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(TÊN ĐỀ TÀI…………..)


Class: ENG30053 CULTURE
- Văn hóa Anh OF BRITISH,
- Mỹ (123.1)_LT_...... AMERICA,

Class: ENG30053 - Văn M.A

Teacher: hóa Anh - Mỹ
Le Thi (123.1)_LT_05
Thuy Ha

Teacher: M.A Le Thi Thuy Ha

Group: ….
Orde Name Student code
Group Members:
1 Phạm Thị Mai Chi 1…… MSSV….215714023110477
2 2……. MSSV…215714023110156
Nguyễn Thị Tùng Chi
3 Trần Thị Khánh Chi 215714023110266
3……… MSSV…
4 Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Chi
4… 215714023110277
5 Lê khắc Cường 215714023110469

Vinh, 2023

PART I: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................3

I. The purpose and scope of the report.
Clothing serves as a powerful expression of cultural identity. Researching and
comparing the traditional attire of the United Kingdom, the United States, and
Vietnam offers valuable insights into the similarities and differences among these
cultures. This exploration enhances our understanding of costume culture, fostering
improved communication and cohesion between nations. Examining clothing
throughout historical periods reveals the evolution of costumes, allowing us to
discern the distinctive features of each country's attire across different eras.

In every culture, clothing carries symbolic meanings tied to social roles and
structures. Analyzing the garments worn by various groups in British, American, and
Vietnamese societies provides insights into their organizational structures, social
norms, and cultural and ritual practices. Moreover, in the context of globalization,
modernization, and cultural exchange, clothing trends undergo transformations,
exhibiting variations influenced by factors such as gender, age, materials, pricing,
and regional influences.

By comparing the costumes of these three distinct countries, we gain a nuanced

understanding of both the commonalities and differences in attire elements. This
comparative analysis contributes to fostering cultural understanding and appreciation
between nations.

II. Methodology of the Study

The research, involving 60 participants from the United Kingdom, the United States,
and Vietnam, employed quantitative methods. The survey questions were
administered using the Google Forms tool and distributed to a total of 60 individuals
across the three countries. Within the framework of quantitative methods,
participants were tasked with completing questionnaires. The collected survey data
underwent thorough analysis to identify similarities and differences in clothing
among the three countries. The results of this analysis are visually presented through
pie charts, bar graphs, and tables for ease of discussion and interpretation.
I. Identify the chosen cultural value
The selected cultural value under scrutiny is the intricate world of clothing within
the contexts of Britain, America, and Vietnam. Beyond the functional aspect of
covering the human body, clothing in each of these nations weaves a complex
narrative, intertwining history, societal norms, and individual expressions of

In Britain, think of clothing like a time machine reflecting different eras. From the
elegant Victorian fashion to the bold styles of the Swinging Sixties, British clothing
is a mix of tradition and trend. And don't forget the influence of the weather – the
classic Burberry trench coat wasn't just a fashion statement; it was a practical
response to the UK's unpredictable rain.

In America, clothing is like a big, colorful painting that shows off the country's
diverse culture. Imagine it as a canvas where you can see everything from cowboy
hats in the West to cool streetwear trends in the cities. The clothes people wear in
America tell a story about the huge variety of places and backgrounds. Think about
it like this: the cowboy hats nod to the Western part of the country with its open
landscapes and ranches. On the other hand, the streetwear vibe, often born in busy
city centers, speaks to the urban, modern side of America. And it's not just about
today's fashion. American history has also stamped its mark on clothing. The
Roaring Twenties brought in a whole new era of glitz and glamour, influencing
what people wore. Fast forward to the 1960s, and you've got the counterculture
movements – a time when what you wore was a statement about breaking free from
the norm. So, when we look at American clothing, we're not just checking out
outfits; we're exploring a living, breathing canvas that reflects geography, culture,
and the echoes of history.

In Vietnam, clothing is a captivating reflection of creativity and the country's

vibrant identity. Traditional garments like the Ao Dai aren't just about fashion; they
hold a deep connection to Vietnam's rich cultural heritage. These outfits showcase
the Vietnamese people's clever use of materials and their knack for turning the
practical into something beautiful. Vietnamese clothing also dances with the
rhythm of the tropical climate and echoes the roots of an agricultural society. The
designs aren't just about looking good; they're crafted to suit the weather and the
daily life of the people. As we explore the world of clothing in Vietnam, it's not just
about style; it's about understanding a nation's spirit, history, and the everyday
experiences that shape its fashion choices. From the traditional to the
contemporary, Vietnamese clothing paints a vivid picture of a culture that cherishes
its past while embracing the present.

