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TASK 2 P. 79
1. Discuss the relevance of having a constitution?
A nation's constitution establishes the framework for government, which is
necessary to guarantee that the needs and interests of all citizens are met. It
establishes the procedure for enacting legislation and describes how the government
makes decisions.
2. Do you think there is a need to change the existing constitution? Reason out your
I do not believe that the Philippines' current constitution needs to be changed.
One way to define constitutional behavior is that it always needs to be grounded in the
current constitution. In common parlance, the constitution is known as a written
document. The written and unwritten principles that link a society's governance structure
together are collectively referred to as its constitution.
3. Give at least two (2) examples on how the following principles is being applied in the
Philippine Government:
a. Separation of Powers
1. In the context of administrative law, separation of powers is the concept that
each of the branches of government has unique responsibilities and powers. This
ensures that no one branch of government can supersede the others and claim ultimate
power for itself.
2. The Philippines is a republic with a presidential form of government
wherein power is equally divided among its three branches: executive, legislative, and
b. Principle of Blending of Powers
1. Constitutional entities blend powers when they put their powers together to
achieve a goal.
2. Blending of powers is actually sharing of powers of the different departments
of government whereby one department helps and coordinates with the other in the
exercise of a particular power, function or responsibility.
c. Principle of Checks and Balances
1. There is a system of checks and balances in our government, designed to
avert excesses in the wielding of government authority. Thus, a President can veto any
law passed by Congress which, in turn, can overturn the veto if it has the numbers.
2. Checks and balances, principle of government under which separate branches
are empowered to prevent actions by other branches and are induced to share power.
Checks and balances are applied primarily in constitutional governments.

TASK 2 P.90
A. Spanish Period:
Spanish explorers were drawn to the Gran Cordillera Central as early as 1572 by
the prospect of Igorot gold. The reduction campaign must include the conversion of the
highlanders to Christianity. The Comandancia Del Pais de Igorrotes was established in
the middle of 1826, and Guillermo Galvey was put in charge of dividing the region into
comandancias. Mid- to late-19th-century Ifugao and Mountain Province saw the
construction of missions. It was the first mining claim in Spanish history when the
Sociedad Miner-Metalurgica Catabro-Filipina de Mancayan was established in 1856.
When the Spanish conquistadors were traveling to the mines in the 1600s, the
Cordillera people resisted and were called a "tribu independientes."
B. American Period:
Spain tried in vain to seize the Highlanders, but the Americans came up with a
scheme. a more deliberate pacification technique The Filipino people were split into two
groups during the US government's 1903 census: the wild population, which included
The civilized population and the non-Christian, uncolonized Cordillera people. On
October 2, 1901, the Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes was established, and David
Barrows was the first director to investigate the various cultural zones. On August 18,
1908, the Americans created the Mountain Province, which included the areas of
Benguet, Amburayan, Bontoc, Apayao, Ifugao, Kalinga, and Lepanto. John C. Early of
Amburayan, Norman Conner of Apayao, Elmer Eckman of Bontoc, and J.H. Smith
(Bontoc) was the first lieutenant governor in charge of the sub-provinces of the
Mountain Province.
C. Philippine Independence in 1946 onwards:
The National Integration Commission was founded in 1957 as a result of the
government's repeated attempts to bring the Cordillera into the mainstream. In order to
promote the prosperity of the mountain provinces, the Mountain Province Development
Authority was founded in 1964. The Cordillera served as a haven for numerous dams
and other foreign-funded infrastructure projects in the 1970s. The need for Mindanao
and the Cordillera to be declared independent territories in 1987 under the Philippine
Constitution. The Cordilleran people currently have the last say over the content of
these publications. They require autonomy in order to achieve their ultimate objective of
controlling their institutions, economy, and affairs.
TASK P. 95
1. Explain the concept of “land” from the perspective of indigenous people.
Land is cherished. Our Kalinga life springs from its womb, and both are
bestowed by the Creator (who is locally personified as Kabunian, Lumauig,
Umayayong, Mah-nongan, or Wigan for the Ifugaos). All resources both above
and below the earth's surface are considered land in this sense.
2: Discuss the problems/struggles on ancestral lands among indigenous peoples.
Indigenous groups are denied access to social services, economic
opportunities, and political representation due to historical oppression. In the face of
extreme unemployment and widespread illiteracy, obtaining a birth certificate might be
difficult. Here in the mountains, our mothers gave birth to us, as did their mothers.
3: Propose two possible solutions that will resolve the identified problems in question
number 2. Explain briefly
1. Give indigenous people access to social services and same
opportunities that we have.
2. Give them a chance to have birth certificate to know their identity.

