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Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations

Based on a Novel Tagging Scheme

Suncong Zheng, Feng Wang, Hongyun Bao, Yuexing Hao,Peng Zhou, Bo Xu

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100190, Beijing, P.R. China
{suncong.zheng,,hongyun.bao, haoyuexing2014, peng.zhou,xubo}

The [United States]E-loc President [Trump]E-per will visit the [Apple Inc]E-Org .
Joint extraction of entities and relations is
Extracted Results
an important task in information extrac-
arXiv:1706.05075v1 [cs.CL] 7 Jun 2017

{United States, Country-President, Trump}

tion. To tackle this problem, we firstly
propose a novel tagging scheme that can
convert the joint extraction task to a tag- Figure 1: A standard example sentence for the
ging problem. Then, based on our tag- task. “Country-President” is a relation in the pre-
ging scheme, we study different end-to- defined relation set.
end models to extract entities and their re-
lations directly, without identifying enti-
ties and relations separately. We conduct and each subtask is an independent model. The
experiments on a public dataset produced results of entity recognition may affect the perfor-
by distant supervision method and the ex- mance of relation classification and lead to erro-
perimental results show that the tagging neous delivery (Li and Ji, 2014).
based methods are better than most of the Different from the pipelined methods, joint
existing pipelined and joint learning meth- learning framework is to extract entities together
ods. What’s more, the end-to-end model with relations using a single model. It can effec-
proposed in this paper, achieves the best tively integrate the information of entities and re-
results on the public dataset. lations, and it has been shown to achieve better
results in this task. However, most existing joint
1 Introduction
methods are feature-based structured systems (Li
Joint extraction of entities and relations is to de- and Ji, 2014; Miwa and Sasaki, 2014; Yu and Lam,
tect entity mentions and recognize their semantic 2010; Ren et al., 2017). They need complicated
relations simultaneously from unstructured text, as feature engineering and heavily rely on the other
Figure 1 shows. Different from open information NLP toolkits, which might also lead to error prop-
extraction (Open IE) (Banko et al., 2007) whose agation. In order to reduce the manual work in fea-
relation words are extracted from the given sen- ture extraction, recently, (Miwa and Bansal, 2016)
tence, in this task, relation words are extracted presents a neural network-based method for the
from a predefined relation set which may not ap- end-to-end entities and relations extraction. Al-
pear in the given sentence. It is an important issue though the joint models can represent both entities
in knowledge extraction and automatic construc- and relations with shared parameters in a single
tion of knowledge base. model, they also extract the entities and relations
Traditional methods handle this task in a separately and produce redundant information.
pipelined manner, i.e., extracting the entities For instance, the sentence in Figure 1 contains
(Nadeau and Sekine, 2007) first and then recog- three entities: “United States”, “Trump” and “Ap-
nizing their relations (Rink, 2010). This separated ple Inc”. But only “United States” and “Trump”
framework makes the task easy to deal with, and hold a fix relation “Country-President”. Entity
each component can be more flexible. But it ne- “Apple Inc” has no obvious relationship with the
glects the relevance between these two sub-tasks other entities in this sentence. Hence, the extracted
result from this sentence is {United Statese1 , end model with biased loss function to suit for the
Country-Presidentr , Trumpe2 }, which called novel tags. It can enhance the association between
triplet here. related entities.
In this paper, we focus on the extraction of
triplets that are composed of two entities and one 2 Related Works
relation between these two entities. Therefore, we
can model the triplets directly, rather than extract- Entities and relations extraction is an important
ing the entities and relations separately. Based on step to construct a knowledge base, which can be
the motivations, we propose a tagging scheme ac- benefit for many NLP tasks. Two main frame-
