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Challenges In Literature Review

Crafting a literature review is an intricate and demanding task that forms the backbone of scholarly
research. It requires a deep dive into existing research to critically analyze and synthesize vast
amounts of information, making it a daunting process for many. The challenges in writing a literature
review are multifaceted, ranging from identifying relevant literature to maintaining objectivity in the
synthesis of findings.

One of the primary hurdles is the sheer volume of literature that needs to be sifted through.
Researchers must navigate through countless studies, articles, and other scholarly works, which can
be overwhelming, especially for those new to the field. This extensive exploration is crucial to ensure
that the review covers all necessary ground and accurately represents the current state of research.

Another significant challenge is the critical analysis and synthesis of the gathered information. It is
not enough to simply summarize the existing literature; a literature review must offer a coherent
synthesis that highlights relationships, demonstrates gaps in the current research, and proposes new
avenues for investigation. Achieving this level of analysis requires advanced critical thinking and
analytical skills.

Additionally, maintaining a balanced perspective and objectivity is essential. Researchers must

navigate their biases and ensure that their review does not disproportionately represent one
perspective over others. This balance is critical to providing a comprehensive overview of the subject

Given these challenges, it is understandable that many may seek assistance in crafting their literature
review. For those looking for support, ⇒ ⇔ offers a solution. This platform provides
expert help in writing literature reviews, ensuring that your research is grounded in a comprehensive,
critically analyzed, and well-synthesized review of existing literature. By turning to ⇒
⇔, researchers can overcome the obstacles of writing a literature review and advance their scholarly
work with confidence.
The key objective of the study is to fully explore the prospective challenges principals are
encountering in public schools in times of COVID-19. In addition to the common purposes, most of
the literature reviews having some issues, and they are seeking to identify the questions to be
answered. Each approach has to demonstrate its consistency to its foundations and will reflect them
in data collection, analysis, and knowledge claim. An easier way is just to drop us a message on our
Live ChatBox on the bottom right of the page. Possible solution: The first and the most obvious one
is to start using the Google Scholar search. Researcher can try to refine and make it more focused
later. Another example is the review by Wolf et al. (2020), who review the literature on the roles and
identities of management accountants and conclude that this research strand has not yet made
sufficient use of the “identity concept” (p. 312). A literature review may find that a certain strand of
the literature is incommensurate in that it has not only overlooked certain perspectives or theories (as
in the “inadequate” category above) but also made claims that are just wrong. According to the
editors and reviewers, several important and well-cited articles were missing from this sample owing
to the restrictions of my keyword search. Such a scholar can be expected to have read the vast
majority of the research items included in a review sample. To have even better results don’t wait till
you need to write a literature review and sign up for several relevant scientific newsletters. We
discovered these research items by running a keyword-based search in several electronic databases
such as EBSCO and Google Scholar, as well as extensive snowballing, as indicated above. Some
default research instruments may not work, so searching for trends is a great option. Each approach
has to demonstrate its consistency to its foundations and will reflect them in data collection, analysis,
and knowledge claim. For instance, such fresh insights might stem from identifying some form of
inadequacy or even incommensurability in the current state of the field, as detailed in Section 2. This
chapter provides an overview to help prepare you for this process. Ideally, your literature review
should be built on a strong base of journal articles, ideally from well-recognised, peer-reviewed
journals with a high H index. Use this list as your personal literature review writing help, as it will
assist you in avoiding significant pitfalls related to this part of the research and writing process. For
instance, in the first two versions of a recently published review paper I co-authored ( Ndemewah
and Hiebl, 2022 ), we tried to convince the reviewers that we followed evidence-based thinking in
the paper and would, thus, rather not use a predefined theoretical lens to analyze our review sample.
Hence, for the domain we covered, the argument put forward by more critically oriented accounting
scholars that many mainstream accounting scholars tend to ignore qualitative and critical research (
Ahrens et al., 2008 ) was flipped on its head. Of course, you don’t want to burn precious word count
providing an in-depth history lesson regarding the evolution of the topic (unless that’s one of your
research aims, of course), but you should at least acknowledge any key differences between the old
and the new. A thesis statement within a literary review should present the theme, debate, or trend
that makes up the topic of the literary review. Only when we changed this argument and identified
two opposing theoretical positions as being dominant in our review sample and letting these guide
the analysis of our results were the reviewers more convinced and recommended minor revisions or
acceptance right away. Print Friendly Literature Reviews Getting started What is a literature review.
