CH57 SuraAlHadeed Verses1-29

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CHAPTER 57 ..................................................................................................................... 3
AL-HADEED ...................................................................................................................... 3
(29 VERSES) ...................................................................................................................... 3
VERSES 1 - 29.................................................................................................................... 3

MERITS ............................................................................................................................................................ 3

VERSE 1 - 3 ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

azwj azwj
Allah is the First and the Last, and the Apparent and the Hidden, and He is a Knower of all things ........ 5

asws asws
Ali is the first and the last, and the apparent and the hidden, and he is a Knower of all things ............. 7

Explanation of the speech of the sun with Ali ............................................................................................. 8

VERSE 4 .......................................................................................................................................................... 12

Creation of the skies and the earth in six days ............................................................................................... 12

Established upon the Throne ......................................................................................................................... 15

VERSES 5 & 6.................................................................................................................................................. 16

VERSES 7 & 8.................................................................................................................................................. 18

The apparent spending .................................................................................................................................. 18

The esoteric spending .................................................................................................................................... 18

VERSE 9 .......................................................................................................................................................... 19

VERSE 10 ........................................................................................................................................................ 20

VERSE 11 ........................................................................................................................................................ 22

VERSE 12 ........................................................................................................................................................ 24

VERSES 13 - 15 ............................................................................................................................................... 25

VERSE 16 ........................................................................................................................................................ 30

th asws
Prolongation of the term - the Occultation of the 12 Imam .................................................................... 30

VERSE 17 ........................................................................................................................................................ 31

Revival of the earth after its death ................................................................................................................ 31

Clarification of the Signs ................................................................................................................................ 32

VERSE 18 ........................................................................................................................................................ 33

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

VERSE 19 ........................................................................................................................................................ 34

VERSES 20 & 21 .............................................................................................................................................. 40

The expanse of the Paradise .......................................................................................................................... 40

The Grace of Allah - Imamate .................................................................................................................... 44

VERSE 22 ........................................................................................................................................................ 45

VERSE 23 ........................................................................................................................................................ 48

The altered Verse........................................................................................................................................... 52

VERSE 24 ........................................................................................................................................................ 53

VERSE 25 ........................................................................................................................................................ 54

Explanation of ‘Sent down’ ............................................................................................................................ 55

The Scale ....................................................................................................................................................... 55

The descent of the iron .................................................................................................................................. 56

VERSE 26 ........................................................................................................................................................ 57

VERSE 27 ........................................................................................................................................................ 58

VERSE 28 ........................................................................................................................................................ 60

VERSE 29 ........................................................................................................................................................ 62
Appendix........................................................................................................................ 64

Regarding Verse 57:21 & 57:29 ...................................................................................................................... 64

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VERSES 1 - 29

‫الرِح ِيم‬ َّ ‫بِ ْس ِم اللَّ ِه‬

َّ ‫الر ْح َٰم ِن‬


‫ عدن ااند بدن‬،‫ عدن ااندن‬،‫ عدن إلاعيدم بدن عد اع‬،‫ عن حممدد بدن حنداع‬،‫ حدثين أمحد بن إدريس‬:‫ قال‬،‫ عن أبيه‬:‫ابن بابويه‬
‫ ىت يع بدده اه حد‬،‫ا م ياددة أد بعددا‬،‫ ا اةادلددة ف يدد‬،‫ « ددن قد أ سددورا ااديددد‬:‫ قددال‬، ،‫ عددن أيب عهللددد اه اعسيدده الندد‬، ،‫أيب العدد‬
.»‫ ا ال خصا ة ف بدنه‬،‫ ا ال ي ى ف نفنه ا ال أهسه سو ا أبدا‬،‫ميوت أبدا‬

Ibn Babuwayh, from his father, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Muhammad Bin Hisan, from Ismail Bin
Mahran, from Al-Hassan Bin Abu A’la,

‘From Abu Abdullahasws who has said: ‘The one who recites Surahs Al-Hadeed, and
Al-Mujadila (Chapter 58) in the Obligatory Salats, making a habit of it, would not be
Punished by Allahazwj ever, until he dies, and he will never see any evil in himself or
in his family ever, nor any discord in his body’.1

‫ « دن قد أ ابندهلل ات اسعدا قهللدم أع يبدا ىت‬:‫ قدال‬، ،‫ عدن أيب جعفد اعسيده الند‬،‫ عن جاب اجلعفدي‬، ‫ راى عم ا بن مش‬:‫الطربسي‬
.» ‫ ا إع ات ااع ف جوار رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله‬، ،‫ميت ح يدرك القائم اعسيه الن‬

Al-Tabarsy, from Amro Bin Shimr, from Jabir Al-Ju’fy,

‘From Abu Ja’farasws having said: ‘The one who recites all of The Glorifiers ( ‫)المسبحات‬
(Ch 57 Surah Al-Hadeed; Ch 59 Surah Al-Hashr; Ch 61 Surah Al-Saff; Ch 62 Surah
Jumm’a and Ch 64 Surah Al-Taghabun) before he sleeps, will not die until he sees
Al-Qaimasws. And if he dies, he would be in the neighbourhood of Rasool-Allahsaww’.2

‫ « ددن قد أ هد ر النددورا ادداع حقددا عسددى اه أع ي بدده ددن‬:‫ رال عددن البددع ايددسى اه عسيدده ا آلدده أندده قددال‬: ‫ا ددن اخدواق القد آع‬
.‫ ا أع يبعم عسيه ف جبته‬،‫ع ابه‬

And from Khawas Al-Quran –

.117 :‫ثواب األعمتل‬
.345 :9 ‫مجمع الحيتن‬

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It has been reported from the Prophetsaww having said: ‘The one who recites this
Chapter (Surah Al-Hadeed) would have a right upon Allahazwj to Grant him Security
from Hisazwj Punishment, and Grant him Bounties in Hisazwj Paradise.

.»‫ ا لو ااع ا ااع عسيه ن اجلبايات‬،‫ سعم اه خ اجه‬،‫ا ن أد ن ق ا هتا ا ااع قيدا غسوال نجونا‬

And one who habitually recites it, and was bound, shackled and imprisoned, Allah azwj
would Ease his release even if there were crimes committed by him’.3

‫ ا ادداع قددول‬،‫ىت يص دهلله سددعم ا ال حديددد‬ ‫ « ددن اتهللعددا ا عسقعددا عسيدده ا هددو ف اا د‬: ‫ا قددال رسددول اه ايددسى اه عسيدده ا آلدده‬
،‫القسب ف طسب القتال‬

And Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘One who writes it, and attaches it (as an amulet), and he
was in the war, neither an arrow nor iron would hit him, and he would be strong of
heart in seeking the battle.

.»‫ا إع ق ئت عسى وضع ميه حديد خ ج ن اقته ن غري أىت‬

And if it is recited upon a place in which there is iron (battle), he would come out
immediately without any pain’.4

.‫ين آ ج بُوا بيالسَّ يه جا ُر ُسسي يه‬ ‫يد ُاتي ي َّ ي‬

‫ب جن ال ج‬‫ج‬
‫اا يد ي‬ ‫يسَّى السَّهُ جعسجْي يه جا آلييه قج ج‬
‫ ج ْن قجدجأج ُس جوراج ْج‬:‫ال‬ ٍ ‫ُيب بْن جا ْع‬
ِّ ‫ب جع ين البي‬
‫َّع ج‬
ُ ُّ‫ف جَْم جم يع الْهللجديجاع أ ج‬

In (the book) Majma Al Bayan - Ubayy Bin Ka’ab,

‘From the Prophetsaww having said: ‘One who recites Surah Al Hadeed would be
Written to be from: those who believe in Allah and His Rasool [57:19]’’.5

VERSE 1 - 3

‫ض ۖ اهو الْع يزيز ْ ي‬ ‫سهللَّح ليسَّ يه ا يف َّ ي‬

}1{ ‫يم‬
ُ ‫ااجك‬ ُ ‫الن جم جااات جا ْاْل ْجر ي ج ُ ج ج‬ ‫ج ج ج‬
Whatever is in the skies and the earth Glorifies Allah, and He is the Mighty, the
Wise [57:1]

}2{ ٌ‫يت ۖ جاُه جو جعسج ٰى ُا ِّم جش ْي ٍ قج يدي‬‫ي‬

ُ ‫ض ۖ ُُْييي جاُمي‬
‫النماا ي‬
‫ات جا ْاْل ْجر ي‬ ‫ك َّ ج ج‬
ُ ‫لجهُ ُ ْس‬
From Him is the Kingdom of the skies and the earth. He Gives life and Causes
death, and He is Able upon all things [57:2]

Tafseer Al Burhan – H 10460
»‫ «مخطوط‬53 ،20 :‫خواصّ القرآن‬
231 :‫ ص‬،5‫ ج‬،‫ – تفسير نور الثقلين‬H 2

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‫ٍ ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

ٌ ‫ُه جو ْاْل َّجا ُل جا ْاْلخُ جاالظَّاهُ جاالْهللجاط ُن ۖ جاُه جو ب ُك ِّم جش ْي جعس‬
}3{ ‫يم‬
He is the First and the Last, and the Apparent and the Hidden, and He is a
Knower of all things [57:3]

Allahazwj is the First and the Last, and the Apparent and the Hidden,
and Heazwj is a Knower of all things

‫ت أجبجدا جعْهلل يدد السَّ يده ا‬

ُ ْ‫ال جسأجل‬ ‫اْي يم بْ ين ُعثْ جما جع جع ين ابْ ين أيجيب يدج ْع ُفوٍر قج ج‬ ْ ‫يس جع ْن ُحمج َّم يد بْ ين جعْهلل يد‬
‫اجلجهللَّا ير جع ْن ج‬
‫ي ْف جوا جع بْ ين جُْي جَي جع ْن مُ ج‬ ‫يي‬
‫جمحج ُد بْ ُن إ ْدر ج‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي ي‬
ُ ‫ جع ْن قجد ْول السَّه جعَّز جا جج َّم ُه جو ْاْل َّجا ُل جا ْاْلخُ جا قُد ْس‬،‫عسيه الن‬
ُ‫ت أجَّا ْاْل َّجا ُل مجد جق ْد جعجمْدبجارُ جا أجَّا ْاْلخُ مجدهللجد ِّ ْ لجبجا تجد ْفن جرير‬
Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Muhammad Bin Abdul Jabbar, from Safwan Bin Yahya, from Fuzayl Bin
Usman, from Ibn Abu Yafour who said,

‘I asked Abu Abdullahasws about the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: He is the
First, and the Last, and I said, ‘As for ‘the First’, so we recognise it, and as for ‘the
Last’, so clarify its interpretation for us’.

‫يد أ ْجا يدجتجدغجيَّدُ أ ْجا يج ْد ُخسُدهُ التدَّغجيُّدُ جا ال َّدزجا ُال أ ْجا يدجْبتج يق ُدم ي ْدن لج ْدو ٍع إي جن لج ْدو ٍع جا ي ْدن جهْيَئج ٍدة إي جن جهْيَئج ٍدة جا ي ْدن ييد جف ٍة إي جن‬
ُ ‫س جش ْي ٌ إيَّال يجهللي‬ ‫مجد جق ج ي‬
‫ال إنَّهُ لجْي ج‬
ٍ ‫احداٍ هو ْاْل َّجا ُل قجدهللم ُام شي‬ ‫ي ٍ ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ َّ‫اع جا ي ْن ندُ ْق ج ٍ ي ي ٍ ي‬ ٍ ‫يي جف ٍة ا ي ن يزياداٍ إي جن ندُ ْقص‬
ْ ‫ْ ج ِّ ج‬ ‫صاع إ جن زيج جادا إال جر َّ الْ جعالجم ج مجإنَّهُ جىتْ يدججزْل جا جال يدججز ُال ِبجالجة جا ج ُ ج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ج ْ جج‬
‫جا ُه جو ْاْل يخُ جعسجى ج ا جىتْ يدججزْل‬

So heasws said: ‘There is nothing except that it perishes, or changes, or there enters
into it the change and the decline, or transfers from a colour to a colour, and from a
form to a form, and from an attribute to an attribute, and from an increase to a
decrease, and from a decrease to an increase, except for the Lord azwj of the worlds.
So Heazwj has never ceased to be or will cease to be in one state. He azwj was first
before everything and Heazwj would be Last for as long as eternity.

‫داع الَّد يل يج ُكدو ُع تُدجابدام ج دَّما جا ج دَّما جاْمدام جا جد دام جا ج دَّما ُرمجاتدام جا‬ ‫اسنْن ي‬ ‫يي ي ي‬
‫دف جعسجدى جغ ْدرير ثْ ُدم ْ ج‬
ُ ‫جلجا ُ جا جمدا جَتْتجس‬
ْ ‫ات جا ْاْل‬ ِّ ‫ف جعسجْي يه‬
ُ ‫الص جف‬
ُ ‫جا جال جَتْتجس‬
‫ ي‬،‫الص جفات ا السَّه ج َّم ا عَّز ييبد ج‬
ِ ‫جلجا ُ جا ِّ ُ ج ُ ج ج ج‬ ُ ‫جري يمام جا جاالْهللُ ْن ي الَّ يل يج ُكو ُع ج َّام بدجسج ام جا ج َّام بُ ْن ام جا ج َّام ُرطجهللام جا ج َّام َتجْ ام مجدتجتجهللجد‬
ْ ‫َّل جعسجْي يه ْاْل‬
.‫ك‬ ‫ي‬
‫ذجل ج‬

The attributes and the Names are not different upon Him azwj just as they would be
upon others, like the human being who happened to be dust one time, and flesh and
blood at one time, and one time would be decaying and bones, and like the date
which happens to be raw, and one time ripe, and one time mature, and one time
dried up. Thus, the names and the attributes change upon it and Allahazwj Majestic
and Mighty is opposite to that’.6

6 azwj
Al Kafi V 1 – The Book Of Tawheed (Oneness of Allah ) CH 16 H 5

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‫ لعت أبا‬:‫ قال‬،‫ عن يموع الهللاع‬،‫ عن حممد بن حكيم‬،‫ عن ابن أذيبة‬،‫ عن ابن أيب عمري‬،‫ عن أبيه‬،‫ عن عسي بن إب اهيم‬:‫ا عبه‬
‫ ا اْلخد ال عددن‬،‫ ا ال عددن بددد سدهللقه‬،‫ «اْلال ال عددن أال قهللسدده‬:‫ مقددال‬. ‫ ا قددد سدَئم عددن اْلال ا اْلخد‬، ،‫عهللددد اه اعسيدده الندد‬
‫ ا ال‬،‫ ا ال يقدع عسيده اادداو‬،‫ بد ا ال هناية‬،‫ ىت يزل ا ال يزال ب‬، ‫ أال آخ‬،‫ ا لكن قدمي‬، ‫هناية اما يعقم ن يفة ابخسوق‬
.» ‫ خالق ام شي‬،‫ُيول ن حال إن حال‬

And from him, from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Ibn Azina, from
Muhammad Bin Hakeem, from Maymoun Al-Ban who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullahasws, and I had asked about the First and the Last, so he asws
said: ‘The First – There was no first before Himazwj, nor did any beginning precede
Himazwj. And the Last – There is no annihilation for Himazwj like the qualities of the
created things, but Heazwj is Eternal, First, Last. Heazwj has always Been and will
always Be, without any beginning or an end. Changes do not occur to Him azwj, nor
does Heazwj Change from one state to another. Heazwj is the Creator of all things’.7

‫اط ٍن جغ يريري جغيد ظج ي‬

. ٍ ‫اه‬ ‫ جغ ية ا ُا ُّم ظج ي‬،‫يف ندجع يج الْهلل ج‬
‫اه ٍ جغ يريري جغيد ب ي‬
‫ ا ُا ُّم ب ي‬:‫اط ٍن‬
ُْ ْ ‫ج ج‬ ‫ْ ُْ ج‬ ‫ْ ج ج‬
In Nahj Al Balagah –

‘(Amir Al Momineenasws said): ‘And every apparent is other than Him azwj, other than
hidden, and every hidden is other than Himazwj, other than apparent’.

.ُ‫س لجهُ بدج ْع ٌد مجديج ُكو جع جش ْي ٌ بدج ْع جدر‬ ‫ي َّ ي‬ ‫َّ ي‬ ‫يي‬

‫ جا ْاْلخُ ال ل لجْي ج‬،ُ‫ ْاْل َّجا ُل ال ل جىتْ يج ُك ْن لجهُ قجدْهلل ٌم مجديج ُكو جع جش ْي ٌ قجدْهللدسجه‬:‫جا ميه‬
And in it – ‘The First – the One Who has no ‘before’ for Himazwj, for something to
exist before Himazwj. And the Last – the One Who has no ‘after’ for Himazwj, for
something to exist after Himazwj’.

‫ ا الظَّ ي‬،‫ شي بدعدر‬،‫ ا ْاْل يخ ي مج ج‬،‫ شي قجدهللدسجه‬،‫اامد ليسَّ يه ْاْل َّجايل مج ج‬

‫ جشي مجدوقجه؛ ا الْهلل ي‬،‫اه ي مج ج‬ ‫ي‬
.ُ‫ جش ْي ج ُدانجه‬،‫اط ين مج ج‬‫ْج ْ ُ ج ج‬ ‫ج ْ ج جْ ج ُ ج‬ ‫جْج ْ ُ ج‬ ُ ْ ‫ ْج‬:‫جا م ييه‬

And in it – ‘The Praise is for Allahazwj, the First, so there is nothing before Him azwj,
and the Last, so there is nothing after Him azwj, and the Apparent, so there is nothing
above Himazwj, and the Hidden, so there is nothing below Himazwj’.

‫ ا بي ي‬،‫ بيأ َّجالييَّتي يه اجب أج ْع جال أ َّجا جل لجه‬، ٍ ‫آخ‬

‫آخ ييَّتي يه اجب أج ْع جال ي‬
.ُ‫آخج لجه‬ ‫ ا ْاْل يخ بدع جد ُا ِّم ي‬،‫ ْاْل َّجا ُل قجدهللم ُا ِّم أ َّجاٍل‬:‫ا مي ييه‬
‫جج ج‬ ‫ُ ج‬ ‫جج ج‬ ْ‫ج ُ ج‬ ‫ْج‬ ‫ج‬
And in it – ‘The First, before every first, and the Last after every last. By Hisazwj
Firstness, it obligates that there is no first for Him azwj, and by Hisazwj Lastness,
obligates that there is no last for Himazwj’.

.‫اط ُن جال بيسجطجامج ٍة‬ ‫ي‬

‫ ا الْهلل ي‬،‫اه جال بي ْؤي ٍة‬ ‫يي‬
‫ جا الظَّ ُ ُ ج ج ج‬:‫جا ميه‬
And in it – ‘And the Apparent, is not by seeing Himazwj, and the Hidden, no by

6 /90 :1 ‫الكتفي‬

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‫اطن جال يد جق ُ ي‬ ‫اه جال يدق ُ ي‬

‫ال م ج‬
ُ ُ ‫ال ِمَّا؛ جا الْهللج‬ ‫ الظَّ ي ُ ُ ج‬،‫ ُه جو ْاْل َّجا ُل جىتْ يدججزْل‬:‫جا مي ييه‬

And in it – ‘Heazwj is the First, not declining, the Apparent, cannot be said, ‘From
what?’, and the Hidden, cannot be said, ‘In what’’.

.ٍ‫ َو آخِراا َحعْ َد ْاألَ ْش َيت ِء ِح ََل ِن َهت َية‬،‫ لَ ْم َي َز ْل أَ َّو اًل َق ْح َل ْاألَ ْش َيت ِء ِح ََل أَوَّ لِية‬:ِ‫َو فِيه‬

And in it – ‘Heazwj did not cease to be the first before the things without firstness, and
last after the things without an end-point’.

‫ٍ ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫قج ج ي ي‬
ٌ ‫ جا ُه جو ب ُك ِّم جش ْي جعس‬:‫ال جعَّز ْن قجائ ٍم‬

Heazwj Said from a speaker (‘s perspective): and He is a Knower of all things

Aliasws is the first and the last, and the apparent and the hidden, and
heasws is a Knower of all things

:‫ حدثين أبو طالب عهللد اه بن حممد اْلنهللارل‬:‫ قال‬،‫ حدثين ابن عياش اجلوه ل‬:‫اان بن عهللد الوها ف عيوع ابعجزات قال‬
‫ حدددثين إبد اهيم بددن عمد‬:‫ قددال‬،‫ حدددثين أبددو ليبددة حممددد بددن عسددي الصددريف‬:‫ قددال‬،‫ حدددثين أبددو ااند حممددد بددن زيددد التنددول‬:‫قددال‬
،‫ حدثين عم بن أذيبة عن أباع بن أيب عياش عن سسيم بن قديس االد‬:‫ قال‬،‫اليماين عن محاد بن عينى ابع ا ِ بغ يق اجل فة‬
،‫ رأيت النيد حممدا يسى اه عسيده اآلده اقدد قدال ْل دري ابد ب عسيده الند‬:‫ قال‬،‫ لعت أبا ذر جبد بن جبادا الغفارل‬:‫قال‬
‫ مدإع اه تعددان قددد‬،‫ مدإذا بزغددت الفددمس مندسم عسيعددا‬،‫ إذا ادداع غددا اقصددد إن جهللدال الهللقيددع اقددف عسدى نفددز ن اْلرض‬:‫ذات ليسدة‬
.‫أ ها أع جتيهللك مبا ميك‬

Al-Husayn Bin Abdul Wahaab in Uyoon Al-Mo’jizaat, said, ‘Narrated to me Ibn Ayyash Al-Jowhary,
from Abu Talib Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al-Anbary, from Abu Al-Husayn Muhammad Bin Zayd Al-
Tastary, from Abu Sameena Muhammad Bin Ali Al-Sayrafi, from Ibrahim Bin Umar Al-Yamani, from
Hamaad Bin Isa well known as ‘Gareek Al-Johfa’, from Umar Bin Azina, from Abaan Bin Abu Ayyash,
from Sulaym Bin Qays Al-Hilaly who said:

‘I heard Abu Zarr Jundab Al-Janaada Al-Ghaffaryra say, ‘I saw Al-Sayyad

Muhammadsaww (Rasool-Allahsaww) that hesaww said to Amir-al-Momineenasws one
night: ‘When it is the morning, proceed towards the Baqee Mountains and pause
upon the high ground, so when the sun emerges, greet it, for Allah azwj has
Commanded it that it should answer youasws with regards to yourselfasws’.

‫ حد اا الهللقيدع ااقدف‬،‫ ا عده أبدو بكد اعمد اناعدة دن ابعداج ين ااْلنصدار‬،‫مسما ااع ن الغد خ ج أ ري اب ب عسيده الند‬
. ‫ عسيك يا خسق اه اجلديد ابطيع له‬،‫ االن‬: ،‫ مسما أطسعت الفمس ق نيعا قال عسيه الن‬.‫عسى نفز ن اْلرض‬

237 :‫ ص‬،5‫ ج‬،‫ – تفسير نور الثقلين‬H 31 to 37

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When it was the morning, Amir-al-Momineenasws went out, and with himasws were Abu
Bakr, and Umar, and a group from the Emigrants and the Helpers, until heasws came
to the Baqee and paused upon the high ground. When the sun displayed its rays,
heasws said: ‘Greetings be upon you, O the new creature of Allahazwj, O the obedient
to Himazwj’.

. ‫ يا ن هو بكم شي عسيم‬،‫ يا باطن‬، ‫ يا ظاه‬، ‫ يا آخ‬،‫ يا أال‬،‫ ااعسيك الن‬:‫منمعوا دايا ن النما اجوا قائم يقول‬

They heard a rumble from the sky and a Caller answered saying, ‘And Peace be
upon youasws ‘‫( ’يت أول‬O the First one), ‘‫( ’يت آخر‬O the Last one), ‘‫( ’يت ظتهر‬O the Apparent
one), ‘‫ ’يت حتطن‬O Hidden one, ‘‫ ’يت من هو حكل شيء عليم‬O the one who is knowledgeable of all

،‫ مث أماقوا بعد ساعات اقد انص ِ أ ري اب ب عسيه الند‬.‫ الفمس يعقوا‬،‫مسما لع أبو بك اعم اابعاج اع ااْلنصار ا‬
‫ أنت تقول إع عسيا بف ثسبا اقد خاطهللته الفمس مبا خاطدب‬:‫عن ابكاع مواموا رسول اه يسى اه عسيه اآله ع اجلماعة اقالوا‬
‫به الهللارل نفنه؟‬

When Abu Bakr, and Umar, and the Emigrants, and the Helpers heard the speech of
the sun, they swooned (passed out). Then they came around after a while, and Amir-
al-Momineenasws had left from the place. So they came to Rasool-Allahsaww along
with the group and said, ‘Yousaww said that Aliasws is a human similar to others, but
when heasws addressed the sun, the sun answered to him asws by what the Creatorazwj
(Allahazwj) is Himselfazwj addressed by?’

‫تفسير كالم الشمس مع علي عليه السالم‬

Explanation of the speech of the sun with Aliasws

‫ هو أال ن آ ن‬،‫ يدقت‬:‫ عسيك يا أال قال‬،‫ االن‬:‫ لعباها تقول‬:‫ ا ا لعتمور بعا؟ مقالوا‬:‫مقال البع يسى اه عسيه اآله‬

The Prophetsaww said: ‘And what did you all hear from it?’ They said, ‘We heard it
say, ‘Peace be upon youasws, ‘‫( ’يت أول‬O the First one). Hesaww said: ‘It spoke the truth,
heasws is the first one to believe in mesaww’.

.‫ يغنسين ايكفبين ايدخسين قربل‬،‫ هو آخ الباس ععدا يب‬،‫ يدقت‬:‫ قال‬. ‫ ايا آخ‬:‫ لعباها تقول‬:‫مقالوا‬

They said, ‘We heard it say, ‘‫( ’يت آخر‬O the Last one). Hesaww said: ‘It spoke the truth,
heasws is the last of the people to separate from mesaww. Heasws will wash me saww, and
shroud mesaww, and enter mesaww in mysaww grave’.

.‫ ظع عسمي اسه له‬،‫ يدقت‬:‫ قال‬. ‫ ايا ظاه‬:‫ لعباها تقول‬:‫مقالوا‬

They said, ‘We heard it say, ‘‫( ’يت ظتهر‬O Apparent one). Hesaww said: ‘It spoke the
truth, all of mysaww knowledge has been made apparent to him asws’.

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.‫ حطن سري كله‬، ‫ صدق‬:‫ قتل‬.)‫ (يت حتطن‬:‫ سمعنتهت تقول‬:‫قتلوا‬

They said, ‘We heard it say, ‘‫( ’يت حتطن‬O the Hidden one). Hesaww said: ‘It spoke the
truth, all of mysaww secrets are hidden in himasws’.

.‫ل ااا ا االف ائض االنبن ا ا شاام ذلك‬،‫ هو العاىت باا‬،‫ يدقت‬:‫ قال‬. ‫ ايا ن هو بكم شيئ عسيم‬:‫ لعباها تقول‬:‫قالوا‬

They said, ‘We heard it say, ‘‫( ’يت من هو حكل شيء عليم‬O the one who is a knower of all
things). Hesaww said: ‘It spoke the truth, heasws is knowledgeable of the Permissibles
and the Prohibitions, and the Obligations, and the Sunnah, and all (the things)
resembling that’.

.‫ القد أاقعبا حممد ف طخيا اخ جوا ن با ابنجد‬:‫مقا وا اسعم اقالوا‬

All of them stood up and said, ‘Muhammadsaww has put us in a trap’, and they went
out from the door of the Masjid’’.9

،‫ عدن قهلليصدة بدن عقهللدة‬،‫ عدن أيب زرعدة عهلليدد اه بدن عهللدد الكد مي‬،‫ عن أمحد بدن حممدد‬،‫ عن حممد بن سعم العطار‬،‫حممد بن العهللاس‬
، ‫ منألته عن البع ايدسى اه عسيده ا آلده‬،‫ لقيت عمارا ف بعض سكك ابديبة‬:‫ قال‬،‫ عن جاب بن عهللد اه‬،‫عن سفياع بن ُيَي‬
،‫ ا أنه با يسى الغداا أقهللم عسيبا‬،‫مأخرب أنه ف نجدر ف أل ن قو ه‬

Muhammad Bin Al-Abbas, from Muhammad Bin Sahl Al-Ataar, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from
Abu Zara’at Ubeydullah Bin Abdul Kareem, Qabaysat Bin Uqba, from Sufyan Bin Yahya, from Jabir
Bin Abdullah who said,

‘I met Ammar in one of the markets of Al-Medina, so I asked him about the
Prophetsaww. He informed me that hesaww was in hissaww Masjid filled with hissaww
people, and that when hesaww had prayed Al Fajr Salat, hesaww turned towards us.

‫ ا‬، ‫ مقدا إليده البدع ايدسى اه عسيده ا آلده‬، ،‫ إذا أقهللدم عسدي بدن أيب طالدب اعسيده الند‬،‫مهلليبما حنن ا لك ا قدد بزغدت الفدمس‬
.»‫ مإهنا تكسمك‬،‫ قم لسفمس مكسمعا‬،‫ «يا عسي‬:‫ مث قال‬،‫ ا أجسنه إن جبهلله ح نت راهللتار راهللتيه‬،‫قهللم ب عيبيه‬

While we were in the midst of that, and the sun had emerged, when Aliasws Bin Abu
Talibasws came up, the Prophetsaww stood up for himasws, and kissed himasws between
hisasws eyes, and made himasws to be seated by hissaww side to the extent that hisasws
knees were touching hissaww knees, then said: ‘O Aliasws! Arise and go speak to the
sun, for it would speak to you’.

‫ ال يزال ي مع خنينة ابن عمه ا يبور باله‬:‫ أ ت ى الفمس تكسم عسيا؟ ا قال بعض‬:‫ مقالوا‬،‫مقا أهم ابنجد‬

The people of the Masjid stood up and said, ‘Do you see that the sun would speak to
Aliasws?’ And some said, ‘Hesaww never stops to raise the despicable cousinasws of
hissaww and hinting with hisasws name’.

Kitaab Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali – H 72

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‫ يدا‬، ‫ يدا أال يدا آخد‬،‫ بري يا أخا رسول اه‬:‫ يا خسق اه؟» مقالت‬،‫ «ايف أيهلل ت‬:‫ مقال لسفمس‬،‫إذ خ ج عسي اعسيه الن‬
.‫ يا ن هو بكم شي عسيم‬،‫ظاه يا باطن‬

When Aliasws went out, heasws said to the sun: ‘How is your morning, O creature of
Allahazwj?’ It said, ‘With goodness, O brotherasws of Rasool-Allahsaww, O First, O Last,
O Apparent, O Hidden, O one who is a knower of all things!’

‫ َتددربين أا‬،‫ «يددا عسددي‬:‫ إن البددع ايددسى اه عسيدده ا آلدده متهللنددم البددع ايددسى اه عسيدده ا آلدده ا مقددال‬،‫م جددع عسددي اعسيدده الندد‬
.»‫ يا رسول اه‬،‫ « بك أحنن‬:‫أخربك؟» مقال‬

So Aliasws returned to the Prophetsaww. The Prophetsaww smiled and said: ‘O Aliasws!
Will youasws inform mesaww, or shall Isaww inform youasws?’ Heasws said: ‘It would be
better from yousaww, O Rasool-Allahsaww!’

‫ مأنددت آخد ددن‬، ‫ يددا آخد‬:‫ ا قوالددا‬،‫ مأنددت أال ددن آ ددن بدداه‬،‫ يددا أال‬:‫ «أ ددا قوالددا لددك‬: ‫مقددال رسددول اه ايددسى اه عسيدده ا آلدده‬
،‫ مأنت أال ن يظع عسى خمزاع س ل‬، ‫ يا ظاه‬:‫ ا قوالا‬،‫تعايبين عسى غنسي‬

So Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘But rather, it said to youasws: ‘O First – for youasws are the
first one to believe in Allahazwj. And it said to you: ‘O Last – for youasws would be the
last one to support me on washing mesaww. And its words: ‘O Apparent – for youasws
are the first one to whom were apparented the treasures of mysaww secrets.

‫ل ا ااد ا ا الفد ائض ا‬،‫ ممدا أندزل اه تعدان عسمدا دن ااد‬، ‫ ا أ دا العسديم بكدم شدي‬،‫ مأندت ابندتهللطن لعسمدي‬،‫ يدا بداطن‬:‫ا قوالا‬
،‫اْلحكا ا التبزيم ا التأايم ا الباسخ ا اببنوخ ا احملكم ا ابتفابه ا ابفكم إال ا أنت به عسيم‬

And (as for) its words: ‘O Hidden – for youasws the one in whom mysaww Knowledge is
hidden in. And as for (its words): ‘The knower of all things’, for there is no Knowledge
which Allahazwj the Exalted has Revealed about the Permissibles, and the Prohibited,
and the Obligations, and the Regulations, and the Revelation, and the Abrogating,
and the Abrogated, and the Decisive, and the Allegorical, and the difficult, except
that youasws are a knower of it.

‫ددن ددت‬ ‫ لقسددت ميددك قدداال ال َتد مبد إال أخد اا الدوا‬،‫ا لددو ال أع تقددول ميددك طائفددة ددن أ ددن ددا قالددت البصددارى ف عينددى‬
.»‫قد يك ينتففوع به‬

And had it not been (the fear) that a group from mysaww community would say about
youasws, that which the Christians say about Isaas, Isaww would say regarding youasws
such words that none would pass by you, except that he would take the dust from
yourasws feet in order to be healed by it’.

.‫ م دثين سسماع اما حدثين عمار‬،‫ ا ه ا سسماع ااع عبا‬:‫ مقال عمار‬،‫ أقهللم سسماع‬،‫ مسما م غ عمار ن حديثه‬: ‫قال جاب‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

Jabir said, ‘So when Ammar was free from narrating it, Salmanra came up. So
Ammar said, ‘And this Salmanra was with us’. So Salmanra narrated to me as Ammar
had narrated it to me’.10

‫ عن أيب‬،‫ عن عهللد اه بن حنن‬،‫ عن ال بيع بن عهللد اه‬،‫ عن عسي بن حكيم‬،‫ عن حممد بن زا يا‬،‫ عن عهللد العزيز بن ُيَي‬:‫ا عبه‬
‫ إذ‬، ،‫ « بيبما البع ايسى اه عسيده ا آلده ذات يدو رأسده ف حجد عسدي اعسيده الند‬:‫ قال‬، ،‫جعف حممد بن عسي اعسيه الن‬
، ‫ مقا ت الفمس تغ‬، ‫ يسى العص‬،‫ ا ىت يكن عسي اعسيه الن‬، ‫نا رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله‬

And from him, from Abdul Aziz Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Zakariyya, from Ali Bin Hakim, from
Al-Rabi’e Bin Abdullah, from Abdullah Bin Hasan,

Abu Ja’farasws Bin Aliasws having said: ‘One day, the Prophetsaww had rested hissaww
head upon the lap of Aliasws. When Rasool-Allahsaww fell asleep, and Aliasws had not
prayed the Afternoon (Asr) Salat, then sun started to set.