II. Discuss the significance and relevance of the chosen cultural value.

Each country has its own cultural identity and is defined in many different aspects:
cuisine, eating style,... Costume culture is one of the unique cultural traditions that
we want to mention and make a comparison topic to see the differences between
England, America, and Vietnam. Throughout history, clothing has been more than
a mere necessity for protection; it has evolved into a symbol of national identity. In
Vietnam, for example, the earliest fabrics were crafted from animal skins, bones,
leaves, and grass, showcasing the ingenuity and resourcefulness of its people...
Over time, with the development of society, there are more and more different
types and styles of costumes. Clothing is not merely a functional aspect; it plays a
pivotal role in preserving and representing a community's cultural identity.
However, the expression of cultural clothing comes with its challenges, such as
cultural appropriation, lack of representation, and the potential loss of traditional
techniques. However, this expression comes with its own challenges, such as
cultural appropriation, lack of representation, and loss of traditional techniques.

To navigate these challenges, it becomes imperative to respect and acknowledge

the origins of cultural dress, ensuring fair representation and actively preserving
traditional techniques. By doing so, we can celebrate and appreciate the diversity of
different cultures while supporting the continuity of their traditions. The study of
costume culture allows us to explore the differences between England, America,
and Vietnam in their clothing choices, reflecting varying perspectives on dressing
points and other cultural opinions. Through these differences, we gain insights into
the distinct aspects of each culture, fostering understanding and appreciation.

III. Analyze the survey questionnaire

In this survey analysis, we examine a diverse group of 60 individuals, comprising

20 Americans, 20 Britons, and 20 Vietnamese, with an age range of 18 to 35.
Notably, the majority of the participants are women, providing a unique perspective
on cultural aspects. The occupational diversity within the group is evident,
including professionals such as doctors, students, teachers, accountants, nurses,
police officers, and models. Interestingly, a significant proportion identifies as
students and teachers. These individuals live in diverse locations, adding to the
richness of our study. Leveraging the survey data, our focus will shift toward
exploring and analyzing the cultural nuances of clothing across these three nations.
1. What is a typical casual outfit in your country?

Viet Nam

The survey results for typical casual outfits in Vietnam reveal a strong preference
for comfort and versatility. A significant 90% of respondents favor the classic
combination of jeans and T-shirts, highlighting a widespread inclination towards
practical and relaxed attire suitable for various occasions. This indicates a fashion
culture that values ease of wear and a laid-back style. Additionally, 20% opt for
shorts and tank tops, suggesting a practical response to warm weather. The
inclusion of skirts and blouses at 15% implies a nuanced approach to casual
dressing, possibly for more formal or feminine occasions. The presence of trousers
and polo shirts at 20% indicates a segment of the population seeking a slightly
more polished look in their casual wear. Overall, the survey showcases a diverse
yet collectively comfortable and practical fashion landscape in Vietnam.

Based on the survey data, the typical casual outfit preferences in America reflect a
notable trend. A majority of 60% of respondents favor the classic combination of
jeans and T-shirts, showcasing a strong inclination towards comfortable and
versatile attire. Additionally, 10% of participants opt for shorts and tank tops,
indicating a practical choice in response to warmer weather conditions. Meanwhile,
20% of individuals each choose skirts and blouses or trousers and polo shirts,
showcasing a diversity of preferences within the casual wear category. This
suggests that a segment of the population appreciates a slightly more polished look
in their everyday attire.

Examining the survey data on casual outfits in Britain, a predominant preference

for comfort and versatility is evident. A significant 50% opt for the classic pairing
of jeans and T-shirts, emphasizing a laid-back fashion culture. Additionally, 25%
choose skirts and blouses for a more feminine or dressier look. Interestingly, 40%
of respondents prefer wearing a suit even in casual situations. This suggests a
notable inclination towards a more formal or sophisticated style, even in relaxed
settings. Overall, the data highlights a diverse range of preferences, with jeans and
T-shirts being the most favored choice, showcasing a balance between practicality
and style.

