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Location: Bhimsengola, Kathmandu

Owner: Mrs. Romika Shrestha
Prepared By: Er. Prajwal Kiju
NEC Registration No. 11067 “Civil” “A”
Date: 2080/08/25
A Report On Structural Analysis And Design On Residential Building

Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: GENERAL DATA AND LOAD CALCULATION ................................................................... 4
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Description of the Building ................................................................................................................................ 6
Basic Data ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Relevant Codes followed ................................................................................................................................ 7
Basic Principal of Analysis of the structure Step for earthquake load ............................................................ 7
Software used for Analysis and Design .......................................................................................................... 7
Concrete and Steel Grade ............................................................................................................................... 7
Preliminary Design for proportioning of the Structural Elements .................................................................. 7
Chapter 2 : 3D MODELLING, ANALYIS AND DESIGN ............................................................................... 8
Modeling............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Design Methods of Structural Elements ........................................................................................................... 10
Limit State Method ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Analysis ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Load Cases........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Seismic Analysis............................................................................................................................................... 13
Design ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Load Calculation............................................................................................................................................... 16
Design Parameters ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Story Drifts ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
Modal Result..................................................................................................................................................... 26
Chapter 3 SAMPLE ANALYSIS RESULT AND SAMPLE DESIGN RESULT ......................................... 28
Sample Column Design .................................................................................................................................... 28
Sample Beam Design ........................................................................................................................................ 30
Sample Slab Design .......................................................................................................................................... 31
Sample Staircase Design................................................................................................................................... 32
Sample Shear Wall Design ............................................................................................................................... 35
Design of Stirrups ............................................................................................................................................. 37
Check for Irregularity ....................................................................................................................................... 37
Check for Mass Irregularity .......................................................................................................................... 37
Check for Stiffness Irregularity .................................................................................................................... 38
Check for Eccentricity .................................................................................................................................. 39
Check for Torsional Irregularity ................................................................................................................... 39
Design of foundation ........................................................................................................................................ 39
Design of Raft Footing ................................................................................................................................. 41
Chapter 4 DESIGN SUMMARY ...................................................................................................................... 44
Column Design Summary................................................................................................................................. 44
Beam Design Summary .................................................................................................................................... 46
Footing Design Summary ................................................................................................................................. 47
Slab Design Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 47

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A Report On Structural Analysis And Design On Residential Building
Chapter 5 ANNEXES, CONCULSION AND REFRENCES ......................................................................... 48
Annexes ............................................................................................................................................................ 48
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................ 64
References ........................................................................................................................................................ 65

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A Report On Structural Analysis And Design On Residential Building


The basic aim of the structural design is to build a structure, which is safe, fulfilling the
intended purpose during its estimated life span, economical in terms of initial and
maintenance cost, durable and also maintaining a good aesthetic appearance. A building is
considered to be structurally sound, if the individual elements and the building as a whole
satisfy the criteria for strength, stability and serviceability and in seismic areas additional
criteria for ductility and energy absorption capabilities. The overall building must be strong
enough to transfer all loads through the structure to the ground without collapsing or losing
structural integrity by rupture of the material at the critical sections, by transformation of
the whole or parts into mechanisms or by instability. This strength criterion is valid for all
loads that will normally be applied to the building during its lifetime. Accidents, overloading
and disasters are not directly related to design. However, concern is needed for the
structure to have structural integrity. A building needs to be designed for all loads acting on
it. Detailed structural designs are carried out and working drawings are to be prepared.
Safety is the prime concern of the structural design. Serviceability and economy are other
basic requirements that are to be considered during structural design. The building should
be designed not only for vertical loads, but also for horizontal loads such as wind and
earthquake loads. A building and its structural elements must be strong enough to transfer
all the loads acting on it safely to the ground. It should be able to withstand all loads acting
on it.

Nepal lies in seismically vulnerable zone. It is located in the boundary of the two colliding
tectonic plates- the Indian plate (Indo-Australian Plate) and the Tibetan plate (Eurasian
Plate) which is known as “Subduction Zone”. Records of earthquakes are available in Nepal
since 1255 A.D. Those records reveal that Nepal was hit by 18 major earthquakes since
then, resulting in huge loss of life and property. Out of these earthquakes, the 1833 and
1934 earthquakes were the most destructive ones.
Designing building against earthquake forces does not mean that we are making the
building proof against it. Although we can design such robust structure, it would be too
expensive to build; it would be far cheaper to rebuild the building again instead of making it
completely earthquake proof. The structures are generally designed for much lower seismic
forces than what it may actually experience during its life time. Since the structure is
expected to undergo damage in the event of a severe shaking, reliance is placed on the
inelastic response of the structure beyond yield.
Therefore, structures have to be ductile and capable of dissipating energy through inelastic
actions. Ductility can be achieved by avoiding brittle modes of failures. Brittle modes of
failures include, shear and bond failure. Thus, structures should be designed on Weak
Beam-Strong column philosophy.

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The structural design alone is not enough to ensure the safety of the building, equally
important, is its construction. The role of the contractor is of paramount importance as he is
the one to execute the construction work at the site. He is required to execute the work
according to the drawings supplied by the consultant to him and detailing has to be carefully
followed. A large percentage of failure of the building is attributed to poor quality of
construction. Past experiences from damages have shown that quality of material and
workmanship plays an important role in good seismic behavior of the buildings. Hence,
quality assurance in construction is expected to gain good seismic performance.

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Description of the Building

This is a six storied residential building which include Ground floor, first floor, Second Floor,
third floor, fourth floor, fifth floor and Staircase Cover. The floor-to-floor height is 2.89m.
The building plan is rectangular in shape. The maximum height of the building is 20.26m.
The width of the building is 9.75m and length is 16.15m.
Basic Data

General Features
Project Residential Building
Location Bhimsengola, Kathamandu

Architectural features
Type of Building Residential Building
Number of floors 6 floors
Height of story 2.89
Total Height of Building 20.26m
No. of Staircase 1 no.
Height to width ratio 2.07
Length to width ratio 1.65
Wall and Partition Masonry walls

Structural Features
Structural system RCC Framed Structure
Foundation Type Raft Footing
Column size 450mm x 450mm
Beam Size 300mm x 450mm ,230mm x 350mm
Slab 127 mm Overall Depth

Geotechnical Features
Soil Type Type II
Seismic Zone V (as per IS NBC 105:2020)
Allowable Bearing Capacity 120 KN/m3

Grade of Concrete M25 for Column, beam slab and footing
Grade of Steel Fe500
Unit weight of Concrete 25 KN/m3
Unit weight of Masonry wall 19 KN/m3
Young’s Modulus of Elasticity 5000 𝑓𝑐𝑘
Poisson’s Ratio 0.2 for concrete
0.3 for rebar

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Relevant Codes followed

a. IS 456-2000: For Design of Structural Elements
b. SP 16 : For Design Aid
c. SP 34 : For Detailing
d. NBC 105:2020: Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal

Basic Principal of Analysis of the structure Step for earthquake load

1. National Building Code: NBC 105: 2020(Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal)

Basic Principal of Design of Foundation

1. Isolated Footing to support the structure.

Software used for Analysis and Design

a. ETABS 2018
b. Custom Software

Concrete and Steel Grade

Concrete Grade = M25 for Foundation, Beams and slabs

= M25 for Column
Steel Grade =Fe 500

Preliminary Design for proportioning of the Structural Elements

The tentative sizes of the Structural elements are determined through preliminary design so
that after analysis, the presumed dimensions may not deviate considerably, thus making the
final design both safe and economical. The tentative sizes have been determined as follows:

Slab: From Deflection Criteria [Effective Depth = Effective Shorter Span / (26 * MF)]

Beam: For Practical rule as 25mm Depth for 300mm of Span covering deflection criteria

Column: From evaluation of approximate gravity loading coming up to the critical Column.
To compensate for the possible eccentric Loading and earthquake loads the size is
increased by about 25 % in design.