‫ ف اقت‬-‫ مدعا اه م د اه الفمس اعيَئتعا‬،‫ته‬،‫ شأع ي‬،‫ م ا له عسي اعسيه الن‬، ‫مانتهلله رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله‬
.‫العص ا ا ذا حديث رد الفمس‬

Rasool-Allahsaww became attentive, and Aliasws mentioned to himsaww about the status
of hisasws Salat. So hesaww supplicated to Allahazwj. Allahazwj Returned the sun to as it
was before (during the time of the Asr (Prayer))’. And he asws mentioned the Hadeeth
of the returning of the sun.

،‫ الند‬:‫ قدم‬:‫ ايف أسسم عسيعدا؟ قدال‬،‫ يا رسول اه‬:‫ مقال له‬،‫ ا اسمعا مإهنا تكسمك‬،‫ قم منسم عسى الفمس‬،‫ يا عسي‬:‫مقال له‬
.‫ عسيك يا خسق اه‬،‫ الن‬:‫ ا قال‬،‫ مقا عسي اعسيه الن‬،‫عسيك يا خسق اه‬

So hesaww said to himasws: ‘Arise and greet the sun, and speak to it, for it would speak
to youasws’. So heasws said to himsaww: ‘O Rasool-Allahsaww! In what manner shall Iasws
greet it?’ Hesaww said: ‘Greetings be upon you, O creature of Allahazwj!’ So Aliasws
stood up and said: ‘Greetings be upon you, O creature of Allahazwj!’

،‫ ا يوثق هللغايه‬،‫ يا ن يبجي حمهلليه‬،‫ يا ظاه يا باطن‬، ‫ يا أال يا آخ‬،‫ ا عسيك الن‬:‫مقالت‬

So it said: ‘And greetings be upon youasws, O First, O Last, O Apparent, O Hidden, O

one who rescues those who love himasws, and destroys the ones who hate himasws’.

‫ قم ا‬: ‫ ا ردت عسيك الفمس؟ مكاع عسي ااَتا عبه مقال له البع ايسى اه عسيه ا آله‬: ‫مق ال له البع ايسى اه عسيه ا آله‬
.‫قالت لك الفمس؟ مقال له ا قالتا‬

The Prophetsaww said: ‘What did the sun reply to youasws?’ But Aliasws was shy of
himsaww. So the Prophetsaww said to himasws: ‘Speak, what did the sun say to youasws?’
Then heasws told himsaww what it said.

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‫ ا أنددت آخد‬،‫ أنددت أال ابد ب إميانددا‬،‫ ا عددن أ د اه نطقددت‬،‫ إع الفددمس قددد يدددقت‬:‫مقددال البددع ايددسى اه عسيدده ا آلدده ا‬
،‫ ا أنت الهللاطن ف العسم الظاه عسيه‬،‫ ا ال بعدك ايي ا أنت الظاه عسى أعدائك‬،‫ ليس بعدل نع‬، ‫الويي‬

So the Prophetsaww said: ‘The sun has spoken the truth, and it is from the Command
of Allahazwj that it spoke. You are the first Momin to have Eman in mesaww, and
youasws are the last of the successorsasws for there is no Prophetas to come after
mesaww, and no successorasws (of minesaww) after youasws. And youasws are the
apparent against yourasws enemies, and youasws are the hidden in the Knowledge
apparent upon it.

.»‫ ا شيعتك هم البجهللا يو القيا ة‬،‫ ا أاالدك خري اْلاالد‬،‫ أنت عيهللة عسمي ا خزانة احي ريب‬،‫ا ال موقك ميه أحد‬

There is no one above youasws with regards to it. Youasws are the withdrawer of
mysaww knowledge, and the treasurer of the Revelation of mysaww Lordazwj, and
yourasws children are the best of the children, and yourasws Shias, they will be saved
on the Day of Judgement’.11


‫دج يف‬ ‫ات ا ْاْلجرض يف يست يَّة أجيَّاٍ ُمثَّ اسدتدو ٰى عسجدى الْعد يش ۖ يدعسجدم دا يسي‬ ‫النماا ي‬ َّ ‫ق‬ ‫ج‬‫س‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ل‬ ‫هو الَّ ي‬
ُ ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ ُ ْ ‫ج‬ ْ ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ ْ ‫ج‬ ْ ‫جج ج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ُج‬
ۖ ‫الن جدما ي جاج دا يجد ْعدُ ُج مي جيعدا ۖ جاُه جدو ج جع ُك ْدم أجيْ جدن ج دا ُاْبدتُ ْم‬
َّ ‫ض جاج ا جَيُْ ُج ي ْبد جعا جاج ا يجدْب يزُل ي جن‬‫ْاْل ْجر ي‬
}4{ ٌ‫صري‬ ‫االسَّه يمبجا تجدعمسُو جع ب ي‬
‫ج ُ ْج ج‬
He is the One Who Created the skies and the earth in six days, then He
Established upon the Throne. He Knows what penetrates into the earth and
what comes out from it, and what descends from the sky and what ascends
into it, and He is with you wherever you may be; and Allah Sees what you are
doing [57:4]

Creation of the skies and the earth in six days

، ‫ «إع اه خسق النمااات ا اْلرض ف ستة أيا‬:‫ قال‬، ،‫ عن أيب عهللد اه اعسيه الن‬،‫ عن رجم‬، ‫ عن أيب جعف‬:‫العياشي‬
.» ‫مالنبة تبقص ستة أيا‬

Al-Ayyashi, has narrated:

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From a man who has said that Abu Ja’farasws has narrated (on behalf of) Abu
Abdullahasws that he said: ‘Allahazwj Created the skies and the earth in six days, so
the year is six days’ short’ (six months are of 29 days).12

،‫مثائة ا ستوع يو ا‬،‫ ا هي ث‬،‫ إع اه خسق الفعور اثين عف شع ا‬:‫ قال‬، ،‫ عن أيب جعف اعسيه الن‬،‫عن الصهللاح بن سيابة‬
.»‫ ممن مث تقاي ت الفعور‬،‫م جز عبعا ستة أيا خسق ميعا النمااات ا اْلرض‬

From Al-Sabah Bin Sayabat,

‘Abu Ja’farasws having said: ‘Allahazwj Created the months as twelve months, and
these are of three hundred and sixty days. So Heazwj Separated six days from it in
which Heazwj created the skies, and the earth. So from then the months are deficient’
(29 days in six months).13

،‫ عن عسي بن إلاعيم‬،‫ حدثبا حممد بن اانن الصفار‬:‫ قال‬، ‫ حدثبا حممد بن اانن بن أمحد بن الوليد ارمحه اه‬:‫ قال‬،‫ا عبه‬
:‫ قال‬،‫ عن عسي بن اان اعسيعما الن‬، ‫ عن أيب جعف‬،‫ عن أيب الطفيم‬،‫ عن إب اهيم بن عم اليماين‬،‫عن محاد بن عينى‬
‫ ممن‬،‫ مث خسقه ن أنوار خمتسفة‬،‫ ا البور‬،‫ ا القسم‬، ‫ االوا‬: ‫ثة أشيا‬،‫ ىت َيسق قهللسه إال ث‬،‫« إع اه عز ا جم خسق الع ش أرباعا‬
‫ ا نور أبيض ا هو‬،‫ ا نور أمح امح ت به اام ا‬،‫ ا نور أيف ايف ت به الصف ا‬،‫ذلك البور نور أخا اخا ت به اخلا ا‬
.‫ ا به ضو البعار‬،‫نور اْلنوار‬

And from him (Al Sadouq) who said, ‘Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Bin Ahmad Bin Al Waleed narrated
to us, from Muhammad Bin Al Hassan Al Saffar, from Ali Bin Ismail, from Hamaad Bin Isa, from
Ibrahim Bin Umar Al Yamani, from Abu Al Tufayl,

‘From Abu Ja’farasws, from Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws having said: ‘Surely, Allahazwj
Mighty and Majestic Created the Throne as the fourth, and did not Created before it
except for three things – the Air, and the Pen, and the Light. Then Heazwj Created a
variety of Lights. Thus, from that Light is a Green light, the greenery is green from it;
and a Yellow Light, the yellowness is yellow from it; and a Red Light, the redness is
red from it; and a White Light, and it is a light of the Lights, and from it is the
illumination of the day.

‫ ا يقدسه‬،‫ ليس ن ذلك طهللق إال ينهللح ِبمد ربه‬، ‫ غسظ ام طهللق اأال الع ش إن أسفم النامس‬،‫مث جعسه سهللع ألف طهللق‬
‫ ا خلنف‬،‫ ا لو أذع لسناع بعا مألع شيَئا ِما ته الد اجلهللال ا ابدائن ا ااصوع‬،‫ ا ألنبة غري فتهللعة‬،‫بأيوات خمتسفة‬
.‫ ا ْلهسك ا دانه‬،‫الهلل ار‬

Then Heazwj Made it as seventy thousand layers, the thickness of each layer being
like the height of the Throne to its lowest low. There is none from that layer except
that it Glorifies with the Praise of its Lordazwj, and Extols Hisazwj Holiness by different
voices, and languages which do not resemble each other. And had a language from
it were to call out, a something from it were to be heard from what is beneath it, the
mountains would be demolished, and the cities, and the forts, and the oceans would
be submerged, and what is besides it would perish.

.6 /120 :2 ‫تفسير العيّتشي‬
.7 /120 :2 ‫تفسير العيّتشي‬

13 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‫ ا‬،‫ ينهلل وع ف السيم ا البعار ال يفواع‬،‫ئكة ا ال ُيصي عددهم إال اه عز ا جم‬،‫ عسى ام ران بعا ن اب‬،‫له مثانية أرااع‬
،‫ بيبه ا ب اسحناس اجلربات ا الكربيا ا العظمة ا القدس ا ال محة مث العسم‬، ‫لو أحنن شي ِما موقه ا قا ل لك ط مة ع‬
.»‫ا ليس ارا ه ا قال‬

For it (The Throne) are eight corners. Upon each corner from it are (so many) Angels
that none can count their number except for Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic. They are
Glorifying during the night and the day, not cooling down. And had there been
something better than what is above it, they would not stand to that even for the blink
of an eye, between Himazwj and the Sense of the Mightiness, and the Greatness, and
the Magnificence, and the Holiness, and the Mercy, then the Knowledge. And there
is nothing (more) behind this speech’.14

‫ عن أيب الصست عهللد‬،‫ عن أمحد بن عسي اْلنصارل‬،‫ حدثبا أيب‬:‫ قال‬،‫ حدثبا َتيم بن عهللد اه بن َتيم الق شي‬:‫ قال‬،‫ابن بابويه‬
،‫ بن ياحل اال ال‬،‫الن‬

Ibn Babuwayh said, ‘Tameem Bin Abdullah Bin Tameem al Qarshy narrated to us, from his father,
from Ahmad Bin Ali Al Ansary, from Abu Al Salt Abdul Salaam Bin Salih Al Harwy who said,

‫ئكة قهللم خسق النموات ا‬،‫ «إع اه تهللارك ا تعان خسق الع ش ا ابا ا اب‬: ،‫قال أبا اانن عسي بن وسى ال ضا اعسيه الن‬
‫ ليظع ب لك قدرته‬، ‫ مث جعم ع شه عسى ابا‬،‫ئكة تنتدل بأنفنعا ا بالع ش ا بابا عسى اه عز ا جم‬،‫ ا اانت اب‬،‫اْلرض‬
،‫ مث رمع الع ش بقدرته ا نقسه مجعسه موق النمااات النهللع‬، ‫ ميعسموع أنه عسى ام شي قدي‬،‫ئكة‬،‫لسم‬

‘Abu Al-Hassan Al-Rezaasws said: ‘Surely Allahazwj Blessed and Exalted Created the
Throne, and the water, and the Angels before Heazwj Created the skies and the earth.
And the Angels used to infer by themselves, and by the Throne, and by the water, to
Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic. Then Heazwj Made Hisazwj Throne to be upon the water,
in order to apparent Hisazwj Power by that to the Angels, so that they would come to
know that Heazwj has Power over everything. Then Heazwj Raised the Throne by
Hisazwj Power and Transferred it, so Heazwj Made it to be above the seventh sky.

‫ ا لكبه عز ا‬، ‫ ا ااع قادرا عسى أع َيسقعا ف ط مة ع‬،‫ ا هو نتول عسى ع شه‬، ‫ا خسق النمااات ا اْلرض ف ستة أيا‬
‫ مينتدل ِبداو ا ُيدو عسى اه تعان ا بعد‬، ‫ئكة ا َيسقه بعا شيَئا بعد شي‬،‫ ليظع لسم‬، ‫جم خسقعا ف ستة أيا‬
‫ ا ال يويف بالكوع عسى‬،‫ ْلنه غين عن الع ش ا عن نيع ا خسق‬،‫ ا ىت َيسق اه عز ا جم الع ش ااجة به إليه‬،‫اخ ى‬
،‫ تعان اه عن يفة خسقه عسوا اهللريا‬،‫ ْلنه ليس جبنم‬،‫الع ش‬

And Heazwj: Created the skies and the earth in six days [57:4], and Heazwj Took
Control upon Hisazwj Throne. And Heazwj has all the Power to Create it in the blink of
an eye, but the Mighty and Majestic Created it in six days, in order to Apparent to the
Angels what Heazwj Created from it, a thing after a thing. So they were evidenced by
the occurrence of what occurred, to Allah azwj the High, time and again. And Allah azwj
did not Create the Throne for any need of His azwj, because Heazwj is above any need
of the Throne, and from all of what He azwj Created. Heazwj cannot be described to be

.1 /324 :‫التوايد‬

14 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

upon the Throne, because Heazwj has no physical form. Elevated is Allahazwj from the
attributes of Hisazwj creatures, Higher and Greater.’15

َّ ‫جح يد جا جا جاا جع لييج ْخسُ جق‬

‫الفَّ قجدْهلل جم‬ ‫اخلجْيدج يدج ْوج ْاْل ج‬ ُ ‫ يدج ُق‬،‫ت أجبجا جعْهلل يد السَّ يه اعسيه الن‬
ْ ‫ول إي َّع السَّهج جخسج جق‬ ُ ‫ال جل ْع‬
ٍ ‫عْبه عن عهلل يد السَّ يه ب ين يسبج‬
‫اع قج ج ي‬
ْ ْ‫ج ُ ج ْ ج‬
‫يس جا‬ ْ ‫ات يدج ْوج ْاْل ْجربي جعا ي جا يدج ْوج‬
‫اخلج يم ي‬ ‫النماا ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫جح يد ا ْي ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ْي ي‬
‫ثجا جا جخسج جق َّ ج ج‬،َّ‫اسثْدبجد ْ جخسج جق ْاْل ججرض ج جا جخسج جق أجقْد جواتجد جعا ف يدج ْو الث ج‬ ‫اخلجْري جا ف يدج ْو ْاْل ج ج‬
. ٍ‫ض جا ا بدجْيدبجد ُعما يف يست يَّة أجيَّا‬ ‫اجلمع ية ا ذجليك قجدولُه عَّز ا ج َّم خسجق َّ ي‬
‫النمااات جا ْاْل ْجر ج‬ ‫جخسج جق أجقْد جواتجد جعا يدج ْوج ُْ ُ ج ج ج ْ ُ ج ج ج ج ج‬
From him, from Abdullah Bin Sinan who said:

I heard Abu Abdullahasws saying that: ‘Allahazwj Created the good on the day of
Sunday, and Heazwj did not Create the evil before the good. And during the day of
Sunday and the Monday Created the firmaments and created their sustenance
during the day of Tuesday, and Created the Skies on the day of Wednesday and
Thursday, and Created their sustenance on the day of Friday, and these are the
Words of the Mighty and Majestic: Allah is the One Who Created the skies and
the earth and whatever is between the two in six days [32:4].16

.‫ض يف يست يَّة أجيَّاٍ أل ف ستة أاقات‬ ‫ هو الَّ يل خسجق َّ ي‬:‫ ف قوله تعان‬،‫عسي بن إب اهيم‬
‫النمااات جا ْاْل ْجر ج‬ ‫ج ج‬ ‫ُج‬
Ali Bin Ibrahim (Tafseer Qummi) –

Regarding the Words of the Exalted: He is the One Who Created the skies and
the earth in six days – i.e., in six time periods’.17

Established upon the Throne

‫ عن‬،‫ عن عايم بن محيد‬،‫ عن اان بن سعيد عن البا بن سويد‬،‫ عن أمحد بن حممد بن عينى‬،‫ عن حممد بن ُيَي‬:‫ا عبه‬
.» ‫ مقد اف‬، ‫ أا عسى شي‬، ‫ أا ف شي‬، ‫ « ن زعم أع اه ن شي‬:‫ قال‬، ،‫ عن أيب عهللد اه اعسيه الن‬،‫أيب بصري‬

And from him, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al-Husayn Bin
Saeed, from Al-Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Aasim Bin Hameed, from Abu Baseer, who has narrated:

‘Abu Abdullahasws has said: ‘The one who alleges that Allah azwj is from something, or
within something, or upon something, so he has committed Kufr’.18

‫ «إع اه جم ذا ر ا تقدست ألاؤر خسق‬: ،‫ قال أ ري اب ب اعسيه الن‬:‫ قال‬، ،‫ عن أيب جعف اعسيه الن‬، ‫عن جاب‬
.»‫ مث استوى عسى الع ش لتدبري اْل ور‬، ‫اْلرض قهللم النما‬

From Jabir,

.33 /134 :1 )‫( عيون أخحتر الرّضت (عليه السَّلم‬Extract)
Al Kafi – V 8 H 14565
.350 :2 ‫تفسير القمّي‬
.9 /99 :1 ‫الكتفي‬

15 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

(It has been narrated) from Abu Ja’farasws having said: ‘Amir-Al-Momineenasws said:
‘Surely, Allahazwj, Majestic is Hisazwj Mention, and Holy are Hisazwj Names, Created
the earth before the sky, then Established upon the Throne for the Regulation of the

‫ عن‬،‫ عن عايم بن محيد‬،‫ عن اان بن سعيد عن البا بن سويد‬،‫ عن أمحد بن حممد بن عينى‬،‫ عن حممد بن ُيَي‬:‫ا عبه‬
‫ قست من‬.» ‫ مقد اف‬، ‫ أا عسى شي‬، ‫ أا ف شي‬، ‫ « ن زعم أع اه ن شي‬:‫ قال‬، ،‫ عن أيب عهللد اه اعسيه الن‬،‫أيب بصري‬
.»‫ أا ن شي سهللقه‬،‫ أا بإ ناك له‬،‫ «أعين بااواية ن الفي له‬:‫ قال‬.

And from him, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al Husayn Bin
Saeed, from Al Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Aasim Bin Hameed, from Abu Baseer,

‘Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘The one who claims that Allahazwj is from something,
or in something, or upon something, so he has committed Kufr’. I said, ‘Explain it for
me’. Heasws said: ‘Iasws mean by the imagining something for Himazwj, or there being a
withholding for Himazwj or from something having preceding Himazwj’.

‫ ا ن زعم أنه عسى‬،‫ ا ن زعم أنه ف شي مقد جعسه حمصورا‬،‫ « ن زعم أع اه ن شي مقد جعسه حمدثا‬:‫اف رااية أخ ى‬
.»‫شي مقد جعسه حمموال‬

And in another report, heasws said: ‘The one who thinks that Allahazwj is from
something, so he Made Himazwj out to be something new. And the one who thinks
that Heazwj is inside something, so he has made Him azwj to be fortified. And the one
who thinks that Heazwj is upon something, so he has Made Himazwj to be carried’.20

VERSES 5 & 6

}5{ ‫ور‬ ‫اْل‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ج‬ ‫د‬‫ت‬ ‫ض ۖ اإي جن السَّ ي‬

‫ه‬ ‫ي‬ ‫جر‬‫اْل‬‫ا‬ ‫النماا ي‬
ُ ُ ُْ ْ ‫ج‬ ُ ‫ج‬ ْ ْ ‫ك َّ ج ج ج‬
‫ات‬ ُ ‫لجهُ ُ ْس‬
From Him is the Kingdom of the skies and the earth, and to Allah Return (all)
the matters [57:5]

}6{ ‫الص ُداير‬ ‫يوليج السَّيم يف البدَّعا ير ايوليج البدَّعار يف السَّي يم ۖ اهو عسييم بي ج ي‬
ُّ ‫ات‬ ٌ ‫جُج ج‬ ْ ‫ج جُ ُ ج ج‬ ‫ُ ُ ْج‬
He Merges the night into the day and He Merges the day into the night, and He
is a Knower of the contents of the chests [57:6]

‫ ا ا يبقص‬،‫ « ا يبقص ن السيم يدخم ف البعار‬:‫ يقول‬،‫ عن أيب جعف اعسيه الن‬،‫ ف رااية أيب اجلاراد‬:‫عسي بن إب اهيم‬
.»‫ن البعار يدخم ف السيم‬

.7 /120 :2 ‫تفسير العيّتشي‬
.9 /99 :1 ‫الكتفي‬

16 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘And in a report of Abu Al-Jaroud,

‘From Abu Ja’farasws, who has said: ‘Whatever is deficient from the night enters into
the day, and whatever is deficient from the day enters into the night’. 21

‫ي ُد جارُه ْم لييج ْنتج ْخ ُفوا‬ َّ ‫اد جع ْن أيجيب جج ْع جف ٍ جعسجْي يه‬

ُ ‫ أجال إيند َُّع ْم يدجثْدبُو جع‬:‫ قجد ْولُهُ جعَّز جا جج َّم‬،‫الن ج‬
‫اجلار ي‬ ‫يف تدج ْف ين يري عسيي ب ين إيبد ا يه ي ي ي‬
ُ ‫يم جا ف رجاايجة أيجيب ْج‬ ‫ج ِّ ْ ْ ج ج‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ُ ‫ي ْبهُ يدج ُق‬
‫ض‬ُ ‫ إ َّع آيجةج الْ ُمبجامق بدُ ْغ‬:‫يسَّى السَّهُ جعسجْيه جا آله‬ ‫ول السَّه ج‬ ُ ‫ال جر ُس‬ ‫ ُ جا قج ج‬،‫الن ج‬
َّ ‫ض جعس ٍّي جعسجْيه‬ ‫ي ُداره ْم ْن بدُ ْغ ي‬ ُ ‫ يجكْتُ ُمو جع ج ا يف‬:‫ول‬
‫ي‬ ‫يي ي‬ َّ ‫جعسي ٍّي جعسجْي يه‬
ُ‫اه‬ ِّ ‫ ُ جا جاا جع قجد ْوٌ يُظْ يعُا جع الْ جم جوَّداج ل جعس ٍّي عْب جد البي‬،‫الن ج‬
‫َّع جا يُنُّا جع بدُ ْغ ج‬
In Tafseer of Ali Bin Ibrahim (Qummi) – ‘And in a report of Abu Al Jaroud,

‘From Abu Ja’farasws (having said): ‘The Words of the Mighty and Majestic: Indeed!
They are folding up their chests to conceal from Him [11:5]. Heazwj is Saying,
they are concealing what is in their chests from the hatred of Aliasws, and Rasool-
Allahsaww said: ‘Surely a sign of the hypocrite is hatred of Aliasws, and they were a
group arrogating the cordiality to Aliasws in the presence of the Prophetsaww and they
were keeping hatred for himasws a secret.

‫ جعسجْي يع ْم جا أجنْدجزجل‬،‫ات السَّ يه عجسجْي يه أ ْجا تجج‬ ‫ي‬ ٍ ‫ي‬

ْ ‫َّو بي جف ْي ي ْن مج‬
‫ا يم جعس ٍّي ج‬
ُ ‫يسج جو‬ ‫ أجال يح ج يج ْنتجد ْغ ُفو جع ثييابدج ُع ْم مجيإنَّهُ جاا جع إيذجا جحد ج‬:ُ‫ال ججمَّ ذ ْاُر‬
‫مجد جق ج‬
.‫الص ُداير‬
ُّ ‫ات‬ ‫ يدعسجم ا ي ينُّا جع ا ا يدعسيبُو جع يح قجا وا إينَّه عسييم بي ي‬:َّ‫ول السَّه عَّز ا جم‬ ‫السَّه مي ييه ندج جف ي‬
ٌ ‫ج ُ ُج‬ ُْ ‫ج‬ ُ ُ ْ ‫ يدج ُق ُ ُ ج ج ج ج‬،‫اوا ثيجابدج ُع ْم ُمثَّ قجا ُوا‬ ُ ُ
So, Heazwj, Majestic is Hisazwj Mentioned Said: Indeed, (it is) when they are
gathering their clothes [11:5]. It was so that whenever a new thing came from the
merits of Aliasws, or it was recited unto them what Allahazwj had Revealed regarding
himasws, they were gathering their clothes and arising to leave. Allah azwj Mighty and
Majestic is Saying: He Knows what they are keeping as secret and what they are
making public [11:5], when they are arising to leave, He is a Knower with the
contents of the chests [11:5]’’.22

َّ ‫جخهللجدجيين ججابيُ بْ ُن جعْهلل يد السَّ يه أ‬

‫جع الْ ُم ْفياي ج جاانُوا إي جذا ج ُّاا‬ ‫ قج ج‬،‫يالي ٍح جع ْن جس يدي ٍ جع ْن أيجيب جج ْع جف ٍ اعسيه الن‬
ْ ‫ال أ‬
‫ي‬ ٍ
‫ابْ ُن جْحمهللُو جع ْن جن ييم بْ ين ج‬
‫ت طجأْطجأج أجح ُدهم ظجع ر ا رأْسه ه جك ج ا ا جغطَّى رأْسه بيثجدوبييه جال يد ار رس ُ ي‬ ‫ول السَّ يه حو جل الْهللدي ي‬
‫بي س ي‬
ُ‫ول السَّه ايسى اه عسيه اآله مجأجنْدجزجل السَّه‬ ُ ‫جج ُ ج‬ ْ ُ‫ج ج‬ ‫ج ُ ْ ْ جُ ج ج ج ُ ج ج‬ ْ‫ج ْ ج‬ ُ‫ج‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
.‫جعَّز جا جج َّم يدج ْعسج ُم ا يُنُّا جع جا ا يدُ ْعسبُو جع‬

Ibn Mahboub, from Jameel Bin Salih, from Sudeyr, who has narrated the following:

Abu Ja’farasws said: ‘Jabir Bin Abdullahra has narrated to measws that when the
Polytheists used to pass by Rasool-Allahsaww, they would incline their heads and
cover their heads with their clothes so that the Rasool-Allahsaww would not see
(recognise) them. So Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Revealed: He is a Knower with
the contents of the chests [11:5]’.23

167 :2 ‫تفسير القمّي‬
.321 :1 ‫تفسير القمّي‬
Al Kafi – H 14563 (Extract)

17 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

VERSES 7 & 8

‫ين آ ج بُدوا ي دْب ُك ْم جاأجنْد جف ُقدوا جالدُ ْدم‬ ‫َّ ي‬ ‫ي يي‬ ‫يي ي ي‬ ‫ي ي ي‬
‫آ بُدوا بالسَّدده جاجر ُسدوله جاأجنْف ُقدوا ِمدَّدا جج جعسج ُكد ْدم ُ ْنددتج ْخسجف ج ميدده ۖ مجالد ج‬
}7{ ٌ‫ججٌ جاهلليري‬ ْ‫أ‬
Believe in Allah and His Rasool, and spend from what He Made you the
successors in, for those from you who believe and are spending, for them
would be a great Recompense [57:7]

‫جخ د ج ي يثجدداقج ُك ْم إي ْع ُاْبددتُ ْم‬ ‫ي ي‬ ُ ‫جاج ددا لج ُكد ْدم جال تُد ْ ي بُددو جع بيالسَّد يده ۖ جاالَّ ُسد‬
‫دول يجد ْدعُوُا ْم لتُد ْ بُدوا بيدجبِّ ُك ْم جاقجد ْد أ ج‬
}8{ ‫ُ ْ ي بي ج‬
And what is the matter you are not believing in Allah, and the Rasool is calling
you to believe in your Lord, and He has already Taken your Covenants, if you
were Momineen? [57:8]

The apparent spending

‫ يز ي‬،‫ال‬
‫ جاالبَّد جف جق ية يف‬:‫ات‬ ْ ‫ جا جُْيتج يمسُو جع الْ جك جم يدُ ج ُّدا جع‬،‫ات‬‫الص جدقج ي‬
َّ ‫ودا جع بي‬ ‫ يد ُّدا جع ي ن ْاْلج و يال َّ ي‬:‫اس ا ع يدْب يف ُقو جع‬
‫وق َّ ج‬‫ااُُق ج‬ ُ ُ‫ جا جي‬،‫الزجا جوات‬ ‫ج ْج‬ ‫ُج‬ ُ ُ ‫ال ْي ج‬ ‫قج ج‬
‫دات ا ْاْلب دا ي ا ْاْلَُّع د ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي ي ي‬ ‫ي‬ َّ ‫اس ددتُ ي‬ ‫ْي ي‬
‫دات جا‬ ‫ جا جذ يال ْاْل ْجر جح ددا الْ جق ييهللجد ج ج ج ج‬- ‫ جا جا جن ددائ ي البَّد جف جق ددات الْ جواجهللجددات جعسجددى ْاْل ْجهس د ج‬،‫ب‬ ْ ‫اجل جع دداد إي جذا لج د يزج جا إي جذا‬
‫ ا ْاْلجخد ي‬،‫ض‬ ‫ا ِ بي ْي ي‬ ‫ ا جاالْمع ي‬،‫ات‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي يي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
ْ ‫اس ْس جدعا ِ جا الْ جقد ْ ي ج‬ ُ ْ ‫ جعسجى ج ْن جىتْ يج ُك ْن مجد ْضام جعسجْيع ُم البَّد جف جقةُ ْن جسائ الْ جقجابج ج ج‬-‫جاالبَّد جف جقات الْ ُم ْنتج ج هللَّات‬
.‫ات‬‫بيأجي يدل الاُّع جفا ي ا الاَّعيي جف ي‬
‫ج ج‬ ْ
The Imam (Hassan Al-Askariasws said): ‘Spending – They are paying the Zakat from
their wealth, and they are being generous with the charities, and they are enduring
the opening of the palms to be paying the necessitated Obligations – like the
spending regarding the Jihad when it is necessary and when it is recommended, and
like the rest of the spending Obligated upon its deserving ones – the ones with
relationships, and the fathers and the mothers, and like the recommended spending
upon the ones it is not Obligated to be spending upon, from the rest of the relatives,
and like the goodness with the relief and the loans, and the holding the hand of the
weak men and weak women’.24

The esoteric spending

.‫ ِما عسمباهم ن الق آع يتسوع‬:‫يبفقوع * قال‬

24 asws
Tafseer Imam Hassan Al Askari – S 38 (Extract)

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

(Imam Hassan Al Askariasws said): ‘Spending - from what weasws have taught them
from the Quran, they are reciting'.25


‫ات لييخ يج ُكم ي ن الظُّسُم ي‬

‫ات إي جن البُّوير ۖ جاإي َّع السَّهج بي ُك ْدم‬ ٍ ‫هو الَّ يل يدبجدِّزُل عسجى عهلل يدري آي‬
ٍ ‫ات بديِّدبج‬
‫ُ ج ْ ج ج‬ ْ ‫ُ ج ٰ جْ ج ج‬ ‫ُج‬
}9{ ‫يم‬ ‫لج ٌ ي‬
ٌ ‫ا ِ جرح‬ ُ‫ج‬
He is the One Who Sent clear Signs unto His servant for him to extract you
from the multiple darkness into the Light, and surely Allah is Kind, Merciful
with you [57:9]

‫ لييخد يج ُكم ي دن الظُّسُم ي‬:‫ ف قدول اه تعدان‬، ،‫ عدن أيب جعفد ا جعفد اعسيعمدا الندد‬: ‫ابدن شدع آشددو‬
‫ « ددن‬:‫دات إي جن البُّددوير يقدول‬ ‫ُْ ج ْ ج‬
.» ،‫ يعين إن الوالية لعسي اعسيه الن‬،‫الكف إن اسمياع‬

Ibn Shehr Ashub,

(Has narrated) from Abu Ja’farasws and Ja’farasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj the
Exalted: for him to extract you from the multiple darkness into the Light [57:9],
said: ‘From the Kufr into the Eman, meaning into the Wilayah of Aliasws’.26

َّ ‫ب جع ْن أيجيب جعْهلل يد السَّ يه جعسجْي يه‬

.ُ ،‫الن ج‬ ٍ ‫ البُّور اجاليجةُ جعسي ِّي بْ ين أيجيب طجالي‬:‫اع نُورام ُهللييبام ا قييم‬
‫ج ج ُج‬
‫يف جَْمم يع الْهللي ي‬
‫ج جج‬
In Majma Al Bayan –

‘And it is said, ‘The: Light [57:9] is the Wilayah of Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws’ – from
Abu Abdullahasws’.27

‫ ا‬، ‫ مالبور هم آل حممد ايسوات اه عسيعم‬:‫ مقال‬،‫ قص أبو عهللد اه قصة الف يق نيعا ف ابيثاق‬:‫ قال‬،‫عن نعدا بن يدقة‬
.»‫الظسمات عداهم‬

From Mas’adat Bin Sadaqa who said,

‘Abu Abdullahasws related the story of the two groups (good and evil) together during
the Covenant, then heasws said: ‘So: the Light [57:9], theyasws are the Progenyasws of
Muhammadsaww (being one Light), and the: (multitude of) darkness [57:9], are
theirasws enemies’’.28

Taweel Al Ayaat Al Zaahira – Ch 2 – H 1
.80 :3 ‫المنتقب‬
Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn – V 1 P 579 H 698
.461 /138 :1 ‫( تفسير العيّتشي‬Extract)

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‫ اب ن يتقسّب ف‬:‫ قال‬- ،‫الن‬

ّ ‫ عسيعم‬-‫عسي بن أيب طالب‬ ّ ‫ عن‬،‫ عن آبائه‬،‫ عن أبيه‬،‫ عن أيب عهللد السّه‬،‫ا ف اتا اخلصال‬
.‫ ا بظ ر يو القيا ة إن البّور‬،‫ ه نور‬،‫ ا ا‬،‫ ا عسمه نور‬،‫ ا خم جه نور‬،‫ دخسه نور‬:‫مخنة ن البّور‬

And in the book Al-Khisaal – from Abu Abdullahasws, from hisasws fatherasws, from
Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws having said: ‘The Momin fluctuates in five of the lights – His
entry is light, and his exit is light, and his knowledge is light, and his speech is light,
and his looking on the Day of Judgment would be towards the light’’.29


‫ض ۖ جال يج ْندتج يول ي دْب ُك ْم ج د ْدن‬ ‫ات جا ْاْل ْجر ي‬‫النددماا ي‬

َّ ‫او‬
ُ ‫دري‬ ‫ا دا لج ُكددم أَّجال تُدْب يف ُقدوا يف سدهللي ييم السَّ يده اليسَّد يده ي‬
‫جج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ ْ ‫جج‬
،‫ين أجنْد جف ُقوا ي ْن بجد ْع ُد جاقجداتجدسُوا ۖ جاُا ًد‬ ‫ي َّ ي‬
‫ك أ ْجعظج ُم جد جر ججةم جن ال ج‬ ‫أجنْد جف جق ي ْن قجدْهلل يم الْ جفْت يح جاقجاتج جم ۖ أُاٰلجَئي ج‬
}10{ ٌ‫ااُ ْن ج َٰن ۖ جاالسَّهُ يمبجا تجد ْع جمسُو جع جخهلليري‬ ْ ُ‫جا جع جد السَّه‬
And what is the matter that you are not spending in the Way of Allah, and for
Allah is the Inheritance of the skies and the earth? They are not the same - the
ones from you who spent from before the conquest (of Makkah) and fought,
are of a greater level than those who are spending from after (the conquest)
and fighting. And to each (of them) Allah has Promised the good, and Allah is
Informed with what you are doing [57:10]

‫ حدثين أبو العهللاس أمحد بن حممد بن سعيد بن عهللد ال محن‬:‫ قال‬،‫ عن أيب ابفام‬،‫ أخربنا ناعة‬:‫ قال‬، ‫الفيخ ف اَم النه‬
:‫ قال‬،‫ حدثبا عسي بن حناع الواسطي‬:‫ قال‬،‫ حدثبا حممد بن ابفام بن إب اهيم بن قيس اْلشع ل‬:‫ قال‬،‫االمداين بالكومة‬
‫ ف‬- ،‫ عن اانن بن عسي اعسيعم الن‬، ‫ عن جدر عسي بن اان‬،‫ عن أبيه‬،‫ عن جعف بن حممد‬،‫حدثبا عهللد ال محن بن اثري‬
:‫ ميعا مب ا عااية‬،‫ مقال اعسيه الن‬-‫خطهللة خطهللعا عبد يس ه ع عااية‬

Al-Sheykh (Al-Sadouq) in his Majaalis, from a group, from Abu Al-Mufazzal, from Abu Al-Abbas
Ahmad bin Muhammad Bin Saeed Bin Abdul Rahman Al-Hamdany at Al-Kufa, from Muhammad Bin
Al-Mufazzal-Bin Ibrahim Bin Qays Al-Ash’ary, from Ali Bin Hisan Al-Wasity, Abdul Rahman Bin

Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws, from hisasws grandfather Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws, from
Al-Hassanasws Bin Aliasws in a sermon which heasws preached during the reconciliation
with Muawiya – so heasws said regarding what was the record of Muawiya:

‫ مث ىت يزل رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله ف ام وطن‬،‫« مصدق أيب رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله سابقا ا اقار ببفنه‬
‫ لعسمه ببصي ته ه عز ا جم ا رسوله‬،‫ ا لكم شديدا ي سسه ثقة به به ا طمأنيبة إليه‬،‫يقد ه‬

.20 ‫ ح‬،277 /1 ‫) الخصتل‬2 (

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

Myasws father (Aliasws) ratified Rasool-Allahsaww before, and protected himsaww with
hisasws own self. Then Rasool-Allahsaww did not cease to put himasws forward in every
situation, and sending himasws in every difficulty, placing reliance upon him asws and
being reassured by himasws being aware of hissaww knowledge and hissaww advice for
the Sake of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic and Hisazwj Rasoolsaww.

