Poisons Guide

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13 Pernicious Poisons

Contained in this tome you will find 13 of the most evil, and hardest to cure, poisons* on the planet. They do so much more than killing their victims, so read carefully. Here they are in a handy chart.

Poison Name (Method)

Dragon Slayer (I.W**) Frost Lips (C) Burning Breath (C)

Death Paralysis, then death Pain in the chest and back, tightness that makes it hard to breath A compulsion to walk, then death Death Permanent Paralysis: hands and arms Coma

Time to Effect
Instant 1 Hour Instant. Lack of ability breath well has a 10% chance of becoming fatal.

Miles to go (I, H) Black Eyes (H) Handless (I, W)

Walking begins immediately. Death occurs when the subject dies or exhaustion 1 Day 6 Hours

Deep Sleep (I)

2 Hours

Copyright 2011 Katie Gatto and David Roth

True Loves Kiss (I) Statue Stasis (W) Knife in The Heart (I) Greed (I, C)

Death Paralysis, then coma, then death Intense, debilitating pain Hives whenever the victim comes in contact with metals. An increasing sensitivity to sound that ends with a stroke A delusional state in which the victim believes that they are a werewolf who transforms each full moon

1 Week 1 Day, 1 Week, 1 Month Begins in 12 hours, lasts for 2d6 days. 2 Hours

Noise (C)

4 Hours

Dogs Bane (I, W)


*Poisons are for use with the Disparity Game System. Rogues Manual, Character Sheet and Storytellers Guide all available on Scribed.

** I = ingestion, W = Coated on a weapon, H = inhaled, C = Coat on Skin

Copyright 2011 Katie Gatto and David Roth

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