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She was the 1st female PNP Contingent d.

d. Focusing solely on high-profile crimes and neglecting Which of the following is primarily known Isaias
minor offenses.
member, a noncommissioned officer whose e. Community-oriented policing and building trust with Alma Jose?
rank was Senior Police Officer 2 and deployed residents. B. Leading the first Mobile Patrol unit of the Manila Police
Department (MPD).
to East Timor in August 1999.
Ester A. Mardicas The concept of the Tun Policing System can be The PNP Regional Director, upon prior
Who was the first Filipino to become the chief most closely associated with which modern consultation with the NAPOLCOM Regional
of the Philippine Constabulary? policing philosophy?
Director, recommends a list of eligible
Bgen Rafael Crame Community-oriented policing, promoting collaboration and candidates for the position of Provincial
Director. From this list, the provincial governor
Which of the following principles is NOT Which famous quote is associated with Sir
typically associated with Sir Robert Peel's has the authority to choose the final appointee.
Robert Peel's vision of modern policing?
reforms in modern policing? The Police are the Public and the Public are the Police. How many individuals are typically included on
a. Emphasis on professionalism, training, and ethical the recommended list presented to the
The legacy of the Guardia Civil Town Police in
conduct of police officers. governor? Three (3)
b. Establishment of clear guidelines and procedures for the Philippines is complex and multifaceted.
police operations. Which of the following statements best
c. Importance of public cooperation and building trust with captures this complexity? Republic Act No. 6975 established several
the community. support units for the PNP. Which of the
d. Use of physical force and intimidation as primary It served as a model for the development of a truly following is NOT one of these support units?
crime prevention methods. democratic and representative police force in the Philippines.
a. Bureau of Fire Protection
e. Introduction of preventive policing measures to address Which of the following term in security best b. Crime Laboratory
the root causes of crime.
describe the "look carefully"? c. Logistics Unit
d. Communication Unit
Which of the term refers to the situation where Survey e. Intelligence Unit
the subject becomes aware of being observed
During World War II, what happened to the
or monitored by investigators? What is the significance of the "civilian-
Manila Police Department (MPD) after the
Burned Japanese occupation? controlled" aspect of the PNP established by
Which of the following core principles "BEST Republic Act No. 6975?
The MPD remained operational but under the control and
DESCRIBE" The Tun Policing System? supervision of the Japanese Kempeitai. It ensures that the PNP is accountable to civilian authorities
a. Strict enforcement of all laws and regulations without When was the Automobile patrol introduced in and upholds democratic principles.
discretion. the Philippines? Which of the following does not belong to the
b. Reliance on advanced technology and surveillance for
crime prevention. May 17, 1954 group?
c. Prioritizing military-style operations and aggressive a. Aviation Security Group
tactics. b. Legal Service
c. Highway Patrol Group
d. Police Community Relations Group According to the amended qualifications, what important considerations for ensuring the
e. Civil Security Group
is the minimum age requirement for a new PNP effectiveness and accountability of the PNP?
Patrolman June Mangas responding to a call applicant? Investing in professional training, adequate resources, and
21 years old upholding human rights principles within the PNP
about a disturbance at a local construction
site. Upon arrival, the former found two A successful PNPA cadet will earned a Which of the following does not belong to the
workers arguing, and one accuses the other of baccalaureate degree of? general qualification of the PNP application?
stealing his valuable power tools. The accused a. A person of good moral character
Bachelor of Science in Public Safety
b. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree
worker claims it was just a misplaced tool and c. A natural born Filipino citizen
Blue-collar crimes are crimes which involves
denies any theft. You observe both individuals non-violent financial crimes committed by d. Must not have been convicted by final judgement of an
are wearing work uniforms and appear to be individuals in professional or business settings,
e. Must not be less than 21 years of age nor more than 30
laborers at the site. Considering the nature of such as fraud, embezzlement, or insider years of age
trading. The statement is?
the alleged crime, the context of the situation,
An accountant is discovered to have been
and the information gathered during your initial False – WHITE COLLAR CRIME
manipulating financial records of a company to
assessment, which category of crime is this What is the primary function of the ten (10) hide embezzlement of funds for personal use.
most likely to be classified as? directorial staff units housed in the PNP This act involves the misuse of entrusted
Blue-collar crime
national headquarters? resources and violates ethical and legal
What does Section 6 of the 1987 Philippine Advising and assisting the PNP leadership on various aspects
of law enforcement. principles. What type of white-collar crime does
Constitution establish? this represent?
A single, national police force that is civilian-controlled and The Guardia Civil Town Police, established in Embezzlement
not affiliated with the military. 1852 during the Spanish colonial period. The
statement is? True Which of the following promotion granted to
What is the primary function of the Aviation
police officers meeting the mandatory
Security Group (ASG)? Which of the following statements is TRUE requirements for promotion?
about the structure of the PNP established by
Ensuring the safety and security of airports and civil aviation
Republic Act No. 6975? Regular Promotion
in the Philippines.
The PNP is divided into regional commands based on Which of the following best describes the
Which of the following does not belong to the
geographical location. broadest term encompassing everything
related to information security applied to both
a. Hacking Considering the potential benefits and theoretical and actual computer system?
b. Software Piracy challenges of a civilian-controlled police force.
c. Online Gambling Computing
d. Fishing Which of the following is BEST DESCRIBE the
Among the visitor’s movement control, which of
e. Skimming
the following is the most important?
Visitor’s pass perceived limitations. What leadership style It is conducted when the subject is moving
from one place to another.
Which of the following terms BEST describes best reflects this approach?
Participative Shadowing
the physical barrier constructed by men that
tends to delay the intruder? What year is known as the Birth year of It requires the use of flashing light and siren
Structural Barriers INTERPOL? and may violate traffic laws.

