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1. (PRODUCT J&T Cargo) Do you know what our product is?

J&T Cargo is a part of J&T Group, specializing in shipping big loads

across Indonesia. They're popular because they're fast, reliable, and affordable,
especially for online shopping. You might have even seen them partnered with
big names like Tokopedia and Shopee. People trust them to get their large orders
where they need to go, making them the go-to choice for shipping big stuff in

J&TCargo 是 J&T 集 团 (jítuán) 的 一 部 分 , 专 门 负 责 在 印 尼 运 送

到过你们与 Tokopedia 和 Shopee 等大品牌(pǐnpái)合作。人们信任你们能

看了一下招聘广告,我发现没有工作描述(miáoshù)。所以作为 J&T
CARGO 的中文翻译,我想问一下我会做哪些具体的技术任务,会在哪个部

Personal Questions:

1. Tell me about yourself

际 影 响 。 在 Borwita Citra Prima , 我 一 直 从 事 数 据 (shùjù) 分 析
(fēnxī) 和流程(liúchéng)改进工作。在那里,我 设法(shèfǎ) 将
制作(zhìzuò) 报告的时间 缩短了(suōduǎnle)一半以上 ,并且确保
我们的 数据(shùjù) 超级(chāojí) 准确。
在 印 度 尼 西 亚 Multi Manao 公 司 , 我 尝 试 了 从 项 目
(xiàngmù) 规划(guīhuà) 到家具 交付(jiāofù)的所有工作。不工作的
时候,我喜欢 回馈(huíkuì)社会 ,比如去 Nitibasa 帮忙。
你知道吗?我对普通话 充满(chōngmǎn) 热情。对我来说,
我会说英语、普通话和印尼语,我很高兴能把我的 技能(jìnéng)带到
您的 团队中(tuánduì zhōng)。感谢您考虑我!

I'm Herman Susilo. I'm all about getting things done and making a
real impact.
I've been diving into data analysis and making processes better at
Borwita Citra Prima. Over there, I managed to cut down report-making
time by over half and make sure our data is super accurate.
At Multi Manao Indonesia, I got to try my hand at a bunch of stuff,
from planning projects to shipping out furniture. When I'm not working, I
love giving back to my community, like helping out at Nitibasa.
And you know what? I'm super passionate about Mandarin. It's
become more than just a language to me; it's my hobby. You'll often find
me diving into Chinese, learning wherever and whenever I can.
I speak English, Mandarin, and Indonesian, and I'm excited to
bring my skills to your team. Thanks for considering me!

2. (CAREER) Do you have any job goals or a particular career you want
to focus on in the future?
I don't have a specific industry in mind for my future career. I'm
adaptable and eager to learn, making me suitable for various fields.
During my internship, I discovered a passion for improving processes. I
find it both exciting and challenging. While I'm open to different
industries, I feel particularly drawn to manufacturing.
My approach to process improvement involves identifying issues,
seeking advice from seniors, conducting research, implementing changes,
and gathering feedback for continuous improvement. I believe in refining
processes until they are optimized for efficiency and accuracy.

我 改 进 流 程 的 方 法 包 括 识 别 (shìbié) 问 题 , 向 前 辈 (bèi)
3. (LEADERSHIP) What the most outstanding leadership experiences
In my fifth semester at university in 2022, I accepted an invitation
to coordinate a three-day event, leading a team of six to collaborate with
30 committees and 20 volunteers, ensuring arrangements for over 100
On the second day, just as we were preparing for the main event, a
sudden storm scattered the participants. Faced with a difficult decision, I
chose to proceed. We quickly arranged transportation and medical
supplies, while my team remained calm and reassured everyone's
Braving the storm, I checked each group one by one to ensure no
one was left behind. Despite the chaos, thanks to everyone's efforts, we
successfully conducted the main event on time.
Despite being exhausted, the gratitude of the participants made
everything worthwhile. It was a valuable experience of teamwork and

2022 年我大学第五学期,接受邀请组织了一个为期三天的活动,带
领 了 (dàilǐngle) 六 人 团 队 和 30 个 委 员 会 (wěiyuánhuì) 以 及 20 名
志愿(zhìyuàn)者合作,确保了 100 多名参与者的安排。