TASK 1 AND 2 P. 102-103

TASK 1: Enumerate provisions of state/customary laws that contradict from each other.
On the last column of the table, judge and explain your answer on what law shall prevail
over the other.
State laws Customary/State laws in Judgment
favor to the rights of
indigenous people
Ruling of the US Supreme Article XII of the Philippine Article XII of the Philippine
Courtin the case of Carino Constitution of 1987 Constitution of 1987 would
V. Insular Government in prevail because of
1909 globalization and
modernization of
indigenous communities
that would ultimately
conform to modern laws
and capitalism.
Indigenous Peoples Right Philippine Mining Act of These laws would be
Act of1997 (IPRA) 1995 enacted alongside each
other, whoever the
Philippine Mining Act
would prevail give the rise
in number of private
sectors and companies
within the indigenous
community and foreign
companies that will
gradually take up more of
the indigenous people’s
The right to develop/ The right to regulate the The one who has to claim
control and use lands and entry of immigrants the titles would become
natural resources complicated as more
immigrants are allowed to
enter which causes
inbreeding of indigenous
people and non-
indigenous people and
entry of private companies
in under the premise of
economic growth.

TASK 2: Enumerate three indigenous peoples’ rights under IPRA law. For each chosen
right, create and discuss a real-life situation where such right is practiced.
1. Right not to be subjected to assimilation or destruction of their culture. They have
the right to not be violated especially their culture.
2. The right to practice and revitalize their cultural traditions and customs, to teach
their cultural mores, and to the repatriation of human remains. Best example of
this rights is Apo Whang-Od. They have the right to practice their culture,
traditions to their people.
3. The right to “maintain, control, protect and develop” their cultural heritage,
traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural expressions. The right to control
their community and to protect it in case of assimilation.
TASK 1 AND 2 P. 105-106
TASK 1: FLOW CHART. Make a real-life scenario of a conflict being faced by concerned
disputes. Explain and discuss the process on how to resolve the conflict with the use of
“Bodong”. Use the flow chart provided below.
SCENARIO/PROBLEM: Two children from different villages had a conflict, wherein a
child from the first village injured the child from the second village. As the belief says
that the whole village or tribe/sub-tribe is responsible for the act of one of its members,
the involvement of all members (or its representatives) is required to correct it.
At the first stage of Bodong, the neutralparty held a meeting between the twofeuding parties. In this case, they were ableto
talk about how to resolve the conflict.Once they agreed to have peace, theneutral village then visits one of the villageand
comes up with the acceptance of peacebetween the the other feuding village. As a symbol, the feuding villages exchange war

tools with each other.

In the second step of Bodong, the bodong holders from the two villages come together to exchange the weapons. The first
village gives a bolo to the second village; while the second village gives a spear to the first village. It symbolizes the war
between the two feuding village.

On the third step of Bodong, the twovillages gather again for a festival toexchange songs and dances of the twovillages. This is
also the time when issuesare discussed. After the festival, the firstvillage prepares an offering for the secondvillage the next
morning. The second village then, offers rice and food, and they gather again, and eat together.

At the end of Bodong, the first village prepares a gift to the neutral village, who witnessed their peace pact with the second
village. And that the first village should have a similar feast with the second village. Finally, they already completed Bodong.

TASK 2: Explain why “bodong” shall still be practiced in some places of Cordillera
instead of using existing laws like criminal law and revised penal code? (10 points)
In some areas of the Cordillera, bodong will be practiced in place of current laws
because it not only helps the parties involved in dispute to resolve their differences but
also the village or tribe as a whole. In my opinion, this is also a more equitable or just
play than the current legislation. For example, if two parties are at odds, the party with
"the money" can hire attorneys or hire someone else to clear their reputation. However,
Bodong is a fair play, and the rival parties' relationship will become stronger.

TASK P. 107
1. Explain the importance of preserving ancestral lands over building mega
People place a great deal of importance on the preservation of ancestral
lands over the construction of massive projects, especially indigenous
people who have lived here for centuries and will continue to do so into
the future. Because of its preservation, the people are able to preserve the
customs, culture, and sense of community that they established and
continued to practice long before the Spanish began to colonize the
archipelago. Building massive projects that lead to modernity and
progress would not benefit the gift that was given and entrusted by one
Creator for everyone to harness, nurture, sustain, and live on, as
acknowledged and honored by the indigenous people.
2. Explain why we still need people like Macli-ingDulag in today’s time.
Today, we need leaders with the guts and discernment to stand up for their
people and their nation, just as much as we need individuals like Macli-
ingDulag. a person who, regardless of potential personal gain, is steadfast
in their commitment to defend their community. We needed leaders who,
rather than only bragging during elections and then doing nothing
afterwards, had faith in their people, their land, and their nation. For the
welfare and betterment of the populace, we required them in order to push
ourselves to be resilient and restore greatness to the Philippines, our
home and nation.

3. If you are in the shoes of Macli-ing Dulag, would you do the same? Explain your
Yes, I would follow his lead and decide in favor of the lives and well-being
of my community because I value such things highly. Since our property
was given to us to appreciate, respect, preserve, and live on while
creating wonderful memories, upholding the legacy our ancestors left us,
and coexisting as a community, I would stand up for and defend it. By
doing this, I will be assuming the role that has been freely bestowed upon
me as a member of the beautiful community in which I currently reside.

If you are in the shoes of Macli-

ing Dulag, would you do the
same? Explain your

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