‫النابيُقو جع أُالَئي ج‬
‫ مكاع أيب سابق‬،‫ك الْ ُم جقَّبُو جع‬ َّ ‫النابيُقو جع‬
َّ ‫ا جا‬:‫ ا قد قال اه عز ا جم‬،‫ا إنه أق ابق ب ن اه ا رسوله‬
، ‫ ا إن رسوله ايسى اه عسيه ا آله ا أق اْلق ب‬،‫النابق إن اه عز ا جم‬

And heasws is the foremost of the foremost ones from Allahazwj and Hisazwj Rasoolsaww.
And Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic has Said: And the foremost are the foremost
[56:10] These are the ones of proximity [56:11]. So myasws fatherasws was the
foremost of the foremost ones to Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic, and to Hisazwj
Rasoolsaww, and the nearest of the nearest ones.

‫ ال يج ْنتج يول ي ْب ُك ْم ج ْن أجنْد جف جق ي ْن قجدْهلل يم الْ جفْت يح جا قاتج جم أُالَئي ج‬:‫ا قد قال اه تعان‬
‫ ا‬،‫ ا ا إميانا‬،‫ مأيب ااع أاالم إس‬، ‫ك أ ْجعظج ُم جد جر ججةم‬
،‫ ا أاالم عسى اجدر ا اسعه نفقة‬،‫أاالم إن اه ا رسوله هج ا ا اوقا‬

And Allahazwj has Said: They are not the same, the one from you who spent from
before the conquest (of Makkah) and fought, are of a greater level [57:10]. So
myasws fatherasws was the first of them in Al-Islam and in faith, and the first of them to
Allahazwj and Hisazwj Rasoolsaww emigrating and overtaking (them), and the first one of
them upon its passion and the leniency in spending.

‫ي يي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫جاؤ ي ن بدع يد يهم يد ُقولُو جع ربدَّبجا ا ْغ يف لجبا ا ييسخوانيبجا الَّ يين سهللد ُقونا بي ْي ي‬ ‫َّ ي‬
‫ لسَّ ج‬،ً ‫اسمياع جا ال جْجت جع ْم ف قُدسُوبيبا غ‬
‫ين‬ ‫ج جج‬ ْ ‫ْ ج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ين ُ ْ ج ْ ْ ج‬ ‫ جا ال ج‬:‫قال سهلل انه‬
،‫يم‬ ‫َّك رُؤ ٌ ي‬ ‫ي‬
ٌ ‫ ِ جرح‬ ‫آ ج بُوا جربَّبا إن ج ج‬
The Glorious Said: And those who come after them are saying, ‘Our Lord!
Forgive us and our brethren who preceded us with the Eman, and do not Make
a grudge to be in our hearts towards those who are believing! Our Lord, You
are Kind, Merciful [59:10].

‫ ا قد‬،‫ ا ذلك أنه ىت ينهللقه به أحد‬، ‫مالباس ن نيع اْل م ينتغف اع له لنهللقه إياهم إن اسمياع ببهلليه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله‬
ٍ ‫عاج يين ا ْاْلجنْصا ير ا الَّ يين اتدَّهللدعوهم بييإح‬
‫ معو سابق نيع‬،‫ناع جر يض جي السَّهُ جعْبد ُع ْم‬ ‫النابيُقو جع ْاْل َّجالُو جع ي ن الْم ي‬
َّ ‫ جا‬:‫قال اه تعان‬
ْ ْ ُ ُ‫ج ج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ج ج‬ ُ ‫ج‬
، ‫النابق‬

And the people in all of the cities are seeking Forgiveness for him asws for himasws
having preceded them to the faith with hisasws Prophetsaww, and that no one has ever
preceded himasws. And Allahazwj the Exalted Said: And the foremost, the first ones
from the Emigrants and the Helpers, and those who followed them with
goodness, Allah is Pleased from them and they are pleased from Him [9:100].
Thus, heasws preceded all of the preceding ones.

.» ‫ مك لكا مام سابق النابق عسى النابق‬،‫ا ابتأخ ين‬ ‫مكما أع اه عز ا جم مام النابق عسى ابختسف‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

Thus, just as Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic has Preferred the preceding ones over
the differing ones and the late comers, then similar to that He azwj has Preferred the
most preceding one over the preceding ones’.30


}11{ ٌ‫ججٌ جا يمي‬ ‫ن جذا الَّ يل يد ْق يض السَّه قجد ضا حنبما مجدي ي‬

ْ ‫ااع جفهُ لجهُ جالجهُ أ‬
‫ُ ُ ج ْم جج ُج‬ ْ‫ج‬
Who is that who will lend Allah a goodly loan, so He would double it for him,
and for him would be an honourable Recompense [57:11]

‫ال جسأجلْتُهُ جع ْن قجد ْويل السَّ يه‬

‫قج ج‬ ،‫يم ا عسيه الن‬ ‫ي ي‬ ٍ ‫ااج جك يم جع ْن أيجيب الْ جم ْغجا ي جع ْن إي ْس ج ج‬
‫اق بْ ين جع َّمار جع ْن أيجيب إبْدجاه ج‬ ْ ‫جمحج ُد بْ ُن ُحمج َّم ٍد جع ْن جعسي ِّي بْ ين‬
‫ت يف ييسج ية ْي‬
. ‫اس ج اي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫ججٌ جا يميٌ قج ج‬
ْ ‫ال ندججزلج‬ ْ ‫ض السَّهج قجد ْضام جح جنبام مجديُااع جفهُ لجهُ جا لجهُ أ‬ ُ ‫جعَّز جا جج َّم ج ْن جذا الَّ ل يدُ ْق ي‬
Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ali Bin Al Hakam, from Abu Al Magra’a, from Is’haq Bin Ammar,

‘From Abu Ibrahimasws (7th Imamasws), said, ‘I asked himasws about the Words of
Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: Who is that who will lend Allah a goodly loan, so
He would double it for him, and for him would be an honourable Recompense
[57:11]. Heasws said: ‘It was Revealed regarding helping the Imamasws’.31

‫اان د ين الْم ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫جمحد جدد عددن عهللد يدد السَّد يده ب د ين َّ ي‬
‫اضددي اعسيدده‬ ‫س جا جعد ْدن جعْهللددد الْ جع يزي د يز بْد ين الْ ُم ْعتجدددل جعد ْدن جر ُج د ٍم جعد ْدن أيجيب ْج ج ج‬
‫الص د ْست جعد ْدن يدُدونُ ج‬ ْ ْ‫ُحمج َّمد ُدد بْد ُدن أ ْ ج ج ْ ج‬
.‫اس ج اي يف جد ْالج ية الْ جف جن جق ية‬
‫ال ييسجةُ ْي‬
‫ججٌ جا يميٌ قج ج‬ ‫ي‬
ْ ‫ض السَّهج قجد ْضام جح جنبام مجديُااع جفهُ لجهُ جا لجهُ أ‬
ُ ‫ان ج ْن جذا الَّ ل يدُ ْق ي‬ ‫ يف قجد ْولييه تجد جع ج‬،‫الن‬

Muhammad Bin Ahmad, from Abdullah Bin Al-Salt, from Yunus, and from Abdul Aziz Bin Al-Muhtady,
from a man, who has narrated the following:

Abu Al-Hassan the Lastasws, regarding the Words of the Exalted: Who is that who
will lend Allah a goodly loan, so He would double it for him, and for him would
be an honourable Recompense [57:11], heasws said; ‘It is the helping the Imamasws
during the government of the mischief’.32

‫ عدن عاايدة بدن‬،‫ عن عهللدد اه بدن محداد اْلنصدارل‬،‫ عن إب اهيم بن إس اق‬،‫ حدثبا أمحد بن هوذا الهللاهسي‬:‫ قال‬،‫حممد بن ال عهللاس‬
ُ ‫ ج ْدن ذجا الَّد ل يدُ ْقد ي‬:‫ عن قدول اه عدز ا جدم‬،‫ سألت أبا عهللد اه اعسيه الن‬:‫ قال‬،‫عمار‬
‫ «ذاك فا‬:‫ قدال‬،‫ض السَّدهج قجد ْضدام جح جندبام‬
.»‫ ا ال حم رحم آل حممد ايسى اه عسيه ا آله خاية‬،‫يسة ال حم‬

Muhammad Bin Al-Abbas, from Ahmad Bin Howzat Al-Bahily, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq, from Abdullah
Bin Hamaad Al-Ansary, from Muawiya Bin Amaar who said,

175 :2 ‫األمتلي‬
Al Kafi V 1 – The Book Of Divine Authority CH 129 H 4
Al Kafi V 8 – H 14909

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‘I asked Abu Abdullahasws about the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: [57:11]
Who is that who will lend Allah a goodly loan, heasws said: ‘Regarding maintaining
good relations with relatives, and the relatives are relatives of the Progenyasws of
Muhammadsaww in particular’.33

‫ عدن عداذ يداحب‬،‫ عدن محداد ابدن أيب طس دة‬،‫ عن حممد بدن سدباع‬،‫ عن أمحد بن حممد‬،‫ عن عدا ن أي اببا‬: ‫حممد بن يعقو‬
‫ ا ا‬،‫ « إع اه ىت ينأل خسقه ا ف أيديعم ق ضا ن حاجة به إن ذلك‬:‫ يقول‬،‫ لعت أبا عهللد اه اعسيه الن‬:‫ قال‬،‫اْلانية‬
.»‫ااع ه ن حق مإمنا هو لوليه‬

Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from a number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Sinan,
from Hamaad Ibn Abu Talha, from Ma’az who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullahasws saying: ‘Allahazwj does not ask Hisazwj creatures for what is
in their hands for a loan like the one who has a need for it, and whatever Rights
which are Allahazwj’s, so they are for Hisazwj Guardianasws’.34

‫ «يدا‬: ،‫أبو عهللد اه اعسيده الند‬ ‫ قال‬:‫ قال‬،‫ عن أبيه‬،‫ عن اانن بن ياح‬،‫ عن حممد بن عينى‬،‫ عن عسي بن إب اهيم‬:‫ا عبه‬
.»‫ درهم يويم به اس ا أعظم ازنا ن أحد‬،‫ياح‬

And from him (Yaqoub Kulayni), from Ali Bin Ibrahim, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Al-Hassan Bin
Mayaah, from his father who said,

‘Abu Abdullahasws said to me: ‘O Mayaah! One Dirham given to the Imam asws is
greater in weight than (the mountain of) Ohad’.35

:‫ يقدول‬،‫ لعت أبا عهللدداه عسيده الند‬:‫ عن ابن بكري قال‬،‫ عن ابن ماال‬،‫ عن أمحد بن حممد‬،‫ عن أمحد بن ُيَي‬،‫حممد بن ُيَي‬
.‫إين ْلخ ن أحدام الدرهم اإين بن أاث أهم ابديبة اال ا اريد ب لك إال أع تطع اا‬

Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Ibn Fazal, from
Ibn Bakeyr who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullahasws saying: ‘Iasws take the Dirham from one of you, whilst Iasws
am from the wealthiest people of Al-Medina. Iasws do not intend by that except to
purify you’.36

5 /658 :2 :2 ‫تأويل اآليت‬
3 /451 :1 ‫الكتفي‬
5 /452 :1 ‫الكتفي‬
/452 :1 ‫الكتفي‬7.

23 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws


‫يي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫يي‬

ٌ ‫ورُه ْم بجد ْ ج أجيْدي يع ْم جابيأْجميجاهن ْم بُ ْفجا ُا ُم الْيجد ْوج ججب‬
‫َّات جْجت يل‬ ُ ُ‫يجد ْوج تجدجى الْ ُم ْ ب ج جاالْ ُم ْ بجات يج ْن جع ٰى ن‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي ن ج تيعا ْاْلجنْدعار خالي يد ي‬
}12{ ‫يم‬ ُ ‫ك ُه جو الْ جف ْوُز الْ جعظ‬‫ين م جيعا ۖ ٰجذل ج‬ ‫ْ ْج جُ ج ج‬
On that Day you will see the Momineen and the Mominaat - their Light running
in front of them and on their right: ‘Glad tidings for you today, of Gardens
beneath which the rivers flow, abiding eternally therein’ – that is the mighty
success [57:12]

‫ عن عهللد‬،‫ عن عهللد اه بن عهللد ال محن‬،‫ عن حممد بن اانن‬، ،‫ عن عهللد اه بن الع‬، ‫ حدثبا حممد بن مها‬:‫ قال‬،‫حممد بن العهللاس‬
»‫ «نورهم ينعى بد أيدديعم ا بأميداهنم‬:‫ ا هو يقول‬،‫ لعت أبا عهللد اه اعسيه الن‬:‫ قال‬،‫ عن ياحل بن سعم‬،‫اه بن القاسم‬
.»‫ « نور أئمة اب ب يو القيا ة ينعى ب أيدل اب ب ا بأمياهنم ح يبزلوا هبم بازالم ف اجلبة‬:‫قال‬

Muhammad Bin Al-Abbas, from Muhammad Bin Hamam, from Abdullah Bin Al-A’la, from Muhammad
Bin Al-Hassan, from Abdullah Bin Abdul Rahman, from Abdullah Bin Al-Qasim, from Salih Bin Sahl
who said,

‘I heard Abu Abdullahasws and heasws was saying: ‘their Light running in front of
them and on their right [57:12]. This is the Light of the Imamsasws of the Momineen
on the Day of Judgement running in front of the Momineen, and on their right until
they encamp with them at their dwelling in the Paradise’. 37

‫ حدثبا أمحد بن حممد‬:‫ قال‬،‫ حدثبا عسي بن حممد بن عصمة‬:‫ قال‬، ‫ حدثبا أبو حممد عمار بن اان ارمحه اه‬:‫ قال‬،‫ابن بابويه‬
،‫ عدن القاسدم بدن عهللدد الواحدد‬،‫ عن مها بدن ُيدَي‬،‫ عن شيهللاع بن م اخ االبسي‬،‫ حدثبا اانن بن السيث ال ازل‬:‫ قال‬،‫الطربل مبكة‬
‫ إذ أقهللم‬، ‫ ابت ذات يو عبد البع ايسى اه عسيه ا آله‬:‫ قال‬،‫ عن جاب بن عهللد اه اْلنصارل‬،‫عن عهللد اه بن حممد بن عقي م‬
.»‫ «بسى يا رسول اه‬:‫ «أال أبف ك يا أبا اانن؟» قال‬:‫ مقال‬، ،‫بوجعه عسى عسي بن أيب طالب اعسيه الن‬

Ibn Babuwayh, from Abu Muhammad Amar bin Al-Husayn, from Ali Bin Muhammad Bin Asmat, from
Ahmad Bin Muhammad Al-Tabary at Makkah, from Al-Hassan Bin Al-Lays Al-Razy, from Shayban Bin
Farouj Al-Ably, from hamam Bin Yahya, from Al-Qasim Bin Abdul Wahid, from Abdullah Bin
Muhammad Bin Aqeel,

Jabir Bin Abdullah Al-Ansary who said, ‘One day I was in the presence of the
Prophetsaww when hesaww turned hissaww face towards Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws, so
hesaww said: ‘Shall Isaww give youasws the good news, O Abu Al-Hassanasws?’ Heasws
said: ‘Yes, O Rasool-Allahsaww!’

‫ ا اْلنددس عبددد‬،‫ ال مددق عبددد ابددوت‬:‫لدده أندده قددد أعطددى شدديعتك ا حمهلليددك سدهللع خصددال‬،‫ «هد ا جربئيددم َيددربين عددن اه جددم ج‬:‫قددال‬
،‫ ا دخددول اجلبددة قهللددم البدداس‬، ‫ ا اجل دواز عسددى الصد ا‬،‫ ا القنددا عبددد ابي دزاع‬،‫ ا اْل ددن عبددد الفددزع‬،‫ ا البددور عبددد الظسمددة‬،‫الوحفددة‬
.»‫«نورهم ينعى ب أيديعم ا بأمياهنم‬

9 /659 :2 :2 ‫تأويل اآليت‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

Hesaww said: ‘This here is Jibraeelas informing mesaww about Allahazwj, Majestic is
Hisazwj Majesty having Given yourasws Shias, and those that love youasws, seven
qualities – The kindness during the death, and the companions during the loneliness
(of the grave), and the Light in the darkness, and the security during the panic, and
the equity at the Scale, and the Permit over the Bridge, and the entrance into the
Paradise before the people: their Light running in front of them and on their right

VERSES 13 - 15

‫س ي ْدن نُدويرُا ْم قيي جدم ْاريجعُدوا جاجرا ج ُا ْدم‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ول الْمبامي ُقو جع االْمبامي جق ي ي‬
‫دات لسَّد ج‬
ْ ‫ين آ ج بُدوا انْظُُانجدا نجد ْقتجدهلل‬ ُ ‫ج ُج‬ ‫يجد ْوج يجد ُق ُ ُ ج‬
‫ي ي ي يي‬ ‫ي يي‬ ‫ي‬
ُ ‫ا د ي ج بجدْي دبجد ُع ْم بي ُنددوٍر لجددهُ بجددا ٌ بجاطبُددهُ ميدده الَّ ْمحجدةُ جاظجدداهُرُ د ْدن قهللجسدده الْ جع د ج ا‬
ُ ‫دورا مج‬
‫مجالْتجم ُن دوا ندُ م‬
On the Day the hypocrite men and the hypocrite women would be saying to
those who believe, ‘Wait for us to acquire from your light’. It would be said:
‘Go back and seek your own light!’ Then, a gate would be struck between them
having a wall for it – inside it would be the Mercy and outside there would be
the Punishment in front of it [57:13]

ْ َّ‫دادانجد ُع ْم أج جىتْ نج ُكد ْدن ج جع ُكد ْدم ۖ قجددالُوا بجدسجد ٰدى جالجكدبَّ ُك ْم مجدتجدْبددتُ ْم أجنْد ُف جند ُك ْم جاتجدجب‬
‫صددتُ ْم جا ْارتجدْهللددتُ ْم جا جغدَّتْ ُك ُم‬ ُ ‫يدُبجد‬
‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬
}14{ ‫ار‬ ُ ُ‫ْاْلجج ياينُّ جح َّ ٰ ججا ج أجْ ُ السَّه جا جغَُّا ْم بالسَّه الْغج‬
They will call out to them, ‘Were we not with you?’ They shall say, ‘Yes! But
you fell into temptation, and you waited and doubted, and wishful thinking
deceived you until the Command of Allah came, and the arch deceiver
deceived you about Allah [57:14]

‫س‬ ‫َئ‬
ْ ‫دار ۖ يهدي ج ْدوجال ُا ْم ۖ جابي‬
‫د‬ ُ َّ
‫ب‬ ‫ال‬ ‫م‬ ‫ا‬
ُ ‫ا‬
‫ا‬ ‫ج‬ ْ
‫أ‬ ‫د‬ ‫ج‬ ۖ ‫ا‬
‫ا‬ ‫د‬‫ف‬‫ج‬ ‫ا‬
‫ج‬ ‫ين‬
‫مجالْيدو جال يد خ ُ ي ْب ُكم مي ْديةٌ اجال ي ن الَّد ي‬
‫ْ ج ج ج‬ ‫ج ْ ج ُْ ج‬
‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ ُ ُ
}15{ ُ‫صري‬ ‫الْم ي‬
So today, neither will ransom be taken from you nor from those who
committed Kufr. Your abode is the Fire. It is your guardian, and evil is the
destination [57:15]

.112 /402 :‫الخصتل‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‫ اع البدداس يقنددم بيددبعم البددور يددو القيا ددة عسددى قدددر اميدداهنم‬: ،‫ قددال أبددو عهللددد اه عسيدده الندد‬:‫القاسددم عددن عسددي عددن أيب بصددري قددال‬
‫ كانكم ح اقتهللس ن نورام‬:‫ايقنم اي قنمه لسمبامق ميكوع نورر عسى اقدر اهبا رجسه الين ى اميطف ميعطى نورر ميقول‬
- ‫ يعَن حيث قنم البور‬- ‫ اارجعوا ارائكم مالتمنوا نورا‬:‫قيم‬

Al Qasim, from Ali, from Abu Baseer who said,

‘Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘‘The Light would be distributed between the people in
accordance with their ‘beliefs’. The hypocrites would be distributed their light which
would be in their big toe of their left leg, (but it would extinguish), so he will tread on
his light, and he would be saying, ‘Stay in your places (O Momineen) until I take
some of your light’. It would be said: ‘Go back and seek your own light!’,
Meaning (go back to) where the Light is being distributed’.

‫ اأىت نكدن عكدم قدالوا بسدى الكدبكم متبدتم أنفندكم موبصدتم‬:‫ ميبداداهنم دن ارا الندور‬:‫ مريجعوع ميا بيبعم الندور قدال‬: ‫قال‬
‫اارتهللدتم اغد تكم اْل داين حد جدا أ د اه ا غدام بداه الغد ار مداليو ال ي خد دبكم مديددة اال دن الد ين افد اا دأااام البدار هددي‬
‫والام ابَئس ابصري‬

Heasws said: ‘So they would be returning, but a wall would be struck between them,
and they would be calling out from behind the wall, They will call out to them,
‘Were we not with you?’ They shall say, ‘Yes! But you fell into temptation, and
you waited and doubted, and wishful thinking deceived you until the
Command of Allah came, and the arch deceiver deceived you about Allah
[57:14] So today, neither will ransom be taken from you nor from those who
committed Kufr. Your abode is the Fire. It is your guardian, and evil is the
destination [57:15]’.

‫ يا أبا حممد إ ا ااه ا قال اه لسيعود االبصارى الكبه عَن أهم القهللسة‬:‫مث قال‬

Then heasws said: ‘O Abu Muhammad! By Allahazwj! Allahazwj is not Speaking to the
Jews and the Christians, but Heazwj is Meaning by it the People of the Qiblah

‫ ا ااند بدن‬،‫ ا عسدي بدن أمحدد ابدن وسدى الددقاق‬،‫ ا حممدد بدن أمحدد الندباين‬،‫ حدثبا أمحد بدن ااندن القطداع‬:‫ قال‬،‫ابن بابويه‬
‫ حددثبا أبدو العهللداس أمحدد بدن ُيدَي بدن زا يدا‬:‫ قدالوا‬، ‫ ا عسي بن عهللد اه الدوراق ارضدي اه عبده‬،‫إب اهيم بن أمحد بن هفا ابكتب‬
،‫ عن ثدور بدن يزيدد‬،‫ حدثبا سسيماع بن حكيم‬:‫ قال‬،‫ حدثبا َتيم بن هبسول‬:‫ قال‬،‫ حدثبا بك بن عهللد اه بن حهلليب‬:‫ قال‬،‫القطاع‬
‫ «لقد عسم ابنت فظوع ن أي ا البع حممد ايدسى‬: ،‫ قال أ ري اب ب عسي بن أيب طالب اعسيه الن‬:‫ قال‬،‫عن ك ول‬
.»‫ ا سهللعوع بقهللة ىت يفاين ميعا أحد‬،‫اه عسيه ا آله أنه ل يس ميعم رجم له بقهللة إال ا قد شاته ميعا ا ماسته‬

Ibn Babuwayh, from Ahmad Bin Al-Hassan Al-Qatan, and Muhammad Bin Ahmad Al-Sanany, and Ali
Bin Ahmad Ibn Musa Al-Daqaq, and Al-Husayn Bin Ibrahim Bin Ahmad Bin Hisham Al-Maktab, and
Ali Bin Abdullah Al-Waraq, from Abu Al-Abbas Ahmad Bin Yahya Bin Zakariya Al-Qatan, from Bakr
Bin Abdullah Bin Habeen, from Tameem Bin Bahlool, from Suleyman Bin Hakeem, from Sowrat Bin
Yazeed, from Mak’howl who said,

Kitab Al Zohad – Ch 17 H 249

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‘Amir-al-Momineen Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws said: ‘The memorisers from the
companions of the Prophetsaww knew that there was no man among them who had
virtues for him except that Iasws had a share in it and had preference in it. And for
measws there are seventy virtues in which no one has a share with measws’.

‫ثوع مإين لعت رسول اه ايسى‬،‫ «ا أ ا الث‬:‫ قال‬- ‫ ا ذا النهللع‬-: ،‫ مقال اعسيه الن‬،‫ مأخربين هبن‬، ‫ يا أ ري اب ب‬:‫قست‬
،‫ مأال راية ت د عسي راية م عوع ه ر اْل ة ا هو عااية‬،‫ ف أ ن يو القيا ة عسى مخس رايات‬:‫اه عسيه ا آله يقول‬

I said, ‘O Amir-al-Momineenasws! Inform me of these’. So heasws said, and heasws

mentioned seventy, and said: ‘And as for the thirtieth, so I asws heard Rasool-Allahsaww
saying: ‘Mysaww community would he herded on the Day of Judgement upon five
banners. So the first banner would be the banner of the Pharaoh of this community,
and he is Muawiya.

‫ ا ال ابعدة دع‬،‫ ا الثالثة ع جاثسيق هد ر اْل دة ا هدو أبدو وسدى اْلشدع ل‬،‫ا الثانية ع سا ل ه ر اْل ة ا هو عم ا بن العاق‬
،‫ تعا اب بوع ا أنت إ ا عم‬،‫ ا أ ا اخلا نة ممعك يا عسي‬،‫أيب اْلعور النسمي‬

And the second would be with the Samiri of this community, and he is Umar Bin Al-
A’as. And the third would be with the Catholics of this community and he is Abu
Musa Al-Ashary. And the fourth would be with Abu Al-Awr Al-Salmy. And the fifth
would be with youasws, O Aliasws, beneath it would be the Momineen and youasws
being their Imamasws’.

‫ ا‬،‫ ا هدم شديعن‬،ُ‫باطبُدهُ ميي يده الَّ ْمحجدة‬

ٌ ‫ا ي ج بدجْيدبجد ُع ْم بي ُندوٍر لجدهُ بدا‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
ُ ‫ ْارج ُعوا جارا ج ُا ْم مجالْتجم ُنوا نُورام مج‬:‫مث يقول اه تهللارك ا تعان لألربعة‬
، ‫ ا قاتم عي الفَئة الهللاغية ا البااهللة عن الص ا‬،‫ن ااالين‬

Then Allahazwj, Blessed and Exalted will Say to the four: ‘Go back and seek your
own light!’ Then, a gate would be struck between them having a wall for it –
inside it would be the Mercy [57:13], and they are myasws Shias, and the ones who
befriended measws, and fought alongside measws against the rebellious group and
ones straying away from the Path.

ُّ‫صتُ ْم جا ْارتجدْهللتُ ْم جا جغدَّتْ ُك ُم ْاْلج يداين‬ ‫ي‬

ْ َّ‫ ميبادل ه ال أج جىتْ نج ُك ْن ج جع ُك ْم قالُوا بجسى جا لكبَّ ُك ْم مجدتجدْبتُ ْم أجنْد ُف جن ُك ْم جا تجدجب‬،‫ا با ال محة هم شيعن‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي َّ ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫س‬ ‫ين جا جفُاا ج أْاا ُا ُم البَّا ُر ه جي ج ْوال ُا ْم جا بَْئ ج‬ ‫ار مجالْيجد ْوج ال يدُ ْ جخ ُ ْب ُك ْم م ْديجةٌ جا ال جن ال ج‬ ُ ُ‫ف الدنيا جح َّ جا ج أجْ ُ السَّه جا جغَُّا ْم بالسَّه الْغج‬
‫الْم ي‬
،‫ص ُري‬ ‫ج‬
And the Gate of Mercy, they are myasws Shias. Those ones will call out: They will
call out to them, ‘Were we not with you?’ They shall say, ‘Yes! But you fell into
temptation, and you waited and doubted, and wishful thinking deceived you
until the Command of Allah came, and the arch deceiver deceived you about
Allah [57:14] So today, neither will ransom be taken from you nor from those
who committed Kufr. Your abode is the Fire. It is your guardian, and evil is the
destination [57:15].

.»‫ أط د هبا أعدائي ط د غ يهللة اسبم‬،‫ ا بيدل عصا عوسج‬، ‫ مريااع ن حوض حممد ايسى اه عسيه ا آله‬،‫مث ت د أ ن ا شيعن‬

27 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

Then myasws community and myasws Shias would be received by Muhammadsaww at

the Fountain. And in myasws hand would be a stick with which Iasws shall repel myasws
enemies like the repelling of the strange camel’.40

‫ عن‬،‫ عن اْلحول‬، ‫ عن اانن بن حمهللو‬،‫ عن جدر‬،‫ عن أبيه‬،‫ حدثبا حممد بن اانن بن عسي بن عزيار‬:‫ قال‬،‫حممد بن العهللاس‬
ُ‫باطبُهُ مي ييه الَّ ْمحجة‬
ٌ ‫ا ي ج بدجْيدبجد ُع ْم بي ُنوٍر لجهُ با‬
ُ ‫ مج‬:‫ عن قول اه تهللارك ا تعان‬،‫ سألت أبا جعف اعسيه الن‬:‫ قال‬،‫ بن ابنتبري‬،‫س‬
.»‫باداندج ُع ْم أج جىتْ نج ُك ْن ج جع ُك ْم‬ ‫ي ي ي يي‬
ُ ُ‫جا ظاهُرُ ْن قهللجسه الْ جع ا ُ ي‬
Muhammad Bin Al-Abbas, from Muhammad Bin Al-Hassan Bin Ali Bin Mahziyar, from his father, from
his grandfather, from Al-Hassan Bin Mahboub, from Al-Ahowl, from Salaam Bin Al-Mustaneer who

‘I asked Abu Ja’farasws about the Words of Allahazwj Blessed and Exalted: Then, a
gate would be struck between them having a wall for it – inside it would be the
Mercy and outside there would be the Punishment in front of it [57:13] They
will call out to them, ‘Were we not with you?’ [57:14].

‫ ض اه‬، ‫ئق ف ط يق احملف‬،‫ أ ا إنه إذا ااع يو القيا ة ا حهللس اخل‬،‫ « أ ا إهنا نزلت ميبا ا ف شيعتبا ا ف الكفار‬:‫ مقال‬:‫قال‬
‫ ميصرينا اه ا شديعتبا ف بداطن‬-‫ يعين الظسمة‬- ‫ ا ظاه ر ن قهللسه الع ا‬-‫ يعين البور‬-‫ ميه با باطبه ميه ال محة‬،‫سورا ن ظسمة‬
،‫ ا يصري عدانا ا الكفار ف ظاه النور ال ل ميه الظسمة‬،‫النور ال ل ميه ال محة ا البور‬

Heasws said: ‘But rather, it was Revealed regarding usasws and regarding ourasws
Shias, and regarding the Kafirs. But, when it will be the Day of Judgement, and the
creatures would be Imprisoned on the Plains of Resurrection, Allah azwj would Bring
down a wall of darkness in which there would be a gate. On the inside of it would be
the Mercy – Meaning the Light – and on the outside of it would be the Punishment –
Meaning the darkness. Allahazwj would Cause usasws and ourasws Shias to be in the
inside of the wall in which is the Mercy, and Cause ourasws enemies and the Kafirs to
be on the outside of it, wherein would be darkness.

