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Title: My Good Friend Victoria

Topic: Fostering Friendship and Unity

Main Idea: Spending time with a good friend makes me a better person

Supporting detail #1: Victoria gave me a good sample of Performance Task

#3 in Filipino.
Supporting detail #2: Victoria comforted me and gave me confidence to
perform in Music.
Supporting detail #3: Victoria let us borrow her phone to search for music
for our PE subject.

My Good Friend Victoria

By Kai Krystle I. Guevara

Spending time with a good friend makes me a better person. Victoria

is one of my classmates who really helps me with my student life as a new
transferee in St. Paul College Pasig. I remember in the Filipino subject I
was struggling to do Performance Task #3 because I didn’t have any ideas
for it. Victoria gave me a good sample of Performance Task #3. Then, I
thanked her and so I did the Performance Task #3 with ease.

In Music subject, I was worrying so much because I did not have the
time to practice the flute because I was busy, but Victoria was very
generous to offer me her help in practicing it. She comforted me and gave
me confidence. Despite the low grade I got, it did not make me sad but
rather a happy feeling that I could handle an unpleasant situation as long
as I have someone who would cheer me up.

In PE, it was a bit challenging that Victoria and I were not in the same
group. My group and I struggled for the PE dance but Victoria once again
came to my rescue to help the entire group. She let us borrow her phone
because we didn’t have any music, and so our group was able to practice
using the music from Victoria’s phone. To me, Victoria is a good friend
because she makes me a better person.

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