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United States Patent and Trademark Office

Office of the Commissioner for Trademarks

Huang Zhuai,
John Does
December 4, 2023

Via Email:

In re Huang Zhuai et al.


Dear Mr. and/or Ms. Zhuai, [REDACTED], Does, and officers, agents, or affiliates thereof:

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has evidence that you and/or
your affiliates (collectively “Respondents”) filed, or otherwise authorized the filing of,
trademark applications with false, fictitious, or fraudulent information, in a total of 1,083
application records. See Exhibit A, list of affected applications, including misassigned 1 or
abandoned applications.

The Director has authority to sanction those filing trademark submissions in violation of
the USPTO Rules and has delegated to the Commissioner for Trademarks the authority
to impose such sanctions and to otherwise exercise the Director’s authority in trademark
matters. 35 U.S.C. § 3(a)-(b); 37 C.F.R. § 11.18(c); see also In re Yusha Zhang, 2021
TTAB LEXIS 465, at *10, *23-24 (Dir. USPTO Dec. 10, 2021). The authority to issue
administrative sanctions orders has been further delegated to the Deputy Commissioner
for Trademark Examination Policy.

Based on the available evidence and the following considerations, the USPTO has made
a preliminary determination that Respondents are subject to sanctions for violating
USPTO rules concerning signatures, certification, and representation of others, in
addition to violating the Terms of Use.

A response to this letter is due by 5:00 PM (ET) December 18, 2023. As noted below,
please email your formal response to

1Misassigned applications are files where an application is ineligible to receive or retain a filing date due to
a deficiency when the application was submitted.
Show Cause Order – In re Huang Zhuai, et al.

I. USPTO Rules and Requirements

All submissions to the USPTO in trademark matters are governed by U.S. trademark laws
and the regulations governing practice in trademark matters before the USPTO, including
rules concerning signatures, certification, and representation of others (collectively,
“USPTO Rules”). See generally 15 U.S.C. § 1051 et seq.; 37 C.F.R. Parts 2, 11.

An application for registration of a trademark filed with the USPTO must be made by the
owner of the mark or a person who has a bona fide intention to use the mark in commerce.
See 15 U.S.C. § 1051. The application must be supported by a verified statement, signed
by the owner or a person properly authorized to sign on behalf of the owner. 15 U.S.C.
§§ 1051(a)(3), (b)(3); see also 37 C.F.R. §§ 2.33, 2.193(e). 2

Signatures in declarations or verifications in support of trademark submissions—such as

applications, declarations of use, or registration maintenance documents—are relied
upon by the USPTO when examining trademark applications, registering marks, and
renewing registrations. See 37 C.F.R. § 2.91(c)(9)(v); Norton v. Curtiss, 433 F.2d 779,
794, 167 USPQ 532, 544 (CCPA 1970) (“With the seemingly ever-increasing number of
applications before it, the [USPTO] . . . must rely on applicants for many of the facts upon
which its decisions are based.); accord 3 J. Thomas McCarthy, Trademarks and Unfair
Competition § 19:51 (5th ed., 2023 update) (“[The Trademark Act] imposes an obligation
on the applicant not to make knowingly inaccurate or knowingly misleading statements in
the verified declaration forming part of the application.”).

USPTO Rules require that all signed documents submitted to the USPTO in a trademark
matter must be personally signed or the electronic signature must be entered by the
named signatory. See 37 C.F.R. § 2.193; Trademark Manual of Examining Procedure
(“TMEP” §611.01(b). A person may not delegate the authority to sign trademark-related
submissions, and no one may sign the name of another, electronically or otherwise. In re
Dermahose Inc., 82 USPQ2d 1793, 1796 (TTAB 2007); In re Cowan, 18 USPQ2d 1407
(Comm’r Pats. 1990). A declaration or verification signed by a person determined to be
an unauthorized signatory is improperly executed, and the averments cannot be relied
upon to support registration. See, e.g., Ex parte Hipkins, 20 USPQ2d 1694, 1696-97
(BPAI 1991); Cowan, 18 USPQ2d at 1409.

A party who presents a trademark submission to the USPTO is certifying that all
statements made therein of the party’s own knowledge are true and all statements made
therein on information and belief are believed to be true. See 37 C.F.R. §§ 2.193(f);
11.18(b)(1). The party is also certifying that, “[t]o the best of the party’s knowledge,
information and belief, formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances, . . .
the paper is not being presented for any improper purpose” and “[t]he allegations and
other factual contentions have evidentiary support.” See 37 C.F.R. § 11.18(b)(2). Thus,
knowingly or negligently submitting a document that includes false signatory information,

2Authorized signatories for initial applications may include a (1) properly recognized attorney, (2) a person
with legal authority to bind the owner, or (3) a person with firsthand knowledge of the facts and actual or
implied authority to act on behalf of the owner. See 37 C.F.R. § 2.193(e)(1).

Show Cause Order – In re Huang Zhuai, et al.

false applicant information, or false claims of use of (or intent to use) the mark in
commerce for goods and services that the applicant is not actually offering (or lacks a
bona fide intent to offer), violates 37 C.F.R. § 11.18(b)(1), and doing so without evidentiary
support or with intent to circumvent the USPTO’s Rules violates 37 C.F.R. § 11.18(b)(2).
Violations of 37 C.F.R. § 11.18(b) may jeopardize the validity of the application or
registration and may result in the imposition of sanctions under § 11.18(c), including
termination of proceedings. 37 C.F.R. §§ 2.193(f), 11.18(c)(5).

II. Terms of Use and Verified Account Agreement

In order to access and file electronic forms and submit trademark documents through the
Trademark Electronic Application System (“TEAS”), trademark applicants or their
attorneys must register for and use a account. Use of a account
and any other USPTO website or system requires users to comply with the Terms of Use
for USPTO Websites (“Terms of Use”). See
websites. Further, as of August 6, 2022, users who wish to file documents through TEAS
must have their identifies verified, and are further bound by the USPTO Trademark
Verified Account Agreement (“Verified Account Agreement”). See

Unauthorized submissions are not permitted and include documents containing false
statements or information as well as documents that are improperly signed using the
name or information of another person. The USPTO may consider any unauthorized
submission filed in connection with a trademark proceeding as a document submitted for
an improper purpose in violation of the Terms of Use and/or Verified Account Agreement
and may strike, or otherwise not consider or give any weight to, such correspondence in
accordance with the relevant USPTO rules.

Violations of the Verified Account Agreement or Terms of Use may result in immediate
termination, suspension, and/or revocation of all related accounts,
particularly when the accounts are used to make submissions that are unauthorized under
the regulations of the USPTO. See Verified Account Agreement, pp.1, 5-6; Terms of Use
(“Unauthorized use or actions exceeding authorized use of USPTO systems will be
investigated, and, when appropriate, official sanctions will be imposed”).

III. Respondents repeatedly and systematically violated USPTO Rules and Terms of Use

USPTO records show that Respondents filed applications for at least 1,083 trademarks
in the names of 743 different trademark owners and did so while repeatedly providing
false or misleading information throughout the application. See Exhibit A. Specifically,
Respondents repeatedly provided false or misleading information related to the identities
of the applicants, signatories, attorneys of record, as well as domicile and
correspondence addresses. Respondents also submitted digitally altered or mocked-up
specimens to circumvent the use in commerce requirements for applications filed under
Section 1(a) of the Trademark Act. See 15 U.S.C. § 1051(a); 37 C.F.R. §§ 2.2(k)(1),

Show Cause Order – In re Huang Zhuai, et al.

2.34(a)(1)(i). Additionally, Respondents repeatedly provided credit card information that

either proved to be false or deficient and/or eventually resulted in chargeback claims
relating to allegedly fraudulent transactions. All of this false or misleading information
appears to have been provided for the sole purpose of misleading USPTO and other
parties regarding the legitimacy of the submissions.

Although some of the applications were filed in the names of real mark owners, available
evidence suggests that Respondents have no actual or implicit connection to any of the
listed owners and Respondents submitted these applications without the listed owners’
or purported attorneys’ authorization, knowledge or consent. See e.g. Exhibit B, Luca,
James, and Halski Declarations. As the attached declarations state, none of these
attorneys or the parties they represent, authorized or consented to the filing of these
applications, and “upon belief, the Unauthorized Applications contain allegations that lack
evidentiary support [and] serve to harass my client,” and were submitted to the USPTO
for an improper purpose. Id.

Over 250 of the applications name many different individuals as the attorney of record,
however, in each of these records, Respondents repeatedly provided false attorney bar
credentials or names of individuals that do not appear to be licensed to practice law. 3
Exhibit C. Approximately 150 other applications include the names of real attorneys
whose actual bar information appears to have been misappropriated. Filing records reveal
that these applications originated from accounts that are not registered to
any of the named attorneys or any members of their respective legal practices. Exhibit D.
In submitting these applications, Respondents regularly electronically signed
submissions using the direct signature method and entered the names of many different
individuals, often using the same sets of accounts and sometimes even the
same computer networks to carry out their scheme. 4 For instance, on July 30, 2022 alone,
Respondents directly and improperly entered the signatures of 72 different purported
attorneys of record in applications using just two accounts. Exhibit E.

Additionally, in an apparent attempt to disguise their involvement in filing several of these

applications, the Respondents used the real corporate headquarters addresses of the
actual brand owners of the trademark listed in the application in some records, but made
of record email addresses under their own control so as to intercept official USPTO
correspondence, which is generally sent electronically. 5 Providing this false

3 Providing false, fictitious, or fraudulent information in connection with the requirements of paragraphs 37
C.F.R. §2.17(a)-(c) entails the “[submission of] a paper for an improper purpose, in violation of § 11.18(b)
of this chapter, and subject to the sanctions and actions provided in § 11.18(c).”
The “direct signature method” refers to when an electronic trademark submission is signed directly within
the Trademark Electronic Application System (“TEAS”) form and has not been sent to a third party for
5 Applicants are required to provide, and required to keep current, its actual domicile address, since this

information is relied upon by the USPTO when determining whether a party is required to be represented
in trademark matters. See 15 U.S.C. § 1051(a)(1), (b)(1); 37 C.F.R. §§ 2.11, 2.189. In addition, an applicant
is required to provide and maintain a valid email address where the applicant can receive correspondence.
See 37 C.F.R §§ 2.23(b), 2.32(a)(2). The email address is crucial to the proper administration of the
trademark registration process because the USPTO uses the identified owner email for correspondence

Show Cause Order – In re Huang Zhuai, et al.

correspondence information, including domicile information, is violates at least 37 C.F.R

§§ 2.11, 2.23(b), 2.32(a)(2), and 11.18, which require an applicant’s valid email address
for correspondence.

Respondents’ misconduct also includes submitting digitally altered or mocked-up

specimens to circumvent USPTO Rules requiring Section 1(a) applicants to show use of
the mark in U.S. commerce. 6 Specimens are material to the issuance of a trademark
registration and subject to the certifications under 37 C.F.R. § 11.18. Here, Respondents
submitted hundreds of the same digitally altered or mocked-up specimens; these
submissions did not depict applicant’s actual goods or how consumers would encounter
the applied-for marks in the marketplace. For instance, the attached exhibit demonstrates
that the Respondents submitted digitally altered or mocked-up specimens of use for more
than 200 applications with images of the same hair wigs or blankets with different marks
superimposed on the packaging. See Exhibit F. Respondents’ widespread use of
deceptive submissions highlights their disregard for USPTO Rules and the certifications
they signed. Consequently, these applications or any resulting registrations may be void
ab initio. See Aycock Eng’g Inc. v. Airflite, 560 F.3d 1350, 1356 (Fed. Cir. 2009)(failure to
render services and meet the use requirement at the time of filing renders application void
ab initio); Gay Toys, Inc. v. McDonald's Corp., 585 F.2d 1067, 1068-69, 199 USPQ 722,
723 (CCPA 1978) (application void because applicant not using mark in commerce at the
time of filing where evidence of use comprised a plaster mockup of the identified toy);
Hole In 1 Drinks, Inc. v. Lajtay, 2020 USPQ2d 10020, at *10 (TTAB 2020) (underlying
application void ab initio where individual registrant, at the time application was filed,
lacked a bona fide intent to use the mark alone).

Available evidence further shows that Respondents repeatedly provided the USPTO with
false financial information to pay required fees, entering the same credit card number with
notably different entities or individuals as the credit card holder in several instances. See,
e.g., Exhibit A. Additionally, at least 760 applications out of the 1,083 records associated
with Respondents have involved claims of fraudulent charges made to the payment
processors or other fee deficiencies. Id. As such, these applications have been declared
informal and have been misassigned. Respondents’ repeated and systematic submission
of false financial information underscores their attempts to deceive the USPTO and their
disregard for USPTO rules.

The totality of available evidence demonstrates that Respondents filed these applications
for an improper purpose, namely, to deceive the USPTO into believing that the
applications were proper and to examine them, for the ultimate purpose of obtaining

when a party is not represented by a U.S.-licensed attorney. See TMEP § 803.05(b). When an email
address is provided that is not in fact the email address of the actual mark owner, an unauthorized party
may receive correspondence from the USPTO.
6 Use in commerce means the bona fide use of a mark in the ordinary course of trade, and not made merely

to reserve a right in a mark. 15 U.S.C. § 1127. USPTO Rules require an applicant to make a verified
statement that the mark is in use in commerce and demonstrate use in commerce through the submission
of specimens showing the mark as it is actually being used on or in connection with the identified goods or
services. 15 U.S.C. § 1051(a)(1); 37 C.F.R. §§ 2.34(a)(1)(iv), 2.56(a)–(b).

Show Cause Order – In re Huang Zhuai, et al.

trademark registrations that the Respondents would not have otherwise been entitled to
receive. See, e.g., Bose, 580 F.3d at 1243, 91 USPQ2d at 1939 (“Fraud in procuring a
trademark registration or renewal occurs when an applicant knowingly makes false,
material representations of fact in connection with his application.”); Chutter v. Great
Concepts, LLC, 2021 USPQ2d 1001 at *25 (TTAB 2021)(holding that “willful” includes
reckless behavior and “as a matter of law that reckless disregard satisfies the requisite
intent for fraud on the USPTO in trademark matters”), rev’d on other grounds, 2023
USPQ2d 1215 at *9 (Fed. Cir. 2023); Fuji Med. Instruments Mfg. Co., Ltd. v. Am.
Crocodile Int’l Grp., Inc., 2021 USPQ2d 831 (TTAB 2021) (finding fraud where an attorney
signed the declaration at issue).

However, conduct need not rise to the level of fraud to warrant sanctions. At the very
least, Respondents knowingly and repeatedly mispresented their affiliation or connection
to these various enterprises or individuals named as the applicants, provided false email
correspondence information for the named mark owners, and provided false payor
information on multiple occasions to deceive the USPTO. All of the noted conduct
warrants a finding that Respondents have submitted multiple documents for an improper
purpose. See Zhang, 2021 TTAB LEXIS 465, at *30-31; 37 C.F.R. § 11.18(b)(2). Such
actions evidence an intentional effort to mislead the USPTO regarding Respondents’
authority in these trademark proceedings, which supports a finding that such false
material representations of fact were made knowingly, willfully, or at the very least with
reckless disregard. Id.