companied with the end-to-end model to settle this works have been widely used to solve the problem
problem. We design a kind of novel tags which of extracting entity and their relationships. One
contain the information of entities and the rela- is the pipelined method and the other is the joint
tionships they hold. Based on this tagging scheme, learning method.
the joint extraction of entities and relations can be The pipelined method treats this task as two sep-
transformed into a tagging problem. In this way, arated tasks, i.e., named entity recognition (NER)
we can also easily use neural networks to model (Nadeau and Sekine, 2007) and relation classifica-
the task without complicated feature engineering. tion (RC) (Rink, 2010). Classical NER models are
Recently, end-to-end models based on LSTM linear statistical models, such as Hidden Markov
(Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) have been Models (HMM) and Conditional Random Fields
successfully applied to various tagging tasks: (CRF) (Passos et al., 2014; Luo et al., 2015). Re-
Named Entity Recognition (Lample et al., 2016), cently, several neural network architectures (Chiu
CCG Supertagging (Vaswani et al., 2016), Chunk- and Nichols, 2015; Huang et al., 2015; Lample
ing (Zhai et al., 2017) et al. LSTM is capable et al., 2016) have been successfully applied to
of learning long-term dependencies, which is ben- NER, which is regarded as a sequential token tag-
eficial to sequence modeling tasks. Therefore, ging task. Existing methods for relation classifica-
based on our tagging scheme, we investigate dif- tion can also be divided into handcrafted feature
ferent kinds of LSTM-based end-to-end models to based methods (Rink, 2010; Kambhatla, 2004)
jointly extract the entities and relations. We also and neural network based methods (Xu, 2015a;
modify the decoding method by adding a biased Zheng et al., 2016; Zeng, 2014; Xu, 2015b; dos
loss to make it more suitable for our special tags. Santos, 2015).
The method we proposed is a supervised learn- While joint models extract entities and relations
ing algorithm. In reality, however, the process using a single model. Most of the joint methods
of manually labeling a training set with a large are feature-based structured systems (Ren et al.,
number of entity and relation is too expensive and 2017; Yang and Cardie, 2013; Singh et al., 2013;
error-prone. Therefore, we conduct experiments Miwa and Sasaki, 2014; Li and Ji, 2014). Re-
on a public dataset1 which is produced by distant cently, (Miwa and Bansal, 2016) uses a LSTM-
supervision method (Ren et al., 2017) to validate based model to extract entities and relations,
our approach. The experimental results show that which can reduce the manual work.
our tagging scheme is effective in this task. In ad- Different from the above methods, the method
dition, our end-to-end model can achieve the best proposed in this paper is based on a special tag-
results on the public dataset. ging manner, so that we can easily use end-to-
The major contributions of this paper are: (1) A end model to extract results without NER and RC.
novel tagging scheme is proposed to jointly extract end-to-end method is to map the input sentence
entities and relations, which can easily transform into meaningful vectors and then back to produce
the extraction problem into a tagging task. (2) a sequence. It is widely used in machine transla-
Based on our tagging scheme, we study different tion (Kalchbrenner and Blunsom, 2013; Sutskever
kinds of end-to-end models to settle the problem. et al., 2014) and sequence tagging tasks (Lample
The tagging-based methods are better than most et al., 2016; Vaswani et al., 2016). Most meth-
of the existing pipelined and joint learning meth- ods apply bidirectional LSTM to encode the input
ods. (3) Furthermore, we also develop an end-to- sentences, but the decoding methods are always
different. For examples, (Lample et al., 2016) use
1 a CRF layers to decode the tag sequence, while
(Vaswani et al., 2016; Katiyar and Cardie, 2016) 3.2 From Tag Sequence To Extracted Results
apply LSTM layer to produce the tag sequence.
From the tag sequence in Figure 2, we know that
“ Trump” and “United States” share the same re-
3 Method lation type “Country-President”, “Apple Inc” and
