The Himalaya Drug Company.

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1he Plmalaya urug Company develops produces and sells pharmaceuLlcal

personal care consumer healLh and anlmal healLh care producLs lL offers lLs
pharmaceuLlcal producLs for chlldren's women's men's and general healLh
1he company also provldes pure herbs baby halr skln oral and healLh care
producLs and llvesLock poulLry aquaculLure and companlon producLs lL sells
lLs producLs Lhrough lLs own sLores as well as offers lLs producLs onllne 1he
company was founded ln 1930 and ls based ln 8angalore lndla lL has locaLlons
ln lndla Lhe unlLed SLaLes Lhe Mlddle LasL and Lurope

Eastern therapy, universaI appeaI

SEVENTY-five years ago, the founder of the The Himalaya Drug Company, M. Manal,
chanced upon a plant with anti-hypertensive properties and produced a drug from it.
Since then, the company has been busy combining the best of modern science and age-
old Ayurvedic wisdom to create a wide spectrum of health products.
The result is a highly-regarded range of products that is sold in 60 countries across the
ncidentally, Ayurveda means "the science of life'' and it is an ancient, holistic system of
medication practised in ndia, Sri Lanka and Nepal. At Himalaya, these age-old secrets
are studied, evaluated and validated by a team of more than 40 doctors and scientists
who work at a research centre in Bangalore, ndia. Research on one herb can take up to
12 years before it is marketed.
To ensure the purity of the herbs it uses, Himalaya controls the agricultural process and
has a dedicated database of herb suppliers, a nursery and an agrotech division which
supplies the "raw materials''.
Because Ayurveda is a fully developed system of medicine that includes branches of
study like anatomy, physiology and pathology, as well as specialties like paediatrics,
obstetrics and gynaecology, psychiatry and surgery, Himalaya has been able to develop
an extensive range of products which includes supplements for men, women and
children; a personal care range which includes skincare, body-care and hair care
products as well as a range of pure herbs for general well-being.

%he Hi maIaya Drug Company keeps strict controI over
its herb farms to ensure that its raw materiaIs are of the
highest quaIity.
A new baby care range will soon be available in Malaysia.
Among the big sellers in the pharmaceutical range are a herbal antibiotic and a cough
syrup. ts most sought after product for the liver has been a top-seller since it was
introduced in 1955.
The pure herb range includes over 20 products for general well-being, and these include
Brahmi which is said to improve alertness, Karela to regulate metabolism, Yasthi-Madhu
for gastric comfort, Neem which alleviates skin problems and Lasuna for cholesterol
The skin and body care range includes face creams, shampoos, hair oil, face packs and
unbleached toothpaste. The Himalaya Revitalizing Night Cream won an award for Best
Night Cream in the Woman's Health and Fitness magazine awards in the United States
last year.
These products are sold in bright and breezy stores both in Malaysia and elsewhere,
and the concept the brand projects through its outlets is "a one-stop shop for the whole

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