IV. Information Required

Based on the present information and foregoing considerations, the USPTO has made a
preliminary determination that sanctions are warranted and Respondents are hereby
ordered to respond to show cause why the USPTO should not:

(1) Permanently preclude Respondents from submitting trademark-related documents

on behalf of Respondents or others;

(2) Strike or otherwise give no weight to all trademark-related documents submitted

by Respondents;

(3) Remove correspondence information associated with Respondents from the

USPTO’s database in all applications and/or registrations;

(4) Deactivate any USPTO accounts in which contact information related to

Respondents appears, and take action to prevent Respondents from creating or
activating further accounts;

(5) Block future financial transactions from credit cards used to pay filing fees
associated with the improper submissions and/or associated with Respondents;

(6) Terminate all ongoing proceedings containing submissions filed by Respondents;

Show Cause Order – In re Huang Zhuai, et al.

(7) For trademark proceedings later found to involve Respondents or containing

submissions filed by Respondents, continue to strike documents, remove
information, deactivate accounts, block financial transactions, and terminate

(8) For marks that have already registered, if a final order for sanctions includes
findings that the underlying applications are void ab initio and any resulting
registrations invalid, or that otherwise affect the underlying validity of the
applications or registrations, (i) not allow post-registration submissions to be filed
electronically and/or (ii) refuse to accept or acknowledge post-registration
submissions, or otherwise give them no weight.

Furthermore, in view of the continuing harm posed by Respondents’ conduct outlined

above, effective immediately the USPTO is suspending the accounts
registered to Respondents pending the outcome of this administrative review process. If
Respondents have any upcoming filing deadlines, Respondents may file a Petition to the
Director to file such submissions on paper.

This Order is issued without prejudice to the USPTO taking all other appropriate actions
to protect its systems and users from the improper activity described herein, including
issuing additional orders relating to other applications, or referring conduct to relevant
state and federal law enforcement agencies.

The response is due by 5:00pm (Eastern Time) on December 18, 2023 and must be
sent via email to If Respondents require more time to
respond, a request for an extension of time to respond should be submitted by the

Additionally, all questions or communications with the USPTO related to this Show Cause
Order must be submitted in writing, addressed to the Office of the Deputy Commissioner
for Trademark Examination Policy and must be sent to

If you do not provide sufficient evidence before your response period, then
appropriate sanctions, including but not limited to, termination of your applications
and accounts may be imposed.

So ordered,
Digitally signed by Users,
Users, Cotton, Amy

Cotton, Amy Date: 2023.12.04

11:44:32 -05'00'

Amy P. Cotton
Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy
United States Patent & Trademark Office

Exhibits A - F


I certify that on December 4, 2023, the foregoing Show Cause Order was emailed to
Respondents at the following email addresses:


Users, Raja, Digitally

Raja, Amer
signed by Users,

Date: 2023.12.04
13:24:17 -05'00'

United States Patent and Trademark Office

P.O. Box 1450
Alexandria, VA 22313-1450


Exhibit A
Table Key:
A = Abandoned
M = M isassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
90332216A !PHONE 12 4/ 24/ 2021 90904472M HAPYSHOP 8/26/2021
90362694A !PHONE 11 4/ 24/ 2021 90904539M DOCCEET 8/26/2021
90476316A NIKE 4/ 24/ 2021 90904683M FUNCHTELY 8/26/2021
90379149A IT 4/ 24/ 2021 90904735M BERRYEE 8/26/2021
COSM ETICS 90904837M ZHHLAIXING 8/26/2021
90554283M LEVI'S KU 4/ 24/ 2021 90904885M GEAFOS 8/26/2021
90556730M TIELBO 4/24/2021 90905317M FUYUMOE 8/26/2021
90556737M COACH 4/ 24/ 2021 90907233M KANYE WEST 8/27/2021
90556748 MYTHERESA 4/24/2021 90907527M FACE888 8/28/2021
90412107 IT 4/ 24/ 2021 90907530M HEYUNZI 8/28/2021
90907535M SISHUWUJIN 8/28/2021
90870847 RAYA AND 8/7/2021
97000146M WEINEED 8/28/2021
97000159M FEINILIN 8/28/2021
90883538 FORTNITE 8/15/2021
97000404M JEFF 8/28/2021
90887430 HARRY 8/17/2021
97000125 MOMMOT 8/28/2021
90887778 DEMON 8/17/2021
SLAYER 97000418M SONIC 8/29/2021
90894412 VAMPIRE 8/20/2021 97000420M SONIC THE 8/29/2021
90894479 STITCH 8/20/2021 97000431M XUZIRUI 8/29/2021
90899834A BTS 8/24/2021 97000462M SPACE JAM 8/29/2021
90899984M HANIYO 8/24/2021 97000466M GIRDOY 8/29/2021
90900093M LIN KGO 8/24/2021 97000468 BIGFANSS 8/29/2021
90900177M BETTY BOOP 8/24/2021 97000472 BABY YODA 8/29/2021
90900244M MARILYN 8/24/2021 97000682 POKEMON 8/29/2021
MONROE 97000687 VIVAHOUSE 8/29/2021
90901619M ROBLOX 8/25/2021 97000689 NARUTO 8/29/2021
90901685M AUDREY 8/25/2021 97000696 LIL PEEP 8/29/2021
HEPBURN 97000707 YODA 8/29/2021
90901907M NLANA 8/25/2021 97000720 FAST AND 8/29/2021
90902154M LVMD 8/25/2021 FURIOUS
90902296M NZZTEE 8/25/2021 97000987 HOKAMI 8/30/2021
90902446M WANCM 8/25/2021 97001464 IKOOY 8/30/2021
90902545M HADIHADI 8/25/2021 97004150M YTBHG 8/31/2021
90902618M HINSKENNY 8/25/2021 97004221M BHIPBUCKLES 8/31/2021
90905438M LOVEPICK6 8/26/2021 97004269M BHSTHB 8/31/2021
90904329M UUBIK 8/26/2021 97004405M JASON 8/31/2021
90904432M MOREWEY 8/26/2021 MOMOA

Ex . A- 1
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = Misassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97004455M THE FLASH 8/31/2021 97012472 SCOOBY-DOO 9/4/2021
97004590M HARRY 8/31/ 2021 97012495 BAPE 9/ 4/2021
POTTER 97012544 SARA NELL 9/4/2021
97004632M SNOOPY 8/31/2021 97012558 KURT COBAI N 9/ 4/2021
97004725M MARBLE 8/31/ 2021 97012609 GRINCH 9/4/2021
97004940M JOHN WICK 8/31/2021 97012681 UNIGAMASHI 9/ 5/2021
97005027M BLACK LIVES 8/31/ 2021 NO
MATTER 97013628 M IRACULOUS 9/6/2021
97004942M KEANU 8/31/2021 LADYBUG
REEVES 97013644 KI LLER 9/ 6/2021
97005024M ! CAN'T 8/31/ 2021 KLOWNS
97011859A SEBASTIAN 9/3/2021 SPACE
STAN 97013665 SKYRIM 9/6/2021
97011608M VAN GOG H 9/ 3/2021 97013686 SUPERNATUR 9/ 6/2021
97012006M NIGHTMARE 9/3/2021 AL
BEFORE 97013707 JEFFY 9/6/2021
CHRISTMAS 97013745 ZBLX 9/ 6/2021
97010439 AMONG US 9/ 3/2021 97013768 ARTOID 9/6/2021
97010495 PAUFOGA 9/3/2021 MODE
97010612 AHEGAO 9/ 3/2021 97013790 FXGZHAO 9/ 6/2021
97010711 AQUAMAN 9/3/2021 97015731 EPIC GAM ES 9/7/2021
97010777 WWU-TANG 9/ 3/2021 97015766 REDLAND 9/7/2021
97011054 PAW PATROL 9/3/2021 ART
97011343 SUPER 9/ 3/2021 97015828 WOWZONE 9/7/2021
MARIO 97017589A ROSIELILY 9/ 8/2021
97011384 MARIO 9/3/2021 97017402 POSSTA 9/8/2021
97011713 STARRY 9/ 3/2021 DECOR
NIGHT 97017449 MANFEI 9/ 8/2021
97011960 SHANG-CHI 9/3/2021 97017518 RIYI DECOR 9/8/2021
97012270M FIVE NIGHTS 9/ 4/2021 97022948 MOSLION 9/ 11/ 2021
AT FREDDY'S 97022956 BLUBLU 9/11/ 2021
97012275M FNAF 9/4/2021 97022959 LIFEASY 9/ 11/ 2021
97012384M DEADPOOL 9/ 4/2021 97022970 VIVIDHOM E 9/11/ 2021
97012459M RICK AND 9/4/2021 97022983 I PAUSED MY 9/ 11/ 2021
97012294 SPIRIT 9/ 4/2021 HERE
97023028M YEELE 9/12/2021
97012296 SPIRIT 9/4/2021
97023033M ORTIGIA 9/ 12/2021
97012303 TROLLS 9/ 4/2021

Ex. A- 2
Table Key:
A = Abandoned
M = M isassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97023043M NECKY 9/12/2021 97039765M LYACMY 9/22/2021
JENN IFER 97039814M WENCAL 9/ 22/ 2021
97023388M CHILL·TEK 9/ 12/ 2021 97039845M MAEZAP 9/22/2021
97023037 JZ DESIGNS 9/12/2021 97039899M YOUNI 9/ 22/ 2021
97023040 LFEEY 9/ 12/ 2021 97040937A ZOEO 9/23/2021
97023401 FULLSAIL 9/12/2021 97040942A WELLLEE 9/ 23/ 2021
97023430 MANTTO 9/ 12/ 2021 97040921M CRYSTAL 9/23/2021
97023476 LIVEFUN 9/12/2021 EMOTION
97023659 DACHENGXIN 9/ 13/ 2021 97040949M SKRYUIE 9/ 23/ 2021
G 97042127M VOUORON 9/23/2021
97023664 ETOB 9/13/2021 97042521M CHARMHOM 9/ 23/ 2021
97025068 TOMPOP 9/ 13/ 2021 E
97025091 CLOUD 9/13/2021 97042585M LIFE 9/23/2021
97025111 MERCHR 9/ 13/ 2021 97043150M NATU2ECO 9/ 24/ 2021
97025141 FUGUBUROO 9/13/2021 97043329M TAWOAO 9/24/2021
97025165 LLOOMMIO 9/ 13/ 2021 97045294M HORRIWEEN 9/ 25/ 2021
97025173 BENLALO 9/13/2021 97045305M XMAS AGENT 9/25/2021
97025389 AMAZER 9/ 13/ 2021 97044971M HVEST 9/ 25/ 2021
97025429 WTISAN 9/13/2021 97045018M KGORGE 9/25/2021
97025464 LIBA 9/ 13/ 2021 97045661A AHOMY 9/ 26/ 2021
97025524 DIOLPOM 9/13/2021 97045669A W IHVE 9/26/2021
97025639 SMURFS 9/ 14/ 2021 97045846M YTSYYf 9/ 26/ 2021
YINGDA 97045868M BOLAZC 9/26/2021
97025647 SW&IM 9/14/2021 97045876M KNTILINEc 9/ 26/ 2021
97025651 FRANK HOME 9/ 14/ 2021 97045887M FUNDECORA 9/26/2021
97029404A BOCCSTY 9/15/2021 Rrc
97030021 HUMIXX 9/ 16/ 2021 97045902M PAUSEBOLLc 9/ 26/ 2021
97033131A KCLDECI 9/17/2021 97045920M MIKTWEc 9/26/2021
97034070A WAMIKA 9/ 17/ 2021 97045647M AMNYSF 9/ 26/ 2021
97038090M HANKCLES 9/21/2021 97045685M SHENGJUN 9/26/2021
97038144 CHICHIC 9/ 21/ 2021 97045704M ANBO 9/ 26/ 2021
97038182 BAG EYOU 9/21/2021 97045822M AWATER 9/26/2021
97038217 DECOR Ml 9/ 21/ 2021 97045827M MR FANTASY 9/ 26/ 2021
97038679A SENYA 9/22/2021 97054255A DODOUC 9/30/2021
97039673A MUSWANNA 9/ 22/ 2021 97055748A MESLLINGSc 10/ 1/ 2021
A 97055655M LUME.LYc 10/1/2021
97038681M BEAUTYOVO 9/22/2021 97055658M DTRMELSRc 10/ 1/ 2021
97039547M RED FIRE 9/ 22/ 2021 97055663M WZFASHIONc 10/1/2021

Ex. A- 3
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = Misassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97055815M NAANLEc 10/ 1/ 2021 97100751A BESTLIVES 10/30/2021
97055873M ZZWWRc 10/1/2021 97100754M ALAGO 10/30/2021
97055891M TKU'Sc 10/ 1/ 2021 97100757M ALAGEO 10/30/2021
97062806A PRELERDIYc 10/6/2021 97100773M ALAGO 10/30/2021
97062731A R-FUNc 10/6/2021 97101198A FLYMEI 10/31/2021
97062873M SPACEFORES 10/6/2021 97101207A ALLENJOY 10/31/2021
re 97101221A WECE 10/31/2021
97062888M VISUALARrc 10/6/2021 97101232A FASHION_MA 10/31/2021
97062938M SEVENSTARSc 10/6/2021 N
97062955M KALORMOREc 10/6/2021 97101259A BRITIMES 10/31/2021
97062971M TDCQQGQQc 10/6/2021 97101275A COOLTFUN 10/31/2021
97063007M SUNHEc 10/6/2021 97101400A ROSIELILY 10/31/2021
97062785M SARA NELLc 10/6/2021 97101406A STACY FAY 10/31/2021
97062769 OLEBANDc 10/6/2021 97101411A ZERONAL 10/31/2021
97063069M HOKKIENc 10/7/2021 97101200M WINTERSUN 10/31/2021
97063044M BCNEWc 10/7/ 2021 NY
97063055M KOMFIERc 10/7/2021 97101202M WINTERSUN 10/31/2021
97065032M YBEST 10/8/2021
97101203M DZGLOBAL 10/31/2021
97065041M ASHASDS 10/8/2021
97101204M DZGLOBAL 10/31/2021
97065055M GOJEEK 10/8/2021
97101213M AMAZER BAT 10/31/2021
97065915M LIVACASA 10/8/2021
97064965M DECKERA 10/8/2021 97101218M LILEIHAO 10/31/2021
97064978M PROSFALT 10/8/2021 97101224M SENYA 10/31/2021
97064994M DISHANG 10/8/2021 97101227M LI VI LAN 10/31/2021
97067066M DURETGHO 10/9/2021 97101230M HIPAOPAO 10/31/2021
97070569M CARWAYII 10/ 12/2021 97101231M BBSET 10/31/2021
97078170M ARTIFUN 10/ 16/2021 97101240M ANTSWEGG 10/31/2021
97078183M FAMILYDECO 10/ 16/2021 97101252M GOODBATH 10/31/2021
97101282M GDCOVER 10/31/2021
97078152 KYKU 10/ 16/2021
97101298M WHATUNEED 10/31/2021
97079976M NEWTOO 10/ 18/2021
97101391M WATERFLY 10/31/2021
97080081M FUNBIZ 10/ 18/2021
97108754M CLAIRY 11/ 4/ 2021
97080048 OLYTOP 10/ 18/2021
97109187M FAVELO 11/4/2021
97088356M ARTKISSMOR 10/ 22/2021
97109247M DODOING 11/ 4/ 2021
97088383M HYEECR 10/ 22/2021 97109301M VIGOROUS 11/4/2021
97088435M DYNH 10/ 22/2021 97109465M LI XADA 11/ 4/ 2021
97089324 THERAGUN 10/ 23/2021 97110398A FUNSTATION 11/5/2021
97100641 JBL 10/ 29/2021 97110793A BLUBOON 11/5/2021

