Listening Task Job Interview Kelas 12

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Lala : Albert, tomorrow is your first day as an employee. Have you made any preparation for

Albert : Not at all, Lala. I still don’t have any idea what I should do tomorrow morning after arriving
at my office for the first time.

Lala : Have you’ve done any research about that to see how to handle awkward moments on
your first day?

Albert : Yeah, I just want to ask you this. You started work before me. So you must have something
to tell me about this, right?

Lala : Hmm, I went through the job search process, including writing a resume, preparing for the
interview and now I have got the job, so I wanted to try my best to impress my employer and live up
to his high expectations. Yes, actually I had a memorable experience on my first day at work.

Albert : What was it? Tell me, please. So, I have a clue about what to do tomorrow.

Lala : I tried to arrive on time but there was a traffic jam. So I arrived at my office five minutes
late. One of my colleagues saw me and suggested that I shouldn’t come late. He was very warm-
hearted and he has become my best friend. Thanks to him, I learned a lot of things during my first
month’s of work.

Albert : So your experience wasn’t scary at all.

Lala : Yeah, sometimes it may be scary because you have no idea of what the culture of your
company is, so you should not arrive late. You must dress perfectly to make a good impression.

Albert : How about introducing myself to the other staff? Do I have to remember all of their names
at once?

Lala : When there is an introduction session with all the staff, Just relax, smile brightly, and don’t
be shy. You don’t need to remember all of their names in one day.

Albert : And what should I do when it seems like I don’t have any work to do ?

Lala : when your colleagues are looking busy, Stay calm and ask one of your colleagues questions
about what you should do when you see they are not soo busy.

Albert : What about lunch? It’s been my first time having lunch at the office and I haven’t any idea
at all

Lala : You should bring a lunch box from home until you find a way to have lunch in your office
area. It will save time and impress your colleagues that you have prepared everything before you
started work.

Albert : Oh I see... Thank you so much Lala. It is very kind of you to tell me all the things I really
need to know.

Lala : You’re welcome.

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