Literature Review On Joint Family System

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It means that since they live together, they share the sorrows and joys together. This long essay on
the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. It was
based on the notion of collectivism and charity. The present study was carried out with the aim of
assessing socio-demographic profile, attitude of family members toward their family composition
and their health status. Here is your essay on Joint family - Preserve Articles. The first essay is a long
essay on the Joint Family System of 400-500 words. They were saddened to see the disintegration of
family values and system and emergence of individualistic nuclear families. It is followed by a
loyalty shift in family from lineal ties to conjugal ties. The key in both cases is to manage the level of
comfort that an individual has. The head of the family or the Karta enjoys the highest position in the
family. We are waiting for your precious suggestions and ideas to make our work better and
successful. Give recent trends in joint or nuclear family in India and write socio-economic factors
responsible for diluting joint family. This paper presents some untold truth on families in India
aiming to provide bases for analyzing research, particularly in the area of family development. If one
of you has a physical problem, which is oftentimes the case, then it becomes the problem of
altogether. For the study a sample of 100 respondents were collected from the 3 major cities of Bihar
state which are mainly Bhagalpur, Patna and Muzaffarpur. It is hard to oblige all the individuals from
a joint family in a solitary house in the city. However, with changing times, there is an emergence of
extended family system. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. They have
started caring about their own comfort too. Additionally average cost for basic items is high in the
urban communities. Long Essay on Joint Family System 500 Words in English Below we have given
a long essay on Joint Family System of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and
Competitive Exam Aspirants. There was separation of perspective sphere of work for men and
women. In these cases, the child who cares for the parents usually receives the house in addition to
his or her own share of land and moveable property. It does not matter whether these problems are
significant or not the important part is that all problems are heard out and advice, whenever
necessary, is dispensed with a warm heart. “A happy family is, but an earlier heaven” quoted George
Bernard Shaw. In other words, the conjugal relationship is subordinated to filial and fraternal
relationships. The Indian people still keep intact the family attachment and live their traditional
morality. Be sure to discuss how you feel about the situation. A family is of two types: a nuclear
family and a joint family. Individual aspirations are secondary to family goals. The relationship
between husband and wife has undergone major changes.
The first essay is a long essay on the Joint Family System of 400-500 words. Each member in the
household is given personal work based upon their skills. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. It happens
when feelings of generosity, charity, and fellow-feeling not balanced by high moral line, character,
and farsightedness. Cultural values are learnt and taught by seeing them in action. The joint family
moving towards the western family life culture, tradition etc. Indian families are classified as
patrilineal and matrilineal according to the lineage or descent by father or mother. With the closing
down of the village industry the workers move to the city. Each member of the family shares the
household chores, thus the work is divided and the burden of the work is lessened. The changing
dynamics of family composition can have important impact on the protective as well as risk factors
influencing health. The financial responsibility is distributed among the members of the family and
the economic burden does not solely fall on one person. Selfish though this motive may seem,
grandparents can be of help when both parents are away at work taking care of children, bringing
them back from school, seeing to their homework, being around when the maid comes in as well as
the valuable advice which they give proves to be of immense help, as they have greater experience in
life. The authority of the head of the family is considered to be supreme. Mostly, in the joint family
it happens that some people have to exhaust themselves while the others lead a life of utter lethargy.
The key in both cases is to manage the level of comfort that an individual has. In the past, the
insistence of religious institutes on the family discipline, its conception of nature and purpose of
marriage, the doctrine of subordination of women, all worked to make the patriarchal family a close
knit corporate body. The second essay is a short essay on Joint Family System of 150-200 words.
They do not spend much time inside the house and thus the household chores are neglected. Job
opportunities in the cities become the main cause of the disintegration. However, joint families have
some disadvantages such as few scopes of personal growth for the orthodox nature. They are able to
socialize with the rest of their peers and the entire family unit is able to benefit from their efforts.