Ex. A-4
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = Misassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97110837A TIMMOR 11/ 5/ 2021 97114862 DONLEEVING 11/ 8/ 2021
MAGIC 97114887 FSM ILING 11/ 8/ 2021
97110945A KYERIVS 11/ 5/ 2021 97114917 OUTUS 11/ 8/ 2021
97109936M HSYOOES 11/ 5/ 2021 97114935 GEYOGA 11/ 8/ 2021
97110129M COOKI 11/ 5/ 2021 97114946 HEDUME 11/ 8/ 2021
97116857M LIFEDAWN 11/ 9/ 2021
97110248M KLOTHO 11/ 5/ 2021
97116884M IPINK 11/ 9/ 2021
97110558M MOMOCOY 11/ 5/ 2021
97116896M ZAPIRE 11/ 9/ 2021
97110679M DOENR 11/ 5/ 2021
97116914M BRISKAARI 11/ 9/ 2021
97111056M ALENTOO 11/ 5/ 2021
97116930M QTGIRL 11/ 9/ 2021
97111116M KOODER 11/ 5/ 2021
97116942M GANVES 11/ 9/ 2021
97111947A YUNTOP 11/ 6/ 2021
97116955M YHEAKNE 11/ 9/ 2021
97111966A SPDD 11/ 6/ 2021
97116967M BARTOSI 11/ 9/ 2021
97112241A YIBANG 11/ 6/ 2021
97116990M AAIFFEY 11/ 9/ 2021
97111903M ROSSY& NAN 11/ 6/ 2021
97117006M XOCARTIGE 11/ 9/ 2021
97111907M HALO LADY 11/ 6/ 2021 97117022M PENGXIAOME 11/ 9/ 2021
97111910M ZSIIBO 11/ 6/ 2021
97117042M NOVELTY 11/ 9/ 2021
97111928M LHFLIVE 11/ 6/ 2021 PLACE
97111942M US FASHION 11/ 6/ 2021 97115109 LEEUEE 11/ 9/ 2021
97115116 KALOLARY 11/ 9/ 2021
97111974M JCM 11/ 6/ 2021
97115117 VINBEE 11/ 9/ 2021
97112254M FUT_FOREVE 11/ 6/ 2021
97115126 TAMHOO 11/ 9/ 2021
97112275M CAREONLINE 11/ 6/ 2021 97115130 PH 11/ 9/ 2021
97112334A DEVALOOK 11/ 7/ 2021
97115135 COBAHOM 11/ 9/ 2021
EXTENSION 97115138 TECUNITE 11/ 9/ 2021
97112329M VAi RYANGTZE 11/7/ 2021 97115148 FASHEW ELRY 11/ 9/ 2021
97112339M AIMEI 11/ 7/ 2021 97115152 JIARON 11/ 9/ 2021
BEAUTY 97115154 MOTANAR 11/ 9/ 2021
97112340M WOBE 11/7/ 2021 97115641 JAWO 11/ 9/ 2021
97112342M FIRSTLIKE 11/ 7/ 2021 97117061 IVYU 11/ 9/ 2021
97112343M GEMILY 11/7/ 2021 97117245M DEVIEGATH 11/ 10/ 2021
97112347M ICOS 11/ 7/ 2021 97117263M MOTZU 11/ 10/ 2021
97112900M LURROSE 11/ 8/ 2021 97117275M MOLLENSIUE 11/ 10/ 2021
97112907 FRCOLOR 11/ 8/ 2021 R
97114751 EYEGLA 11/ 8/ 2021 97117285M HACAPHE 11/ 10/ 2021
97114768 NACKIY 11/ 8/ 2021 97117298M ACO-U INT 11/ 10/ 2021
97114819 HYFEEL 11/ 8/ 2021 97117313M ELCOHO 11/ 10/ 2021

Ex. A- 5
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = Misassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97117337M BOOBEEN 11/ 10/2021 97124421 TANG SONGc 11/ 15/2021
97117358 GINGBISSc 11/ 10/2021 97124438 BRINIEc 11/ 15/2021
97117397 AIRSSORVC 11/ 10/ 2021 97126098 VCOSTOREc 11/ 15/2021
97117419 HAITAOc 11/ 10/2021 97126119 LOVEVIKINGc 11/ 15/2021
97119027 MANDI 11/ 10/2021 97126145 TANQIANGc 11/ 15/2021
HOMEc 97126166 LYDZTIONc 11/ 15/2021
97119071 PACMAXlc 11/ 10/2021 97126188 KIDDALEc 11/ 15/2021
97119098 TOBATOBAc 11/ 10/2021 97126213 SH IQIAOSPLc 11/ 15/2021
97119112 AKOAKc 11/ 10/2021 97126237 DAILYMALLc 11/ 15/2021
97119130 ANBALAc 11/ 10/2021 97126252 CASUALFASHI 11/ 15/2021
97119142 SWPEErc 11/ 10/2021 ON HAIR
97117294 ANCIRS 11/ 10/2021 ACCESSORIES
97123753 DISHANGc 11/ 13/2021
97126266 TEAMERc 11/ 15/2021
97123779 ARTSBAVC 11/ 13/2021
97123856 PAGOWc 11/ 14/2021 97126277 NATUWORLD 11/ 15/2021
97123859 OIIKf 11/ 14/2021
97126301 SUNORMf 11/ 15/2021
97123861 SUSULUc 11/ 14/2021
97126309 TOOYFULc 11/ 15/2021
97123864 SHEGALENe 11/ 14/2021
97126314 MENOLANAc 11/ 15/2021
97123866 MCUPPERc 11/ 14/2021
97126323 LOCOLOc 11/ 15/2021
97123867 YAIKOAf 11/ 14/2021
97126328 DS. 11/ 15/2021
97123872 TOPTIMc 11/ 14/2021 DISTINCTIVE
97123879 OLYRJIEc 11/ 14/2021 STYLEc
97123882 BEEGIFrc 11/ 14/2021 97126346 SOLEMEMOc 11/ 15/2021
97123883 SUNCHARMc 11/ 14/2021 97128372 TRX 11/ 16/2021
97123907 LASENERSMc 11/ 14/2021 97128394 REVLON 11/ 16/2021
97123913 KUKIWHVC 11/ 14/2021 97138641 SANDISK 11/ 23/2021
97123918 ART& BEAUTY 11/ 14/2021 97142943 HOMEKNOBS 11/ 25/2021

97123925 DI QIU RENc 11/ 14/2021 97142949 ZOONAlc 11/ 25/2021

97123933 VOGUEKNOC 11/ 14/2021 97142956 MTREOc 11/ 25/2021
97143001 HIDOLAc 11/ 25/2021
97123936 ZCMGc 11/ 14/2021
97143008 A-COOLc 11/ 25/2021
97124394 CROWN 11/ 15/2021 97143010 TOOVRENc 11/ 25/2021
97143011 SPRINGSAWc 11/ 25/2021
97124403 11/ 15/2021
97143013 GOLD XIONG 11/ 25/2021
97124407 11/ 15/2021
97124411 DAUIAFAc 11/ 15/2021 97143015 SHUANG 11/ 25/2021
97124415 DORIS&JACK 11/ 15/2021 DONGc

Ex. A- 6
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = Misassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97143020 PENTA 11/ 25/2021 97197915M DESIGNFORY 12/30/2021
97143023 RUSTARKc 11/ 25/2021 97197937M AM LION 12/30/2021
97143024 MEIFULYc 11/ 25/2021 97197958M KWOKMA 12/30/2021
97143028 KENKIOc 11/ 25/2021 97197983M DARUIRONG 12/30/2021
97143031 EFIVS ARTSc 11/ 25/2021 97197993M DARUIRONG 12/30/2021
97145364 CTHOUSEc 11/ 28/2021 97198006M GOOWELL 12/30/2021
97145378 BUYGOOc 11/ 28/2021 97198016M YOKEDUCK 12/30/2021
97145384 J.CARPc 11/ 28/2021 97198030M ULIKELIFE 12/30/2021
97145390 PH 11/ 28/2021 97198038M BELUPAI 12/30/2021
PANDAHALLc 97198057M SLAVNA 12/30/2021
97145397 LIVEEKc 11/ 28/2021 97198094M YANANKA 12/30/2021
97145401 KEADICc 11/ 28/2021 97198100M DANQIUHUA 12/30/2021
97145408 HICARERc 11/ 28/2021 97198115M NDZHZEO 12/30/2021
97145411 TEENSERVC 11/ 28/2021 97198137M OVPSZFYO 12/30/2021
97149524 MAXJOYlc 11/30/2021 97198157M SARA NELL 12/30/2021
97150037 SHINEYllc 12/ 1/ 2021 9719817JM PSHEIM 12/30/2021
97150039 UMBARTTOc 12/1/2021 97198304A VALKITl 12/31/2021
97150044 WANGHAf 12/ 1/ 2021 97199606M TINGRUNc 12/31/2021
97150048 LITODREAMc 12/1/2021 97199607M JOFKAXUc 12/31/2021
97150053 JINGCf 12/ 1/ 2021 97198475M ASPMIZ 12/31/2021
97150058 FILOTOc 12/1/2021 97198480M QWRSMYX 12/31/2021
97150061 JINSTYLESc 12/ 1/ 2021 SHOWER
97150065 TBGHzc 12/1/2021 97198486M YONGTO 12/31/2021
97150066 AIRSPOc 12/ 1/ 2021 97198489M CUDDY 12/31/2021
97150070 ALQUARc 12/1/2021 97198494M KORLON 12/31/2021
97150072 ENSPITOc 12/ 1/ 2021 97198497M HOGARDECK 12/31/2021
97150075 FIBUNTUNc 12/1/2021 97198502M YOUGAI 12/31/2021
97157078A YUNYE 12/6/2021 97198508M BTTY 12/31/2021
97157081M HOUSMI 12/6/2021 97198509M VSFIERA 12/31/2021
97163665M EBUYESELL 12/ 9/ 2021 97198513M PUREAQU 12/31/2021
97192161 LEATHERMA 12/ 27/2021 97198515M POSSTA 12/31/2021
97193030M PUREFIT 12/ 28/2021 97198519M MLMYH 12/31/2021
97197838M AOLUN 12/30/2021 97198524M COLORPAPA 12/31/2021
97197860M BESTSOCKS 12/30/2021 97198534M ENJOHOS 12/31/2021
97197896M DESIGNFORY 12/30/2021 97198548M HH&WW 12/31/2021
OU 97198569M HIDECOR 12/31/2021
97198576M LFEEY 12/31/2021

Ex. A- 7
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = M isassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97198583M ZUSSUN 12/ 31/2021 97198398M N/ D 12/31/2021
97198593M GOLDEN SUN 12/31/2021 97198400M ETOB 12/31/2021
97198605M DIDIFLY 12/ 31/2021 97198405M ECOTOB 12/31/2021
97198310M XUZIME 12/31/2021 97199608 GIBELLEc 12/31/2021
97198316M ACESTAR 12/31/2021 97199609 YANRc 12/31/2021
97198320M DARLICENT 12/31/2021 97198342 BOSLIVE 12/31/2021
97198328M BELGALA 12/31/2021 97199611M FRANDYc 1/ 1/2022
97198627M KIKILIN 12/31/2021 97199612M LILINC 1/1/2022
97198634M UNDERTHER 12/31/2021 97199613M LANTIANc 1/ 1/2022
OSE 97199614M KR.LI Fe 1/1/2022
97198645M SAMANTHA 12/31/2021 97199615M JHFBVJSc 1/ 1/2022
97198660M FEIERMAN 12/31/2021 97199616M YU IOKLc 1/1/2022
97198670M ELELIFE 12/31/2021 97199617M NU19NNc 1/ 1/2022
97198678M M ITOVI LLA 12/31/2021 97199618M CAT 1/1/2022
97198689M VAINBUTRY 12/31/2021 SHOWERc
97198704M JONBANG 12/31/2021 97199619M DOG 1/ 1/2022
97198709M ZERODECO 12/31/2021 SHOWERc
97198720M YSATNSFT 12/31/2021 97199620M AMMYBEDDI 1/1/2022
97198726M XZMAN 12/31/2021
97199621M VIVIJANEc 1/ 1/2022
97198738M WONGKAI 12/31/2021
97199623M FATBONc 1/1/2022
97198746M INHCH 12/31/2021
97199625M GTN TECHc 1/ 1/2022
97198764M GOODSTART 12/31/2021
97199779M OWNMY 1/1/2022
97198778M GENERIC 12/31/2021
97199782M JASSINS 1/ 1/2022
97198791M SUNHE 12/31/2021
97199785M RIVERBYLAN 1/1/2022
97198797M AM HNF 12/31/2021
97198802M GCTNBJL 12/31/2021 97199626 BRAWVYc 1/ 1/2022
97199575M GRILSES 12/31/2021 DIVVYUPc
97199627 1/1/2022
97199583M YEELE 12/31/2021 97199628 MAIHHALLc 1/ 1/2022
97199588M UHUSE 12/31/2021 AOUDHOlc
97199629 1/1/2022
97199597M TZTEX 12/31/2021 97199775 ABOArc 1/ 1/2022
97199601M Z&L HOME 12/31/2021 NNHOMc
97199778 1/1/2022
97199603M DTRMELSR 12/31/2021 97199803M ESOCA 1/ 2/2022
97199604M WZFASHION 12/31/2021 97199804M LEAF&CI CI 1/2/2022
97198346M GUU 12/31/2021 97199814M POLLY 1/ 2/2022
97198388M FULU 12/31/2021 ONLINE
97198390M SONGSHENJI 12/31/2021 97199815M MOHSILY 1/2/2022
AN 97199817M AMOSFUN 1/ 2/2022
97198393M N/AS 12/31/2021 97199818M DEOOT 1/3/2022