‫تبا‬،‫ ا ي‬،‫ نهلليبا ا نهلليكم ااحد‬،‫ أ ىت نكن عكم ف الدنيا‬: ‫ميباديكم أعداؤنا ا أعداؤام ن الهللا ال ل ف النور ظاه ر الع ا‬
.»‫ ا حجبا ا حجكم ااحد؟‬،‫ ا يو با ا يو كم ااحد‬،‫تكم ااحداا‬،‫ا ي‬

So, ourasws enemies and your enemies would be calling out to you all from the gate
which is on the outside of the wall wherein would be Punishment: They will call out
to them, ‘Were we not with you?’ [57:14] - in the world. Our Prophetsaww and your
Prophetsaww was one, and our Salats and your Salats were one, and our Fasts and
your Fasts were one, and our Hajj and your Hajj were one’.

‫ ا‬،‫ ا تداتم اتهللداع دن أ دام بده نهللديكم‬،‫ مث تدوليتم‬،‫ ا لكدبكم متبدتم أنفندكم بعدد نهللديكم‬،‫ بسدى‬:‫ « ميباديعم ابسك دن عبدد اه‬:‫قال‬
،‫مكم ْلهم ااق‬،‫ ا غ تكم اْل اين ا ا اجتمعتم عسيه ن خ‬،‫ ا ارتهللتم ميما قال ميه نهلليكم‬، ‫ت بصتم به الداائ‬

.1 /575 :‫الخصتل‬

28 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

Heasws said; ‘So the Angel would Call out to them from the Presence of Allah azwj:
‘Yes! But you fell into temptation [57:14] - after your Prophetsaww, then you turned
back from himsaww and abandoned the following of the one asws whom your
Prophetsaww had ordered you to, and you waited - for the misfortune to hit himsaww,
and doubted - what your Prophetsaww had said with regards to himasws (Aliasws, and
your wishful thinking deceived you - when you formed a consensus upon it of
opposing the people of the Truth.

‫ ا ن ظع ن بعدر‬،‫ يعين بااق ظعور عسي بن أيب طالب اعسيه الن‬-‫ ح جا ااق‬،‫ا غام حسم اه عبكم ف تسك ااال‬
-‫ بااق‬،‫ن اْلئمة اعسيه الن‬

And Allahazwj, and the Forbearance of Allahazwj deceived you in that state, until there
came the Truth – meaning with the Truth, the appearance of Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws,
and the appearance of the Imamsasws from after himasws with the Truth.

‫ار يعين الفيطاع مجالْيجد ْوج ال يدُ ْ جخ ُ ي دْب ُك ْم مي ْديدجةٌ جا ال ي جدن الَّد يي جن جا جفدُاا أل ال توجدد لكدم حندبة‬ ‫ي ي‬
ُ ُ‫ جا جغَُّا ْم بالسَّه الْغج‬:‫ا قوله عز ا جم‬
‫تفداع هبا أنفنكم أْاا ُام البَّار يهي وال ُام ا بيَْئس الْم ي‬
.»‫ص ُري‬ ‫ج ُ ُ ج جْ ْ ج ج ج‬
And the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: and the arch deceiver deceived you
about Allah [57:14] - Meaning the Satanla So today, neither will ransom be taken
from you nor from those who committed Kufr - Meaning you will not find a good
deed with which you would be able to ransom yourselves, Your abode is the Fire. It
is your guardian, and evil is the destination [57:15]’.41

‫ عدن سدعيد بدن‬،‫ عدن أبيده‬، ‫ عدن عمد ا بدن أيب ابقددا‬،‫ عدن عهللدد اه بدن محداد‬،‫ عدن إبد اهيم بدن إسد اق‬،‫ عن أمحد بن هوذا‬:‫ا عبه‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي يي‬
ُ‫ا ي ج بدجْيدبجد ُع ْم بي ُنوٍر لجهُ با ٌ باطبُهُ ميه الَّ ْمحجةُ جا ظاهُر‬
ُ ‫ مج‬:‫ قال سَئم رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله عن قول اه عز ا جم‬،‫جهللري‬
.» ‫ ا ليس ي تى النور إال ن قهللم الهللا‬، ‫ ا عسي الهللا‬،‫ «أنا النور‬:‫ مقال‬، ُ ‫ي ْن قيهللجسي يه الْ جع ا‬

And from him, from Ahmad Bin Howzat, from Ibrahim Bin Is’haq, from Abdullah Bin Hamad, from
Amro Bin Abu Al Miqdam, from his father, from Saeed Bin Jubeyr who said,

‘Rasool-Allahsaww was asked about the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: Then,
a gate would be struck between them having a wall for it – inside it would be
the Mercy and outside there would be the Punishment in front of it [57:13], so
hesaww said: ‘Isaww am the wall and Aliasws is the gate, and the wall cannot be come to
except from the direction of the gate’’.42

11 /660 :2 ‫تأويل اآليت‬
13 /662 :2 ‫تأويل اآليت‬

29 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws


‫َّ ي‬ ْ ‫ين آ ج بُوا أج ْع جَتْ جف جع قُدسُوبدُ ُع ْم ليد ي ْا ي السَّ يده جاج دا ندج جدزجل ي جدن‬ ‫ييي‬
‫ين أُاتُدوا‬
‫ااج ِّدق جاجال يج ُكوندُوا جاالد ج‬ ‫أج جىتْ يجأْع لسَّ ج‬
}16{ ‫اس ُقو جع‬ ‫ال عسجي يعم ْاْلج ُد مجد جقنت قُدسُوبدعم ۖ اجاثيري ي ْبدعم مج ي‬ ‫ي ي‬
ْ ُ ٌ ‫ج ْ ُُ ْ ج‬ ‫الْكتجا ج ْن قجدْهلل ُم مجطج ج ج ْ ُ ج‬
Has not the time yet come for those who believe that their hearts should be
humble for the Zikr of Allah and what has come down from the Truth? And
they should not become like those Given the Book from before, so the term
prolonged upon them and their hearts hardened, and most of them are
transgressors [57:16]

Prolongation of the term - the Occultation of the 12th Imamasws

،‫ حدثبا اانن بن حممد بن لاعة‬:‫ قال‬،‫ حدثبا محيد بن زياد الكوف‬:‫ قال‬، ‫ حدثبا حممد بن مها‬:‫ قال‬،‫حممد بن إب اهيم البعماين‬
:‫ لعتده يقدول‬:‫ قدال‬، ،‫ عن رجدم دن أيد ا أيب عهللدد اه جعفد بدن حممدد اعسيعمدا الند‬،‫ حدثبا أمحد بن اانن ابيثمي‬:‫قال‬
‫ت قُدسُوبدُ ُع ْم جا جاثي ٌري ي ْبد ُع ْم‬ ‫ين أُاتُوا الْ يكتا ج ي ْن قجدْهلل ُم مج ج‬ ‫َّ ي‬
ْ ‫طال جعسجْي يع ُم ْاْلج ج ُد مجد جق جن‬ ‫«نزلت ه ر اْلية الن ف سورا ااديد جا ال يج ُكونُوا جاال ج‬
،‫ماس ُقو جع ف أهم ز اع الغيهللة‬

Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Al-No’many, from Muhammad Bin Hamam, from Hameed Bin Ziyad Al-Kufy,
from Al-Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Sama’at, from Ahmad Bin Al-Hassan Al-Maysami,

A man from the companions of Abu Abdullah asws Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws, said:
‘I heard himasws saying: ‘This Verse in Surah Al-Hadeed: And they should not
become like those Given the Book from before, so the term prolonged upon
them and their hearts hardened, and most of them are transgressors [57:16],
was Revealed regarding the people era of the occultation’’.43

‫ عن أمحدد بدن‬،‫ عن اانن ابن حممد بن لاعة‬،‫ حدثبا محيد بن زياد‬:‫ قال‬، ‫ أخربين عسي بن حامت ف ا اتب إ‬:‫ قال‬،‫ابن بابويه‬
‫ين أُاتُدوا‬ ‫َّ ي‬
‫ جا ال يج ُكوندُوا جاالد ج‬:‫ «نزلدت هد ر اْليدة ف القدائم‬:‫ قدال‬، ،‫ عن أيب عهللد اه اعسيه الن‬،‫ عن لاعة ا غرير‬،‫اانن ابيثمي‬
‫طال عسجي يعم ْاْلج ُد مجد جقنت قُدسُوبدعم ا جاثيري ي ْبدعم ي‬
.»‫ماس ُقو جع‬ ‫ي ي‬
ْ ُ ٌ ‫ج ْ ُُ ْ ج‬ ‫الْكتا ج ْن قجدْهلل ُم مج ج ج ْ ُ ج‬
Ibn Babuwayh, from Ali Bin Haatim, from Hameed Bin Ziyad, from Al-Hassan Ibn Muhammad Bin
Sama’at, from Ahmad Bin Al-Hassan Al-Maysami, from Sama’at, and someone else,

‘Abu Abdullahasws has said: ‘This Verse was Revealed regarding Al-Qaimasws: And
they should not become like those Given the Book from before, so the term
prolonged upon them and their hearts hardened, and most of them are
transgressors [57:16]’.44

24 :‫( الغيحة‬Extract)
12 /668 :‫كمتل الدين و تمتم النعمة‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‫ «نزلدت هد ر‬:‫ لعتده يقدول‬:‫ قدال‬،‫ عدن رجدم دن أيد ا أيب عهللدد اه اعسيده الند‬، ‫ عدن حممدد بدن مهدا‬،‫ بإسدبادر‬:‫الفد يخ ابفيدد‬
‫طال عسجي يعم ْاْلج ُد مجد جقنت قُدسُوبدعم ا جاثيدري ي دْبدعم ي‬
،‫ ف أهدم ز داع الغيهللدة‬،‫ماسد ُقو جع‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫َّ ي‬
ْ ُ ٌ ‫ج ْ ُُ ْ ج‬ ‫ين أُاتُوا الْكتا ج ْن قجدْهلل ُم مج ج ج ْ ُ ج‬
‫ جا ال يج ُكونُوا جاال ج‬:‫اْلية‬
»‫ا اْل د أ د الغيهللة‬

Al-Sheykh Al-Mufeed, by his chain, from Muhammad Bin Hamam,

A man from the companions of Abu Abdullah asws said, ‘I heard himasws saying: ‘This
Verse was Revealed - [57:16] And that they should not be like those who were
given the Book before, but the time became prolonged to them, so their hearts
hardened, and most of them are transgressors – regarding the people of the era
of the occultation, and the prolongation of the duration of the occultation’.

‫ متأايدم هد ر‬.‫ن قهللم مطال عسيعم اْل د‬ ‫ ال تكونوا اال ين أاتوا الكتا‬،‫ أا يا عف الفيعة‬،‫ يا أ ة حممد‬،‫اأنه أراد عز ا جم‬
.‫اْلية جار ف أهما ز اع الغيهللة ا أيا عا داع غريهم‬

Ait is as if the Mighty and Majestic Intended: ‘O community of Muhammadsaww, or O

community of the Shias! Do not become like the ones who were Given the Book
before, and the duration was prolonged for them’. So the explanation of this Verse
flows regarding the people of the era of the occultation, and its days, apart from


}17{ ‫ات لج جعسَّ ُك ْم تجد ْع يقسُو جع‬

‫جع السَّه ُُييي ْاْلجرض بدع جد ويهتجا ۖ قج ْد بديَّدبَّا لج ُكم ْاْلي ي‬
‫ُ ج‬ ‫ج‬ ْ‫ْ ج جْ ج‬ ْ ‫ْاعسج ُموا أ َّ ج‬
Know that Allah Revives the earth after its death. We Clarified the Signs for
you, perhaps you would be using your intellects [57:17]

Revival of the earth after its death

‫ يف قجد ْويل السَّ يه‬،‫يم ا عسيه الن‬ ‫ي ي‬ ْ ‫وسى بْ ين جس ْع جدا جع جع ْن جعْهلل يد الَّ ْمحج ين بْ ين‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫اج جع ْن أيجيب إبْدجاه ج‬ ‫ااج َّج ي‬ ‫جمحج ُد بْ ُن ْعجا جع جع ْن ُحمج َّمد بْ ين جعس ٍّي جع ْن ُ ج‬ ْ‫أ‬
‫ض ييس ْحيجدا ي الْ جعد ْد يل جا‬ ُ ‫س ُُْيي جيعا بيالْ جقطْ ي جا لج يك ْن يدجْهللد جع‬
ُ ‫ث السَّهُ ير جج ماال مجديُ ْ يُو جع الْ جع ْد جل مجدتُ ْ يجا ْاْل ْجر‬ ‫ض بدج ْع جد ج ْويهتا قج ج‬
‫ال لجْي ج‬ ‫جعَّز جا جج َّم ُُْي يي ْاْل ْجر ج‬
‫ي‬ ‫اا ِّد ليسَّ يه أجنْد جفع يف ْاْلجر ي ي‬
. ‫يهللجاحام‬‫ض جن الْ جقطْ ي أ ْجربجع ج ج‬ ْ ُ ‫جيسقجا ج ةُ ْج‬
Ahmad Bin Mahran, from Muhammad Bin Ali, from Musa Bin Sa’dan, from Abdul Rahman Bin Al

‘From Abu Ibrahimasws (7th Imamasws) regarding the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and
Majestic: Know that Allah Revives the earth after its death [57:17]. Heasws said:
14 /662 :2 ‫تأويل اآليت‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‘Heazwj does not Revive it with the drops (of rain), but Allahazwj Sends men, so they
are reviving the justice. Thus the earth gets revived with the revival of the justice,
and the establishment of the Limits of Allahazwj is more beneficial in the earth than
the drops (of rain) of forty days’.46

‫ع أجنَّهُ جسأ ججل أجبجا جعْهلل يد السَّ يه اعسيه‬ ْ ‫يالي ٍح جع ْن ُحمج َّم ٍد‬
ِّ ‫ااجسجي‬ ‫َّم بْ ين ج‬ ‫ت جع ْن يُونُس جع ين الْ ُم جفا ي‬
‫ج‬ َّ ‫ت جع ْن جعْهلل يد السَّ يه بْ ين‬
‫الص ْس ي‬ ‫الص ْس ي‬
َّ ‫جمحج جد بْ ين‬ ْ ‫ُحمج َّم ُد بْ ُن أ‬
.‫اجلجْوير‬ ‫ض بدج ْع جد ج ْويهتا قج ج‬
ْ ‫ال الْ جع ْد جل بدج ْع جد‬ َّ ‫ جع ْن قجد ْويل السَّ يه جعَّز جا جج َّم ْاعسج ُموا أ‬،‫الن‬
‫جع السَّهج ُُْي يي ْاْل ْجر ج‬
Muhammad Bin Ahmad Bin Al-Salt, from Abdullah Bin Al-Salt, from yunus, from Al-MufazzAl-Bin
Salih, from Muhammad Al-Halby, who has said:

I asked Abu Abdullahasws about the Words of Allahazwj: Know that Allah Revives the
earth after its death [57:17]. Heasws said: ‘The justice, after the tyranny’.47

‫ عدن‬، ‫ عدن ااندن بدن حمهللدو‬،‫ عدن أمحدد بدن ااندن ابيثمدي‬،‫ عن اانن بن حممدد بدن لاعدة‬،‫ عن محيد بن زياد‬،‫حممد بن العهللاس‬
‫جع السَّددهج ُُْيد يي ْاْل ْجر ج‬
‫ض بدج ْعد جدد‬ َّ ‫ ْاعسج ُمدوا أ‬:‫ ف قولدده عددز ا جددم‬، ،‫ عددن أيب جعفد اعسيدده الندد‬،‫ بددن ابنددتبري‬،‫ عددن سدد‬،‫أيب جعفد اْلحددول‬
‫ مت يدا اْلرض ا ُييدا أهسعدا بعدد‬،‫ ميعددل ميعدا‬،‫ مي ييعدا اه بالقدائم اعسيده الند‬،‫ ا الكام يدت‬،‫ « يعين مبوهتا اف أهسعا‬:‫ج ْويهتا‬

Muhammad Bin Al-Abbas, from Hameed Bin Ziyad, from Al-Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Sama’at,
from Ahmad Bin Al-Hassan Al-Maysami, from Al-Hassan Bin Mahboub,

‘Abu Ja’farasws Al-Ahowl, from Salam Bin Al-Mustaneer, from Abu Ja’farasws regarding
the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: Know that Allah Revives the earth after its
death [57:17]: ‘It mean by its death, the Kufr of its people, and the Kafir is a dead
(person), so Allahazwj will Revive it by Al-Qaimasws, whoasws will do justice in it. Thus
the earth would be revived, and its people would be revived, after their death’.48

Clarification of the Signs

.»‫ أع ا بوا باْلاييا اسعم‬،‫ ف بطن الق آع‬،‫ «ا بوا بآياتبا اسعا‬:‫ ا لعته يقول‬:‫قال‬

He (the narrator) said, ‘And I heard him (Abu Ja’farasws) saying: ‘They are belying
ourasws signs, all of them, in the esoteric of the Quran, and they were belying the
succesorsasws, all of themasws’’.49

: ،‫ ا الدليم عسى ذلك قول أ ري اب ب اعسيه الن‬، ،‫ أ ري اب ب ا االئمة اعسيعم الن‬:‫ اْليات‬:‫ا قال عسي بن إب اهيم‬
.»‫« ا ه آية أارب ين‬

Al Kafi – V 7 – The Book of Legal Penalties Ch 1 H 2
Al Kafi – H 14838
.15 /663 :2 ‫تأويل اآليت‬
.199 :1 ‫(تفسير القمّي‬Extract)

32 out of 69
‫‪Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws‬‬ ‫‪‬‬

‫‪And Ali Bin Ibrahim said,‬‬

‫‪‘The Signs are Amir-Al-Momineenasws and the Imamsasws, and the evidence upon that‬‬
‫‪are the words of Amir-Al-Momineenasws: ‘There is no ‘Sign’ of Allahazwj greater than‬‬

‫حممد بن يعقو ‪ :‬عن حممد بن ُيَي‪ ،‬عن أمحد بن حممد‪ ،‬عن حممد بن أيب عمري أا غرير‪ ،‬عن حممد بن الفايم‪ ،‬عن أيب محزا‪،‬‬
‫عن أيب جعف اعسيه الن‪ ، ،‬قال‪ :‬ااع أ ري اب ب ايسوات اه عسيه يقول‪ :‬ا ه عز ا جم آية هي أارب ين‪ ،‬ا ال ه ن‬
‫نهللأ أعظم ين»‪.‬‬

‫‪Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Muhammad‬‬
‫‪Bin Abu Umeyr or someone else, from Muhammad Bin Al Fazeyl, from Abu Hamza,‬‬

‫‪From Abu Ja’farasws having said, Amir-Al-Momineenasws was saying: ‘There is no‬‬
‫‪‘Sign’ of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic which is greater than Iasws, nor a News from‬‬
‫‪Allahazwj greater than Iasws!’51‬‬

‫‪VERSE 18‬‬

‫ججٌ جا يميٌ {‪}18‬‬ ‫صدِّقي االْم َّ ي‬ ‫ي‬

‫ف جالُ ْم جاجالُ ْم أ ْ‬
‫اع ُ‬
‫اج‬ ‫ضوا السَّهج قجدْ م‬
‫ضا جح جنبما يُ ج‬ ‫ص ِّدقجات جاأجقْدج ُ‬ ‫إ َّع الْ ُم َّ ج ج ُ‬
‫‪The charitable men and the charitable women, and the lenders to Allah of a‬‬
‫‪goodly loan, it shall be doubled for them and they shall have an honourable‬‬
‫]‪Recompense [57:18‬‬

‫عسي بدن إبد اهيم‪ ،‬قدال الصدادق اعسيده الند‪ « : ،‬عسدى بدا اجلبدة كتدو ‪ :‬القد ض بثمانيدة عفد ‪ ،‬ا الصددقة بعفد ا‪ ،‬ا ذلدك أع‬
‫الق ض ال يكوع إال حملتاج‪ ،‬ا الصدقة رمبا اقعت ف يد غري حمتاج»‪.‬‬

‫– ‪Ali Bin Ibrahim‬‬

‫‪‘Al-Sadiqasws said: ‘Upon the door of the Paradise it is inscribed: ‘The loan (is‬‬
‫‪compounded by) eighteen, and the charity by ten, and that is because the loan‬‬
‫‪cannot happen to be except for the needy, and the charity sometimes falls into a‬‬
‫‪hand of other than a needy one’’.52‬‬

‫اع جعد ْدن أيجيب جعْهللد يدد السَّد يده ا عسيدده‬

‫اق بد ين ع َّمددا ٍر ا عهللد يدد السَّد يده بد ين يسددبج ٍ‬
‫ْ‬ ‫يد ْف جوا جع جعد ْدن إي ْسد ج ج ْ ج ج جْ‬ ‫ل جعد ْدن ُحمج َّمد يدد بْد ين جعْهللد يدد ْ‬
‫اجلجهللَّددا ير جعد ْدن ج‬ ‫أجبدُدو جعسيد ٍّدي ْاْلج ْشد جدع ي ُّ‬
‫ض يدين ي ْبد جعدا‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫ول السَّ يه ا يسى اه عسيه اآله قج ج‬
‫دت ال ُّددنْديجا بجد ْ ج عهللجدادل قجد ْضدام مج جم ْدن أجقْدج ج‬ ‫ال السَّهُ جعَّز جا جج َّدم إي ِّين جج جع ْس ُ‬ ‫ال جر ُس ُ‬ ‫ال قج ج‬ ‫الن‪ ،‬قج ج‬
‫ت ي ْبدهُ جش ْديَئام قج ْند ام‬ ‫دك ا دن جىت يد ْق ي ْ ي‬ ‫ف ا دا يشدَْئ ي ي‬ ‫يي ي ي ٍ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي ٍ‬ ‫ي‬
‫جخد ْ ُ‬‫ض يدين ْبد جعدا قجد ْضدام مجأ ج‬ ‫ت ْدن جذل ج ج ج ْ ْ ُ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫قجد ْضام أ ْجعطجْيتُهُ ب ُك ِّم جااح جدا جع ْفد ام إ جن جسدْهللعمائجة ض ْدع ج ج‬
‫ضوا يهبجا ي ِّين‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي ي‬
‫ت جااح جدام ْبد ُع َّن ج ج‪،‬ئ جك ين لجج ُ‬ ‫صال لج ْو أ ْجعطجْي ُ‬
‫و يخ ٍ‬
‫صهللجدج أ ْجعطجْيتُهُ ثجج‪ ،‬ج ج‬ ‫مج ج‬
‫تفسير القمّي ‪.309 :1‬‬
‫)‪ (Extract‬الكتفي ‪3 /161 :1‬‬
‫تفسير القمّي ‪350 :2‬‬

‫‪33 out of 69‬‬

Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

Abu Ali Ashary, from Muhammad Bin Abdul Jabbar, from Safwan, from Is’haq Bin Ammar, and
Abdullah Bin Sinan,

‘From Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘Allahazwj Mighty and
Majestic Said Iazwj Made the world to be between Myazwj servants as a loan. So the
one who lends Meazwj a loan from it, Iazwj shall Give him, with everyone, ten, up to a
multiple of seven hundred, and whatever Iazwj so Desire from that; and the one who
does not lends Meazwj a loan from it, so Iazwj shall Seize something Forcibly from him.
But, if he is patient, Iazwj shall Give him three characteristics, such that if I azwj were to
Give one of these to Myazwj Angels, they would be pleased with Meazwj’. 53


‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫َّ ي‬
‫دورُه ْم‬
ُ ُ‫ججدُ ُه ْم جان‬
ْ ‫ُّدع جدا ُ عْب جدد جرِّهب ْدم جالُ ْدم أ‬
‫الصددِّي ُقو جع ۖ جاالف ج‬
ِّ ‫دك ُه ُدم‬ ‫ين آ ج بُوا بيالسَّ يه جاُر ُسدس يه أُاٰلجَئي ج‬
‫جاال ج‬
}19{ ‫اجلج ي ي يم‬ ‫ۖ االَّ ي‬
ْ ُ ‫جي ج ا‬ ْ ‫كأ‬‫ين جا جفُاا جاجا َّ بُوا بيآيجاتيبجا أُاٰلجَئي ج‬ ‫ج ج‬
And those who believe in Allah and His Rasool, they are the truthful and the
martyrs in the Presence of their Lord. For them would be their Recompense
and their Light. And those who committed Kufr and belied Our Signs, they are
the inmates of the Blazing Fire [57:19]

‫ عدن زيدد بددن‬،‫ عدن ااددارو بدن حصدريا‬،‫ عدن عمد ا بدن د ااع‬،‫ عدن نيدم بددن دراج‬،‫ عدن محدزا بددن عهللدد اه اجلعفد ل‬،‫ عدن أبيده‬،‫عبده‬
‫ جعسدت مدداك أن يكدوع ذلدك ا‬:‫ قسدت‬:‫ قدال‬،‫ ا ن شيعتبا إال يديق شدعيد‬:‫ قال‬،‫ الن‬- ‫ عن اان بن عسي عسيعما‬،‫أرقم‬
- ‫عا تعم ميوتوع عسى م اشعم؟‬

From him, from his father, from Hamza Bin Abdullah Al Ja’fary, from Jameel Bin Daraaj, from Amro
Bin Marwaan, from Al Haris Bin Hasyera, from Zayd Bin Arqam,

‘From Al-Husaynasws Bin Aliasws having said: ‘There is none from ourasws Shias except
(he is) a true martyr’. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for youasws! And how can that be and
most of them are dying upon their beds?’

" .‫ أ ا تتسو اتا اه ف ااديد " اال ين آ بوا باه ارسسه أالَئك هم الصديقوع االفعدا عبد رهبم‬:‫مقال‬

So heasws said: ‘Have you not recited the Book of Allahazwj in (Surah) Al-Hadeed: And
those who believe in Allah and His Rasool, those, they are the truthful and the
martyrs in the Presence of their Lord?’

.،‫ لو ااع الفعدا ليس إال اما تقول لكاع الفعدا قسي‬:‫ قال‬،‫ اأين ىت أق أ ه ر اْلية ن اتا اه عزاجم قا‬:‫ مقست‬:‫قال‬

Al Kafi V 2 – The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 47 H 21 (Extract)

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

I said, ‘It was as if I had never recited this Verse from the Book of Allah azwj Mighty
and Majestic, at all!’ Heasws said: ‘If the Martyrs were not except as you are saying it,
the Martyrs would have been (very) few’.54

‫ قست اليب عهللد‬:‫ قال‬، ‫ عن بعال القصا‬،‫ عن عم ا بن عايم‬،‫ عن حممد بن أيب عمري‬،‫ عن أيب يوسف يعقو بن يزيد‬،‫عبه‬
‫ " اال ين آ بوا باه‬:‫ أا ا لعت قول اه ف اتابه‬،‫ اب ن لفعيد حيث ات‬:‫ مقال‬،‫ ادع اه بالفعادا‬: ،‫اه عسيه الن‬
." ‫ارسسه أالَئك هم الصديقوع االفعدا عبد رهبم‬

From him, from Abu Yusuf Yaqoub Bin Yazeed, from Muhammad Bin Abu Umeyr, from Amro Bin
Aasim, from Minhaal Al Qasaab who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullahasws, ‘Supplicate for me for the martyrdom’. So he asws said:
‘The Momin is a martyr wherever he dies. Have you not heard the Words of Allah azwj
in Hisazwj Book: And those who believe in Allah and His Rasool, those, they are
the truthful and the martyrs in the Presence of their Lord?’55

،‫ احملتندب ميده اخلدري‬،‫ «العار ِ دبكم هبد ا اْل د اببتظد لده‬:‫ قال‬،‫ ابا عبد أيب جعف اعسيه الن‬:‫ قال‬،‫ا عن ااارو بن ابغريا‬
.»‫ بنيفه‬،‫امن جاهد ا اه ع قائم آل حممد اعسيه الن‬

And from Al-Haris Bin Al-Mugheira who said,

‘I was in the presence of Abu Ja’farasws when heasws said: ‘The one among you who
understands this matter (Al-Qaimasws) and waits for it, the good has been calculated
in it, as being like the one who fought, by Allah azwj, alongside Al-Qaimasws of the
Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww with his sword’.

‫ «بددم ا اه امدن استفددعد ددع‬:‫ بندديفها» مث قدال الثالثددة‬، ‫ «بددم ا اه امدن جاهددد ددع رسدول اه ايدسى اه عسيدده ا آلده‬:‫مث قدال‬
.»‫ ا ميكم آية ن اتا اه‬،‫رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله ف منطاطه‬

Then heasws said: ‘But, as if he fought alongside Rasool-Allahsaww with his sword’.
Then heasws said, for the third time: ‘But, by Allahazwj, like the one who was martyred
alongside Rasool-Allahsaww in his marquee, and regarding you all is a Verse from the
Book of Allahazwj’.

‫الفد جدعدا ُ يعْبد جدد‬ ‫ي‬ ‫َّ ي‬

ُّ ‫الصدددِّي ُقو جع جا‬ ‫ين آ ج بُدوا بيالسَّد يده جا ُر ُسددس يه أُالَئيد ج‬
ِّ ‫دك ُهد ُدم‬ ‫ «قددول اه عددز ا جددم جا الد ج‬:‫ جعسددت مددداك؟ قددال‬،‫ ا أل آيددة‬:‫قسددت‬
.»‫ «ي مت ا اه يادق شعدا عبد ربكما‬:‫جرِّهبي ْم» مثا قال‬

I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for youasws, and which Verse?’ Heasws said: ‘The Words of
Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: And those who believe in Allah and His Rasool,
those, they are the truthful and the martyrs in the Presence of their Lord’. Then

Al Mahaasin – V 1 Bk 4 – H 115
Al Mahaasin – V 1 Bk 4 – H 117

35 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

heasws said: ‘By Allahazwj! All you (Shias) would become the truthful, the martyrs in the
presence of your Lordazwj’.56

،‫ عدن جددل‬،‫ حددثين أيب‬: ،‫ قال أبدو عهللدد اه اعسيده الند‬:‫ قال‬،‫ بإسبادر ي معه إن أيب بصري ا حممد نسم‬،‫ عن أبيه‬:‫ابن بابويه‬
‫ بعددا قولدده‬،‫ عسددم أيد ابه ف َمسددس ااحددد أربعمائددة بددا ددن العسددم‬،‫ « أع أ ددري ابد ب اعسيدده الندد‬: ،‫عددن آبائدده اعسدديعم الندد‬
.‫ ا ميعم أعداؤنا‬، ‫ ْلع ميعم قتسة اْلنهلليا‬،‫ مإع النفسة ن ال َيا ِ اه عز ا جم‬،‫ اح راا النفسة‬: ،‫اعسيه الن‬

Ibn Babuwayh, from his father, by his chain going up to Abu Baseer and Muhammad Muslim who

‘Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘Myasws fatherasws narrated to measws from myasws

grandfatherasws, from hisasws forefathersasws that: ‘Amir-al-Momineenasws taught hisasws
companions, in a single sitting, four hundred doors of the knowledge. From these is
hisasws speech: ‘Be cautious of the bastards (‫)السفلة‬, for the bastards are the ones who
do not fear Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic, because among them are those who killed
the Prophetsas, and among them are ourasws enemies.

‫ ا يهلل لوع أ واالم‬،‫ ا ُيزنوع ازنبا‬،‫ ا اختار لبا شيعة يبص انبا ا يف حوع لف حبا‬،‫إع اه تهللارك ا تعان اطسع عسى اْلرض ماختارنا‬
،‫ا أنفنعم ميبا أالَئك باا ا إليبا‬

Allahazwj, Blessed and Exalted Considered upon the earth, so He azwj Chose usasws,
and Chose ourasws Shias for usasws. They help usasws, and are happy with ourasws
happiness, and are aggrieved at ourasws grief, and they spend their wealth and their
lives for us. They are from usasws and to usasws.

‫ أا ف نفنه ح‬،‫ أا الدر‬،‫ إ ا ف اله‬،‫ ميوت ح يهللتسى بهللسية َت ص ميعا ذنوبه‬،‫ا ا ن الفيعة عهللد يقار ِ أ ا هنيبار عبه م‬
،‫ ا إنه ليهللقى عسيه الفي ن ذنوبه ميفدد بها عسيه عبد وته‬،‫يسقى اه عز ا جم ا ا له ذنب‬

And there is none from the Shias servant who goes near a matter from which we asws
have prohibited him from, so he does not die until he is Tested with a misfortune
during which his sins are examined, be it with his wealth, or his children, or with
himself, until he meets Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic, and there are no sins to him.
And for him on whom some sins still remain, so there are difficulties for him during
his death.

،‫ ن باه ا رسوله‬،‫ ي يد ب لك اجه اه عز ا جم‬،‫ ا أبغض ميبا‬،‫ ا أحب ميبا‬،‫ا ابيت ن شيعتبا يديق شعيد يدق بأ نا‬
‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫َّ ي‬
.»‫ورُه ْم‬
ُ ُ‫ججُ ُه ْم جا ن‬
ْ ‫ُّعدا ُ عْب جد جرِّهب ْم جالُ ْم أ‬
‫الصدِّي ُقو جع جا الف ج‬ ‫ين آ ج بُوا بيالسَّ يه جا ُر ُسس يه أُالَئي ج‬
ِّ ‫ك ُه ُم‬ ‫ جا ال ج‬:‫قال اه عز ا جم‬
And the dead from ourasws Shias, is a truthful, a martyr, having ratified ourasws matter.
And he loves regarding usasws, and hates regarding usasws, returning by that to face
of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic, as a believer in Allahazwj and Hisazwj Rasoolsaww.
Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Says: And those who believe in Allah and His

359 :9 ‫مجمع الحيتن‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

Rasool, those, they are the truthful and the martyrs in the Presence of their
Lord. For them would be their Recompense and their Light [57:19]’.57

‫ «إذا اداع يدو‬:‫ مديمن نزلدت هد ر اْليدة؟ قدال‬: ‫ سدأل قدو البدع ايدسى اه عسيده ا آلده‬:‫ قدال‬،‫ ي معده إن ابدن عهللداس‬:‫ومق بن أمحدد‬
‫ لدديقم سدديد الويددي ا عدده الد ين آ بدوا بعددد بعددث حممددد ايددسى اه عسيدده ا آلدده‬:‫ ا نددادى بدداد‬،‫القيا دة عقددد لدوا ددن نددور أبدديض‬
، ،‫ميقو عسي بن أيب طالب اعسيه الن‬

Mowqaf Bin Ahmad, with an unbroken chain going up to

Ibn Abbas who said, ‘A group of people asked the Prophet saww, ‘For whom was this
Verse Revealed?’ He said, ‘When it will be the Day of Judgement, a Caller will Call
out holding a flag of white Light: ‘Let himasws arise, the Chief of the successorsasws,
and with himasws those who belied, after the Sending of Muhammad saww!’ So Aliasws
Bin Abu Talibasws would arise.