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The structural system is designed as a Special Moment Resisting Frame structure. Therefore,
main components to be modeled are: Beams, Columns & Slabs. The analysis software used
for modeling the structure is the ETABS 2018.

Fig: Plan view of building in ETABS

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Fig: 3D view of building in ETABS

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Design Methods of Structural Elements

We have followed Indian Standard Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced
IS: 456 -2000 for design of Structural Elements.

Limit State Method based on safety and serviceability requirements associated with
the design loads and design strengths of the materials. These design loads and
design strengths are obtained by applying partial safety factors for characteristic
loads and strengths of the materials concrete and steel.

We have followed the limit state method which is incorporated in IS: 456-2000. It is
consistent with the new philosophy of design termed limit state approach which was
incorporated in the Russian Code – 1954, the British code BS 8110 – 1985 and the
American Code ACI 318 – 1989.

Effective Stiffness of Cracked Section

Flexural Shear
No Component Stiffness Stiffness
1 Beam 0.35 Ec Ig 0.40 Ec Aw
2 Columns 0.70 Ec Ig 0.40 Ec Aw
3 Wall—cracked 0.50 Ec Ig 0.40 Ec Aw
4 Wall—uncracked 0.80 Ec Ig 0.40 Ec Aw

Limit State Method

 Limit States
The Limit State method of design covers the various forms of failure. There are
several limit states at which the structure ceases to function, the most important
among them being,

a. The limit state of collapse or total failure of structure.

It corresponds to the maximum load carrying capacity. Violation of collapse implies
failure. This limit state corresponds to Flexure, Compression, Shear and Torsion.

b. The limit state of serviceability which includes excessive deflection and excessive
local damage.

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The analysis has been carried out using a standard software package ETABS 2018 based on
finite element method. The software is capable of carrying out a Three-Dimensional
analysis. It is windows-based software. It has a user-friendly graphical input and output
interface. It can account for the rigid zones at the beam - column junction. It has a capability
to create a special joint at any grid intersection. The program has a facility to create shell
elements also. Shell elements can be used for the analysis of Slabs and Shear walls. A full 3D
finite element model using frame and shell elements can also be created using ETABS.
A Three-Dimensional Linear elastic analysis has been carried out. Structure is assumed to be
fixed at the Plinth level. The masonry wall load is distributed in the beams as uniformly
distributed loads. The beams are modeled as rectangular beams. A model based on Rigid
Diaphragm Concept has been considered. This is done by creating a special joint at the
center of mass of each floor level and constraining all the joints at this level by a diaphragm

Load Cases
Following loads have been considered in the analysis of the building as per IS 456-2000 and
NBC 105: 2020.

1. Dead Load (DL)

2. Live Load (LL)
3. Earthquake Load in +ve X-direction (EQx)
4. Earthquake Load in -ve X-direction (-EQx)
5. Earthquake Load in +ve Y-direction (EQy)
6. Earthquake Load in -ve Y-direction (-EQy)

Load Combination
Following load combinations have been adopted as per NBC 105:2020.
1.2DL + 1.5LL
DL + λLL + Ex +0.3Ey
DL + λLL +Ex - 0.3Ey
DL + λLL –Ex + 0.3Ey
DL + λLL –Ex - 0.3Ey
DL + λLL +0.3Ex+ Ey
DL + λLL +0.3Ex- Ey
DL + λLL -0.3Ex+ Ey
DL + λLL -0.3Ex- Ey

Where, λ = 0.6 for storage facilities

= 0.3 for other usage
DL = Dead Load
LL = Live Load
EL = Earthquake Load

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Dead Loads
Dead loads are assumed to be produced by slab, beams, columns, walls, parapet walls,
staircase, plasters and mortars, Floor finish and water tank. The weight of building
materials is taken as per IS 875(Part 1)-1987).

Specific weight of materials [Ref: IS: 875(Part 1)-1987)]

Materials Unit weight
Reinforced Concrete 25 KN/m3
Brick Masonry 19 KN/m3
Floor Finishing (Screeding& Punning) 23 KN/m3
Cement Sand Plaster 20 KN/m3
Floor Finishing (Marble) 26 KN/m3

Live Loads
Live loads are applied on floor slabs on the basis of usage of rooms, as specified in IS 875
part II.
Rooms 2 KN/m2
Toilet/Bathrooms/Kitchens 2 KN/m2
Balcony/Stairs 3 KN/m2
Terrace/Roof 1.5 KN/m2

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Seismic Analysis
Location of Building : Kathmandu
Type of Structure: All Other Structural
Type of Building : RC Shear wall Frame
Seismic Zoning Factor (Table 4.5 NBC 105-2020) Z= 0.35
Importance Factor : (Table 4.6 NBC 105-2020) I= 1
Height of Building : h= 20.2692
Method of Analysis: Response Spectrum
Soil Type D
Period of Vibration :
For RC Shear wall Frame T1 = 1.25*kt 0.597
h0.75 Sec
Lower Period of the Flat Part of the Spectrum Ta = 0.5
Upper Period of the Flat Part of the Spectrum Tc = 2
Peak Spectral Acceleration Normalised by PGA α= 2.25
Coefficent to control the descending branch of the Spectrum K= 0.8

Ref Table 5.2 NBC 105 :2020

Ductility Factor for ULS State Ru = 3.5
Overstrength Factor for ULS State Ωu = 1.4
Overstrength Factor for SLS State Ωs = 1.2

Calculation of Spectral Shape Factor : Ch (T)

Since Ta<=T1<=Tc Ch (T) = 2.250

Elastic Site Spectra for the Horizontal Loading (Clause 4.1.1 NBC 105-2020) C(T) = C h(T) Z I 0.788

Elastic Site Spectra for the Vertical Loading (Clause 4.2 NBC 105-2020) Cv = 2/3*Z 0.233

Elastic Site Spectra for the SLS State (Clause 4.2 NBC 105-2020) Cs = 0.2 * C(T) 0.158

Horizontal Base Shear Coefficient for Response Spectrum Method :

Horizontal Base Shear Coefficent at the ULS State
Cdu = C(T)/ (Ru Ωu) = 0.161

Horizontal Base Shear Coefficent at the SLS State

Cds = Cs/ Ωs = 0.132
Exponent related to the structural period k 1.05

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Load Patterns

Name Type Weight Auto Load
Dead Dead 1
Live(normal) Live 0
Live (Storage) Live 0
Partition load Dead 0
Brick Masonry Dead 0
Parapet Wall Dead 0
Floor Finish Dead 0
Water Tank Dead 0
Stair Dead Dead 0
Stair Live Live 0
EQX-ULS Seismic 0
EQY-ULS Seismic 0
EQX-SLS Seismic 0
EQY-SLS Seismic 0

Mass Source

Include Include Lateral Lump at
Added Load Pattern Multiplier
Elements Loads Only Stories
No No Yes Yes Yes Dead 1
No No Yes Yes Yes Live (Normal) 0.3
No No Yes Yes Yes Live (Storage) 0.6
No No Yes Yes Yes Partition Load 1
No No Yes Yes Yes Brick Masonry 1
No No Yes Yes Yes Parapet Wall 1
No No Yes Yes Yes Floor Finish 1
No No Yes Yes Yes Water Tank 1
No No Yes Yes Yes Stair Dead 1
No No Yes Yes Yes Stair Live 0.3

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Stiffness Modifier

The design of reinforced concrete structural members includes selection of material
properties (grade of steel and concrete), shape and size of cross section, factor of safety and
amount of steel required. The design of reinforced concrete members are carried out using
limit state method as per IS 456: 2000. The limit state method is the modern and latest
design methodology. This method evolved around 1970’s. Limit state method is based on
the concept of multiple safety factors and attempts to provide adequate safety at the
ultimate loads and adequate serviceability at service loads.
For the design of the members, IS 456:2000 and design aid SP 16 has been used. Footings
have been checked for vertical loads and moments developed at the base due to dead load
and live load only. Square footings have been adopted from seismic point of view that
reversal stress may occur. And footing beams are provided for column at foundation for
more rigidity of building and also need for the column located at boundary. Longitudinal
reinforcement in beams and columns has been calculated based on critical load combination
among the thirteen load combinations. Spacing of the shear reinforcement has been
calculated as per the ductility criteria as defined in IS 13920 -1993. Some sample designs are
shown later on in this report.