Ex. A- 8
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = Misassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97200075M QMSILR 1/ 3/2022 97209930M FLAGMESAGE 1/ 9/2022
97200080M JHJDHVBSJ 1/3/2022 97210016M ORIENTAL 1/10/2022
97200083M OIKJNGGS 1/ 3/2022 CHERRY
97200085M QWERII O 1/3/2022 97210022M FUNNLOT 1/ 10/ 2022
97200088M UKDCHCC 1/ 3/2022 97210028M HOMISSOR 1/10/2022
97200091M CNCHVNDJO 1/3/2022 97210030M CROWNED 1/ 10/ 2022
97200095M BEAUTY
UJSDJSZZ 1/ 3/2022
97210034M YCD-SSHNO 1/10/2022
97200099M H88HHHDS 1/3/2022
97210038M FRF FUN RUN 1/ 10/ 2022
97200102M LOOAASDX 1/ 3/2022
97200103M LMOONOUU 1/3/2022 97210042M VORENUS 1/10/2022
97200107M MMSHXNJK 1/ 3/2022 97210046M AKEYDECO 1/ 10/ 2022
97200949M RUDJSKSLS 1/3/2022 97210049M SHMBADA 1/10/2022
97200965M FUCCCCING 1/ 3/2022 97210060M LOSONG 1/ 10/ 2022
97200972M COINGUING 1/3/2022 97210063M DLORY 1/10/2022
97200978M SOCOONOOU 1/ 3/2022 97210069M INTBAG 1/ 10/ 2022
97210077M FMAB 1/10/2022
97200985M OHBWNHSS 1/3/2022
97210079M MUFRI 1/ 10/ 2022
97200994M APSLCXCBB 1/ 3/2022
97210080M US FLAG 1/10/2022
97201013M YEUJSSMX 1/3/2022
97201021M VMNNZIJDD 1/ 3/2022 97210084M USEP 1/ 10/ 2022
97201031M YESCUSTOM 1/3/2022 97210109M DANF FLAG 1/10/2022
97201044M LILEIHAO 1/ 3/2022 97210112M TRENDYLUZ 1/ 10/ 2022
97202909M SEPSUMMER 1/4/2022 FLAGS
97201125M YADSHOTI 1/ 4/2022 97210128M DUDUTA 1/10/2022
97201140M YNKHTEW 1/4/2022 97210133M DUDUTA 1/ 10/ 2022
97201145M ASNIVI 1/ 4/2022 97210135M SOLARSTAR 1/10/2022
97201171M KCY 1/4/2022 97210141M vsvo 1/ 10/ 2022
TECHNOLOGY 97210147M FREEFY 1/10/2022
97201178M MOSOAN 1/ 4/2022 97210151M WHGJ 1/ 10/ 2022
97201183M DOFOWORK 1/4/2022 97210156M X.NVIOA 1/10/2022
97201188M BIGFOOT 1/ 4/2022 97210159M TOAUOT 1/ 10/ 2022
97201191M CONPAXYE 1/4/2022 97210172M TOPFLAGS 1/10/2022
97201194M SUN 1/ 4/2022 97211758M NIYOUNG 1/ 10/ 2022
97211769M BACCESSOR 1/10/2022
97209853M OLYNIK 1/9/2022
97211786M GOODCARE 1/ 10/ 2022
97209871M OLYNIK 1/ 9/2022
97211800M YCGRE 1/10/2022
97209906M APIPI 1/9/2022
97211815M ZHANGYO 1/ 10/ 2022
97209923M FREE WALKER 1/ 9/2022
97211824M SZDR 1/10/2022
97209928M JUSHEN 1/9/2022

Ex. A- 9
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = Misassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97211833M IDOWMAT 1/ 10/ 2022 97214344M ZONLI 1/ 12/ 2022
97211990M ZY-KL 1/10/2022 97214345M OZY BLISS 1/12/2022
97212027M HOUSEALL 1/ 10/ 2022 97214348M BORITAR 1/ 12/ 2022
97211845 LYNMALRITY 1/10/2022 97214356M PRO GOLEEM 1/12/2022
97211897 SUNVY 1/ 10/ 2022 97214818M FASO 1/ 12/ 2022
97211951 ZHANGW EI 1/10/2022 97214827M TNS 1/12/2022
97212039 SPARKLILI 1/ 10/ 2022 97214832M ONYA 1/ 12/ 2022
97212360M LIVEZONE 1/11/2022 97214363 YNM 1/12/2022
97212366M XI NGZI 1/ 11/ 2022 97214419 HODECOLOR 1/ 12/ 2022
97212367M UPSTORE 1/11/2022 97214471 MATAMADE 1/12/2022
97212389M SCETTAR 1/ 11/ 2022 97214482 JUHGN 1/ 12/ 2022
97212394M ANGEL3292 1/11/2022 97214487 NEEDLOVE 1/12/2022
97212398M WWHEELUP 1/ 11/ 2022 97214492 EPPEDTUL 1/ 12/ 2022
97212404M FLYSPEED 1/11/2022 97214517 ZZAEO 1/12/2022
97212412M RINVANIC 1/ 11/ 2022 97214553 BROSHAN 1/ 12/ 2022
97212421M BUNDLEPRO 1/11/2022 97214559 KXMDXA 1/12/2022
97212431M MOBEY 1/ 11/ 2022 97214568 FMSHPON 1/ 12/ 2022
97212435M ANSAW 1/11/2022 97214574 PKQWTM 1/12/2022
97212449M OBSTNNY 1/ 11/ 2022 97214575 UPHOME 1/ 12/ 2022
97212456M KINGKAM 1/11/2022 97214577 GDMOON 1/12/2022
97212462M SANSHENG 1/ 11/ 2022 97214580 AIDATAIN 1/ 12/ 2022
97212465M CJ&M 1/11/2022 97214583 LATEMAPLE 1/12/2022
97213960M PALGLG 1/ 11/ 2022 97214649 NTBAY 1/ 12/ 2022
97214161M ONETO 1/11/2022 97214662 DESIHOM 1/12/2022
PROM ISE 97214687 FINAL FRIDAY 1/ 12/ 2022
97214175M ONETO 1/ 11/ 2022 97214694 ECOTOB 1/12/2022
97214699 DOWNLUXE 1/ 12/ 2022
97214190M NOOA 1/11/2022
97214707 N&Y HOME 1/12/2022
97214201M FFLMYUHUL I 1/ 11/ 2022
97214716 NEASOW 1/ 12/ 2022
97214211M NIUKOM 1/11/2022 97214805 DUH 1/12/2022

97214214M YIQIGO 1/ 11/ 2022

97216935M HOMMOMH 1/13/2022
97216960M SOCIRA 1/13/2022
97212054 MSGUIDE 1/11/2022
97212217 MSGUIDE 1/ 11/ 2022
97216963M FEIGONG 1/13/2022
97216973M TOBGBE 1/13/2022
97212224 AUUXVA 1/11/2022
97212234 URBERRY 1/ 11/ 2022
97216978M OYACHIC 1/13/2022

ZY-KL 97216981M FINEINNO 1/13/2022

97211963 1/11/2022
97214327M G-TREE 1/ 12/ 2022
97216997M LZYVOO 1/13/2022
97217000M CHRLEISURE 1/13/2022
97214336M JON IYEAR 1/12/2022

Ex. A- 10
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = Misassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97217010M SALSPOR 1/ 13/ 2022 97222404M 42MM CASE 1/17/2022
97217161M OQQ 1/13/2022 97222412M LAHUALIXI 1/ 17/ 2022
97217171M SEEMEHAPPY 1/ 13/ 2022 97222414M CASEI 1/17/2022
97218572 SCENEREAL 1/13/2022 97222419M DEPOGA 1/ 17/ 2022
97218609 SYHOOD 1/ 13/ 2022 97222424M MXCUSTOM 1/17/2022
97218625 TORJOY 1/13/2022 97222430M AQUATX 1/ 17/ 2022
97218636 URATOT 1/ 13/ 2022 97222440M O2TEE 1/17/2022
97218651 HOZZ 1/13/2022 97222444M M VPBOSSTO 1/ 17/ 2022
97218699 CHBORCHICE 1/ 13/ 2022 y
N 97222448M AMORFASH 1/17/2022
97218710 KAROKU 1/13/2022 97222451M JUST 1/ 17/ 2022
97218730 HYLYUN 1/ 13/ 2022 CUSTOMIZED
97218743 SENSIYA 1/13/2022 97222453M PRANBOO 1/17/2022

97218762 HOODDEAL 1/ 13/ 2022 97222461M ANLEY 1/ 17/ 2022

97218789 YAODHAOD 1/13/2022 97222471M ONE- 1/17/2022

97218801 XPUDAC 1/ 13/ 2022
97222479M PTCTWD 1/ 17/ 2022
97218818 DASIOR 1/13/2022
97222481M BESEON 1/17/2022
97218836 BBEART 1/ 13/ 2022
97222484M GRDSAW 1/ 17/ 2022
97218844 AOFITEE 1/13/2022
97222515M DBLLF 1/17/2022
97218860 SUNTEELONG 1/ 13/ 2022
97222518M CUSDITOMSU 1/ 17/ 2022
97218880 CHEZABBEY 1/13/2022
97218890 ESOBO 1/ 13/ 2022 97222618M IFHUH 1/17/2022
97218900 MEIORO 1/13/2022 97222629M MOMOBO 1/ 17/ 2022
97218920 FLUTNEL 1/ 13/ 2022 97223729M TOMW ISH 1/17/2022
97219035M PREFERHOUS 1/14/2022 97223751M TONARO 1/ 17/ 2022
97223753M TAKAO 1/17/2022
97219061M FUAMEY 1/ 14/ 2022
97223762M LANGRIS 1/ 17/ 2022
97219073M SUNFURA 1/14/2022
97223778M KOTETSU 1/17/2022
97219096M LCYBEM 1/ 14/ 2022
97223799M NEZUKO 1/ 17/ 2022
97219100 YAGAMII 1/14/2022
97223804M KOUSAKA 1/17/2022
97219103 KUKASTER 1/ 14/ 2022
97223813M RONGANDHE 1/ 17/ 2022
97221808 BOVKE 1/16/2022 97223821M RONGANDHE 1/17/2022

97221811 TAURI 1/ 16/ 2022 97223832M TOMIOKA 1/ 17/ 2022

97221816 TRANESCA 1/16/2022 97223843M CASOFU 1/17/2022

97221818 YMHML 1/ 16/ 2022 97222388 JULK CASE 1/ 17/ 2022

97222397M TPU 1/17/2022 97222391 CASE FOR 1/17/2022
97222400M !WATCH 1/ 17/ 2022

Ex. A - 11
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = Misassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97222396 APPLE 1/ 17/ 2022 9742QJ15M TEGOGO 5/20/2022
WATCH 97420735M OMAGO 5/ 20/ 2022
SERIES 97420760M OMAGO 5/20/2022
97224161M JZ DESIGNS 1/18/2022 9742QJ71M BAQUCA 5/ 20/ 2022
97286233M HOUSMI 2/26/2022 97420793M CANAYI 5/20/2022
97286244M UONLY 2/26/2022
97433896 HGTUJHHXB 5/ 29/ 2022
97286078 AUGARDEN 2/26/2022 N
97366695M DAI LYEXTRE 4/ 16/ 2022 97433928 MUBIKEMM 5/29/2022
97366723M ZESEDE 4/ 16/ 2022 97434163M WHATTHEFM 5/30/ 2022
97371052M ASTIHN 4/ 19/ 2022 9743417JM NIOMIULL 5/30/2022
97371066M CASOFU 4/ 19/ 2022 97443155M KJW BBNMc 6/4/2022
97384119M CONII 4/ 27/ 2022 97443167M FGHNTvrc 6/4/2022
97390488M FULUE 4/ 30/ 2022 97443172M FHHGUOc 6/4/2022
97390498M RONGANDHE 4/30/ 2022 97443175M HMGGFFGBF 6/4/2022
9739Q5QQM RONGANDHE 4/30/ 2022 Ge
97390513M GOODCARE 5/1/2022 97443179M FGHNTvrc 6/4/2022
97391321M SOLARSTAR 5/ 2/2022 97443181M BGFVVXDc 6/4/2022
97391429M FREEFY 5/2/2022 97443183M DHHFHNHc 6/4/2022
97391491M WHGJ 5/ 2/2022 97443189M TYTBVXDc 6/4/2022
97391581M X.NVIOA 5/2/2022 97443192M GFVFGHNc 6/4/2022
97391719M TOPFLAGS 5/ 2/2022 97443197M RGFHGFFc 6/4/2022
97391887M BACCESSOR 5/2/2022 97443199M GBFGHGUOc 6/4/2022
97395942M vsvo 5/5/2022 97443202M HNHDHHFc 6/4/2022
97395983M GOODCARE 5/5/2022 97443206M TGVJSNBc 6/4/2022
97395993M YCGRE 5/5/2022 97443211M NAM HVKSBc 6/4/2022
97411134M KOUSAKA 5/15/2022 97443213M MAODJKNc 6/4/2022
97411137M MOMOBO 5/ 15/ 2022 9744321JM LMBGNNDc 6/4/2022
97412522M FULUE 5/16/2022 97443219M BOAFBVBc 6/4/2022
97412620M MOMOBO 5/ 16/ 2022 97443224M PNJHBDKc 6/4/2022
97412636M IFHUH 5/16/2022 97443226M XOAJ FOPc 6/4/2022
97412665M DBLLF 5/ 16/ 2022 97443228M VNKJUEDBc 6/4/2022
97412709M GRDSAW 5/16/2022 97443353M BUYAOYAHA 6/5/2022
97412768M BESEON 5/ 16/ 2022 97443356M QUSIBANINI 6/5/2022
97412936M DUDUTA 5/16/2022 97443357M NIWOTAHAO 6/5/2022
97413Q1JM DUDUTA 5/ 16/ 2022 H
97443358M OUSHITYOU 6/5/2022
97414272 SUSUWA 5/17/2022
9744336QM BNCMIO 6/5/2022
97420631M WATASA 5/ 20/ 2022
97443363M PUPUTIT 6/5/2022