Contact us and get assistance it cheaper rates than ever. Therefore, it acquires significance by the very
fact that it provides brief, but nevertheless, important information on the research topic that allows
the reader to decide if the topic is relevant, researchable, and a remarkable issue that can help the
researcher to determine the manner of conducting the study. This problem may be rooted in the
initially chosen topic for review or the research question(s), which may simply be too broad to be
answered by the literature review, especially if the authors want to publish it as a standalone paper,
and thus, need to comply with typical page length restrictions for journal articles. It should, ideally,
compare and contrast the “classics” with the more up to date research, and briefly comment on the
evolution. Once a list of articles is generated from the keyword and subject heading search, the
researcher must then manually browse through each title and abstract, to determine the suitability of
that article before a full-text article is obtained for the research question. You can also draw on books
written by well-established subject matter experts. Many of these classifications include choices on
the kind of topic addressed in a literature review and the scholarly advantages to be gained.
However, this paper is based on personal experience that usually does not end up being published in
academic journals rather than being built on a systematic review of prior reviews. Literature sources
may also be grouped based on similar arguments or conclusions. Therefore, review articles may
challenge the dominant assumptions in the field and ignite further debate and research ( Alvesson
and Karreman, 2007 ). These authors review gender in accounting research and identify “two
persistent pitfalls” (p. 385) in this literature, and thus, portray large parts of it as inadequate. So, as
you develop your catalogue of literature, remember to incorporate both the classics and the more up
to date research. Aims to identify nature and extent of research; preliminary assessment of size and
scope of available research on topic. Tips For Writing Your First Scientific write
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literature process scientific Research Literature Review Sample By Lit Review Samples - Issuu literature review research sample lit samples slideshare. These reviews all critically analyze
how a certain method theory has been applied in and has contributed to the development of
accounting research. Definitely, the purpose of each research is to expose the truth, so the history of
the literature review is not novel in the research. They contrast a domain theory with a method
theory, the latter being defined as “a meta-level conceptual system, or theoretical lens, which
originates from another field such as organization studies or sociology” ( Lukka and Vinnari, 2014,
p. 1312) and is more related to the second use case of a literature review sketched above.
Sometimes, students hesitate whether to trust authors or not. It will fight against extra irritating
factor and work faster. The recent review paper by Repenning et al. (2022) illustrates this sort of
contribution. Moreover, you can search for some verifiable gaps through literature review, or based
on your personal or professional experience and expert opinion, which should be studied. However,
for less mature and more emerging phenomena, theoretical explanations may be unavailable. Well, to
ensure you stay on-topic and focus, you need to revisit your research aims, objectives and research
questions. It is the endless possibilities to learn more about people that qualitative researchers
resonate to. A good research requires a good research question as well because it allows us to identify
what we really want to know. In other words, they start writing before they’ve finished digesting the
literature. In line with the incommensurate category proposed by Locke and Golden-Biddle (1997),
Modell (2022b) also suggests ways in which these shortcomings in institutional research on
management accounting can be rectified. However, less experienced researchers need not necessarily
shy away from use cases (ii) and (iii). A strong literature review is a balanced one, with a mix of
different perspectives and findings that give the reader a clear view of the current state of
knowledge. Article types Author guidelines Editor guidelines Publishing fees Submission checklist
Contact editorial office Submit your research Search Download article. Additionally, concerns over
the psycho-physiological health of schools’ stakeholders, especially young students ( United Nations,
2020a ), have grown as lingering inconspicuous COVID-19-related consequences can wreak havoc
for long. To discuss these choices and challenges in reviews of qualitative accounting research, I
draw on related advice from other disciplines and my own experience. Here literature meaning is the
sources or all the available materials which have been written and published by the researchers, or
writers regarding any particular area or subject matter. A literature review is a survey of materials
created to present an overview of literature published on an issue, theory, topic or area of research.
Even Though, to write a literature review on anything, like academic, law, policy or other
accomplishments of life have continued a Phenomenal task for the fact that unlike other writing for
other purposes, literature review requires systematic and systematised idea, procedure, organisation
and carrying into practice to rational and impartial conclusion. It has also been the key to all
academic research works, publications, thesis, dissertation and others. Despite such discretion, a
general quality criterion of literature reviews remains in place: that all methodological choices are
well explained and justified and do not contradict the review’s central objectives and research
question(s) ( Hiebl, 2021 ).