2. Are there any items or styles of clothing that should not be worn in your

Viet Nam America Britain

Viet Nam
Based on the survey data regarding clothing preferences in Vietnam, the responses
indicate a diversity of opinions on items or styles that should not be worn. A
significant 45% are unsure about specific clothing restrictions, suggesting a certain
level of openness and acceptance of various styles. On the other hand, 40% express
that there are no restrictions on what should be worn, reflecting a relatively
permissive attitude towards clothing choices. However, 15% indicate that there are
items or styles that should not be worn, suggesting a portion of the population may
adhere to certain cultural or societal norms regarding attire. In summary, the survey
results reflect a varied perspective on clothing restrictions in Vietnam, with a
substantial portion remaining open-minded or uncertain about what is considered
appropriate to wear.
Based on the survey data, a substantial 75% of respondents in America believe that
there are specific items or styles of clothing that should not be worn. This indicates a
notable awareness of cultural or societal norms influencing fashion choices. Only
10% express the view that there are no restrictions on what should be worn,
showcasing a minority perspective of permissiveness. Meanwhile, 15% are unsure
about clothing restrictions, revealing a degree of ambiguity or open-mindedness
within the surveyed group. However, it's interesting to observe that certain materials,
such as fur, may be perceived negatively. This inference is drawn from general
observations that many Americans express a preference for not wearing clothing
made from animal fur.
Based on the survey, a large majority of 85% in Britain feel that there are specific
clothes you shouldn't wear. This shows a strong awareness of what's culturally
acceptable in terms of fashion. Interestingly, no one said there are no rules about
what to wear, meaning people generally agree there are guidelines. About 15% are
unsure about clothing restrictions, showing some flexibility in opinions. Though the
survey doesn't give detailed examples, it's worth noting that a common belief might
be against men wearing shorts, especially in more formal situations. This reflects
cultural norms where shorts are less common in certain settings.

3. How do you perceive the clothing differences between the rich and poor in
your country?

Viet Nam
Based on the survey data, perceptions of clothing differences between the rich and
poor in Vietnam vary. A significant 65% of respondents believe that wealthy
individuals often wear luxury brands, suggesting a strong association between
affluence and high-end fashion. Meanwhile, 30% feel there isn't much difference in
clothing between the rich and the poor, indicating a perception of shared styles
irrespective of economic status. Additionally, 15% note that poor individuals often
wear traditional styles, potentially reflecting a connection between economic
circumstances and more conventional clothing choices. About 10% provided other
perspectives not covered in the given options.


Based on the survey results, it seems that 80% of Americans believe there isn't
much difference in clothing between the rich and the poor. This prevailing
perspective suggests a widespread belief that people, regardless of their economic
status, share similar fashion styles. In contrast, 15% associate wealth with wearing
luxury brands, indicating a connection between affluence and high-end fashion.
Similarly, another 15% note that individuals with lower incomes often prefer
traditional styles, hinting at a potential link between economic circumstances and
more conventional clothing choices. The remaining 5% express diverse
perspectives not covered in the predefined options.
Based on the survey data, perceptions of clothing differences between the rich and
poor in Britain vary. A modest 10% of respondents believe there isn't much
difference in clothing between these two groups. In contrast, a significant 65% feel
that wealthy individuals often wear luxury brands, indicating a strong association
between affluence and high-end fashion. Moreover, 70% note that individuals with
lower incomes often prefer traditional styles, suggesting a potential connection
between economic circumstances and more conventional clothing choices. Notably,
no respondents provided perspectives beyond the given options.

4. What are the clothing trends in your country?

America Vietnam Britain

Overall, It can be seen from the chart that clothing trends in the US have many
differences. Most people tend to have clothes that are classic and up to 85% of them
are. This is also the most chosen clothing trend in America. And surprisingly, modern
is the clothing trend with the lowest choice, accounting for only 5% of the total
number of people choosing it. In addition, trendy trends are also of interest to people,
accounting for 10% of the survey.
It is clear that there are also many different clothing trends in Vietnam. The most
popular are modern and trendy clothing trends, which account for up to 30%. 15% of
choices had no clear clothing trend. Following that is the classic and vintage clothing
trend, both accounting for 10%. Elegance is the clothing trend chosen by the fewest
people at 5%.
Clothing trends are clearly distinguished in Britain. While the classic trend was the
most popular clothing trend which is 75%, the opposite was true for the vintage
clothing trend. In addition, modern is also a trend that is of interest with a rate of 20%.

5. Are there traditional or historical influences that you see in modern clothing?

America Vietnam Britain

In the US, 65% of people choose traditional and historical elements that mostly have a
weak influence on the country's modern outfits. This was followed by 20% of people
saying it had a strong influence and the remaining 15% saying it did not influence
modern clothing.
General, there was an argument that tradition and history influenced modern clothing
in Vietnam. 45% of the survey population agreed that tradition and history influence
clothing. But the opposite follows closely behind and is up to 40%. And 15% of
people think it has no impact
In British, modern clothing is strongly influenced by tradition and history. Up to 18/20
people, accounting for 90% of people, agree with this. The remaining 10% think it has
a weak influence

