or share her
problems with someone she trusts.

From the dialogue, we may assume that…

A. Mother agree with Tamara.
B. Father agrees with Mother.
C. Father disagrees with Mother.
D. Mother disagree with Father.
E. Tamara totally agree with their opinion.

2. Alvonso : I invited you to my party.

Mita : Oke, we will attend.
Mary : What did he say?

What will Mita say to Mary?

A. She said that she is invited you to my party.
B. He said that he was invited us to his party.
C. He said that she is invited you to the party.
D. She said that he was invited us to her party.
E. He said that he is invited you to our party.

3. Alex : What do you think about the film ?

Bram : I think ……………
Complete the dialogue above …………….
A. I like it D. You forget it
B. Thank you E. Let’s go
C. I can’t hear you

Question Number 4 is refer to the following text

Because of the high demand for electrical power due to extremely cold weather, the city is facing a serious power
shortage. We are asking residents to help us avoid this situation. Please reduce your power consumption as much
as possible. Lower household heat to sixty degrees. Turn off all unnecessary appliances. Postpone energy-
consuming tasks such as doing the laundry.

4. The announcement is addressed to …..
A. the residents of the city
B. the companies in the city
C. the rich people in the city
D. the officials that work in the city
E. the employees of the electricity company

5. Anton : Excuse me, sir. We have announcement for this class.

Mr. Fadli : Okay, You may . ……..
Anton : We're from Farewell Party committee. We'd like to announce that
Farewell Party will be held on 3 March 2012. Every class has to participate. Every
class has to perform such as drama, standup comedy singing, or reading poetry.
I think that's all.
Mr. Fadli : Any questions?
Class : No
Mr. Fadli : Is there any contribution or money to join the party?
Anton : No, sir. It's free.
Mr. Fadli : Good. Anything else.
Anton : No, sir. Thanks for the time.
Mr. Fadli : No problem

A. Can’t tell the announcement.

B. Tell me what are you doing?
C. Tell the announcement to the class.
D. Don’t disturb our learning.
E. Speak aloud here

6. Pay attention to this picture

What is the purpose of the advertisement above?

A. To give an information about Irena’s Boutique.

B. To sale the Irena’s bag.
C. To persuade the customers to visit Irena’s Boutique.
D. To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Irena’s Boutique.
E. To give a big discount for Irena’s Boutique.
Question Number 7 is refer to the following text

Solar energy ever be a main source of energy for industrial societies?

The solar energy is cheaper than any fossil fuel because we can get the abundant source of energy
from the sun.

In sunny deserts, the sun’s radiation that reaches the ground can be used to produce electricity for
industries and homes. In one of experiment, solar ponds can produce hot water to drive generators.

Unfortunately, we can’t power our homes entirely on sunlight. Solar energy can only be exploited in
bright light. Its great potential, therefore, is in countries that have clear skies for most of the year.
Most houses, however, are not in the sunniest part of the world. In addition to convert sunlight directly
into electricity, solar cells are needed. Although they are very cheap to turn, relatively they are
expensive to buy and many people can’t afford them.
7. Which of the following statements does not agree with the text?
A. Solar energy can only be harnessed in bright sunlight
B. The solar energy is cheaper than any other fossil fuel
C. Solar energy is non-polluted
D. Solar ponds produce hot water to drive generators
E. The main important device to harness the solar energy is cheap

Question Number 8 is refer to the following text

The Surabaya Police have arrested a man, identified only as MN, for allegedly buying an infant via

MN was arrested at his house on Jl. Karah in Jambangan district in Surabaya, East Java, on Sunday. He
was found to have paid some Rp 3.8 million (US$250) for a baby boy when he was only three days
olD.Surabaya police chief Sr. Comr. Rudi Setiawan said recently that the transaction was conducted in
Semarang, Central Java, on Sept. 23. The baby’s parents live in Tangerang in Banten.

“The baby is now safe with the Surabaya administration,” Rudi said on Monday (The Jakarta Post, Tue,
October 16, 2018)

8. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform readers about arrested man for buying an infant
B. To describe the important person for readers
C. To argue that arresting the man is important
D. To explain how police arrested the man
E. To convince reader that buying infant is illegal

9. We….. to Samarinda two weeks ago

A. gone
B. go
C. come
D. went
E. came

10. They …….. this music two hours ago.
A. listen
B. listening
C. listened
D. be listen
E. are listened

11. Did he ……. English last night?

A. studying
B. studied
C. studies
D. study
E. is studied

Questions 12 refers to following text

Dear, Viana.

