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Sally Soprano reflection:

Answer these questions

1. Name two things that you did well and two things you
could do differently to be more effective. Do the same for
your counterpart. Be specific.

Two things I did Well :

1. Prepare the worksheet well before negotiation, prepare the

question list, options, alternatives, etc. For this reason, during
negotiation, I knew exactly what to do
2. I asked their expected salary first, so I knew which
alternatives options I use as an offer to them. Also, I can
easily adjusted it to the budget limit given to me

Two Things I could do differently :

1. I should asked more about their real interest, so I can lowered

the salary budget, because I realized that the salary was not
their main interest. It was the necessity for a comeback to
Opera show and proving that Sally was still a good opera
2. I think I was to soft during the negotiation, I should offered
the lowest salary options first, not the salary option that was
closed to their expected salary.

Two things my counterpart did well :

1. he made the salary offer first, which was good for me

2. he was not too demanding, so the negotiation going well
two things my counterpart could do differently :

1. He should well prepared about his alternatives before

negotiation. The alternative was not only about the salary but
non-monetary things that add benefit to Sally
2. He should asked more about my interest and not just quickly
accepted my salary offering
Were you initially happy with the outcome? Why or why not? After
comparing your results with others, how did you feel about your
outcome? Why?

Yes I was happy, because I managed to reach an agreement in

accordance with Lyric’s interests namely: hiring sally soprano to play
the lead role of Norma, agreeing on a salary that was below the
minimum target value

I felt my outcome was good yet not the best compared to others;
because I made it to the agreed salary of $28.000 which was the
second-lowest salary, while the highest salary was >$45.000.
3. What was your BATNA? Did you think it was stronger or weaker
than the other side’s? Why? How did that impact your actions?

My BATNA are :

1. Put her name and photos for marketing so he can gain

popularity. If everything works well, we will willing to give her
another lead role for the upcoming events
2. Hire Sally Soprano to the next events if shows succeed to reach
the break-even point of the sold tickets.
3. Give Sally Soprano with basic salary $28.000, and if ticket sold
out > 85 %. Sally will receive bonus as much as $100 per 1 % of
increase of ticket sales after reaching 85% ticket sales

Compare to the other side, my BATNA was much better because sally
agent did not prepare any other alternatives but her expected salary. I
offered not only the salary allowance but some benefits that helped
sally regain her career/popularity back.

A well-prepared BATNA helped me a lot during the negotiation

process. It made the negotiation ran smoothly and quick.
4. What price did you settle on? Why was this fair? What additional
criteria would have been helpful to have in this case?

Give Sally Soprano a basic salary of $28.000, and if the ticket sold out
> 85 %. Sally will receive a bonus as much as

$100 per 1 % of the increase in ticket sales after reaching 85% ticket

It is fair since Sally was aging, her performance was not as good as
during her prime career. Apart from the salary, Sally also received
other benefits such as media publicity and an oppurtunity to be a lead
role in the next Lyric Operas show with some terms and conditions
5. What non-monetary interests does each side have? How
did you talk about such interests? What options, other price,
did you explore?
Sally’s Interest :

 Sally Soprano is a popular and highly experienced soprano who

is now somewhat past her apex. She has not had a lead role for
more than one year. She wants to revive her career and gaining
her popularity again
 She need Publicity/marketing media and budget for this opera
 The prestige, popularity of this opera show and numbers of
attendance however will help sally to make a comeback in her
career and proving that her performance stil as good as her

Lyric Operas’s Interest

 Succesful operas show with ticket sales target >85%

 Hire lead role for Norma who is highly experienced and widely
 Keep the salary as low as possible. For Noma role in range 30000
and maximum 45000. Prevent future higher standart salary as an
impact of current salary negotiation.

Yes, we explicitly asked each other what our interests were and any
possible options to make our colloboration successful and stronger.
Our options include several options for price, the publicity/advertising
both Lyric and Sally’s agent could did, and a chance for the future
6. There were some aspects of your instructions that the
counterpart did not know. What were these? Was this
information disclosed? Was there any ethical obligation to do
so? What are the advantages and disadvantages of
disclosing? How could your counterpart have used that
information had they known it to benefit you?

The aspects that my counterpart did not know are :

 The salary range

 Sally Soprano is the best option that Lyric has to play
as the lead role of Norma and if Sally refused to sign
the contract, the Lyric Opera show was likely gone to

These pieces of information were not disclose during the

I think it is necessary to conceal some information which
could weaken our position because when the counterpart find
out the information, they will take advantage of us. Some
informations must be kept confidential to prevent both parties
from negotiating using an unequal position.

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