6. What is your fashion style ?

America Vietnam Britain

Fashion styles in America also have huge differences. Looking at the chart there are
many different choices of fashion styles. The fashion style chosen by most people is
classic with 40%. Minimalism is the second most popular choice followed by classic
at 30%. This is followed by vintage and elegant with 15% and 10% selection rates
respectively. Most notably, the fashion style chosen by the least number of people is
modern, only 5%.
It can be observed that there are differences in fashion styles in Vietnam. Most people
have a classic and minimalist style. There are 8/20 choosing classic style accounting
for 40% and 7/20 choosing minimalist style accounting for 35%. Modern fashion style
accounts for 15%. 5% is the outfit style of elegant and vintage.
Overall, there are three main fashion styles in the UK: classic, modern and elegant.
While the proportion of classic style accounts for 65% which is the highest of all,
elegant is the style with the least choice, only 10%. Modern style accounts for 1/4 of
the total - 25%

7. In your country is there social class distinction based on clothing?

America Vietnam Britain

According to the survey, 11/20 people believed that there was no distinction between
social classes based on clothing, accounting for 55%, while the opposite was only 5%.
The remaining number of people who are not sure that social class is distinguished
based on clothing is 40%.
The pie chart shows social class distinctions based on clothing in Vietnam. In general,
people think that clothes distinguish between social classes, and this accounts for half
- 50%. 35% is the number that everyone is unsure about and 15% disagree with this.
It can be seen from the graph that social class distinctions are based on clothing in the
UK. A staggering 75% agree with this being the highest percentage. Besides, there are
still people who disagree but the percentage is not high, only 10%. The remaining
15% are not sure about this.
8. What type of clothing do you usually choose for festive occasions?

America Britain Vietnam

The first image shows us that the majority of America wear causal and holiday clothes
(50%). At 25%, traditional is another popular choice. Less often, some individuals
will choose formal clothing

The second image illustrates British people's festival outfit choices: they mainly
choose traditional outfits accounting for 70%, while formal outfits are second with
25%. A small percentage of people choose casual clothes, accounting for 5%.

According to the third chart, Vietnam people choose formal clothes with 55% and the
second place is tranditional clothes with 25%. For 15%, some people chose other

9. What are popular clothing colors in your country?

America Britain Vietnam

When it comes to popular clothing colors in the US, Neutral is at the top with 50%.
with the next 20% being dark. In the UK, it is customary for clothing colors to be
Neutral at 45%. While dark color ranks second with 30%. With 15% "pastels" are
some other popular choices. A small percentage of people will choose bright.

The majority of Vietnam people also choose Neutral color with 65%. Some
Vietnamese people also like to wear Bright colors (20%). A small percentage of
people will choose other colors, such as pastels (10%)

10. To what extent does your region influence your clothing choices ?

Vietnam American Britain


Based on survey data about how your region influences clothing choices in Vietnam,
the responses show a diversity of opinions. A significant 40% of respondents would
say that region is influenced in clothing choice. Among them, 35% of people will feel
moderately. Additionally, 25% of them will not make a single correct choice


Based on the chart, 45% of Americans believe that clothing choices are influenced by
region. A significant 40% of respondents believe that region has an influence on
clothing choices. Only 15% expressed an irrelevant opinion on whether the region had
an influence or not.


Based on the chart, the majority of British respondents feel that their clothing choices
are influenced by their region. This shows that geography is a key factor affecting
fashion. About 10% moderately agree that the choice is relevant clothing from your

11. Can you identify someone's social class based on their clothing?
America Vietnam British
About 50% of Americans rarely determine someone's social class based on their
clothing. With 30% of respondents guessing occasionally. A small number of people
never guess (15%) and only 1% of people always accurately guess their social class by
looking at their clothes.

12. Do you judge a person’s character based on their clothing style?


According to research and surveys, we found that Americans tend to judge other
people's personalities based on their clothing style, with 60% agreeing. More than half
of the people voted so. Proving that America is a country that judges personality
through dressing style.

Britain shows that the number of people choosing "Maybe" is the majority with 55%.
This proves that in this country they do not often judge others by the way they dress.
However, there are still people who will look at the way they dress to judge others
because 40% of people choose "Yes"

According to a survey of Vietnamese people, we found that the number of people

choosing "Yes" accounts for 35%. This means that Vietnam still judges personality,
family background, etc. largely based on the way they dress. However, not everyone
judges others based on the way they dress. Because 15% chose "No"
13. How does your national identity influence your clothing choices?

According to the survey, cultural identity in Vietnam does not affect clothing choice
much at 45%. In fact, today's society has developed, people also have more needs for
clothing. That's why they want to dress more beautifully and modernly. Currently, our
country's clothing style is also heavily influenced by Western countries. Therefore,
cultural identity does not affect clothing choice in our country
According to survey data, we found that clothing choice is based on cultural identity
in the country and is quite important with 75% of people choosing "Considerable".
This proves that British people often rely on their cultural identity to choose clothes.