They may also live in separate houses in close proximity to one another. In addition, children
growing up in a joint family learn social and moral values. Due to the joint family causes lack of
accommodation. The joint family is institution in many traditional societies. Many married men have
come to realise that in a single family unit, with both man and woman working, it is necessary to
lend a helping hand to their wives. In Indian cities and towns, it can be even more difficult where
there are not enough facilities available for care of children. This generation very well appreciates the
strengths and weaknesses of both the systems. Joint and Nuclear Family Systems. When your child
goes to school, you don’t need to go out to look after him since the parents of the child to take care
of everything for him. In earlier times, the joint family system was prevalent.
See, the Core part is the one which is asked in the Question explicitly rest other are subsidiary. Depth
generation refers to the own parents and their parents generation. Writers stories mostly tell us about
the all the relations which we have in our life, thus these relations has their own place but how we
can take them and deal with them in our life it matters a lot. The crucial part of acceptance of one
another is acceptance of our own weaknesses and limitations and that of others. A joint family
consists of three generations such as grand parents, parents and children. Some of readers asked us
how to download these novels from this website. The traditional relations between daughter-in-law
and parents-in-law have undergone change. Consequently, nuclear family has become an
indispensible social unit in contemporary Indian society. The specific issues addressed are family size
and complexity, privacy, role restrictions imposed by age and sex, husband-wife relations, children,
and advantages of joint families. In the patriarchal joint family, the eldest male member exercises
authority. A family which could be runwith the elderly experience and youth in action. This article
does not cite any references or sources. Job opportunities in the cities become the main cause of the
disintegration. Here is your essay on Joint family - Preserve Articles. Young people crave for
independence, privacy and affluence. Well if you have a family then obviously they are going to be
there all of the time. Before 1956, female members of the family were not having equal rights with
male members but the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, has its provisions for female members also.
Under modern conditions, the roles of men and women, particularly in urban areas have changed so
much that husbands and wives are potential equals. The joint family system is the best particularly
for kids since it assumes a pivotal role in the personality formation of kids. If one of you has a
problem, which may be psychological, that affects everyone and is therefore out of everyone’s
control then it can become a very nasty situation indeed. They do not spend much time inside the
house and thus the household chores are neglected. Furthermore, the heavy pressure on the
agriculture land caused surplus of laborers who preferred to move to cities and industrial centers.
The total earnings of all the family members are pooled together. Sometimes, other kith and kin such
as uncles, aunts, cousins and great grandsons also live in the joint family. Individual aspirations are
secondary to family goals. Children living in a joint family are taught moral virtues such as
tolerance, patience, respect, compassion and discipline. No one is left behind in any area, and every
member is able to contribute to the success of the other members of the household. He should care
even the smallist thing like the toys of a child. Some scholars like Iravati Karve regard co-
residentiality as an essential ingredient of jointness. Recent Posts White chocolate macadamia cold
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In India, the joint family framework has been in presence since old occasions. Uncles, aunts, cousins
and grandsons also living together in a joint family. This also means that goals or interests of the
family must be the goals or interests of the individuals. In addition, children growing up in a joint
family learn social and moral values. Joint Family System; Its Advantages and Disadvantages. This
long essay about Joint Family System is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for
competitive exam aspirants. Marriage practices are emphasized covering subjects such as marriage
patterns, selection of marriage partner, age at marriage, age at consummation of marriage, marriage
rituals, financial exchanges and divorce. Other senior members of the household baby sit infants in
case their mother is working. Daniel Macchio! Bio, Age, Height, Movies, Net Worth. You can get
closer to your loved ones because you know them. In Indian cities and towns, it can be even more
difficult where there are not enough facilities available for care of children. However, its
sustainability may perhaps be uncertain in a distant future because of the inclination of present
younger generation to complete independence in life. These include same-sex couples, multi-
generational and extended families (e.g. including parents or other elders; members from outside the
bloodline or with grandparents providing primary care for grandchildren) and virtual families. In
India, the joint family framework has been in presence since antiquated occasions. Click on the link
below to Read Writers All Novels. Depth generation refers to the own parents and their parents
generation. One of the major disadvantages of a nuclear family is that the sense of bonding or
belongingness exists in a limited sense. An old fable too proved this proverb wherein an old ailing
farmer, on his death-bed, preaches his sons the importance of unity and living together. You can
download the paper by clicking the button above. Here is your essay on Joint family - Preserve
Articles. Nonetheless, with the progression of time, the joint family framework has crumbled,
offering ascend to the family unit framework. Some scholars like Iravati Karve regard co-
residentiality as an essential ingredient of jointness. Individual aspirations are secondary to family
goals. Procreation. Joint Families are like a institution. Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a
Joint Family - Term Paper. This is more relevant to those living out of the country. When one parent is
away from home and on vacation or on business this leaves the other parent with no time for
themselves and their children. However, with the advent of the British, and later with the processes
of industrialisation, modernisation, and the recent trends of globalisation, the structural features and
the functional implications of family have started changing. Industrial revolution brought with it
increase in job opportunities in and around major industrialized and commercial cities and towns.