Ex. A- 12
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = Misassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97443364M IL0VEY0UU 6/5/2022 97510815M RH0RIGUEzc 7/ 19/ 2022
M 97510840M GENTMLEYc 7/19/2022
97443367M N0SHI0M 6/5/2022 97510525M SHABS0N 7/ 19/ 2022
97443369M W0CA0NISHI 6/5/2022 97510554M JAN ILL 7/19/2022
97444826M PLMABGFZ 6/6/2022 97510571M LARLAS 7/ 19/ 2022
97444869M BSYC0ZN 6/6/2022 97510596M DEL0RTNEY 7/19/2022
97445165M UYMNB 6/6/2022 97510605M L0LAVIS 7/ 19/ 2022
97445213M WYI I0CD 6/6/2022 97510625M MARANN0N 7/19/2022
97445263M MNCXK0I 6/6/2022 97510644M TESSMPS0N 7/ 19/ 2022
97445303M YWUAI0 6/6/2022 97510652M ESSI0RREST 7/19/2022
97445321M CBTVD 6/6/2022 97510663M LYNND0LPH 7/ 19/ 2022
97445392M BCBXNN 6/6/2022 97510678M JAN IHILL 7/19/2022
97445419M BUBUI0 6/6/2022 97510702M ERNETEL0 7/ 19/ 2022
97445425M FUCXHUL 6/6/2022 97510747M JAM EILLS 7/19/2022
97459968M AINIK0LM 6/15/2022 97510767M J0HEL0E 7/ 19/ 2022
97460180M FENSH0UBAJ 6/15/2022 97510786M LAUREESSIS 7/19/2022
97460198M LIDICHF 6/15/2022 97510610M JASFIELD 7/ 19/ 2022
97460231M NDONI 6/15/2022 97510636M SIMELS0N 7/19/2022
97487728 CCC00I 7/4/2022 97510648M JUDANCIS 7/ 19/ 2022
97510432M CHARBAGGc 7/ 19/ 2022 97510656M H0WAHAPM 7/19/2022
97510482M WILLIAM HEIL 7/19/2022 AN
97510671M VICT0UIZ 7/ 19/ 2022
97510509M GENLEVC 7/ 19/ 2022 97510781M STEVEITH 7/19/2022
97510523M FERAWAYc 7/19/2022 97510804M IRENTH 7/ 19/ 2022
97510537M JUANCISc 7/ 19/ 2022 97510817M MARRNER 7/19/2022
97510553M ERNUNDc 7/19/2022 97510829M DICRAVIS 7/ 19/ 2022
97510583M BRANDOOKc 7/ 19/ 2022 97514140M Z0NVCDHGV 7/21/2022
97510612M LAURLEAVEc 7/19/2022 C

97510627M WILLANKLEc 7/ 19/ 2022 9751417JM NIDSU0c 7/ 21/ 2022

97510646M LESLI ANGc 7/19/2022 97514209M DDDCSBc 7/21/2022
97510653M ALIOBBINSc 7/ 19/ 2022 97514229M KUKKKKDSc 7/ 21/ 2022
97510665M GENTLEYc 7/19/2022 97514305M KHBDNVNc 7/21/2022
97510674M JUDNCISc 7/ 19/ 2022 97514335M BIUBIUONc 7/ 21/ 2022
97510692M LARRLASc 7/19/2022 97514363M M0NINIMc 7/21/2022
97510707M M ICHAAJORc 7/ 19/ 2022 97514382M NINIBAIOc 7/ 21/ 2022
97510746M M ICHAAJ0Rc 7/19/2022 97514732M ABUDYXc 7/21/2022
97510763M TH0APLANc 7/ 19/ 2022 97514741M DHDBNDc 7/ 21/ 2022
97510806M LAUNCLEAVE 7/19/2022 97514762M SHDNFHc 7/21/2022

Ex. A- 13
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = Misassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97514790M QUD0OCc 7/ 21/ 2022 97527371M Y0JISFc 7/30/ 2022
97514819M 0UAISEBc 7/21/2022 97527373M VAINCAZlc 7/30/2022
97514216M HVLVGUJc 7/ 21/ 2022 97527378M W0JINCAHc 7/30/ 2022
97514290M Z0AI0Z0c 7/21/2022 97527379M CFHEJLPzc 7/30/2022
97514325M NNAAMOMO 7/ 21/ 2022 97527383M CNUIAJc 7/30/ 2022
97527386M CA0L0M0Nc 7/30/2022
97514385M BI0NU0Mc 7/21/2022 97527389M VEN0NM ISc 7/30/ 2022
97514715M ZTCGNMc 7/ 21/ 2022 97527391M L0ZP0Lc 7/30/2022
97514746M P0P0AI0c 7/21/2022 97527392M P0NM0LI0N 7/30/ 2022
97514789M YWHSIJFc 7/ 21/ 2022 C
97514828M YBDIVCSc 7/21/2022 97527397M XHNAI0Sc 7/30/2022
97514235M 0UQIYUDBc 7/ 21/ 2022 97527399M AUQJIX0c 7/30/ 2022
97514263M Z0DU IA0 c 7/21/2022 97527401M AKDFYHDSc 7/30/2022
97514294M BADJHNNc 7/ 21/ 2022 97527405M QIS0ZJC 7/30/ 2022
97514371M MA0I DNVc 7/21/2022 97527408M CBNZMXc 7/30/2022
97514386M JSUIAKc 7/ 21/ 2022 97527413M SINGERUlc 7/30/ 2022
97514405M CBNUJ0Kc 7/21/2022 97527417M DUDUHAHAK 7/30/2022
97514696M S0LQPALc 7/ 21/ 2022 oc
97514717M PCPSALCJc 7/21/2022 97527420M HENNIUMc 7/30/ 2022
97514726M PIUM IU0c 7/ 21/ 2022 97527427M DYVBUJSFBc 7/30/2022
97514738M NIUSUN0c 7/21/2022 97527429M SRHFNRc 7/30/ 2022
97514748M QUICFJVHc 7/ 21/ 2022 97527434M RYSVDc 7/30/2022
97514772M XBSUSIAc 7/21/2022 97527444M SETHREc 7/30/ 2022
97514786M HVDUVUBDH 7/ 21/ 2022 97527452M PGHNc 7/30/2022
JC 97527461M DRDFPFc 7/30/ 2022
97514796M HSBFDVFYBc 7/21/2022 97527463M RHGTJrc 7/30/2022
97514831M YHBHBVFSc 7/ 21/ 2022 97527466M TTHSAFVJc 7/30/ 2022
97514127M UJJ BKJHB 7/21/2022 97527472M WERVKUGc 7/30/2022
97514167M HGVCDVJ 7/ 21/ 2022 97527477M SDTHTTVRHc 7/30/ 2022
97514215 BFDBVNN 7/21/2022 97527507M FHDJBM¥rc 7/30/2022
97523525M HHSNJSJc 7/ 28/ 2022 97527513M FDYHJBFKc 7/30/ 2022
97527327M DCYBUc 7/30/2022 97527516M FYGRDJc 7/30/2022
97527334M FDFBGGBc 7/ 30/ 2022 97527316M VSI BFVc 7/30/ 2022
97527351M VBHSGBc 7/30/2022 97527325M DSFNFSDc 7/30/2022
97527357M DRTBBBBc 7/ 30/ 2022 97527336M SFBTDFSc 7/30/ 2022
97527360M THTHTHGHrc 7/30/2022 97527349M SBDFBDSDVc 7/30/2022
97527363M TRHYRFDc 7/ 30/ 2022 97527355M YYJU0YSc 7/30/ 2022
97527369M GUH0JINc 7/30/2022 97527361M UYJBGDc 7/30/2022

Ex. A- 14
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = Misassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97527364M GHFDHTDc 7/ 30/ 2022 97528431M RIRTHc 8/1/2022
97527370M AINKOOOc 7/30/2022 97528465M DGETBHFc 8/1/2022
97527372M MOMONOBI 7/ 30/ 2022 97530002M QZGJHC 8/2/2022
sue 97530010M TEHEPc 8/2/2022
97527377M EYXSH ICJ Kc 7/30/2022 97530018M QAZSDC 8/2/2022
97527380M UFDJNSPSc 7/ 30/ 2022 97530024M QSFDKc 8/2/2022
97527382M YTSHCNDc 7/30/2022 97530031M IMIIIUJc 8/2/2022
97527385M NUSJIZCOc 7/ 30/ 2022 97530075M GFHJU lc 8/2/2022
97527388M MOVEN ISc 7/30/2022 97530090M DHHDYJc 8/2/2022
97527393M LILPONOc 7/ 30/ 2022 97530093M DFGHDTHRc 8/2/2022
97527396M ANISUODSc 7/30/2022 97530096M DTFDGFc 8/2/2022
97527400M XIONGJIOc 7/ 30/ 2022 97530098M XDTDSFGc 8/2/2022
97527402M SADGHDVc 7/30/2022 97531098M JKDSBBc 8/2/2022
97527406M HSUAJZNc 7/ 30/ 2022 97530004M MXRDGc 8/2/2022
97527409M XIONCOIOc 7/30/2022 97530022M YRKOFDc 8/2/2022
97527462M SFDVBFD 7/ 30/ 2022 97530030M SGBGBTFc 8/2/2022
97527464M AWXSZXR 7/30/2022 97530094M DFBBSc 8/2/2022
97527467M QVXKJOGF 7/ 30/ 2022 97530095M YIUYUTYUc 8/2/2022
97527474M AEXCFVJI 7/30/2022 97531068M UBDESONc 8/2/2022
97527508M DTHHJUJV 7/ 30/ 2022 97531115M NUDSUBc 8/2/2022
97527515M SYKBB 7/30/2022 97532042M MBWSOHFc 8/3/2022
97527521M GVDBL 7/ 30/ 2022 97532048M OOUGFJc 8/3/2022
97527414 QOSINGERc 7/30/2022 97532076M EUEUDlc 8/3/2022
97527416 GU IGUIDHUc 7/ 30/ 2022 97532081M CNSAMVlc 8/3/2022
97527421 KAICENKOc 7/30/2022 97532090M UWBSKSc 8/3/2022
97527425 DFHBDGFc 7/ 30/ 2022 97534159M DTJDBSVc 8/4/2022
97527432 JHVFDSEc 7/30/2022 97534164M SUNFFYc 8/4/2022
97527437 SDVDTGSEGR 7/ 30/ 2022 97534178M VCDJMBc 8/4/2022
97534630M VDSVBSEYNc 8/4/2022
97527453 WRNYRc 7/30/2022
97534687M TFYYUFOPDK 8/4/2022
97527522 TJBSP 7/ 30/ 2022 JC
97528346M YFSTFSc 8/1/2022 97534704M JSRBGNc 8/4/2022
97528436M TUTTHOc 8/1/2022 97534727M PQKSAXNc 8/4/2022
97528461M FGBFHc 8/1/2022 97534793M DSYRNUSc 8/4/2022
97528342M ZESHGTHFc 8/1/2022 97534838M VKFFNc 8/4/2022
97528369M SYTBTVc 8/1/2022 97534859M FCYJVDJc 8/4/2022
97528394M REYRTUc 8/1/2022 97534887M FOUFN lc 8/4/2022
97528413M YITREc 8/1/2022 97534909M FIUNDUc 8/4/2022

Ex. A- 15
Table Key:
A = Abandoned

M = Misassigned

c = 10+ More Different Named Credit Card Holders

Literal Original Literal Original

Serial No. Serial No.
Element Filing Date Element Filing Date
97534949M OPSBGHNc 8/4/2022 97535041M MSIKBSGBc 8/4/2022
97534972M SEHIBHGc 8/4/2022 97534792M DVCOMJc 8/4/2022
97535020M BBERKGc 8/4/2022 97534851M IRYEDGJVC 8/4/2022
97535045M OOXJBHJc 8/4/2022 97534874M FYINFc 8/4/2022
97535088M SNDJDDJc 8/4/2022 97534899M YFNFMHc 8/4/2022
97534143M EGFSCGFEc 8/4/2022 97534943M FYIYFNc 8/4/2022
97534151M BNGDBSDc 8/4/2022 97534965M XSAFDGUc 8/4/2022
97534157M INCFIDc 8/4/2022 97535014M JJSDHFNc 8/4/2022
97534161M SJAM EYMBc 8/4/2022 97535044M YYSJDGDJSAc 8/4/2022
97534165M uvuurvrvc 8/4/2022 97535087M DHFGBDJc 8/4/2022
97534183M YUGFTYFc 8/4/2022 97534637 SBJYJMUYF 8/4/2022
97534639M YBYFBYHJGVC 8/4/2022 97534711 PODJKDHN 8/4/2022
97534728M DJCGNKc 8/4/2022 97536155M FDDFSKJc 8/5/2022
97534789M TVFDSJc 8/4/2022 97536157M DTJUHEDSJ 8/5/2022
97534844M JUJKDC 8/4/2022 97536161M EEDBSH 8/5/2022
97534865M DTNFUKNc 8/4/2022
97534897M DSYYFBJYFc 8/4/2022
97534952M DHFJGc 8/4/2022
97534974M YJHNTRJf 8/4/2022
97535006M IUGFDJDc 8/4/2022
97535039M NNSDKGSlc 8/4/2022
97535084M PPJFDHGc 8/4/2022
97534147M SHGVJSFc 8/4/2022
97534158M JNSJROSGc 8/4/2022
97534162M J6USMAUSAc 8/4/2022
97534166M IBDFJMGc 8/4/2022
97534173M YUYJNGFDc 8/4/2022
97534638M QQUUHGJc 8/4/2022
97534712M PWORHKDGV 8/4/2022
97534725M DTJBOf 8/4/2022
97534796M DU NDTBc 8/4/2022
97534842M SJNSRYUc 8/4/2022
97534883M BKUDTYNc 8/4/2022
97534905M GFYDDSBc 8/4/2022
97534946M D6RUBUBc 8/4/2022
97534968M SERHBNc 8/4/2022
97535012M PAJSJSNc 8/4/2022

Ex. A- 16
Exhibit B

In the matter of U.S. Trademark Application

Serial Nos. 97005024 and 97005027
Declaration of
Literal Elements: I CAN’T BREATH John P. Halski, Esq.

Purported Applicant: Black Lives Matter Global

Network Foundation, Inc.

Dear Deputy Commissioner:

I have been made aware that pending U.S. Trademark Application, Serial Nos. 97005024 and
97005027, were filed on August 31, 2021, each naming me, John P. Halski, as attorney of record.
Upon information and belief, these applications contain false, fictitious, or fraudulent information
and were submitted to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for an improper
purpose. The undersigned presents the following declaration to the attention of the Deputy
Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy for consideration in taking appropriate actions
to remedy the trademark register consistent with the following facts.

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1746, the undersigned declares as follows:

1. My name is John P. Halski, and I am over eighteen years of age and competent to make
this Declaration.

2. I am a Senior Attorney with Perkins Coie LLP, and an active member in good standing of
the bar of the highest courts of the states of New York and Washington.

3. According to the USPTO’s Trademark Status and Document Retrieval System (TSDR),
U.S. Trademark Application Serial Nos. 97005024 and 97005027 were filed on August 31,
2021 (the “Unauthorized Applications”), identifying the applicant as Black Lives Matter
Global Network Foundation, Inc.

4. The Unauthorized Applications each contain a declaration of facts allegedly signed by

“John P. Halski,” who is identified in the applications as the attorney of record.

5. The owner email address in the Unauthorized Applications is “” and

the attorney email address is “”

6. The Unauthorized Applications include an additional email address for


7. While Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. is my client, the Unauthorized
Applications were not submitted by me or any attorney at my law firm, nor did Black Lives
Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. authorize any person to file either of the
Unauthorized Applications.