“Steven Paul Jobs” share the same relation type
We propose a novel tagging scheme and an end-to- “Company-Founder”. We combine entities with
end model with biased objective function to jointly the same relation type into a triplet to get the final
extract entities and their relations. In this section, result. Accordingly, “ Trump” and “United States”
we firstly introduce how to change the extraction can be combined into a triplet whose relation
problem to a tagging problem based on our tag- type is “Country-President”. Because, the rela-
ging method. Then we detail the model we used tion role of “ Trump” is “2” and “United States” is
to extract results. “1”, the final result is {United States, Country-
President, Trump}. The same applies to {Apple
3.1 The Tagging Scheme Inc, Company-Founder, Steven Paul Jobs}.
Figure 2 is an example of how the results are Besides, if a sentence contains two or more
tagged. Each word is assigned a label that con- triplets with the same relation type, we com-
tributes to extract the results. Tag “O” represents bine every two entities into a triplet based on
the “Other” tag, which means that the correspond- the nearest principle. For example, if the re-
ing word is independent of the extracted results. lation type “Country-President” in Figure 2 is
In addition to “O”, the other tags consist of three “Company-Founder”, then there will be four en-
parts: the word position in the entity, the relation tities in the given sentence with the same rela-
type, and the relation role. We use the “BIES” tion type. “United States” is closest to entity “
(Begin, Inside, End,Single) signs to represent the Trump” and the “Apple Inc” is closest to “Jobs”,
position information of a word in the entity. The so the results will be {United States, Company-
relation type information is obtained from a pre- Founder, Trump} and {Apple Inc, Company-
defined set of relations and the relation role in- Founder, Steven Paul Jobs}.
formation is represented by the numbers “1” and In this paper, we only consider the situation
“2”. An extracted result is represented by a triplet: where an entity belongs to a triplet, and we leave
(Entity1 , RelationT ype, Entity2 ). “1” means identification of overlapping relations for future
that the word belongs to the first entity in the work.
triplet, while “2” belongs to second entity that be-
hind the relation type. Thus, the total number of 3.3 The End-to-end Model
tags is Nt = 2 ∗ 4 ∗ |R| + 1, where |R| is the size In recent years, end-to-end model based on neu-
of the predefined relation set. ral network is been widely used in sequence tag-
Figure 2 is an example illustrating our tag- ging task. In this paper, we investigate an end-to-
ging method. The input sentence contains two end model to produce the tags sequence as Figure
triplets: {United States, Country-President, 3 shows. It contains a bi-directional Long Short
Trump} and {Apple Inc, Company-Founder, Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) layer to encode the in-
Steven Paul Jobs}, where “Country-President” put sentence and a LSTM-based decoding layer
and “Company-Founder” are the predefined re- with biased loss. The biased loss can enhance the
lation types. The words “United”,“States”,“ relevance of entity tags.
Trump”,“Apple”,“Inc” ,“Steven”, “Paul” and The Bi-LSTM Encoding Layer. In sequence tag-
“Jobs” are all related to the final extracted results. ging problems, the Bi-LSTM encoding layer has
Thus they are tagged based on our special tags. been shown the effectiveness to capture the se-
For example, the word of “United” is the first word mantic information of each word. It contains for-
of entity “United States” and is related to the rela- ward lstm layer, backward lstm layer and the con-
tion “Country-President”, so its tag is “B-CP-1”. catenate layer. The word embedding layer con-
The other entity “ Trump”, which is correspond- verts the word with 1-hot representation to an em-
ing to “United States”, is labeled as “S-CP-2”. Be- bedding vector. Hence, a sequence of words can
sides, the other words irrelevant to the final result be represented as W = {w1 , ...wt , wt+1 ...wn },
are labeled as “O”. where wt ∈ Rd is the d-dimensional word vector
Input Sentence: The United States President Trump will visit the Apple Inc founded by Steven Paul Jobs