Conflits have to be solved by mutual discussion and it can only be done when you are in a joint
family system.
It is difficult to imagine a peaceful, ordered social life in the absence of this system. In particular, as
per our knowledge, there is no evidence on who is losing and who is gaining among family members
due to the unprecedented transition in family forms in India. Writers stories mostly tell us about the
all the relations which we have in our life, thus these relations has their own place but how we can
take them and deal with them in our life it matters a lot. The first essay is a long essay on the Joint
Family System of 400-500 words. As such, it will be of use researchers, practitioners, and policy
makers interested in the interface between work and family. A gentleman so called finds little
attraction to stay on in the village. So for achieving all these goals each and every joint family needs
a elder of such qualities that he can manage his family in a very just and proper method but in fact
such personalities are very rare in the world therefore it would be proper to let every one on his own
way. Conflits have to be solved by mutual discussion and it can only be done when you are in a joint
family system. Lastly, with most families going the nuclear way, grandparents, in-laws, do stay along
with the family as a single unit. Lincoln in the form of a spindle harmonizes its jellies in a neutral
way. So if you want your family to grow together, then it is best if you should have a strong family
unit. The segregation of sexes was accomplished in a variety of ways. Be sure to discuss how you
feel about the situation. Job openings accessible in the urban communities become the fundamental
driver of the crumbling of the joint family framework. Therefore, the essential feature of a joint
family is the common kitchen. Synonyms: soar, rocket, shoot up, mount, surge, spiral. Introduction.
The joint family is a group of people where three generations living together. A joint family can be of
various types, for example, a man, and his wife with their unmarried sons and daughters, several
brothers with their children and wife and a man, his wife, their parents and their unmarried children.
Before 1956, female members of the family were not having equal rights with male members but the
Hindu Succession Act, 1956, has its provisions for female members also. Both the systems
advantages and disadvantages are based of personal experience of individual and different from one
another. Essay on joint family advantage and disadvantage - YouTube. With the closing down of the
village industry the workers move to the city. Under this system the entire family — grandparents
paternal and their male children stay under a single roof. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. This is more
relevant to those living out of the country. The western part of Rajasthan is a desert with shift. In
this section you can add impacts on various generation of a family that is children, young and old
age. Selfish though this motive may seem, grandparents can be of help when both parents are away
at work taking care of children, bringing them back from school, seeing to their homework, being
around when the maid comes in as well as the valuable advice which they give proves to be of
immense help, as they have greater experience in life. Women today are not merely housewives, they
go out in the world to earn a living. Drawbacks What are the Disadvantages of Joint Family System.
Social legislation. The act such as “Hindu marriage act of 1955”. Some particular joint family
maintain its members health. It also provides for an environment where everyone is able to succeed,
no matter what their background, upbringing or status in life may be. Living together the members
love and understand one another. Study group include (1254) families from some aria in Khartoum
city capital of Sudan. (120) families were selected randomly as a study sample. It has been a subject
of interest and of serious study at various levels down the centuries, and has always attracted the
attention of the social scientists, for long. This is more relevant to those living out of the country.