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Load Calculation

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Design Parameters
Followings factors are considered for earthquake resistant design of the building.

AS PER IS 1893
Height of the building (m) 20.269
Important factor 1.00
Seismic Weight (W) 13093.398 KN
Soil Type (II) 2.00 Medium Soil
Time Period in X direction (T) 1.25*Kt*(H)3/4 0.597
Calculation of Spectral Shape
Factor : Ch (T) 2.25
Seismic zone factor (Z) 0.3500
Design horizontal seismic coefficient (ULS State) 0.161
Design seismic base shear (VB) 2108.033 KN

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Story Response - Auto Lateral Load to Stories

Summary Description
This is story response output for a specified range of stories and a selected load case or load
Input Data
Name StoryResp1
Display Type Auto lateral loads to stories Story Range All Stories
Load Pattern EQX Top Story Story 7
Load Set 1 Bottom Story Base


Tabulated Plot Coordinates

Story Response Values
Story Elevation Location X-Dir Y-Dir
m kN kN
Story7 20.2692 Top 139.3096 0
Story6 17.3736 Top 379.3394 0
Story5 14.478 Top 522.3788 0
Story4 11.5824 Top 430.9377 0
Story3 8.6868 Top 303.296 0
Story2 5.7912 Top 199.1645 0
Story1 2.8956 Top 96.3146 0
Base 0 Top 0 0

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Story Response - Auto Lateral Load to Stories

Summary Description
This is story response output for a specified range of stories and a selected load case or load
Input Data
Name StoryResp1
Display Type Auto lateral loads to stories Story Range All Stories
Load Pattern EQY Top Story Story 7
Load Set 1 Bottom Story Base


Tabulated Plot Coordinates

Story Response Values

Story Elevation Location X-Dir Y-Dir

m kN kN
Story7 20.2692 Top 0 139.3096
Story6 17.3736 Top 0 379.3394
Story5 14.478 Top 0 522.3788
Story4 11.5824 Top 0 430.9377
Story3 8.6868 Top 0 303.296
Story2 5.7912 Top 0 199.1645
Story1 2.8956 Top 0 96.3146
Base 0 Top 0 0

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Story Response- Maximum Story Displacement

Plot- In X-direction

Tabulated Plot Coordinates

Story Response Values

Story Elevation Location X-Dir Y-Dir

m kN kN
Story7 20.2692 Top 71.79 9.115
Story6 17.3736 Top 76.022 22.39
Story5 14.478 Top 66.276 20.91
Story4 11.5824 Top 53.471 18.015
Story3 8.6868 Top 38.049 13.546
Story2 5.7912 Top 21.741 8.058
Story1 2.8956 Top 7.398 2.762
Base 0 Top 0 0

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Story Response- Maximum Story Displacement

Plot- In Y-direction

Tabulated Plot Coordinates

Story Response Values

Story Elevation Location X-Dir Y-Dir

m kN kN
Story7 20.2692 Top 3.159 60.545
Story6 17.3736 Top 8.027 58.997
Story5 14.478 Top 7.188 50.004
Story4 11.5824 Top 5.986 39.283
Story3 8.6868 Top 4.351 27.138
Story2 5.7912 Top 2.492 14.899
Story1 2.8956 Top 0.825 4.782
Base 0 Top 0 0

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Story Response- Maximum Story Drifts

Plot- In X-direction

Tabulated Plot Coordinates

Story Response Values

Story Elevation Location X-Dir Y-Dir

m kN kN
Story7 20.2692 Top 0.002675 0.000193
Story6 17.3736 Top 0.003366 0.000511
Story5 14.478 Top 0.004422 0.001
Story4 11.5824 Top 0.005326 0.001543
Story3 8.6868 Top 0.005632 0.001895
Story2 5.7912 Top 0.004953 0.001829
Story1 2.8956 Top 0.002555 0.00086
Base 0 Top 0 0

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Story Response- Maximum Story Drifts

Plot- In Y-direction

Tabulated Plot Coordinates

Story Response Values

Story Elevation Location X-Dir Y-Dir

m kN kN
Story7 20.2692 Top 0.000082 0.002509
Story6 17.3736 Top 0.00029 0.003106
Story5 14.478 Top 0.000415 0.003703
Story4 11.5824 Top 0.000565 0.004194
Story3 8.6868 Top 0.000642 0.004227
Story2 5.7912 Top 0.000576 0.003494
Story1 2.8956 Top 0.000285 0.001619
Base 0 Top 0 0

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Story Drifts
Load X Y Z
Story Direction Drift Label
Case/Combo m m m
Story7 Eqx-SLS X 0.002139 11 9.8044 9.017 20.2692
Story7 Eqx-SLS X 0.002193 11 9.8044 9.017 20.2692
Story7 Eqx-SLS X 0.002085 11 9.8044 9.017 20.2692
Story6 Eqx-SLS X 0.002646 30 15.5194 0 17.3736
Story6 Eqx-SLS X 0.002532 30 15.5194 0 17.3736
Story6 Eqx-SLS X 0.002759 30 15.5194 0 17.3736
Story5 Eqx-SLS X 0.003455 30 15.5194 0 14.478
Story5 Eqx-SLS X 0.003284 30 15.5194 0 14.478
Story5 Eqx-SLS X 0.003626 30 15.5194 0 14.478
Story4 Eqx-SLS X 0.004137 30 15.5194 0 11.5824
Story4 Eqx-SLS X 0.003907 30 15.5194 0 11.5824
Story4 Eqx-SLS X 0.004367 30 15.5194 0 11.5824
Story3 Eqx-SLS X 0.004355 30 15.5194 0 8.6868
Story3 Eqx-SLS X 0.004093 30 15.5194 0 8.6868
Story3 Eqx-SLS X 0.004618 30 15.5194 0 8.6868
Story2 Eqx-SLS X 0.003819 30 15.5194 0 5.7912
Story2 Eqx-SLS X 0.003578 30 15.5194 0 5.7912
Story2 Eqx-SLS X 0.004061 30 15.5194 0 5.7912
Story1 Eqx-SLS X 0.00197 4 14.7066 0 2.8956
Story1 Eqx-SLS X 0.001845 4 14.7066 0 2.8956
Story1 Eqx-SLS X 0.002095 4 14.7066 0 2.8956
Story7 Eqx-ULS X 0.002609 11 9.8044 9.017 20.2692
Story7 Eqx-ULS X 0.002675 11 9.8044 9.017 20.2692
Story7 Eqx-ULS X 0.002543 11 9.8044 9.017 20.2692
Story6 Eqx-ULS X 0.003227 30 15.5194 0 17.3736
Story6 Eqx-ULS X 0.003088 30 15.5194 0 17.3736
Story6 Eqx-ULS X 0.003366 30 15.5194 0 17.3736
Story5 Eqx-ULS X 0.004214 30 15.5194 0 14.478
Story5 Eqx-ULS X 0.004006 30 15.5194 0 14.478
Story5 Eqx-ULS X 0.004422 30 15.5194 0 14.478
Story4 Eqx-ULS X 0.005046 30 15.5194 0 11.5824
Story4 Eqx-ULS X 0.004765 30 15.5194 0 11.5824
Story4 Eqx-ULS X 0.005326 30 15.5194 0 11.5824
Story3 Eqx-ULS X 0.005312 30 15.5194 0 8.6868
Story3 Eqx-ULS X 0.004992 30 15.5194 0 8.6868
Story3 Eqx-ULS X 0.005632 30 15.5194 0 8.6868
Story2 Eqx-ULS X 0.004658 30 15.5194 0 5.7912
Story2 Eqx-ULS X 0.004364 30 15.5194 0 5.7912
Story2 Eqx-ULS X 0.004953 30 15.5194 0 5.7912
Story1 Eqx-ULS X 0.002403 4 14.7066 0 2.8956
Story1 Eqx-ULS X 0.002251 4 14.7066 0 2.8956
Story1 Eqx-ULS X 0.002555 4 14.7066 0 2.8956
Story7 Eqy-SLS Y 0.001988 11 9.8044 9.017 20.2692
Story7 Eqy-SLS Y 0.002057 11 9.8044 9.017 20.2692
Story7 Eqy-SLS Y 0.002013 10 4.9022 8.763 20.2692
Story6 Eqy-SLS Y 0.002254 45 15.5194 9.3131 17.3736