Tags: O B-CP-1 E-CP-1 O S-CP-2 O O O B-CF-1 E-CF-1 O O B-CF-2 I-CF-2 E-CF-2

Final Results: {United States, Country-President, Trump} {Apple Inc, Company-Founder, Steven Paul Jobs}

Figure 2: Gold standard annotation for an example sentence based on our tagging scheme, where “CP”
is short for “Country-President” and “CF” is short for “Company-Founder”.

Output O B-CP-1 E-CP-1 O S-CP-2 ct-1 X + ct

Softmax X
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
σ σ tanh σ X
Layer LSTMd LSTMd LSTMd LSTMd LSTMd ht-1 ht

Wt (b) Bi-LSTM Block

h1 h2 h3 h4 h5
Layer 2
ct-1 X + ct2
tanh Tt
Embedding Tt-1
Layer W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 σ σ tanh σ X
Input 2 2
The United States president Trump ... ht-1
(a) The End-to-End Model ht (c) LSTMd Block

Figure 3: An illustration of our model. (a): The architecture of the end-to-end model, (b): The LSTM
memory block in Bi-LSTM encoding layer, (c): The LSTM memory block in LSTMd decoding layer.

corresponding to the t-th word in the sentence and where i, f and o are the input gate, forget gate
n is the length of the given sentence. After word and output gate respectively, b is the bias term, c
embedding layer, there are two parallel LSTM lay- is the cell memory, and W(.) are the parameters.
ers: forward LSTM layer and backward LSTM For each word wt , the forward LSTM layer will
layer. The LSTM architecture consists of a set of encode wt by considering the contextual informa-

recurrently connected subnets, known as memory tion from word w1 to wt , which is marked as ht . In
blocks. Each time-step is a LSTM memory block. the similar way, the backward LSTM layer will en-
memory block in Bi-LSTM encoding ccode
t-1 wX t based + on the contextual
ct information from
Output O E-CP-1 O S-CP-2 ←

Softmax layer is used to compute current hidden vector ht wn to wt , which X is marked
tanh as ht . Finally, we con-
T1 on the Tprevious
based T3
hidden T4 h
vector T5 pre- ←− →

t−1 , the
σ h
catenate tanh hσ
σ t and t to Xrepresent word t’s encoding
Decoding vious cell vector ct−1 and the current input word →
− ← −
Layer LSTMd LSTMd LSTMd LSTMd LSTMd hinformation,
t-1 denoted as ht h=t [ ht , ht ].
embedding wt . Its structure diagram is shown in TheWt LSTM Decoding Layer. We also adopt
(a) Bi-LSTM Block
h1 3 (b),h2and detailh3operations
h4 are defined
h5 as a LSTM structure to produce the tag sequence.
Layer follows: ct-1 X + ct
When detecting the tag of word wt , the inputs of
decoding layer are: ht obtained
Tt-1 from Bi-LSTM
Embeding iW
t = δ(WwiWw2 t + Whi ht−1 + Wci ct−1 + bi ), (1) σ σ tanh σ X tanh
Layer 1 W3 W4 W5 encoding layer, former predicted tag embedding
Input ht-1 (2)ht
The United States president Trump Tt−1 , former cell value ct−1 , and the former hid-
ft = δ(Wwf wt +Whf ht−1 +Wcf ct−1 +bf ), (2) Wt (b) LSTMd Block
den vector in decoding layer ht−1 . The structure
zt = tanh(Wwc wt + Whc ht−1 + bc ), (3) diagram of the memory block in LSTMd is shown
in Figure 3 (c), and detail operations are defined
ct = ft ct−1 + it zt , (4) as follows:
(2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
ot = δ(Wwo wt + Who ht−1 + Wco ct + bo ), (5) it = δ(Wwi ht + Whi ht−1 + Wti Tt−1 + bi ),
ht = ot tanh(ct ), (6)
(2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
ft = δ(Wwf ht + Whf ht−1 + Wtf Tt−1 + bf ), 4 Experiments
(2) (2) (2)
4.1 Experimental setting
zt = tanh(Wwc ht +Whc ht−1 +Wtc Tt−1 +b(2)
c ),
Dataset To evaluate the performance of our meth-
ods, we use the public dataset NYT 2 which is pro-
(2) (2) (2) (2) (2)
ct = ft ct−1 + it zt , (10) duced by distant supervision method (Ren et al.,
(2) (2) (2) (2)
2017). A large amount of training data can be ob-
(2) (2)
ot = δ(Wwo ht + Who ht−1 + Wco ct + b(2)
o ), tained by means of distant supervision methods