Synonyms: long for, yearn for, hunger for, thirst for, dream of, aspire to. Advantages and
Disadvantages of Living in a Joint Family - Term Paper. Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in
a Joint Family - Term Paper. It was a serving place for not only nurturing and preserving social
values, but also passing them down through generations. Smaller family units provide the freedom to
live life as one pleases and the privacy is achieved-both of which cannot be possible under the joint
family system. The socialization process encourages creativity, self expression, and problem solving
skills. And give more space to core part that in impact of urbanisation and western influence and
socio-economic factors. They are your family too and if one of them is sick then the whole family is
affected. In India, for most part, the traditional system had survived for centuries without any major
institutional alterations or dislocations. Some scholars like Iravati Karve regard co- residentiality as
an essential ingredient of jointness. Moreover, they also learn to work in discipline and in a team and
all these are tight by the elder members of the family. But in a single family unit, it is easier to tailor
one’s chores to suit the needs and adjust the chores around the free time. When you leave the home,
you also lose the ability to support each other in your endeavors. The biggest disadvantage is that we
have to be able to make time to spend with each other and enjoy the time together. Download Free
PDF View PDF Changing Family Structure in India Impact and Implications gregory savarimuthu
Family is traditionally considered in all societies as the primary social unit of human existence and
hence, the basis for expressing and moulding the basic tenets of social behavior and relationship in
society. It just I was giving time to write all the students as due to prelims lesser number of people
are writing these days. In Indian cities and towns, it can be even more difficult where there are not
enough facilities available for care of children. Long Essay on Joint Family System 500 Words in
English Below we have given a long essay on Joint Family System of 500 words is helpful for
classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. Cultural values are learnt and taught by
seeing them in action. These include same-sex couples, multi-generational and extended families (e.g.
including parents or other elders; members from outside the bloodline or with grandparents
providing primary care for grandchildren) and virtual families. This long essay about Joint Family
System is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. Essay
on joint family advantage and disadvantage - YouTube. A family which could be runwith the elderly
experience and youth in action.
The patriarch's wife generally exerts control over the household, minor religious practices and often
wields considerable influence in domestic matters. So, nuclear families have become the order of the
day. Hence, the joint family consists of blood relations who live together and who share a common
life and common worship. Here is your essay on Joint family - Preserve Articles. Though Joint Hindu
Family Business is enlarged form of sole trading concern and it has got due recognition by Income
Tax Act, 1961, and Joint Hindu Succession Act, 1956, then also it does not enjoy separate legal
status because of Joint Hindu Family firm and its members are one and the same that is inseparable.
It has become an ongoing trend for elderly generations to move in and live with their children, as
they can give them support and help with everyday living. So it become really hard for a new comer
to adjust her self and it definitely results in clash and disturbance. Individual aspirations are
secondary to family goals. Job opportunities in the cities become the main cause of the
disintegration. Cultural values are learnt and taught by seeing them in action. Common kitchen. Joint
family prepare their food in a common kitchen because they belongs to the common or joint family.
Social insurance — Joint family acts as a social insurance and a support for the widows and the old
aged people. The brides of the sons do not get an opportunity to develop their personality. People
today no longer prefer to live in the joint family system. Here is your essay on Joint family -
Preserve Articles. The reason for this might have been the practice of ancestor worship and the
custom of Pinda Dana. There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a
certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. The nuclear family gave immense
freedom from the traditions and ways of life that the old system was ridden with. Please include
what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this
page. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. It consists of members of three or
more generations including grandparents, parents and children. First of all, Click on the link which
you want to download from the site, then the novel will be opened As you can see there are two
options Download, Read Online, then click on the Download link ( any option from them) if you
want to download. Here is your essay on Joint family - Preserve Articles. Woman is starting uses of
education and gets job opportunities. However, gradually when nuclear families became the order of
the day, the old generation slowly began to accept the realities and became comfortable with it.
There was separation of perspective sphere of work for men and women. Conflits have to be solved
by mutual discussion and it can only be done when you are in a joint family system. Meet your
Extended Family Often Keeping your doors open for family to stay over, visiting them often if they
are in the city or visiting extended family during school and college holidays are some of the ways
to inculcate the importance of being together in children. In other words, the conjugal relationship is
subordinated to filial and fraternal relationships. These people believe in the system of joint family.

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