These problems are particularly common for novices. In order to conduct the SLR study, the adopted
steps are graphically shown in Figure 1 and conversed in the following sections. Our team consists of
the best experts with tremendous academic writing experience. Winner of the Standing Ovation
Award for “Best PowerPoint Templates” from Presentations Magazine. Just like the three potential
advantages of literature reviews, these three use cases are summarized in Figure 1. It is a welcoming
place for research, study, and reading. A good research requires a good research question as well
because it allows us to identify what we really want to know. Alternatively, another route of action
would be to submit such review articles to (accounting) journals that do not (yet) enjoy comparably
high esteem in the field and high rankings. It should, ideally, compare and contrast the “classics”
with the more up to date research, and briefly comment on the evolution. Only by working together
can we build and maintain a strong system of rigorous, evidence-informed decision-making in
conservation and environmental management. It concerns many that without student vaccinations,
increases in student transmission are likely within schools, possibly contributing to COVID-19
resurgences in the community ( Gurdasani et al., 2021 ). Any negligence or carelessness during this
unpredictable pandemic will be paid with the student’s own life. To provide such a critical analysis,
the researcher usually needs to have a very good understanding of the current state of this theory, not
just within accounting research, but ideally across all relevant fields to compare the application of a
method theory in accounting research with the more general state-of-the-art on this theory. Also, the
first draft should not be considered the final or near-final version. Then, even if you come across
great books on other topics, make sure you only get articles and books in those fields. A focused
literature review generally will describe the implications of choosing a particular element of past
research, such as methodology in terms of data collection, analysis and interpretation. Don’t worry
about getting the outline perfect before writing. Still, keyword searches and sufficient snowballing
techniques may help identify further relevant research items published in nonaccounting journals that
may enrich the literature review and domain with new insights (cf. The most significant difference
between traditional and systematic reviews could be that systematic reviews follow a clear review
protocol that defines the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the research items to be included in the
review and transparently report how the literature was searched and selected. Our products include
academic papers of varying complexity and other personalized services, along with research materials
for assistance purposes only. Adopting a 'critical friend' role in supporting would-be systematic
reviews and avoiding individual responses to police use of the 'systematic review' label, we go on to
identify methodological solutions to mitigate these pitfalls. Therefore, flexibility is actually the most
important credibility criterion in all qualitative researches that should be considered when a study is
designed and the study process is followed. It’s seldom the case that everyone agrees on everything
because the “truth” is typically very nuanced and intricate in reality. These problems are particularly
common for novices. Probably the most challenging issue I have encountered when crafting literature
reviews that heavily lean on qualitative accounting research has been the question of a literature
review’s contribution. However, a strong literature review should also incorporate the current
literature. We have helped thousands of students earn top grades, make yourself one of them. Above
all, we want to be entertained, and our attention spans are far from perfect. Sometimes also referred
to as a traditional literature review. I am final year student and will be commencing my dissertation
work soon. Of course, not all review articles need to focus on mainstream versus minority research.
Another reason that students land up with a poor structure is that they start writing their literature
chapter prematurely. So, for getting the big population of published data and most potential
information, we give priority to these seven well known digital libraries. By contrast, as illustrated by
Hoon and Baluch (2020), the second route for creating a contribution from a literature review lies in
the identification of similar theoretical thinking within a domain, even if the important parts of that
strand of the literature would not have identified or exploited such similarities before. While outlines
are not strictly required, being in the habit of completing an outline before beginning any project also
promotes good writing habits, and improves technical skill. These types of content have their place,
especially when setting the context for your study. She further notes that they can all be organized
on a spectrum from more traditional literature reviews to more systematic reviews ( Dixon-Woods,
2011 ). The situation is even worse in school communities that are impoverished or with frequent
armed conflicts, civil wars, or even ethnic divisions. Just completing a draft outline can work
wonders in organizing the thought processes that drive the Literary Review. However, this paper is
based on personal experience that usually does not end up being published in academic journals
rather than being built on a systematic review of prior reviews. Keeping the review sample
manageable in this way may also be achieved by limiting potentially relevant research items
according to their publication date. Why qualitative research in the health professions. This lack of
attention makes you lose some details, which are necessary for writing a successful literary review.