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Story6 Eqy-SLS Y 0.002547 45 15.5194 9.3131 17.3736

Story6 Eqy-SLS Y 0.002403 25 -1.0668 0 17.3736
Story5 Eqy-SLS Y 0.002635 45 15.5194 9.3131 14.478
Story5 Eqy-SLS Y 0.003036 45 15.5194 9.3131 14.478
Story5 Eqy-SLS Y 0.002894 25 -1.0668 0 14.478
Story4 Eqy-SLS Y 0.002932 45 15.5194 9.3131 11.5824
Story4 Eqy-SLS Y 0.003439 45 15.5194 9.3131 11.5824
Story4 Eqy-SLS Y 0.003258 25 -1.0668 0 11.5824
Story3 Eqy-SLS Y 0.002911 45 15.5194 9.3131 8.6868
Story3 Eqy-SLS Y 0.003465 45 15.5194 9.3131 8.6868
Story3 Eqy-SLS Y 0.003278 25 -1.0668 0 8.6868
Story2 Eqy-SLS Y 0.002369 45 15.5194 9.3131 5.7912
Story2 Eqy-SLS Y 0.002865 45 15.5194 9.3131 5.7912
Story2 Eqy-SLS Y 0.002736 25 -1.0668 0 5.7912
Story1 Eqy-SLS Y 0.0011 76 14.7066 6.223 2.8956
Story1 Eqy-SLS Y 0.001328 76 14.7066 6.223 2.8956
Story1 Eqy-SLS Y 0.001288 73 0 6.223 2.8956
Story7 Eqy-ULS Y 0.002425 11 9.8044 9.017 20.2692
Story7 Eqy-ULS Y 0.002509 11 9.8044 9.017 20.2692
Story7 Eqy-ULS Y 0.002456 10 4.9022 8.763 20.2692
Story6 Eqy-ULS Y 0.00275 45 15.5194 9.3131 17.3736
Story6 Eqy-ULS Y 0.003106 45 15.5194 9.3131 17.3736
Story6 Eqy-ULS Y 0.002931 25 -1.0668 0 17.3736
Story5 Eqy-ULS Y 0.003214 45 15.5194 9.3131 14.478
Story5 Eqy-ULS Y 0.003703 45 15.5194 9.3131 14.478
Story5 Eqy-ULS Y 0.003529 25 -1.0668 0 14.478
Story4 Eqy-ULS Y 0.003576 45 15.5194 9.3131 11.5824
Story4 Eqy-ULS Y 0.004194 45 15.5194 9.3131 11.5824
Story4 Eqy-ULS Y 0.003974 25 -1.0668 0 11.5824
Story3 Eqy-ULS Y 0.00355 45 15.5194 9.3131 8.6868
Story3 Eqy-ULS Y 0.004227 45 15.5194 9.3131 8.6868
Story3 Eqy-ULS Y 0.003998 25 -1.0668 0 8.6868
Story2 Eqy-ULS Y 0.002889 45 15.5194 9.3131 5.7912
Story2 Eqy-ULS Y 0.003494 45 15.5194 9.3131 5.7912
Story2 Eqy-ULS Y 0.003337 25 -1.0668 0 5.7912
Story1 Eqy-ULS Y 0.001342 76 14.7066 6.223 2.8956
Story1 Eqy-ULS Y 0.001619 76 14.7066 6.223 2.8956
Story1 Eqy-ULS Y 0.001571 73 0 6.223 2.8956
Maximum value of Story drift = 0.025 at ultimate limit state
=0.006 at serviceability limit state
It is seen that the story drift is within the safe limits.

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Modal Result
- Modal Periods and Frequencies
Period Frequenc Eigenvalue
Case Mode y
sec y rad²/sec²
Modal 1 0.977 1.024 6.4313 41.3619
Modal 2 0.821 1.218 7.653 58.568
Modal 3 0.686 1.458 9.1606 83.917
Modal 4 0.273 3.66 22.9982 528.9171
Modal 5 0.218 4.58 28.7771 828.1194
Modal 6 0.186 5.386 33.8416 1145.2562
Modal 7 0.139 7.176 45.0884 2032.9646
Modal 8 0.103 9.69 60.8817 3706.5782
Modal 9 0.1 10.018 62.9478 3962.4229
Modal 10 0.088 11.303 71.0184 5043.6093
Modal 11 0.068 14.737 92.5957 8573.9638
Modal 12 0.058 17.148 107.743 11608.5637

- Modal Participating Mass Ratios (Part 1 of 2)

Case Mode UX UY UZ Sum UX Sum UY Sum UZ
Modal 1 0.977 0.6184 0.0005 0 0.6184 0.0005 0
Modal 2 0.821 0.0012 0.7252 0 0.6195 0.7256 0
Modal 3 0.686 0.1181 0.0012 0 0.7377 0.7269 0
Modal 4 0.273 0.1136 0.0001 0 0.8513 0.727 0
Modal 5 0.218 0.0003 0.1503 0 0.8516 0.8773 0
Modal 6 0.186 0.037 0.0002 0 0.8886 0.8775 0
Modal 7 0.139 0.0479 4.679E-05 0 0.9366 0.8775 0
Modal 8 0.103 0.0001 0.0621 0 0.9366 0.9396 0
Modal 9 0.1 0.0007 0.0004 0 0.9373 0.94 0
Modal 10 0.088 0.0282 0.0001 0 0.9655 0.9401 0
Modal 11 0.068 0.0272 5.25E-07 0 0.9927 0.9401 0
Modal 12 0.058 0 0.0497 0 0.9927 0.9898 0

- Modal Participating Mass Ratios (Part 2 of 2)

Case Mode RX RY RZ Sum RX Sum RY Sum RZ
Modal 1 4.609E-05 0.2051 0.1414 4.609E-05 0.2051 0.1414
Modal 2 0.2873 0.0005 0.0004 0.2874 0.2056 0.1418
Modal 3 0.0013 0.0751 0.6206 0.2887 0.2807 0.7625
Modal 4 0.0002 0.3411 0.02 0.2889 0.6218 0.7825
Modal 5 0.4061 0.0008 0.0001 0.695 0.6226 0.7826
Modal 6 0.0007 0.0961 0.1156 0.6957 0.7187 0.8982
Modal 7 0.0001 0.0987 0.0061 0.6958 0.8174 0.9043
Modal 8 0.1283 0.0001 0.0004 0.8241 0.8175 0.9047
Modal 9 0.0008 0.0045 0.0253 0.825 0.822 0.93
Modal 10 0.0002 0.0707 0.0198 0.8251 0.8927 0.9498
Modal 11 1.295E-06 0.084 0.0014 0.8251 0.9767 0.9512
Modal 12 0.1426 0 1.852E-05 0.9677 0.9767 0.9512

