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I was bullied in freshman year of high school.

Bullies approached me mocking my appearance and

degrading my self-esteem. I was brushing it off at first, making me emotionally damaged because I knew
I hadn’t done anything when I was unfairly treated. That’s when I decided I had to stand up for myself. I
noticed that I was not the only one in this situation. I didn’t want only myself to get rest from the
relentless bullying; I wanted to be a voice for others too. Driven with fiery passion to stand up for myself
and be a voice for others, I started an anti-bullying campaign in my school. I started writing articles in my
school’s English literature club. Despite my stage fears, I ventured out of my comfort zone and started
giving impassioned speeches in school halls. I invited students who broke out of bullying and made them
share their experiences. I devoted myself to stop this cruel activity inside and outside of our school.
Thankfully, the perception students had about bullying could change greatly and it dwindled in our
school. The halls were safe and peaceful and no one feared to walk around freely. Today, I am not only a
dreamer for change, but a fearless advocate who doesn’t sit by idly when seeing injustice.

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