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P.O. Box 62000, (00200) NAIROBI, TEL: (067) 52711 ext 2125. THIKA
College of Human Resource Development: MTAC, 2024 (Jan-April Sem)

HRD 2401 for (-Total Students 110-HRD 207) hrs of contact 45

1. Discuss the five factors you will considered at the entry to self-employment
(10 Marks)

2. (a). Self-employment is the way. Discuss? (10 Marks)

(b). Explain briefly 10 barriers to self-employment (10 Marks)

3. Discuss how entrepreneurs contribute to the National development (10 Marks)

4. List and explain five factors leading to early deaths of small enterprises in Kenya
today. (10 Marks).

5. Briefly Discuss Five important factors you need to start a well furnished enterprise
of which? (10 Marks).

6. The term entrepreneurial awareness, entrepreneurial motivation are used in

entrepreneurial skill, define and discuss advantages of entrepreneurial motivations to
small businesses. (20 Mark)

7. Define the term Entrepreneurial Awareness, discuss its advantages and

disadvantages to small businesses. (10 Mark)

8. Discuss the dynamics/anatomy of the model mechanisms of technology transfer

diagrammatically. (10 mark)


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