- Modal Load Participation Ratios

Static Dynamic
Case Item Type Item
% %
Modal Acceleration UX 100 99.27
Modal Acceleration UY 100 98.98
Modal Acceleration UZ 0 0

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- Modal Direction Factors
Case Mode UX UY UZ RZ
Modal 1 0.977 0.816 0.001 0 0.183
Modal 2 0.821 0.002 0.997 0 0.001
Modal 3 0.686 0.202 0.003 0 0.795
Modal 4 0.273 0.727 0.001 0 0.272
Modal 5 0.218 0.002 0.997 0 0.001
Modal 6 0.186 0.309 0.002 0 0.688
Modal 7 0.139 0.696 0.001 0 0.304
Modal 8 0.103 0.005 0.99 0 0.005
Modal 9 0.1 0.472 0.008 0 0.52
Modal 10 0.088 0.341 0.002 0 0.657
Modal 11 0.068 0.819 0 0 0.181
Modal 12 0.058 0 1 0 0

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Sample Column Design

ETABS Concrete Frame Design

IS 456:2000 + IS 13920:2016 Column Section Design

Column Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
Story2 C9 169 COL 450X450 DL+f*LL+0.3Rsx-Rsy 0 2895.6 0.767

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)
450 450 60 30

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design For Pu , Mu2 , Mu3

Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Minimum M2 Minimum M3 Rebar Area Rebar %
kN kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m mm² %
-771.34 188.1006 -52.1037 15.4268 15.4268 4599 2.27

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Factors

K Factor Length Initial Moment Additional Moment Minimum Moment
Unitless mm kN-m kN-m kN-m
Major Bend(M3) 0.937462 2445.6 -21.9406 0 15.4268
Minor Bend(M2) 0.915953 2445.6 75.4544 0 15.4268

Shear Design for Vu2 , Vu3

Shear Vu Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
Major, Vu2 106.3333 186.811 70.2003 106.3333 498.8
Minor, Vu3 123.5319 186.811 70.2003 123.5319 498.8

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Joint Shear Check/Design
Joint Shear Shear Shear Shear Joint Shear
Force VTop Vu,Tot Vc Area Ratio
kN kN kN kN cm² Unitless
Major Shear, Vu2 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Minor Shear, Vu3 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

(1.4) Beam/Column Capacity Ratio

Major Ratio Minor Ratio

Additional Moment Reduction Factor k (IS

Ag Asc Puz Pb Pu k
cm² cm² kN kN kN Unitless
2025 46 4002.6673 1048.9653 -771.34 0.805031

Additional Moment (IS 39.7.1)

Consider Length Section KL/Depth KL/Depth KL/Depth Ma
Ma Factor Depth (mm) Ratio Limit Exceeded Moment (kN-m)
Major Bending (M3 ) Yes 0.845 450 5.095 12 No 0
Minor Bending (M2 ) Yes 0.845 450 4.978 12 No 0

N/A: Not Applicable
N/C: Not Calculated
N/N: Not Needed

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Sample Beam Design

ETABS Concrete Frame Design
IS 456:2000 + IS 13920:2016 Beam Section Design

Beam Element Details Type: Ductile Frame (Summary)

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF
Story3 B21 125 BEAM 300X450 DL+f*LL+Rsx-0.3Rsy 225 4908.8 1

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
300 450 300 0 35 35

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Factored Forces and Moments

Factored Factored Factored Factored
Mu3 Tu Vu2 Pu
kN-m kN-m kN kN
-103.5338 46.0445 87.0666 -1.3385

Design Moments, Mu3 & Mt

Factored Factored Positive Negative
Moment Mt Moment Moment
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
-103.5338 67.7125 0 -171.2463
Design Moment and Flexural Reinforcement for Moment, Mu3 & Tu
Design Design -Moment +Moment Minimum Required
-Moment +Moment Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar
kN-m kN-m mm² mm² mm² mm²
Top (+2 Axis) -171.2463 1076 2 1076 299
Bottom (-2 Axis) 0 638 638 0 538
Shear Force and Reinforcement for Shear, Vu2 & Tu
Shear Ve Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
126.1391 0 371.7098 79.8625 2482.02
Torsion Force and Torsion Reinforcement for Torsion, Tu & VU2
Tu Vu Core b1 Core d1 Rebar Asvt /s
kN-m kN mm mm mm²/m
46.0445 87.0666 250 400 1810.54

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Sample Slab Design

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Sample Staircase Design

Sample Calculation
Reference Step Calculation Remarks

I.S 456: 2000 1 Thickness of Waist Slab (W)-

Cl. 33.2 Eff. breadth = (C/C Dist.– Width of the support - Gap
between two flights)/2

= (4552 – 280 – 1140)/2

= 1566 mm
Eff. Loading Width for LL = Eff. Breadth - 230
= 1566 - 230
= 1336mm.

Eff. Loading Width for DL = Eff. Breadth + 75

= 1566 + 75
= 1641 mm. Tread - 280mm
2. For Dead Load Riser - 178mm
i. D. L. of flight:
Step Section = 0.5*.3*0.178 = 0.026 m2
Inclined Slab = 0.33 *0.156 = 0.051 m2
25 mm Screed = (0.29+0.156)*0.025
=0.0112 m2
25 mm Marble = (0.29+0.156)*0.025
= 0.0112 m2
Total Area = 0.0994 m2
D. L. of step section, 1m in width and 300
mm in plan length = 0.0882*25+0.0112*27
= 2.5074 KN/m
D. L. per m2 on plan = 2.5074/0.300
= 8.358 KN/m
D. L. on 1.641 m width of flight =1.641


= 13.71KN/m
Coefficient = 1.136
Effective Dead Load = 13.71* 1.136 8.28kN/m
= 15.57 KN/m.
ii. D. L. on Landing:
Self Weight of slab = 0.15*25
= 3.75 KN/m2
25 mm Screed = 0.025*25
= 0.625 KN/m2
25 mm Marble = 0.025*27
= 0.675 KN/m2 RA’ 13.8 kN/m RB’
Total loading = 5.05 KN/m2 1637 1828
D.L on 1.641 m width of slab
3. = 1.641 *5.05
= 8.28 KN/m

Calculation of Rxn. Due to Dead load:

Taking clockwise moment as positive, RA’’ RB’’
MA = 0
8.28*1.6372/2 + 15.57*1.828*(1.637+1.828/2) -
RB’*3.465 = 0

RB ’ = 24.15 KN
IS : 875(Part 2)-1987

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A Report On Structural Analysis And Design On Residential Building
4. Therefore,
RA ’ = 17.86KN

For Live Load

Intensity = 4 KN/m2
L.L per m2 on plan = 4 KN/m
Therefore, L.L. on 3.465 m width of slab
5. =4*3.465
= 13.8 KN/m 29.37kN/m

Calculation of Reaction:
6. RA” = 23.9 KN
RB” = 23.9 KN

Calculation of Ultimate Bending Moment

RA = (8.28 + 23.9) * 1.5
= 48.27KN RA RB
RB = (15.57 + 23.9) * 1.5 1336 1016
= 59.2 KN
Let point of zero S.F. occurs at distance x from A
48.27-22.08*1.5*x = 0
X = 1.457 m from A
Max. B.M. = 48.27 * 1.457 – (22.08*1.5) * 1.457
* 1.457/2
= 35.17 KN-m

Calculation of Effective Depth:

Bending moment is given by
B.M. = 0.133*ck *b *d2

d = ((35.17*106)/(0.133*20*1641))
= 89mm
= 90mm (Say)

Overall Depth, D = d + clear cover + dia./2 Use of 16 mm TMTl

= 90 + 20 + 16/2
= 118mm
8. Provide, D = 127mm
Therefore, d = 127-20-16/2
= 109mm

Calculation of Rebar Area: Pt = Ast/bD

Mu = 0.36*ck *b*x* (d - 0.416*x) = (1345/1641*127)
35.17*106 = 0.36*20*1641*x (101 - 0.416*x) = 0.11%
x = 98mm

B.M. = 0.87*y*Ast*(d - 0.42*x)

(35.17*106)/(0.87*500*(101-0.42*98)) =Ast

Ast= 1945mm2

Ast , min = 0.12% of bD
= 0.12/100*1641*127
= 250 mm2/m.
< Reqd. Ast OK.

