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Living with my Tigrai and Gurage neighbors has made me a blend of three cultures.

Despite being
Amhara, I have grown fond of their traditions. The Gurage's salted coffee and the Tigrai's cultural
weddings and dances have become a part of my life. I've even attempted to master the Gurage
language, much to our shared amusement. Embracing these differences has enriched my perspective.
Hopefully, if admitted to Columbia, I aim to share my experiences and showcase the beauty of diversity.
I want to teach my college community how to move to Tigrai music, jump to Gurage beats, and
appreciate Amhara attire. I want to create a stage where everyone can be proud of their cultures and
bring it to the table. I am eager to learn and embrace new cultures, because I believe my diverse
community has shaped me into the person I am and Columbia is the right place.

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