Remember, we've had an appointment to go swimming, after school. I'll be waiting

for you at home. After having lunch and a nap, please be prepared to go. Don't
forget to bring your swimsuit. We will go there by bicycle.


12. What should they do before going swimming?

A. Make an appointment and prepare everything
B. Have lunch and bring a swimsuit
C. Have a nap and ride a bicycle
D. Go home and have a nap
E. Have lunch and a nap

Questions 13-14 refers to following text

Last year I joined the Chicago Marathon, my first marathon contest. I had to run 26,2 miles to complete it. It was hard.
At first, I just wanted to get the experience of joining a marathon. I thought it would be one life time experience. After
finishing it, I changed my mind. I wanted to join another one. I was interested to complete at least one more marathon
and improve my time. I also experienced a good feeling between participants and the spectators that made me happy. It
was a very wonderful thing for me. So, I decided that I had to join another marathon the following year.

13. What is the text about?

A. The writer's activities of watching Chicago marathon contest.
B. The writer's wonderful feeling after watching marathon.
C. The writer's good achievement in marathon.
D. The changing of the writer's feeling after joining the marathon.
E. The achievement of the writer in joining marathon

14. To improve his achievement, the writer ...
A. asked for advice how to run well
B. practiced hard with other participants
C. planned to join another marathon
D. ran faster and faster
E. exercising more everyday

Questions 15-16 refers to following text

A man with his donkey carrying two sacks of wheat was on his way to the market. After a little while, he was tired and
they rested under a tree.

When he woke up from his nap, he could not see the donkey and started searching for the donkey everywhere. On the
way, he met a boy. He asked the boy, “Have you seen my donkey?” The boy asked, “Is the donkey’s left eye blind, his
right foot lame and is he carrying a load of wheat?” The man was happy and said, “Yes, exactly! Where have you seen
it?” The boy answered, “I haven’t seen it”. This made the man very angry and he took the boy to the village chief for

The judge asked, “Dear boy, if you had not seen the donkey, how could you describe it?” The boy answered, “I
saw the tracks of a donkey and the right and left tracks were different. I understood that the donkey that passed was
limping. And the grass on the right side of the road was eaten but the grass on the left was not. From that I understood
that his left eye was blind. There were wheat seeds scattered on the ground and I understood that he must have been
carrying a load of wheat”. The judge understood the boy’s cleverness and told the man to forgive the boy.

15. What lesson can we learn from the story?

A. Punishment should be done as soon as possible
B. Law enforcement must be done to everyone
C. We should not jump into conclusion quickly
D. We must not believe people especially children
E. We should believe to the judge.

16. “Is the donkey’s left eye blind, his right foot lame…(par.2). The underlined word (lame) means
that the donkey’s right foot was….
A. Very strong
B. Very weak
C. All right
D. Unable to walk
E. Unable to stand

Questions 17-18 refers to following text

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, born on May 14, 1984, in White Plains, New York, is an American entrepreneur and
philanthropist widely known as the co-founder and CEO of Facebook, one of the world's largest and most influential
social media platforms.
Zuckerberg is a prominent figure in the tech industry, recognized for his innovative contributions to the digital landscape.
He is described as a visionary leader with a keen intellect and a passion for connecting people around the globe through
Physically, Zuckerberg is often depicted as a youthful and casually dressed individual, reflecting his approachable
demeanor and laid-back style. He is typically seen wearing his iconic grey t-shirt and hoodie, which have become
synonymous with his public image.
In addition to his role as CEO of Facebook, Zuckerberg is known for his philanthropic efforts. Along with his wife,
Priscilla Chan, he has established the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, a philanthropic organization focused on addressing
global challenges such as education, healthcare, and scientific research.
Overall, Mark Zuckerberg is a dynamic and influential figure in the tech industry, recognized for his entrepreneurial
spirit, technological innovation, and commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

17. What is Mark Zuckerberg widely known for?

A. Co-founding Google
B. Co-founding Facebook
C. Co-founding Twitter
D. Co-founding Amazon
E. Co-founding Microsoft

18. How is Mark Zuckerberg described physically in the text?

A. Dressed in a suit and tie
B. Wearing a lab coat
C. Casually dressed in a grey t-shirt and hoodie
D. Wearing a formal attire
E. Always in a sports uniform

Questions 19 -20 refers to following dialogue

Sarah : Hi, I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you.