Assume Dia. Of Bar (d) = 16 mm

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Area of single Bar = *d2/4

= 200.96 mm2
No. of Bars reqd. = 1945/200.96
= 9.67 10nos.
I.S 456: 2000 9.
Cl. Spacing = (1641 – 2*12 –12) / 10 = 160
23.2.1(a,b,c,d,e) = 160 mm C/C.
= 150 mm C/C.(Say)

Check for Deflection:

L/d 
 = 26 for Continuous Beam
 = 1 since span is less than 10 m.
 = 1.38
 = 1 for singly reinforced section.
L= 2352 mm.
d = 99 mm.
L/d = 3465/101
= 27.28

= 26*1*1.38*1*1
= 35.88

Hence L/d <, OK. Safe.

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Sample Shear Wall Design

Concrete grade = 25 N/mm2
Steel grade = 500 N/mm2

Design constants
Height (H) = 2.89 m
Unit weiht of soil,ϒ = 18 KN/m3
Angle of internal friction of the soil θ = 30 °
Surcharge produced due to vehicle Ws = 5 KN/m2
Safe Bearing capacity of soil, qs = 120 KN/m2

Moment Calculation
Ka = 0.33
Lateral load due to soil pressure
pa = 25.056 KNm
lateral load due to surcharge load
Ps = 4.8167 KNm
Characteristic Bending moment at the base of
Mc = 31.098 KNm
Design moment
M = 46.646 KNm

Approximate design of section

Let effective depth of wall =d
BM = 0.136fck*b*d2
d = 117.130 mm
Let Clear cover is 30 mm and bar dia is 16 mmϕ
Take D = 300 mm
So, d = 262 mm
Slenderness ratio= h/d = 11.031 h/d<30 OK

Check for depth

= 116.28 mm ok

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Calculation of Main Steel Reinforcement

Ast = 423.161 mm2
Min. Ast = 360 mm2 <Ast OK
Max.Dia of Bar=D/8= 37.5 mm2
Providing 16 mmϕ bar @ 100 mm c/c
Percent of steel Pt= 0.77 %

Check for Shear

Shear force at critical section is,
Vu = 37.65 KN
Nominal Shear Stress ,
ζv = 0.14 N/mm2
Permissible shear stress, ζc = 0.61 N/mm2

ζc>ζv, Hence Safe

Check for Deflection

Leff = 3.15 m
Allowable deflection= 12.61 mm
Actual Deflection = 2.52 mm
Which is less than allowable deflection, hence safe

Calculation of Horizontal Reinforcement Steel bar

Area of Horizontal Reinforcement = 0.002D*H
Area of Horizontal Reinforcement = 1734 mm2
As the temperature Change occurs at front face of basement wall,
2/3 of horizontal reinforcement isprovided at front face and
1/3 of horizontal reinforcement is provided in inner face
Front Face Horizontal Reinforcement Steel= 1156 mm2
Provide 16 mmϕ bar 150 mm c/c
Inner Face Horizontal Reinforcement Steel= 578 mm2
Provide 10 mmϕ bar 150 mm c/c

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Design of Stirrups
Breadth b= 350.000 mm
Depth D= 450.000 mm
Grade of concrete fck = 25.000 N/mm2
Grade of reinforcement fy = 500.000 N/mm2
Cover considered d' = 40.000 mm
d'/d= 0.089
effective depth d= 410.000

Design of Shear reinforcements

Top reinforcement = 5-16dia+3-16dia 2,512.00 mm2
Bottom reinforcement = 6-16dia 1,884.00 mm2
Shear force at the section = 214.05 KN
Percentage of steel = 1.31%
For M25 concrete,
tc = 0.728 N/mm2
tv = 1.492 N/mm2
tus = 0.76 N/mm2
Asv = 157.08 mm2
Dia of shear reinforcement = 10 mm
Legs that can be provided = 2
Spacing of stirrups required = 255.52 mm
Spacing of stirrups provided = 150 mm

Check for Irregularity

Check for Mass Irregularity
TABLE: Centers Of Mass And Rigidity


Story7 D7 13414.87 13414.87
Story6 D6 61697.64 61697.64 6707.435 6707.435 TRUE TRUE
Story5 D5 135800.2 135800.2 30848.82 30848.82 TRUE TRUE
Story4 D4 142726.5 142726.5 67900.1 67900.1 TRUE TRUE
Story3 D3 126415.7 126415.7 71363.245 71363.245 TRUE TRUE
Story2 D2 127573.2 127573.2 63207.84 63207.84 TRUE TRUE
Story1 D1 127360.5 127360.5 63786.595 63786.595 TRUE TRUE

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Check for Stiffness Irregularity

Story Case Stiff X Stiff Y STORY CHECK
Story7 Eqx-ULS 19345.411 0
Story6 Eqx-ULS 58592.236 0 13541.7877 TRUE
Story5 Eqx-ULS 94330.544 0 41014.5652 TRUE
Story4 Eqx-ULS 116091.2 0 66031.3808 TRUE
Story3 Eqx-ULS 137317.2 0 81263.8365 TRUE
Story2 Eqx-ULS 178388.25 0 96122.0372 TRUE
Story1 Eqx-ULS 363981.5 0 124871.7764 TRUE
Story7 Eqx-ULS 19118.099 0 254787.0465
Story6 Eqx-ULS 59123.15 0 13382.6693 TRUE
Story5 Eqx-ULS 95723.696 0 41386.205 TRUE
Story4 Eqx-ULS 118439.5 0 67006.5872 TRUE
Story3 Eqx-ULS 140707.21 0 82907.6472 TRUE
Story2 Eqx-ULS 183404.69 0 98495.0456 TRUE
Story1 Eqx-ULS 374516.33 0 128383.2858 TRUE
Story7 Eqx-ULS 19578.193 0 262161.4338
Story6 Eqx-ULS 58070.773 0 13704.7351 TRUE
Story5 Eqx-ULS 92977.361 0 40649.5411 TRUE
Story4 Eqx-ULS 113834.2 0 65084.1527 TRUE
Story3 Eqx-ULS 134086.69 0 79683.9428 TRUE
Story2 Eqx-ULS 173638.92 0 93860.6823 TRUE
Story1 Eqx-ULS 354023.11 0 121547.2454 TRUE
Story7 Eqy-ULS 0 19961.206
Story6 Eqy-ULS 0 67040.069 13972.8442 TRUE
Story5 Eqy-ULS 0 114620.89 46928.0483 TRUE
Story4 Eqy-ULS 0 146274.51 80234.6251 TRUE
Story3 Eqy-ULS 0 178023.03 102392.1591 TRUE
Story2 Eqy-ULS 0 242170.17 124616.1182 TRUE
Story1 Eqy-ULS 0 540594.05 169519.1211 TRUE
Story7 Eqy-ULS 0 19859.553 378415.8322
Story6 Eqy-ULS 0 66806.484 13901.6871 TRUE
Story5 Eqy-ULS 0 114280.52 46764.5388 TRUE
Story4 Eqy-ULS 0 145871.46 79996.3668 TRUE
Story3 Eqy-ULS 0 177594.52 102110.0192 TRUE
Story2 Eqy-ULS 0 241786.83 124316.1612 TRUE
Story1 Eqy-ULS 0 538538.83 169250.7796 TRUE
Story7 Eqy-ULS 0 20063.906 376977.1824
Story6 Eqy-ULS 0 67275.294 14044.7342 TRUE
Story5 Eqy-ULS 0 114963.3 47092.7058 TRUE
Story4 Eqy-ULS 0 146679.8 80474.3072 TRUE
Story3 Eqy-ULS 0 178453.61 102675.8621 TRUE
Story2 Eqy-ULS 0 242554.74 124917.5263 TRUE