A sociologist studying crime rates in different 1923 Emergency call

countries observes a correlation between In the Philippine National Police, we use the
word “trainees” to refer to those newly A peace and Order Council is organized in
poverty, social inequality, and higher crime
recruited members. In the Indonesian Police, every city/municipality by virtue of?
prevalence. This research aligns with which
theoretical perspective within Continental police trainees are called? Kama Executive Order 309
Which of the following PNP program ensures It enforces all traffic laws and regulations to
Conflict Theory the deployment of policemen in busy and crime ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians
In SWOT analysis, “W” means? prone areas? and attain an orderly traffic.
Police Visibility Program Traffic management command
a. Vulnerabilities
b. Win It is the type of intelligence activity which What administrative support unit conducts
c. Threats deals with defending of the organization
d. Limitation investigation and evaluation of physical
against its criminal activities.
e. None of the aforementioned - WEAKNESS evidences related to crimes, with emphasis on
Counter intelligence
Which leadership style emphasizes their medical, chemical, biological and physical
You observe that Patrolman Eugene Go nature?
empowering subordinates and encouraging
consistently taking instructions and reporting Crime Laboratory
participation in decision-making? directly to your lieutenant, bypassing your
Transactional What is the term used to describe the process
chain of command. How can you address this
situation while maintaining the principle of of creating transnational markets, politics, and
Physical security which deals with the
unity of command? legal systems in an effort to form and sustain a
protection of processes, patents, and other
global economy?
activities. a. Ignore the behavior and hope it resolves itself.
b. Publicly confront the officer in front of the team. Globalization
Operational security
c. Encourage the officer to raise concerns directly with the
lieutenant. Which of the following BEST DESCRIBE the
The Training Director inspires all trainees with
d. Privately discuss the importance of following the success of a clandestine operation?
his vision, enthusiasm, and commitment to chain of command with the officer. Maintaining secrecy:
innovation. The former motivates individuals to e. Report the officer's behavior to your superiors for
disciplinary action.
reach their full potential and go beyond their
Which of the following is NOT a common B. Centralized control and strict enforcement Who, among the following, can initiate an
C. Rapid response to emergency calls
method used by cybercriminals to gain D. Reliance on advanced technology for crime prevention investigation into alleged misconduct by a
unauthorized access to computer systems? E. None of the aforementioned police officer?
A. Physical security breaches Any citizen who files a complaint
This refers to essential first step before
B. Phishing scams
C. Malware creating a security program for an industrial Which of the following security measures
D. Cyberattacks plant.
focuses on equipping individuals with the
E. Human error
Security survey knowledge and skills to identify and address
The process of systematically defining goals, Police Staff Sergeant Ruelito arrives at a security risks?
allocating resources, and outlining actions to residence where a domestic violence situation Security education
achieve desired outcomes in law enforcement is unfolding. He hears shouting and sees a Human elements within a security system are
broken vase on the floor. A woman is visibly often considered the most vulnerable point due
is called?
upset and crying, while a man appears agitated to their susceptibility to errors, manipulation,
Police planning
and verbally aggressive. Which of the following or insider threats. Which term best describes
Robert Alarcon aspires to become a security actions should Police Staff Sergeant Ruelito this vulnerability?
prioritize in this situation?
guard for RockWell Company. To work legally Personnel
as a private security guard, he must obtain a A. Immediately call for medical back-ups
The increasing interconnectedness of
B. Immediately arresting the suspected abuser
security guard license. Which government C. Gathering evidence for prosecution countries, economies, cultures, and
agency is responsible for issuing security guard D. De-escalating the situation and ensuring the safety of all information flow across borders is a defining
individuals involved. characteristic of which phenomenon?
licenses in the Philippines?
E. Issuing citations for any violations
Philippine National Police (PNP) - Supervisory Office for Globalization