Alex : Hello Sarah, I'm Alex. Pleasure to meet you too.
Sarah : Alex, this is my friend, Emily.
Alex : Hi Emily, nice to meet you.
Emily : Nice to meet you too, Alex.
Alex : So, Sarah, what do you do for a living?
Sarah : I work as a graphic designer at a local design firm. How about you, Alex?
Alex : I'm a software engineer at a tech company downtown. And Emily, what about you?
Emily : I'm a teacher at the nearby elementary school.

19. What is the purpose of the conversation?

A. To plan a vacation
B. To discuss current events
C. To introduce oneself and others
D. To negotiate a business deal
E. To share personal stories
20. What can be inferred about Emily’s relationship with Sarah based on the conversation?
A. They are coworkers
B. They are classmates
C. They are siblings
D. They are friends
E. They are strangers

Questions 20 -21 refers to following text

Smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. These devices are sleek, portable, and packed with features
that make communication and entertainment easier than ever before. With their vibrant displays, high-resolution
cameras, and powerful processors, smartphones offer a wide range of functionalities. From sending messages and making
calls to browsing the internet, capturing photos and videos, and playing games, smartphones have revolutionized the way
we interact with the world around us. Their slim and lightweight designs make them convenient to carry in pockets or
bags, while their touchscreens provide intuitive navigation. Additionally, smartphones come in various colours, designs,
and materials, allowing users to choose a device that suits their personal style and preferences. Smartphones have become
an integral part of our daily lives. These devices are sleek, portable, and packed with features that make communication
and entertainment easier than ever before. With their vibrant displays, high-resolution cameras, and powerful processors,
smartphones offer a wide range of functionalities. From sending messages and making calls to browsing the internet,
capturing photos and videos, and playing games, smartphones have revolutionized the way we interact with the world
around us. Their slim and lightweight designs make them convenient to carry in pockets or bags, while their touchscreens
provide intuitive navigation. Additionally, smartphones come in various colours, designs, and materials, allowing users
to choose a device that suits their personal style and preferences.

21. What is the main purpose of smartphones, as described in the text?

A. To serve as a portable gaming console.
B. To provide access to social media platforms
C. To revolutionize communication and entertainment.
D. To replace traditional computers
E. To act as a substitute for digital cameras

22. According to the text, what makes smartphones convenient to carry?

A. Their large size
B. Their heavy weight
C. Their slim and light weight designs
D. Their lack of touchscreens
E. Their lack of portability

23. Which feature of smartphones is NOT mentioned in their text?

A. High-resollutions cameras
B. Physical keyboards
C. Vibrant displays
D. Powerful processors
E. Intuitive touchscreens
24. Dear Sir/Madam,
I would like to apply for the teaching position advertised in The Jakarta Post.
I graduated from Gaja Mada University as Bachelor of Economy and planned to take the Licensure
Examination for Teachers this August.

What is the purpose of the text?

A. to tell the vacant position
B. to advertise a place
C. to invite people to apply
D. to apply for a job
E. to ask the company needs.

25. The parts of an application letter are …

A. sender's address, date, addressee, salutation, body of letter, complimentary closing, signature &
full name.
B. sender's address, date, addressee, complimentary closing, body of letter, closing, signature & full
C. sender's address, body of letter ,addressee, date, salutation, , complimentary closing, signature &
full name.
D. sender's address, addressee, date, salutation, body of letter, , signature & full name complimentary
E. addressee, salutation ,sender's address, date, , body of letter, complimentary closing, signature &
full name.

26. Interviewer : W hat is your greatest strength?”

Applicant : ……..

A. My performance when I do my job.

B. I am a skilled administration with over ten years of experience.

C. I known every secret in my previous company.

D. I can eat as much as you think.

E. I have strong body.

27. Interviewer : W hat is your greatest weakness?”

Applicant : ……..