‫ ح يسس عسى‬،‫ ال َيالطعم غريهم‬،‫ ا ته نيع النابق اْلال ن ابعاج ين ا اْلنصار‬،‫ميعطى السوا ن البور اْلبيض بيدر‬
،‫ ميعطيه أج ر ا نورر‬،،‫ رج‬،‫ ا يع ض اجلميع عسيه رج‬،‫برب ن نور ر العزا‬

Then heasws would be Given the flag of white Light in hisasws hand, and underneath it
would be all the foremost ones of the former ones from the Emigrants and the
Helpers. No other would be included with them until he asws is seated upon the Pulpit
of Light of the Lordazwj of Honour, and there are presented to him asws all, man after
man, and heasws would give them their Reward and their Light.

‫ إع لكم عبدل غف ا ا أج ا عظيما يعين‬:‫ إع ربكم يقول‬،‫ قد ع متم يفتكم ا بازلكم ف اجلبة‬:‫مإذا أ تى عسى آخ هم قيم الم‬

So when it comes to the last of them, it will be Said to them: ‘You have come to know
your qualities and your dwelling in the Paradise. Your Lordazwj is Saying: “In Myazwj
Presence, for you all, is Forgiveness and a Great Reward”, Meaning, the Paradise.

‫ ميأخد نصديهلله دبعم‬، ‫ يدزال يعد ض عسيده نيدع ابد ب‬،‫ مد‬،‫ مث ي جدع إن بدربر‬،‫ميقو عسي ا القو ت لوائه عه يدخم هبم اجلبة‬
،‫ ا يبزل أقوا ا عسى البار‬،‫إن اجلبة‬

Then Aliasws would arise, and the people underneath the flag would be with him asws,
and enter the Paradise with them. Then he asws will return to hisasws Pulpit, and they
will not stop presenting to himasws all the Momineen, and heasws will give them their
share and take them into the Paradise, and he asws will descend (other) people upon
the Fire.

‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫َّ ي‬
‫دورُه ْم يعددين النددابق‬
ُ ُ‫ججدُ ُه ْم جا ند‬
ْ ‫الفد جدعدا ُ عْبد جدد جرِّهبد ْدم جالدُ ْم أ‬
ُّ ‫الصدددِّي ُقو جع جا‬ ‫ين آ ج بُدوا بيالسَّد يده جا ُر ُسددس يه أُالَئيد ج‬
ِّ ‫دك ُهد ُدم‬ ‫ جا الد ج‬:‫مد لك قولدده تعددان‬
‫اْلال نا اب ب ا أهم الوالية‬

25 /667 :2 ‫ تأويل اآليت‬،10 /635 :‫الخصتل‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

Thus these are the Words of the Exalted: And those who believe in Allah and His
Rasool, those, they are the truthful and the martyrs in the Presence of their
Lord. For them would be their Recompense and their Light [57:19] - Meaning
the foremost ones of the former ones from the Momineen and the people of Al-

.» ،‫اجلج ي ي يم يعين اف اا ا ا بوا بالوالية ا ِبق عسي اعسيه الن‬ ‫َّ ي‬

ْ ُ ‫جي ا‬ ‫ين جا جفُاا جا جا َّ بُوا بيآياتيبا أُالَئي ج‬
ْ ‫كأ‬ ‫جا ال ج‬
And those who committed Kufr and belied Our Signs, they are the inmates of
the Blazing Fire [57:19], Meaning, they denied and belied the Wilayah and the right
of Aliasws’.58

‫ قسدت ْليب عهللدد اه‬:‫ قدال‬،‫ عدن أبيده‬،‫ راى ياحب اتا االهللفارات موعا إن اان بدن أيب محدزا‬:‫ قال‬،‫ش ِ الدين البجفي‬
.‫ ا قد خفت أع يدراين قهللم ه ا اْل ابوت‬،‫ ا اقو أجسي‬،‫ ا دق عظمي‬،‫ قد ارب سين‬،‫ جعست مداك‬: ،‫اعسيه الن‬

Sharaf Al-Deen Al-Najafy said, ‘The author of the book Al-Bashaarat has reported, with an unbroken
chain going up to Al-Husayn Bin Abu Hamza, from his father who said,

‘I said to Abu Abdullahasws, ‘May I be sacrificed for youasws! I have aged in my years,
and my bones are thin, and my term is approaching, and I have fear that I will see
the death before I see this matter (Al-Qaimasws)’.

‫ ا‬،‫ا ن آ ن ببا‬،‫ «يا أبا محزا‬: ‫ مقال‬.‫ جعست مداك‬،‫ نعم‬:‫ أا ا ت ى الفعيد إال ن قتم؟» قست‬،‫ مقال «يا أبا محزا‬:‫قال‬
‫ بدم ا اه دت رايدة رسدول اه ايدسى اه عسيده ا‬، ،‫ اداع امدن قتدم دت رايدة القدائم اعسيده الند‬،‫ ا انتظ أ ندا‬،‫يدق حديثبا‬
.» ‫آله‬

Heasws said: ‘O Abu Hamza, or what does the martyr see except for the killing?’ I
said, ‘Yes, may I be sacrificed for youasws’. So heasws said to me: ‘O Abu Hamza! The
one who believes in usasws, and ratifies ourasws Hadeeth, and awaits ourasws
command, is like the one who was killed under the flag of Al-Qaimasws. But, by
Allahazwj, under the flag of Rasool-Allahsaww’.59

:‫ قسددت‬:‫ إع ابيددت عسددى هد ا اْل د شددعيد» قددال‬،‫ «يددا أبددا حممددد‬: ،‫ قددال ا اس ددا الصددادق اعسيدده الندد‬:‫ا عددن أيب بصددري قددال‬
.»‫ا مإنه حي ي زق‬،‫ «ا إع ات عسى م اشه‬:‫ ا إع ات عسى م اشه؟ قال‬،‫جعست مداك‬

And from Abu Baseer who said,

‘Al-Imam Al-Sadiqasws said to me: ‘O Abu Muhammad! The dead upon this matter is
a martyr’. I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for youasws! And if he dies upon his bed?’ Heasws
said: ‘Even if he dies upon his bed. So he is alive, being Sustained’.60

.369 /322 :‫منتقب احن المغتزلي‬
21 /665 :2 ‫تأويل اآليت‬
.22 /666 :2 ‫تأويل اآليت‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‫ قال رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا‬:‫ قال‬،‫ موعا إن أيب أيو اْلنصارل‬،‫ عن رجاله‬،‫ عن اان » بن عسي ابق ئ بإسبادر‬:‫ا عبه‬
‫ ا هو أمام‬، ،‫ ا عسي بن أيب طالب اعسيه الن‬،‫ ا حهلليب ياحب آل يس‬،‫ حزقيم ن آل م عوع‬:‫ثة‬،‫ « الصديقوع ث‬: ‫آله‬

And from him, from Al-Husayn Bin Ali Al-Munqary, by his chain, from his men, with an unbroken chain
going up to Abu Ayoub Al-Ansary who said,

‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘The Truthful are three – Hizkeel, a Momin of the people of
the Pharaohla, and Habeeb (Al Najjar), the companion of the people of Yaseen ( ‫آل‬
‫)يس‬, and Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws who is the superior of the three’.61

‫ عددن عمد بددن‬،‫ عددن إلاعيددم بددن إبد اهيم‬،‫ عددن عهللددد اه بددن سددسيماع‬، ‫ عددن حممددد بددن عمد‬،‫ عددن جعفد بددن حممددد بددن الددك‬:‫ا عبدده‬
‫ «ههللا عسى البدع ايدسى‬:‫ قال‬، ،‫ عن آبائه اعسيعم الن‬،‫ عن أبيه‬،‫ عن جعف بن حممد‬،‫ عن عهللاد بن يعيب‬،‫ابفام الهللص ل‬
،‫اه عسيه ا آله سك له عف اع ألف رأس‬

And from him, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Malik, from Muhammad Bin Umar, from Abdullah Bin
Suleyman, from Ismail Bin Ibrahim, from Umar Bin Al-MufazzAl-Al-Basry, from Abaad Bin Saheyb,

‘From Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws, who from hisasws fatherasws, from hisasws
forefathersasws having said: ‘An Angel who had twenty thousand heads came down
unto the Prophetsaww.

‫ مقال له البع ايسى اه‬،‫ عسي الصديق اْلارب‬،‫ حممد رسول اه‬،‫ ال إله إال اه‬: ‫ مإذا ب بكهلليه كتو‬،‫ا ابسك يقال له حممود‬
.» ‫ ن قهللم أع َيسق اه آد باثين عف ألف عا‬:‫ ب ا ام ه ا كتو ب بكهلليك؟ قال‬،‫ حهلليع حممود‬: ‫عسيه ا آله‬

And the Angel was called Mahmoud, and in between his shoulders was Inscribed:
“There is no god except for Allahazwj, Muhammadsaww is the Rasoolsaww of Allahazwj,
Aliasws is the Greatest Truthful (‫)الصديق األكحر‬. So the Prophetsaww said to him: ‘O mysaww
beloved Mahmoud! Since when has this been Inscribed between your shoulders?’
He said, ‘From before Allahazwj Created Adamas, by twelve thousand years’.62

‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ٍ ‫عْبه ع ين اب ين ن جكا جع عن الي‬

‫ جا جا تُد ْ تُدوا‬،‫الص جد‬
َّ ‫يمدوا‬ ُ ‫ض ْدو جع أج ْع تُق‬ ‫دك أج ج دا تجد ْ ج‬ ُ ‫ يجدا ج ال‬،‫دال ي أجبُدو جعْهللدد السَّ يده اعسيده الند‬ ‫دال قج ج‬
‫دين قج ج‬ ِّ ‫اجلُ جع ي‬
ْ ‫ك‬ ‫جْ ج‬ ُْ ْ ‫جُ ج‬
‫ي‬ ٍ
‫س ي ْدن قجد ْدو ائْدتج ُّمدوا بييإ ج داٍ يف ال ُّددنْديجا إيَّال ججدا ج يدج ْدوج الْقيجا ج يدة يدجْس جعدبُد ُع ْم جا يدجْس جعبُونجدهُ إيَّال أجنْددتُ ْم جا‬ ‫ي‬
‫اجلبَّةج يا ال ُ ي‬ َّ
‫ك إنَّهُ لجْي ج‬ ‫الزجاا جا جا تج ُك ُّفوا جا تج ْد ُخسُوا ْج ج ج‬
.‫ت جا السَّ يه ي ْب ُك ْم جعسجى جه ج ا ْاْلج ْ ي لج جف يعي ٌد يمبجْب يزلج ية الاَّا ير ي بي جنْي يف يه يف جسهللي ييم السَّ يه‬ ‫ك إي َّع الْ جميِّ ج‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
ُ ‫ج ْن جاا جع جعسجى ي ثْ يم جحال ُك ْم يجا ج ال‬
From him, from Ibn Muskaan, from maalik Al-Juhny who said:

Abu Abdullahasws said to me: ‘O Maalik! Will you not be happy that you establish the
Salat, and you give the Zakat, and you restrain yourself, and you enter the Paradise?
O Maalik! There is none from the people who followed the imam in the world except
that he (their imam) will come on the Day of Judgement cursing them and they would
be cursing him except for you and the one who is similar to your condition. O Maalik!

17 /664 :2 ‫تأويل اآليت‬
18 /664 :2 ‫تأويل اآليت‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

By Allahazwj, the dead ones from among you who were upon this matter (Al-Qaimasws)
is a martyr of the status of the striker with his sword in the Way of Allah azwj’.63

VERSES 20 & 21

ۖ ‫داخٌ بجدْي ددبج ُك ْم جاتج جكدداثدٌُ يف ْاْلج ْ د جدو يال جا ْاْلجْاجال يد‬
ُ ‫دب جاجالدْ ٌدو جايزيبج دةٌ جاتجد جفد‬
‫ي‬ ْ ‫ْاعسج ُم دوا أَّجمندجدا‬
ٌ ‫ااجيجددااُ الد ُّددنْديجا لجعد‬
‫ص د جفًا ُمثَّ يج ُكددو ُع ُحطجا م ددا ۖ ايف ْاْل يخ د اي‬ ‫ي‬ ٍ
‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ ْ ُ ُ‫ديج مجدتجد دجار‬ ‫جا جمثجد يدم جغْيددث أ ْجع ججد ج‬
ُ ‫دب الْ ُك َّفد جدار نجدهللجاتُددهُ ُمثَّ يجعد‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
}20{ ‫الدنْديجا إيَّال ج تجاعُ الْغُُاير‬ ُّ ُ‫ااجيجاا‬ْ ‫ض جوا ٌع ۖ جاج ا‬ ْ ‫جع ج ا ٌ جشدي ٌد جاج ْغفجاٌ ي جن السَّ يه جاير‬
Know rather that the life of the world is a play, and an amusement, and an
adornment, and your priding between yourselves regarding the wealth and the
children is like rain, which fascinates the Kafirs by its growth. Then it withers
so you see it as pale, then it becomes debris. And in the Hereafter there is
severe Punishment and a Forgiveness from Allah and Pleasure. And what is
the life of the world except a deceptive enjoyment? [57:20]

‫ين آ ج بُدوا بيالسَّ يده‬ ‫ُعدد ي ي‬ ‫الندما ي ا ْاْلجر ي ي‬ ٍ ‫ي ي‬

‫َّت لسَّد ج‬
ْ ‫ضأ‬ ْ ‫ض َّ ج ج‬ ُ ْ‫جسابيُقوا إي ج ٰن ج ْغفجاٍ ْن جربِّ ُك ْم جا ججبَّة جع‬
‫ض جدعا جا جعدْ ي‬
}21{ ‫ا يم الْ جع يظي يم‬
ْ ‫ا ُم السَّ يه يدُ ْ تي ييه ج ْن يج جفا ُ ۖ جاالسَّهُ ذُا الْ جف‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫جاُر ُسس يه ۖ ٰذجل ج‬
ْ ‫ك مج‬
Race towards Forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden the expanse of it is
like the expanse of the sky and the earth, Prepared for those who are believing
in Allah and His Rasools. That is a Grace of Allah. He Gives it to the one He so
Desires to, and Allah is with the Mighty Grace [57:21]

The expanse of the Paradise

‫ «قد أسقف جن اع عسى عمد بدن‬:‫ قال‬، ،‫ بإسباد موع إن أيب جعف حممد بن عسي الهللاق اعسيه الن‬: ‫ال ضي ف ااخلصائص‬
‫ ا أندا ضدا ن خلد اج أرضدي أمحسده إليدك ف‬، ‫ إع أرضبا أرض باردا شديدا اب انة ال تمدم اجلدي‬، ‫ يا أ ري اب ب‬:‫ مقال‬، ‫اخلطا‬
،،‫ام عا ام‬

Al-Razy, in Al-Khasaaia, by an unbroken chain going up to

Abu Ja’farasws Muhammadasws Bin Aliasws Al-Baqirasws having said: ‘A Bishop of Najran
came to Umar Bin Al-Khattab. He said, ‘O commander of the faithful! Our land is an
intensely cold land which the army cannot tolerate, and I am responsible for the land
tax which I bring to you every year completely’.

Al Kafi – H 14570

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

.»‫ ا يكتب له عم الربا ا‬،‫مكاع يقد هو بابال ببفنه ا عه أعواع له ح يوميه بيت ابال‬

And he had come with the wealth by himself, and along with him were his helpers
until he was loyal to the public treasury, and Umar had written for him the receipt (for
full payment).

،‫ ا أنفدأ‬، ‫ مدعار عم إن اه ا إن دين رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آلده‬،،‫ ا ااع شيخا ني‬، ‫ « مقد اْلسقف ذات عا‬:‫قال‬
‫ أنتم تق اع ف اتابكم أع ها‬، ‫ يا عم‬:‫ مقال له اْلسقف‬،‫ ا ا يصري إليه ابنسموع ن البعيم ا الك ا ة‬، ،‫ي ا مام اسس‬
‫ مأين تكوع البار؟‬،‫جبة ع ضعا اع ض النما ا اْلرض‬

So, that year the bishop came, and he was a handsome old man. Umar Bin Al-
Khattab invited him to the Religion of Rasool-Allahsaww, and he mentioned the virtues
of Al-Islam and what the Muslims are going towards the Blessings and the Prestige.
So the bishop said to him, ‘O Umar! You are reading in your Book that Allah azwj has a
Garden the expanse of it is like the expanse of the sky and the earth [57:21], so
where is the Fire (Hell)?’

‫ بدم‬: ‫ لده عمد‬:‫ مقال‬.‫ أجب ه ا البص اين‬-‫ ا ااع حاض ا‬- ،‫ مقال أ ري اب ب اعسيه الن‬،‫ ا نكس رأسه‬، ‫ منكت عم‬:‫قال‬
‫ ا إذا جدا السيدم أيدن يكدوع‬،‫ إذا جدا البعدار أيدن يكدوع السيدم‬،‫ أندا أجيهللدك‬،‫ يدا أسدقف جند اع‬:‫ لده‬،‫ مقدال اعسيده الند‬.‫أجهلله أنت‬

Umar was silent, and bowed his head. So Amir-al-Momineenasws – and heasws was
present – said: ‘Iasws am astounded at this Christian. Umar said to him asws, ‘But
youasws answer him’. So heasws said to him: ‘O Bishop of Najran! Iasws will answer you.
When the day comes, where does the night go, and when the night comes, where
does the day go?

‫ هد ا عسدي بدن أيب‬: ‫ يدا عمد ؟ قدال عمد‬، ‫ دن هد ا الفد‬:‫ مث قدال‬.‫ ا ابت أرى أعا أحدا ييهللدين عدن هد ر ابندألة‬:‫مقال اْلسقف‬
. ‫ ه ا أبو اانن ا اان‬،‫ خنت رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله ا ابن عمه ا أال ن عه‬،‫طالب‬

The Bishop said, ‘I have not seen anyone answer me about this question’. Then he
said, ‘Who is this young man, O Umar?’ Umar said, ‘This is Ali asws Bin Abu Talibasws,
son-in-law of Rasool-Allahsaww, and the sonasws of hissaww uncleasws, and the first to
believe in himsaww. This is the father of Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws’.

: ‫ ا ىت تطسع ميعدا قهللسعدا ا ال بعددها؟ قدال عمد‬،‫ عن بقعة ف اْلرض طسعت ميعا الفمس ساعة‬- ‫ يا عم‬-‫ أخربين‬:‫قال اْلسقف‬
‫ ا ىت تقع ميه‬،‫ موقعت الفمس ميه‬،‫ هو الهلل حيث انفسق لهللين إس ائيم‬،‫ أنا أجيهللك‬: ،‫ مقال أ ري اب ب اعسيه الن‬، ‫سم الف‬
. ‫ يدقت يا م‬:‫ قال اْلسقف‬،‫قهللسه ا ال بعدر‬

The Bishop said, ‘Inform me – O Umar – about an area in the earth where the sun
rises for an hour, and had never risen before it and will never rise after it?’ Umar
said, ‘Ask the young manasws’. So Amir-al-Momineenasws said: ‘Iasws will answer you. It
is the (sea bed) of the sea where it was parted for the Children of Israel. So the sun

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

shined upon it, and it had neither shone on it before nor after it’. The Bishop said,
‘Youasws have spoken the truth, O young manasws’.

‫ مقددال اعسيدده‬. ‫ سددم الف د‬:‫ عددن شددي ف أيدددل أهددم الدددنيا ش دهلليه بثمددار أهددم اجلبددة؟ مقددال‬- ‫ يددا عم د‬-‫ أخددربين‬:‫مث قددال اْلسددقف‬
.‫ ا اد لك مثدار اجلبدة‬، ‫ ا ال يدبقص بده شدي‬،‫ ميأخد اع بده حداجتعم‬،‫ يتمدع أهدم الددنيا عسيده‬،‫ هو القد آع‬:‫ أنا أجيهللك‬: ،‫الن‬
. ‫ يدقت يا م‬:‫قال اْلسقف‬

Then the Bishop said, ‘Inform me – O Umar – about a thing which is in the hands of
the people of the world which resemble the fruit of the people of the Paradise?’ So
he said, ‘Ask the young manasws’. So heasws said: ‘Iasws will answer you. It is the
Quran. The people of the world have gathered to it, and they are taking from it what
they need, and it does not become less in anything. Similarly are the fruits of the
Paradise’. The Bishop said, ‘Youasws have spoken the truth, O young manasws’.

‫ الدا‬،‫ نعدم يدا أسدقف‬: ،‫ مقدال اعسيده الند‬، ‫ سدم الفد‬: ‫ أخدربين هدم لسندمااات دن أبدوا ؟ مقدال عمد‬، ‫ يا عمد‬:‫مث قال اْلسقف‬
:‫ قدال اْلسددقف‬.‫ أقفاالددا الفد ك بدداه‬،‫ نعدم يددا أسدقف‬: ،‫ يددا مد هددم لتسدك اْلبدوا دن أقفددال؟ مقدال اعسيدده الند‬:‫ مقدال‬. ‫أبدوا‬
:‫ مقددال‬،‫ ال ُيجهللعدا شددي داع العد ش‬،‫ شددعادا أع ال إلده إال اه‬: ،‫ ممدا فتداح تسددك اْلقفدال؟ مقددال اعسيده الند‬. ‫يددقت يدا مد‬
. ‫يدقت يا م‬

Then the Bishop said, ‘O Umar! Inform me, are there gateways (doors) for the
skies?’ So Umar said, ‘Ask the young manasws’. Heasws said: ‘Yes, O Bishop, there
are gateways for these’. He said, ‘O young man asws, are there locks for these
gateways?’ Heasws said: ‘Yes, O Bishop, its locks are the association ( ‫ )الشبر‬with
Allahazwj’. The Bishop said, ‘Youasws have spoken the truth, O young man. So what
are the keys for those locks?’ So heasws said: ‘Testifying that there is no god except
for Allahazwj, nothing is veiled from Himazwj, underneath the Throne’. So the Bishop
said, ‘Youasws have spoken the truth, O young manasws’.

‫ أندا‬: ،‫ مقدال اعسيده الند‬. ‫ سدم الفد‬:‫ أل د اداع مقدال‬،‫ أخدربين عدن أال د اقدع عسدى اجده اْلرض‬، ‫ يدا عمد‬:‫مث قدال اْلسدقف‬
‫ ا لكن أال د اقع‬،‫ نقول اما تقولوع أنه د ابن آد ال ل قتسه أخور ا ليس هو اما قستم‬،‫ أ ا حنن م‬،‫أجيهللك يا أسقف جن اع‬
. ‫ يدقت يا م‬:‫ قال اْلسقف‬. ‫عسى اجه اْلرض فيمة حوا ح الدت قابيم بن آد‬

Then the Bishop said, ‘O Umar! Inform me about the first blood which fell upon the
face of the earth, which blood was it?’ So he said, ‘Ask the young man’. So he asws
said: ‘Iasws will answer you, O Bishop of Najran! But rather, we are not saying as you
are saying, that it was the blood of the son as of Adamas who was killed by hisasws
brotherla, and it is not like what you are saying. But, the first blood, which fell upon
the face of the earth was of Eveas, where she as gave birth to Qabeella, son of
Adamas’. The Bishop said, ‘Youasws have spoken the truth, O young manasws’.

‫ مقددال أ ددري ابد ب اعسيدده‬، ‫ مغاددب عم د‬:‫ أيددن اه تعددان؟ قددال‬- ‫ يددا عمد‬-‫ أخددربين أنددت‬،‫ بقيددت نددألة ااحدددا‬:‫مث قددال اْلسددقف‬
‫ مقال له رسول‬،‫ إذا أتار سك منسم‬، ‫ ابا عبد رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله ذات يو‬،‫ أنا أجيهللك ا سم عما شَئت‬: ،‫الن‬
.‫ ن سهللع لااات ن عبد ريب‬:‫ ن أين أرسست؟ قال‬: ‫اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

Then the Bishop said, ‘There remains one question. You inform me – O Umar –
where is Allahazwj the Exalted?’ Umar got angry, but Amir-al-Momineenasws said: ‘Iasws
will answer you, and ask whatsoever you like to. We were in the presence of Rasool-
Allahsaww one day, when an Angel came up and greeted. So Rasool-Allahsaww said to
him: ‘From where have you been Sent?’ He said: ‘From the seventh sky, from the
Presence of my Lordazwj’.

‫ مث أتدار‬.‫ ن سهللع أرض ن عبد ريب‬:‫ مقال له رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله ن أين أرسست؟ قال‬،‫ منسم‬، ‫مث أتار سك آخ‬
‫ مث أتدى‬.‫ دن فد ق الفدمس دن عبدد ريب‬:‫ مقدال لده رسدول اه ايدسى اه عسيده ا آلده دن أيدن أرسدست؟ قدال‬،‫ مندسم‬، ‫سك آخد‬
.‫ ن غ الفمس ن عبد ريب‬:‫ ن أين أرسست؟ مقال‬: ‫ مقال له رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله‬، ‫سك آخ‬

Then another Angel came up, so Rasool-Allahsaww said to him: ‘From where have
you been Sent?’ He said: ‘From the seventh firmament, from the Presence of my
Lordazwj’. Then another Angel came up, and greeted. So Rasool-Allahsaww said to
him: ‘From where have you been Sent?’ He said: ‘From the east of the sun, from the
Presence of my Lordazwj’. Then another Angel came up, so Rasool-Allahsaww said to
him: ‘From where have you been sent?’ He said: ‘From the west of the sun, from the
Presence of my Lordazwj’.

.»‫ ا هو ااكيم العسيم‬،‫ ا ف اْلرض إله‬،‫ ف النما إله‬،‫ماه ها هبا ا ها هبا‬

Thus, Allahazwj is over here, and over there, in the sky Heazwj is God, and in the earth
Heazwj is God, and Heazwj is the Wise, the Knower’.

.»‫ ا ال يعز عن عسمه شي تهللارك ا تعان‬،‫ « عبار ن سكوت ريب ف ام كاع‬: ،‫قال أبو جعف اعسيه الن‬

Abu Ja’farasws said: ‘Its Meaning is – From the Kingdom of my Lordazwj, in every
place, and there is nothing which is far from Hisazwj Knowledge, the Blessed and

،‫ أخدربين عدن اجلبدة ا البدار‬:‫ ا قد سدأله جداثسيق‬-‫ ف حديث‬- ،‫ عن أ ري اب ب اعسيه الن‬: ‫ ف اماائم العوا‬،‫النيد ال ضي‬
.‫ يدقت‬:‫ ا البار ت اْلرض النابعة النفسى» مقال اجلاثسيق‬،‫ «اجلبة ت الع ش ف اْلخ ا‬: ،‫أين مها؟ قال اعسيه الن‬

Al-Syed Al-Razi, in Fazaail Al-Itrat,

(It has been narrated) from Amir-al-Momineenasws – in a Hadeeth – and a Catholic

had asked himasws, ‘Inform me about the Paradise and the Fire, where are these
two?’ Heasws said: ‘The Paradise in underneath the Throne in the Hereafter, and the
Fire is underneath the seventh firmament, the lowest’. So the Catholic said, ‘You asws
have spoken the truth’.65

‫ اع أدن أهم اجلبة بدزال‬: ،‫ قال أبو عهللد اه عسيه الن‬:‫ف تفنري عسى بن اب اهيم حدثبا اىب عن ابن اىب عمري عن أىب بصري قال‬
‫ ااع أيند أهدم اجلبدة بدزال دن يددخم اجلبدة‬،‫ اال يدبقض ِمدا عبددر شديَئا‬،‫ع اجلن ا االنس لدو سدععم طعا دا اشد ابا‬،‫لو نزل به الثق‬

90 :)‫خصتئص األئمة (عليه السَّلم‬
)‫(فضتئل العترة‬

43 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‫ عيبده قد ا اقسهللده‬،‫ ِمدا ميد‬،‫و حدائق ; مإذا دخم ادناهن راى ميعا ن االزااج ا ن اخلد ااالهندار االثمدار دا شدا اه‬،‫مريمع له ث‬
،‫ن ا‬

In Tafseer of Ali Bin Ibrahim (Qummi), from his father, from Ibn Abu Umeyr, from Abu Baseer who

‘Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘The smallest allocation of the people of the Paradise, when
the one who enters his dwelling in Paradise, there will be raised for him three
Gardens. So when he enters the lowest one of it, he would see therein from the
wives, and from the servants, and the rivers, and the fruits, whatsoever Allah azwj
Desires, from what will fill his eyes with delight, and his heart with pleasure.

:‫ يا ر أعطين ه ر ميقول اه تعان‬:‫ ارمع رأسك إن ااديقة الثانية مفيعا ا ليس ف االخ ى ميقول‬:‫مإذا شك اه امحدر قيم له‬
‫ مإذا هو دخسعا اعظمت ن ته شك اه امحدر‬،‫ ر ه ر ه ر‬:‫اع أعطيتكعا سألتَن غريها ؟ ميقول‬

So when he thanks Allahazwj and praises Himazwj it will be Said to him: ‘Raise your
head to the second Garden’. So therein would be what was no in the other one. So
he would be saying, ‘O Lordazwj! Youazwj have Given me this!’ So Allahazwj the High
would Say: “Iazwj have Given you these two, are you asking Me azwj for other than
this?’ So he would be saying, ‘Lordazwj! This one! This one!’ So when he enters it,
and his pleasure magnifies, he will Thank Allahazwj and Praise Himazwj’.

‫ ميقدول‬،‫ ارمع رأسك مإذا قد متح له با ن اخلسد اي ى اضعا ِ ا ااع ميما قهللم‬:‫ ايقال له‬،‫ ميقال امت وا له بابا إن اجل بة‬:‫قال‬
‫ اااددديث طويددم اخد نا بدده‬،‫ ر لددك اامددد الد ى ال ُيصددى إذ ببددت عسددى باجلبدداع اأجنيتددَن ددن الب درياع‬:‫عبددد ادداعف ن د اته‬
.‫وضع اااجة‬

Heasws said: ‘So it will be Said: ‘Open the Door for him to the Paradise’, and it will be
Said to him: ‘Raise your head!’ So when the Door from the Eternal Paradise (‫ )الخلد‬is
opened for him, and he sees more than what was from before, so he would be
saying during the magnification of his pleasure, ‘Lordazwj! For Yousaww is the Praise
which cannot be numbered since Youazwj Bestowed upon my heart and Rescued me
from the Fires’. And the Hadeeth is lengthy. We have taken what was needed from

The Grace of Allahazwj - Imamate

‫ ا ف قولده‬،‫ا ُدم السَّ يده يدُ ْ تيي يده ج ْدن يجفدا ُ دن عهللدادر‬ ‫ي‬
ْ ‫دك مج‬
‫ ذل ج‬:‫ ف قولده تعدان‬، ،‫ عن الهللاق ا الصادق اعسيعما الند‬: ‫ابن شع آشو‬
.» ،‫ «إهنما نزلتا ف أ ري اب ب اعسيه الن‬:‫ض‬ ‫َّم السَّهُ بيه بدج ْع ج‬
ٍ ‫ا ُك ْم جعسى بدج ْع‬
‫ جا ال تجدتج جمبد َّْوا ا مجا ج‬:‫تعان‬
Ibn Shehr Ahsub,

Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn – CH 57 H 83

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‘Al-Baqirasws and Al-Sadiqasws regarding the Words of the Exalted: That is a Grace of
Allah. He Gives it to the one He so Desires to, and Allah is with the Mighty
Grace [57:21], from Hisazwj servants. And regarding the Words of the Exalted: And
do not be coveting what Allah have Graced with some of you above the others
[4:32], said: ‘Both of these were Revealed regarding Amir-Al-Momineenasws’.67

‫ عدن‬،‫ عمدن راار‬،‫ عدن ابندتورد البخعدي‬،‫ عن عسي بن ااكم‬،‫ عن أمحد بن حممد بن عينى‬،‫ عن حممد بن ُيَي‬: ‫حممد بن يعقو‬
‫ثدة ا هدم يد ا اع‬،‫ئكددة الد ين ف لدا الدددنيا ليطسعدوع إن الواحدد ا االثبد ا الث‬،‫ « إع دن اب‬:‫ قدال‬، ،‫أيب عهللدد اه اعسيده الندد‬
‫ أ ددا ت د اع ه د ال ف قسددتعم ا اث د ا عددداهم يصددفوع ماددم آل حممددد؟ متقددول الطائفددة‬:‫ ميقولددوع‬، ،‫ماددم آل حممددد اعسدديعم الندد‬
.»‫ا يم الْ جع يظي يم‬ ‫ي‬
ْ ‫ا ُم السَّ يه يدُ ْ تي ييه ج ْن يجفا ُ جا السَّهُ ذُا الْ جف‬
ْ ‫ك مج‬
‫ ذل ج‬:‫اْلخ ى‬
Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali
Bin Al-Hakam, from Al-Masturad Al-Nakhaie who has reported,

‘Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘From the Angels who are in the sky of the world, are those
that come to one, and two, and three (Shias) when they mention the merits of the
Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww. They say: ‘Do you see these who are few in number
and their enemies are numerous, describing the merits of the Progeny asws of
Muhammadsaww?’ The other group (of Angels) say: That is a Grace of Allah. He
Gives it to the one He so Desires to, and Allah is with the Mighty Grace

See the Hadeeth in the appendix for detailed explanation of Imamate being the
grace of Allahazwj.