Even Though, to write a literature review on anything, like academic, law, policy or other
accomplishments of life have continued a Phenomenal task for the fact that unlike other writing for
other purposes, literature review requires systematic and systematised idea, procedure, organisation
and carrying into practice to rational and impartial conclusion. If not enough, add some triggers, for
example, turn on music to make your brain more active. The expansion of the review sample was
mostly due to relaxing my search terms and making more extensive use of snowballing. The essence
and type of the research question or problem, the researcher's epistemological stance, capabilities,
knowledge, skills and training, and the resources available for the research project are the criteria
upon which the adopting methodology and procedures depend. Subsequent arrangements would be
on the proper methods of data collection, and choosing the participants and the research setting
according to the methodology and the research question. Thus, such reviews tend to carry a more
critical stance when analyzing the literature. It is by this means, that a researcher demonstrates
familiarity with a body of knowledge and thereby establishes credibility with a reader. While this list
can be narrowed further, one clear problem may be that the sample of relevant research items is too
large to be covered in a single literature review. If you’re interested in private coaching, book an
initial consultation with a friendly coach to discuss how we can move you forward. Also, while
creating a literature review outline template may take time, it will save much more time later. His
main research interests focus on improving the transparency, efficiency and reliability of evidence
synthesis as a methodology and supporting evidence synthesis in resource constrained contexts.
Otherwise, it could have very well been termed as a literature report. These pieces are not viewed as
methodological literature reviews here, as they do not disclose any details of a formal or systematic
review of the prior literature as the basis for their methodological advice. An adequate and explicit
research question, or a set of interrelated questions, builds the basis for a good research. Your
contribution is to organize the concepts from the sources into a coherent argument or narrative that
incorporates your views. This figure does not intend to provide a step-by-step guide of how to
perform a literature review of qualitative accounting research. I mention this “well-read scholar”
aphorism to pinpoint that to create an original contribution with a review article, the author must
tease out something that cannot be read from all the individual research items but that only emerges
from a thorough cross-reading and analysis of the entire review sample. A good literature review lays
the foundation for the importance of your stated problem and research question.
This includes a broad collection of non-academic sources like blog posts, opinion pieces, publications
by advocacy groups and daily news articles. Literature Review Outline
literature review paper example sample write template research outline tips nice slideshare 50 Smart
Literature Review Templates (APA). It is by this means, that a researcher demonstrates familiarity
with a body of knowledge and thereby establishes credibility with a reader. More discussion and
debates are necessary before selecting and justifying an approach. In turbulent times of pandemic,
school leaders are forced to think fast, act fast, and fear less ( Leithwood et al., 2020; Netolicky,
2020 ). The content of a good qualitative research question takes the form of a declarative rather
than an interrogative statement Also, the content provides a brief focus on the issue to be
investigated, but does not define the exact relationship of the variables to make these relationships
flexible in emanating from the study according to the qualitative research theory. U
HALLENGES It is important to provide an honest and concise appreciation of the essential
characteristics of the qualitative research before discussing the challenges of the interpretive research
approach to studies in health. Although the topic may retain your interest and you may be
committed to undertake such a study, it is important to recognize that some topics of personal
relevance may also be deeply significant and difficult to research. Reviews, critiques, and synthesizes
representative literature on a topic in an integrated way. The three main components you’ll need to
complete before beginning your outline are the Theme, Thesis, and Source Material. Why conduct a
literature review, stages of a literature review, lit reviews: an overview (video), check out these
books. This problem may be rooted in the initially chosen topic for review or the research question(s),
which may simply be too broad to be answered by the literature review, especially if the authors
want to publish it as a standalone paper, and thus, need to comply with typical page length
restrictions for journal articles. Total 26 articles from Scopus, four from WoS journals, and 11 from
peer review international journals were selected ( Supplementary Data Sheet 1 ). Together with the
three potential advantages of literature reviews, the right-hand box of Figure 1 includes the two
main publication forms of reviews. Qualitative research focuses on the people's social world, and not
their disease. Another potential benefit of this theory-led approach is that an alternative theory may
be suggested, and the current state of the field may be portrayed as inadequate or even
incommensurate, as detailed in Section 2. The COVID-19 pandemic has been pushing back years of
progress on gender equality ( Fisher and Ryan, 2021 ). It is worth knowing that some of the details
of a qualitative research project cannot be ascertained in advance and may be specified as they arise
during the research process. Build your foundation on credible academic literature to ensure that
your study stands on the proverbial shoulders of giants. Furthermore, this section shifts the emphasis
from broad perspectives to a single aspect of the investigation. Sometimes there is an inconsistency
between research question, research methodology, and basic philosophical assumptions, and the
researchers fail to justify their methods of choice in line with the research question and the
ontological and epidemiological assumptions. It is one of the difficult processes for selecting related
work that is matched with our work. Introduction The theoretical field as a major and an essential
component is also undergoing systematic changes, development and improvement with investigates,
writings, and publications in professional, academic and scientific ways. Empirical literature reviews
present their summaries in quantifiable terms using descriptive and inferential statistics. Social Posts
Create on-brand social posts and Articles in minutes. The goal of the conceptual literature review is
to categorize and describe concepts relevant to your study or topic and outline a relationship
between them. If you have any questions about these literature review mistakes, leave a comment
below and we’ll do our best to answer. All the materials from our website should be used with
proper references. Critical challenges of leadership are substantial to be considered by school
administration, policy makers, and future research.