(11) without manually labeling. While the test set is
(2) (2) (2)
ht = ot tanh(ct ), (12) manually labeled to ensure its quality. In total, the
training data contains 353k triplets, and the test set
Tt = Wts ht + bts . (13) contains 3, 880 triplets. Besides, the size of rela-
tion set is 24.
The final softmax layer computes normalized en-
Evaluation We adopt standard Precision (Prec),
tity tag probabilities based on the tag predicted
Recall (Rec) and F1 score to evaluate the results.
vector Tt :
Different from classical methods, our method can
yt = Wy Tt + by , (14) extract triplets without knowing the information of
entity types. In other words, we did not use the la-
exp(yti )
pit = Nt
, (15) bel of entity types to train the model, therefore we
exp(yt )j do not need to consider the entity types in the eval-
j=1 uation. A triplet is regarded as correct when its re-
lation type and the head offsets of two correspond-
where Wy is the softmax matrix, Nt is the to-
ing entities are both correct. Besides, the ground-
tal number of tags. Because T is similar to
truth relation mentions are given and “None” label
tag embedding and LSTM is capable of learning
is excluded as (Ren et al., 2017; Li and Ji, 2014;
long-term dependencies, the decoding manner can
Miwa and Bansal, 2016) did. We create a vali-
model tag interactions.
dation set by randomly sampling 10% data from
The Bias Objective Function. We train our
test set and use the remaining data as evaluation
model to maximize the log-likelihood of the data
based on (Ren et al., 2017)’s suggestion. We run
and the optimization method we used is RM-
10 times for each experiment then report the aver-
Sprop proposed by Hinton in (Tieleman and Hin-
age results and their standard deviation as Table 1
ton, 2012). The objective function can be defined
Hyperparameters Our model consists of a Bi-
|D| Lj LSTM encoding layer and a LSTM decoding layer
(j) (j)
L =max (log(pt = yt |xj , Θ) · I(O) with bias objective function. The word embed-
j=1 t=1 dings used in the encoding part are initialed by
(j) (j) running word2vec3 (Mikolov et al., 2013) on NYT
+α · log(pt = yt |xj , Θ) · (1 − I(O))),
training corpus. The dimension of the word em-
beddings is d = 300. We regularize our network
where |D| is the size of training set, Lj is the
(j) using dropout on embedding layer and the dropout
length of sentence xj , yt is the label of word t ratio is 0.5. The number of lstm units in encoding
in sentence xj and pt is the normalized probabil- layer is 300 and the number in decoding layer is
ities of tags which defined in Formula 15. Besides, 600. The bias parameter α corresponding to the
I(O) is a switching function to distinguish the loss results in Table 1 is 10.
of tag ’O’ and relational tags that can indicate the 2
The dataset can be downloaded at:
results. It is defined as follows: There are three
( data sets in the public resource and we only use the NYT
1, if tag = 0 O0 dataset. Because more than 50% of the data in BioInfer
I(O) = has overlapping relations which is beyond the scope of this
0, if tag 6= 0 O0 . paper. As for dataset Wiki-KBP, the number of relation type
in the test set is more than that of the train set, which is also
not suitable for a supervised training method. Details of the
α is the bias weight. The larger α is, the greater data can be found in Ren’s(Ren et al., 2017) paper.
influence of relational tags on the model.
Methods Prec. Rec. F1
FCM 0.553 0.154 0.240
DS+logistic 0.258 0.393 0.311
LINE 0.335 0.329 0.332
MultiR 0.338 0.327 0.333
DS-Joint 0.574 0.256 0.354
CoType 0.423 0.511 0.463
LSTM-CRF 0.693 ± 0.008 0.310 ± 0.007 0.428 ± 0.008
LSTM-LSTM 0.682 ± 0.007 0.320 ± 0.006 0.436 ± 0.006
LSTM-LSTM-Bias 0.615 ± 0.008 0.414 ± 0.005 0.495 ± 0.006