‫ض جاجال يف أجنْد ُف ين د ُك ْم إيَّال يف ايتجددا ٍ ي د ْدن قجدْهللد يدم أج ْع نجدْهللدجأ ججهددا ۖ إي َّع‬
‫ص ديهللج ٍة يف ْاْل ْجر ي‬
‫ددا أجيددا ي ددن ي‬
ُ ْ ‫ج ج ج‬
}22{ ٌ‫ك جعسجى السَّ يه يج ينري‬ ‫ي‬
‫ٰجذل ج‬
Neither does a difficulty afflicts in the earth nor regarding yourselves, except it
is in a Book from before We Bring it into existence. Surely that is easy upon
Allah [57:22]

‫ عدن أيب عهللدد اه‬،‫ عدن عهللدد الد محن بدن اثدري‬،‫ عدن عسدي بدن حنداع‬،‫ عدن ُيدَي بدن زا يدا‬،‫ حدثبا حممد بن جعف ال زار‬:‫ قال‬،‫ا عبه‬
‫ «يددق اه ا‬:‫ض جا ال يف أجنْد ُف ين ُك ْم إيَّال يف ايتا ٍ ي ْن قجدْهلل يم أج ْع ندجْهللدجأجهدا‬
‫صيهللج ٍة يف اْْل ْجر ي‬
‫ ا أجيا ي ن ي‬:‫ ف قوله تعان‬، ،‫اعسيه الن‬
ُ ْ ‫ج‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
.»‫ك جعسجى السَّه يجن ٌري‬ ‫ با ف ليسة القدر ا ف غريها إي َّع ذل ج‬،‫ ا اتابه ف اْلرض إع‬،‫ اتابه ف النما عسمه هبا‬،‫بسغت رسسه‬
And from him, from Muhammad Bin Ja’far Al-Razar, from Yahya Bin Zakariya, from Ali Bin Hisan,
from Abdul Rahman Bin Kaseer,

99 :3 ‫المنتقب‬
.4 /149 :2 ‫الكتفي‬

45 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‘Abu Abdullahasws regarding the Words of the Exalted: Neither does a difficulty
afflicts in the earth nor regarding yourselves, except it is in a Book from before
We Bring it into existence [57:22], heasws said: ‘Allahazwj Spoke the Truth and
Hisazwj Rasoolsaww delivered it. Hisazwj Book in the sky, Heazwj Teaches it, and Hisazwj
book in the earth, weasws know it during the Night of Pre-destination (‫ )ليلبة القبدر‬and
during other than it, surely that is easy upon Allah [57:22]’.69

‫ ا أدخم عسيه عسي بن‬،‫ عسى يزيد لعبه اه‬،‫ «با ادخم رأس اان اعسيه الن‬: ،‫ قال الصادق اعسيه الن‬:‫عسي بن إب اهيم‬
:‫ مقال يزيد‬،‫ قيدا غسوال‬،‫ ا ااع عسي بن اان اعسيعما الن‬، ،‫ ا ببات أ ري اب ب اعسيه الن‬،‫اان اعسيعما الن‬
.‫ لعن اه ن قتم أيب‬: ،‫ مقال عسي بن اان اعسيعما الن‬.‫ اامد ه ال ل قتم أباك‬، ‫يا عسي بن اان‬

Ali Bin Ibrahim (Tafseer Qummi) –

Al-Sadiqasws said: ‘When the head of Al-Husaynasws was brought to Yazeedla, May
Allahazwj Curse himla, and were brought to himla , Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws and
daughters of Amir Al-Momineenasws, and Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws was bound and
shackled. Yazeedla said: ‘O Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws! The Praise is due to Allahazwj
Who Killed yourasws fatherasws’. So Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws said: ‘Curse of Allahazwj
be upon the one who killed myasws fatherasws!’

‫ مإذا قتستين مهللبات رسول اه ايسى‬: ،‫ مقال عسي بن اان اعسيعما الن‬،‫ مغاب يزيد ا أ با عبقه اعسيه الن‬:‫قال‬
،‫ أنت ت دهن إن بازالن‬:‫ ا ليس الن حم غريل؟ مقال‬،‫اه عسيه ا آله ن ي دهن إن بازالن‬

Heasws said: ‘Yazeedla got angry and ordered for the striking hisasws neck (execution).
So Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws said: ‘So if youla were to kill measws, then for the
daughters of Rasool-Allahsaww, who will return them to their houses, and there is not
for them a ‘Mahram’ apart from measws?’ So hela said: ‘Youasws will return them to
their houses’.

‫ بسى ت يد أع ال‬:‫ أ تدرل ا ال ل أريد ب لك؟ قال‬، ‫ يا عسي بن اان‬:‫ مث قال‬.‫ مأقهللم يربد اجلا عة ن عبقه بيدر‬،‫مث دعا مبربد‬
.‫ ه ا ا اه اا أردت‬:‫ مقال يزيد‬.‫يكوع ْلحد عسي بة غريك‬

Then hela called for the shackles (to be removed), so he la went towards the shackles
and removed all of them from hisasws neck by hisla own hand. Then hela said, ‘O Ali
Bin Al-Husaynasws! Do youasws know what it is which I intend by that?’ Heasws said:
‘Yes. You want that there should not be anyone for me asws, (to ask) for a favour apart
from youla’. So Yazeedla said, ‘By Allahazwj! This is what Ila want’.

‫ت أجيْ يدي ُك ْم‬ ٍ ‫ي ي‬

ْ ‫ا أجيابج ُك ْم ْن ُصيهللجة مجهلليما جا جنهللج‬ ‫ يا عسي بن اان‬:‫مث قال‬

Then hela said: ‘O Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws ! And whatever difficulty afflicts you it
is regarding what your hands have earned [42:30]’.

351 :2 ‫تفسير القمي‬

46 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‫ض جا ال يف أجنْد ُف ين ُك ْم‬
‫صيهللج ٍة يف ْاْل ْجر ي‬
‫ ا أجيا ي ن ي‬:‫ إمنا نزلت ميبا‬،‫ ا ه ر ميبا نزلت‬،‫ ا‬: ،‫مقال عسي بن اان اعسيعما الن‬
ُ ْ ‫ج‬
.»‫ ن الدنيا ا ال نف ح مبا آتانا بعا‬،‫اْلية مب ن ال ين ال نأسى عسى ا ماتبا‬

So Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws said: ‘Not at all! This has not been Revealed regarding
usasws! But rather, (what has been) Revealed regarding usasws is: Neither does a
difficulty afflicts in the earth nor regarding yourselves [57:22] – the Verse. So
weasws are the ones who do not despair upon what has escaped us asws from the
world, nor are weasws happy with what has been Given to usasws from it’.70

‫ ابددوك قطدع رمحددى‬:‫ قددال لده‬،‫ف اتدا قتددم ااند اع اليب خمبددف اع يزيدد لعبدده اه بدا نظد إن عسدى بددن ااند عسيعمددا الند‬
‫اجعم حقى انازعين ف سسطاين معم اه به ا رأيت ؟‬

And in the book Maqtal of Al-Husaynasws for Abu Mikhnaf – ‘When Yazeedla, Curse of
Allahazwj be upon himla looked towards Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws, said to himasws,
‘Yourasws fatherasws cut-off relationships with mela, and ignored myla right, and
disputed with mela regarding myla authority. Thus Allahazwj Did with himasws what
youasws saw?’

‫ددن قهللددم اع نربأهددا اع ذلددك عسددى اه‬ ‫ددن ص ديهللة ف االرض اال ف انفنددكم اال ف اتددا‬ ‫ " ددا أيددا‬: ‫مقددال عسددى بددن اان د‬

So Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws said: ‘Neither does a difficulty afflicts in the earth nor
regarding yourselves, except it is in a Book from before We Bring it into
existence. Surely that is easy upon Allah [57:22]’.71

‫ حدثبا عسي بن‬:‫ عن أبيه قال‬،‫ حدثبا جعف بن حممد بن نعود‬:‫حدثبا ابظف بن جعف بن ابظف العسول رضى اه عبه قال‬
:‫ قال‬،‫ عن أ رياب ب عسيه الن‬،‫ عن جدر‬،‫ عن أبيه‬،‫ عن عسي بن عهللد اه‬،‫ حدثبا حممد ابن عهللد اه بن زرارا‬:‫اانن قال‬
‫ ااع اانت نطفة‬،‫ مإع اانت نطفة اب أا ااث جا ت تفهلله أخواله‬،‫تعتسج البطفتاع ف ال حم مأيتعما اانت ااث جا ت تفهللععا‬
‫ال جم ااث جا ت تفهلله اعما ه‬

Al Muzaffar Bin Ja’far Bin Al Muzaffar Al Alawy, from Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin Masoud, from his
father, from Ali Bin Al Hassan, from Muhammad Ibn Abdullah Bin Zarara, from Ali Bin Abdullah, from
his father, from his grandfather,

Amir Al-Momineenasws has said: ‘The two waters meet in the womb, so whichever of
the two was more, it goes on to resemble it. So it the water of the woman is more, it
goes on to resemble its maternal uncles, and if the water of the man was more, it
goes on to resemble is paternal uncles’.

‫ ول البطفة ف ال حم أربع يو ا ممن أراد أع يدعو اه عزاجم مفى تسك االربع قهللم اع َتسق‬:‫اقال‬

352 :2 ‫تفسير القمّي‬
Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn – CH 57 H 88

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

And heasws said: ‘The water keeps turning (changing) for forty days in the womb. So
the one who intends to supplicate to Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic, so he should do it
in those forty (days) before it (a child) is Created’.

‫ يا إالي أذا أ انثى؟ ميوحي اه‬:‫مث يهللعث اه سك االرحا ميأخ ها ميصعد هبا إن عزاجم ميقف به حيث يفا اه ميقول‬
‫ يا االي اشقي ا سعيد؟ ميوحي اه عزاجم ن ذلك ا يفا ايكتب‬:‫عزاجم ا يفا ايكتب ابسك مث يقول‬

Then Allahazwj Sends an Angel to the womb, so he seizes it and ascends with it to
the Mighty and Majestic. So he pauses from it wherever Allah azwj so Desires it. Then
he says: ‘O my God! Male or female?’ So Allah azwj Mighty and Majestic Reveals unto
him whatever Heazwj so Desire, and the Angels writes it down, then says, ‘O my God!
Wretched or happy?’ So Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Reveals from that whatever
Heazwj so Desires to, and he writes it down.

‫ إالي ام رزقه ا ا أجسه؟ مث يكتهلله ايكتب ام شئ يصيهلله ف الدنيا ب عيبيه مث ي جع به مريدر ف ال حم م لك قول اه‬:‫ميقول‬
. ‫عزاجم ا ا أيا ن صيهللة ف االرض اال ف أنفنكم إال ف اتا ن قهللم اع نربأها‬

Then he says: ‘O my God! How much is its sustenance, and what is its term?’ Then
he writes it down, and writes down in between its eyes, everything that it would face
in the world. Then he returns with it, and returns it back to the womb. Thus, these are
the Words of Allahazwj Might and Majestic: Neither does a difficulty afflicts in the
earth nor regarding yourselves, except it is in a Book from before We Bring it
into existence [57:22]’.72


ُّ ‫ تجأْ جس ْوا جعسج ٰى ج ا مجاتج ُك ْم جاجال تجد ْفج ُحوا يمبجا آتجا ُا ْم ۖ جاالسَّهُ جال ُيُي‬،‫لي جكْي ج‬
}23{ ‫ب ُا َّم خمُْتج ٍال مج ُخوٍر‬
So that you may not despair over what has escaped you, nor be happy with
what has been Given to you, and Allah does not Love every arrogant boaster

‫ قال أبو عهللد‬:‫ قال‬،‫ عن حفص بن غياو‬،‫ عن سسيماع بن دااد اببق ل‬،‫ عن القاسم بن حممد‬،‫ حدثين أيب‬:‫ قال‬،‫عسي بن إب اهيم‬
‫ إع اه تهللارك‬،‫ يا حفص‬.‫ إذا اضط رت إليعا أاست بعا‬،‫ ا بزلة الدنيا ن نفني إال مببزلة ابيتة‬،‫ «يا حفص‬: ،‫اه اعسيه الن‬
‫ يغ نك حنن‬،‫ م‬،‫ م سم عبعم عبد أعماالم النيَئة لعسمه النابق ميعم‬،‫ ا إن ا هم يائ اع‬،‫ا تعان عسم ا العهللاد عا سوع‬
»‫الطسب ِمن ال َيا ِ الفوت‬

Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘My father narrated to me, from Al-Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Suleyman Bin
Dawood Al-Munqary, from Hafs Bin Ghayas who said,

Al Illal Al Sharaie – V 1 Ch 85 H 4

48 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‘Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘O Hafs! The status of the word within myself asws is nothing
except for the corpse. If Iasws am forced into it, Iasws would eat from it. O Hafs!
Allahazwj Blessed and Exalted Knows what the servants are doing, and to what they
are ending up to. But, Heazwj Forbears from them during their evil deeds for what has
preceded in Hisazwj Knowledge, therefore do not let the beauty of the seeker, from
those who do not fear the death, deceive you’.

،‫ «ماز ا اه اْلب ار‬:‫ مث قال‬.»‫ «ذههللت ا اه اْل اين عبد ه ر اْلية‬:‫ ا جعم يهللكي ا يقول‬،‫َّار ْاْل يخجاُ اْلية‬ ‫ تيسْ ج‬:‫ قوله‬،‫مث ت‬
ُ ‫ك الد‬
.،‫ ا افى باالغوار جع‬،‫ افى بفية اه عسما‬،‫أ تدرل ن هم؟ هم ال ين ال ي ذاع ال ر‬

Then heasws recited Hisazwj Words: That is the House of the Hereafter [28:83] – the
Verse, and went on to cry, and heasws was saying: ‘By Allahazwj! Myasws aspirations
are gone, with this Verse’. Then heasws said: ‘By Allahazwj! The righteous have
succeeded. Do you know who they are? They are the ones who are not harming
even a particle. The fear of Allahazwj suffices knowledge, and delusion suffices the

‫ دعي ف سكوت‬،‫ ا عمم مبا عسم‬،‫ ن تعسم ا عسم‬،‫ إنه يغف لسجاهم سهللعوع ذنهللا قهللم أع يغف لسعاىت ذنب ااحد‬،‫يا حفص‬
.»‫ ا عسم ه‬،‫ ا عمم ه‬،‫ تعسم ه‬:‫ مقيم‬،‫النمااات عظيما‬

O Hafs! Heazwj Forgives seventy sins of the ignorant before Heazwj Forgives one sin of
the knowledgeable one. The one who learns, and acquires knowledge, and acts in
accordance with what he has learnt, is referred to as great in the Kingdoms of the
skies, for it is said: ‘He learnt for the sake of Allah azwj, and acted for the Sake of
Allahazwj, and taught for the Sake of Allahazwj’’.

‫ تجأْ جس ْوا جعسى ا ماتج ُك ْم جا ال‬،‫ لي جكْي‬:‫ مقال عز ا جم‬،‫ «قد حد اه ف اتابه‬:‫ ا حد الزهد ف الدنيا؟ قال‬،‫ جعست مداك‬:‫قست‬
.»‫ ا أعسمعم به أزهدهم ميعا‬،‫ ا أخومعم له أعسمعم به‬،‫ إع أعسم الباس باه أخومعم ه‬،‫تجد ْفج ُحوا يمبا آتا ُا ْم‬

I said, ‘May I be sacrificed for youasws! What is the limit of the ascetism in the world?’
Heasws said: ‘Allahazwj has Defined its Limit in Hisazwj Book, so the Mighty and Majestic
Said: So that you may not despair over what has escaped you, nor be happy
with what has been Given to you [57:23]. The most knowledgeable of the people
with Allahazwj is the one who is the most fearing for the Sake of Allah azwj, and the
most fearing he is the most knowledgeable he would be, and the most
knowledgeable he is, the more ascetic he would be’.

.» ‫ مإنك ال تنتوح‬،‫ «اتق اه حيث ابت‬:‫ مقال‬.‫ أايين‬،‫ يا ابن رسول اه‬:‫مقال له رجم‬

The man said, ‘O sonasws of Rasool-Allahsaww, Advise me’. So heasws said: ‘Fear
Allahazwj wherever you may be, for you are not alone’.

‫ ُعسًُوا يف ْاْل ْجر ي‬:‫ ف قوله‬،‫ أياا‬،‫اقال أبو عهللد اه اعسيه الن‬
‫ الهللبا » )ف‬:‫ ا الفناد‬،ِ ‫ الف‬:‫ «العسو‬:‫ قال‬،‫ض جا ال مجنادام‬
( ‫ البنا‬:‫ابصدر‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

And Abu Abdullahasws said as well regarding Hisazwj Words: exalt themselves in the
land nor make mischief [28:83], said: ‘The exalting – the nobility, and the mischief
– the edifice’ – (The root being, (with) the women)’.73

‫اش يم ب ين الْ يرب ي‬

‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ِّ ‫اس يم بْ ين ُحمج َّم ٍد جع ْن ُسسجْي جما جع بْ ين جد ُااجد الْ يمْبد جق ي‬
‫عسيي بن إيبد ياهيم عن أجبي ييه ا عسيي ب ين ُحم َّم ٍد ع ين الْ جق ي‬
‫يد جع ْن‬ ‫ل جع ْن جعس ِّي بْ ين جه ْ ج‬ ‫ج ج ِّ ْ ج ج‬ ْ ‫ج ُّ ْ ُ ْ ج ج ج‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫الزْهد أ ْجد جن جد جر ججة الْ جوجريع جا أ ْجعسجى‬ ‫ي‬
ُّ ‫ال جع جفجاُ أج ْشيجا ج مجأ ْجعسجى جد جر ججة‬ ‫ي‬ ُّ ‫ جع ين‬،‫ااُ جن ْ ا عسيه الن‬
‫الزْهد مجد جق ج‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
ْ ‫ جسأ ججل جعس َّي بْ جن‬،‫جع جر ُج م‬ َّ ‫أجبي ييه أ‬
‫ تجأْ جس ْوا‬،‫الزْه جد يف آيجٍة ي ْن ايتجا ي السَّ يه جعَّز جا جج َّم لي جكْي‬ ُّ ‫ضا أججال جا إي َّع‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫جد جر ججة الْ جوجريع أ ْجد جن جد جر ججة الْيجق ي جا أ ْجعسجى جد جر ججة الْيجق ي أ ْجد جن جد جر ججة الِّ ج‬
. ‫جعسى ا ماتج ُك ْم جا ال تجد ْفج ُحوا يمبا آتا ُا ْم‬

Ali Bin Ibrahim, from his father, and Ali Bin Muhammad, from Al Qasim Bin Muhammad, from
Suleyman Bin Dawood Al Minqary, from Ali Bin Hashim Bin Al Bareyd,

‘From his father that a man asked Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws about the ascetism. So
heasws said: ‘(It has) ten levels. So the highest level of the ascetism is the lowest level
of the piety, and the highest level of the piety is the lowest level of the conviction,
and the highest level of the conviction is the lowest level of the satisfaction. Indeed!
And the ascetism in a Verse from the Book of Allahazwj: So that you may not
despair over what has escaped you, nor be happy with what has been Given to
you [57:23]’.74

‫ عن أيب جعف الثاين‬، ‫ عن اانن بن العهللاس بن اا ي‬،‫ حدثبا سعم بن زياد‬:‫ قال‬،‫ حدثبا حممد بن أيب عهللد اه‬:‫ قال‬،‫ا عبه‬
،‫ سأل رجم أيب اعسيه الن‬: ،‫ «قال أبو عهللد اه اعسيه الن‬:‫ قال‬،‫ تجأْ جس ْوا جعسى ا ماتج ُك ْم‬،‫ لي جكْي‬:‫ ف قوله تعان‬، ،‫اعسيه الن‬
‫ تجأْ جس ْوا جعسى ا ماتج ُك ْم ن الفتبة الن ع ضت‬،‫ ااحدا قد ة ا ااحدا خ ا لي جكْي‬،‫ نزلت ف أيب بك ا أي ابه‬:‫ مقال‬،‫عن ذلك‬
. ‫لكم بعد رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله‬

And from him, from Muhammad Bin Abu Abdullah, from Sahl Bin Ziyad, from Al-Hassan Bin Al-Abbas
Bin Al-Hareysh,

‘From Abu Ja’far the secondasws, regarding the Words of the Exalted: So that you
may not despair over what has escaped you [57:23], heasws said: ‘Abu
Abdullahasws said: ‘A man asked myasws fatherasws about that, so heasws said: ‘It was
Revealed regarding Abu Bakr, and his companions, one preceded and one delayed,
So that you may not despair over what has escaped you [57:23] which
presented to you all after Rasool-Allahsaww’.

.»‫ مث قا ال جم م هب مسم أرر‬،‫ ِ ميه‬،‫ أشعد أنكم أي ا ااكم ال ل ال اخت‬:‫مقال ال جم‬

So the man said, ‘I hereby testify that you asws are the companions of the wisdom in
whom there is no differing’. Then the man stood up and went away. So he was not
seen (again)’.75

146 :2 ‫تفسير القمّي‬
Al Kafi V 2 – The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 61 H 4
.351 :2 ‫تفسير القمي‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‫ جا رجم إن عسي بن اان‬:‫ قال‬،‫ رمعه‬،‫ عن سسيماع بن دااد‬،‫ عن القاسم بن حممد‬،‫ حدثين أيب‬:‫ قال‬:‫عسي بن إب اهيم‬
‫ ال‬:‫ « كتو ف اسجنيم‬: ،‫ مقال عسي بن اان اعسيعما الن‬،‫ مث عاد لينأل عن ثسعا‬،‫ منأله عن نائم‬،‫اعسيعما الن‬
.»‫ ىت يزدد بعسمه ن اه إال بعدا‬،‫ مإع العاىت إذا ىت يعمم به‬،‫ ا با عمستم مبا عسمتم‬،‫تطسهللوا عسم ا ال تعمسوع‬

Ali Bin Ibrahim said, ‘My father narrated to me, from Al-Qasim Bin Muhammad, from Suleyman Bin
Dawood, raising it with an unbroken chain, said,

‘A man came to Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws, so he asked himasws some questions, then
repeated in asking similar to these. So Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws said: ‘It is written in
the Evangel: ‘Do not seek knowledge what you do not want to learn, and what you
are already doing in accordance with what you know, for the knowledge, when you
do not act in accordance with it, does not increase with its knowledge from Allah azwj
except for the remoteness’.

‫ ا‬،‫ ا ت اهبا الزعف اع‬،‫طعا ابنك‬، ‫ ا جعم‬،‫ ا لهللبة ن ماة‬،‫ لهللبة ن ذهب‬،‫ مإع اه خسق اجلبة بيدر‬،‫ « عسيك بالق آع‬:‫مث قال‬
‫ اق أ ا ارق ا ن دخم بعم اجلبة ىت يكن أحد‬:‫ ممن ق أ الق آع قال له‬،‫ ا جعم درجاهتا عسى قدر آيات الق آع‬، ‫حصاها الس ل‬
.» ‫ البهللي ا الصديق‬،‫ ا خ‬،‫ف اجلبة أعسى درجة به‬

Then heasws said: ‘It is upon you to be with the Quran, for Allah azwj Created the
Paradise by Hisazwj Hands, from bricks of gold, and bricks of silver, and Made its
mortar of the Musk, and its dust from the saffron. There is no one in the Paradise
upon a Level higher than this, except for the Prophetsas and the Truthful onesas’.

‫ أال ا إع الزهد ف آية ن اتا‬،‫ «الزهد عف ا أجزا مأعسى درجات الزهد أدن درجات ال ضا‬:‫ مما الزهد؟ قال‬:‫ا قال له ال جم‬
.‫ تجأْ جس ْوا جعسى ا ماتج ُك ْم جا ال تجد ْفج ُحوا يمبا آتا ُا ْم‬،‫اه لي جكْي‬

And the man said to himasws, ‘So what is the asceticism?’ Heasws said: ‘The
asceticism has ten parts, and the higher level of the asceticism is the lowest level of
the Pleasure. Indeed! The asceticism is in a Verse from the Book of Allah azwj: So
that you may not despair over what has escaped you, nor be happy with what
has been Given to you [57:23]’.

‫ أحدام ال إله إال‬:‫ مإذا قال‬،‫ «ا أنا أقول ال إله إال اه‬: ،‫ ا قال عسي بن اان اعسيعما الن‬.‫ ال إله إال اه‬:‫مقال ال جم‬
.» ‫ااج ْم ُد ليسَّ يه جر ِّ الْعالج يم ج‬ ‫يي‬ ‫ي ي‬
‫ااج ُّي ال إلهج إَّال ُه جو مج ْاد ُعورُ خمُْسص ج لجهُ الد ج‬
ْ ‫ِّين‬ ْ ‫ ُه جو‬:‫ مإع اه يقول‬. ‫ اامد ه ر العاب‬:‫ مسيقم‬،‫اه‬

So the man said, ‘There is no god except for Allah azwj’. And Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws
said: ‘And Iasws (also) say there is no god except for Allahazwj. So when one of you
says, ‘There is no god except for Allahazwj’, so he should (immediately) say, ‘The
Praise is for Allahazwj the Lordazwj of the Worlds’, for Allahazwj is Saying: He is the
Living. There is no God except Him, therefore supplicate to Him, being sincere
to Him in Religion. The Praise is for Allah, Lord of the worlds [40:65] ’.76

259 :2 ‫تفسير القمّي‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

The altered Verse

‫جمح جد ب ين ُحم َّم ٍد جي‬ ٍ ْ ‫ُحمج َّم ُد بْ ُن أيجيب جعْهلل يد السَّ يه جا ُحمج َّم ُد بْ ُن‬
‫اس بْ ين‬ ‫ااج جن ين بْ ين الْ جعهللَّ ي‬
ْ ‫نيعام جع ين‬ ‫ااج جن ين جع ْن جس ْع يم بْ ين يزيجاد جا ُحمج َّم ُد بْ ُن جُْي جَي جع ْن أ ْ ج ْ ج‬
ُ ‫ يجطُو‬،‫ بدجْيدبجا أيجيب ا عسيه الن‬،‫ال أجبُو جعْهلل يد السَّ يه ا عسيه الن‬
‫ ِ بيالْ جك ْعهللج ية إي جذا‬ ‫ال قج ج‬ ‫ قج ج‬،‫َّاين ا عسيه الن‬ ‫ااج يي ي جع ْن أيجيب جج ْع جف ٍ الث ي‬ ْ
‫ثجةم‬،‫الص جفا مجأ ْجر جس جم إي جَّ مج ُكبَّا ثجج‬
َّ ‫ب‬ ٍ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫وعهُ جح َّ أ ْجد جخسجهُ إ جن جدار ججبْ ج‬
‫ُسهللُ ج‬
ْ ‫ض لجهُ مجد جقطج جع جعسجْيه أ‬
‫جر ُج ٌم ُ ْعتججٌ قج ْد قُديِّ ج‬
Muhammad Bin Abdu Abdullah and Muhammad Bin Al Hassan, from Sahl Bin Ziyad and Muhammad
Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, altogether from Al Hassan Bin Al Abbas Bin Al Harysh,

‘From Abu Ja’farasws the 2nd who said, ‘Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘While myasws fatherasws
was performing Tawaaf of the Kabah, when a man covered by a turban of his like an
egg-shell, cut off hisasws seven (circuits) until he made himasws enter into a house by
the side of Al-Safa. So heasws sent for measws, and we became three.

‫جخي ْربيين‬ ‫ي‬ ‫يي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ال بارجك السَّه مي ج ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ال حهللام يا ابن رس ي ي‬
‫يك يجا أج ج السَّه بدج ْع جد آبجائه يجا أجبجا جج ْع جف ٍ إي ْع شَْئ ج‬
ْ ‫ت مجأ‬ ُ ‫ض جع يج جدرُ جعسجى جرأْسي جا قج ج ج ج‬ ‫ول السَّه ُمثَّ جا ج‬ ُ ‫مجد جق ج ج ْ ج ج ْ ج ج‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫ك‬‫ي جدقْدتُ ج‬
‫ت ج‬‫اي ُدقْيين جا إي ْع شَْئ ج‬ ‫ك جا إي ْع شَْئ ج‬
ْ ‫ت مج‬ ‫ت جسأجلْتُ ج‬‫ت جس ْس يين جا إي ْع شَْئ ج‬ ‫ك جا إي ْع شَْئ ج‬ ‫جخهللجد ْتُ ج‬ ‫جا إي ْع شَْئ ج‬
ْ ‫ت مجأ‬

So he said, ‘Welcome, O sonasws of Rasool-Allahsaww!’ Then he placed his hand upon

myasws head and said, ‘May Allahazwj Bless youasws, O trustees of Allahazwj after hisasws
forefathersasws! O Abu Ja’farasws! If youasws so desire, so inform me and if youasws so
desire, so I shall inform youasws, and if youasws so desire, ask me, and if youasws so
desire, I shall ask youasws, and if youasws so desire, ratify me, and if youasws so desire,
I shall ratify youasws’.

‫ي ي ي ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

ُ ‫ك ج ْن يف قجد ْسهلليه ع ْس جماع َُيجال‬
‫ف‬ ْ ُ‫ك يعْب جد ج ْنأجلجين بيأج ْ ٍ ت‬
‫ا يمُ ي جغْيدجرُ قج ج‬
‫ال إيَّمنجا يدج ْف جع ُم ذجل ج‬ ‫اك أج ْع يدجْب يط جق ل جنانُ ج‬
‫ال مجيإيَّ ج‬
‫جشا ُ قج ج‬ ‫كأج‬ ‫ال ُا َّم ذجل ج‬
‫قج ج‬
ٌ ،‫اختي ج‬ ‫ي يي‬ ‫أجح ُد ُمها ي‬
ِ ْ ‫ياحهللجهُ جا إي َّع السَّهج جعَّز جا جج َّم أ ججىب أج ْع يج ُكو جع لجهُ ع ْس ٌم ميه‬‫ج ج ج‬
Heasws said: ‘All of that Iasws like’. He said, ‘So beware of speaking by your tongue
during my questioning by a matter with something else in your asws consciousness’.
Heasws said: ‘But rather that is the one in whose heart are two knowledges, one of it
opposing its counterpart, and that Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Refused that there
should be a Knowledge for Himazwj wherein is a differing’.

‫ااد ي‬
‫اد جا تجد ْف ين ُريجها يعْب جد‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي َّ ي ي‬
ُ ُْ ‫ ندج جع ْم م ييه ُنج ُم‬،‫ال أجبُو جج ْع جف ٍ ا عسيه الن‬
‫يم جا ُه جو قج ج‬ ‫ي‬
‫ال الَّ ُج ُم جه ْم تج ْدرل يجا ابْ جن جر ُسول السه جدل ج‬
‫ال مجد جق ج‬ ‫قج ج‬
‫ك‬‫الص جوا ي يف تيْس ج‬ ٍ ‫ْم يه قج‬
َّ ‫اض بي‬ ‫صيهلل ٍة يف يديبي يه أجا يف ندج ْف ين يه أجا يف الييه لجيس يف أجر يض يه ي ن حك ي‬
‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬ َّ ‫ااُ ْك يم مجد جق ج‬
ُ ْ ْ ‫ْ ج ْ ج‬ ْ ‫يب جعْهللدام مبُ ج‬
‫ال أ ججىب السهُ أج ْع يُص ج‬ ْ
‫صيهللج ية‬
‫الْم ي‬
Heasws said: ‘So the man (Ilyasas) said: ‘Do youasws know, O sonasws of Rasool-
Allahsaww the Evidence, what it is?’ Abu Ja’farasws said: ‘Yes, therein is the totality of
the Legal Punishments, and its interpretation during the judgment’. So he as said:
‘Allahazwj Refuses that a servant be hit by a difficulty in his Religion, or regarding
himself, or in his wealth, and there isn’t in Hisazwj earth from Hisazwj Judgment which
can be judged with the correctness with regards to that very difficulty’.

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‫جا ال تجد ْفج ُحوا يمبا آتا ُا ْم‬ َّ ‫ تجأْ جس ْوا جعسى ا ماتج ُك ْم يِمَّا ُخ‬،‫جخي ْربيين جع ْن تجد ْف ين يري لي جكْي‬
،‫ص بييه جعسي ٌّي ا عسيه الن‬ ‫ي‬
ْ ‫ال الَّ ُج ُم جا لجك ْن أ‬
‫ال مجد جق ج‬
‫قج ج‬

Heasws said: ‘So the man (Ilyasas) said: ‘But, inform meas about the interpretation of
So that you may not despair over what has escaped you, from what Ali has
been Particularised with, nor be happy with what has been Given to you

‫جا ال‬ َّ ‫ تجأْ جس ْوا جعسى ا ماتج ُك ْم يِمَّا ُخ‬،‫اح جداٌ ُ ج ِّخجاٌ لي جكْي‬
،‫ص بييه جعسي ٌّي ا عسيه الن‬ ‫اح جداٌ جق ِّد ةٌ ا ا ي‬
‫ُ ج ج ج‬
‫ ٍع ا أجي ابييه ا ي‬،‫ال يف أيجيب مُ ج‬
‫ج ْج ج‬ ‫قج ج‬
‫ول السَّ يه ا يسى اه عسيه اآله‬ ‫ت لج ُكم بدع جد رس ي‬ ‫ي ي ي‬ ‫ي‬
ُ ‫ض ْ ْ جْ ج‬ ‫تجد ْفج ُحوا مبا آتا ُا ْم جن الْفْتدبجة الَّين جعج ج‬

Heasws said: ‘(It is) regarding Abu so and so, and his companion. One who was
foremost and one who was delayed (later one): So that you may not despair over
what has escaped you, from what Ali has been Particularised with, nor be
happy with what has been Given to you [57:23], from the strife which appeared
for you after Rasool-Allahsaww’.