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Story1 Eqy-ULS 0 542665.01 169788.3145 TRUE

Check for Eccentricity

TABLE: Centers Of Mass And Rigidity

hragm m m m m m m ex ey %ex %ey
Story1 D1 7.3214 5.2671 7.3214 5.2671 7.3076 7.3645 -0.01 2.10
Story2 D2 7.3203 5.2714 7.3203 5.2714 7.2433 6.4937 -0.08 1.22 -0.48 11.46
Story3 D3 7.2975 5.2558 7.2975 5.2558 7.189 6.3527 -0.11 1.10 -0.67 10.28
Story4 D4 7.4413 4.9808 7.4413 4.9808 7.1505 6.1361 -0.29 1.16 -1.80 10.83
Story5 D5 7.2521 5.1746 7.2521 5.1746 7.1245 5.8953 -0.13 0.72 -0.79 6.76
Story6 D6 7.3867 4.8532 7.3867 4.8532 7.0988 5.6794 -0.29 0.83 -1.78 7.75
Story7 D7 7.3728 6.9448 7.3728 6.9448 7.1922 6.0591 -0.18 -0.89 -1.12 -8.30

Check for Torsional Irregularity

TABLE: Torsion Irrgeularity Check

Minimum Maximum
End End
Floor Load Deflection Deflection
Case mm mm Ratio Check
Load Case
Story6 Rsx 54.27 71.98 1.326331 TRUE
Story6 Rsy 52.5 71.98 1.371048 TRUE
Load Case
Story6 Rsx 47.53 50.16 1.055333 TRUE
Story6 Rsy 47.53 50.16 1.055333 TRUE

Design of foundation
The purpose of the foundation is to effectively support the superstructure by transmitting
the applied load effects to the soil below, without exceeding the safe bearing capacity of the
superstructure by ensuring settlement of the structure is within tolerable limits, and as
nearly uniform as possible.
The choice of the type of the foundation depends not only on the type of the superstructure
and the magnitude and types of reactions induced at the base of the superstructure, but
also on the nature of the soil strata on top of which the substructure is to be founded.
The foundation used for this building is isolated foundation. Bearing Capacity of Soil is

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Fig: Joint Label

Axial Non-
Axial Factored
Joint Label Factored
1 1030.95 687.30
2 1313.33 875.56
3 1341.61 894.41
4 875.89 583.92
5 1378.63 919.09
6 1812.18 1208.12
7 1861.34 1240.89
8 1359.80 906.53
9 684.37 456.25
10 1256.16 837.44
11 1298.03 865.35
12 788.29 525.52

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Design of Raft Footing

Column Coordinate from bottom left
No. Load (KN) x (m) y (m)
1 687.3031333 0 0
2 875.555 4.901859189 0
3 894.4082667 9.778421213 0
4 583.9246 14.68058519 0
5 919.0885333 0 5.00365742
6 1208.122133 4.901859189 5.00365742
7 1240.892867 9.778421213 5.00365742
8 906.5333333 14.68058519 5.00365742
9 456.2460667 0 8.48308443
10 837.4401333 4.901859189 8.76257239
11 865.3507333 9.778421213 8.99116123
12 525.5238667 14.68058519 9.27064919
∑ 10000.39

Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil = 120 KN/m2

Total Vertical Column Load = 10000.39 KN

Taking moment of Column loads about grid A-

C.G. of Column Load: Geometric Centroid:
X‾ = 7.33 m X= 7.57 m
Y‾ = 4.52 m Y= 4.72 m

Eccentricity :
ex = -0.244 m
ey = -0.200 m

Ix = B*D^3/12 = 1834.12 m4
Iy = D*B^3/12 = 4229.33 m4
A= L*B = 182.82 m2
Mx = P*ey = -2548.53 KNm
My = P*ex = -3109.20 KNm
P/A = 69.70 KN/m2

Soil Pressure at different points is as follows:

σ = P/A ± My/Iy * x ± Mx/Ix * y

Corner X Y

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A Report On Structural Analysis And Design On Residential Building

A1 -7.57 -4.72
B1 -2.67 -4.72
C1 2.21 -4.72
D1 7.11 -4.72
A2 -7.57 0.28
B2 -2.67 0.28
C2 2.21 0.28
D2 7.11 0.28
A3 -7.57 3.76
B3 -2.67 4.04
C3 2.21 4.27
D3 7.11 4.55
1 -8.33 -5.49
2 8.33 -5.49
3 8.33 5.49
4 -8.33 5.49

Soil Pressure (σ ) :
At Soil Pressure
A4 81.83 KN/m2
B4 78.23 KN/m2
C4 74.64 KN/m2
A3 71.04 KN/m2
C3 74.88 KN/m2
B3 71.27 KN/m2
A2 67.69 KN/m2
B2 64.09 KN/m2
C2 70.04 KN/m2
A1 66.05 KN/m2
B1 62.15 KN/m2
C1 58.16 KN/m2
1 83.45 KN/m2
2 71.20 KN/m2
3 55.95 KN/m2
4 68.20 KN/m2

Maximum Soil Pressure = 83.45 KN/m2

Allowable SBC = 120 OK

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Calculation of Bending Moment,

BM = wL2/10 (For strip in X-direction)
BM = wL2/8 (For strip in Y-direction)

Strip BM (KNm/m)
Strip 4-4 196.62
Strip 3-3 188.27
Strip 2-2 174.11
Strip 1-1 163.50
Strip A-A 122.89
Strip B-B 250.46
Strip C-C 239.58

Reinforcement in the Long Direction is given by,

BM= 0.87fy Ast (d-(Ast*fy)/(fck*b))
It forms a quadratic equation,
(Fy / b d Fck) Ast2 - Ast + (Mu/0.87 Fy d) = 0
x = (-b ± √(b2-4ac))/2a

a 3.63636E-05
b -1
c 1046.834993

Ast +ve 26409.96 mm2

Ast -ve 1090.04 mm2

Ast needed = 1090.04 mm2 /m Minm Ast = 0.12% bD

684 mm2
Actual Ast Reqd
= 1090.041955 mm2 /m

Bar dia. (φ) 16 mm

required = 184.5276287 mm
Spacing provided
= 150 mm
Ast provided = 1340.95 mm2 /m

Provide Reinforcements:
At Top : 16 mm φ bars @ 150 mm c/c spacing in both directions
Bottom: 16 mm φ bars @ 150 mm c/c spacing in both directions

