ABB Bot Interview

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1. What was your biggest success in the last 12 months?

During my internship at PT. Multi Manao Indonesia, a furniture manufacturer

and exporter, I worked as a PPIC (Production Planning and Inventory Control)
staff under the guidance of the PPIC Manager.

I have two tasks given by my manager such as:
1. Inventory Auditor Role: I audited 2 containers each of sungkai and pine
wood, tracking their journey from arrival to readiness for production.
2. Operational Auditor Role: I audited the production processes for four
types of furniture across 25 containers, from cutting wood to loading the


As an auditor, I have several key steps in the auditing process in the following:
1. Preparations: I studied process flowcharts and furniture components to
understand raw material flows and production processes thoroughly.
2. Gathering Information: I documented wood pallet quantities and
created workflow diagrams and process maps.
3. Data Cleaning and Validation: I reviewed data for errors, inconsistencies,
and missing information to ensure data accuracy.
4. Data Analysis: I analysed data to spot inventory and production
management issues.
5. Review of Documentation: I checked purchase orders and production
reports for data accuracy.
6. Root Cause Analysis (RCA): I used RCA methods like the "5 Whys,
5W+1H, Fishbone Diagram" to investigate and address the data
7. Final Presentation: I presented my findings to the general manager and
PPIC manager.

My efforts led to:
 Improved inventory tracking and reduced production delays.
 Enhanced data accuracy and informed decision-making.
 A positive impression on General Managers and PPIC Managers.

This experience has solidified my passion for project administration and my

dedication to driving operational excellence. I am excited to leverage these skills
and experiences in a new challenge, further contributing to the success of your
organization as a Project Administrator.

2. How do I describe myself?

 When asked to describe myself, I would say that I am a highly analytical
professional with a keen eye for detail. I take a structured and systematic
approach to tasks, breaking down complex challenges into manageable
steps for efficient problem-solving.
 My strong analytical thinking and critical mindset allow me to derive
meaningful insights from data and information. I make data-driven
decisions, relying on empirical evidence and thorough analysis.
 My proficiency in problem-solving, along with my meticulous work
habits, ensures that I produce accurate and reliable results.
 I communicate effectively, presenting complex findings clearly to both
colleagues and management. When faced with obstacles, I am
resourceful and persistent in finding creative solutions.
 I adapt easily to changing situations and incorporate new data to
enhance my decision-making.
 My primary focus is on achieving concrete, measurable results. While I
excel as an individual contributor, I also thrive in a team environment,
where I contribute my analytical skills to foster effective collaboration
and achieve shared goals.
 These qualities make me a valuable asset in roles that demand precision,
analysis, and innovative solutions, such as those related to data analysis,
quality control, project management, research, and process
3. How do I organize your working day?
I start my day by reviewing my to-do list and prioritizing tasks. I allocate specific
time blocks for various responsibilities, such as project status updates, document
management, and team meetings. I utilize project management software to
track progress and maintain a well-organized digital workspace. This approach
helps me stay on top of multiple tasks and deadlines.
4. If you could live for six months with no commitments, what would I do?
I would use this time to deepen my knowledge and skills relevant to project
administration. Perhaps I would pursue additional project management
certifications or take courses in emerging software tools that can enhance my
efficiency. It's essential to stay current and continuously improve in this field.
5. Why are you leaving your current job?
I'm seeking new opportunities for professional growth and development. While I
have learned a lot in my current role, I believe your organization aligns more
closely with my long-term career goals, and I'm excited about the potential to
contribute my skills and experience to your team.
6. What is your biggest weakness & strength?
Strength: One of my most significant strengths, as demonstrated in my
internship at PT. Multi Manao Indonesia, is my unwavering attention to detail. I
have a natural inclination to scrutinize data, processes, and documentation
meticulously. This strength enabled me to excel in tasks such as inventory and
operational auditing. It ensures that I maintain a high level of accuracy and
reliability in my work, which is invaluable in roles where precision is key, such as
Project Administration. Detail orientation is also crucial for detecting
discrepancies, ensuring quality, and identifying opportunities for improvement.

Strength: I excel in detail orientation, as evident in my internship at PT. Multi

Manao Indonesia. This skill enhances accuracy and reliability, making me
valuable in precision-focused roles like Project Administration. It's crucial for
quality control and process improvement.

Weakness: On the other hand, I would consider my strong critical mindset as

both a strength and a potential weakness. While my critical thinking and pursuit
of perfection have been instrumental in problem-solving and ensuring data
accuracy, it can sometimes lead to overcritical self-assessment. This self-imposed
pressure might affect my confidence or create unnecessary stress. To address
this, I'm actively working on finding a balance between striving for excellence
and recognizing that perfection isn't always the goal. I believe that this self-
awareness and ongoing effort to moderate my critical mindset will help me
continue to grow as a Project Administrator.
My biggest weakness is that I tend to be overly self-critical at times. I have a
strong desire for perfection, which can lead to spending too much time on a
single task. However, I've been working on this by setting realistic expectations
and seeking feedback from colleagues to maintain a balance between quality
and efficiency.
7. Why would you like to work for our company?
"I'm genuinely enthusiastic about the prospect of working for ABB, and this
enthusiasm stems from the alignment between my professional background and
the values and goals of ABB. ABB's longstanding reputation as a global
technology leader in automation, robotics, and electrification deeply resonates
with my experience and aspirations.

