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Home by ten

I´m going to give an essay about teenagers and at what time they are supposed to come
home. First of all, I’m going to discuss about what I am allowed to do like I can go to a
friend house to work on a project or just to hang out, I’m also allowed to go to some
places with my friends and I need to say to my parents to where I’m going and with who I
am going to be, or just go to buy some essentials to the store that is closest to my home
and I can take the car so I don’t go walking because the store is quite far away, also when I
have either a basketball game or a soccer game I need to say who I’m going to leave school
with because they are sometimes my parents cant drive me to the place where the game
is going to take place, some of my friends are also allowed to do some of the same things I
can do and most of the times I go out with my friends so my parents have quite a relation
with their parents. The hour that I come home when its like a weekday I usually go at 8-
9pm to my home because on the next day there’s school and I need to rest and prepare for
the next day and also my parents need to work, but if it’s a Friday off from school or a
weekend, the time I usually come home is around 11-12pm, because I can tell my parents
that ill be sleeping on a friends house and I can stay with him and the next day they can
come and pick me up from the house. So it would clearly depend on the day which the
teenager is going out because at 10 it would be late if it’s a weekday, but 10 is early when
it’s a weekend. Theres no curfew and by that there is no way to know at what time is best
suitable to teenagers to go home, im going to say that at 12pm is a good time to go home
because after that the streets become dangerous and would leave a big discomfort on the
parents if the teenagers come after that time. Ill say that because the parents want the
best for their childs and they want their children to get on well in life. This means that
children of all ages need to obey social norms. They need to understand appropriate
and inappropriate behaviour.

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