EX. B - 001
8. I did not affix my electronic signature to either of the Unauthorized Applications, nor did I
authorize any other person to affix my electronic signature to either of the Unauthorized
Applications. I understand that it is a violation of the Trademark Rules of Practice to sign
another person’s name on any trademark-related submission.

9. The email address “” is not my client’s email address. I am not

aware of any person named “Amy Beltran” associated with Black Lives Matter Global
Network Foundation, Inc. or my law firm.

10. The email address “” is not my email address, nor is it an email
address used by any attorney or staff member in my law firm. I am not aware of any
person named “Kari Fester” associated with Black Lives Matter Global Network
Foundation, Inc. or my law firm.

11. The email address “” is not a valid email address in use by
my firm, but it is a close approximation of an actual email address used by my firm for
trademark matters. It appears that “” contains a purposeful
omission that would cause emails to not reach the firm’s trademark docketing team.

12. The specimens of use submitted in connection with the Unauthorized Applications were
not prepared by Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, Inc. or my law firm.

13. Upon belief, the Unauthorized Applications contain allegations that lack evidentiary
support, serve to harass my client, and were submitted to the USPTO for a whole improper
purpose, namely, to fraudulently obtain a U.S. trademark registration,

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on September 16, 2021.


John P. Halski, Esq.

EX. B - 002

In the matter of U.S. Trademark Application

Serial No. 90907233
Declaration of David J. Luca
Literal Element: KANYE WEST

Purported Applicant: Mascotte Holdings, Inc.

California Corporation

Dear Deputy Commissioner:

I have been made aware that a pending U.S. Trademark Application, Serial No. 90907233, was filed on
August 27, 2021 naming me, David J. Luca, as attorney of record. Upon information and belief, this
application contains false, fictitious, or fraudulent information and was submitted to the United States
Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) for an improper purpose. The undersigned presents the following
declaration to the attention of the Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy for
consideration in taking appropriate actions to remedy the trademark register consistent with the
following facts.

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1746, the undersigned declares as follows:

1. My name is David J. Luca, and I am over eighteen years of age and competent to made this

2. I am a licensed attorney who is an active member in good standing of the California bar with the
firm Law Offices of Dennis J. Luca. Although I am an attorney, I am not an intellectual property or
trademark attorney, and I do not practice before the USPTO.

3. According to the USPTO's Trademark Status and Document Retrieval System (TSDR), U.S.
Trademark Application Serial No. 90907233 was filed on August 27, 2021, identifying Mascotte
Holdings, Inc., a California corporation.

4. The subject application identifies David J. Luca as attorney of record.

5. The subject application contains a declaration of facts allegedly signed by "David J.Luca," who is
identified in the application as the attorney of record.

6. The attorney email address in the application is "" and additional email
addresses for correspondence are identified as "" and

7. Mascotte Holdings, Inc., the purported applicant, is not my client. I have no relationship with the
purported applicant and was not asked to file any document on the purported applicant's behalf.

EX. B - 003
8. I did not submit this application, nor did I authority any person to submit this application on my
behalf. I did not affix my electronic signature to this application, nor did I authority any other
person to enter my name or electronic signature on this application.

9. To the best of my knowledge, the email addresses,,

and, are not my email addresses nor the email addresses of any person with
who I practice law.

10. Upon belief, the subject application was submitting to the USPTO for the purpose of obtaining a
U.S. trademark registration fraudulently.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on September 16, 2021, at San Jose, California.


EX. B - 004
DocuSign Envelope ID: 483A6C05-3288-42D8-AF53-D37B31A383D7



In the matter of U.S. Trademark Application

Serial No(s). 90048937 and 97012558, and U.S.
Registration No. 6551620 Declaration of Bruce James

Dear Deputy Commissioner:

I have been made aware that the records for the following U.S. Trademark Applications and
Registration currently, or in the past, have identified me, Bruce James, as attorney of record:

 pending U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 97012558, for the mark KURT COBAIN,
filed on September 4, 2021;
 abandoned U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 90048937, for the mark POJAKA, filed
July 13, 2020;
 U.S. Registration No. 65516920, for the mark LAFWELL, filed November 9, 2021.

These applications and registration were not filed by me or anyone else at my law firm with the
United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). The undersigned presents the following
declaration to the attention of the Deputy Commissioner for Trademark Examination Policy for
consideration in taking appropriate actions to remedy the trademark register consistent with the
following facts:

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1746, the undersigned declares as follows:

1. My name is Bruce A. James and I am over eighteen years of age and competent to made
this Declaration.

2. I am a shareholder with Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP and an active member in
good standing of the bar of the highest court of the state of Colorado.

3. The USPTO’s Trademark Status and Document Retrieval System (TSDR), shows the
following information for U.S. Trademark Application Serial No(s). 97012558 and
90048937, and U.S. Registration No. 65516920 (the “Unauthorized Applications”):

a. U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 97012558, for the mark KURT COBAIN,
filed on September 4, 2021, identifying the applicant as The End of Music, LLC;
b. U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 90048937, for the mark POJAKA, filed July
13, 2020, identifying the applicant as Chen Bizheng;
c. U.S. Registration No. 6551620, filed as U.S. Trademark Application Serial No.
90355923, for the mark LAFWELL, identifying applicant as Wang Zhao.

4. U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 97012558 contains a declaration of facts allegedly
signed by “Bruce A. James,” who is identified in the application as the attorney of record
and as a member of the state bar of Georgia.

EX. B - 005
DocuSign Envelope ID: 483A6C05-3288-42D8-AF53-D37B31A383D7

5. A request for reinstatement, filed June 21, 2021, was filed for U.S. Trademark Application
Serial No. 90048937, and contains a declaration of facts allegedly signed by “Bruce
James,” who is identified as attorney of record and a member of the state bar of Colorado.

6. A Response to Office action, filed June 21, 2021, was filed for U.S. Trademark Application
Serial No. 90355923, allegedly signed by “Bruce James,” who is identified as attorney of
record and a member of the state bar of California.

7. The owner email address provided in the application form for the U.S. Trademark
Application Serial No. 97012558 is, and the attorney email address
is The application also identified the following secondary
email address:

8. The owner email address of record for U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 90048937
is, and the attorney email address is

9. The owner email address of record for U.S. Registration No. 6551620 is, and the attorney email address is

10. The Unauthorized Applications and filings identified above were not submitted by me or
any attorney at my law firm, nor did any of the identified applicants authorize any person
to file them.

11. I did not affix my electronic signature to the submissions identified above. I did not
authorize any other person to affix my electronic signature to the Unauthorized

12. I am not familiar with the email addresses identified as owner email addresses in the
Unauthorized Applications. I am not aware of any person named Chen Bizheng or Wang
Zhao, nor do I represent them. I am also not familiar with the entity named The End of
Music, LLC, nor do I represent them.

13. The email addresses and are not my

email addresses, nor are they email addresses used by any attorney or staff member in
my law firm. is also not my email address or an email address
used by my law firm. I am not familiar with anyone named Boguslav Olgin at my law firm.

14. The specimen of use submitted in connection with the U.S. Trademark Application Serial
No. 97012558 was not prepared by my law firm.

15. I respectfully request that my name and affiliation, and my firm’s name and affiliation, be
removed from the Unauthorized Applications and U.S. Registration No. 6551620.

[continued on next page]

EX. B - 006
DocuSign Envelope ID: 483A6C05-3288-42D8-AF53-D37B31A383D7

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on December 16, 2021.

r - ; DocuSigned by:

/ /
~ g}:~s
Bruce James

EX. B - 007
Exhibit C
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date Falsified Attorney Information
90894479 STITCH 8/ 20/2021 False bar information
97012472 SCOOBY-000 9/ 4/ 2021 False bar information
97012544 SARA NELL 9/ 4/ 2021 False bar information
97012558 KURT COBAIN 9/ 4/ 2021 False bar information
97012609 GRINCH 9/ 4/ 2021 False bar information
97012681 UN IGAMASHINO 9/ 5/ 2021 False bar information
97038144 CHICHIC 9/ 21/ 2021 Non-existent attorney
97038182 BAGEYOU 9/ 21/ 2021 Non-existent attorney
97038217 DECOR Ml 9/ 21/ 2021 Non-existent attorney
97038144 CHICHIC 10/ 3/ 2021 Non-existent attorney
97114751 EYEGLA 11/ 8/ 2021 Non-existent attorney
97114768 NACKIY 11/ 8/ 2021 Non-existent attorney
97114819 HYFEEL 11/ 8/ 2021 Non-existent attorney
97114862 DONLEEVING 11/ 8/ 2021 Non-existent attorney
97114887 FSMILING 11/ 8/ 2021 Non-existent attorney
97114917 OUTUS 11/ 8/ 2021 Non-existent attorney
97123753 DISHANG 11/ 13/ 2021 False bar information
97123779 ARTSBAY 11/ 13/ 2021 Non-existent attorney
97126301 SUNORMI 11/ 15/ 2021 False bar information
97126309 TOOYFUL 11/ 15/ 2021 False bar information
97126314 MENOLANA 11/ 15/ 2021 False bar information
97126323 LOCOLO 11/ 15/ 2021 False bar information
97126328 OS. DISTINCTIVE 11/ 15/ 2021 False bar information
97114768 NACKIY 12/ 26/ 2021 Non-existent attorney
97199608 GISELLE 12/ 31/ 2021 Non-existent attorney
97199626 BRAWVY 1/ 1/ 2022 False bar information
97199627 DIVVYUP 1/ 1/ 2022 False bar information
97199628 MAIHHALL 1/ 1/ 2022 False bar information
97199629 AOUDHOI 1/ 1/ 2022 False bar information
97214363 YNM 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214419 HODECOLOR 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214471 MATAMADE 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214482 JUHGN 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214487 NEEDLOVE 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214492 EPPEDTUL 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214517 ZZAEO 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214553 BROSHAN 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214559 KXMDXA 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214568 FMSHPON 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214574 PKQWTM 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney

Ex. C - 1
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date Falsified Attorney Information
97214575 UPHOME 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214577 GDMOON 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214580 AIDATAIN 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214583 LATEMAPLE 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214649 NTSAY 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214662 DESIHOM 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214687 FINAL FRIDAY 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214694 ECOTOS 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214699 DOWNLUXE 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214707 N&YHOME 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214716 NEASOW 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97214805 DUH 1/ 12/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218625 TORJOY 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218636 URATOT 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218651 HOZZ 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218699 CHSORCHICEN 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218710 KAROKU 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218730 HYLYUN 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218743 SENSIYA 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218762 HOODDEAL 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218789 YAODHAOD 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218801 XPUDAC 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218818 DASIOR 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218836 SSEART 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218844 AOFITEE 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218860 SUNTEELONG 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218880 CHEZASSEY 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218890 ESOSO 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218900 MEIORO 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97218920 FLUTNEL 1/ 13/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97219100 YAGAMII 1/ 14/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97219103 KUKASTER PET 1/ 14/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97221808 SOVKE 1/ 16/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97221811 TAURI 1/ 16/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97221818 YMHML 1/ 16/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97222388 JULK CASE 1/ 17/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97222391 CASE FOR APPLE 1/ 17/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97222396 APPLE WATCH SERIES 1/ 17/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97199608 GISELLE 5/ 7/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97199608 GISELLE 5/ 11/ 2022 Non-existent attorney

Ex. C- 2
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date Falsified Attorney Information
97199608 GISELLE 5/ 11/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97414272 SUSUWA 5/ 17/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97433928 MUBIKEMMM 5/ 29/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97510525 SHABSON 7/ 19/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97510554 JANI LL 7/ 19/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97510571 LARLAS 7/ 19/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97510596 DELORTNEY 7/ 19/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97510644 TESSMPSON 7/ 19/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97510652 ESSIORREST 7/ 19/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97510663 LYNNDOLPH 7/ 19/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97510678 JANIHILL 7/ 19/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97510702 ERNETELO 7/ 19/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97510747 JAMEILLS 7/ 19/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97510767 JOHELOE 7/ 19/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97510786 LAUREESSIS 7/ 19/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514215 BFDBVNN 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514235 OUQIYUDB 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514263 ZODU IAO 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514294 BADJHNN 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514371 MAOIDNV 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514386 JSUIAK 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514405 CBNUJOK 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514696 SOLQPAL 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514717 PCPSALCJ 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514726 PIUMIUO 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514738 NIUSUNO 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514748 QUICFJVH 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514772 XBSUSIA 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514786 HVDUVUBDHJ 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97514796 HSBFDVFYB 7/ 21/ 2022 False bar information
97514831 YHBHBVFS 7/ 21/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97523525 HHSNJSJ 7/ 28/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97527327 DCYBU 7/ 30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527334 FDFBGGB 7/ 30/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97527351 VBHSGB 7/ 30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527357 DRTBBBB 7/ 30/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97527360 THTHTHGHT 7/ 30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527363 TRHYRFD 7/ 30/ 2022 Non-existent attorney
97527369 GUHOJIN 7/ 30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527371 YOJISF 7/ 30/ 2022 Non-existent attorney

Ex. C- 3
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date Falsified Attorney Information
97527373 VAINCAZI 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527378 WOJINCAH 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527379 CFHEJLPZ 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527383 CNUIAJ 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527386 CAOLOMON 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527389 VENONMIS 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527391 LOZPOL 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527392 PONMOLION 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527397 XHNAIOS 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527399 AUQJIXO 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527401 AKDFYHDS 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527522 TJBSP 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527316 VSIBFV 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527325 DSFNFSD 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527336 SFBTDFS 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527349 SBDFBDSDV 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527355 YYJUOYS 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527361 UYJBGD 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527364 GHFDHTD 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527370 AINKOOO 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527372 MOMONOBIBU 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527377 EYXSHICJK 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527380 UFDJNSPS 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527382 YTSHCND 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527385 NUSJIZCO 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527388 MOVENIS 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527393 LILPONO 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527396 AN ISUODS 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527400 XIONGJIO 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527402 SADGHDV 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527406 HSUAJZN 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527409 XIONCOIO 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527414 QOSINGER 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527416 GUIGUIDHU 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527421 KAICENKO 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527425 DFHBDGF 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527432 JHVFDSE 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527437 SDVDTGSEGR 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527453 WRNYR 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527462 SFDVBFD 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney

