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Journal (03-19-2024)

On the weekend, I prepared all the lessons and materials

that I'll be needing for this day. I got complete instructional
materials, be it a PowerPoint presentation or a traditional IM.
My efforts were put in vain however as I learned that the lessons
I prepared were discussed yesterday. Fortunately, I am ready to
discuss the topic that I'm supposed to discuss tomorrow. The sad
part is, although I was able to discuss the topics smoothly
today, I don't have any instructional material aside from the
board work that I did while discussing the topic. After all, I'm
teaching Mathematics. It is very important to show the process of
solving the problems. As long as we have the mastery of the
lesson, there'll be a smooth delivery.
This day ended with satisfaction since even without IMs, I was
able to cover the topics and the pupils also learned a lot based
on the result of their assessment.

Journal (March 20, 2024)

As I prepared for this day's lessons and activities last
night, my discussions went smoothly. My CT observed me and I am
so happy with her remarks. The topic is about comparing and
ordering fractions. She observed that there's an alignment
between the objectives and the activities. The review part truly
assesses the extent of the pupil's learning of the previous
topic. In the motivation, I prepared 4 rectangles of the same
sizes which are divided into different equal portions. I shaded
one region each then I made the pupils arrange the shapes from
greatest to least depending on the size of the shaded region.
This material is used for the discussion also. As for my
application, I opted to make a fun and engaging Choo Choo Train
wherein each member of the group shared a fraction of their
choice. And then, they arranged themselves from greatest to least
depending on the fraction they gave. After they arranged
themselves, they held shoulders to connect the train. After that,
they roamed around the room while chanting “Train train Choo
The comments I received from my CT were pretty good and
Journal (March 21)
The grade 2 and grade 3 pupils had their Written Output # 2
today. I facilitated in grade 3 while my cooperating teacher
facilitated the WOs in grade 2. My practice teacher and I
encountered a lot of troubles because of the playfulness of the
kids. A lot has happened. In the morning, before we can even
start with the written output, the pupils had an earful fro
their adviser because off their unruly behaviors. My grade 3
students also had an earful from me as their classmate cried
because of bullying. The same thing happened with the second
grade. At lunch, all of them were outside the classroom and are
making a fuss as one of their classmates pooped on his pants. To
avoid him from getting bullied, teacher Hazel made sure to talk
to his classmates on keeping whatever happened inside the room
and if ever something like that happened again, instead of going
outside the room and laugh, they better help the classmate in
need. At dismissal, two of our grade 2 students got reported for
spitting on a 7th grader who’s obviously bigger and older than
they are. In conclusion, despite having a light schedule, we’re

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