A. I can’t work under pressure.

B. I have no weakness.

C. I've learned to make my perfectionism work to my advantage.

D. I am an expert, so I can deal with everything.

E. I am always be on time in doing my job.

28. Ph.D. in Spanish (US Hispanic Literature), 2021 – University of Houston. Dissertation: Quixote
Reborn: The Wanderer in US Hispanic Literature. Sancho Rodriguez, Chair
M.A. in Spanish, June 2020– University of Houston
B.A. in Spanish, June 2017 – University of Houston
This part of the above CV is called as ..…
A. Personal identity
B. Employment history
C. Achievements
D. Educational Background
E. Job Experience

29. What is the purpose of the application letter?

A. to amuse or to entertain the reader with a story.
B. to retell events with the purpose of either informing or entertaining their audience
C. to explain steps/instruction to make/operate/do something
D. to say your intent to apply for a certain job or college.
E. to get information from the company.

Questions 30 -31 refers to following text

A career is an individual’s journey through learning, work, and other aspects of life. There are a number of ways to
define a career and the term is used in a variety of ways. Everybody who has a career exactly wants to advance their

If you want to advance your career, you will have to make some careful decisions about which jobs you take. Consider
a job offered for the value it has to your career. It may mean sacrifices at first.

You may have to move to a different region or country to get a job that is right for you. You may have to work late hours,
at least temporarily. You might even have to take a lower salary for a job that offers you the experience that you need.
But you should never accept a job if it is not related to your career goals.

Accepting a job that is not within your career path will not give you the skill or experience you need or want. You will
find yourself frustrated in such a position and consequently will not perform your best.

This will have an effect on the people around you, who will not feel as if you are being part of the team. The best advice
is to think carefully before accepting any position and make sure that the job is one you have.

30. What is mainly discussed in the text?

A. How to look for a job.
B. How to advance a career.
C. What to do to get a good job.
D. How to lessen your stress in your office.
E. How to advance a good job

31. The main idea of the second paragraph is that ...
A. Considering a job offered is necessary.
B. Moving to a different region to get a job can help you.
C. Relating your jobs to your career goals will be advantageous for your boss.
D. Making a careful decision before accepting a job is important.
E. How to lessen your stress in your office

Questions 32 -33 refers to following text

There are many reasons why people become vegetarians, including personal health, the environment, and the
A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat, poultry, and fish. Vegetarians mostly eat fruit, vegetables,
legumes, grains, seeds, and nuts. Vegetarians also consume eggs and dairy products, but they avoid meat
products, such as beef, chicken stocks, and gelatin.
According to research, vegetarians have a lower risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and
high blood pressure. This may happen due to a healthy vegetarian diet, which has low fat but high fiber.
However, a vegetarian diet can be high in fat if it includes excessive amounts of fatty snacks, fried food,
whole dairy products, and eggs.
At the same time, a vegetarian diet can be simple and easy to prepare. Therefore, a vegetarian diet must be
well-planned to prevent and treat certain diseases.

32. According to the text, which of the following statements is true?

A. Being a vegetarian help keep your body strong.
B. Vegetarians may not eat fatty snacks.
C. Eggs do not contain any fat or fiber.
D. Vegetarians do not consume gelatin.
E. Vegetarians may not eat milk.

33. "... if it includes excessive amounts of fatty snacks ..." The bold word can be replaced by ...
A. Too many
B. Decent
C. Very few
D. Little
E. Low

Questions 34 -35 refers to following text

34. This text tells us about......
A. Fermentation
B. Cattle product
C. contact address
D. the use of EM-4
E. Organism

35. What will you do to get satisfying result?

A. Dissolve 1 cc EM-4 per liter of water every two days
B. Dissolve 4 cc EM-1 per liter of water every week
C. Dissolve 1 cc EM4 per liter of water every week
D. Dissolve 4 cc EM-1 per liter of water per day.
E. Dissolve 1 cc EM-4 per liter of water every day

Questions 36 -37 refers to following text

36. What is the news about?

A. A girl kill herself
B. A girl is saving a young man who would kill himself
C. A young man kill himself
D. A fireman took advantages on the young man who kill himself
E. A police helping the young man who killed himself

37. How did the girl help the young man?
A. by surprising him
B. by touching him
C. by kissing him
D. by lying the police
E. by surprising the fireman

38. This time seventy years ago, my grandfather ....... in Surabaya joining the militia to fight
against the British army.
A. was
B. is
C. were
D. are
E. did

39. They …….. this music two hours ago.

A. listen
B. listening
C. listened
D. be listen
E. are listened

40. The freedom fighters were forced to ........, but their faith in God and people’s dream
strengthened them to keep on fighting against the aggressors.
A. rallied
B. surrender
C. siege
D. anger
E. defiant


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