According to survey data, we found that choosing clothes based on American cultural
identity is not too important with 40% choosing "not much". Thus, Americans will not
be too dependent on cultural identity to choose their style. They can dress more
14. How important is quality in your clothing choices?

According to a survey, in Vietnam, 50% of people choose clothes based on quality.

This proves that clothing quality is also a criterion for Vietnamese people to choose
clothes, but it is not the top factor, there are many other factors that affect the choice
of clothes such as: price, and color. color,... However, quality is also a factor to
consider for Vietnamese people when buying clothes

According to the data we surveyed, the number of Americans choosing clothes based
on quality accounts for 75%. So it can be said that most Americans will choose clothes
based on the quality of the clothes. Clothing quality is one of the top choices of
Americans when choosing clothes.

According to the data we surveyed, British people will mainly choose clothes based
on quality with 95% of people choosing "very important". The British attach great
importance to choosing clothes based on quality, more than other factors such as price,
color, etc in British
15. How much does social media influence your clothing choices?

Currently, social networks are very developed, so in Vietnam, choosing clothes based
on social networks or in other words, wearing according to trends is also increasing.
According to survey data, 35% of people choose style according to social networks. It
can be said that this number may increase in the future with the speed of internet
development today

The number of documents we surveyed 60% of people selected according to social

network style. It can be seen that this is another number. This proves that Moc people
tend to choose clothes according to large social networks

According to research data, we see that the number of people using social networks to
choose clothes in the UK is also quite large with 45% choosing "A lot" and 40%
choosing "A moderate amount". So it can be said that British people often rely on
social networks to choose outfits
16.Does the price of clothing influence your decision to buy?

In consumer activities, determining product prices is a very important factor that
directly affects consumer behavior. If the price of the product matches consumer
psychology, it will promote consumption; on the contrary, if the price does not satisfy
consumer needs, consumption will be extremely difficult. Price is a deciding factor in
the purchasing process. Consumers often compare product prices between options and
decide to buy based on the price that suits their personal budget. Looking at the
survey, we can see that 75% of people agree with the price. greatly influence the
decision to buy a product. Obviously, the proportion is quite high, accounting for 3/4
and the remaining ¼ are hesitant because they want to consider other aspects such as
quality, warranty program, promotional offers, etc.
When buying an essential item like clothing, consideration will still be given priority
(65%), but America is also a developed country, people's income there is quite high,
so there will be a group of people who are interested. product quality over price. In
addition to price and quality, there are also many other influencing factors to consider.
For British people, the price that affects the purchase of clothes is quite high (50%),
the rest are still considering the quality and other factors of clothing such as shipping,
promotions, and programs. guarantee,…
17. How does seasons impact your clothing choices?


When choosing clothes, according to the survey, up to 80% chose to adapt to each
season. In Vietnam there will be certain designs, styles and materials for each season.
The survey also clearly showed that the priority of choosing clothes suitable for the
season is 4/5 of the total. The remaining 20% are people who have shaped their own
Deciding what to wear will still be greatly influenced by the seasons, but in America
there is a fairly relaxed mindset about appearance. They won't care about other
people's opinions as long as they think it's appropriate to wear. The image of
Americans wearing T-shirts and shorts to go out in cold weather or wearing multi-
layered clothes on a hot summer day is not difficult to see on the streets. The reason
why Americans can adapt to the cold so well is still a mystery. The fact that people
can wear multiple layers is because people mainly travel by car and most places in the
US are equipped with air conditioning, so there is no need to worry too much about
the weather when choosing clothes. This means you are completely free to dress the
way you like without worrying too much about other people's opinions because
basically they don't really care too much about the other person's outfit.
Do the seasons influence British people's clothing choices? When looking at the
survey, it is quite surprising that up to 95% of people are seasonally adaptable, in
other words, they will wear British seasonal clothes. Only the remaining 5% do not
care much about considering dressing according to the seasons

18. How often do you use accessories in your daily attire?


Using accessories in everyday clothing among Vietnamese people is quite new and
has only been introduced in recent years. According to the survey, the majority (60%)
only occasionally mix accessories with clothes. 20% rarely use accessories and in fact,
in Vietnam, natural and genuine beauty is always emphasized, so having too many
accessories is also a new change in style. ethnic way.
Beyond beauty, wearing jewelry is also a way to express each person's personality and
aesthetic trends, but according to the survey, 45% of Americans occasionally use
accessories in daily life. . Always wear accessories followed by the last 30% rarely
and never wearing jewelry on your body even on important occasions
British people dress quite simply, they are not too important about appearance and
appearance, so in the survey, approximately 70% choose to occasionally wear
accessories. Only on holidays and important occasions do they pay more attention to
clothes and accessories. Besides, about 16% choose to always wear accessories and
11% rarely use those accessories.