If an undercover officer's cover is blown during
Security and Investigative Agencies (SOSIA)
an investigation, the most immediate priority Which of the following agencies was placed
should be?
What is the primary purpose of conducting under the supervision and control of the
A. Extracting the officer from the situation to ensure their
crime analysis in law enforcement? Philippine Center on Transnational Crime
Identify crime trends and patterns (PCTC) by this Executive Order?
Which of the following is NOT a valid ground for INTERPOL NCB-Manila
Community policing emphasizes a collaborative imposing disciplinary sanctions on police When was the Philippine Constabulary
approach to public safety. Which of the personnel?
following principles is MOST relevant in this A. Violation of departmental rules and regulations 1901
B. Engaging in criminal activity
context? C. Demonstrating incompetence or inefficiency in performing How can community members contribute to the
A. Building partnerships and collaboration with the United duties
Nations success of the Tun Policing System?
D. Expressing personal opinions on social media
Actively participating in community dialogues and problem- What is the primary objective of establishing a Community engagement can provide valuable insights into
solving initiatives. officer performance and contribute to a more transparent
perimeter barrier around an industrial process.
The Philippine Constabulary eventually evolved complex?
The "Hue and Cry" law reflects which historical
into which present-day law enforcement To deter unauthorized access and control entry points
concept of law enforcement?
agency? What are some key drivers of globalization in
Philippine National Police Community-based policing
How can understanding the history of the the modern world?
Which of the following policing strategies
Philippine Constabulary be relevant to Advancements in technology and communication
directly contributes to crime prevention?
contemporary law enforcement in the
Philippines? Problem-oriented policing
Why are human elements often considered the
It offers insights into the evolution of law enforcement weakest link in security systems? Which of the following promotion is granted in
institutions and challenges faced. specific situations outside the regular process,
They are prone to errors, manipulation, and insider threats
requiring justification and approval.
What are some key considerations when Identify the qualification that is NOT generally Special Promotion
developing a security plan for VIP protection? required for appointment to the Philippine It refers to the automatic promotion after
Assessing potential threats and vulnerabilities: Identifying
National Police (PNP): serving a specific time in a rank, meeting basic
risks specific to the VIP and their environment.
A. Being a citizen of the Philippines requirements and no disciplinary actions.
What is the primary function of the People's B. Possessing good moral conduct Time-in-Grade Promotion
C. Passing the drug and physical tests administered by the PNP
Law Enforcement Board (PLEB)? D. Holding a master's degree from a recognized institution What prompted the Philippine government to
To investigate complaints against police officers for abuse of E. Being eligible according to the standards set by the Napolcom advocate for a concerted global action against
authority transnational crime?
In the history of the Philippine National Police, Which of the following statements best defines
which individual holds the distinction of being Recognition of the growing threat of transnational crime.
the first Filipino to assume the position of An estimate of the relative likeness or unlikeness of two What was the Philippines' proposal at the 6th
Chief? things.
ASEAN Summit in 1998?
P/Dir Gen Cesar Nazareno It refers to the promotion that set timeline and To create a center for combating transnational crime.
established criteria based on service time, It refers to an PNP promotion which is awarded
What is the civilian oversight body responsible for exceptional performance beyond
performance, and training.
for ensuring accountability within the Regular Promotion expectations.
Philippine National Police? Meritorious Promotion
What role should community engagement and
National Police Commission
public perception play in the police promotion What is the highest rank in the Australian
process? Police force?
What are the three fundamental principles of It safeguards physical access to devices and network D. an organizational mission and overall objectives for both the
information security, often referred to as the equipment, potentially mitigating unauthorized access short and long run