‫ ج ي ي‬،‫اا ْك يم الَّ يل جال اختي ج‬

. ُ‫ب مجدسج ْم أ ججرر‬
‫ ِ ميه ُمثَّ قجا ج الَّ ُج ُم جا ذج جه ج‬ ْ ْ ‫ال الَّ ُج ُم أج ْش جع ُد أجنَّ ُك ْم أ‬
ُْ ُ ‫جي ج ا‬ ‫مجد جق ج‬

So the man (Ilyasas) said: ‘Ias testify that you Imamsasws are the owners of the wisdom
wherein there is no differing’. Then the man stood up and went, and I asws did not see
him (again)’.77


ُ ‫ااج يم‬ ‫الَّ ي‬

}24{ ‫يد‬ ُّ ‫َّاس بيالْهللُ ْخ يم ۖ جاج ْن يجدتجد جوَّل مجيإ َّع السَّهج ُه جو الْغجي‬
ْ ‫ين‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ع‬
‫ج‬ ‫ا‬ ْ
‫أ‬ ‫ي‬‫ا‬
ُُ ‫ج ج‬ ‫ع‬
‫ج‬ ‫و‬ُ‫س‬ ‫خ‬
‫ج‬ ‫هلل‬
ْ ‫د‬‫ي‬
‫جج‬ ‫ين‬
Those who are stingy and are instructing the people with the stinginess, and
one who turns back, then surely Allah, He is the Needless, the Praised One

‫ول السَّ يه ا يسى‬

ُ ‫ال جر ُس‬ ‫ال قج ج‬ ‫ قج ج‬،‫جي ج ابييه جع ْن أيجيب جعْهلل يد السَّ يه ا عسيه الن‬ ْ ‫ضأ‬ ‫ينى جع ْن يُونُس جع ْن بدج ْع ي‬
‫ي ي‬
‫يم جع ْن ُحمج َّمد بْ ين ع ج‬
‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫جعس ُّي بْ ُن إبْدجاه ج‬
ُ ‫ااجُق‬ ُ ‫اح ُ الْ ُمتجد جف ِّ ُ الْهللج يل ُ الْهللج يخي ُم الْ ُم ْختج‬
ْ ‫ال‬ ‫ال الْ جف ي‬ ‫ُخي ُربُا ْم بيأجبْد جع يد ُا ْم ي ِّين جشهللجعام قجالُوا بدجسجى يجا جر ُس ج‬
‫ول السَّ يه قج ج‬ ْ ‫اه عسيه اآله أج جال أ‬
. ‫وع ي ْن ُا ِّم جشٍّ يدُتَّد جقى‬‫يد ي ن ُا ِّم خ ٍري يد جى غجيد الْمأْ ي‬
ُ ‫ج ْ ُْ ج ْ ُ ج‬
‫اسي الْ جقسْ ي ي‬
ْ ُ ‫ب الْهللجع‬
‫اانود الْ جق ي‬
ُ ُ ‫ْج‬
Ali Bin Ibrahim, from Muhammad Bin Isa, from Yunus, from one of his companions,

‘From Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘Shall Isaww inform you of
the ones who are the most remote from me saww in likeness?’ They said, ‘Yes, O
Rasool-Allahsaww!’ Hesaww said: ‘The immoral, the scandalous, the foul-mouthed, the

Al Kafi V 1 – The Book Of Divine Authority CH 41 H 1 (Extract)

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

stingy, the rogue, the malicious, the envious, the hard of heart, the one remote from
every hope of goodness without any safety from every evil feared’.78

‫ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ٍ ‫ُحم َّم ُد بن يسبج‬

‫اج ُ ْ ٌن إي جن ُسكْبج ج‬
ُ‫اها مج جمبجد جعه‬ ‫احتج ج‬ ْ ‫ ج ْن جاانج‬،‫ال أجبُو جعْهللد السَّه ا عسيه الن‬
ْ ‫ت لجهُ جد ٌار مج‬ ‫ال قج ج‬ ‫َّم بْ ين ُع جمج قج ج‬
‫اع جع ْن ُ جفا ي‬ ُْ ‫ج‬
. ‫ي جال يج ْن ُك ُن يجبج ياين أجبجدام‬،‫الدنْديجا جا يعَّزييِت جا جج ج‬
ُّ ‫َْن الدَّا ير‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫ئ جك ين أج جب جم جعْهللدل جعسجى جعْهللدل ب ُنك ج‬،‫ال السَّهُ جعَّز جا جج َّم يجا ج ج‬ ‫إييَّ ج‬
‫اها قج ج‬

Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Mufazzal Bin Umar who said,

‘Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘The one who had a house for him and a Momin needed to
dwell in it, but he prevents it to him, Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Says: “O Myazwj
Angels! Is Myazwj servant being stingy upon Myazwj servant of dwelling in the house of
the world? By Myazwj Honour and Myazwj Majesty! He shall not dwell in Myazwj
Gardens, ever!”’.79


‫داس بيالْ يق ْند يدا ۖ جاأجنْدجزلْبجددا‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

ُ ‫لججقد ْد أ ْجر جسد ْسبجا ُر ُسدسجبجا بالْهللجديِّدبجددات جاأجنْدجزلْبجددا ج جع ُعد ُدم الْكتجددا ج جاالْميدجدزا جع ليجد ُقددوج البَّد‬
ٌّ ‫دب ۖ إي َّع السَّدهج قجد يو‬
‫ل‬ ‫صد رُ ار ُسدسجهُ بيالْغجْي ي‬ ‫ب‬ ‫د‬‫ي‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ه‬ َّ
‫س‬ ‫ال‬ ‫م‬ ‫س‬ ‫ع‬ ‫د‬‫ي‬‫َّاس الي‬
‫ي‬ ‫ب‬ ‫س‬ ‫يد مي ييه بأْس ش يدي ٌد ا باميع لي‬ ‫اا ي‬
ُ‫ُ ج‬ ُ ْ ‫ج‬ ْ ‫ج‬ ُ ‫ج‬
‫ج ج‬ ْ ‫ج‬ ُ ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ ٌ ‫ج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫ْج‬
}25{ ‫جع يز ٌيز‬
We had Sent Our Rasools with the clear proofs, and We sent down the Book
and the Scale with them, in order for them to establish justice with the people.
And We Sent down the iron wherein is severe violence and benefits for the
people, and for Allah to Know who helps Him and His Rasool in the secret.
Surely Allah is Strong, Mighty [57:25]

‫حدثبا حممد بن عينى عن حممد بن سباع عن الاعيم بن جاب عن عهللد الك مي بن عم ا عن عهللد ااميد بن اىب الديسم عن اىب‬
‫ قال اايى وسى إن يوشع بن نوع ااايى يوشع بن نوع إن الد هاراع اىت يويى إن الد وسى الع اه‬،‫عهللد اه عسيه الن‬
‫له اخلريا َيتار ن يفا ِمن يفا ابف وسى يوشع بن نوع بابنيح‬

It has been narrated to us by Muhammad Bin Isa, from Muhammad Bin Sinan, from Ismail, Bin Jabir,
from Abdul Kareem Bin Amro, from Abdul Hameed Bin Abu Al-Daylam, who has said:

‘Abu Abdullahasws having said: ‘Musaas bequeathed to Yoshua Bin Noonas, and
Yoshua Bin Noonas bequeathed to the son of Harounas, and did not bequeath to the
son of Musaas, because to Allahazwj is the good, Heazwj Choses whosoever that Heazwj
so Wishes to, and Musaas gave the good news to Yoshua Bin Noonas of the

Al Kafi V 2 – The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 115 H 9
Al Kafi V 2 – The Book Of Belief and Disbelief CH 157 H 3

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‫مسما اع بعث اه ابنيح قال الم انه سيأيِت رسول اه يسى اه عسيه اآله ن بعدى اله امحد ن الد الاعيم يصدقين‬
‫ايصدقكم اج ت ب ااواري ف ابنت فظ اامنا لاهم اه ابنت فظ الهنم است فظوا االسم االارب اهو الكتا ال ى‬
‫يعسم به ام شئ ال ى ااع ع االنهلليا‬

When Allahazwj Sent the Messiahas, Heazwj Said to himas that hesaww, the Rasool-
Allahsaww will come afterwards, hissaww name will be Ahmadsaww from the son of
Ismail. Hesaww will ratify Meazwj, and ratify youas. And (a meeting) took place between
the disciples among the Mustahfizeen (The guardians), and Allah azwj had Named
them as Al-Mustahfizeen because they were guarding the Great Name (Al-Ism Al-
Akbar), and it is the Book by which everything can be known which was with the

‫يقول اه تعان لقد ارسسبا رسسبا بالهلليبات ا انزلبا ععم الكتا اابيزاع الكتا االسم االارب مأاحى باالسم االارب ا رياو العسم‬
. ،‫اآثار عسم البهللوا إن عسى بن اىب طالب عسيه الن‬

Allahazwj the Exalted has Said: We had Sent Our Rasools with the clear proofs,
and We sent down the Book and the Scale with them [57:25], and the Book is
the Great Name (Al-Ism Al-Akbar). Heazwj Revealed that the Great Name (Al-Ism Al-
Akbar), and inheritance of the knowledge, and effect of knowledge of the Prophet-
hood be transferred to Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws’.80

Explanation of ‘Sent down’

‫ ا‬،‫ «ا أنزل لكم ن اْلنعا مثانية أزااج‬:‫ قال‬،‫ ِما تأايسه غري تبزيسه‬، ،‫ عن أ ري اب ب اعسيه الن‬: ‫الطربسي ف ااالحتجاج‬
.»‫ مإنزال ذلك خسقه‬،‫س جش يدي ٌد‬ ‫اا يد ج ي ي‬
ٌ ْ‫يد ميه بجأ‬ ‫ جا أجنْدجزلْبجا ْج‬:‫قال‬
Al-Tabarsy, in Al-Ihtijaj,

From Amir-Al-Momineenasws, from the explanation being other than its Revelation,
said: and Sent down for you eight pairs of the cattle, and Said: and We Sent
down the iron, wherein is severe violence [57:25], so the ‘Sending down’, is its

The Scale

‫ أ ري اب ب اعسيه‬:‫ ابيزاع‬:‫ قال‬،‫ السَّهُ الَّ يل أجنْدجزجل الْكيتا ج بيا ْاج ِّق جا الْ يميزا جع‬:‫ مث قال عز ا جم‬:‫ن جع إن رااية عسي بن إب اهيم‬
. ‫ض جع الْ يميزا جع يعين اس ا‬ ‫النما ج جرمجد جععا جا جا ج‬َّ ‫ جا‬:‫ ا الدليم عسى ذلك قوله ف سورا ال محن‬، ،‫الن‬

Basaair Al Darajaat – P 9 CH 22 H 4 (Extract)
.250 :‫اًلاتجتج‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

We return to the report of Ali Bin Ibrahim,

‘Then the Mighty and Majestic Said: Allah is the One Who Revealed the Book and
the Scale with the Truth [42:17], said, ‘The Scale is Amir Al-Momineenasws, and
the evidence upon that are Hisazwj Words in Surah Al-Rahman (Chapter 55): And the
sky, He elevated it, and He Placed the Scale [55:7] - Meaning the Imamasws’.82

The descent of the iron

‫ أنزل اه آد عه ن‬:‫يد قال‬ ‫ ا أجنْدزلْبا ْ ي‬:‫ ف قوله تعان‬،‫ عن ابن عهللاس‬،‫ عن أيب ياحل‬،‫ عن تفنري الندل‬: ‫ابن شع آشو‬
‫ااجد ج‬ ‫ج جج‬
،‫ خسق ن ارق آس اجلبة‬،‫اجلبة سيف ذل الفقار‬

Ibn Shehr Ashub, from Tafseer of Al Sady, from Abu Salih, from Ibn Abbas –

‘Regarding the Words of the Exalted: and We Sent down the iron [57:25], he said,
‘Allahazwj Send down Adamas and with himas was a sword from the Paradise (called)
Zulfiqar, Created from a myrtle leaf of the Paradise.

‫ نع‬،‫ ال يزال أنهلليائي ُياربوع به‬:‫ ا ااع عسيه كتوبا‬، ‫ مكاع به ُيار آد أعدا ر ن اجلن ا الفياط‬،‫س جش يدي ٌد‬ ‫يي‬
ٌ ْ‫ ميه بجأ‬:‫مث قال‬
،‫ ح ي ثه أ ري اب ب مي ار به ع البع اْل ي‬،‫ ا يديق بعد يديق‬،‫بعد نع‬

Then Heazwj Said: wherein is severe violence [57:25]. So Adamas used to battle
hisas enemies from the Jinn and the Satansla, and there was inscribed upon it: “Myazwj
Prophetsas will not cease to battle by it, Prophetas after Prophetas, and truthful after
truthful”, until Amir Al Momineenasws inherited it, so heasws used to battle by it along
with the Ummy Prophetsaww.

‫جا جبامي ُع ليسب ي‬

ٌّ ‫َّاس حملمد ا عسي إي َّع السَّهج قج يو‬
. ،‫ل جع يز ٌيز بيع بالبقمة ن الكفاربعسي بن أيب طالب اعسيه الن‬

(The Words): and benefits for the people – for Muhammadsaww and Aliasws. Surely
Allah is Strong, Mighty [57:25] – Robust with the Revenge from the Kafirs by Ali
Bin Abu Talibasws.

‫ أنزل ن النما عسى البع ايسى اه عسيه ا آله مأعطار عسيا‬،‫ ا قد راى اامة أي اببا أع اب اد هب ر اْلية ذا الفقار‬:‫قال‬
. ،‫اعسيه الن‬

He (Al Sady) said, ‘And all of our companions have reported that the intended by this
Verse is (the sword) Zulfiqar, Sent down from the sky unto the Prophet saww, and
hesaww gave it to Aliasws’’.83

.274 :12 ‫تفسير القمّي‬
294 :3 ‫( المنتقب‬From non-Shia source)

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws


‫ي‬ ٍ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫يي‬ ‫الججق د ْد أجرس د ْسبا نُوحددا اإيبد د ي‬

ٌ‫يم جا جج جع ْسبجددا يف ذُِّريَّتع جمددا البُّهللُد َّدواج جاالْكتجددا ج ۖ مجم دْبد ُع ْم ُ ْعتجددد ۖ جاجاثددري‬ ‫اه‬
‫ج ْ ج ج م ج ْج ج‬
}26{ ‫اس ُقو جع‬ ‫ي ْبدعم مج ي‬
And We had Sent Noah and Ibrahim, and We Made the Prophet-hood and the
Book to be in their offspring. So, from them (some) were rightly Guided, and
most of them are transgressors [57:26]

‫ حدثبا حممد‬:‫ قاال‬، ‫ ا جعف بن حممد بن ن ار ارضي اه عبعما‬، ‫ حدثبا عسي بن اان بن شاذايه اب د‬:‫ قال‬،‫ابن بابويه‬
‫ ا قد‬، ‫ ف حديث ابأ وع ع العسما‬- ،‫ عن ال ضا اعسيه الن‬،‫ عن ال ياع بن الصست‬،‫ عن أبيه‬،‫بن عهللد اه بن جعف اامريل‬
‫ «هم‬: ،‫ أهم اْلل أ غري اْلل؟ مقال ال ضا اعسيه الن‬،‫ عن العوا‬-‫ يا أبا اانن‬-‫ أخربنا‬: ‫ قالت العسما‬-‫أش نا له غري ا‬

Ibn Babuwayh, from Ali Bin Al-Husayn Bin Shazaan Al-Mowdab, and Ja’far Bin Muhammad Bin
Masrour, from Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Ja’far Al-Humeyri, from his father, from Al-Rayan Bin Al-

‘Al-Rezaasws – in a Hadeeth of Al-Mamoun with the scholars, and we pointed out to

him more than once – The scholars said, ‘Inform us – O Abu Al-Hassanasws – about
the ‘Family’ (‫)العترة‬, are they the ‘Progeny’ or other than the Progeny’?’ So Al-Rezaasws
said: ‘They are the Progeny’.

‫ «أ ن آ » ا ه ال أي ابه يقولوع باخلرب ابنتفاض‬:‫ مع ا رسول اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله ي ث عبه أنه قال‬: ‫مقالت العسما‬
.‫ أ ته‬:‫ آل حممد‬:‫ال ل ال ميكن دمعه‬

The scholars said, ‘So as for this, Rasool-Allahsaww preferred from it, for hesaww said:
‘Mysaww community is mysaww Family’. And those were hissaww companions who were
saying with the news (Hadeeth), which is not possible to repulse: The Progenyasws of
Muhammadsaww is hissaww community’.

:‫ قال‬.‫ ال‬:‫ «مت عسى اْل ة»؟ قالوا‬:‫ قال‬.‫ نعم‬:‫ «أخرباين هم الصدقة عسى اْلل»؟ قالوا‬: ،‫مقال أبو اانن اعسيه الن‬
‫ ا ُيكم أين ي هب بكم؟ أ ض بتم عن ال ا يف ا أ أنتم قو ن موع؟‬،‫«ه ا م ق ب اْلل ا اْل ة‬

But Abu Al-Hassanasws said: ‘You all inform me, is charity prohibited upon the
Progenyasws’. They said, ‘Yes’. Heasws said: ‘So is it Prohibited upon the community?’
They said, ‘No’. Heasws said: ‘This is the difference between the Progenyasws and the
community? Woe be unto you all! Where are you all headed? Are you striking about
the Zikr foolishly or are you an extravagant people?

57 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‫ يا أبا اانن؟ مقال اعسيه‬،‫ ا ن أين‬:‫أ ا عسمتم أنه اقعت الوراثة ا الطعارا عسى ابصطف ابعتدين داع سائ هم»؟ قالوا‬
‫يم جا جج جع ْسبا يف ذُِّريَّتي يع جما البُّهللُد َّوجا جا الْ يكتا ج مج يمْبد ُع ْم ُ ْعتج ٍد جا جاثيريٌ ي ْبد ُع ْم‬ ‫ي ي‬
‫ جا لججق ْد أ ْجر جس ْسبا نُوحام جا إبْ اه ج‬:‫ « ن قول اه عز ا جم‬: ،‫الن‬
. ‫ماس ُقو جع مصارت اراثة البهللوا ا الكتا لسمعتدين داع الفاسق‬ ‫ي‬

But, do you know that the inheritance, and the purification is upon the chosen, the
guided ones, apart from the rest of them?’ They said, ‘And from where is it, O Abu
Al-Hassanasws?’ So heasws said: ‘From the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic:
And We had Sent Noah and Ibrahim, and We Made the Prophet-hood and the
Book to be in their offspring. So, from them (some) were rightfully Guided, and
most of them are transgressors [57:26]. So the inheritance of the Prophet-hood
and the Book is for the Guided onesasws, apart from the transgressors.

‫جح جك ُم‬
ْ‫ت أ‬ ْ ‫ جر ِّ إي َّع ابْيين ي ْن أ ْجهسيي جا إي َّع جا ْع جد جك‬:‫ مقال‬،‫ ح سأل ربه تعان ذا ر‬،‫أ ا عسمتم أع نوحا اعسيه الن‬
‫ااج ُّق جا أجنْ ج‬
،‫ااااي يم ج ا ذلك أع اه عز ا جم اعدر أع يبجيه ا أهسه‬

But, do you know that Noahas, when heas asked hisas Lordazwj, Elevated is Hisazwj
Mention, so heas said: ‘Lord! Surely, my son is from my family, and Your
Promise is the Truth and You are the best of the deciders’ [11:45], and that
Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic had Promised himas that Heazwj would Rescue hisas

‫ك أج ْع تج ُكو جع ي جن‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ يا نُوح إينَّهُ لجْيس ي ن أ ْجهسي ج ي‬:‫مقال له ربه عز ا جم‬
‫ك بييه عي ْس ٌم إي ِّين أ يجعظُ ج‬
‫س لج ج‬ ‫ي‬
‫ تج ْنَئجد ْسن ا لجْي ج‬،‫ك إنَّهُ جع جم ٌم جغْيدُ يال ٍح مج‬ ْ ‫ج‬ ُ
.»‫اهسي ج ؟‬
‫اجل ي‬

Then hisas Lordazwj Mighty and Majestic Said to himas: “O Noah! He is not from
your family; he is (the doer of) other than righteous deeds, therefore do not
ask Me what you have no knowledge of; I Advise you, lest you may become
from the ignorant ones” [11:46]’.84


‫ين‬ ‫ي َّ ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ُمثَّ قجد َّفيدبجا عسجى آثجا يريهم بي سسيبجا اقجد َّفيدبجا بيعيينى اب ين جمي اآتجديدبجدار ْي ي‬
‫اس ْجني جدم جا جج جع ْسبجدا ف قُدسُدو الد ج‬ ُ ْ ‫ج ْ جْ ج ج‬ ْ ‫ْ ُُ ج‬ ٰ ‫ْ ج‬
‫ض جو ياع السَّ يه مج جمدا جر جع ْوجهدا جح َّدق‬
ْ ‫اها جعسجْي يع ْم إيَّال ابْتيغجا ج ير‬ ‫ي‬
‫اتَّدهللجدعُورُ جرأْمجةم جاجر ْمحجةم جاجرْههللجانيَّةم ابْدتج جدعُ ج‬
‫وها ج ا جاتجْهللدبج ج‬
}27{ ‫اس ُقو جع‬ ‫يرعايتيعا ۖ مجآتجديدبجا الَّ يين آ بُوا ي ْبدعم أجج هم ۖ اجاثيري ي ْبدعم مج ي‬
ْ ُ ٌ ‫ُ ْ ْجُ ْ ج‬ ‫ج ج‬ ْ ‫ججج‬
Then We Made Our Rasools to follow in their footsteps, and We sent Isa son of
Maryam after them, and We gave him the Evangel, and We Made kindness and
mercy to be in the hearts of those that followed him. And (as for) monasticism
(priesthood), they innovated it – We did not Prescribe it upon them except for
1 /229 :1 )‫عيون أخحتر الرّضت (عليه السَّلم‬

58 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

seeking the Pleasure of Allah, but they did not observe its rightful observance,
so We Gave those from them who believed, their Recompense, and most of
them are transgressors [57:27]

‫ يا ابن ا‬:‫ ابت رديف رسول اه يسى اه عسيه اآله عسى اامار مقال‬:‫ايعاد ه ا ا جا ت به ال ااية عن ابن نعود قال‬
،‫ اه ارسوله أعسم‬:‫عهللد هم تدرى ن أين أحدثت ببو اس ائيم ال ههللانية ؟ مقست‬

And to complement this is what has come -

By the report from Ibn Mas’ud who said, ‘I accompanied Rasool-Allahsaww upon the
donkey, so hesaww said: ‘O son of Umm Abd! Do you know from where the Children
of Israel have started the Monasticism (Priesthood)?’ So I said, ‘Allah azwj and Hisazwj
Rasoolsaww, are more knowing’.

‫و‬،‫ معز اهم االمياع ث‬،‫ مغاب أهم االمياع مقاتسوهم‬،‫ يعمسوع مبعايي اه‬،‫ ظع ت عسيعم اجلهللاب ا بعد عينى عسيه الن‬:‫مقال‬
،‫ات مسم يهللق بعم اال القسيم‬

So hesaww said: ‘The tyrants appeared over them after Isaas, acting in disobedience to
Allahazwj. So the people of the Eman were angered, and they (tyrants) tried to kill
them. The people of the Eman were defeated three times, and there did not remain
from them any, except a few.

‫ متعالوا نتف ق ف االرض إن أع يهللعث اه البع ال ى اعدنا به عينى‬،‫ اع ظع نا ال ال امبونا اىت يهللق لسدين أحد يدعو إليه‬:‫مقالوا‬
،‫ متف قوا ف غرياع اجلهللال اأحدثوا رههللانية‬،‫ يعبوع حممدا يسى اه عسيه اآله‬،‫عسيه الن‬

So they said, ‘They (the tyrants) have destroyed us, and there does not remain for
the Religion anyone who can call towards it. Come, let us disperse in the earth to the
place where Allahazwj would be Sending the Prophetsaww that Isaas promised us with’
– meaning Muhammadsaww. So they dispersed in the caves of the mountains, and
started Monasticism (Priesthood).

‫ممبعم ن َتنك بديبه ; ا بعم ن اف‬

Thus, from among them is one who attaches himself to his Religion; and from among
them is one who committed Kufr’.

‫ اه‬:‫ يددابن ا عهللددد أتدددرى ددا رههللانيددة أ د ؟ قددال‬:‫ " ارههللانيددة ابتدددعوها ددا اتهللباهددا عسدديعم " إن آخ هددا مث قددال‬:‫ ه د ر االيددة‬،‫مث تدد‬
.‫ االج ا اجلعاد االصسوا االصو اااج االعم ا‬:‫ قال‬،‫ارسوله أعسم‬

Then hesaww recited this Verse: And (as for) monasticism (priesthood), they
innovated it – We did not Prescribe it upon them [57:27] – up to the end of it.
Then hesaww said: ‘O son of Umm Abd! Do you know what is the Monasticism
(Priesthood) of mysaww community?’ He said, ‘Allahazwj and Hisazwj Rasoolsaww are

59 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

more knowing’. Hesaww said: ‘The Emigration, and the Jihad, and the Salat, and the
Fast, and the Hajj, and the Umrah’.85

‫يف‬ ْ ‫جسهللجا ٍ جع ْدن ُحمج َّم يدد بْد ين جعسي ِّدي بْد ين أيجيب جعْهللد يد السَّ يده جع ْدن أيجيب‬
،‫ااج جند ين ا عسيده الند‬ ‫ي‬ ْ ‫ُحمج َّم ُد بْ ُن جُْي جَي جع ْن ُحمج َّم يد بْ ين‬
ْ ‫ااُ جن ْ ي جع ْن جعس ِّي بْ ين أ‬
. ‫اُ السَّْي يم‬،‫ي ج‬ ‫ال ج‬ ‫ضو ياع السَّ يه قج ج‬ ْ ‫قجد ْويل السَّ يه جعَّز جا جج َّم جرْههللانييَّةم ابْدتج جد ُعوها ا جاتجْهللباها جعسجْي يع ْم إيَّال ابْتيغا ج ير‬
Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Al-Husayn, from Ali Bin Asbaar, from Muhammad Bin
Ali Bin Abdullah,

‘From Abu Al-Hassanasws regarding the Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: And
(as for) monasticism (priesthood), they innovated it – We did not Prescribe it
upon them [57:27]. Heasws said: ‘The night Salāt’.86


‫دورا َتجْ ُفدو جع‬

ُ‫ن‬ ‫دم‬‫ك‬ُ ‫ل‬
‫ج‬ ‫دم‬‫ع‬‫ي‬ ‫ج‬‫ا‬ ‫يا أجيدُّعا الَّ يين آ بُوا اتَّد ُقوا السَّه اآ ي بُوا بي سولييه يد ْ تي ُكم اي ْفسجد ي ي دن ر ْمحتي ي‬
‫جُ ُ ْ ْ ْ ج ج ج ج ْ ْ م‬
ْ ‫جج‬ ‫ج ج‬ ‫ج ج‬
}28{ ‫يم‬ ‫بييه ايد ْغ يف لج ُكم ۖ االسَّه جغ ُف ي‬
ٌ ‫ور جرح‬ ٌ ُ ‫جج ْ ْ ج‬
O you who believe! Fear Allah and believe in His Rasool, He will Give you two
portions from His Mercy and He would Make a Light to be for you to be walking
with, and He would Forgive (your sins) for you, and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful

:‫ قدال‬،‫ عدن أيب اجلداراد‬،‫ عدن ثعسهللدة بدن يمدوع‬،‫ عدن ابدن مادال‬،‫ عن حممد بن عهللد اجلهللدار‬،‫ عن أمحد بن إدريس‬: ‫حممد بن يعقو‬
‫ «ا ا ذاك»؟‬:‫ قال‬،‫ لقد آتى اه أهم الكتا خريا اثريا‬: ،‫قست ْليب جعف اعسيه الن‬

Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Ahmad Bin Idrees, from Muhammad Bin Abdul Jabbar, from Ibn Fazal,
from Sa’albat Bin Maymoun, from Abu Al Jaroud who said,

‘I said to Abu Ja’farasws, ‘Allahazwj has Given a lot of good to the People of the Book’.
Heasws said: ‘And what is that?’

‫ي‬ ‫َّ ي‬
.‫يهللجدُاا‬ ‫ي‬
‫ججج ُه ْم ج َّتجد ْ ي مبا ج‬ ‫ أُالَئي ج‬:‫باه ُم الْكيتا ج ي ْن قجدْهللس يه ُه ْم بييه يدُ ْ ي بُو جع إن قوله تعان‬
ْ ‫ك يدُ ْ تجد ْو جع أ‬ ُ ‫ين آتجدْي‬
‫ ال ج‬:‫ قول اه عز ا جم‬:‫قست‬

I said, ‘The Words of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic: Those We had Given the Book
from before him, they were believers in it [28:52] - up to Hisazwj Words: These
would be Given their Reward twice due to what they were patient upon [28:54].

Tafseer Noor Al Saqalayn – CH 57 H 107
Al Kafi V 3 – The Book Of Salāt CH 100 H 12

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‫ين آ جبُوا اتدَّ ُقوا السَّهج جا آ ي بُوا بيج ُسولييه يدُ ْ تي ُك ْم اي ْفسج ْ ي ي ْن جر ْمحجتي يه جا جْي جع ْم لج ُك ْم نُورام‬ ‫َّ ي‬
‫ يا أجيدُّ جعا ال ج‬:،‫ مث ت‬،»‫ «قد آتاام اه اما آتاهم‬:‫مقال‬
.»‫َتجْ ُفو جع بييه «يعين إ ا ا تأَتوع به‬

So heasws said: ‘Allahazwj has Given you the like of what Heazwj had Given them’. Then
heasws recited: O you who believe! Fear Allah and believe in His Rasool, He will
Give you two portions from His Mercy and He would Make a Light to be for you
to be walking with [57:28], Meaning the Imamasws you can take as an Imamasws

‫ عدن‬،‫ عدن القاسدم بدن سدسيماع‬،‫ عدن الباد بدن سدويد‬،‫ عدن ااند بدن سدعيد‬،‫ عن أمحد بدن حممدد‬،‫ عن عدا ن أي اببا‬:‫ا عبه‬
‫ «اانددن ا ااند‬:‫ قددال‬،‫ يُد ْ تي ُك ْم اي ْفسجد ْ ي ي د ْدن جر ْمحجتيد يده‬:‫ ف قددول السّدده عد ّدز ا جد ّدم‬، ،‫ عددن أيب عهللددد اه اعسيدده الندد‬،‫لاعددة بددن عد اع‬
.»‫ «إ ا تأَتّوع به‬:‫ قال‬،‫ جا جْي جع ْم لج ُك ْم نُورام َتجْ ُفو جع بييه‬.» ،‫اعسيعما الن‬

And from him, from a number of our companions, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad, from Al-Husayn Bin
Saeed, from Al-Nazar Bin Suweyd, from Al-Qasim Bin Suleyman, from Sama’at Bin Mahran,

‘Abu Abdullahasws regarding the Words of the Mighty and Majestic: He will Give you
two portions from His Mercy [57:28], heasws said: ‘Al-Hassanasws and Al-
Husaynasws’, and He would Make a Light to be for you to be walking with [57:28],
heasws said: ‘The Imamasws for you to follow by’.88

،‫ حددثين عمدي ااند بدن زيدد‬:‫ قدال‬،‫ عدن أمحدد بدن عيندى بدن زيدد‬،‫ عدن حممدد بدن زا يدا‬،‫ حدثبا عهللد العزيز بن ُيدَي‬:‫ قال‬،‫ا عبه‬
‫ عن جاب بن‬، ،‫ عن أبيه اعسيعما الن‬،‫ عن جعف ابن حممد‬،‫ لعت اان بن زيد ُيدو‬:‫ قال‬،‫ حدثين شعيب بن ااقد‬:‫قال‬
‫ «اانددن ا ااند‬:‫ قددال‬،‫ يُد ْ تي ُك ْم اي ْفسجد ْ ي ي د ْدن جر ْمحجتيد يده‬:‫ ف قولدده تعددان‬، ‫ عددن البددع ايددسى اه عسيدده ا آلدده‬، ‫عهللددد اه ارضددي اه عبدده‬
.» ،‫ عسي اعسيه الن‬:‫ قال‬،‫ جا جْي جع ْم لج ُك ْم نُورام َتجْ ُفو جع بييه‬، ،‫اعسيعما الن‬

And from him, from Abdul Aziz Bin Yahya, from Muhammad Bin Zakariya, from Ahmad Bin Isa Bin
Zayd, from Ummy Al-Husayn Bin Zayd, from Shuayb Bin Waqid who said, ‘I heard Al-Husayn Bin
Zayd narrating,

‘Ja’farasws Bin Muhammadasws, from hisasws fatherasws, from Jabir Bin Abdullah, from
the Prophetsaww regarding the Words of the Exalted: He will Give you two portions
from His Mercy [57:28], heasws said: ‘Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws’, and He
would Make a Light to be for you to be walking with [57:28], hesaww said:

‫ عن عمدار‬، ‫ عن اْلحوق بن جوا‬،‫ عن حن بن حنن اب ازل‬،‫ عن ابغريا بن حممد‬،‫ حدثبا عهللد العزيز بن ُيَي‬:‫ قال‬،‫ا عبه‬
‫ بد يددل رسدول‬،‫ طعبدت عسدى عسدي اعسيده الند‬:‫ قدال‬،‫ عن اعب بدن عيداض‬،‫ عن خالد بن عداع‬،‫ عن ثور بن يزيد‬،‫بن رزيق‬
‫ ممن َتنك‬،‫ ا نور ف اْلرض‬، ‫ نور ف النما‬:‫ إع لعسي نورين‬،‫ «يا اعب‬:‫ مث قال‬،‫ موازين ف يدرل‬، ‫اه ايسى اه عسيه ا آله‬
.»‫ مهللف الباس عين ب لك‬،‫ ا ن أخطأر أدخسه اها البار‬،‫ببورر أدخسه اها اجلبة‬

.3 /150 :1 ‫الكتفي‬
.86 /356 :1 ‫الكتفي‬
.28 /669 :2 ‫تأويل اآليت‬

61 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

And from him, from Abdul Aziz Bin Yahya, from Al-Mugheira Bin Muhammad, from Husayn Bin
Hassan Al-Marwazy, from Al-Ahows Bin Jawab, from Amar Bin Razeeq, from Sowr Bin Yazeed, from
Khalid Bin Ma’dan, from Ka’ab Bin Ayaaz who said,

‘Somebody taunted Aliasws in the presence of Rasool-Allahsaww, so hesaww struck my

chest, then said: ‘O Ka’ab! For Aliasws, there are two Lights – A Light in the sky, and a
Light in the earth. So the one who attaches to his asws Light will enter the Paradise,
and the one who offended him asws, Allahazwj would Make him enter the Fire.
Therefore, give these glad tidings to the people from mesaww, about that’.90

‫ قدال رسدول اه ايدسى‬:‫ قدال‬،‫ عدن أندس بدن الدك‬،‫ ا رال موعا‬،‫ ا رال ف عَن نورر اعسيه الن‬:‫قال ش ِ الدين البجفي‬
‫ س دهللع ألددف سددك ينددتغف اع لدده ا حملهلليدده إن يددو‬،‫ « خسددق اه ددن نددور اجدده عسددي بددن أيب طالددب اعسيدده الندد‬: ‫اه عسيدده ا آلدده‬
.»‫القيا ة‬

Sharaf Al-Deen Al-Najafy –

It has been reported regarding hisasws Light what has been reported with an
unbroken chain from Anas Bin Malik who said, ‘Rasool-Allahsaww said: ‘Allahazwj
Created from the Light of the face of Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws, seventy thousand
Angels who seek Forgiveness for himasws and for those who love himasws, up to the
Day of Judgement’.91


‫ا جدم بييج يدد السَّ يده يدُ ْ تيي يده‬ ٍ

ْ ‫ يجد ْعسج جم أ ْجه ُم الْ يكتجا ي أَّجال يجد ْق يد ُرا جع جعسج ٰى جش ْي ي ْن مج‬،َّ ‫ليَئج‬
َّ ‫ا يم السَّ يده ۖ جاأ‬
ْ ‫جع الْ جف‬
}29{ ‫ا يم الْ جع يظي يم‬ ْ ‫ج ْن يج جفا ُ ۖ جاالسَّهُ ذُا الْ جف‬
In order for the People of the Book to know that they are not able upon
anything from the Grace of Allah, and surely the Grace is in the Hand of Allah.
He Gives it to one He so Desires to, and Allah is with the Mighty Grace [57:29]

‫ عدن‬،‫ عمدن راار‬،‫ عدن ابندتورد البخعدي‬،‫ عن عسي بن ااكم‬،‫ عن أمحد بن حممد بن عينى‬،‫ عن حممد بن ُيَي‬: ‫حممد بن يعقو‬
‫ثدة ا هدم يد ا اع‬،‫ئكددة الد ين ف لدا الدددنيا ليطسعدوع إن الواحدد ا االثبد ا الث‬،‫ « إع دن اب‬:‫ قدال‬، ،‫أيب عهللدد اه اعسيده الندد‬
‫ أ ددا ت د اع ه د ال ف قسددتعم ا اث د ا عددداهم يصددفوع ماددم آل حممددد؟ متقددول الطائفددة‬:‫ ميقولددوع‬، ،‫ماددم آل حممددد اعسدديعم الندد‬
.»‫ا يم الْ جع يظي يم‬ ‫ي‬
ْ ‫ا ُم السَّ يه يدُ ْ تي ييه ج ْن يجفا ُ جا السَّهُ ذُا الْ جف‬
ْ ‫ك مج‬
‫ ذل ج‬:‫اْلخ ى‬
Muhammad Bin Yaqoub, from Muhammad Bin Yahya, from Ahmad Bin Muhammad Bin Isa, from Ali
Bin Al-Hakam, from Al-Masturad Al-Nakhaie who has reported,

.30 /669 :2 ‫تأويل اآليت‬
.31 /670 :2 ‫تأويل اآليت‬

62 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‘Abu Abdullahasws said: ‘From the Angels who are in the sky of the world, are those
that come to one, and two, and three (Shias) when they mention the merits of the
Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww. They say: ‘Do you see these who are few in number
and their enemies are numerous, describing the merits of the Progeny asws of
Muhammadsaww?’ The other group (of Angels) say: That is a Grace of Allah. He
Gives it to the one He so Desires to, and Allah is with the Mighty Grace

See Hadeeth below in the appendix for the Imamate being the Grace of Allah azwj

.4 /149 :2 ‫الكتفي‬

63 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

Regarding Verse 57:21 & 57:29

‫جش جاد يهبجا‬

‫ايسجةم جشَّمجهُ يهبجا جا أ ج‬ ‫اخلسَّ ية تجدهللةم ثجاليثجةم ا مج ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ص السَّه عَّز ا ج َّم يهبا إيبد ياهيم ْ ي‬ ‫ي ي‬
‫ج‬ ‫ بدج ْع جد البُّهللُد َّوا جا ُْ ج ْ ج‬،‫يم ا عسيه الن‬ ‫اخلجس ج‬ ‫إ َّع ْاس ج ا جةج جخ َّ ُ ج ج ج ج ْ ج ج‬
‫بال جع ْع يدل‬ُ ‫ان ال يج‬ ‫ ُسُارام يهبجا جا ي ْن ذُِّريَّين قج ج‬،‫يم ا عسيه الن‬
‫ال السَّهُ تجدهللج جارجك جا تجد جع ج‬ ‫ال ْ ي‬
ُ ‫اخلجس‬
‫ك ليسب ي‬
‫َّاس إي ا ام مجد جق ج‬ ‫يذ ْاجرُ مجد جق ج‬
‫ال إي ِّين ي‬
‫جاعسُ ج‬
‫الص ْفواي‬ ‫يار ْ ي‬ ‫يٍ ي ي ي ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫الظَّالي يم مجأجبطجسج ي ي‬
‫ت ف َّ ج‬ ‫ت جه ر ْاْليجةُ إ جا جةج ُا ِّم ظجاىت إ جن يدج ْو الْقيجا جة جا ج ج‬ْ ْ ‫ج‬

Surely, the Imamate is what Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Specialised Ibrahimas the
Friend with it, after the Prophet-hood and the Friendship, as a third in sequence, and
a merit Heazwj Ennobled himas with, and was Intense in Mentioning with it, thus Heazwj
Said: “I will Make you an Imam for the people” [2:124]. So the Friend said in
joyfulness with it: And from my offspring?’ Allahazwj the Blessed and Exalted Said:
He Said: “My Covenant cannot be attained by the unjust”. Therefore, this Verse
invalidates the imamate of every unjust one up to the Day of Judgment and it came
to be only among the Elitesasws.