Table 1: The predicted results of different methods on extracting both entities and their relations. The
first part (from row 1 to row 3) is the pipelined methods and the second part (row 4 to 6) is the jointly
extracting methods. Our tagging methods are shown in part three (row 7 to 9). In this part, we not only
report the results of precision, recall and F1, we also compute their standard deviation.

Baselines We compare our method with sev- (Vaswani et al., 2016). LSTM-CRF is proposed
eral classical triplet extraction methods, which for entity recognition by using a bidirectional
can be divided into the following categories: the LSTM to encode input sentence and a conditional
pipelined methods, the jointly extracting meth- random fields to predict the entity tag sequence.
ods and the end-to-end methods based our tagging Different from LSTM-CRF, LSTM-LSTM uses a
scheme. LSTM layer to decode the tag sequence instead
For the pipelined methods, we follow (Ren of CRF. They are used for the first time to jointly
et al., 2017)’s settings: The NER results are ob- extract entities and relations based on our tagging
tained by CoType (Ren et al., 2017) then several scheme.
classical relation classification methods are ap-
plied to detect the relations. These methods are: 4.2 Experimental Results
(1) DS-logistic (Mintz et al., 2009) is a distant su- We report the results of different methods as
pervised and feature based method, which com- shown in Table 1. It can be seen that our method,
bines the advantages of supervised IE and unsu- LSTM-LSTM-Bias, outperforms all other meth-
pervised IE features; (2) LINE (Tang et al., 2015) ods in F1 score and achieves a 3% improvement
is a network embedding method, which is suit- in F 1 over the best method CoType (Ren et al.,
able for arbitrary types of information networks; 2017). It shows the effectiveness of our proposed
(3) FCM (Gormley et al., 2015) is a compositional method. Furthermore, from Table 1, we also can
model that combines lexicalized linguistic context see that the jointly extracting methods are better
and word embeddings for relation extraction. than pipelined methods, and the tagging methods
The jointly extracting methods used in this pa- are better than most of the jointly extracting meth-
per are listed as follows: (4) DS-Joint (Li and Ji, ods. It also validates the validity of our tagging
2014) is a supervised method, which jointly ex- scheme for the task of jointly extracting entities
tracts entities and relations using structured per- and relations.
ceptron on human-annotated dataset; (5) MultiR When compared with the traditional methods,
(Hoffmann et al., 2011) is a typical distant super- the precisions of the end-to-end models are signifi-
vised method based on multi-instance learning al- cantly improved. But only LSTM-LSTM-Bias can
gorithms to combat the noisy training data; (6) be better to balance the precision and recall. The
CoType (Ren et al., 2017) is a domain indepen- reason may be that these end-to-end models all use
dent framework by jointly embedding entity men- a Bi-LSTM encoding input sentence and different
tions, relation mentions, text features and type la- neural networks to decode the results. The meth-
bels into meaningful representations. ods based on neural networks can well fit the data.
In addition, we also compare our method with Therefore, they can learn the common features of
two classical end-to-end tagging models: LSTM- the training set well and may lead to the lower ex-
CRF (Lample et al., 2016) and LSTM-LSTM pansibility. We also find that the LSTM-LSTM
Elements E1 E2 (E1,E2)
PRF Prec. Rec. F1 Prec. Rec. F1 Prec. Rec. F1
LSTM-CRF 0.596 0.325 0.420 0.605 0.325 0.423 0.724 0.341 0.465
LSTM-LSTM 0.593 0.342 0.434 0.619 0.334 0.434 0.705 0.340 0.458
LSTM-LSTM-Bias 0.590 0.479 0.529 0.597 0.451 0.514 0.645 0.437 0.520

Table 2: The predicted results of triplet’s elements based on our tagging scheme.

model is better than LSTM-CRF model based on dicted to be wrong because the relation type is pre-
our tagging scheme. Because, LSTM is capable of dicted to be wrong.
learning long-term dependencies and CRF (Laf-
ferty et al., 2001) is good at capturing the joint
probability of the entire sequence of labels. The 5.2 Analysis of Biased Loss
related tags may have a long distance from each
Different from LSTM-CRF and LSTM-LSTM,
other. Hence, LSTM decoding manner is a little
our approach is biased towards relational labels to
better than CRF. LSTM-LSTM-Bias adds a bias
enhance links between entities. In order to further
weight to enhance the effect of entity tags and
analyze the effect of the bias objective function,
weaken the effect of invalid tag. Therefore, in this
we visualize the ratio of predicted single entities
tagging scheme, our method can be better than the
for each end-to-end method as Figure 4. The sin-
common LSTM-decoding methods.
gle entities refer to those who cannot find their cor-
5 Analysis and Discussion responding entities. Figure 4 shows whether it is
E1 or E2, our method can get a relatively low ra-
5.1 Error Analysis tio on the single entities. It means that our method
In this paper, we focus on extracting triplets com- can effectively associate two entities when com-
posed of two entities and a relation. Table 1 has pared LSTM-CRF and LSTM-LSTM which pay
shown the predict results of the task. It treats an little attention to the relational tags.
triplet is correct only when the relation type and
the head offsets of two corresponding entities are
both correct. In order to find out the factors that LSTM-CRF
affect the results of end-to-end models, we ana- 0.20 LSTM-LSTM-Bias
lyze the performance on predicting each element 0.178 0.186
The Ratio of Single E

in the triplet as Table 2 shows. E1 and E2 rep- 0.15 0.151

resent the performance on predicting each entity,
0.10 0.101
respectively. If the head offset of the first entity
is correct, then the instance of E1 is correct, the
same to E2. Regardless of relation type, if the
head offsets of two corresponding entities are both 0.00
correct, the instance of (E1, E2) is correct. Single E1 Single E2

