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Revised FEBRUARY 1, 2015

Committing immoral acts that might tarnish the image of the company, including,
1 D
But not limited to;
1a. Unlawful relationship (e.g. extra marital affairs)
1b. Using company property for illegal or immoral purpose.
1c. Act of Lasciviousness or indecent exposures within company premises or outside
while on duty or in uniform.
1d. Commission of an act pertaining to sexual harassment
1e. Any acts of immorality
2 Other causes analogous to the foregoing.
Any forms of dishonesty, fraud, or deceit committed by the employee against the
1 D
Company or its clients or employees.
Submission of fraudulent documents, misrepresentation, omission and falsification of
2 any kind, ( e.g. ID, timecard, application paper, official receipt, reports and other D
pertinent documents)
Refusal of an employee to answer questions in any investigation authorized or
3 conducted by the Company provided such answers would not violate his 6DS D
constitutional rights.
Giving any false narration of facts, either in writing/verbal answer or any kind of
4 statement in memorandum, it's products and services, report or other inter- office D
communications or in any inquiry or investigation conducted by the Company.
Rendering services (including installation) for another employer during working time
5 5DS D
without the knowledge or approval of the Company.
Theft of property belonging to another person or employee within Company
6 D
7 Malversation of company funds. D
Forging signatures of clients or Company signatories on Company documents or
8 D
falsely representing clients or Company in any documents.
Commission or omission of any act/s that would be reasonable ground to show
9 employee is not reliable, trustworthy, or his integrity or sense of responsibility is not D
All other acts of dishonesty prejudicial to the interest of the company, including, but
10 D
not limited to;
10a. Unauthorized marking down of merchandise for personal gain.
10b. Selling stocks without issuing official receipts or invoices.
10c. Willful act to assign sales credit to salesman/merchandiser wherein no actual
salesman attended the selling of items to a customer.
10d. Lying, malingering to avoid reporting for work or doing assigned task
11 Attempted , frustrated and consummated theft or robbery of company property. D
12 Prying into or scrutinizing company confidential records without authority. D
Disclosing/ leaking out confidential or classified information, technique method,
13 electronic systems and documentation to an unauthorized employee or person. D

14 Other causes analogous to the foregoing.

Fighting or instigating a fight within the company premises whether or not on
1 2DS 4DS 6DS D
company time.
2 Leaving work assignment without permission from superior 2DS 4DS 6DS D
3 Excessive borrowing among employees and failure to pay just debts. WW 2DS 4DS 6DS D
Habitual conduct of personal business on the job, wasting time or loitering during
4 working hours or abusing/taking more than the allowable break time privilege WW 2DS 4DS 6DS D
extended by the company.
Offering, soliciting or accepting anything of value or soliciting gifts, favors of any kind
from suppliers, consignors and all other persons whom the employee transact
5 D
business with in exchange for a job, or favorable condition of employment ( work
assignment, work location, etc. ) or for personal gain.

Conduct of indecent in nature, use of profane and obscene language in addressing

6 another person, showing or exhibiting pornographic materials on company time and 2DS 4DS 6DS D
Failure to inform/report any violations/incident, loss or damages within 24 hours
7 from incident which transpired inside the store or company premises without WW 2DS 4DS 6DS D
acceptable excuse to proper authority.
8 Unauthorized bringing and/or using of cell phone while on duty inside the store. 2DS 4DS 6DS D
9 Sleeping during working hours. 2DS D
Sleeping while on duty causing material damage to company's property or impaired
10 D
work performance.
Reporting for work or attending meeting or entering company premises while under
11 4DS 6DS D
the influence of liquor.
Drinking of alcoholic beverages or smoking in all areas in company premises at
12 2DS 4DS 6DS D
Deliberately limiting work output enticing or giving instructions to fellow employees
13 6DS D
to delay work.
Abuse of Authority in directly purchasing / availing through the sales personnel of the
14 suppliers and consignors their products / services personal use and/or requesting D
personal favors from them.
15 Misrepresentation or using company's name for personal gain. D
Discourtesy, insult, or willful disrespect by the employee on the honor of the
16 D
Company and its officers, his fellow employee, or to it's clients/customers.
Late Store Opening and/or Key Management - misplaced/lost/left store keys,
17 interchange of padlock, no proper turn-over of store keys, giving the store keys to WW 2DS 4DS 6DS D
unauthorized personnel.
Caught in possession of unauthorized items (trade and/or non-trade) upon Security
18 D
Guard frisking during entry and exit to store due to failure to do self-frisking.
19 Willful destruction of company property and/or facilities. D
Engaging in horseplay, running, scuffling, throwing things, behaving roughly within
20 company time and premises that will cause destruction of company property and/or 4DS 6DS D
Inflicting bodily injury to others at anytime within Company premises for any reason,
21 or inflict bodily injury to others outside of the Company premises in any dispute 6DS D
involving one's employment.
Loitering in store or office while off duty (i.e. attending customers, conducting
22 WW 2DS 4DS 6DS D
inventory without permission, talking with colleagues in the company premises.)
Involving to an intimate relationship : Manager/Supervisor and Subordinate
23 4DS 6DS D
24 Other causes analogous to the foregoing.
1 Failure to register time entry 3 times in a month to the Biometric machine. DVW WW 2DS 4DS 6DS D