Ex. C-4
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date Falsified Attorney Information
97527464 AWXSZXR 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527467 QVXKJOGF 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97527474 AEXCFVJI 7/30/2022 Non-existent attorney
97528346 YFSTFS 8/1/2022 Non-existent attorney
97528436 TUTTHO 8/1/2022 Non-existent attorney
97528461 FGBFH 8/1/2022 Non-existent attorney
97528342 ZESHGTHF 8/1/2022 Non-existent attorney
97528369 SYTBTV 8/1/2022 Non-existent attorney
97528394 REYRTU 8/1/2022 Non-existent attorney
97528413 YITRE 8/1/2022 Non-existent attorney
97528431 RIRTH 8/1/2022 Non-existent attorney
97528465 DGETBHF 8/1/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530002 QZGJH 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530010 TEHEP 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530018 QAZSD 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530024 QSFDK 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530031 IMII IUJ 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530075 GFHJUI 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530090 DHHDYJ 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530093 DFGHDTHR 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530096 DTFDGF 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530098 XDTDSFG 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97531098 JKDSBB 8/2/2022 False bar information
97530004 MXRDG 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530022 YRKOFD 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530030 SGBGBTF 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530094 DFBBS 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97530095 YIUYUTYU 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97531068 UBDESON 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97531115 NUDSUB 8/2/2022 Non-existent attorney
97532042 MBWSOHF 8/3/2022 Non-existent attorney
97532048 OOUGFJ 8/3/2022 Non-existent attorney
97532076 EUEUDI 8/3/2022 Non-existent attorney
97532081 CNSAMVI 8/3/2022 False bar information
97532090 UWBSKS 8/3/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534164 SUNFFY 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534178 VCDJMB 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534630 VDSVBSEYN 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534704 JSRBGN 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534727 PQKSAXN 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney

Ex. C- 5
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date Falsified Attorney Information
97534793 DSYRNUS 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534838 VKFFN 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534859 FCYJVDJ 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534887 FOUFNI 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534909 FIUNDU 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534949 OPSBGHN 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534972 SEHIBHG 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97535020 BBERKG 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97535045 OOXJBHJ 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97535088 SNDJDDJ 8/4/2022 False bar information
97534143 EGFSCGFE 8/4/2022 False bar information
97534151 BNGDBSD 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534157 INCFID 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534161 SJAMEYMB 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534183 YUGFTYF 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534639 YBYFBYHJGY 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534728 DJCGNK 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534789 TVFDSJ 8/4/2022 False bar information
97534844 JUJKD 8/4/2022 False bar information
97534865 DTNFUKN 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534897 DSYYFBJYF 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534952 DHFJG 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534974 YJHNTRJI 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97535006 IUGFDJD 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97535039 NNSDKGSI 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97535084 PPJFDHG 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534147 SHGVJSF 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534158 JNSJROSG 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534166 IBDFJMG 8/4/2022 False bar information
97534173 YUYJNGFD 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534638 QQUUHGJ 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534712 PWORHKDGV 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534725 DTJBOI 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534796 DUNDTB 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534842 SJNSRYU 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534883 BKUDTYN 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534905 GFYDDSB 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534946 D6RUBUB 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534968 SERHBN 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97535012 PAJSJSN 8/4/2022 False bar information

Ex. C- 6
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date Falsified Attorney Information
97535041 MSIKBSGB 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534637 SBJYJMUYF 8/4/2022 False bar information
97534711 PODJKDHN 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534792 DVCOMJ 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534851 IRYEDGJV 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534874 FYINF 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534899 YFNFMH 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534943 FYIYFN 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97534965 XSAFDGU 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97535014 JJSDHFN 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97535044 YYSJDGDJSA 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97535087 DHFGBDJ 8/4/2022 Non-existent attorney
97536157 DTJUHEDSJ 8/5/2022 False bar information
97536161 EEDBSH 8/5/2022 Non-existent attorney
97536155 FDDFSKJ 8/5/2022 Non-existent attorney

Ex. C- 7
Exhibit D
Alleged Attorney's Alleged Attorney's
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date
Name Email Address
90556748 M YTHERESA 3/ 3/ 2021 Jonathan Haim saypesosm ky@ hotma
90870847 RAYA AN D THE 8/ 7/ 2021 Steven Plotkin
90883538 FORTNITE 8/ 15/ 2021 Christ opher M.;
90887430 HARRY STYLES 8/ 17/ 2021 Brian M. Davis
90887778 DEMON SLAYER 8/ 17/ 2021 Karen Lim
90894412 VAM PIRE 8/ 20/ 2021 Brian Ru pp
97000125 MOM M OT 8/ 28/ 2021 Anna L.Lucas
97000468 BIGFANSS 8/ 29/ 2021 Aaron Bryant Smith RickLour@ga laxyhit.c
97000472 BABY YODA 8/ 29/ 2021 Charles J.St einberg
97000682 POKEMON 8/ 29/ 2021 Bruno Tarabichi NicolJustaso@insurer
97000687 VIVAHOUSE 8/ 29/ 2021 Bruno Tarabichi AndreasDownshfn@a
97000689 NARUTO 8/ 29/ 2021 Bruno Tarabichi NicolJustaso@insurer
97000696 LIL PEEP 8/ 29/ 2021 Ben T.Li la ShavoDuco@net-
97000720 FAST AND 8/ 29/ 2021 Monique Yvonne Ew arNem unait i@teac
97000987 HOKAM I 8/ 30/2021 Alan D. Hamilt on Zo Frankowsk@ planet
97001464 IKOOY 8/ 30/ 2021 Aaron Bryant Smith RickLour@ga laxyhit.c
97010439 AMONG US 9/ 3/ 2021 Allison D. Rothman CambHudnel@writ e
97010495 PAUFOGA 9/ 3/ 2021 Ch rist opher R.Allison YuCechi@greenmail.
97010612 AHEGAO 9/ 3/ 2021 Puya Partow-Nav id HowShav@w riteme.c
97010711 AQUAMAN 9/ 3/ 2021 Megan L. Martin JenniDu@m usician.o r
97010777 WWU-TANG 9/ 3/ 2021 LAWRENCE E. DiannE @account ant.
97011054 PAW PATROL 9/ 3/ 2021 WI LLIAM C. WRIG HT
97011343 SUPER MA RIO 9/ 3/ 2021 Christ opher I.Jackson
97011384 MARIO 9/ 3/ 2021 Ch rist opher Isaac
97011713 STARRY NIGHT 9/ 3/ 2021 Puya Partow-Nav id CarinGenz@chef .net

Ex. D - 1
Alleged Attorney's Alleged Attorney's
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date
Name Email Address
97011960 SHANG-CHI 9/ 3/ 2021 Tina M . Pom pey BaylScrive@innocent .
97012294 SPIRIT 9/ 4/ 2021 M onique Cheng Joe Ew arNemunaiti@t eac
UNTAMED hers.erg
97012296 SPIRIT RIDING 9/ 4/ 2021 Monique Cheng Joe Ew arNem unait i@teac
FREE hers.erg
97012303 TROLLS 9/ 4/ 2021 M onique Cheng Joe Ew arNemunaiti@t eac
97012495 BAPE 9/ 4/ 2021 RICHARD B KIM KimbYearic@photogr
97013665 SKYRIM 9/ 6/ 2021 Benj amin Curtis AydHidveg@solution
97013686 SUPERNATURAL 9/ 6/ 2021 Brian Rupp JenniDu@m usician.o r
97013768 ARTOID M ODE 9/ 6/ 2021 Richard S. Zbur MakenLaw ern@plane
97015731 EPIC GAMES 9/ 7/ 2021 Ch rist opher M .
97015766 REDLANDART 9/ 7/ 2021 Jordan L.Rock
97015828 WOWZON E 9/ 7/ 2021 Jordan L.Rock AlmetShon@m
97017402 POSSTA DECOR 9/ 8/ 2021 Jordan Lee Rock
97017449 MANFEI 9/ 8/ 2021 Jordan L.Rock AlmetShon@m
97017518 RIVIDECOR 9/ 8/ 2021 Jordan L.Rock
97017589 ROSI ELILY 9/ 8/ 2021 Jordan L.Rock AlmetShon@m
97022948 M OSLION 9/ 11/ 2021 Jordan Lee Rock
97022956 BLUBLU 9/ 11/ 2021 Jordan L.Rock AlmetShon@m
97022959 LIFEASY 9/ 11/ 2021 Jordan L.Rock
97022970 VIVIDHOM E 9/ 11/ 2021 Jordan L.Rock AlmetShon@m
97022983 I PAUSED M Y 9/ 11/ 2021 Ashraf A. La la
97023037 JZ DESIGNS 9/ 12/ 2021 Jordan L.Rock AlmetShon@m
97023040 LFEEY 9/ 12/ 2021 Jordan L.Rock

Ex. D - 2
Alleged Attorney's Alleged Attorney's
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date
Name Email Address
97023401 FULLSAIL 9/ 12/ 2021 Junmo Ju MahaIBuckn@fastser
97023430 MANTTO 9/ 12/ 2021 Junmo Ju MahalBuckn@fastser
97023476 LIVEFUN 9/ 12/ 2021 Junmo Ju MahaIBuckn@fastser
97023659 DACHENGXING 9/ 13/ 2021 Junmo Ju MahalBuckn@fastser
97023664 ETOB 9/ 13/ 2021 Junmo Ju MahaIBuckn@fastser
97025091 CLOUD DREAM 9/ 13/ 2021 Junmo Ju MahalBuckn@fastser
97025111 MERCHR 9/ 13/ 2021 Junmo Ju MahaIBuckn@fastser
97025389 AMAZER 9/ 13/ 2021 Sherwin H.Amazan
97025524 DIOLPOM 9/ 13/ 2021 Junmo Ju MahaIBuckn@fastser
97025639 SMURFS YINGDA 9/ 14/ 2021 Junmo Ju MahalBuckn@fastser
97025647 SW&IM 9/ 14/ 2021 Alberto Jimenez MuiPerh@mai
97025651 FRANK HOME 9/ 14/ 2021 Alberto Jimenez
97112907 FRCOLOR 11/ 8/ 2021 Alis Marie Moon FelTauar@protestant.
97114935 GEYOGA 11/ 8/ 2021 Hannah L.Meyer LoSodergr@net-
97114946 HEDUME 11/ 8/ 2021 Hannah L.Meyer LoSodergr@net-
97115109 LEEUEE 11/ 9/ 2021 Hannah L.Meyer LoSodergr@net-
97115116 KALOLARY 11/ 9/ 2021 Hannah L.Meyer LoSodergr@net-
97115117 VINBEE 11/ 9/ 2021 Hannah L.Meyer LoSodergr@net-
97115126 TAMHOO 11/ 9/ 2021 Catherine Lucy LeArl@cyberservices.
Schneider com
97115130 PH PANDAHALL 11/ 9/ 2021 Catherine Lucy LeArl@cyberservices.
Schneider com
97115135 COBAHOM 11/ 9/ 2021 Catherine Lucy LeArl@cyberservices.
Schneider com
97115138 TECUNITE 11/ 9/ 2021 Catherine Lucy LeArl@cyberservices.
Schneider com
97115148 FASHEWELRY 11/ 9/ 2021 Catherine Lucy LeArl@cyberservices.
Schneider com
97115152 JIARON 11/ 9/ 2021 Catherine Lucy LeArl@cyberservices.
Schneider com

Ex. D - 3
Alleged Attorney's Alleged Attorney's
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date
Name Email Address
97115154 MOTANAR 11/ 9/ 2021 Catherine Lucy LeArl@cyberservices.
Schneider com
97115641 JAWO 11/ 9/ 2021 Mona Hamed HortencKurt@mail .co
97117358 GINGBISS 11/ 10/ 2021 Marcella Lucente AniSo@computer4u .c
97117397 AIRSSORY 11/ 10/ 2021 Marcella Lucente AniSo@computer4u.c
97117419 HAITAO 11/ 10/ 2021 Marcella Lucente AniSo@computer4u .c
97119027 MANDI HOME 11/ 10/ 2021 Marcella Lucente AniSo@computer4u.c
97119071 PACMAXI 11/ 10/ 2021 Christopher T.Lucero MyMollenko@snakeb
97119098 TOBATOBA 11/ 10/ 2021 Christopher T.Lucero MyMollenko@snakeb
97119112 AKOAK 11/ 10/ 2021 Christopher T.Lucero MyMollenko@snakeb
97119130 ANBALA 11/ 10/ 2021 Christopher T.Lucero MyMollenko@snakeb
97119142 SWPEET 11/ 10/ 2021 Christopher T.Lucero MyMollenko@snakeb
97123856 PAGOW 11/ 14/ 2021 Laura Sue John AmariBaillarg@spain
97123859 OII KI 11/ 14/ 2021 Laura Sue John AmariBaillarg@spain
97123861 SUSULU 11/ 14/ 2021 Laura Sue John AmariBaillarg@spain
97123864 SHEGALEN 11/ 14/ 2021 Camille Joy Decamp
97123866 MCUPPER 11/ 14/ 2021 Laura Sue John AmariBaillarg@spain
97123867 YAIKOAI 11/ 14/ 2021 Camille Joy Decamp
97123872 TOPTIM 11/ 14/ 2021 Camille Joy Decamp
97123879 OLYRJIE 11/ 14/ 2021 Camille Joy Decamp
97123882 BEEGIFT 11/ 14/ 2021 Camille Joy Decamp
97123883 SUNCHARM 11/ 14/ 2021 Cara Henley Johnson
97123907 LASENERSM 11/ 14/ 2021 Cara Henley Johnson
97123913 KUKIWHY 11/ 14/ 2021 Cara Henley Johnson
97123918 ART&BEAUTY 11/ 14/ 2021 Cara Henley Johnson
97123925 DI QIU REN 11/ 14/ 2021 Cara Henley Johnson

Ex. D -4
Alleged Attorney's Alleged Attorney's
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date
Name Email Address
97123933 VOGUEKNOCK 11/ 14/ 2021 Carrie Johnson
97123936 ZCMG 11/ 14/ 2021 Carrie Johnson
97124394 CROWN GUIDE 11/ 15/ 2021 Carrie Johnson
97124403 HSWE 11/ 15/ 2021 Carrie Johnson
97124407 GIYOMI 11/ 15/ 2021 Carrie Johnson
97124411 DAUIAFA 11/ 15/ 2021 Casey Johnson
97124415 DORIS&JACKY 11/ 15/ 2021 Casey Johnson
97124421 TANG SONG 11/ 15/ 2021 Casey Johnson
97124438 BRINIE 11/ 15/ 2021 Casey Johnson
97126098 VCOSTORE 11/ 15/ 2021 Cassandra Johnson
97126119 LOVEVIKING 11/ 15/ 2021 Cassandra Johnson
97126145 TANQIANG 11/ 15/ 2021 Cassandra Johnson
97126166 LYDZTION 11/ 15/ 2021 Cassandra Johnson
97126188 KIDDALE 11/ 15/ 2021 Cassandra Johnson
97126213 SHIQIAO SPL 11/ 15/ 2021 Brian J.Johnson
97126237 DAILYMALL 11/ 15/ 2021 Brian J.Johnson
97126252 CASUALFASHION 11/ 15/ 2021 Brian J.Johnson
97126266 TEAMER 11/ 15/ 2021 Brian J.Johnson
97126277 NATUWORLD 11/ 15/ 2021 Brian J.Johnson
97126346 SOLEMEMO 11/ 15/ 2021 Brittany M .Johnson
97142943 HOME KNOBS 11/ 25/ 2021 Brittany M.Johnson
97142949 ZOONAI 11/ 25/ 2021 Brittany M .Johnson
97142956 MTREO 11/ 25/ 2021 Brittany M.Johnson
97143001 HIDOLA 11/ 25/ 2021 Brittany M .Johnson
97143008 A-COOL 11/ 25/ 2021 Nicole Johna
97143010 TOOVREN 11/ 25/ 2021 Nicole Johna RaiHumphrey @mail .c
97143011 SPRINGSAW 11/ 25/ 2021 Nicole Johna
97143013 GOLD XIONG 11/ 25/ 2021 Nicole Johna
97143015 SHUANG DONG 11/ 25/ 2021 Nicole Johna Maryloulkem@mail .c
97143020 PENTA ANGEL 11/ 25/ 2021 Mathew John
97143023 RUSTARK 11/ 25/ 2021 Mathew John