Data is combined and re-analyzed, providing a greater statistical power than any single study alone.
The main reason is that most of the time the students end up writing a literature review that is just a
summary. In some of the review articles I have submitted to accounting journals, the reviewers
voiced skepticism about why we included articles published in nonaccounting journals in our review
sample. You Might Also Like: Dear GradCoach, Thank you for making our uni student lives better.
These choices guide the later process of crafting a review of qualitative accounting research, which is
detailed in Section 3. His main research interests focus on improving the transparency, efficiency and
reliability of evidence synthesis as a methodology and supporting evidence synthesis in resource
constrained contexts. Despite potentially resting on an incomplete review sample, I still managed to
tease out novel contributions. Both content and methodological material is included. In addition, I
offered ideas for reducing overly long lists of potentially relevant research items to a manageable
review sample. Of course, just because a piece of content takes the form of a blog post doesn’t
automatically mean it is low-quality. We could, thus, tease out that the dominant epistemological
position in that domain was not positivist as in “mainstream accounting research” ( Chua, 1986;
Hopwood, 2008; Merchant, 2010 ) but rather critical ( Ndemewah and Hiebl, 2022 ). It is better to
refer to sources whose authors have the most significant scientific authority in this field. Qualitative
researchers have a natural curiosity that leads them to study worlds that interest them and that they
otherwise might not have access to. According to Foss (2017): the review of literature is structured
to familiarize the readers to find the keys from various studies. The majority of health researchers
face many loopholes in justification. Note: This article gives the views of the authors, and not the
position of the LSE Impact Blog, nor of the London School of Economics. I will advice my
colleague students more especially first time thesis writers to make good use of this course. They
often require “playing around” with theories and the construction of the review sample as well as
discussing the potential contributions of a literature review at conferences and through other
avenues. I am final year student and will be commencing my dissertation work soon. Even Though,
to write a literature review on anything, like academic, law, policy or other accomplishments of life
have continued a Phenomenal task for the fact that unlike other writing for other purposes, literature
review requires systematic and systematised idea, procedure, organisation and carrying into practice
to rational and impartial conclusion. However, your core arguments and theoretical foundations
shouldn’t rely on these. It concerns many that without student vaccinations, increases in student
transmission are likely within schools, possibly contributing to COVID-19 resurgences in the
community ( Gurdasani et al., 2021 ). Any negligence or carelessness during this unpredictable
pandemic will be paid with the student’s own life. This is the same criterion adopted in other studies,
such as Shafiq et al. (2020) and Akbar et al. (2020). Based on this criterion, the following
challenging factors were identified as critical and discussed. Similar to business and management
research, where advice on conducting impactful literature reviews has long been scarce ( Breslin et
al., 2021; Kraus et al., 2020; Kunisch et al., 2018, 2023 ), advice resting on more systematic analyses
of past practices of reviewing the accounting literature may be needed for accounting research, too.
The identification of these leadership challenges helps fill the existing gaps in school leadership
knowledge in the context of COVID-19. It’s explained in simple, plain grammar and you will greatly
appreciate it. Thanks. A lot. This was excellent. I really enjoyed it. Report bugs here All feedback is
valuable Please share your general feedback Join us on our journey Platform update page. Literature
Review Outline literature review paper example sample write template research
outline tips nice slideshare 50 Smart Literature Review Templates (APA). Hence, going forward, I
hope that the small number of editors and reviewers at accounting journals that believe in the
usefulness of disciplinary borders and only include articles published in accounting journals in
accounting-focused review papers will eventually lift these restrictions. Then crucial decisions need
to be made about an appropriate methodology.

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