(bàofēngyǔ),将参与者四处打散(sìchù dǎ sàn)。面对一个艰难的决

冒 着 (Màozhe) 暴 风 雨 (bàofēngyǔ) 出 门 , 我 逐 一 (zhúyī) 检 查 每 个


4. (WHY CHINESE) Why do you learn Chinese and how?
I discovered Mandarin Chinese, spoken by nearly 198 million
people in China, Taiwan, and Singapore, and recognized as an official UN
language. Given Indonesia's connections with these regions, mastering
Mandarin holds significant advantages.
Observing my older relatives struggle with Mandarin
pronunciation fueled my determination to learn it thoroughly, ensuring I
could pass it down to future generations. Exploring old Chinese songs
deepened my understanding, motivating me to delve deeper into the
Driven by these personal motivations and the practical benefits of
Mandarin, I committed to learning it alongside English. Utilizing free
resources like Udemy, edX, and YouTube, I self-taught for over a year. To
practice speaking, I engaged with native speakers on the HelloTalk
language exchange app.
Advancing to HSK 4, I recognized gaps in my foundation and
sought Chinese tutors to strengthen it. After a month of tutoring, my
teacher confirmed my progress and readiness for HSK 5 materials.

门语言。所以,我决定好好学普通话。我用了像 Udemy、edX 和
YouTube 这样的免费资源,自学了一年多。为了练习口语,我在
HelloTalk 语言交流应用(yìngyòng)上和中国本地人(rénshì)交流。
我达到了一个叫 HSK 4 的水平,但我发现我的知识还有一些空
的材料了,比如 HSK 5 五级的词语。

I'm interning at Borwita Citra Prima, helping out with HR
Analytics since January 2024. My job is to make things easier and faster.
First, I made automated reports that show important stuff like
attendance and performance. They save a lot of time and make sure the
info is accurate.
Then, I made a system to track our uniform stock better. Now, we
spend less time on it and know where everything is.
After that, I wrote down how to make reports in a simple guide.
This makes it quicker for everyone to do.
So, my job is all about making HR tasks quicker and simpler for
everyone at Borwita.
自从 2024 年 1 月以来,我一直在 Borwita Citra Prima 做人力
告。这让大家做事更快。所以,我的工作就是让 Borwita 的每个人的
At Multi Manao Indonesia, where I interned from June to August
2023, I did a bunch of cool stuff in different departments.
First, under the guidance of the PPIC Manager, I worked on a
project where I checked out the materials we use to make furniture. I
audited the wood we use and looked at how we make different types of
furniture. Then, I made a report about what I found.
Then, I switched to the R&D department. I used special software to
design furniture and made a list of all the stuff we need to make it. I
showed my designs to the boss and made a plan showing how everything
fits together.

Finally, I moved to Quality Assurance. I looked at how good our

furniture was and how that affects our business. I found the top three
problems and told everyone about it.
So basically, I learned a lot about making furniture and making
sure it's good quality during my time at Multi Manao Indonesia.

在 Multi Manao Indonesia , 我 于 2023 年 6 月 至 8 月 期 间

(zhǐdǎo xià),我做了一个项目,检查我们用来制作家具的材料。我
老 板 展 示 了 (zhǎnshìle) 我 的 设 计 , 并 且 企 制 定 了 (zhìdìngle) 一 份
总的来说,在 Multi Manao Indonesia 的这段时间里,我学到

6. (HANDLE PRESSURE) How do you handle work pressure and

urgent tasks? Could you share some experiences?
I've had to work under tight deadlines before. At Borwita Citra Prima, we
had to finish projects quickly, like automating reports. I stayed organized,
delegated tasks well, and communicated with my team effectively. This
helped us meet our goals on time. I'm good at staying calm and focused
under pressure.
在 Borwita Citra Prima,我们必须尽快完成项目,比如自动化报告。
行 了 透 明 (tòumíng) 的 沟 通 , 以 来 确 保 我 们 按 时 完 成 目 标 。

7. (CAREER GOALS) Finally, please share your personal career goals

and future plans.
My goal is to keep growing professionally. While I'm new to translation,
I'm excited to learn and become skilled in this field. I want to contribute
to your organization's success and eventually become an expert
translator. I'm committed to working hard and making a positive impact in
my career.


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