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1. Compare the major performance management methods and sources of information

 Performance management entails evaluating and enhancing employee performance to

guarantee that organizational objectives are fulfilled. Performance management uses a variety
of techniques and information sources. Here is a comparison of some critical performance
management techniques and data sources.
 In the performance management methods, there are different techniques in which we manage
performance. In the first method, On the basis of attributes graphic scale method is widely used
to know the individual attributes. on the basis of behavior's, the critical incident method is more
accurate because in this employer gather data on which employer give feedback. They find
accuracy more as compared to other methods. In the BARS methods more effective they set
some dimensions on the basis of behaviors and manage the whole performance with
dimensions. MBO, or management by objective Establishes mutually agreeable, quantifiable,
and workable goals in conjunction with managers.
 ON the other hand in the self-assessment or sources of information in which employs can
manage their performances they can gather information from managers or supervisors
according to mentioned methods and get feedbacks on annual basis .They also do group
activities on which they can identify some key on which their colleagues are better .IN the self-
assessments or crowding they can gather all data and compare with all variations too enhance
their performances
 Conclusion in these methods all is mandatory to better performance management. employer
and employees both are responsible top better performance. But self-assessment is more
crucial so that’s why they should know about their key areas which need improvement.

2. Compare: Graphic rating scale, behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS) Critical-incident method

The Graphical Rating Scale (GRS) is a performance rating technique that has been around for a while. It
ranks a number of features or attributes on a scale.
Functions: A number scale is used to grade employees according to a variety of criteria, including
leadership, teamwork, and communication abilities.
Benefits: Simple to use, simple to comprehend, and quick to assess.
Cons: Subjectivity can result in bias; there aren’t enough specific examples of behavior.

The "Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales" (BARS) refers to a technique that combines aspects of the
critical incident method with traditional rating scales by assigning a number scale to certain behavioral
Functions: Employs precise, anchored performance behavior descriptions.
Benefits: Include fewer rater bias, more accurate evaluations, and precise, observable behaviors for
Cons: development takes a long time and could be challenging for certain assessors.

Critical Incident Method is a technique that involves recording and evaluating specific instances or
behaviors that demonstrate abnormally good or poor performance.
Functions: Managers record key events and use them as a basis for evaluation in performance
Benefits: Targets on behaviors and its helpful in getting feedback.
Cons: Critical events might not make sense in the context of the entire performance if they are
interpreted subjectively.

3. Discuss and explain Forced-Distribution.

Organizations use forced distribution, sometimes called forced ranking or forced curve, as a
performance evaluation technique to evaluate and classify employees' performance levels within a
certain group.

Forced distribution entails the following crucial steps:

 Performance Categories: Based on their degrees of performance, employees are divided into
various groups. Although there may be variances with more detailed classifications, these
categories normally comprise high performers, average performers, and low performers.
 Predetermined Distribution: Every performance category has a set ratio or percentage that is
determined by HR or management. It might be set at 10% for high performers, 70% for
mediocre performers, and 20% for poor performers, for example.
 Evaluation Procedure: Managers measure and appraise their staff members' work based on
predetermined standards or criteria. Next, based on the predetermined percentages, they
allocate the personnel to the predefined categories.
 Consequences: Frequently, these performance categories are linked to rewards, promotions, or
corrective actions. Promos, bonuses, and other types of recognition could be given to high-
performing staff members, while performance improvement plans.
 Performance Differentiation: It motivates managers to make a clear distinction between the
performance levels of their staff, making it easier to identify strong performers and those who
require development.
 Succession Planning: It helps find and develop high-potential workers who could eventually hold
leadership positions within the company.

However, forced distribution has faced criticism and challenges:

 Competitive Environment: It may encourage a hostile work environment where cooperation

and teamwork are harmed.
 Bias and Subjectivity: This approach is highly dependent on managerial discretion, which might
result in subjective assessments and prejudices.

Owing to these difficulties, a few companies have abandoned forced distribution in favor of more
comprehensive performance management programs that place an emphasis on ongoing coaching,
employee development, and feedback. However, elements of forced distribution may still be used in the
performance review procedure in some situations or sectors of the economy.

4. Give two specific examples of administrative decisions that would be based on performance
management information for a specific Job, and also to provide two examples of developmental
decisions based on this type of information.

Administrative decision
• Adjustment of compensation based on merit
By using performance management data the adjustment of compensation of employees such as
increment of salary, bonus based on their level of performance
• Decision regarding promotion
Based on the performance of employees, who works excel in their work they will promote for higher
Developmental decision
• Provide individual training
If any employee needs any improvement in any of skill provide individual training to needy employees
• Provide needed resources
The management provide needed resources to employees to enhance their work

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