Incurrence of tardiness exceeding Three (3 ) instances either at reporting time or after

any given break periods between working time without prior permission.
Habitual Tardiness, incurring Six (6) times in a month for Three (3) consecutive months
3 D
within One (1) calendar year.
Late in attending product presentation, meeting, briefing and the like without prior
Absence from work, failure to return for work upon expiration of leave or after rest
5 day, failure to attend product presentation, meeting, briefing and the like without WW 2DS 4DS 6DS D
prior notice/ approval from immediate superior.
Refusal to render overtime work without valid or justifiable reason after being
6 2DS 4DS 6DS D
scheduled to work according to overtime policy.
Failure to report for work at least (3) consecutive days without prior approval from
7 2DS 4DS 6DS D
immediate superior.
Abandonment of Work ( This is defined as the failure to report for work without prior
8 notice or authorization from superior/s for 5 or more consecutive working days D
despite notice to report back to work within specified time.)
9 Other causes analogous to the foregoing.
Omission or commission of any act in connection with or against the policies and
1 procedures, SOP's, set work guidelines and to the particular duties and responsibilities WW 2DS 4DS 6DS D
inherent to the employee's work. Including, but not limited to;
1a. Failing to maintain proper standards or personal grooming and hygiene
1b. Disregarding regulations relating to sanitary conditions of the company
1c. Failure to wear prescribed uniform or improper use of prescribed uniform including
failure to wear Company ID within Company premises.
1d. Tampering prescribed identification card (i.e. putting stickers and the like)
1e. Incurred Four (4) x slips in a month
1f. Failure to bring the “entry list things” upon entering the store.
1g. Failure to fill up/submit time keeping forms on-time (Request for DTR manual
Entry form, Change Day Off, Leave Of Absence, Overtime Forms).
1h. Unauthorized use of items for sale for whatever purpose.
1i. Negligence in the performance of one's work or inefficiency including compliance
to process, delayed completion of work assignments, failure to meet deadlines,
improper discharge of instructions, inaccurate reports and the like.
1j. Allowing, giving permission or failure to prohibit pakyawan
helpers/strippers/delivery men to use store equipments and on entry to unauthorized
2 Failure to comply on the existing policy of sales quota. DVW WW WW D
Willful negligence towards Company's directives, instruction, duties and
3 2DS 4DS 6DS D
Refusal to obey a verbal or written work related order or instruction to perform
4 6DS D
assigned task given by the Manager or Supervisor or any official of the Company
Failure or non-observance of standard operating procedures in handling work
5 assignment resulting to actual damage or loss to the company. Restoration of amount 6DS D
damaged is required.
6 Other causes analogous to the foregoing.
Reckless driving using company vehicles or carelessness causing serious injury or
1 2DS 4DS 6DS D
damage to company property.
2 Failure to report to Company authority the fact of his contagious illness D
Failure to undergo required medical check-up for confirmation / verification of any
3 6DS D
claim of illness.
Presentation of any forged, altered or falsified medical certificate to show good health
4 or as justification for absence(s) D
5 Inciting or participating in riots, or any form of disorder. D
6 Unauthorized carrying of firearms, explosives or any deadly weapon inside the D
7 Possession and/or use of habit forming drugs. D
Threatening, intimidating, coercing, or inducing a fellow employee or officer of the
8 D
Company to violate Company rules & regulations, or for whatever purpose or reason,
Refusal to submit to or failure to meet security requirements of the Company, being
9 in the Company's opinion, is damaging or potentially damaging. Including, but not D
limited to;
9a. Refusal of incoming/outgoing employees to submit himself to Security Guard body
Creating or contributing to unsanitary condition or violating rules on health and
10 WW 2DS 4DS 6DS D
11 Failure to observe the company's safety and security rules and regulations. 6DS D
12 Other causes analogous to the foregoing.
The Management at its discretion may impose a lighter penalty as the case maybe.
Disciplinary actions and penalties are imposed to established, maintain and ensure continuing order and discipline
in the company. Penalties shall have adverse effects on personnel movement such as promotion, transfer and
merit increase.

DOCUMENTED VERBAL WARNING (DVW) - Documented oral caution given to an employee for infraction of the
rule and warning him/her that repetition of the offense will be dealt with more severely.

WRITTEN WARNING (WW) - A written reprimand given to an employee for an infraction of the rule and warning
him that a repetition of the offense will be dealt with more severely.
SUSPENSION (DS) - A temporary physical detachment from company's employment without salary and benefits
during the duration of such suspension
DISMISSAL (D) - It is dishonorable separation from company's employment. The employee concerned
automatically losses/forfeits all the benefits that normally accrue on retirement or separation.
I hereby certify that I have read, understand and agree to the disciplinary procedures set forth by my employer and I further commit to abide the general policies, rules and
regulations of this Company.

Signature over Printed Name


Position / Date Signed

Classifications of Penalties
*Least Severe - DVW, WW, 2DS, 4DS, 6DS, D
*More Severe - 2DS, 4DS, 6DS, D
*Serious - 6DS, D
*More Serious - D

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