19. How do you feel about wearing a uniform at work or school?


In the survey responses about how they feel about wearing uniforms to work and
school, the majority of responses are positive, with only one comment being that they
feel uncomfortable about it. wearing uniforms. They said that wearing uniforms is
very comfortable, does not waste time choosing clothes every day, it creates
uniformity for a group, and through wearing uniforms, it also shows the solidarity of
the group. staff and students of each school

In America, wearing uniforms is very popular and sought after. Partly because it is
quite comfortable and polite. In addition, uniforms bring equality between people,
help erase the boundaries and distances between people, erase the boundary between
rich and poor and create sympathy with everyone.

According to a survey on wearing uniforms, British people are quite open and
interested. But besides that, some people think that wearing uniforms will limit each
person's ability to express themselves and their personality

IV. Compare and Contrast with Vietnamese Culture

In Vietnam, America, and Britain, lots of different fashion styles are popular,
ranging from classic to modern. This variety in designs means there's something for
everyone to choose from. It's clear that the fashion industry is doing really well and
getting stronger all the time. Even though the clothes people wear nowadays are
modern, they still have a bit of influence from the traditions and history of each
place. No matter how much fashion changes, cultural traditions are always a part of
what people wear.
1. Common features among British, American and Vietnamese clothing.
1.1 Similarities in casual clothing
In Vietnam, America, and Britain, people really like wearing jeans and T-shirts for
casual occasions. It's like a popular and comfortable choice for many. This tells us
that people in these countries prefer simple and comfy clothes in their daily lives. It's
not just about fashion; it shows a common agreement on liking easy and practical
outfits. This choice of jeans and T-shirts is not just a fashion thing; it's more about
everyone agreeing that simple and comfy clothes are the way to go. It seems like
people in these countries value feeling at ease in what they wear every day. This
reflects a shared understanding that comfort and practicality are essential in our daily
clothing choices.
1.2 Similarities in seasonal clothing
Across Vietnam, America, and Britain, people tend to adjust their clothing choices
according to the seasons. This indicates a practical and weather-savvy approach to
fashion. People in these countries seem to recognize the significance of matching
their outfits with the climate, creating a balance between style and functionality. This
reflects a mindset where clothing isn't just about looking good but also about being
suitable for the weather. It's a fusion of personal style and practicality, showing a
thoughtful consideration for the environment and conditions.
1.3 Similarities in traditional and festive clothing
Even with all the differences, people in Vietnam, America, and Britain agree that the
way they dress today is influenced a lot by the traditions and history of their
countries. This shared understanding shows that they really care about keeping their
cultural heritage alive, even as fashion keeps changing.
In addition, during festive occasions, the fashion landscape in England, America, and
Vietnam undergoes a delightful transformation. Interestingly, there's a shared
sentiment across these diverse cultures—a collective comfort in the freedom of
costume choices. Unlike adhering to rigid sartorial frameworks, individuals in all
three countries revel in the liberty to express their unique identities through festive
attire. This trend goes beyond the conventional norms that might dictate specific
festive dress codes. Instead, it reflects a celebration of individuality, where personal
preferences and choices take center stage. Whether it's the vibrant and diverse
festivals in Vietnam, the eclectic celebrations in America, or the traditional yet
dynamic festivities in England, the common thread is the joyous embrace of personal
style during these special occasions. In essence, festive attire becomes a canvas for
self-expression, where individuals paint a picture of their personalities, cultural
influences, and, at times, contemporary trends. This collective comfort in sartorial
freedom not only adds vibrancy to festive celebrations but also showcases the rich
tapestry of individual identities within each cultural context.
1.4 Similarities in uniforms in work or school
The idea that wearing uniforms at work or school is a good thing is something all
three countries—England, America, and Vietnam—seem to agree on. Most people
think uniforms are comfy and look nice. This shows that everyone sees the benefits
of everyone looking the same, being equal, and feeling like part of a team.
At jobs and schools, uniforms are not just about what you wear—they're about
making everyone feel good. The fact that so many people say uniforms are
comfortable suggests that they're made to be easy to wear, so you don't have to spend
time every day deciding what to put on. This also shows that practicality is
important. People also think uniforms look good, which means they understand that
uniforms help create a united and professional look. Uniforms become a symbol of
everyone being the same, breaking down differences in appearance and making
everyone feel equal, whether at work or school.
The shared positive feelings about uniforms in these different cultures mean that
uniforms do more than just serve a practical purpose. They become a way to show
that everyone is part of the same group, helping people feel like they belong and
creating a friendly atmosphere. This shared understanding goes beyond borders,
showing that people from different places value the idea of being together and equal
in various social settings.
1.5 Similarities in clothing choices
In all three countries – Vietnam, America, and Britain – people really care about
getting good-quality clothes that last. This means they want clothes that don't just
look good but also stay in good shape for a long time. It's like they're making an
investment in their wardrobe, choosing pieces that are worth the money because
they'll stick around.
And when it comes to deciding what to buy, the price is a big deal for everyone.
Whether you're in Vietnam, America, or Britain, people want clothes that match their
budget, and they think a lot about whether what they're paying is fair for the quality
they're getting. So, you could say people are pretty practical and value-conscious
about their fashion choices.
Now, another thing everyone has in common is how they use social media for
fashion ideas. People in these countries look at platforms like Instagram, Facebook,