As shown in Table 2, (E1, E2) has higher pre-

cision when compared with E1 and E2. But its Figure 4: The ratio of predicted single entities for
recall result is lower than E1 and E2. It means each method. The higher of the ratio the more en-
that some of the predicted entities do not form a tities are left.
pair. They only obtain E1 and do not find its cor-
responding E2, or obtain E2 and do not find its
corresponding E1. Thus it leads to the prediction Besides, we also change the Bias Parameter α
of more single E and less (E1, E2) pairs. There- from 1 to 20, and the predicted results are shown
fore, entity pair (E1, E2) has higher precision and in Figure 5. If α is too large, it will affect the
lower recall than single E. Besides, the predicted accuracy of prediction and if α is too small, the
results of (E1, E2) in Table 2 have about 3% im- recall will decline. When α = 10, LSTM-LSTM-
provement when compared predicted results in Ta- Bias can balance the precision and recall, and can
ble 1, which means that 3% of the test data is pre- achieve the best F1 scores.
[Panama City Beach]E2contain has condos , but the area was one of only two
Standard S1
in [Florida]E1contain where sales rose in March , compared with a year earlier.
Panama City Beach has condos , but the area was one of only two in
[Florida]E1contain where sales rose in March , compared with a year earlier.
[Panama City Beach]E2contain has condos , but the area was one of only two
in [Florida]E1contain where sales rose in March , compared with a year earlier.
All came from [Nuremberg]E2contain , [Germany]E1contain , a center of brass
Standard S2
production since the Middle Ages.
All came from Nuremberg , [Germany]E1contain , a center of brass production
since the [Middle Ages]E2contain .
All came from Nuremberg , [Germany]E1contain , a center of brass production
since the [Middle Ages]E2contain .
[Stephen A.]E2CF , the co-founder of the [Blackstone Group]E1CF , which
Standard S3
is in the process of going public , made $ 400 million last year.
[Stephen A.]E1CF , the co-founder of the [Blackstone Group]E1CF , which
is in the process of going public , made $ 400 million last year.
[Stephen A.]E1CF , the co-founder of the [Blackstone Group]E2CF , which
is in the process of going public , made $ 400 million last year.

Table 3: Output from different models. Standard Si represents the gold standard of sentence i. The
blue part is the correct result, and the red one is the wrong one. E1CF in case ’3’ is short for
E1Company−F ounder .

0.8 from each other, which is more difficult to detect

0.7 their relationships. When compared with LSTM-
LSTM, LSTM-LSTM-Bias uses a bias objective
function which enhance the relevance between en-
Value of ( P,R,F)

tities. Therefore, in this example, LSTM-LSTM-
0.4 Bias can extract two related entities, while LSTM-
0.3 LSTM can only extract one entity of “Florida” and
0.2 can not detect entity “Panama City Beach”.
0.1 Recall S2 is a negative example that shows these meth-
F1 ods may mistakenly predict one of the entity.
0 5 10 15 20
Bias Parameter There are no indicative words between entities
N uremberg and Germany. Besides, the patten
Figure 5: The results predicted by LSTM-LSTM- “a * of *” between Germany and M iddleAges
Bias on different bias parameter α. may be easy to mislead the models that there ex-
ists a relation of “Contains” between them. The
problem can be solved by adding some samples
5.3 Case Study of this kind of expression patterns to the training
In this section, we observe the prediction results of data.
end-to-end methods, and then select several repre- S3 is a case that models can predict the enti-
sentative examples to illustrate the advantages and ties’ head offset right, but the relational role is
disadvantages of the methods as Table 3 shows. wrong. LSTM-LSTM treats both “Stephen A.
Each example contains three row, the first row is Schwarzman” and “Blackstone Group” as entity
the gold standard, the second and the third rows E1, and can not find its corresponding E2. Al-
are the extracted results of model LSTM-LSTM though, LSTM-LSMT–Bias can find the entities
and LSTM-LSTM-Bias respectively. pair (E1, E2), it reverses the roles of “Stephen A.
S1 represents the situation that the distance be- Schwarzman” and “Blackstone Group”. It shows
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