During my internship at PT. Multi Manao Indonesia, I honed essential skills in

project administration, which I believe will complement ABB's commitment to
innovation and excellence. My background in meticulous data analysis, detail-
oriented problem-solving, and systematic project management closely aligns
with ABB's mission to deliver cutting-edge technological solutions to industries

Furthermore, ABB's dedication to sustainability and environmentally responsible

technologies is particularly appealing to me. I share ABB's belief that technology
can be a powerful force for positive change and can drive progress in a
sustainable and responsible manner. I am passionate about contributing to a
company that prioritizes environmental and social responsibility in its
ABB's global reach and the diversity of projects it undertakes also offer an
exciting platform for continuous learning and professional growth. Collaborating
with a team of experts from diverse backgrounds and contributing my skills to
ABB's mission of shaping the future of industrial digitalization is an opportunity
that greatly motivates me.

In summary, my background in project administration, coupled with my

enthusiasm for innovation, sustainability, and excellence, makes me a strong fit
for ABB. I am eager to be part of an organization that values and actively drives
technological innovation, and I am confident that my skills and passion can
contribute to ABB's ongoing success and mission.".

8. Why we should hire you

When comparing myself to other candidates, I believe I stand out for several
reasons. First and foremost, my internship experience at PT. Multi Manao
Indonesia has equipped me with valuable skills in project administration, detail
orientation, and data analysis. This hands-on experience has prepared me to
excel in roles that demand precision and attention to detail, which is often
critical in the success of projects.

Additionally, my strong alignment with ABB's values and goals, especially in the
areas of innovation and sustainability, makes me a natural fit for the company.
My commitment to delivering accurate and reliable results aligns with ABB's
mission to provide cutting-edge technological solutions to industries worldwide.

Furthermore, my passion for contributing to a company that prioritizes

environmental and social responsibility resonates with ABB's dedication to
sustainability and responsible technologies. This shared commitment ensures
that I will be an enthusiastic and proactive contributor to ABB's initiatives in
these areas.

Lastly, ABB's global reach and diverse project portfolio offer an exciting platform
for my continuous learning and professional growth, and I'm motivated by the
opportunity to collaborate with a diverse team of experts.

In summary, my unique combination of skills, experience, alignment with ABB's

values, and commitment to innovation and sustainability make me a strong
candidate for the position. I am eager to be part of ABB and believe that my skills
and passion will contribute to the company's ongoing success and mission.

9. what motivated you to apply for this particular job? how do you think yiur skill
and experience align with the requirement
I was motivated to apply for this job at ABB for several compelling reasons.
Firstly, my internship experience at PT. Multi Manao Indonesia provided me with
a solid foundation in project administration, data analysis, and detail orientation.
This experience ignited my interest in roles that demand precision and
meticulous attention to detail, which are essential for successful project
management. ABB's job description highlighted these very skills as key
requirements, which immediately piqued my interest.
Secondly, ABB's global reputation as a technology leader in automation, robotics,
and electrification resonated with my career aspirations. My background in
meticulous data analysis, problem-solving, and systematic project management
aligns well with ABB's mission to deliver cutting-edge technological solutions to
industries worldwide.
Furthermore, ABB's commitment to sustainability and environmentally
responsible technologies deeply appeals to me. My passion for contributing to a
company that prioritizes environmental and social responsibility aligns perfectly
with ABB's dedication in these areas.
In summary, my motivation to apply for this job at ABB stems from the
alignment of my skills and experiences with the job requirements. I'm excited
about the opportunity to contribute to ABB's mission and values by leveraging
my skills and passion in project administration, precision, innovation, and
10. describe expection as project admin role
In a Project Administration role, my expectations are aligned with my past
experiences and abilities. Based on my internship at PT. Multi Manao Indonesia, I
anticipate the following:
1. Effective Data Analysis: Given my experience in data analysis during my
internship, I look forward to utilizing this skill to make informed decisions and
identify areas for improvement in project management.
2. Timely and Efficient Project Management: I expect to apply my systematic
approach to task management, breaking down complex projects into
manageable steps. This will ensure that projects stay on schedule and meet
objectives effectively.
3. Strong Communication Skills: Building on my experience presenting findings to
management, I anticipate that my ability to communicate complex information
clearly will be an asset in project administration, enabling effective collaboration
and reporting.
4. Continuous Learning and Adaptability: Given ABB's diverse and global
projects, I expect to have opportunities for continuous learning and professional
growth. I'm eager to adapt to new situations and collaborate with experts from
diverse backgrounds.
11. how long are you willing to work with us
I am genuinely interested in a long-term commitment to ABB, aligning with the
company's values and the potential for continuous growth and learning. My goal
is to make a significant and lasting contribution to ABB's projects and initiatives. I
envision a career here that allows me to grow professionally while contributing
to ABB's mission of shaping the future of industrial digitalization.
12. in ur opinion, what are the most important qualities or skills that a project
admin should possess in order to excel in this role? give me example how you
have demonstrated these qualities
In my opinion, several crucial qualities and skills make a Project Administrator
excel in their role. Based on my experience at PT. Multi Manao Indonesia, here
are the key attributes:
1. Data Analysis: Effective data analysis is essential for informed decision-making
and process improvement. I demonstrated this skill by analyzing data to spot
inventory and production management issues, leading to improved efficiency.
2. Project Management: Project admins should have a systematic approach to
manage tasks and complex projects efficiently. I utilized my systematic approach
to break down auditing tasks and ensure they were completed on time and met
3. Communication Skills: Strong communication skills are vital for effective
collaboration and reporting. I communicated complex findings clearly to
management during my internship, ensuring everyone understood the issues
and potential solutions.
4. Innovation and Problem-Solving: The ability to innovate and solve problems is
critical for addressing challenges promptly. I used root cause analysis methods
like the "5 Whys" to investigate data anomalies and provide effective solutions.

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