or TikTok to get inspired for their outfits. It's like a virtual fashion show that
connects people from different parts of the world, where everyone speaks the same
language of style and trends. So, whether you're in Hanoi, New York, or London,
you're likely to find people scrolling through their feeds for the latest fashion scoop.
2. Different features among British, American and Vietnamese clothing
2.1 Differences in clothing color
The color palette people prefer in their clothing choices varies across these three
countries – the US, the UK, and Vietnam. In the United States and the United
Kingdom, neutral colors take the lead, like black, white, and gray, making up a big
chunk of people's wardrobes. These colors are considered versatile and easy to mix
and match, making them popular choices.
On the flip side, Vietnam stands out with a different preference – people there love
bright colors. Reds, blues, greens – you name it. Vietnamese folks seem to enjoy
adding a pop of color to their outfits, bringing vibrancy and energy to their fashion
So, in a way, it's like a spectrum of color preferences. The US and the UK lean
towards the neutral, while Vietnam splashes in the spectrum of bold and bright. It's a
cool reflection of how cultural tastes can shape something as personal as the colors
we wear.
2.2 Differences in clothing trend
In the United States and the United Kingdom, the classic trend are popular . It seems
like people there appreciate the timeless elegance and simplicity of classic outfits.
Think about well-fitted jeans, crisp white shirts, and those never-out-of-style pieces
that make a statement without screaming for attention.
Now, shift the fashion focus to Vietnam, and you'll notice a different rhythm.
Modern and trendy trends take center stage there. It's like the fashion scene is a
lively dance floor with bold patterns, cutting-edge designs, and a touch of the avant-
garde. Vietnamese fashionistas seem to have a keen eye for what's fresh, what's now,
and what's turning heads.
So, whether it's the classic charm of the US and the UK or the modern vibes of
Vietnam, each place has its own fashion beat, creating a diverse and dynamic global
style symphony.
2.3 Differences in Accessories Usage
When it comes to accessorizing daily attire, the fashion scenes in Britain, Vietnam,
and America showcase different styles.
In Britain, there's an inclination to occasionally add a dash of accessories. It's like the
outfits are adorned with just the right touch, creating a harmonious balance between
simplicity and flair. It's about being stylish without overwhelming the ensemble,
subtly letting accessories play a supporting role in the fashion.
In Vietnam and America, and you'll notice a bit of diversity in the accessory game.
In these places, there's a mix of occasional and rare use of accessories. It's like
people there embrace a range of styles – from days where less is more to those rare
moments when a bold accessory steals the spotlight, making a statement that can't be
So, whether it's the understated elegance in Britain or the varied accessory choices in
Vietnam and America, each place adds its unique flair to the global fashion palette.
2.4 Differences in clothing restrictions
When it comes to clothing choices, Vietnam leans towards an open and flexible
approach, with many people expressing uncertainty or an open-minded attitude about
specific clothing restrictions. This suggests a fashion culture that embraces diversity
and allows for personal expression without rigid guidelines.
In contrast, both America and Britain showcase a more defined stance on clothing
restrictions. A notable percentage of respondents in these countries believe in the
existence of specific items or styles that should be avoided. For instance, in America,
there's a clear aversion to clothing made from animal fur, reflecting ethical concerns.
In Britain, cultural norms seem to discourage men from wearing shorts, particularly
in formal situations.
These nuances highlight the intersection of culture, fashion, and societal
expectations, where what's deemed acceptable or unacceptable attire becomes a
marker of collective values.
V. Assess the presence of clothing's value within Vietnamese culture.
In the past, people had a saying: "Beautiful people because of silk, good rice because
of manure". Choosing the right outfit for each person is extremely important,
because clothing not only reflects personality but also culture. Costume and culture
are closely linked. We wear clothes and outfits every day or on special occasions, so
choosing the right outfit is very important, it not only affects the wearer but also the
event that person participates in. Costumes also have a great influence on culture. To
narrow the gap between classes and genders, many types of uniforms have been
created. When wearing uniforms, we do not discriminate between status, nationality,
luxury or inferiority, creating fairness and eliminating invisible gaps. Uniforms can
integrate different cultures. Besides, costumes also reflect each person's own culture.
To work, we dress neatly, to meet customers, we dress politely, at home we dress
comfortably, and to attend events, we dress formally. These costumes reflect each
person's level, aesthetic taste, and dressing culture. From those outfits, others will
have a view and assessment of us, deciding their behavior towards us or towards
upcoming relationships. However, in life there are still many people who do not have
a proper awareness of how they dress and what they wear. Some people dress
ridiculously, colorfully and inappropriately for the situation or culture. These people
need to reconsider their outfits to be more reasonable. Clothing is not only an item to
cover the body but also a part of oneself, it shows each person's personality and
style. Choosing appropriate clothing helps us be more confident in communication
and create a good impression on others. Especially in the office environment,
clothing plays a more important role than ever. A beautiful, neat and polite uniform
not only helps create a professional impression but also helps build good
relationships with colleagues and customers. However, it is not always necessary to
wear expensive clothes or follow the latest trends to make an impression. It is
important to choose clothes that suit each person's situation, culture, personal style
and body. Can be worn simply, but must be clean, neat and suitable for the intended
use. If you don't know how to choose, you should seek opinions from experts or
experienced people to get the most suitable suggestions and choices. In short,
clothing is not just a simple item to cover the body but also reflects personality,
style, culture and professionalism in life. Choosing reasonable and appropriate
clothing helps us be confident and make a good impression on others, while building
good relationships with colleagues and customers.