Ex. D - 5
Alleged Attorney's Alleged Attorney's
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date
Name Email Address
97143024 MEI FULY 11/ 25/ 2021 Mathew John
97143028 KEN KIO 11/ 25/ 2021 Mat hew John Hay
97157242 YINSH IFU 12/ 6/ 2021 Daniel S Frankston TopMayorg@workma
97157271 SHINESAND 12/ 6/ 2021 Daniel S Frankston AgneAsbe@koreamai
97157288 NDLBS 12/ 6/ 2021 Daniel S Frankston LeweEuge@swedenm
97199609 YANR 12/ 31/ 2021 Dav id Niegowski rongliaotuodao@l26.
97199775 ABOAT 1/ 1/ 2022 Carly A.Myers j izh uoyun055969@12
97199778 NNHOM 1/ 1/ 2022 Carly A.Myers yijiabeng135319@12
97211845 LYNMALRITY 1/ 10/ 2022 Matthew Weston niut i19710221@126.
97211897 SUNVY 1/ 10/2022 Matthew Weston niuti19710221@126.
97211951 ZHANGWEI 1/ 10/ 2022 Matthew Weston li lie19950127@126.c
97211963 ZY-KL 1/ 11/ 2022 Matthew Weston caiganweng94502@1
97212039 SPARKLILI 1/ 10/ 2022 Benjamin West on bigang612824 62@12
97212054 MSGUIDE 1/ 11/ 2022 Benj amin West on sicheque37298@126.
97212217 MSGU IDE 1/ 11/ 2022 Benjamin West on quw rt69vhpy7479@1
97212224 AUUXVA 1/ 11/ 2022 Benj amin West on dengju01587857@ 12
97212234 URBERRY 1/ 11/ 2022 Matthew Weston niut i19710221@126.
97218572 SCENEREAL 1/ 13/ 2022 Brian Myers rebtj435zkkr5971@1
97218609 SYHOOD 1/ 13/ 2022 Brian Myers lujiaolinchuang@l26.
97286078 AUGARDEN 2/ 26/ 2022 Scott M. Sisun rajaneaapakp@gmail.
97433896 HGTUJHHXBN 5/ 29/ 2022 John D.Likens li lomagadis@discofan
97534159 DTJDBSV MISASSIGNED Chris Mcdona ld JuventinaKemauriavR
97534162 J6USMAUSA M ISASSIGNED Elizabet h Grant Li nfort hlenneyoY@y

Ex. D - 6
Alleged Attorney's Alleged Attorney's
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date
Name Email Address
97534165 UYUUTYTY M ISASSIGNED Gale Black Norst erlylianacH@ya
97534687 TFYYUFOPDKJ MISASSIGNED Tommy Andrews ExtilMoyarl@yahoo.c

Ex. D - 7
Exhibit E
Alleged Signatory's Alleged Signatory's
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date
Name Position
97527327 DCYBU 7/ 30/2022 Aiyana Silva Attorney of record
97527334 FDFBGGB 7/ 30/ 2022 Alicia Beck Attorney of record
97527351 VBHSGB 7/ 30/2022 Andy Tanner Attorney of record
97527357 DRTBBBB 7/ 30/ 2022 Annalee Hurst Attorney of record
97527360 THTHTHGHT 7/ 30/2022 Anne Cleveland Attorney of record
97527363 TRHYRFD 7/ 30/ 2022 Anthony Juarez Attorney of record
97527369 GUHOJIN 7/ 30/2022 Aubrey Park Attorney of record
97527371 YOJISF 7/ 30/ 2022 Averi Klein Attorney of record
97527373 VAINCAZI 7/ 30/2022 Brennen Roman Attorney of record
97527378 WOJ INCAH 7/ 30/ 2022 Brooke Davies Attorney of record
97527379 CFHEJLPZ 7/ 30/2022 Carmen Taylor Attorney of record
97527383 CNU IAJ 7/ 30/ 2022 Chelsea Lee Attorney of record
97527386 CAOLOMON 7/ 30/2022 Daisy Woods Attorney of record
97527389 VENONM IS 7/ 30/ 2022 Dane Herrera Attorney of record
97527391 LOZPOL 7/ 30/2022 Demi Cole Attorney of record
97527392 PONMOLION 7/ 30/ 2022 Elliot Hall Attorney of record
97527397 XHNAIOS 7/ 30/2022 Emmalynn Robbins Attorney of record
97527399 AUQJIXO 7/ 30/ 2022 Fran Dixon Attorney of record
97527401 AKDFYHDS 7/ 30/2022 Fran Osborne Attorney of record
97527405 QISOZJ 7/ 30/ 2022 Georgina Moss Attorney of record
97527408 CBNZMX 7/ 30/2022 Glen Mcdaniel Attorney of record
97527413 SINGERUI 7/ 30/ 2022 Haiden Gray Attorney of record
97527417 DUDUHAHAKO 7/ 30/2022 Harvey Stew art Attorney of record
97527420 HENNIUM 7/ 30/ 2022 Isabel Davis Attorney of record
97527427 DYVBUJSFB 7/ 30/2022 Isabelle Byrne Attorney of record
97527429 SRHFNR 7/ 30/ 2022 Jax Watts Attorney of record
97527434 RYSVD 7/ 30/2022 Jayde Gregory Attorney of record
97527444 SETHRE 7/ 30/ 2022 Jesse Emerson Attorney of record
97527452 PGHN 7/ 30/2022 Kai Atkinson Attorney of record
97527461 DRDFPF 7/ 30/ 2022 Katherine Ow en Attorney of record
97527463 RHGTJT 7/ 30/2022 Kaylynn Gallow ay Attorney of record
97527466 TTHSAFVJ 7/ 30/ 2022 Kendrick Kirk Attorney of record
97527472 WERVKUG 7/ 30/2022 Lucas Porter Attorney of record
97527477 SDTHTTVRH 7/ 30/ 2022 Lucy Francis Attorney of record
97527507 FHDJBMYT 7/ 30/2022 Maisie Reid Attorney of record
97527513 FDYHJBFK 7/ 30/ 2022 Marc Ty ler Attorney of record
97527516 FYGRDJ 7/ 30/2022 Martin Wolfe Attorney of record
97527522 TJBSP 7/ 30/ 2022 Mell Campos Attorney of record
97527316 VSIBFV 7/ 30/2022 Alex Parker Attorney of record
97527325 DSFNFSD 7/ 30/ 2022 Alexander Foster Attorney of record

Ex. E - 1
Alleged Signatory's Alleged Signatory's
Serial No. Literal Element Filing Date
Name Position
97527336 SFBTDFS 7/30/2022 Amelia Harrison Attorney of record
97527349 SBDFBDSDV 7/30/2022 Anders Franks Attorney of record
97527355 YYJUOYS 7/30/2022 Angel Rogers Attorney of record
97527361 UYJBGD 7/30/2022 Annika Dotson Attorney of record
97527364 GHFDHTD 7/30/2022 Ashley Burns Attorney of record
97527370 AINKOOO 7/30/2022 Audriana Franks Attorney of record
97527372 MOMONOBIBU 7/30/2022 Avianna Bowers Attorney of record
97527377 EYXSHICJK 7/30/2022 Brett Love Attorney of record
97527380 UFDJNSPS 7/30/2022 Casey Carr Attorney of record
97527382 YTSHCND 7/30/2022 Chelsea Holmes Attorney of record
97527385 NUSJIZCO 7/30/2022 Cindy Savage Attorney of record
97527388 MOVEN IS 7/30/2022 Dane Leonard Attorney of record
97527393 LILPONO 7/30/2022 Denny Cole Attorney of record
97527396 ANISUODS 7/30/2022 Elsie Richardson Attorney of record
97527400 XIONGJIO 7/30/2022 Esme Cooke Attorney of record
97527402 SADGHDV 7/30/2022 Franky Collins Attorney of record
97527406 HSUAJZN 7/30/2022 Giovanna Blair Attorney of record
97527409 XIONCOIO 7/30/2022 Grace Patel Attorney of record
97527414 QOSINGER 7/30/2022 Grace Richardson Attorney of record
97527416 GU IGUIDHU 7/30/2022 Harrison Hughes Attorney of record
97527421 KAICENKO 7/30/2022 Heath Cash Attorney of record
97527425 DFHBDGF 7/30/2022 Jackie Edwards Attorney of record
97527432 JHVFDSE 7/30/2022 Jasiah Cantu Attorney of record
97527437 SDVDTGSEGR 7/30/2022 Jenson Khan Attorney of record
97527453 WRNYR 7/30/2022 Juniper Dillon Attorney of record
97527462 SFDVBFD 7/30/2022 Karen Thomas Attorney of record
97527464 AWXSZXR 7/30/2022 Kayden Davies Attorney of record
97527467 QVXKJOGF 7/30/2022 Kiley Zamora Attorney of record
97527474 AEXCFVJI 7/30/2022 Libby Robinson Attorney of record
97527508 DTHHJUJV 7/30/2022 Maisie Black Attorney of record
97527515 SYKBB 7/30/2022 Mariam Lowery Attorney of record
97527521 GVDBL 7/30/2022 Maya Morgan Attorney of record

Ex. E - 2
Exhibit F
Serial No. Literal Element Specimen Serial No. Literal Element Specimen
90907527 FACE888 Blanket 97199619 DOG SHOW ER Blanket
97198057 SLAVNA Blanket 97199620 AMM YBE DDING Blanket
97198115 NDZHZEO Blanket s
97198320 DARLICENT Blanket 97199621 VIVIJANE Blanket

97198328 BELGALA Blanket 97199623 FATBON Blanket

97198390 SONGSHENJIAN Blanket 97199625 GTNTECH Blanket

97198480 QW RSM YX Blanket 97200080 JHJDHVBSJ Blanket

SHOW ER 97200083 OIKJNGGS Blanket
97198486 YONGTO Blanket 97200085 QWERIIO Blanket
97198489 OUDDY Blanket 97200088 LJ KDCHCC Blanket
97198494 KORLON Blanket 97200091 CNCHVNDJO Blanket
97198497 HOGARDECK Blanket 97200095 UJSDJSZZ Blanket
97198502 YOUGAI Blanket 97200099 H88HHHDS Blanket
97198508 BTTY Blanket 97200102 LOOAASDX Blanket
97198509 VSFIERA Blanket 97200103 LMOONOUU Blanket
97198513 PUREAQU Blanket 97200107 MMSHXNJK Blanket
97198519 M LM YH Blanket 97200949 RUDJSKSLS Blanket
97198548 HH&WW Blanket 97200965 FUCCCCING Blanket
97198569 HIDECOR Blanket 97200972 COINGUING Blanket
97198576 LFEEY Blanket 97200978 SOCOONOOUO Blanket
97198593 GOLDEN SUN Blanket 97200985 OHBW NHSS Blanket
97198605 DIDIFLY Blanket 97201013 YEUJSSMX Blanket
97198689 VAINBUTRY Blanket 97201021 VMNNZIJ DD Blanket
97198704 JONBANG Blanket 97201031 YESCUSTOM Blanket
97198709 ZERODECO Blanket 97201188 BIGFOOT Blanket
97198764 GOO DSTART Blanket 97213960 PALGLG Blanket
97198778 GENERIC Blanket 97214161 ONETO Blanket
97199575 GRILSE$ Blanket PROMISE
97199583 YEELE Blanket 97222419 DEPOGA Blanket

97199588 UHUSE Blanket 97109187 FAVELO Hair w ig

97199597 TZTEX Blanket 97109247 DODOING Hair w ig

97199601 Z&L HOME Blanket 97109301 VIGOROUS Hair w ig

97199604 W ZFASHION Blanket 97111056 ALENTOO Hair w ig

97199606 TINGRUN Blanket 97111116 KOODER Hair wig

97199607 JOFKAXU Blanket 97111903 ROSSY&NANCY Hair w ig

97199611 FRANDY Blanket 97111907 HALO LADY Hair w ig

97199612 LILI N Blanket 97111910 ZSII BO Hair w ig

97199614 KR.LIF Blanket 97111928 LHFLIVE Hair w ig

97199616 YUIOKL Blanket 97111942 US FASHION Hair w ig

97199617 NU19NN Blanket
97111974 JCM Hair w ig
97199618 CAT SHOWER Blanket

Ex. F - 1
Serial No. Literal Element Specimen Serial No. Literal Element Specimen
97112254 FUT_FOREVER Hair wig 97117022 PENGXIAOMEI Hair wig
97112275 CAREONLINE Hair wig 97117042 NOVELTY PLACE Hair wig
97112329 YAI RYANGTZE Hair wig 97117245 DEVI EGATH Hair wig
97112339 AIM EI BEAUTY Hair wig 97117263 M OTZU Hair wig
97112340 WOBE Hair wig 97117275 MOLLENSIUER Hair wig
97112342 FIRSTLI KE Hair wig 97117285 HACAPHE Hair wig
97112343 GEMILY Hair wig 97117298 ACO-UI NT Hair wig
97112347 ICOS Hair wig 97117313 ELCOHO Hair wig
97112900 LURROSE Hair wig 97117337 BOOBEEN Hair wig
97116857 LIFE DAWN Hair wig 97199779 OWNMY Hair wig
97116884 IPINK Hair wig 97199782 JASSI NS Hair wig
97116896 ZAPIRE Hair wig 97199785 RIVERBYLAND Hair wig
97116914 BRISKAARI Hair wig 97199803 ESOCA Hair wig
97116930 QTGI RL Hair wig 97199804 LEAF&CICI Hair wig
97116942 GANVES Hair wig 97199814 POLLY ONLINE Hair wig
97116955 YHEAKNE Hair wig 97199815 M OHSILY Hair wig
97116967 BARTOSI Hair wig 97199817 AMOSFUN Hair wig
97116990 AAIFFEY Hair wig 97199818 DEOOT Hair wig
97117006 XOCARTIGE Hair wig 97200075 QMSILR Hair wig

Ex. F - 2

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