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3 Reading Worksheet

Skill: speed reading

1 Quickly read the forum entries and write T (true), F (false) or N (not in text) for each statement.

Ashley: I think I’m rather polite. When someone asks me a favor, I usually do it, even when I’m busy.
My sister asked me to go shopping with her, because she’s going to a big party, and I went with her.
But when my nosy neighbor asked me “Why are you talking so loud on the phone?” I wasn’t so polite.
I said, “It’s my phone and I can talk as loud as I want to”.
Liam: I don’t like being rude or unfriendly. When someone asks me to do something, I almost always do it.
Last week I was on a train, and an old lady said, “Would you mind closing the window?”, and I did,
but I was so hot. Finally, I had to sit somewhere else, but I just don’t like saying no.
Carmen: My friends say I’m rude but I don’t think so. I just say ‘no’ when I want to say no. For example, Stella,
a girl from my group, asked me to go to the cinema with her, but I said, “Sorry, I have other plans”.
Is that rude? I don’t think so. Being polite is fine, but being assertive is also important.

1 Ashley does what people ask her to do when she is not busy.
2 Ashley’s sister is going to a big party.
3 Ashley’s neighbor wanted her to turn off the phone.
4 Liam likes being polite and friendly.
5 Liam closed the window on the train.
6 Liam was really cold on the train.
7 Carmen’s friends think she is rude.
8 Stella asked Carmen to go to the cinema with people from their group.

2 Read the forum entries again and check your answers. Correct the false statements.

3 Work with a partner. How would you react in the situations in exercise 1?

4 Choose one of the situations below. Write a request. Remember to give a reason
and to be polite.
a You want your sister to pick up your laundry. You need it for tomorrow.
b You want your roommate to clean up the kitchen. It’s a mess.
c You want your father to drive you to the supermarket. You need to buy a lot of things.

5 Exchange your notes with a classmate. Reply to their note.

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