The survey offers a comprehensive insight into the clothing culture in the United
States, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam, highlighting the significance of comfort,
cultural awareness, and individuality in fashion choices. In Vietnam, a preference for
comfort is evident, with jeans and T-shirts being the favored casual attire. The survey
indicates a varied perspective on clothing restrictions, reflecting openness to diverse
styles. In America, a majority opts for classic casual wear, and there's a notable
awareness of clothing norms, particularly against materials like fur. Meanwhile,
Britain showcases a diverse range, with a significant inclination towards a more
formal style, even in casual settings. The findings underscore the diversity in clothing
preferences, with a common emphasis on comfort, practicality, and a nuanced
understanding of cultural and societal influences. Overall, It underscores that clothing
is not just a daily necessity but a symbolic representation of diversity and cultural
sensitivity in society.

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[4] Fashinza. (2022, July 6). Latest Trends in American Clothing: Trend Forecast for
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[5] Maxine Eggenberger. (2023, November 23). Classic Outfits British Fashion
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1. What is a typical casual outfit in your country?

A. Jeans and T-shirt

B. Shorts and tank tops

C. Skirts and blouses

D. Trousers and polo

2. Are there any items or styles of clothing that should not be worn in your country?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Not sure

3. How do you perceive the clothing differences between the rich and poor in your

A. Not much difference

B. Rich people often wear luxury brands

C. Poor people often wear traditional styles

D. Others

4. What are the clothing trends in your country?

A. Classic

B. Modern

C. Vintage

D. Trendy

E. Elegant

F. No clear trend

5. Are there traditional or historical influences that you see in modern clothing?

A. Strong

B. Weak

C. None

6. What is your fashion style?

A. Classic

B. Modern

C. Vintage

D. Trendy

E. Elegant

7. In your country is there social class distinction based on clothing?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Not sure

8. What type of clothing do you usually choose for festive occasions?

A. Formal

B. Traditional

C. Casual
D. Others

9. What are popular clothing colors in your country?

A. Bright

B. Neutral

C. Pastels

D. Dark

10. To what extent does your region influence your clothing choices?

A. Significantly

B. Moderately

C. Not at all

11. Can you identify someone's social class based on their clothing?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Never

D. Rarely

12. Do you judge a person's character based on their clothing style?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Maybe

13. How does your national identity influence your clothing choices?

A. Significantly

B. Moderately

C. Not much

D. None

14. How important is quality in your clothing choices?

A. Very important
B. Not important

C. Somewhat important

15. How much does social media influence your clothing choices?

A. A lot

B. A moderate amount

C. Not at all

16. Does the price of clothing influence your decision to buy?

A. Yes

B. No

C. May be

17. How does seasons impact your clothing choices?

A. Adapt to each season

B. Stick to a consistent style

C. Don't consider seasons

18. How often do you use accessories in your daily attire?

A. Always

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

D. Never

19. How do you feel about wearing a uniform at work or school?


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