‫ جا‬. ‫ جج جع ْسبا ياايي ج‬،ً ‫اق جا يدج ْع ُقو ج ناميسجةم جا ُا‬ ‫الص ْف جواي جا الطَّ جع جاراي مجد جق ج‬
‫ال جا جاجهْهللبا لجهُ إي ْس ج‬ َّ ‫ان بيأج ْع جج جعسج جعا يف ذُِّريَّتي يه أ ْجه يم‬
‫ُمثَّ أج ْاج جهُ السَّهُ تجد جع ج‬
‫ين‬ ‫يي‬ ‫اي ا إييتا َّ ي‬،‫الص‬ ‫باهم أجئي َّمةم يد ْع ُدا جع بيأج ْ ينا ا أجاحْيبا إيلجْي يعم مي ْعم ْ ي ي‬
‫الزااا جا اانُوا لجبا عابد ج‬ ‫اخلجْريات جا إقا ج َّ ج ج‬ ‫ْ ج‬ ‫ج ْج‬ ‫ج‬ ْ ُ ‫جج جع ْس‬
Then Allahazwj Honoured himas by Making it (the Imamate) to be among hisas
offspring of the elite peopleasws and the Purified ones, so Heazwj Said [And We
Bestowed to him Is’haq and Yaqoub in addition, and We Made both to be
righteous ones [21:72] And We made them as Imams guiding by Our
Command and We Revealed unto them the doing of good, and establishing the
Salat, and giving the Zakat, and they worshipped Us [21:73].

‫ان إي َّع أ ْجاجن‬ ‫يي‬

‫ال جج َّم جا تجد جع ج‬ ‫ض قجد ْنام مجد جق ْنام جح َّ جاَّرثدج جعا السَّهُ تجد جع ج‬
َّ ‫ان البي‬
‫َّع ا يسى اه عسيه اآله مجد جق ج‬ ٌ ‫مجدسج ْم تجدجزْل يف ذُِّريَّته يجيثدُ جعا بدج ْع‬
ٍ ‫ض جع ْن بدج ْع‬
‫يي‬ ‫َّاس بيإيب ياهيم لجسَّ يين اتدَّهللدعور ا ه ج ا البي َّ ي‬
‫ين آ جبُوا جا السَّهُ جاي ُّ الْ ُم ْ ب ج‬ ‫َّع جا ال ج‬ ُّ ‫الب ي ْ ج ج ج ُ ُ ج‬
So it (Imamate) did not cease to be among hisas offspring, being inherited, by one
from the other, generation after generation until Allah azwj Made the Prophetsaww to
inherit it. So the Majestic and Exalted Said: Surely the foremost of people to
Ibrahim are those who follow him and this Prophet and those who are
believing; and Allah is the Guardian of the Momineen [3:68].

‫ت يف ذُِّريَّتي يه‬ ‫ان جعسجى جر ْس يم ج ا مجدج ج‬

‫ض السَّهُ مج ج‬
ْ ‫ص جار‬ ‫ بيأج ْ ي السَّ يه تجد جع ج‬،‫ايةم مجد جقسَّ جد جها ا يسى اه عسيه اآله جعسييّام ا عسيه الن‬
َّ ‫ت لجهُ جخ‬
ْ ‫مج جكانج‬
‫ث‬‫اسميا جع لج جق ْد لجهلليثْتُم يف ايتا ي السَّ يه إين يدوي الْهللدع ي‬‫ين أُاتُوا الْعيْسم جا ْي‬ ‫ان ا ج َّ ي‬ ‫ْاْلجي يفيا ي الَّ يين آتجاهم السَّه الْعيْسم ا ْي ي يي‬
ْ ‫جْ ج‬ ْ ‫ج‬ ‫قال ال ج‬ ‫اسميجا جع ب جق ْوله تجد جع ج ج‬ ‫ج ُُ ُ ج ج‬ ‫ْج‬
So it was for himsaww in particular, and hesaww collared it on Aliasws by the Command
of Allahazwj the Exalted upon a Decree what Allahazwj had Imposed. So it (Imamate)
came to be among hisasws offspring, the clean, those whom Allahazwj had Given the
Knowledge and the Eman, in the Words of the Exalted: And those Given the
Knowledge and the Eman would say: ‘You have tarried up to the Day of the

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

Resurrection, as per the Book of Allah. So this is the Day of Resurrection, but
you were not knowing’ [30:56].

‫اية إي جن يدوي الْ يقيا ية إي ْذ جال نيع بدعد ُحم َّم ٍد ا يسى اه عسيه اآله مج يمن أجين جَيتار ه جال ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬
ُ ‫ْ ْ ج ْج ُ ج‬ ‫ج َّ ج ْ ج ج‬ ‫ جخ َّ م ج ْ ج ج‬،‫مجع جي يف ُالْد جعس ٍّي ا عسيه الن‬
‫ول ا يسى اه عسيه اآله جا ج جقا ُ أجي يري‬
‫مجةُ الَّس ي‬،‫مجةُ السَّ يه ا يخ ج‬،‫اس ا ةج يخ ج‬ ‫ي يي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
ُ ‫اس جا ج ةج ه جي ج ْب يزلجةُ اْْلجنْهللييجا جا إيْر‬
‫ال إي َّع ْي‬
ُ ‫ج‬ ‫و ْاْل ْجاييجا إ َّع ْي ج ج‬ ُ ‫اجلُ َّع‬
،‫ااُ جن ْ ي ا عسيعما الن‬ ْ ‫ااج جن ين جا‬ ْ ‫او‬ ُ ‫ جا ي جري‬،‫الْ ُم ْ ي بي ج ا عسيه الن‬

Thus, it (Imamate) would be in the children of Aliasws in particular, up to the Day of

Judgment, where there would be no Prophetas after Muhammadsaww. So from where
are these ignoramuses choosing? The Imamate, it is a status of the Prophets as, and
an inheritance of the successorsas. The Imamate is the Caliphate of Allahazwj and
Caliphate of Rasool-Allahsaww, and position of Amir Al-Momineenasws, and an
inheritance of Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws.

‫اس اي‬ ‫ي البَّا ي ي ا مجد ُعهُ َّ ي ي‬،‫اس ْس ج‬ ‫الدنْديجا جا يعُّز الْ ُم ْ ي بي ج إي َّع ْي‬ ‫يي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫إي َّع ْي‬
‫النا ي ب ْي ج‬ ْ ‫ج‬ ‫ُس ْي‬
ُّ ‫اس جا جةج أ‬ ‫اس جا جةج يزجا ُ الدِّي ين جا نظجا ُ الْ ُم ْنسم ج جا ج‬
ُّ ‫ ُح‬،‫ي ج‬
‫ات ا إي اا ْ ي‬
‫اد ا ْاْلجح جكاي ا ْبع الثدُّغُوير ا ْاْلجطْ ي‬ ‫اجليع ياد ا تجدوميري الْ جفي ي ا َّ ي‬ ‫الزجاااي ا ِّ ي‬ ‫َتججا َّ ي‬
ِ ‫ا‬ ‫ج ج‬ ُ ‫ااُ ُد ج ْ ج ج‬ ُ ‫الص جدقج ج ْ ج‬ ‫الصيجا جا ا ْاج ِّج جا ْ ج ج ْ ُ ْ ج‬ ‫ا جا َّ ج‬،‫الص ج‬ ُ
The Imamate is a rein of the Religion, and a system of the Muslims, and a corrector
of the world, and an honour of the Momineen. The Imamate is the developing base
of Al-Islam and its high branch. By the Imam asws is completed, the Salat, and the
Zakat, and the Fasts, and the Hajj, and the Jihad, and the war booty and the
charities are provided, and the Legal Penalties and the judgments are enforced, and
the frontiers and outskirts are defended.

‫اانبجةي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫اايك ي‬‫ي ي يي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫ جل السَّ يه ا ُُيِّ ح ا السَّ يه ا ي يقيم ح ُد ي‬،‫اس ا ُيُي ُّم ح ج‬
‫اد السَّه جا يج ُ ُّ جع ْن دي ين السَّه جا يج ْد ُعو إ جن جسهلل ييم جربِّه ب ْ ج‬
‫ْمة جا الْ جم ْوعظجة ْج ج‬ ‫ج ج ُ جج ج ج ُ ُ ُ ج‬ ‫ج‬ ُ ‫ْي ج‬
‫ااُ َّج ية الْهللجاليغج ية‬
ْ ‫جا‬

The Imamasws permits the Permissible of Allahazwj and prohibits the Prohibitions of
Allahazwj, and heasws establishes the Legal Penalties of Allahazwj, and heasws protects
the Religion of Allahazwj and invites to the Way of hisasws Lordazwj by the Wisdom and
the good advice and is the eloquent Divine Authority.

ِّ ‫اس جا ُ الْهللج ْد ُر الْ ُمبيريُ جا‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫اس ا جاالفَّم ي ي‬
ُ ‫النج‬ ‫ص ُار ْي‬‫ث جال تجدبجا ُالجا ْاْلجيْدل جا ْاْلجبْ ج‬ ُ ‫س الطَّال جع ية الْ ُم ججسِّسج ية بيبُويرجها ل ْس جعا يجىت جا ه جي يف ْاْلُمُ يق يِبجْي‬ ْ ُ ‫ْي ج‬
‫جج جوا يز الْهللُد ْس جد ياع جا الْ يق جفا ير جا ُجلج يج الْهللي ج ا ير‬
ْ ‫ُّجى جا أ‬
‫ب الد ج‬
‫اطع ا البَّجم ا ْال يادل يف جغي ي‬
‫اه ي‬ ‫ج‬ ‫الن ُ ج ْ ُ ج‬
‫الز ياه ا البُّور َّ ي‬
ُ ‫َّ ُ ج‬
The Imamasws is like the emerging sun shining by its light to the world and it is in the
horizon, where neither can the hands attain it nor the visions. The Imam asws is the
radiant full moon and the luminous lantern, and the effulgent light, and the guiding
star in the depths of darkness and in the middle of the cities as well as the
wastelands and the tossing of the seas.

‫ي‬ ‫يي‬ ‫اس ا البَّار عسجى الْيد جف ياع ْ ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ َّ ‫اس ج ا ُ الْ جما ُ الْ جع ْ ُ جعسجى الظَّ جميإ جا‬
‫يم‬ ْ ‫ااج ُّار ل جم ين‬
ُ ‫ايطجسجى به جا الدَّل‬ ‫الد ُّال جعسجى ا ْالُجدى جا الْ ُمْبجي جن الَّ جدى ْي ج ُ ُ ج ج‬ ‫ْي‬
‫ك‬ ٌ ‫ك ج ْن مج جارقجهُ مجد جعالي‬
‫يف الْمعالي ي‬

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

The Imamasws is the fresh water upon the thirsty, and the indicator upon the guide,
and the saviour from the annihilation. The Imam asws is the fire of the hill for the one
who wants to warm himself with it, and the Indicator regarding the perils of the one
who separates from himasws, so he would be destroyed.

‫ض الْهللج ينيطجةُ جا الْ جع ْ ُ الْغجزيجاُ جا الْغج يديُ جا‬ ‫ي‬

ُ ‫الن جما ُ الظَّسيسجةُ جا ْاْل ْجر‬
َّ ‫ايَئجةُ جا‬ ‫الن ا الْما يط ا الْغجي ُ ي‬
‫اطم ا الفَّمس الْم ي‬
ُ ُ ْ ‫ث ا ْالج ُ ج‬ ْ ‫اس ج ا ُ َّ ج ُ ج ُ ج‬ ‫ْي‬
‫الَّ ْا ج‬

The Imamasws is the rain-bearing cloud, and the torrential rain, and the shining sun,
and the shading sky, and the extended land, and the gushing spring, and the well,
and the garden.

‫َّاهي ية الب ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫َّقيق ا ْاْلُ ُّ الْهللدَّاُ بيالْولج يد َّ ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫َّآد‬ ‫الصغ يري جا ج ْفجزعُ الْعهللجاد يف الد ج‬ ‫ج ج‬ ‫جخ الف ُ ج‬
ُ ‫يق جا ْاْل‬
ُ ‫يق جا الْ جوال ُد الفَّف‬
ُ ‫يس الَّم‬ ‫ي‬
ُ ‫ْاس ج ا ُ ْاْلجن‬
The Imamasws is the comforter, the friend and the kind parent, and the brotherly
brother, and the mother tender with the young child, and a refuge for the servant in a
difficult association.

‫َّاعي إي جن السَّ يه جا ال َّ ا ُّ جع ْن ُحجي السَّ يه‬

‫ يدري ا الد ي‬،‫اس ا أجي السَّ يه يف خ ْس يق يه ا ح َّجته عسجى يعهلل يادري ا خسيي جفته يف بيج‬
‫ج‬ ُُ ‫ج ج ُ ُُ ج ج ج ج‬ ُ ُ ‫ْي ج‬

The Imamasws is a trustee of Allahazwj among Hisazwj creatures and Hisazwj Divine
Authority upon Hisazwj servant in Hisazwj Country, and the Inviter to Allahazwj and the
defender of the Sanctity of Allahazwj.

‫اايْس يم نيظجا الدِّي ين ا يعُّز الْمنسي يم ا جغي ُ ي ي‬

ْ ‫وق بيالْعيْس يم الْ جم ْو ُسوُ بي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫ظ الْ ُمبجامق ج‬ ْ ‫ُْ جج‬ ‫ج‬ ُ ُ ‫ص‬ُ ‫اس ج ا ُ الْ ُمطج َّعُ جن ال ُّ نُو جا الْ ُمهللجدَّأُ جع ين الْعُيُو الْ جم ْخ‬ ‫ْي‬
‫جا بدج جوا ُر الْ جكام ي ج‬

The Imamasws is the one purified from the sins, and the free from the faults, the one
specialised with the knowledge, the one marked by the forbearance, a system of the
Religion, and an honour of the Muslims, and an enrager of the hypocrites, and
destroyer of the disbelievers.

‫ا يم ُاسِّ يه ي ْن جغ ْيري‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫اىت ا جال ي ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ‫يي‬ ‫ي‬

ْ ‫وق بيالْ جف‬
ٌ ‫ص‬ُ ْ‫وج ُد ْبهُ بج جد ٌل جا جال لجهُ ثْ ٌم جا جال نجظ ٌري خمج‬ ‫اس ج ا ُ جااح ُد جد ْه يري جال يُ جدانيه أ ج‬
‫جح ٌد جا جال يدُ جعادلُهُ جع ٌ ج ُ ج‬ ‫ْي‬
‫ب ي بْه لجه ا جال ا ْاتينا ٍ ب يم اختيصاق ي ن الْم ْف ي‬
‫ا يم الْوَّها ي‬ ٍ
‫ج‬ ُ ‫ج ج ْ ج ٌ ج‬ ‫طجسج ُ ُ ج‬
The Imamasws is one of hisasws time. Neither can anyone resemble himasws nor can a
scholar be equivalent to himasws, nor can a replacement be found for him asws, nor is
there an example for himasws, nor a match. Heasws is specialised with the (Divine)
merits, all of it, without there being a seeking from him asws for it, nor being attained.
But a specialisation as the Grace of the Endower.

‫ْاْلجلْهللا ا خنأ ي‬ ‫ت ا ْاسُو ا حار ي‬ ‫ول ا تج ي‬ ‫اس اي أجا ميُْ يكبُه اختييارر هيدعات هيدعات ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫جت‬ ‫ج ُ ج جج‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اه ُ ُ ج ج ج‬ ‫ضسَّت الْعُ ُق ُ ج ج‬ ‫ُ ْ ج ُُ ج ْ ج ج ج ْ ج ج ج‬ ْ ‫مج جم ْن جذا الَّ ل يدجْهللدسُ ُغ ج ْع يمجةج ْي ج‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي ي ي‬ ‫ص ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫اا جكما ا تجد جق ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫جا جاسَّت الف ج‬
‫ُّعجا ُ جا‬ ُ ‫اخلُطجهللجا ُ جا ججعسجت ْاْلجلهللَّا‬
ْ ‫ت‬ ‫ايجت ا ْاُسج جما ُ جا جح ج‬ ‫ج‬ ‫صا جغجت الْ ُعظج جما ُ جا ججيَّدجت ُْ ج ُ ج‬ ‫الْ ُعيُو ُع جا تج ج‬
‫ايسج ٍة ي ن مجاائيسي يه ا أجقجدَّت بيالْعج يز ا التَّد ْق ي‬
‫ف جشأْ ٍع ي ن جشأْنييه أجا مج ي‬
‫يي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫ص يري‬ ‫ْ ج ج ْ جْ ج‬ ْ ْ ْ ‫جع جججزت ْاْل جُدبجا ُ جا جعييجت الْهللُدسجغجا ُ جع ْن جا‬

66 out of 69
Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

So who is that who can reach the recognition of the Imam asws, or is able to choose
himasws? Far be it! Far be it! The intellects have strayed, and the tolerances are lost,
and the understanding ones are confused, and the eyes are dulled, and the great
ones are belittled, and wise ones are confused, and the tolerant ones are deficient,
and the preachers are restricted, and the intelligent ones are ignorant, and the poets
are scarce (of words), and the writers are frustrated, and the eloquent ones are
wordless from describing a glory from hisasws glories, or a merit from hisasws merits
and are acknowledging the frustration and the deficiency.

ُ ‫جن جا ُه جو يِبجْي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ا جايف يويف بي ُكسِّ يه أجا يدْبدع ي ي ي‬

‫ث‬ َّ ‫ف جا أ‬ ‫وج ُد ج ْن يدج ُقوُ ج جقا ج هُ جا يدُ ْغ يين غبجارُ جال جاْي ج‬ ‫ت ب ُكْبعه أ ْجا يدُ ْف جع ُم جش ْي ٌ ْن أجْ يري أ ْجا يُ ج‬
ُ‫ْ ُج‬ ُ ‫ج ْ ج ُ ج‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫يي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫الب ي ي‬
‫جع ذجل ج‬َّ ‫وج ُد ثْ ُم جه ج ا أج تجظُبُّو جع أ‬
‫ول جع ْن جه ج ا جا أجيْ جن يُ ج‬ ُ ‫ف الْ جوايف ج مجأجيْ جن اال ْختيج ُار ْن جه ج ا جا أجيْ جن الْ ُع ُق‬ ْ ‫َّج يم ْن يجد الْ ُمتجدبجا يال ج جا جا‬
‫يم‬ ‫ي‬ ‫َّ ي‬ ٍ ‫ي‬ ‫ي ي ي ي‬
‫وج ُد ف جغ ْري آل الَّ ُسول ُحمج َّمد ا يسى اه عسيه اآله جا ج بدجْتد ُع ْم جا السه أجنْد ُف ُن ُع ْم جا جبَّْتد ُع ُم ْاْلجبجاط ج‬ ‫ُج‬
And how can heasws be described with all of it or attributed with hisasws qualities, or
anything from hisasws matters be understood, or someone can be found to stand in
hisasws place and be needless with hisasws needlessness? No! How and where, and
heasws is where the star is from the hands of the possessors, and the description of
the describers. So where is the choice from this, and where are the intellects from
this, and where can a likeness of this be found? Are they thinking that, that can be
found among other than the Progenyasws of the Rasoolsaww Muhammadsaww? By
Allahazwj! They are belying their own selves and the falsehoods have induced them.

‫ي‬ ٍ‫ٍ ي‬ ٍ ‫ول حائي اٍ بائي اٍ نجاقي‬

ٍ ‫يض أجقْ جدا عم را وا إيقجا ةج ْي ي ي‬ ‫مجارتجد جقوا تجقام يعهللام دحاام تج يزُّل عْبه إي جن ْ ي‬
ُ‫صة جا جآرا ُاسَّة مجدسج ْم يدجْزجد ُاداا ْبه‬
‫اس ج ا ب ُع ُق ج ج ج ج ج‬ ‫ااجا ي ُ ُ ْ ج ُ ج‬ ُ‫ج‬ ْ ‫ْ ْ ُْ ج ْ ج‬
َّ ‫إيَّال بدُ ْعدام قجاتجدسج ُع ُم السَّهُ أ‬
‫جن يدُ ْ مج ُكو جع‬

So they are ascending a difficult ascent whereby their feet would slip them back to
the rock bottom. They are wishing to establish the Imam by their own intellects which
are confused, deficient, and their misleading views? So it will not increase them from
it except for remoteness. May Allah Fight them, How deluded they are! [9:30].

‫ص جرياٍ جا جزيَّ جن جالُ ُم الفَّْيطجا ُع أ ْجع جما جالُ ْم‬

‫اس ا عن ب ي‬ ‫مال بعييدام ا اقجد ُعوا يف ْ ي‬،‫ض ج‬
‫ااجْيدجاي إ ْذ تدججُاوا ْي ج ج ج ْ ج‬ ‫ضسُّوا ج ج ج ج‬ ‫ي ْعهللام جا قجالُوا إيمْكام جا ج‬
‫جا لججق ْد جرا ُوا ج‬
‫النهللي ييم ا جاانُوا نتجهلل ي‬
‫ص يي جن‬ ُْْ ‫َّه ْم جع ين َّ ج‬ ُ ‫صد‬ ‫مج ج‬
And they have thrown an insult and are saying a lie, and are straying a far straying,
and they are falling into confusion when they are neglecting the Imam asws from an
insight: And the Satan adorned their deeds for them, so he blocked them from
the Way, although they were insightful [29:38].

‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫اختييجا يره ْم جا الْ ُق ْآ ُع يدُبجادي يع ْم جا جربُّ ج‬
‫ك جَيْسُ ُق ا‬ ‫يي‬
ْ ‫ول السَّه ا يسى اه عسيه اآله جا أ ْجه يم بدجْيته إي جن‬
‫ر يغهللوا ع ين اختييا ير السَّ يه ا اختييا ير رس ي ي‬
ُ‫ج ْ ج ج‬ ‫ج ُ ج ْج‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫اخليجدجاُ ُسْهلل ا جع السَّه جا تجعان جع َّما يُ ْف يُاو جع‬
ْ ‫تار ا اا جع جالُ ُم‬
ُ ْ‫يجفا ُ جا جَي‬
They are turning away from the Choice of Allahazwj and the choice of Rasool-
Allahsaww and the Peopleasws of hissaww Household to go to their own choices, and the
Quran is calling out to them, And your Lord Creates whatever He so Desires to

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

and Chooses (whoever He so Desires to). The choosing was not for them.
Glorious is Allah and Exalted from what they are associating [28:68].

‫اخلييجدجاُ ي ْن أجْ ييه ْم ْاْليجةج‬ ٍ‫ي‬ ‫ي ي‬

‫ال جعَّز جا جج َّم جا ا اا جع ل ُم ْ ٍن جا ال ُ ْ بجة إيذا قج ج‬
ْ ‫اى السَّهُ جا جر ُسولُهُ أجْ ام أج ْع يج ُكو جع جالُ ُم‬ ‫جا قج ج‬

And the Mighty and Majestic Said: And it was not for a Momin nor for a Momina,
when Allah and His Rasool decide a matter that the choice would happen to be
for them from their matter [33:36] – the Verse.

‫الزهاداي ا الْعيْس يم ا الْعيهللاداي‬ ‫اىت جال جيعم ا ر ٍاع جال يدْب ُكم ع يد ُع الْ ُق ْد يس ا الطَّعاراي ا الب ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫اختييجا ير ْي‬
‫اس ج اي جا ْي‬
‫ج جج‬ ‫ُّنك جا َّ ج ج ج‬
ُ ‫ج جج ج‬ ْ‫ج ُ ج‬ ‫اس ج ا ُ جع ٌ ْ ج ُ ج ج‬ ْ ‫ف جالُ ْم بي‬
‫مج جكْي ج‬
‫ول ا يسى اه عسيه اآله ا نجن يم الْمطج َّع اي الْهللتُ ي‬
‫ول‬ ‫خمجْصوق بي جد ْعواي الَّس ي‬
‫ج ْ ُ ج ج‬ ُ ‫ُ ٌ ج‬
So how can there be a choice for them to choose the Imam asws, and the Imamasws is
a knowledgeable one, not ignorant, and a shepherd not recoiling from the Holy
Duties, and the cleanliness, and the rituals, and the ascetism, and the knowledge,
and the worship, specialised by the call of the Rasoolsaww, and of the lineage of the
purified, the chaste (mother).

‫ول ا يسى اه عسيه اآله‬ ‫يي ي‬

‫اش ٍم ا الْعيْتد اي ي ن الَّس ي‬ ‫ي ي‬ ٍ ‫ب ا جال يُ جداني ييه ذُا جحن‬
ُ ‫ب يف الْهللجدْيت ْن قُدجيْ ٍ جا ال ِّ ْرجاا ْن جه ج ج ج‬ ٍ ‫ييي‬
‫ج‬ ‫جال ج ْغ جمجز ميه ف نج جن ج‬
‫ضا ي جن السَّ يه جعَّز جا جج َّم‬
‫جا الِّ ج‬

There would neither be any blemish in him asws regarding a lineage, nor can he
equate with himasws, the one with the noble descent among the households of
Quraysh, and heasws is of the offspring from Hashimasws, and the family of the
Rasoolsaww, and the Pleasure from Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic.

‫اع ية قجائي ٌم بيأج ْ ي السَّ يه جعَّز‬

‫اض الطَّ ج‬
‫الني ي‬
ُ ُ‫اسة ج ْف‬ ‫اطجسي ٌع بي ْي ي ي ي‬
ْ ُ ‫اايْس يم‬
ْ ‫ا ِ نجا ي ي الْعيْس يم جاا ي ُم‬ ٍ ‫ا ِ ا الْ جف ع ي ن عهلل يد ب‬ ‫ي‬
‫اس ج ا جة جعاىتٌ ب ِّ ج ج‬ ‫ ِ ْاْلج ْشج ج ْ ُ ْ جْ ج ج‬ ُ ‫جشج‬
‫ظ لي يدي ين السَّ يه‬
ٌ ‫اي ٌح ليعيهللج ياد السَّ يه جحامي‬
‫ا ج َّم نج ي‬
‫ج ج‬
Heasws is the noblest of the nobles, and the branch from Abd Manaf, of growing
knowledge, perfect of the forbearance, undertaker of the Imamate, knowledgeable of
the governance (of people), of the necessitated obedience, established of the
Commands of Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic, an adviser to the servants of Allah azwj, a
protector of the Religion of Allahazwj.

‫ْم ية جا أج ْالججمهُ الْعيْس جم إي ْالجا ام مجدسج ْم يدج ْع جي‬ ‫ك ا أجادع قجدسْهلله يدبجابييع ْي‬‫يي‬ ‫ي يي‬ ‫ي‬
‫ااك ج‬ ‫ي ْد جررُ ل ج ل ج ج ْ ج ج ج ُ ج ج‬ ْ ‫جا إي َّع الْ جعْهلل جد إيذجا‬
‫اختج جاررُ السَّهُ جعَّز جا جج َّم ْلُُوير عهللجادر جشج جح ج‬
‫الصوا ي‬ ‫يي‬ ٍ ‫ي‬
‫بدج ْع جدرُ جبج جوا جا جال ُُيجيَّدُ ميه جع ين َّ ج‬
And the servant, when Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Chooses himasws for the affairs
of Hisazwj servants, Expands his chest for that, and Places springs of wisdom in
hisasws chest, and Inspires the Knowledge with an Inspiration. So after it, he asws
neither tires of answering (based on opinions), nor does he asws get confused with
regards to it from the correct answer.

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Tafseer Hub-e-Aliasws

‫صه السَّه بي ج ليك ليي ُكو جع ح َّجته عسجى يعهلل يادري ا ش ي‬ ‫ي‬ ْ ‫َّد قج ْد أجي جن ي جن‬
‫اه جدرُ جعسجى‬ ‫ُ جُ ج ج ج ج‬ ‫الزلج يم جا الْعثجا ير جَيُ ُّ ُ ُ ج ج‬ َّ ‫اخلجطجايجا جا‬ ٌ ‫صوٌ ُ جيَّ ٌد ُ جومَّ ٌق ُ جند‬ ُ ‫مجد ُع جو ج ْع‬
‫ا يم الْ جع يظي يم‬ ‫ي ي‬
ْ ‫ا ُم السَّ يه يدُ ْ تي ييه ج ْن يجفا ُ جا السَّهُ ذُا الْ جف‬ ‫جخ ْسق يه جا ذل ج‬
ْ ‫ك مج‬

Thus, heasws is infallible, Assisted, Harmonised, Protected. Heasws is secure from the
mistakes, and the slips, and the short-comings. Allahazwj Specialises himasws with that
in order for himasws to become Hisazwj Divine Authority upon Hisazwj servant, and
Hisazwj witness upon Hisazwj creatures, and: That is a Grace of Allah. He Gives it to
the one He so Desires to, and Allah is with the Mighty Grace [57:21].

‫َّ ي‬ ‫ي‬ ْ ‫ت السَّ يه‬

‫الص جف ية مجديد جق ِّد ونجه تجدع َّداا ا بدي ي‬ ‫ي يي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬
‫ااج َّق جا ندجهللج ُ اا اتجا ج السه جاجرا ج‬ ْ‫مجد جع ْم يدج ْقد ُرا جع جعسجى ثْ يم جه ج ا مجديج ْختج ُارانجهُ أ ْجا يج ُكو ُع خمُْتج ُارُه ْم هبج ر ِّ ُ ُ ُ ج ْ ج ج‬
ِّ ‫ظُ ُعويريه ْم جاأجند َُّع ْم جال يدج ْعسج ُمو جع جا يف ايتجا ي السَّ يه ا ْالُجدى جا‬
‫الف جفا ُ مجدبجهللج ُ ارُ جا اتدَّهللجد ُعوا أ ْجه جوا ج ُه ْم‬

So, are they able upon the likes of this, that they would be choosing him asws, or can
they chosen one be with this description so they would be putting him forward? They
are transgressing, and Iasws swear by the House of Allahazwj, the Truth, and they
flung the Book of Allah behind their backs, as if they were not knowing [2:101].
And in the Book of Allahazwj is the Guidance, and the Healing. So they disregarded it
and followed their own opinions’.

‫ب ُتج جك ٍِّرب ججهللَّا ٍر جا‬

‫ك يجطْهللج ُع السَّهُ جعسى ُا ِّم قجد ْس ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي ي ي َّ ي‬
‫ال جاهللُدج ج ْقتام عْب جد السَّه جا عْب جد ال ج‬
‫ين آ جبُوا جا ل ج‬ ‫جض َّم أ ْجعما جالُ ْم جا قج ج‬
‫ال مجدتجد ْعنام جالُ ْم جا أ ج‬‫جا قج ج‬
. ‫َّع ُحمج َّم ٍد جا آلييه جا جسسَّ جم تج ْنسييمام جاثيريام‬
ِّ ‫يسَّى السَّهُ جعسجى البي‬
And heasws said: ‘May Allahazwj Send Salawat upon the Prophetsaww Muhammadsaww,
and hissaww Progenyasws, and submit abundant greetings’.93

Al Kafi V 1 – The Book Of Divine Authority CH 15 H 1

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