CIA triad? attempts. What can help mitigate unconscious bias in
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability You are a police captain leading a diverse team decision-making within criminal justice
with varying cultural backgrounds and systems?
It refers to the illegally copying and distributing communication styles. How can you ensure Using data-driven approaches and standardized procedures.
copyrighted software. effective communication and collaboration
Software Piracy within the team? Participative Which step is not considered part of the
rational decision-making model?
In the context of strategic planning, what does Physical security which deals with the
the "W" in SWOT analysis stand for? A. Reflecting on the decision and adapting strategies for future
protection of processes, patents, and other
Weaknesses activities. B. Identifying the problem or situation.
Upon successful completion of the program, A. Communication security C. Implementing the chosen solution and monitoring its
what baccalaureate degree do graduates of the B. Crisis security effectiveness.
Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) C. Document security D. Evaluating potential solutions and their consequences.
earn? D. Digital Security E. Following personal gut feelings and intuition.
E. None of the aforementioned – OPERATIONAL
Bachelor of Science in Public Safety Which ethical principle should be prioritized
when making decisions in law enforcement?
How can organizations raise awareness and What is the primary responsibility of a leader in Fairness and equal treatment for all individuals.
promote a culture of information security law enforcement agencies? It refers to a broad design, method or a major
among their employees? Promoting ethical conduct and professionalism within the plan of action that needs a large amount of
A. Implementing voluntary training programs on emergency team. resources to attain a major goal or objectives.
B. Relying solely on technical security measures without A company is expanding its operations and Strategy
addressing user behavior and awareness. needs to implement security measures to
protect its assets and personnel. Who would be Fredrick the Great is known as the?
C. Encouraging employees to share sensitive information openly
to improve collaboration. responsible for formulating comprehensive FATHER OF MILITARY ESPIONAGE
D. Focusing solely on disciplinary actions for security breaches, security policies for the organization?
neglecting preventive measures. It is an attempt by police administration to
E. None of the aforementioned Department Heads allocate anticipated resources to meet
anticipated service demands' describes which
The Special Police in Taiwan are tasked with? Which of the follow is NOT part of planning as a
of the following concepts?
Protecting state-owned businesses and critical infrastructure. formal process?
A. divisional, departmental and individual objective based on Police Planning
What is the importance of maintaining physical organizational objective This refers to an area assigned for patrol
B. strategies to achieve the objectives
security measures in protecting against purposes, whether foot or motorized.
C. purpose for which the organization performs
cyberattacks? Beat
Private security agencies have to be registered with a. Time
_________? b. Function
c. Area
Security and Exchange Commission d. Gender
An industrial complex must establish its 1st line physical e. By offender
defense, it must have ______? Have a summary disciplinary power over erring police
Perimeter Barries officer

It is the circumspect inspection of a place to determine its Chief PNP

suitability for a particular operational purpose. Protection of high-ranking officials from harm, kidnapping
Casing and similar acts

Minimum age requirement for security manager or operator VIP Security

of the security agency Provides means and ways by which all persons and
25 years old employees are trained to make their security measures

It is undertaken by security officer before he prepare a Security Education

comprehensive security program or industrial plan.
Security Survey
Small alleys those like in informal settling area in Tondo,
best penetrated by what police procedure?
Foor patrol
When the subject identify or obtain knowledge the
investigator is conducting surveillance, the latter is _____.
Burn out
Contain in the heading of an intelligence report
Reporting unit
Object of surveillance is subject, while the investigator
conduct the surveillance is _______.
Budget _____ in terms of expenditure requirement.
Financial plan
The police personnel may be effectively distributed
according to following classification except:

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