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Column Design Summary
Design parameters:
Grade: M25
Steel Grade: Fe500
Clear Cover: 40mm
S. Column Column Column Column Size Dia Total
Floor Stirrups
No Grid Type Type BXD 25 20 16 12 bars
REC 450X450 GF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 FF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 SF 4 8 12
1 A1 C1
REC 450X450 TF 12 12
REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 TF 12 12
REC 450X450 GF 16 16
REC 450X450 FF 8 8 16
REC 450X450 SF 16 16
2 A2 C2
REC 450X450 TF 16 16
REC 450X450 FF 8 8 16
REC 450X450 TF 8 8 16
REC 450X450 GF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 FF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 SF 4 8 12
3 A3 C1
REC 450X450 TF 12 12
REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 TF 12 12
REC 450X450 GF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 FF 4 8 12
SF 12 10mm @ at
REC 450X450 4 8
4 B1 C1 100/150mm
REC 450X450 TF 12 12 c/c
REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 TF 12 12
REC 450X450 GF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 FF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 SF 4 8 12
5 B2 C1 REC 450X450 TF 12 12
REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 TF 8 4 12
REC 450X450 GF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 FF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 SF 4 8 12
6 B3 C1 REC 450X450 TF 12 12
REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 TF 8 4 12
REC 450X450 GF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 FF 4 8 12
7 C1 C1
REC 450X450 SF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 TF 12 12

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REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 TF 12 12
REC 450X450 GF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 FF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 SF 4 8 12
8 C2 C1 REC 450X450 TF 12 12
REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 TF 8 4 12
REC 450X450 GF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 FF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 SF 4 8 12
9 C3 C1 REC 450X450 TF 12 12
REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 TF 8 4 12
REC 450X450 GF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 FF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 SF 4 8 12
10 D1 C1
REC 450X450 TF 12 12
REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 TF 12 12
REC 450X450 GF 16 16
REC 450X450 FF 8 8 16
REC 450X450 SF 16 16
11 D2 C2
REC 450X450 TF 16 16
REC 450X450 FF 8 8 16
REC 450X450 TF 8 8 16
REC 450X450 GF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 FF 4 8 12
REC 450X450 SF 4 8 12
12 D3 C1
REC 450X450 TF 12 12
REC 450X450 FF 12 12
REC 450X450 TF 12 12

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Beam Design Summary

Design parameters:
Concrete Grade: M25
Steel Grade: Fe500
Clear Cover: 25mm
Floor Beam Size Reinforcement
x-axis y-axis
(Grid 2-2 and 3-3)
4-16Ø Th. +
Top Bar
GF/FF/SF 300X450 3-16Ø Ex.
Bottom Bar 4-16Ø Th.
4-16Ø Th. +
Top Bar
Third Floor 300X450 2-16Ø Ex.
Bottom Bar 4-16Ø Th.
4-16Ø Th. +
Fourth and Fifth Top Bar
300X450 2-16Ø Ex.
Bottom Bar 4-16Ø Th.
Top Bar 4-16Ø Th.
Top Floor 300X450
Bottom Bar 4-16Ø Th.
5-16Ø Th. +
Top Bar
GF/FF/SF 300X450 3-16Ø Ex.
Bottom Bar 6-16Ø Th.
4-16Ø Th. +
Top Bar
Third Floor 300X450 3-16Ø Ex.
Bottom Bar 5-16Ø Th.
4-16Ø Th. + 10mm @ at
Fourth and Fifth Top Bar
300X450 2-16Ø Ex. 100/150mm
Bottom Bar 4-16Ø Th. c/c
Top Bar 4-16Ø Th.
Top Floor 300X450
Bottom Bar 4-16Ø Th.
(Grid B-B and C-C
4-16Ø Th.
Top Bar
GF/FF/SF 300X450 + 2-16Ø Ex.
Bottom Bar 4-16Ø Th.
3-16Ø Th.
Top Bar
Third Floor 300X450 + 2-16Ø Ex.
Bottom Bar 4-16Ø Th.
3-16Ø Th.
Fourth and Fifth Top Bar
300X450 + 2-16Ø Ex.
Bottom Bar 3-16Ø Th.
Top Bar 3-16Ø Th.
Top Floor 300X450
Bottom Bar 3-16Ø Th.

(Grid A-A AND D-D

6-16Ø Th.
GF/FF/SF/TF 300X450 Top Bar
+ 3-16Ø Ex.

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6-16Ø Th.
Bottom Bar
+ 2-16Ø Th.
5-16Ø Th.
Top Bar
Fourth Floor 300X450 + 2-16Ø Ex.
Bottom Bar 6-16Ø Th.
4-16Ø Th.
Top Bar
Fifth Floor 300X450 + 2-16Ø Ex.
Bottom Bar 4-16Ø Th.
Top Bar 3-16Ø Th. 3-16Ø Th.
Secondary Beam 230X350
Bottom Bar 3-16Ø Th. 3-16Ø Th.

Footing Design Summary

Design parameters:
Concrete Grade: M25
Steel Grade: Fe500
Clear Cover: 50mm
Top Bottom
Column Depth Footing
Joint ID Size Pu(KN) Size Rebar Rebar Spacing
Grid (mm) Type
Dia Dia
1 A1 687.30 600 16 mm 16 mm 150mm
2 B1 875.56 600 16 mm 16 mm 150mm
3 C1 894.41 600 16 mm 16 mm 150mm
4 D1 583.92 600 16 mm 16 mm 150mm
5 A2 919.09 600 16 mm 16 mm 150mm
6 B2 1208.12 600 16 mm 16 mm 150mm Raft
RAFT 54'8"X36'0"
7 C2 1240.89 600 16 mm 16 mm 150mm Footing
8 D2 906.53 600 16 mm 16 mm 150mm
9 A3 456.25 600 16 mm 16 mm 150mm
10 B3 837.44 600 16 mm 16 mm 150mm
11 C3 865.35 600 16 mm 16 mm 150mm
12 D3 525.52 600 16 mm 16 mm 150mm

Slab Design Summary

Design parameters:
Concrete Grade: M25
Steel Grade: Fe500
Clear Cover: 20mm

Type size(m) Reinforcement Reinforcement Thickness of

short long Slab
10 mm @125c/c 10 mm @125c/c 127mm
S1 3.20m X 4.90m
S2(waist slab) 4.02m X 4.90m 10 mm @150 c/c 16 mm @ 150 c/c 150mm

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Ductility and strength required to resist major earthquake can be achieved by following the
recommendations made in the standard codes of practice for earthquake resistant design.
After the analysis of the building components, the building is found to be safe against the
loads considered above. All the sections are found to be stressed within the permissible
limits due to axial, shear, flexural and torsional forces produced due to above forces. The
slab and foundations were checked manually. Shear stirrups is sufficiently provided so that
none of the elements are Vulnerable to shear failure and failure mode will be flexural, which
is more ductile. Bearing capacity of the soil is assumed to be 120 KN/m2. It is strongly
recommended to check the bearing capacity before construction so as to ensure the
assumed value is within safe limits. The structural safety would further depend upon the
effectiveness of construction procedures as well as collapse and serviceability criteria
followed during the construction phases.
Design and construction of the structure are inter – related jobs. A building behaves in a
manner how it has been built rather than what the intensions is during designing. A large
percentage of structural failures are attributed due to poor quality of construction.
Therefore, quality assurance is needed in both design and construction. Durable M25
concrete has been used in the foundation which is in contact with the soil. M25 grade of
concrete is used during analysis and design for Columns, Beams and slabs. Ductile detailing
has been extensively adopted while detailing.

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IS: 456 – 2000 Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete

IS: 875 (Parts 1-5) Code of practice for design loads (other than earthquake) for buildings
and structures (second revision) Part 1 – Dead loads Part 2 – Imposed loads

NBC 105: 2020 Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal

IS: 1893 – 2002 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures

IS: 13920 - 1993 Ductile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to Seismic
forces - Code of Practice

SP: 16 – 1980 Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456 – 1978

SP: 34 – 1987 Jain, A.K. Handbook on Concrete Reinforcement Detailing

Reinforced Concrete, Limit State Design, fifth edition, Nem Chand and Bros, Rookie, 1999
Sinha, S. N.

Pillai,U.C. and Menon,D. Reinforced Concrete Design, Second edition, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 1996

Reinforced Concrete Design, Second edition, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New
Delhi, 2003

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